Endless doubting isn't the goal, arrival at truth is. Atheism is pretty much about promoting and upholding uncertainty about God, rather than stating boldly that he doesn't exist (on account of the evidence), even though that's clearly their wish. Notice how atheist-scientists for example very often proudly talk about how "doubt" is a wonderful thing, and that it drives our search for knowledge. Which is correct. Except knowledge, ultimately, isn't doubt. Rather, it's truth. Doubt is merely a feature of the learning process, whose goal is to discover truth and establish certainty of knowledge. That atheism promotes uncertainty about God in this way powerfully reminds me of Jesus's words "the blind leading the blind". And that's because only the blind walk along in uncertainty. Atheism is nothing but a project of deception by the devil, where he uses God's greatest gift to humanity, reason, as a weapon against them. Men are smart, but the devil is smarter. God is smartest. I briefly mention this point about atheism and uncertainty about God in my Evidence of God, which I've shared many times on RUclips including on this channel. To find it under this video, change the comment settings to Newest and then scroll down gently. You'll find a post that begins thus: "(this piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with..." Said post is an excerpt that'll lead you to the full evidence.
Pardon the lengthy reply. I thought of putting down only the first sentence, which is what I've done in the past. This time however I thought I'd explain a bit.
@@kofidan9128 I never said endless doubt was the goal. Just stated a fact. And if you think the bible is real, when we can PROVE it's not (Since it was written two thousand years ago before science and tech that we now have), aren't you kinda' crazy? If you believe things we KNOW to be untrue, because it's written in a book from a long time ago, are you not kinda' insane?
@@mikefufuffalo8487you praised doubt while condemning certainty. Therefore my response was fitting. As for the Bible being written before high tech, come on. Writing itself has been around for 5000 years now, and ancient people had ways of recording things, ranging from clay tablets to papyrus reeds. I don't believe the Bible just because I want to. Rather, I believe it because I know it to be true. I've seen and spent time with God in heaven. Gold is the colour of his "flesh". Also, I'm frequently batting demons in the supernatural world in his name. He's returning to earth soon to prove his existence with miracles. My brief evidence is meant to help seekers in the meantime. My evidence developed from many months of vigorous discussions with atheists. So it'll likely address most of your primary concerns about God. My evidence covers many topics, from the historical validity and logical supremacy of Christianity to the reality of the supernatural and proof of the soul. It comes specially designed by God. Read it and set yourself free by the truth.
Do not tell me atheism is not a religious empty sick empty religious cult which none will evenc are or rmemebered or missed once gone. Atheists are the new religious people: that why they need to make the religion of wars. Let's not call them anymore and let it die, it is completly worthwhile to fuel up such religious cult, and those people who have the only goal to keep people intoe their cult... it is a cult that will not deserve any kind of attention, only disappear..... what a religious cult full of religious people that can not resist to talk about religion..
I was bought up in the Catholic faith, but after getting kicked out of Sunday schools for asking relevant questions I never looked back and never believed that nonsense
@@michaeldoran6742 Yes, I've noticed that Catholics often discourage questions and independent Bible reading. Too bad you were never exposed to a simple Protestant church. At my church we LOVE questions and discussion.
@@mr.adventure559I grew up LOATHING Sundays because they meant mornings wasted in a church basement classroom knowing I was going to get into hot water with the teacher for doing the same thing you did!
@Masowe People should act like Christ. In that case, perhaps go into a C of England parish church where they have a section selling coffee and various knick knacks to raise money, and smash it all up with a baseball bat. Money changers in the temple, and all that.......
Romans 10:9-13 King James Version 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
Yea I've done two world tours and would always inquire people about their native religions and then I would ask them "what made you choose that religion over the others in the region?" And they'd always say something like "I was born a (insert religion here)" and I'd tell them "no you weren't born with any beliefs, babies don't have religious beliefs". The truth is that they are indoctrinated and feel as though they have no choice otherwise they may get ostracized from their culture and even family.
@themasculinismmovement that ostrazation is tough but worth every moment. It is them proving their misogynistic, obnoxious personality traits rather than being a kind, loving, caring person.
True, I was told by my parents we are Christians, but it seems we weren't and I chose Christ out of my own will because that is how you accept Christ, not when forced on you.@InformationIsTheEdge
@McSmurfy It's sweet that you think that. Tell me, what does Christianity teach the children will happen to them if they do not accept Jesus? What will happen to their loved ones who do not accept their teachings?
I was born and raised Catholic based on a version of the Apostles (Nicene) Creed. At age 30 I read the Creed as a critical thinker and wasn't sure I believed it. At age 60 I read it again as an atheist/agnostic and no longer believed it. At age 76 I read it and laughed out loud.
Do not tell me atheism is not a religious empty sick empty religious cult which none will evenc are or rmemebered or missed once gone. Atheists are the new religious people: that why they need to make the religion of wars. Let's not call them anymore and let it die, it is completly worthwhile to fuel up such religious cult, and those people who have the only goal to keep people intoe their cult... it is a cult that will not deserve any kind of attention, only disappear..... what a religious cult full of religious people that can not resist to talk about religion.....
I remember my Christian- based 12 step program being so effective that I realised I was codependent with my faith tradition! It was difficult to keep attending and declaring I was recovering from religion, lol
Religion, feelings, opinions of others, hypocrytes potraying themselves as religious, obssessed with being correct and starved for attention, so many more hypocrytes in the average athiest world no one speaks on because religious people are not allowed to engage in negativity with others, yet still get persecuted for promoting the shorter word of Goød without the "o"😂😂wow life
The fact that there are so many religious people in the world shows that the evolution still has a long way to go. Let's see if we get there before religion destroys humanity.
@@kayasper6081 religion civilized society. Without it you’d still be a Neanderthal . All your morals and values you get came from books inspired by god.
My opinion here, but I think religion probably was holding people together and holding individuals mentally together. Without any purpose or “future” many people seem to become disillusioned with life.
And a lot of building as well. Think of all those temples, pyramids, synagogues, mosques, churches, cathedrals and prayer houses. Gazillions of them. Each with its own staff, priests, deacons, vergers, etc etc. All living off the donations if their followers or adherents
My challenge wasn't recognizing that religions were all wrong. It was getting past the idea that I had been raised with that under no circumstances should I ask the question "Why must there be a God?"
@@Gannda888 Ooh! They found who/what made the universe! How did I miss that! Who made the breakthrough? Where did (s)he publish? No..... wait. I'm being slow. This is just another opinion, isn't it? Someone projecting their own desires and hoping we'd accept it as fact? I should have guessed.
I was raised as a Roman Catholic as a child ,it was around age 12 I told my Mother I did not want to do my confirmation and no longer believed in religion ., I Found them to be hypocrites and religion was man made to keep law and order with the fear of going to a place called hell . I am now age 70 and still feel religion has done nothing but cause wars , and division . No child is born with a religious belief , their parents teach them theirs , not many parents allow their children to grow up without religion and let them make up their own minds as they mature . And children can learn right from wrong , learn morals and ethics without any religious beliefs. Religion does not guarantee one is a good ethical person . Many of your worst characters has hidden behind religion to make themselves out as if good . And I have no use for any religion that pushes their own beliefs unto others , that is a religious dictatorship . Any religion that forces themselves into others is no damn good from the get go . Just look at the far right Christians what hypocrites they are , they elected and support a liar a convicted crook , support the very wealthy that could careless about them . Humans in my opinion is the lowest form of life on earth that has caused more problems than anything on this planet and if there was a God that created that , He is either evil himself or really screwed up and if so great should have corrected his of her mistake centuries ago .
I was to go through the lutheran protestant confirmation, but then my parents discovered they had raised an anti-theist. All I heard for weeks was "then there's no party or gifts". To which I "according to my father" replied: I am not a prostitute - I can't be bought.
I was thankfully not born into servitude and mental slavery by way of religious beliefs. I sought it out through my own curiosity and found it to be ridiculous.
I see religion as a business that exists to make a profit. Its marketing plan creates a perceived need and then it offers its services as a solution to meet that need. They start by telling you about the devil and hell and then they offer themselves as the only solution to avoid damnation and to attain salvation. It's a great business. It makes untestable, unverifiable claims and asks its customers to accept everything on faith. And it's even tax free. Hey, maybe we all should get in on it!
That's an easy way out and a narrow point of view for someone claims to be open minded like Richard Dawkins. If God exists, then he's metaphysical and outside the universe and spacetime. So we can not use the physical laws in the universe to explain his existence. If God exists, then God is the creator of math and science. And this explains why the latest update of God's message (The Quran) does not contradict science and math, according to the French scientist, Maurice Bukai who subjected the 1000 scientific statements in the Quran to the scrutiny of modern science and concluded that the author of the Quran can't be human, it must be the creator of the universe. If God doesn't exist, then how can we explain babies born believing in God according to experiments by Dr Barrett, Oxford University and others Finally, Darwin believed in God and did not present his theory as a replacement for God but as an intelligent system programmed by God
@ben0298 Not sure what you mean. No one forced me to go to atheist school as a child. There's no such thing as atheist high school. I am an atheist because I don't believe in things on no evidence.
Are you assuming that all atheists are liberal? According to US Census data, 33% of Americans are non-believers. Atheism just means you don't believe. It's not political.
@@ben0298Not really because atheism is not a religious doctrine, it is the absence of one. Liberalism is remaining open minded, so if the child grew up and chose a religion, then that is their choice
Try Sam Harris....a well noted voice for reason. Also, noted sci/fy writer, Isaac Asimov, had some sound reasoning as to regarding religion. I once took a cruise ship from NYC to the island of Bermuda in 1980, where Asimov was the key speaker....both enroute on the ship and also on the island. Even though he penned all of these stories about traveling all around the galaxy and far beyond, he himself, feared flying and never did so. BHE
You can get help with leaving religion to its just everyone agrees that health issues is something bad but there is so many people gaslighting themselves and others into thinking religion is essential.
@@ValirianDefiance Atheism is good evidence that religion is a fundamental quest of man. But I don't ascribe to the religion of Atheism. I'll stick with the obvious, thanks.
@@ValirianDefiance Yawn... Zzzz! Now where have I heard that mantra so many times before, repeated so religiously and faithfully. Sitting on the fence in a pretentious position does not release you from the fact that atheism is a religion. Firstly it is a set of recognisable beliefs and principles based on a reaction to God, or the proposition of God. Now that makes it not just a philosophical position or faith, but actually a religion. Your perfectly imitated mantra is classic evidence.
I don't have a problem with humans searching for answers ,but religion takes u away from those answers in a attempt to mute your brain and make one thing absolute
If all the science books and all the religious manuscripts were destroyed today, The science texts would return basically unchanged. Whereas religion, AS WE KNEW IT, would be gone forever. EDIT: I emphasized AS WE KNEW IT because I'm not foolish enough to hope that humans wouldn't give themselves over to superstition again. I meant that if the existing religions were erased from existence, THEY would not return because there is no truth behind them and nothing would cause them to return.
Credit to Ricky Gervais, quoted from his appearance on Stephen Colbert's late night talk show. Even the religious, "God"-believing Colbert reacted to Gervais's comment by admitting, "that's good, that's good."
@@larrycarter3765 YUP....a WELL known and proven fact...... Religion, right along with low IQ, DO tend to co-exist together, hand in hand! The lower the IQ, the more apt one is to be religious! It's now pushing 15 years since a survey was conducted on a busy NYC street corner. People were randomly stopped and asked if they would participate in a religious survey. Those who agreed to do so were first asked which of the three major religions they identified with, and then posed questions pertaining to their particular religion. From this a surprising and totally unexpected result emerged.... Those who defined themselves as atheists consistently answered the posed questions much more correctly and accurately than did any of the ones who claimed to be religious.....which goes a long way in explaining as to WHY they are atheists in the first place! BHE
He's ill-informed on religion and on history too. The founding fathers of modern science: Kepler, Clarke Maxwell, Galileo, Newton, etc were motivated by belief in the Christian God to pursue understanding of this world through science. Maybe Dawkins' mind it too narrow to handle different kinds of knowledge about the world. He's merely using science as a weapon to attack religion. Which is just ridiculous. No mature human would fall for it.😅
Really? This is a lazy conclusion on Richard's part. Many a great scientist before him certainly believed in God and some credited God for their scientific talent and discoveries, including Isaac Newton Then there are atheists who during their scientific career became Christian, such as Francis Collins. Richard's claims are just raw politics.
