+eric liu People max E now because of the CD reduction and the scaling damage. Maxing Q doesn't reduce the CD, building attack speed reduces it so it only has a flat scaling amount the more points you put in it. In my experience I max E every time but starting Q or E is the harder one. I start E when against someone like karthus to avoid his Q's early since you're so mobile. Then put a point in Q so you can stack your Q, then do a E-Q-E combo to harass the opponent for free.
@Eric Liu Turn on your replys, otherwise no one can reply to you. Q just gets stronger damage, and E is just more cool down I believe, some enemy's you need to max e first and shit like that, don't know how to explains playing lol in another language and I don't understand shit
SgtCrazyPenguin if you play yasuo mid especially against AP champ, you should max E for your mobility. Max E will reduce time you could dash on target means you can dash on a same targer every 5sec. Max Q will give +20 damage per lv and that's it.
"You go first." "No you go first."
Why Yasuo doens't get focused by the tower at 20:19 ?
37:30 , Nice flash Faker lmao
When should I build berseker greaves on Yasuo? Ty in advance :D
+Will_Never-Know when you dont get botrk
20:18 no tower aggro ?
Can someone tell me why people max e first now? or you can tell me when to max e or q(Depending on lane opponents) Cause i usually max q first...
+eric liu People max E now because of the CD reduction and the scaling damage. Maxing Q doesn't reduce the CD, building attack speed reduces it so it only has a flat scaling amount the more points you put in it. In my experience I max E every time but starting Q or E is the harder one. I start E when against someone like karthus to avoid his Q's early since you're so mobile. Then put a point in Q so you can stack your Q, then do a E-Q-E combo to harass the opponent for free.
Thanks dude
20:37 How can he dash he has no vision ?!
Kikazac ritos buggs...
Not normal
Kikazac #thingsfakerdoes
I always do the same ...and then i wake up :p
Estuvo brutal la partida xD
Nunca habia visto tanto focus hacia alguien (hacia faker)
What a game lol !
58:36 Vlad's move lmao
dang bien ve tu nhien ez dung xung anh sang
@Eric Liu Turn on your replys, otherwise no one can reply to you. Q just gets stronger damage, and E is just more cool down I believe, some enemy's you need to max e first and shit like that, don't know how to explains playing lol in another language and I don't understand shit
Why Faker doesn´t want buy any skin for Yasuo ?
13:49 Ezreal best trolling
Faker casted Q just as he was dying btw :D.
why faker used his Q not W? lol :0
Panic :D lul
yasuo duoc cai ks con lai feed ko a
Same ture
lol i thought he could block that ult
13:47 DAT Q of faker xDDDD.
puro focus a faker y suerte que existe el zhonya porque si no cuantas veces estaría muertos karthus fizz y ezreal xD
that camera movement when faker uses E ... its so dumb :D
Faker you're the best in the world :D
Why is he maxing E?
SgtCrazyPenguin cd reductio on e
SgtCrazyPenguin if you play yasuo mid especially against AP champ, you should max E for your mobility. Max E will reduce time you could dash on target means you can dash on a same targer every 5sec. Max Q will give +20 damage per lv and that's it.
I prefer the original Korean alliance ckoi trendiest district toi la Faker cko new skills through the best thaks his friends
Like if the yt recommend
Faker thua rui
Faker Sao khung co skin vary
fizz was very good
13:47 Facker :v
ezrael has a fucking smite on mid wtf??????
yeah the ap jungle item used to be broken in this season
what no leverup
graves kalec?
que mierda faker casi nunca entraba en tf
como lo focusean por ser el mejor jugador del mund loco de 5 weones pegandole
alguien mas le quiere pegar a Faker? creo que todo el target va hacia el siempre porque no lo pueden matar
d m co thay thang ysu dau
lol i play vs this guy in mid yasuo vs yasuo
Jajaj solo pueden matar a faker entre 3 o mas jajaja que pro el faker :3
ad top mid phut 20 fam gân 200rep
atmaması gereken yerde ulti atiyo bilerek giriyo abi girmesene sicran filan yok
w sunu kullanamiyo
+BATUHAN MERT METE hayır abi burda ben tribe giriyorum !
diganmen q karhtus jg es nueva moda y desintalo el league of legends asta q se pase .... :v
ad stupid . Magic Resist no more .
Faker feeder
faker is weak