David, We wish we could've showed more of the interior in the video too! It's a really wonderful home. If you'd like a personal tour, let us know and we would be happy to set it up! But it has not sold yet and is still available for someone to purchase to use for their own private home or for a B&B or wedding and event venue.
Not much of a tour. Looks like it's been sold and now used for events.
David, We wish we could've showed more of the interior in the video too! It's a really wonderful home. If you'd like a personal tour, let us know and we would be happy to set it up! But it has not sold yet and is still available for someone to purchase to use for their own private home or for a B&B or wedding and event venue.
Well I guess we can guess where Ludington aquired his wealth to build this property can't we! I'll look him up.
yet lovely
Don’t .