"If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path." - Joseph Campbell
@stephenking4170 Knowing refers to having certainty about something based on evidence, experience, or logical reasoning. It implies a justified confidence in the truth of a fact or idea. Believing is accepting something as true without requiring proof or certainty. It can be based on trust, intuition, or emotional conviction rather than evidence. Having faith goes a step further. It often involves a deep trust or commitment to something, even in the absence of evidence or despite contrary evidence. Faith is typically tied to spiritual or personal convictions.
Peddling imaginary abiogenesis, life from a chemical soup in a fairy tale book. It helps protect you from the reality of God. The perfect avoidance strategy and comfort blanket.
EXACTLY. That's what it is and how it works. You need redemption from Hell and ONLY the priest / pastor / reverend / witch doctor selling the CORRECT brand of snake oil can save you from damnation and eternal hellfire. And they need your money so they can live a rather comfortable life. They also earn a few bob with weddings, christenings, funerals etc. None of them need to work too hard. The big churches like RC and C of E are also massive landlords and landowners as well as investors.
@@wesleywashington1251 This of course includes propagandists of atheism, which is also a religion. Jesus was the most critical of religious leaders. Forget religion. Trust and learn from the one who spoke truth and backed up his claims of identity with evidence. He is the only credible person in history to speak of life beyond the grave.
@@stephenking4170 how do you know that? There is no proof other than a magic book. Brainwashed from birth (just like I was) and never asking why you were born into the only true religion. Once you start asking people you find out they all believe they have the only true religion and everyone else are false worshipers destined for the lake of fire. Nonsense all of it.
My parents raised me hyper conservative Christian and im the only one in my family to leave the faith, my brother now has twins and i can only watch as my family (mom especially) have been indoctrinating them since the age of 2 with false theology and won't let them interact with kids from non Christian families. I'm thankful I was able to break the heridity belief system, i can only hope they find reason when they come of age.
I was raised in a hell and brimstone church in Mississippi. We were told during every "sermon" that if we were bad and died on that day, we would burn in hell for eternity..., but if we died on a day where we were "good", then we would go to Heaven. Scared me death, and it is still buried deep in my soul. I believe in a Higher Power, just not that mean one depicted in the Bible. Every time I read something catastrophic happening to people, I see "thoughts and prayers", or someone actually types in a prayer of some sort for "God" to heal someone or watch over someone. If "God" is good and "God" is love..., why do we have to ask "God" to do the right thing?
@@greenbeagle13 Wow. That church you say you were raised in was peddling a very unbiblical message. I have two questions: Does that church really exist? Why haven't you read the Bible for yourself?
100 years ago a creationist would've been hard pressed to have found an atheist to debate with . Today we have many good speakers on what total nonsense all religions are . Imagine 100 years from now , an atheist will be hard pressed to find a creationist to debate with . Moral of the story , we're heading in the right direction , a world without religion will be a thousand times better than what we have today .
As an atheist of long standing, I prefer to read the books of Richard Dawkins and others such as Carl Sagan, than the Bible. I also have read 'On the origin of Species' by my hero Charles Darwin. However, I understand that most people need a religion to follow as it gives them comfort - the problem is which of the hundreds of religions to follow. They can't all be right.
You are right. religions are all man made. The hundreds of religions can't all be right. That's why Jesus said "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No man comes to the Father but by me. These could have been the words by yet another deluded zealot, except thin claimant became the most influential person in all human history, for one reason... he backed up this claim.
Whatever your addiction, you can quit if you want to quit bad enough. Recognize what your addiction is doing to your mental and physical health is a start, then stop right now and the withdrawal symptoms become less frequent every day. If you can get through the first three days, you're going to beat it.
I haven’t even prayed over my addictions and they haven’t changed. To think I can pray away a condition that has embedded its self in habit is to just be wishful, only prayer worth praying is that sooner rather than later my life is over so I can go on in whatever form and not be a nuisance and pain on the world. On the flip side, praying I’m still alive is perhaps the best prayer I can really make and really I dislike making it because I’ve yet to see any positive value I bring. Not even therapy’s going to be much help other than making life maybe a little more livable, I’ve given in to the fact I can’t fix the damage addiction has caused, and that isn’t including generational damage relating to addiction. Doesn’t help I’m not a teenager anymore who can easily form and mold habits and attitudes. I’m unfortunately got a few glitches in the code, if God meant for it to be then I guess it was meant to be, if he didn’t want it he would have fixed it in some prayer long ago. Then again, it can be completely out of his hands as much of everything was the result of bad human decisions, if God controlled human decisions, every neighbor would be called Jesus or some random name like that.
I rejected religion when I was 15 (I'm now 77) and have never seen any argument which would modify my decision. It felt just "wrong" then and feels "wrong" now. Sometimes I am asked why I do not believe in [a] [any] god. The simple fact is that the moment you attribute a god with a personality, he becomes a "being" and you deny him his all-embracing powers. He can no longer be everywhere, know everything, do anything. He is limited by the very being we attribute to him. The universe is just too immense for an individual being to be responsible for "everything". "Why are we here, then?" I hear you ask. I don't know, but at least we should have the nous to try to find out.
There is no actual meaning to Life other than what we as individuals make of it for our own well being while guided by the concept that all Life has come about by a series of events in which no human or other species had a hand and therefor whatever we choose to do in this once a lifetime life should be done with respect for oneself, all others, and the Planet. Check the guitar and play some music.
On the question of God's existence. There was a brilliant cartoon I saw once. Two goldfish in a goldfish bowl. One goldfish says to the other, "Of course there's a God. Who do you think feeds us every morning ?"
You are limiting the being of God to the being of humans. This is as fundamental a mistake as primitive cultures worshipping idols. Richard Dawkins falls for the same fallacious argument you have presented.
The praising of faith as a virtue is one of the greatest restrictions of human progress. We must abandon blind belief and embrace rational, scientific humanism. Check out the book "Avenging Prometheus". That book changed my perspective on skepticism and scientific progress.
There is unfortunately a confusion generally between faith as in gullibly believing nonsense and faith as in being reliable and trusting. Being faithful, acting in good faith…these are virtues. “Faith,” meaning superstition, is such a different thing entirely.
You're told that you're being watched which puts you on your knees all your life. I feel sorry for most of humanity. The world needs atheists to speak up more.
God is up there with a notebook, taking notes, on every single one of your sins, transgressions and omissions. He's worse than the UK's His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
The reason a Chrizbian can't talk about what persuaded them is that it's an emotional and/or social-psychological response to a story. You are pressured by parents or cultural. You have regrets that are promised to be salved. You are frightened by the prospect of your death. You want to belong. These are powerful motivations, however faulty.
@@kofidan9128that’s odd, I’m pretty sure the Bible is full of genocide, slavery, misogyny, murder, brutality. Christianity - An extremely wealthy organization who’s followers kneel in ornate buildings filled with gold adornments and pray for the poor starving people outside. Christianity is straight up evil disguised as peace and hope so the gullible middle classes can feel better about their greed.
@@Captain101-x1othat's an even worse caricature. Who says there are no poor people in Christianity? Perhaps not in the West. But in the developing world there are many poor Christians who worship under trees, far from gold floors. Also, Christian organisations and churches throughout history and also presently have helped the poor as well as other people in distress. The Bible is historical and gives an honest portrayal of life with all its harsh realities. However thanks to Christ, humans have hope of a better world that lies beyond decay and suffering aka heaven. As for genocide etc, I address those misunderstandings in my Evidence of God. To find it, change the comment settings on the video to Newest and then scroll down gently. You'll find a post that begins thus "(This piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with..." This in an excerpt that'll lead you to the full evidence, where your points and many others too are addressed.
@denaseright3579 Now, before and during the worship of all those old Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Roman gods and more,_ the Hebrews / Israelites worshipped God ('I am that I am') whom they could not see, nor had any images but whose old Scriptures, prophesied that His word would leave His people and be given to all Nations of the World before God's judgement of all - which is most likely how you know it, following dissemination of the Word of Christ throughout the Roman Empire. How do you explain the fulfilment of that Prophecy, which saw the end of those Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Roman gods and more? I mean, it's not as if the Israelites ever had an international influence.
Some religions are impossible to leave. Try leaving Islam and see what happens. Heck. Try leaving the Mormon church. They'll label you an inactive member or an apostate but the bishop will still try to make you pay tithing.
I was a Jehovah’s Witness. When I left this cult, all of my JW friends and family started shunning me. Shunning can cause depression and suicidal thoughts in the victims. It’s horrendous.
It's really simple. The argument from design requires that anything that looks designed was designed. I.e., this zebra looks designed, so it must have been designed by someone. But Darwin figured out how to get something that looks designed without having been designed. That's all you need to know about it.
@@Gannda888 No they don't. First, they're not that fine tuned. For example, a lambda 400x as big would be much better for the conditions for life. Second, you're assuming that life can't happen in universes with other constants, which Jesus himself denies. Third, you're assuming the constants could be different and that the values they have are unlikely. However, the likelihood the constants have the values they do is over 70%, so it's not really surprising at all they have the values they do. You're also assuming the constants are the same everywhere in the infinite universe, for which you could not possibly have any rational reason to believe.
My view is that all religions do not deliberately lie and deceive. Many in influential positions in religions just repeat what they were taught. The origins of religions tend to be the problem as most are based on myth not fact. I would also claim that all religions are cults as they have most of the essentials of cults. Once a person buys in, heart and soul, to their religion, it is almost impossible to break free, and religions are constructed that way.
@@kofidan9128I wasn’t trying to disprove God. Religions are a mix of history an myth. Core beliefs are based on myth. Example: Moses is a mythical person, same with Abraham, and Exodus did not happen. No virgin birth. No triune God.
@@3122-t6hnot trolling at all, just trying to help people learn the truth about God, whom I've seen and spent time with in heaven. God has specially sent me to talk to atheists in the West. He himself is returning to earth soon to prove his existence with miracles. My brief evidence, which I most recently share through a WordPress link, is meant to help people in the meantime. 😅
@@georgegrubbs2966😂 you prove me right then. I share specially crafted evidence of God under this video but also elsewhere. If you happen upon it, do read it. It's only 30min long. It'll teach you everything you need to know.
A "religion" is a cult plus time. All religions are myths. There are many YT videos covering the origins of Christianity and where the stories came from originally. Even the resurrection isn't original. Dead men being deified and coming back from the dead, allegedly, was common enough among the Romans. Emperor Augustus, for example, was declared a god by the Senate, post mortem. He was seen, walking about in Rome, days after his death. He was seen by witnesses, ascending into heaven, to join the other gods. This was common current mythology at the time of writing of the Gospels. It was, what's now called a meme. So it was all written into and incorporated into "Christianity." And two millenia of politics and layers of theology and grafted bits of Greek philosophy have done the rest. Unfortunately America, meaning Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the worst kind of Puritan nutjob fanatics, who were too much even for the Church of England. And the rest, is history, as they say.
That's not good enough. You should raise them to think for themselves. John Lennox was brought up a Christian but he was also taught to read and understand opposing views. Same with me. In my late teens I dabbled in atheism, and finally got to know the Christian God exists. On the other hand, Francis Collins was brought up without religion but came to Christianity as an adult.
@ hard to respond to a person who believes in an imaginary entity and calls it faith. What can be asserted without proof can also be dismissed without proof. Morality was existent long before any form of religion. In the US most murders take place in the so called bible best…all wars have been fought in the name of religion and millions died because of it.
@@jamesstephenpeyton3305so many wrong statements I hardly know where to start. Only 7% of wars fought in history were caused by religion. Only 11 out of the 100 most deadly atrocities committed in history were caused by religion. Google. Also, the Christian God isn't imaginary. Christianity is rooted in history, logic, and experience. Faith is from the Latin word fidēs meaning trust or fidelity. Faith in the original meaning of the word is evidence-based. For eg faith that the bus would get you safely to work. Even Einstein acknowledged the necessity of faith when he said that "he can't imagine any serious scientist who doesn't have faith." And by that he meant faith in the rational intelligibility of the universe. So you see, even scientists need faith. What you mentioned was blind faith, which isn't evidence-based or scientific. Christianity is evidence-based. I've seen and spent time with the Christian God in heaven. He's real.
