Pathfinder WoTR Druid elemental rampager Vs Playful Darkness, Act 3. Unfair. Almost fair party.

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025

Комментарии • 29

  • @jeremym1647
    @jeremym1647 12 дней назад +1

    And what a dispel from Cammie

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  12 дней назад

      20 with those oculars =)

  • @ivanridley1828
    @ivanridley1828 11 дней назад

    Hello looking for an advice, I’m a bit straggling with good comp for my caster lich unfair play through. (My first time playing pf and I’m playing unfair, yeah I know I don’t like it easy way).
    I’m playing sylvanas sorcerer for pet with loremaster dip.
    Im currently lvl 13 mid act 3, got through act 2 with mele mercs and MC as just CC char, looking forward to swap from mele comp to casters but I’m currently struggling to see good comp which outperforms mele.
    I have around 350k gold so should be able to afford full merk swap if needed.
    I was thinking about mc sorc/lich, caster cleric, and mele cour poet with int berdish, who would you add/how would you modify caster comp?

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  11 дней назад +1

      Hi! First thing - sylvanas sorcerer lich is super good and strong choice. Sad thing about lich though is you kinda have to use same patterns - first use it's OP dispell spell then anything cc to effectively control bosses. It's strong but a bit boring for me. Although for first run it's absolutely ok.
      To maximize effectiveness of your caster party you have right thoughts - you need some help from poet and cleric will be also good. As an alternative to cleric witch + shaman will do almost same thing - debuffing enemies. For other companions you need 1 or 2 damage dealers to finish mobs and 1 free slot. For damage dealers you can use standard pal build - 11 pal, 6 sohei, 1 tandem executioner or sabre marine (if you prefer hypo), 1 hellknight and 1 demonslayer. Other can be sword saint woljiff or anything similar. You can see briefly my videos and at the end of each i presented builds i'm playing with. Maybe you can find some inspiration from it.

    • @ivanridley1828
      @ivanridley1828 11 дней назад

      Hi again, thanks for such prompt response!
      I was thinking in general directions of ideas you just shared, and yeah I watched a lot of your videos ( that's where I've seen int based tank). Thanks for that as well:)
      However I'm a bit struggling to justify running 1 mele dps like paly w/o brown fur transmuter and w/o skald incinter, for me it looks like I'm commiting 2 party slots just to do 1 mele dps, at which point, why would I even run casters if I could go full Damage base party with Incintier + BFT?
      Sorry for long ride, I've done a lot of research on WOTR and have 130+ hours and only reached act 3 ( tho I've restarted two times cause wasn't fun of some things I've done at start)
      To summaries my long read.
      I need 1 slot open (flex) so I kinda need to rely on 5 party members from what I've understood.
      I've filled out 3 of them, with MC/FronlineCourt/Caster Cleric. (this build for Caster cleric, it should have good dmg and divine spells but for now it is a bit meh
      I went through some party comps what I could've found and all of them suggested that I need Sensei ( I assume for AOE true strikes and songs) I'm not sure do I need it because a lot of guides are outdated (before ray nerfs). and If I get sensei in I'd have 4 slots taken, I'm left with 1 slot, Will any mele justify be alone, w/o any BFT and Incinter support?
      (Sorry for long read again)

    • @ivanridley1828
      @ivanridley1828 11 дней назад

      @@romann1044 Also, I'm not sure that playing w/o Fortune+Protective luck is possible for me now so I kinda stuck with + witch to party I'm currently running ( I was thinking just to create merk hyman who can get cackle + fortune + luck lvl 1, but I'm not sure how to progress it further, because I've tried full support Ember, and I didn't like it at all, summons do nothing and DC is crazy high on Unfair so most of the times she just stays there pre-buffing fortune + luck)

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  11 дней назад

      @@ivanridley1828 There are really a lot mobs and i dont't think that there is such caster party that can deal with them without melee damage dealer. What tools do we have to defeat mobs? Ray casters and casters focused on damage spells. But for this kind of playing we have to rest really a lot. If it is not a problem then you can try this approach maybe you will find it good. I don't use it but i think it is manageable.
      That cleric in link looks a bit strange. A think cleric's role for casters can be smth like this - debufing mobs with madness domain and use ray spells while also provide animal.
      Guides suggests sensei for ray casters and for that purpose it is really good. If you planning to run 1 or 2 ray casters than it will be a good choice.

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  11 дней назад

      @@ivanridley1828 I believe for Ember it is best to do her as a hex provider. So yes - luck and cackle before fights then in fights debuff saves or deal ray damage. She can be also CC caster but i feel she is much more weaker at this.

  • @Penco40
    @Penco40 12 дней назад

    Couldn't you have used fortune hex on the dispellers?

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  12 дней назад

      Fortune hex was on everyone but as for dispell spells there is no profit for that. Unfortunately fortune hex is not implemented on dispells.

  • @dr_foges
    @dr_foges 12 дней назад

    Hellsmile, could you sometimes show how to fight tough enemies in real time combat? Please🥺

    • @altairtankeev8130
      @altairtankeev8130 12 дней назад

      Он не играет в реал тайме.

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  12 дней назад +1

      Я могу. Мне это мягко говоря не доставляет удовольствия, но как-нибудь оформлю долбежку по пробелу ради такого запроса.

  • @jeremym1647
    @jeremym1647 10 дней назад

    What were your starting stats?

  • @jeremym1647
    @jeremym1647 12 дней назад

    Oh, nice! What mythic will you do ? Angel to gold dragon?

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  12 дней назад

      Yep, that was the plan. This build will get all critical feats via dragon and also come and get me which will greatly increase number of attacks.

    • @noamto
      @noamto 12 дней назад

      @@romann1044 You're not taking shifter levels?

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  12 дней назад

      @@noamto Yea. Taking shifter levels is also very strong option. But it will end up in casting only lvl 7 spells at the end. While character's power will be a bit more with that approach because of really good claw or bite attacks I just decided to use all 9 level spells. It is not that necessary, just want to use silly dragon incorporeal.

    • @noamto
      @noamto 12 дней назад

      @@romann1044 If you use merged Angel spellbook don't you get level 9 spells at level 13? Or do you lose the angel caster levels when you switch to Gold Dragon?

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  12 дней назад

      @@noamto First - you will get them, yes. But when it comes to become gold dragon then book will loose 7 lvls from merge and you will not have access to lvl 9 spells if you dip 6 shivter. I wish we can seat on both chairs but unfortunately we can't.

  • @dr_foges
    @dr_foges 12 дней назад

    Озвучка отсутствует из-за гриппа или чего-то подобного?

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  12 дней назад

      А что тут озвучивать? Как и какие бафы наложены? Какая тактика? Вроде как все очевидные вещи показываю. Не уверен, что озвучка будет интересна.

    • @dr_foges
      @dr_foges 12 дней назад

      @, мне вот интересна и на любом языке. Раньше было лучше.

  • @noamto
    @noamto 12 дней назад

    Where are those wings from?

    • @romann1044
      @romann1044  12 дней назад

      From Inheribro, cut them with love =)
      It's VA2 mod for visual pleasure.

  • @dr_foges
    @dr_foges 12 дней назад

    Как же меня бесят ИИ-портреты…