  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Bhagavad Gita - Class 014 - Chapter 13 Slokas 08-12 Values Summary - Chapter 16 Slokas 00-00 Introduction - Class taken on 26 June 2022
    Chapter 13 - Kshetra-Ksjetrajna Vibhaga Yoga
    Chapter 13 Values Summary
    01 Amanitvam - Humility or not seeking Recognition
    02 Adambitivam - Simplicity or Non-pretentious
    03 Ahimsa - Not hurting others
    04 Ksanti - Titiksha (Forbearance/Endurance) Ksama(Forgiveness)
    05 Aarjavam - Uprightness or Straightforwardness
    06 Acharyopasanam - Guru Seva
    07 Saucam - External and Internal Purity
    08 Sthairyam - Steadfastness
    09 Atma Vinigraha - Discipline of Body Mind
    10 Vairagya Indriyarthe - Dispassion on sensory pleasures
    11 Anahankaraha - Without Garva (Non-identification with body)
    12 Dukha Dosha Anudarshanam - Dispassion by pondering over the misery of Samsara
    13 Asaktihi - Absence of attachment
    14 Anabhishvangaha - Absence of sense of mineness with regards to Putra, Dhara, Griha etc.
    15 Sama Chittatvam - Constant Equipoise of mind in favourable & unfavourable conditions
    16 Bhakti - Complete Unswerving Devotion
    17 Vivikta Desha Sevitvam - Seeking Solitude devoid of Asoucham, Bhaya and Jana
    18 Arati Janasamsadi - Not desiring people’s company
    19 Tatva Jnanartha Darshanam - Bringing forth the benefit of knowledge of the Truth
    20 Adhyatma Jnana Nityatvam - Constant & Complete Atma Vichara (Jnana Yoga)
    How can I attain these values?
    Should I have guilt if I am not able to attain these values?
    What is the purpose of learning these values?
    What is the one common string of strength in this path?
    Chapter 16 - Daiv-Asura-Sampad Vibhaga Yoga
    Chapter 16 Introduction
    How can Jivas be classified according to the gunas?
    What are the characteristics of a Tama Pradhana person?
    What are the characteristics of a Raja Pradhana person?
    What are the characteristics of a Sattva Pradhana person?
    Who is a Asuri Sampath person?
    Who is a Daivi Sampath person?
    What can stop us from removing ignorance?
    What is Pramana Asambhavana?
    What is Prameya Asambhavana?
    What is Pramathr Asiddhi?
    What is Daivi Sampath also called?
    How can we attain these values?

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