(This piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with the confusion that can arise between God-sent visions, dreams etc and mere mental experiences like delusions, hallucinations etc.) For centuries there's been much talk about heaven. At age 17 during a church service, God literally drove my spirit into heaven to see him and spend time with him and his angels at his throne. Yes, I saw and experienced this incredible joy! This was in the year 2008. As a result of this experience, "Lord of angels" is how I call upon God during battles with demons in the supernatural world. Because God wanted to make sure that I didn't think I was having delusions, he confirmed the reality of that heaven event by telling my pastor, who in turn told me. This account is similar to that of Paul in the Bible, where God involved a third party, the prophet Ananias, to ensure that Paul didn't think he was deluded after seeing Jesus in a vision on his way to Damascus. God's work among humans continues, but it is only experienced by the "chosen few" Jesus talked about. Keeping an open mind and a reasonably receptive heart is necessary to learning the truth. Without these, no amount of evidence will suffice for you. This was why in Jesus's day, many rejected him although he performed countless miracles to prove his Godship. Getting good evidence of God can be easy. You just have to meet the right kind of person. Someone who's genuinely called of God, someone who's truly willing to help, someone who understands your position fairly well. God is coming back into this world to give proof of his existence through supernatural events, just as he did 2,000 years ago. But it's going to be far more glorious this time. However genuine seekers can get to know God and begin a relationship with him well before that time arrives. For now, the best I can do to help is share this brief evidence with others. (God has used this fail-safe throughout history to ensure clarity for his servants. The Bible contains many examples of it.) [An excerpt from my Evidence of God]
for the full evidence type "dose of reason why god is imaginary 3" in the search box. make sure the video you tap on has the number 3 in its title. Change the comment settings on the video to Newest and then scroll down gently. The evidence is a statement with at least 11 replies. It's a 30min read roughly
It is amazing how the comforts of magical delusions are still accepted today by so many despite the extraordinary reality of the facts and evidence. People prefer their comforts, magic, and hopes. That is the essence of being simple humans, I suppose.
@LesleiHershel We don't believe. We question. What's light? How did stars come into being? How did languages evolve? How is poetry created? And everything else ......
As an atheist myself I find it difficult to understand why so many people still believe in a god or a creator. Why do so many apparently intelligent people still believe in such nonsense when there is evidence to support it. In the West religion is gradually losing its significance but millions of people are still afraid to come out and say they are atheists especially when they do not practice the religion they were brought up with.Part of the problem is that religions are part of a nations culture and public holidays and celebrations are built around them. But when we look around the world we need to see what damage religious belief is doing and the human suffering resulting from it.
About religion, which one? There are so many, many contradictory, and most contradicting each other endlessly. Basically religion, except philosophical arguments that look at the religious claims, historical studies, comparative studies, but the true believers are like afflicted with a psychological disorder. Sure, most grow up in a religious tradition from their parents, but the task is to grow intellectually and leave it behind.
Which religion ? Good question. There are hundreds or thousands of religions. Not just the existing ones, but all those that HAVE existed over times past. And the underlying principle is : "MY religion is the ONLY TRUE religion." So a Christian (whatever that is, WHICH Christian sect or variant are we talking about ?) believes in the "one true Christian God" and is therefore automatically an atheist as far the thousands of other gods out there are concerned. So you might be "going to heaven" after death as far as you know, being Christian, and everything, but Batara Kala, the Javanese god of Revenge, may meet you in the Afterlife. He has his own hell ready for you, as an atheistic unbeliever. "But, but, but, .... I am a Christian pious believer.." won't cut any ice with Batara Kala, Javanese God of the underworld and REVENGE. You DIDN'T BELIEVE in him, and boy has he got a surprise for you ! And he's a MEAN SOB. 😂🤣🤣😂😅👺😈👿👹☠️💀👿👺😈
Incidentally, this raises the whole idea of colonial white supremacy, and Christianity IMPOSED by colonisers and their "missionaries," with varying degrees of brutality. The question is often asked, "will the people who are remote from Europe and America go to hell because they know nothing of OUR Christian God ?" (It can be flipped about. Will WE go to THEIR hell because we know nothing about THEIR God/s ?) European colonisers imposed THEIR god onto subject peoples who had never heard of him / her/ it. The "loving" Christian cop out, is, if they know nothing about the Judaeo Christian God, they can't be punished for it, because it's not fair. As if the Judaeo Christian God has ever been fair. So they must be CONVERTED by Christian missionaries, to the Christian God. Then, if they reject him / her / it, they can go to HELL properly. Which is particularly satisfying for loving Christians, who love spreading Christian hellfire around the world.
Just remember the only difference between a cult and religion is that in a cult, there is a person at the top who knows it's a scam and in a religion that person has died.
I also read 5 of his books so far. I can't say they are all fantastic, but 'The magic of reality' is a truly special book he's written. I warmly recommend it to anyone trying to better understand the topic of life's evolution by natural selection. It's a good way to gain more insights into our origins and nature. Even 10+ year old kids could read it, as it also has many pictures to help us visualize concepts.
I have no problem with evolution at all. In fact natural selection can be shown even on a very short timescale. Weeks and months, sometimes days even. I am of course talking about the mechanism of drug resistant bacteria and viruses. You administer an antibiotic that kills all of a species of bacteria BUT one or two survive because of a DNA or RNA variant mutation. Those survivors can then reproduce. Bingo. Drug resistant pathogens. That can happen over VERY short timescales. Now imagine millions or billions of years and whole families and species emerging under various environmental pressures. I don't know about abiogenesis, tbh. That's the process of inorganic becoming organic matter, but I'm sure it will be explained in time. Dawkins talks about the big scientific questions of the "where does it all come from" type. MY problem with religion is of the brainworm type. Dawkins isn't a psychologist or psychiatrist. Religion IS a mental disease that infects its victim. It IS hard to get rid of, once in your head. It isn't about intelligence either. Dawkins talked about Kurt Wise, who was simply unable to wean himself off the Bible, despite his undoubted intellect. He couldn't reconcile the fact of geological time, with the biblical stuff.
Re Indoctrination. The Jesuits have a saying. "Give me a child at age five, and I've got him for life." Stop sniggering at the back !! I know EXACTLY what you're thinking about Catholic priests and small children. Stop it. 😛😳😤👿🤬
The problem, of course, is that the child doesn't simply inherit the religions, the opinions, the beliefs, the language, the behavior, the prejudices, the accent, of his or her parents, the child also inherits the love...or lack thereof. Now, if you can find a way to offer unconditional love and attention to a child without the baggage, you'll change the world.
"Nothing" ...does NOT exist! It`s impossible to comprehend "nothing" ...because everything you can comprehend IS, something! This proves eternity exists & we ARE a part of it. We are eternal & one day we will all step into eternity to be born again. Sir Isaac Newton established this.
The Biblical God came from nowhere. He's the sovereign One. The Lord of lords. "He who overthrows the learning of the wise, and turns it into nonsense."😅 He's both past-eternal and future-eternal. This is a powerful testament to his greatness. Which is why he's worthy of worship. We'll never fully comprehend God, or else He'd not really be God. He's God, and he reigns forever by his strength.
If i believe in God with all my heart soul and body and serve him till the end, and it turned out that there NEVER was a god, i will lose NOTHING. But if there is a god, and i NEVER repented to serve him till the end, i will lose EVERYTHING for eternity.
My parents tried to cram religion down my throat but I have such a strong will. I decided to really think about the substance they were trying to force me into. At the age of 6 I saw through the BS they were teaching. I'm now a happy atheist
"And for those of you that look to the Bible for it's literary qualities and moral lessons; I got a couple other stories I might like to recommend for you. You might enjoy The Three Little Pigs. That's a good one. It has a nice happy ending. Then there's Little Red Riding Hood. Although it does have that X-rated part where the Big-Bad-Wolf eats the grandmother. Which I didn't care for, by the way. And finally, I've always drawn a great deal of moral comfort from Humpty Dumpty. The part I liked best: ...and all the king's horses, and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again. That's because there is no Humpty Dumpty, and there is no God. None. Not one. Never was". [George Carlin, from "You Are All Diseased".]
Believe it or nor, some Christians seems strongly in the religion, but sometimes, or most of the time, do things that are not according to the Bible teachings.
The only group of people that didn't believe in a creator was The Pirahã people and they also coincidentally cant understand any sort of absract concepts like the future. The past. Numbers. Any sort of arithmetic and cant even draw a straight line
Nature has it all solved We just haven't figured nature out, yet For example We just discovered nitroplasts A nitroplast is an organelle found in some algae that fixes nitrogen, a process that was previously thought to be exclusive to bacteria and archaea. The discovery of nitroplasts has implications for agricultural science and cellular biology
Is it not natural for a child to wonder what’s the purpose of this life? Or where people go when they die? These are questions that science can only answer on a tertiary level. Science would say, the purpose of this life is to reproduce, and we don’t go anywhere when we die. I’m not saying I have the answers, nor do I claim any one religion has all the answers. But existence itself to me seems to be a point to something beyond our natural understanding. The question is often posed to religious people, who created God? But what about, who or what or why was the universe created, why does it exist?
@@bmo5082 the universe was not created, it has always existed. Perhaps as part of dimensional space beyond our comprehension. My question is, where did this “ creation “ idea come from?
As much as I am an atheist, you kind of still need religion to control the masses. The neurotypicals still need some form of slave morality. Nietzsche argued this.
I think we need education, religious people have been taught the have no self control or morals without god but it's just not true. There are countless atheists who left say Christianity after thinking that until they became better educated.
@@jameswright... The thing is that I find some things about morality agreeable in the Bible and the Quran, but not most-hell no. Things like sexual morality kind of still holds true.
As an AntiTheist, I have ZERO RESPECT, for beLIEfs in any gods. I truly feel that the god beLIEf, is thee most toxic thing to humanity! #AWO #AntitheismWorldOrder
You are right ! Being a scientist he should ponder over and think using his upper story that how complex and organized is all of creation eg just looking or studying the human brain which has 1.4 millions gigabytes information in one mm while a whole University as Oxford and Harvard has only one gigabyte moreover look at and study the DNA RNA quantum and space ( quadrillions or more galaxies, black holes, quasars dark matter etc etc) Each and every thing is finely made b y an excellent designer, maintainer, and Sustainer
I told a believer just before xmas that worst case scenario if i'm wrong and there does happen to be a hell..(lol) that i'd probably get a better job than he would simply because he, like all the others think they're goin' upstairs..🤣 I'll never understand how Dawkins has the patience and the tolerance to put up with those idiots..
As an African I despair sometimes with my race of people. We are arguably the most religious race on the planet whilst at the same time the most disenfranchised. Whenever the topic of religion comes up, I ask my people "Where was God during the transSaharan slave trade, the transatlantic slave trade, the colonisation of Africa, WW1 and WW2 etc and why didn't God save us? I never get a logical answer. It wouldn't be so bad if Africans believed in our own traditional religions and deities but what is most common is that the majority of Africans believe in imposed religions and we have become the only race of people that worships Gods/religion which aren't representative our the African race. IMO, religion continually enslaves and condemn my people to suffering. It is so bad that I cannot, for the life of me, see things ever changing. SMDH.
(This piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with the confusion that can arise between God-sent visions, dreams etc and mere mental experiences like delusions, hallucinations etc.) For centuries there's been much talk about heaven. At age 17 during a church service, God literally drove my spirit into heaven to see him and spend time with him and his angels at his throne. Yes, I saw and experienced this incredible joy! This was in the year 2008. As a result of this experience, "Lord of angels" is how I call upon God during battles with demons in the supernatural world. Because God wanted to make sure that I didn't think I was having delusions, he confirmed the reality of that heaven event by telling my pastor, who in turn told me. This account is similar to that of Paul in the Bible, where God involved a third party, the prophet Ananias, to ensure that Paul didn't think he was deluded after seeing Jesus in a vision on his way to Damascus. God's work among humans continues, but it is only experienced by the "chosen few" Jesus talked about. Keeping an open mind and a reasonably receptive heart is necessary to learning the truth. Without these, no amount of evidence will suffice for you. This was why in Jesus's day, many rejected him although he performed countless miracles to prove his Godship. Getting good evidence of God can be easy. You just have to meet the right kind of person. Someone who's genuinely called of God, someone who's truly willing to help, someone who understands your position fairly well. God is coming back into this world to give proof of his existence through supernatural events, just as he did 2,000 years ago. But it's going to be far more glorious this time. However genuine seekers can get to know God and begin a relationship with him well before that time arrives. For now, the best I can do to help is share this brief evidence with others. (God has used this fail-safe throughout history to ensure clarity for his servants. The Bible contains many examples of it.) [An excerpt from my Evidence of God]
for the full evidence type "dose of reason why god is imaginary 3" in the search box. make sure the video you tap on has the number 3 in its title. Change the comment settings on the video to Newest and then scroll down gently. The evidence is a statement with at least 11 replies. It's a 30min read roughly
The full evidence addresses everything, including the slave trade and world wars, which falls under "evil and suffering". Also, every society had its own way of handling the supernatural until God the creator chose to reveal himself to all the world through Christ. It's not right to hold onto lies once the truth is revealed.
One more thing. At the time of my calling, God insisted that I attend a particular church, where they worship in a local language. Also, during leisurely walks in the supernatural world, He oftentimes talks to me in the local language. So the idea that Christ is from "another country" isn't true. Historically yes, but not in actuality. Christ is for all mankind. God's looks, mainly gold, bear this out.
Do not tell me atheism is not a religious empty sick empty religious cult which none will evenc are or rmemebered or missed once gone. Atheists are the new religious people: that why they need to make the religion of wars. Let's not call them anymore and let it die, it is completly worthwhile to fuel up such religious cult, and those people who have the only goal to keep people intoe their cult... it is a cult that will not deserve any kind of attention, only disappear..... what a religious cult full of religious people that can not resist to talk about religion.
@D.MarcelloRadice have you tried using less drugs? You're definally not sober with the incoherent ramblings that are coming out of your mouth. Go eat something and become sober first, drink some coffee
I understand that when I die, my mind will simply fade to black,never to be conscious or aware again.I am very comfortable with this.I live my best life in the present understanding that its my only life.
Gods come and go. Norse gods, ancient Egyptian gods, Aztec gods, Roman gods, etc, all lived and died. Believers in the Christian god will also eventually realize the folly of basing one's life on myth. They too will see that religion is a club with rules designed to differentiate and separate you from "others".
@JoeBytowner The Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Roman gods neither lived nor died. They were hand-made by Men and worshipped for _thousands_ of years. Yet, it only took the preaching of Christ's Word of Truth over 30 years by those who witnessed Christ, to wake them up to their folly. This is the Light that shines in the darkness without which you can neither see your way nor know what is ahead. _Before and during the worship of all those gods you mentioned and more,_ the Hebrews / Israelites worshipped God ('I am that I am') whose Books, written by righteous men moved by His Spirit, prophesied that His word would leave His people and be given to all Nations of the World before God's judgement of all - which is most likely how you know it, following dissemination of the Word of Christ throughout the Roman Empire. How do you explain the fulfilment of that Prophecy?
@@defimperia2373 You said: "Yet, it only took the preaching of Christ's Word of Truth over 30 years by those who witnessed Christ, to wake them up to their folly." You're not looking at the big picture. As you mentioned, some of these ancient religions endured for thousands of years. Christianity is young puppy compared to these. We humans tend to see the present day state of affairs as permanent. I'm sure the Aztecs were as certain of their permanence as you seem to be. And yet we know that's not so. Christianity happens to be popular now, but that means little in the long run. Look at it this way: If you had been born in ancient Sumeria you would not be talking about Jesus. If you had been born in modern day India, where 80% of the population is Hindu, you would likely be talking about Vishnu. In other words your faith is entirely an accident of when and where you were born. I always chuckle when I see someone type: "They (other gods) were hand-made by Men". It's what people of every single faith have said about every other faith throughout history.
@@defimperia2373 (i) "Yet, it only took the preaching of "John Frum's" Truth over" less than "30 years by those who witnessed" him, "to wake them up to their folly." Similar claims can be made for Joseph Smith and the LDS and L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. It doesn't take long to make a new religion. (ii) So righteous Jews in OT times "prophesied" the success of a rival faith? And who says this is a "prophecy"? Big surprise! Followers of said rival faith. Duh!
Your statement is foundationally flawed. Gods don't come and go. Rather it is belief in these gods that comes and goes. Additionally, the truth of a religion is independent of people's belief in it. As famed atheist-philosopher Thomas Nagel has said, "if a belief is true, it'd be true even if nobody believed it." Plus, Christianity is going nowhere. Why, it's rooted in history, logic, and experience. It's from the creator himself. Atheism, on the other hand, is nothing but a project of deception by the devil, where he uses God's greatest gift to humanity, reason, as a weapon against them. The open-minded and humble of heart will avoid this snare.
(This piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with the confusion that can arise between God-sent visions, dreams etc and mere mental experiences like delusions, hallucinations etc.) For centuries there's been much talk about heaven. At age 17 during a church service, God literally drove my spirit into heaven to see him and spend time with him and his angels at his throne. Yes, I saw and experienced this incredible joy! This was in the year 2008. As a result of this experience, "Lord of angels" is how I call upon God during battles with demons in the supernatural world. Because God wanted to make sure that I didn't think I was having delusions, he confirmed the reality of that heaven event by telling my pastor, who in turn told me. This account is similar to that of Paul in the Bible, where God involved a third party, the prophet Ananias, to ensure that Paul didn't think he was deluded after seeing Jesus in a vision on his way to Damascus. God's work among humans continues, but it is only experienced by the "chosen few" Jesus talked about. Keeping an open mind and a reasonably receptive heart is necessary to learning the truth. Without these, no amount of evidence will suffice for you. This was why in Jesus's day, many rejected him although he performed countless miracles to prove his Godship. Getting good evidence of God can be easy. You just have to meet the right kind of person. Someone who's genuinely called of God, someone who's truly willing to help, someone who understands your position fairly well. God is coming back into this world to give proof of his existence through supernatural events, just as he did 2,000 years ago. But it's going to be far more glorious this time. However genuine seekers can get to know God and begin a relationship with him well before that time arrives. For now, the best I can do to help is share this brief evidence with others. (God has used this fail-safe throughout history to ensure clarity for his servants. The Bible contains many examples of it.) [An excerpt from my Evidence of God]
for the full evidence type "dose of reason why god is imaginary 3" in the search box. make sure the video you tap on has the number 3 in its title. Change the comment settings on the video to Newest and then scroll down gently. The evidence is a statement with at least 11 replies. It's a 30min read roughly
I think religious teachings have a value when they support morality and decent behaviour. They fail when they demand acceptance of unsubstantiated claims, the infallibility of certain individuals, and when they attack other religions to violently assert their dominance.
I was lucky, in the sense that I was never pressured into believing things that couldn’t be demonstrated to be true. Religions, on the other hand, depend upon people believing things that cannot be demonstrated to be true. “God did it, with magic” is nothing more than an empty claim that doesn’t merit consideration. I rejected all afterlife claims, because it couldn’t be demonstrated that the human persona could survive brain death.
Saying theres no creator is like being in a sky scraper and not believing in architects. Its not even a remotely valid view and it doesnt even deserve a name
Voltaire dieing words . When a priest told him to denounce the devil , he replied ' now look here my man, this is no time for me to be making enemies 😅😅😅😅😅😅😮
Athiests believe in their own intelligence and research on creation and other things. But even that research facts are often felt that it was not right! If there is no god, why would some famous scientists are / were full of faith and trust in God whom they have never seen?
Actually, I was NOT born into religion, far from it. Like millions of others `out of the blue` I met with Christ and my life was changed. Dawkins cannot `have his cake and eat it`. He has already declared that he wants Cultural Christianity to continue in Britain, you will not get cultural Christianity if you have no true believers to produce Cultural Christianity. So, `suck it up, suck it up`. Determine to say something `nice` about Christianity every day, if you wish to continue in the traditional ethos of the country.
Doesn't apply to Christianity. I can't access the supernatural through quantum physics or any kind of physics for that matter, but I can access it through belief in Christ.
@@stephenking4170 Our love for opposite sex stems from the theory of evolution, or in this case biological evolution. Incidently, biological evolution is a special case of a much broader cosmic evolution scenario.
hold on, are you a sinner? people say; no, i think i am a good person. my question is: really? have you lied? have you jealous of others? have you stolen things? have you walked aways from a poor? etc. if you have done any one of these, you are a sinner. if you are a sinner, then you need salvation. period. it's just that simple. People say: oh, no, i have lied, i have cheated, but i don't think i am a sinner. my question is: ok, so is lying wrong? is cheating wrong? the answer is ' yes' it doesn't matter if you are old or young, if you are black or white, if you are educated or uneducated. we know these things are wrong. why? it;s the moral law written in our genes by God. so you are a sinner, you do need salvation. You do need Jesus. We all do need Jesus and follow him is following the ultimate moral law made by God. If we break the law, we will go to hell, if we follow the law, we will go to heaven. period.
@bottlecap632 are you a sinner? is there ultimate moral law? yes, then we need Jesus. if Jesus had never come to the world, that means there wouldn't have the final judgement. if there weren't final judgement, that means there were not ultimate moral laws. if there were not ultimate moral laws, the physic laws we have discovered wouldn't exist as well. but laws of physics, laws of biology, etc, do exist, that means there is also ultimate moral law. that means there is final judgement, that means there is hell and heaven, that means we do need Jesus. And Jesus does exist. why? eye witness at the time, 12 disciples, his teaching represents the ultimate truth and moral law, his influence to the world, the world would have been a much darker place if Jesus had never come to the world.
@bottlecap632 i think what you really want to ask is how do you know bible is the truth. please read the rest of my writing with a humble heart if you admit you are sinner. I only hope to help you understand GOD. come back to you question. first, you need to read the bible with a humble heart, secondly, use logical thinking and reasoning to reason if the teaching in the bible is right, then you will find out it is the truth. ok, so what's the bible about? it's about who or what God is. GOD is the creator, God create through laws, God create through laws because he loves what he creates. so the nature of GOD is law and love which is why Moses asked the name of God, God said' I AM who I AM. God was stating who he is. He is the ultimate law and love which is also why Jesus said he came to the world not to elimiate the law of GOD but to fullfill the law of God. let me explain. GOD loves what he creates, that's why GOD create through laws so that everything is in order. think about our universe and physical world, the universe and nature are following the laws, if there weren't these physical laws, the world would be chaotic. same logic, there must be ultimate moral law. laws created for being followed. if we don't follow this ultimate moral law, we need to pay the price, very simple. people kill need to go to prison to pay the price according to human law. but what about lying, cheating, being selfish, etc? we know these things are wrong, but we don't need to pay the price for these sins. the fact that we all know these things are wrong has already showed that we're created by God and God has written the moral code in our genes which is why we know these are wrong. ok, so if we commit these sins, we need to pay price for that. according to the ultimate law, 99.9999% people will go to hell, but God loves what he create, God does not want to see people end up in hell. either we pay the price or someone else pay the price for us. that why Jesus came to the world to pay the price for us so that we don't need to. this is just a piece of bible, why is the bible truth? because everything in bible make perfect sense, old testament and new testament actually surprisingly united and point to one thing which is law and love, judgement and salvation, and sin and choice. and if you study every teaching of Jesus, it's just so right and true, it's even beyond right and true, it shows us the reason and logics. it has nothing to do with disciples, i am convinced by the teaching and verses and the connection between the verses in old and new testament through a lot of fact checking, reasoning and logical thinking. all i can say is you have to really want to seek the truth, otherwise you won't find it. i used to be a non-believer. i was programed by the world, things i used to think were wrong when i was a kid, later on i did what i used to think wrong because everyone else is doing it or many people are like that. the ultimate moral code is in our genes, but it's covered by sins. we have to see the sins and dig out all the sins, then we can see the ultimate moral code in our heart. anyway, there is not enough space for me to write every wisdom and truth in Jesus. all i can say is Jesus is the red pill that will show you the truth. The truth is not gonna make you happy, but it will give you joy, freedom and the truth.
I told my mum I didn't want to go to church at 8 years of age. She asked if I'd rather go to Temple (she was an agnostic with Jewish background but not raised Jewish), and I said no because I don't believe that any gods exist. I tried, but never bought into the this collective dissonance of "faith". At least my mum understood.
The intelligent are always full of questions and self-doubt, and the ignorant are always confident and absolutely sure.
Endless doubting isn't the goal, arrival at truth is. Atheism is pretty much about promoting and upholding uncertainty about God, rather than stating boldly that he doesn't exist (on account of the evidence), even though that's clearly their wish.
Notice how atheist-scientists for example very often proudly talk about how "doubt" is a wonderful thing, and that it drives our search for knowledge. Which is correct. Except knowledge, ultimately, isn't doubt. Rather, it's truth. Doubt is merely a feature of the learning process, whose goal is to discover truth and establish certainty of knowledge.
That atheism promotes uncertainty about God in this way powerfully reminds me of Jesus's words "the blind leading the blind". And that's because only the blind walk along in uncertainty. Atheism is nothing but a project of deception by the devil, where he uses God's greatest gift to humanity, reason, as a weapon against them. Men are smart, but the devil is smarter. God is smartest.
I briefly mention this point about atheism and uncertainty about God in my Evidence of God, which I've shared many times on RUclips including on this channel. To find it under this video, change the comment settings to Newest and then scroll down gently. You'll find a post that begins thus: "(this piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with..." Said post is an excerpt that'll lead you to the full evidence.
Pardon the lengthy reply. I thought of putting down only the first sentence, which is what I've done in the past. This time however I thought I'd explain a bit.
@@kofidan9128 I never said endless doubt was the goal. Just stated a fact. And if you think the bible is real, when we can PROVE it's not (Since it was written two thousand years ago before science and tech that we now have), aren't you kinda' crazy? If you believe things we KNOW to be untrue, because it's written in a book from a long time ago, are you not kinda' insane?
@@mikefufuffalo8487you praised doubt while condemning certainty. Therefore my response was fitting. As for the Bible being written before high tech, come on. Writing itself has been around for 5000 years now, and ancient people had ways of recording things, ranging from clay tablets to papyrus reeds. I don't believe the Bible just because I want to. Rather, I believe it because I know it to be true.
I've seen and spent time with God in heaven. Gold is the colour of his "flesh". Also, I'm frequently batting demons in the supernatural world in his name. He's returning to earth soon to prove his existence with miracles. My brief evidence is meant to help seekers in the meantime.
My evidence developed from many months of vigorous discussions with atheists. So it'll likely address most of your primary concerns about God. My evidence covers many topics, from the historical validity and logical supremacy of Christianity to the reality of the supernatural and proof of the soul. It comes specially designed by God. Read it and set yourself free by the truth.
@@kofidan9128 Thanks, but I'll pass.
My parents put religion on to me.
I shook it off and refused to teach my kids to believe in invisible sky daddy.
thank you for not terrorizing your children . Thank you for not putting fear into your children
Do not tell me atheism is not a religious empty sick empty religious cult which none will evenc are or rmemebered or missed once gone. Atheists are the new religious people: that why they need to make the religion of wars. Let's not call them anymore and let it die, it is completly worthwhile to fuel up such religious cult, and those people who have the only goal to keep people intoe their cult...
it is a cult that will not deserve any kind of attention, only disappear.....
what a religious cult full of religious people that can not resist to talk about religion..
God will refuse to believe in you....
@D.MarcelloRadiceThat means nothing to people who don't believe in it.
@D.MarcelloRadice a million candles burning for the help that never came
I was bought up in the Catholic faith, but after getting kicked out of Sunday schools for asking relevant questions I never looked back and never believed that nonsense
Yes, I've noticed that Catholics often discourage questions and independent Bible reading. Too bad you were never exposed to a simple Protestant church. At my church we LOVE questions and discussion.
I got into trouble a couple of times myself for asking questions too many difficult during Sunday school.
😢 I hope one day you realise that Christians are flawed humans and perfection is found only in Christ
@@mr.adventure559I grew up LOATHING Sundays because they meant mornings wasted in a church basement classroom knowing I was going to get into hot water with the teacher for doing the same thing you did!
People should act like Christ. In that case, perhaps go into a C of England parish church where they have a section selling coffee and various knick knacks to raise money, and smash it all up with a baseball bat. Money changers in the temple, and all that.......
Religion? No, thanks!
Indeed! If it ain't the Truth then it is Fiction! And Religion has NOTHING to do with The Truth! Ergo Religion IS Fiction!
Religion? Fuck that crap!
Religion? HELL NAH!!!
Double hell nah for me whos trans lesbian
@@Glennn7 ditto 👍🏻
Tomorrow maybe.
You are not ready yet.
"Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool", Mark Twain.
From that time the fools' nomber is consistantly growinng.
A statement he deeply regrets already 😅
Romans 10:9-13
King James Version
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
There is difference between jesus and religion.
All religions are jail (prisons) for the spirit of menkind.
A fool says there’s no God.
Yea I've done two world tours and would always inquire people about their native religions and then I would ask them "what made you choose that religion over the others in the region?" And they'd always say something like "I was born a (insert religion here)" and I'd tell them "no you weren't born with any beliefs, babies don't have religious beliefs". The truth is that they are indoctrinated and feel as though they have no choice otherwise they may get ostracized from their culture and even family.
Yet if you ask, they will tell you they came to their religion by choice. That is the insidious nature of indoctrination.
@themasculinismmovement that ostrazation is tough but worth every moment.
It is them proving their misogynistic, obnoxious personality traits rather than being a kind, loving, caring person.
True, I was told by my parents we are Christians, but it seems we weren't and I chose Christ out of my own will because that is how you accept Christ, not when forced on you.@InformationIsTheEdge
@McSmurfy It's sweet that you think that. Tell me, what does Christianity teach the children will happen to them if they do not accept Jesus? What will happen to their loved ones who do not accept their teachings?
Lol I laugh at you atheist
I was born and raised Catholic based on a version of the Apostles (Nicene) Creed.
At age 30 I read the Creed as a critical thinker and wasn't sure I believed it.
At age 60 I read it again as an atheist/agnostic and no longer believed it.
At age 76 I read it and laughed out loud.
I do not know anything about the creed but there are scriptures from dead branches of christianity that are very funny
Do not tell me atheism is not a religious empty sick empty religious cult which none will evenc are or rmemebered or missed once gone. Atheists are the new religious people: that why they need to make the religion of wars. Let's not call them anymore and let it die, it is completly worthwhile to fuel up such religious cult, and those people who have the only goal to keep people intoe their cult...
it is a cult that will not deserve any kind of attention, only disappear.....
what a religious cult full of religious people that can not resist to talk about religion.....
we laugh at you and your obsession for religions because your are into religious cult.
you have so many prooblems atheist.
I had a similar story being born into a lds family.
Breaking free has been a lifelong thing.
At 69, I believe I have made it.
Being raised Catholic, I had the magical experience of lent on a yearly basis. One year I gave up religion. Felt so good I made it permanent.
You have to give up something for lent. Why not the Catholic fairy tale?
I remember my Christian- based 12 step program being so effective that I realised I was codependent with my faith tradition! It was difficult to keep attending and declaring I was recovering from religion, lol
Enjoy Hell idiot you never knew Christ Hell be your home 😄😄
Religion, feelings, opinions of others, hypocrytes potraying themselves as religious, obssessed with being correct and starved for attention, so many more hypocrytes in the average athiest world no one speaks on because religious people are not allowed to engage in negativity with others, yet still get persecuted for promoting the shorter word of Goød without the "o"😂😂wow life
The fact that there are so many religious people in the world shows that the evolution still has a long way to go. Let's see if we get there before religion destroys humanity.
@@kayasper6081 religion civilized society. Without it you’d still be a Neanderthal . All your morals and values you get came from books inspired by god.
Or a longing for a bond with our creator or something bigger than us. It's got nothing to do about evolution and more because of how we were created.
atheists have killed over 100 mil.last centuary,not exactly a role model for evolution,subjective morality,no thanks
None more so than the religion of Atheism !
My opinion here, but I think religion probably was holding people together and holding individuals mentally together.
Without any purpose or “future” many people seem to become disillusioned with life.
Over time, humans have created approximately 2,000 gods and approximately 10,000 religions, plus, a big money collection plate comes with each.
And a lot of building as well. Think of all those temples, pyramids, synagogues, mosques, churches, cathedrals and prayer houses. Gazillions of them. Each with its own staff, priests, deacons, vergers, etc etc. All living off the donations if their followers or adherents
The Christian God is real, regardless of what humans think or create. Truth is its own master.
@@kofidan9128 Ever thought about becoming a God salesman?
@@BobOort Nah. A good salesman has a product to demonstrate. A God salesman doesn't.
@@alanthompson8515 I'm a guitarist not a salesman. But I have over 100 w site pages to demolish your ridiculous arguments.
My challenge wasn't recognizing that religions were all wrong. It was getting past the idea that I had been raised with that under no circumstances should I ask the question "Why must there be a God?"
Because the universe didn't make itself
@@Gannda888 Ooh! They found who/what made the universe! How did I miss that! Who made the breakthrough? Where did (s)he publish?
No..... wait. I'm being slow. This is just another opinion, isn't it? Someone projecting their own desires and hoping we'd accept it as fact? I should have guessed.
@@Gannda888 That is a smart answer, really smart, no, really, really smart. Now we can all get on with living a life.
The "must" nailed it.
@@BobOort you're trying to be sarcastic as if you have a better idea or u know better
Religions, all of them, are the number 1 cause of human strife.
Untrue, human behaviour is as attested by history.
So like, death, and the black plague, and time, and child abuse, and drug use, and relationships ending, all that is religions ault too?
We have nothing to fear but Faith itself.
Well said & Agreed 100%!!
I was raised as a Roman Catholic as a child ,it was around age 12 I told my Mother I did not want to do my confirmation and no longer believed in religion ., I Found them to be hypocrites and religion was man made to keep law and order with the fear of going to a place called hell . I am now age 70 and still feel religion has done nothing but cause wars , and division . No child is born with a religious belief , their parents teach them theirs , not many parents allow their children to grow up without religion and let them make up their own minds as they mature . And children can learn right from wrong , learn morals and ethics without any religious beliefs. Religion does not guarantee one is a good ethical person . Many of your worst characters has hidden behind religion to make themselves out as if good . And I have no use for any religion that pushes their own beliefs unto others , that is a religious dictatorship . Any religion that forces themselves into others is no damn good from the get go . Just look at the far right Christians what hypocrites they are , they elected and support a liar a convicted crook , support the very wealthy that could careless about them . Humans in my opinion is the lowest form of life on earth that has caused more problems than anything on this planet and if there was a God that created that , He is either evil himself or really screwed up and if so great should have corrected his of her mistake centuries ago .
I was to go through the lutheran protestant confirmation, but then my parents discovered they had raised an anti-theist. All I heard for weeks was "then there's no party or gifts". To which I "according to my father" replied: I am not a prostitute - I can't be bought.
I was thankfully not born into servitude and mental slavery by way of religious beliefs. I sought it out through my own curiosity and found it to be ridiculous.
What did you find ridiculous? And what religion are you talking about? Wondering because the comments didn’t specify
I see religion as a business that exists to make a profit. Its marketing plan creates a perceived need and then it offers its services as a solution to meet that need. They start by telling you about the devil and hell and then they offer themselves as the only solution to avoid damnation and to attain salvation. It's a great business. It makes untestable, unverifiable claims and asks its customers to accept everything on faith. And it's even tax free. Hey, maybe we all should get in on it!
more power and control than profit really. profit is more a benefit of power its good to be the king as they say.
@@3122-t6h bullshit!
Some already have gotten in on it. They're called pastors, at least here in America.
"God is all loving, all knowing, all powerful, but always needs money. He just can't seem to handle money." George Carlin
@@michaelrandle8316 although the Vatican was there first and still the most obnoxiously rich 🤑…
Don't ever underestimate the power of childhood indoctrination, especially when its done by the parents.
That's an easy way out and a narrow point of view for someone claims to be open minded like Richard Dawkins.
If God exists, then he's metaphysical and outside the universe and spacetime. So we can not use the physical laws in the universe to explain his existence.
If God exists, then God is the creator of math and science. And this explains why the latest update of God's message (The Quran) does not contradict science and math, according to the French scientist, Maurice Bukai who subjected the 1000 scientific statements in the Quran to the scrutiny of modern science and concluded that the author of the Quran can't be human, it must be the creator of the universe.
If God doesn't exist, then how can we explain babies born believing in God according to experiments by Dr Barrett, Oxford University and others
Finally, Darwin believed in God and did not present his theory as a replacement for God but as an intelligent system programmed by God
Does that include liberal atheist indoctrination as well?
@ben0298 Not sure what you mean. No one forced me to go to atheist school as a child. There's no such thing as atheist high school. I am an atheist because I don't believe in things on no evidence.
Are you assuming that all atheists are liberal? According to US Census data, 33% of Americans are non-believers. Atheism just means you don't believe. It's not political.
@@ben0298Not really because atheism is not a religious doctrine, it is the absence of one. Liberalism is remaining open minded, so if the child grew up and chose a religion, then that is their choice
Intellectual laziness is responsible for the continuation of religion.
Nope, the reality of the supernatural is.
Dawkins is such a powerful voice for reason. I've always been so impressed with the logic he has always brought to the table.
I thought so. Turns out, the idiot endorses Elonia Muskrat aka Elon. Massively moronic opinion.
Try Sam Harris....a well noted voice for reason.
Also, noted sci/fy writer, Isaac Asimov, had some sound reasoning as to regarding religion. I once took a cruise ship from NYC to the island of Bermuda in 1980, where Asimov was the key speaker....both enroute on the ship and also on the island.
Even though he penned all of these stories about traveling all around the galaxy and far beyond, he himself, feared flying and never did so. BHE
you really love the religion of Dawkins ha?
Reason?! there is more than meets the eye.
@@yuridelossantos569No. You're not being honest. THERE IS NO GOD
Faith runs in families - just like cancer, heart disease and mental illnesses then... but at least you can get help with the health issues.
You can get help with leaving religion to its just everyone agrees that health issues is something bad but there is so many people gaslighting themselves and others into thinking religion is essential.
@@ValirianDefiance Atheism is good evidence that religion is a fundamental quest of man. But I don't ascribe to the religion of Atheism. I'll stick with the obvious, thanks.
@@stephenking4170 Atheism is not a religion. it's the lack of belief in one.
@@ValirianDefiance Yawn... Zzzz! Now where have I heard that mantra so many times before, repeated so religiously and faithfully. Sitting on the fence in a pretentious position does not release you from the fact that atheism is a religion. Firstly it is a set of recognisable beliefs and principles based on a reaction to God, or the proposition of God. Now that makes it not just a philosophical position or faith, but actually a religion. Your perfectly imitated mantra is classic evidence.
@@stephenking4170 it's not a mantra. you hear it so many times because people like you can't be bothered actually Liston.
I don't have a problem with humans searching for answers ,but religion takes u away from those answers in a attempt to mute your brain and make one thing absolute
If all the science books and all the religious manuscripts were destroyed today, The science texts would return basically unchanged. Whereas religion, AS WE KNEW IT, would be gone forever.
EDIT: I emphasized AS WE KNEW IT because I'm not foolish enough to hope that humans wouldn't give themselves over to superstition again. I meant that if the existing religions were erased from existence, THEY would not return because there is no truth behind them and nothing would cause them to return.
@@raysparro3937 sounds like a great plan to me 😄👍🏻
forever? I don't think so.
Credit to Ricky Gervais, quoted from his appearance on Stephen Colbert's late night talk show. Even the religious, "God"-believing Colbert reacted to Gervais's comment by admitting, "that's good, that's good."
@@larrycarter3765 how are you gonna remember the exact religion it was before? of course new religions may come to be, but they won't be the same
@@larrycarter3765 YUP....a WELL known and proven fact......
Religion, right along with low IQ, DO tend to co-exist together, hand in hand!
The lower the IQ, the more apt one is to be religious!
It's now pushing 15 years since a survey was conducted on a busy NYC street corner.
People were randomly stopped and asked if they would participate in a religious survey.
Those who agreed to do so were first asked which of the three major religions they identified with, and then posed questions pertaining to their particular religion. From this a surprising and totally unexpected result emerged....
Those who defined themselves as atheists consistently answered the posed questions much more correctly and accurately than did any of the ones who claimed to be religious.....which goes a long way in explaining as to WHY they are atheists in the first place! BHE
“I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.” -Richard Dawkins
He's ill-informed on religion and on history too. The founding fathers of modern science: Kepler, Clarke Maxwell, Galileo, Newton, etc were motivated by belief in the Christian God to pursue understanding of this world through science.
Maybe Dawkins' mind it too narrow to handle different kinds of knowledge about the world. He's merely using science as a weapon to attack religion. Which is just ridiculous. No mature human would fall for it.😅
Really? This is a lazy conclusion on Richard's part. Many a great scientist before him certainly believed in God and some credited God for their scientific talent and discoveries, including Isaac Newton Then there are atheists who during their scientific career became Christian, such as Francis Collins. Richard's claims are just raw politics.
religions often divides people , good values does not
Why then do the prominent militant atheists support a genocide?
😢🎉😅 true religion divides and rule the people.
"If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path." - Joseph Campbell
I agree. If you can see ahead, you're on someone else's path.
Faith is worse than opinions and contrary to knowing.
It’s the art of deceiving yourself
@@chrishitch319 Like deceiving that you have a self ?.Funny how there is no evidence of one but hey .lets not go there
If you ask a philosopher, you may be surprised to learn how much knowing is based on faith.
@stephenking4170 Knowing refers to having certainty about something based on evidence, experience, or logical reasoning. It implies a justified confidence in the truth of a fact or idea.
Believing is accepting something as true without requiring proof or certainty. It can be based on trust, intuition, or emotional conviction rather than evidence.
Having faith goes a step further. It often involves a deep trust or commitment to something, even in the absence of evidence or despite contrary evidence. Faith is typically tied to spiritual or personal convictions.
Opinion is the cheapest commodity on earth..reason it's easily given.
Peddling an imaginary savior to protect us from imaginary demons. The perfect business model.
Peddling imaginary abiogenesis, life from a chemical soup in a fairy tale book. It helps protect you from the reality of God. The perfect avoidance strategy and comfort blanket.
EXACTLY. That's what it is and how it works. You need redemption from Hell and ONLY the priest / pastor / reverend / witch doctor selling the CORRECT brand of snake oil can save you from damnation and eternal hellfire. And they need your money so they can live a rather comfortable life. They also earn a few bob with weddings, christenings, funerals etc. None of them need to work too hard. The big churches like RC and C of E are also massive landlords and landowners as well as investors.
All those promoting religion should be held accountable at some point.
@@wesleywashington1251 This of course includes propagandists of atheism, which is also a religion.
Jesus was the most critical of religious leaders. Forget religion. Trust and learn from the one who spoke truth and backed up his claims of identity with evidence. He is the only credible person in history to speak of life beyond the grave.
@@stephenking4170 how do you know that? There is no proof other than a magic book. Brainwashed from birth (just like I was) and never asking why you were born into the only true religion. Once you start asking people you find out they all believe they have the only true religion and everyone else are false worshipers destined for the lake of fire. Nonsense all of it.
My parents raised me hyper conservative Christian and im the only one in my family to leave the faith, my brother now has twins and i can only watch as my family (mom especially) have been indoctrinating them since the age of 2 with false theology and won't let them interact with kids from non Christian families. I'm thankful I was able to break the heridity belief system, i can only hope they find reason when they come of age.
Faith is Not a Path to Truth and faith is always used in the absence of demonstrable Evidence... 😊
I was raised in a hell and brimstone church in Mississippi. We were told during every "sermon" that if we were bad and died on that day, we would burn in hell for eternity..., but if we died on a day where we were "good", then we would go to Heaven. Scared me death, and it is still buried deep in my soul. I believe in a Higher Power, just not that mean one depicted in the Bible.
Every time I read something catastrophic happening to people, I see "thoughts and prayers", or someone actually types in a prayer of some sort for "God" to heal someone or watch over someone.
If "God" is good and "God" is love..., why do we have to ask "God" to do the right thing?
Wow. That church you say you were raised in was peddling a very unbiblical message.
I have two questions:
Does that church really exist?
Why haven't you read the Bible for yourself?
100 years ago a creationist would've been hard pressed to have found an atheist to debate with .
Today we have many good speakers on what total nonsense all religions are .
Imagine 100 years from now , an atheist will be hard pressed to find a creationist to debate with .
Moral of the story , we're heading in the right direction , a world without religion will be a thousand times better than what we have today .
Atheistic communism, Nazi socialism etc Worship of the state. Lots of violence and control.
Violence? How many religious wars & persecutions? Nazi or religions, people are people, too many trying to control.
Religion is worse than fentanol....worse than a virus...holds people in a faith-induced COMA. Wars with no peace. It's the people's valium too..
"Gott mitt uns" was the official nazi motto@@geoffhendry-qx4es
As an atheist of long standing, I prefer to read the books of Richard Dawkins and others such as Carl Sagan, than the Bible. I also have read 'On the origin of Species' by my hero Charles Darwin. However, I understand that most people need a religion to follow as it gives them comfort - the problem is which of the hundreds of religions to follow. They can't all be right.
But they certainly are all wrong.
Self hypnosis/delusion
If we classify them, there are only 2 types: theism and atheism. Theism is Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and almost all others. Atheism is Buddhism.
Abiogenesis is the best fairy story comfort blanket for those who want to avoid the obvious...our Creator, God.
You are right. religions are all man made. The hundreds of religions can't all be right. That's why Jesus said "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No man comes to the Father but by me.
These could have been the words by yet another deluded zealot, except thin claimant became the most influential person in all human history, for one reason... he backed up this claim.
MY Grand Mammy and Pappy are religious, my Mammy and Pappy are religious, so I'm religious. HELL NO!
Proves that religion is on the way out, slowly, but surely.
God, I hope so. @@BobOort
I hope you were taught to think better than this 😅 and that you're not actually doing same with Dawkins
@@kofidan9128 My polite answers are deleted by AI censorship. But if this one is not, I, like Dawkins, am fed up with religious trolls.
@@BobOortyou should rather be fed up with atheistic lies.😅 They hold your soul prisoner. But you can set him free by reading my evidence of God
I earnestly prayed for help in coping with my addictions. I have not changed. Faith and prayer dont work.
The good news is that psychology and psychiatry do work, but unlike prayer require hard work and commitment.
Try N A D
Whatever your addiction, you can quit if you want to quit bad enough. Recognize what your addiction is doing to your mental and physical health is a start, then stop right now and the withdrawal symptoms become less frequent every day. If you can get through the first three days, you're going to beat it.
I haven’t even prayed over my addictions and they haven’t changed. To think I can pray away a condition that has embedded its self in habit is to just be wishful, only prayer worth praying is that sooner rather than later my life is over so I can go on in whatever form and not be a nuisance and pain on the world. On the flip side, praying I’m still alive is perhaps the best prayer I can really make and really I dislike making it because I’ve yet to see any positive value I bring.
Not even therapy’s going to be much help other than making life maybe a little more livable, I’ve given in to the fact I can’t fix the damage addiction has caused, and that isn’t including generational damage relating to addiction. Doesn’t help I’m not a teenager anymore who can easily form and mold habits and attitudes.
I’m unfortunately got a few glitches in the code, if God meant for it to be then I guess it was meant to be, if he didn’t want it he would have fixed it in some prayer long ago. Then again, it can be completely out of his hands as much of everything was the result of bad human decisions, if God controlled human decisions, every neighbor would be called Jesus or some random name like that.
How long did you take to reach that Earth-shattering revelation?
I rejected religion when I was 15 (I'm now 77) and have never seen any argument which would modify my decision. It felt just "wrong" then and feels "wrong" now. Sometimes I am asked why I do not believe in [a] [any] god. The simple fact is that the moment you attribute a god with a personality, he becomes a "being" and you deny him his all-embracing powers. He can no longer be everywhere, know everything, do anything. He is limited by the very being we attribute to him. The universe is just too immense for an individual being to be responsible for "everything". "Why are we here, then?" I hear you ask. I don't know, but at least we should have the nous to try to find out.
There is no actual meaning to Life other than what we as individuals make of it for our own well being while guided by the concept that all Life has come about by a series of events in which no human or other species had a hand and therefor whatever we choose to do in this once a lifetime life should be done with respect for oneself, all others, and the Planet. Check the guitar and play some music.
@@BobOort I'd go along with that.
On the question of God's existence. There was a brilliant cartoon I saw once.
Two goldfish in a goldfish bowl. One goldfish says to the other, "Of course there's a God. Who do you think feeds us every morning ?"
You are limiting the being of God to the being of humans. This is as fundamental a mistake as primitive cultures worshipping idols. Richard Dawkins falls for the same fallacious argument you have presented.
@@stephenking4170 Wrong. When you put your "god" in a shell you are limited by the shell itself.
That had to be the oldest scam in history.
The praising of faith as a virtue is one of the greatest restrictions of human progress. We must abandon blind belief and embrace rational, scientific humanism. Check out the book "Avenging Prometheus". That book changed my perspective on skepticism and scientific progress.
There is unfortunately a confusion generally between faith as in gullibly believing nonsense and faith as in being reliable and trusting. Being faithful, acting in good faith…these are virtues. “Faith,” meaning superstition, is such a different thing entirely.
Thank You for the advice on the book … 👍👍👍
GOD - The '' Hide n seek '' world champion.
He beat BigFoot! 😂
@@theunknownatheist3815at least Bigfoot has photos!
💯 correct, he beat Aliens 👾
@@RichieRichMD Aliens wouldn't be supernatural though but i get your point.
God is everywhere, even on the minds of atheists. It's humans that are doing the hiding 😅
Darwin and Dawkins. They just seem to go together and it's glorious ❤❤
Sounds like a law firm 😂😂 In a way they could be! Laws of logic and reason!
You're told that you're being watched which puts you on your knees all your life. I feel sorry for most of humanity. The world needs atheists to speak up more.
God is up there with a notebook, taking notes, on every single one of your sins, transgressions and omissions. He's worse than the UK's His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
The person interviewing Dawkins asked such childish questions it’s hard to believe they were uttered by an adult. But that’s a byproduct of religion.
I know. I admire Dawkins for his self control and that he didn't burst out laughing. The questions were those of a 3 year old.
It!s a by product of language.
@ I would say specifically a byproduct of indoctrination
The reason a Chrizbian can't talk about what persuaded them is that it's an emotional and/or social-psychological response to a story. You are pressured by parents or cultural. You have regrets that are promised to be salved. You are frightened by the prospect of your death. You want to belong. These are powerful motivations, however faulty.
animals dont believe in god....why is it only childish humans do?
The desire to be a slave constantly praising and fearing a creator is a horrifying thought.
That's a caricature. The Christian life is full of hope and joy and peace 😊
@@kofidan9128that’s odd, I’m pretty sure the Bible is full of genocide, slavery, misogyny, murder, brutality. Christianity - An extremely wealthy organization who’s followers kneel in ornate buildings filled with gold adornments and pray for the poor starving people outside. Christianity is straight up evil disguised as peace and hope so the gullible middle classes can feel better about their greed.
@@Captain101-x1othat's an even worse caricature. Who says there are no poor people in Christianity? Perhaps not in the West. But in the developing world there are many poor Christians who worship under trees, far from gold floors. Also, Christian organisations and churches throughout history and also presently have helped the poor as well as other people in distress.
The Bible is historical and gives an honest portrayal of life with all its harsh realities. However thanks to Christ, humans have hope of a better world that lies beyond decay and suffering aka heaven.
As for genocide etc, I address those misunderstandings in my Evidence of God. To find it, change the comment settings on the video to Newest and then scroll down gently. You'll find a post that begins thus "(This piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with..." This in an excerpt that'll lead you to the full evidence, where your points and many others too are addressed.
@@kofidan9128 That's satire...... hopefully 😄
@@BobOortno bruh, it's truth 🔹😅 interesting truth 👏
God did not create man, man created god to explain that which he did not understand.
How did Man create God?
By making him up, duh
@ 😂 short and sweet
@@denaseright3579did you also have to make up your phone's maker? Stay open to evidence of God, and you'll find God.
@denaseright3579 Now, before and during the worship of all those old Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Roman gods and more,_ the Hebrews / Israelites worshipped God ('I am that I am') whom they could not see, nor had any images but whose old Scriptures, prophesied that His word would leave His people and be given to all Nations of the World before God's judgement of all - which is most likely how you know it, following dissemination of the Word of Christ throughout the Roman Empire.
How do you explain the fulfilment of that Prophecy, which saw the end of those Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Roman gods and more? I mean, it's not as if the Israelites ever had an international influence.
Some religions are impossible to leave. Try leaving Islam and see what happens.
Heck. Try leaving the Mormon church. They'll label you an inactive member or an apostate but the bishop will still try to make you pay tithing.
"...but the bishop will still try to make you pay tithing."
In Islam they call it Jizya, same thing in reality.
leaving Scientology will have them spying on you, tap the phone
Same with JW. What a mess.
@@jtnachos Jerkhovas
I was a Jehovah’s Witness. When I left this cult, all of my JW friends and family started shunning me. Shunning can cause depression and suicidal thoughts in the victims. It’s horrendous.
It's really simple. The argument from design requires that anything that looks designed was designed. I.e., this zebra looks designed, so it must have been designed by someone. But Darwin figured out how to get something that looks designed without having been designed. That's all you need to know about it.
The universes fine tuned constants show design
@@Gannda888 No they don't. First, they're not that fine tuned. For example, a lambda 400x as big would be much better for the conditions for life. Second, you're assuming that life can't happen in universes with other constants, which Jesus himself denies. Third, you're assuming the constants could be different and that the values they have are unlikely. However, the likelihood the constants have the values they do is over 70%, so it's not really surprising at all they have the values they do. You're also assuming the constants are the same everywhere in the infinite universe, for which you could not possibly have any rational reason to believe.
The speciality of Hinduism or Sanatan is I don't need to believe in the gods to be a hindu. An atheist is still a hindu. I'm blessed
My view is that all religions do not deliberately lie and deceive. Many in influential positions in religions just repeat what they were taught.
The origins of religions tend to be the problem as most are based on myth not fact.
I would also claim that all religions are cults as they have most of the essentials of cults. Once a person buys in, heart and soul, to their religion, it is almost impossible to break free, and religions are constructed that way.
I fail to see how this disproves God. Also Christianity is grounded in history, not myth
@@kofidan9128I wasn’t trying to disprove God. Religions are a mix of history an myth. Core beliefs are based on myth. Example: Moses is a mythical person, same with Abraham, and Exodus did not happen. No virgin birth. No triune God.
@@3122-t6hnot trolling at all, just trying to help people learn the truth about God, whom I've seen and spent time with in heaven. God has specially sent me to talk to atheists in the West. He himself is returning to earth soon to prove his existence with miracles. My brief evidence, which I most recently share through a WordPress link, is meant to help people in the meantime. 😅
@@georgegrubbs2966😂 you prove me right then. I share specially crafted evidence of God under this video but also elsewhere. If you happen upon it, do read it. It's only 30min long. It'll teach you everything you need to know.
A "religion" is a cult plus time. All religions are myths. There are many YT videos covering the origins of Christianity and where the stories came from originally. Even the resurrection isn't original. Dead men being deified and coming back from the dead, allegedly, was common enough among the Romans. Emperor Augustus, for example, was declared a god by the Senate, post mortem. He was seen, walking about in Rome, days after his death. He was seen by witnesses, ascending into heaven, to join the other gods. This was common current mythology at the time of writing of the Gospels. It was, what's now called a meme. So it was all written into and incorporated into "Christianity." And two millenia of politics and layers of theology and grafted bits of Greek philosophy have done the rest. Unfortunately America, meaning Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the worst kind of Puritan nutjob fanatics, who were too much even for the Church of England. And the rest, is history, as they say.
One of my major accomplishments as a parent was to raise my children without religion.
That's not good enough. You should raise them to think for themselves. John Lennox was brought up a Christian but he was also taught to read and understand opposing views. Same with me. In my late teens I dabbled in atheism, and finally got to know the Christian God exists. On the other hand, Francis Collins was brought up without religion but came to Christianity as an adult.
@ hard to respond to a person who believes in an imaginary entity and calls it faith. What can be asserted without proof can also be dismissed without proof. Morality was existent long before any form of religion. In the US most murders take place in the so called bible best…all wars have been fought in the name of religion and millions died because of it.
@@jamesstephenpeyton3305so many wrong statements I hardly know where to start.
Only 7% of wars fought in history were caused by religion. Only 11 out of the 100 most deadly atrocities committed in history were caused by religion. Google.
Also, the Christian God isn't imaginary. Christianity is rooted in history, logic, and experience.
Faith is from the Latin word fidēs meaning trust or fidelity. Faith in the original meaning of the word is evidence-based. For eg faith that the bus would get you safely to work.
Even Einstein acknowledged the necessity of faith when he said that "he can't imagine any serious scientist who doesn't have faith." And by that he meant faith in the rational intelligibility of the universe. So you see, even scientists need faith.
What you mentioned was blind faith, which isn't evidence-based or scientific. Christianity is evidence-based.
I've seen and spent time with the Christian God in heaven. He's real.
(This piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with the confusion that can arise between God-sent visions, dreams etc and mere mental experiences like delusions, hallucinations etc.)
For centuries there's been much talk about heaven. At age 17 during a church service, God literally drove my spirit into heaven to see him and spend time with him and his angels at his throne. Yes, I saw and experienced this incredible joy! This was in the year 2008. As a result of this experience, "Lord of angels" is how I call upon God during battles with demons in the supernatural world.
Because God wanted to make sure that I didn't think I was having delusions, he confirmed the reality of that heaven event by telling my pastor, who in turn told me. This account is similar to that of Paul in the Bible, where God involved a third party, the prophet Ananias, to ensure that Paul didn't think he was deluded after seeing Jesus in a vision on his way to Damascus. God's work among humans continues, but it is only experienced by the "chosen few" Jesus talked about.
Keeping an open mind and a reasonably receptive heart is necessary to learning the truth. Without these, no amount of evidence will suffice for you. This was why in Jesus's day, many rejected him although he performed countless miracles to prove his Godship. Getting good evidence of God can be easy. You just have to meet the right kind of person. Someone who's genuinely called of God, someone who's truly willing to help, someone who understands your position fairly well.
God is coming back into this world to give proof of his existence through supernatural events, just as he did 2,000 years ago. But it's going to be far more glorious this time. However genuine seekers can get to know God and begin a relationship with him well before that time arrives. For now, the best I can do to help is share this brief evidence with others.
(God has used this fail-safe throughout history to ensure clarity for his servants. The Bible contains many examples of it.)
[An excerpt from my Evidence of God]
for the full evidence type "dose of reason why god is imaginary 3" in the search box. make sure the video you tap on has the number 3 in its title. Change the comment settings on the video to Newest and then scroll down gently. The evidence is a statement with at least 11 replies. It's a 30min read roughly
The most decent thing a human can do to mankind is to respect another person's belief, faith and religion.
It is amazing how the comforts of magical delusions are still accepted today by so many despite the extraordinary reality of the facts and evidence. People prefer their comforts, magic, and hopes. That is the essence of being simple humans, I suppose.
I watched this and it only makes my faith stronger ☦
It depends upon the level of indoctrination.
@@sundeutsch To believe atheism? Yes
@LesleiHershel We don't believe. We question. What's light? How did stars come into being? How did languages evolve? How is poetry created? And everything else ......
As an atheist myself I find it difficult to understand why so many people still believe in a god or a creator. Why do so many apparently intelligent people still believe in such nonsense when there is evidence to support it.
In the West religion is gradually losing its significance but millions of people are still afraid to come out and say they are atheists especially when they do not practice the religion they were brought up with.Part of the problem is that religions are part of a nations culture and public holidays and celebrations are built around them.
But when we look around the world we need to see what damage religious belief is doing and the human suffering resulting from it.
About religion, which one? There are so many, many contradictory, and most contradicting each other endlessly. Basically religion, except philosophical arguments that look at the religious claims, historical studies, comparative studies, but the true believers are like afflicted with a psychological disorder. Sure, most grow up in a religious tradition from their parents, but the task is to grow intellectually and leave it behind.
Which religion ? Good question. There are hundreds or thousands of religions. Not just the existing ones, but all those that HAVE existed over times past. And the underlying principle is : "MY religion is the ONLY TRUE religion."
So a Christian (whatever that is, WHICH Christian sect or variant are we talking about ?) believes in the "one true Christian God" and is therefore automatically an atheist as far the thousands of other gods out there are concerned. So you might be "going to heaven" after death as far as you know, being Christian, and everything, but Batara Kala, the Javanese god of Revenge, may meet you in the Afterlife. He has his own hell ready for you, as an atheistic unbeliever. "But, but, but, .... I am a Christian pious believer.." won't cut any ice with Batara Kala, Javanese God of the underworld and REVENGE. You DIDN'T BELIEVE in him, and boy has he got a surprise for you ! And he's a MEAN SOB.
Incidentally, this raises the whole idea of colonial white supremacy, and Christianity IMPOSED by colonisers and their "missionaries," with varying degrees of brutality. The question is often asked, "will the people who are remote from Europe and America go to hell because they know nothing of OUR Christian God ?" (It can be flipped about. Will WE go to THEIR hell because we know nothing about THEIR God/s ?) European colonisers imposed THEIR god onto subject peoples who had never heard of him / her/ it. The "loving" Christian cop out, is, if they know nothing about the Judaeo Christian God, they can't be punished for it, because it's not fair. As if the Judaeo Christian God has ever been fair. So they must be CONVERTED by Christian missionaries, to the Christian God. Then, if they reject him / her / it, they can go to HELL properly. Which is particularly satisfying for loving Christians, who love spreading Christian hellfire around the world.
I prefer Gandalf myself as he’s not a sociopath.
@@boathemian7694 I prefer Batman, he might be a sociopath but at least he does not kill that many people, but gandalf is valid
TBF on the face of it he mostly amounted to a flashlight..
@ripvanwinkle2002 "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" -Gandalf
The thing that confuses me is why these big cult names in atheism cannot/did not convince their own family members to turn away from `religion`.
Most likely, his relatives are as rational as he is and doesn't need persuasion.😅
Just remember the only difference between a cult and religion is that in a cult, there is a person at the top who knows it's a scam and in a religion that person has died.
That's very funny. But being funny doesn't make it always true.
This is why analytical thinking is a MUST!
Thank God! For giving me this life, for creating this vast and complex universe. God is great.
I had faith in religion until I read this man's books. He does occasionally get into issues he shouldn't but in any case he has my utmost respect.
He's merely being used as a tool by the devil to deceive the masses and keep them away from God.
I also read 5 of his books so far. I can't say they are all fantastic, but 'The magic of reality' is a truly special book he's written.
I warmly recommend it to anyone trying to better understand the topic of life's evolution by natural selection. It's a good way to gain more insights into our origins and nature. Even 10+ year old kids could read it, as it also has many pictures to help us visualize concepts.
I have no problem with evolution at all. In fact natural selection can be shown even on a very short timescale. Weeks and months, sometimes days even. I am of course talking about the mechanism of drug resistant bacteria and viruses. You administer an antibiotic that kills all of a species of bacteria BUT one or two survive because of a DNA or RNA variant mutation. Those survivors can then reproduce. Bingo. Drug resistant pathogens. That can happen over VERY short timescales. Now imagine millions or billions of years and whole families and species emerging under various environmental pressures. I don't know about abiogenesis, tbh. That's the process of inorganic becoming organic matter, but I'm sure it will be explained in time. Dawkins talks about the big scientific questions of the "where does it all come from" type. MY problem with religion is of the brainworm type. Dawkins isn't a psychologist or psychiatrist. Religion IS a mental disease that infects its victim. It IS hard to get rid of, once in your head. It isn't about intelligence either. Dawkins talked about Kurt Wise, who was simply unable to wean himself off the Bible, despite his undoubted intellect. He couldn't reconcile the fact of geological time, with the biblical stuff.
Re Indoctrination.
The Jesuits have a saying. "Give me a child at age five, and I've got him for life."
Stop sniggering at the back !! I know EXACTLY what you're thinking about Catholic priests and small children. Stop it. 😛😳😤👿🤬
If you've read all Dawkin's books you should also read those by Christopher Hitchins
Faith is the belief in the absence of proof
The problem, of course, is that the child doesn't simply inherit the religions, the opinions, the beliefs, the language, the behavior, the prejudices, the accent, of his or her parents, the child also inherits the love...or lack thereof. Now, if you can find a way to offer unconditional love and attention to a child without the baggage, you'll change the world.
"Nothing" ...does NOT exist!
It`s impossible to comprehend "nothing"
...because everything you can comprehend IS, something!
This proves eternity exists & we ARE a part of it.
We are eternal & one day we will all step into eternity to be born again.
Sir Isaac Newton established this.
I only need one question answered...... if it can be answered, I become a believer.... "where did God come from?"
Did you have a particular god in mind, there's lots of them apparently.
The god of gods..... ie the creator, I don't care beyond that...
@@simonjefferytaylor God of gods? That's a new one. Supposedly all gods are creators.
The Biblical God came from nowhere. He's the sovereign One. The Lord of lords. "He who overthrows the learning of the wise, and turns it into nonsense."😅
He's both past-eternal and future-eternal. This is a powerful testament to his greatness. Which is why he's worthy of worship. We'll never fully comprehend God, or else He'd not really be God.
He's God, and he reigns forever by his strength.
@@kofidan9128 ah... the god of the gaps...😂 bs
If i believe in God with all my heart soul and body and serve him till the end, and it turned out that there NEVER was a god, i will lose NOTHING. But if there is a god, and i NEVER repented to serve him till the end, i will lose EVERYTHING for eternity.
You lose your life and freedom
Ah yes, the just in case reason to believe in god. That fiery hell seems to be very persuasive for some. Lol
My parents tried to cram religion down my throat but I have such a strong will. I decided to really think about the substance they were trying to force me into. At the age of 6 I saw through the BS they were teaching. I'm now a happy atheist
I love the prequel commercial / proselytization pleading me to read scripture right before this video
AI generated, most likely not handpicked by the video presenter. Love AI? Sure, the new religion taking off like wildfire.
Premium takes care of that!
"And for those of you that look to the Bible for it's literary qualities and moral lessons; I got a couple other stories I might like to recommend for you. You might enjoy The Three Little Pigs. That's a good one. It has a nice happy ending. Then there's Little Red Riding Hood. Although it does have that X-rated part where the Big-Bad-Wolf eats the grandmother. Which I didn't care for, by the way. And finally, I've always drawn a great deal of moral comfort from Humpty Dumpty. The part I liked best: ...and all the king's horses, and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again. That's because there is no Humpty Dumpty, and there is no God. None. Not one. Never was".
[George Carlin, from "You Are All Diseased".]
Believe it or nor, some Christians seems strongly in the religion, but sometimes, or most of the time, do things that are not according to the Bible teachings.
You can say that once more.
They are the biggest hypocrites. Just because they ask for forgiveness they think it’s perfectly fine e to do horrible things to others
@tonyhippensteel3805 you are spot on mate.
Thank you Universe for such a brilliant man.
Common beliefs in fairy tales? No thanks.
Why not? The fairy tale of abiogenesis is fun, very popular and a great comfort to many an atheist.
@ spoken like a true apologist.
The only group of people that didn't believe in a creator was The Pirahã people and they also coincidentally cant understand any sort of absract concepts like the future. The past. Numbers. Any sort of arithmetic and cant even draw a straight line
Nature has it all solved
We just haven't figured nature out, yet
For example
We just discovered nitroplasts
A nitroplast is an organelle found in some algae that fixes nitrogen, a process that was previously thought to be exclusive to bacteria and archaea. The discovery of nitroplasts has implications for agricultural science and cellular biology
Discovering God's nature, the secrets within, is one of the great privileges we have been given.
Glad I was born atheist ⚛️
We are all born as atheists. Then a significant percentage of us get brainwashed by religion.
We are all born atheist.
Religion is 100% taught !
@Robert-xs2mv That's right man keep on being free.
Is it not natural for a child to wonder what’s the purpose of this life? Or where people go when they die?
These are questions that science can only answer on a tertiary level.
Science would say, the purpose of this life is to reproduce, and we don’t go anywhere when we die.
I’m not saying I have the answers, nor do I claim any one religion has all the answers. But existence itself to me seems to be a point to something beyond our natural understanding.
The question is often posed to religious people, who created God?
But what about, who or what or why was the universe created, why does it exist?
@@bmo5082 the universe was not created, it has always existed.
Perhaps as part of dimensional space beyond our comprehension.
My question is, where did this “ creation “ idea come from?
As much as I am an atheist, you kind of still need religion to control the masses. The neurotypicals still need some form of slave morality. Nietzsche argued this.
Most people need religion. Without it, they are lost.
I think we need education, religious people have been taught the have no self control or morals without god but it's just not true.
There are countless atheists who left say Christianity after thinking that until they became better educated.
Control people to do what my pseudo intellectual society commentator
@@jameswright... The thing is that I find some things about morality agreeable in the Bible and the Quran, but not most-hell no. Things like sexual morality kind of still holds true.
@@jameswright... Philosophy should replace religion. Philosophy is like religions, without the fables.
As an AntiTheist, I have ZERO RESPECT, for beLIEfs in any gods. I truly feel that the god beLIEf, is thee most toxic thing to humanity!
So the universe made itself
If he is a scientist, he has a very poor understanding of the world in which he lives.
You are right ! Being a scientist he should ponder over and think using his upper story that how complex and organized is all of creation eg just looking or studying the human brain which has 1.4 millions gigabytes information in one mm while a whole University as Oxford and Harvard has only one gigabyte moreover look at and study the DNA RNA quantum and space ( quadrillions or more galaxies, black holes, quasars dark matter etc etc)
Each and every thing is finely made b
y an excellent designer, maintainer, and Sustainer
I told a believer just before xmas that worst case scenario if i'm wrong and there does happen to be a hell..(lol) that i'd probably get a better job than he would simply because he, like all the others think they're goin' upstairs..🤣 I'll never understand how Dawkins has the patience and the tolerance to put up with those idiots..
As an African I despair sometimes with my race of people. We are arguably the most religious race on the planet whilst at the same time the most disenfranchised. Whenever the topic of religion comes up, I ask my people "Where was God during the transSaharan slave trade, the transatlantic slave trade, the colonisation of Africa, WW1 and WW2 etc and why didn't God save us? I never get a logical answer. It wouldn't be so bad if Africans believed in our own traditional religions and deities but what is most common is that the majority of Africans believe in imposed religions and we have become the only race of people that worships Gods/religion which aren't representative our the African race. IMO, religion continually enslaves and condemn my people to suffering. It is so bad that I cannot, for the life of me, see things ever changing. SMDH.
(This piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with the confusion that can arise between God-sent visions, dreams etc and mere mental experiences like delusions, hallucinations etc.)
For centuries there's been much talk about heaven. At age 17 during a church service, God literally drove my spirit into heaven to see him and spend time with him and his angels at his throne. Yes, I saw and experienced this incredible joy! This was in the year 2008. As a result of this experience, "Lord of angels" is how I call upon God during battles with demons in the supernatural world.
Because God wanted to make sure that I didn't think I was having delusions, he confirmed the reality of that heaven event by telling my pastor, who in turn told me. This account is similar to that of Paul in the Bible, where God involved a third party, the prophet Ananias, to ensure that Paul didn't think he was deluded after seeing Jesus in a vision on his way to Damascus. God's work among humans continues, but it is only experienced by the "chosen few" Jesus talked about.
Keeping an open mind and a reasonably receptive heart is necessary to learning the truth. Without these, no amount of evidence will suffice for you. This was why in Jesus's day, many rejected him although he performed countless miracles to prove his Godship. Getting good evidence of God can be easy. You just have to meet the right kind of person. Someone who's genuinely called of God, someone who's truly willing to help, someone who understands your position fairly well.
God is coming back into this world to give proof of his existence through supernatural events, just as he did 2,000 years ago. But it's going to be far more glorious this time. However genuine seekers can get to know God and begin a relationship with him well before that time arrives. For now, the best I can do to help is share this brief evidence with others.
(God has used this fail-safe throughout history to ensure clarity for his servants. The Bible contains many examples of it.)
[An excerpt from my Evidence of God]
for the full evidence type "dose of reason why god is imaginary 3" in the search box. make sure the video you tap on has the number 3 in its title. Change the comment settings on the video to Newest and then scroll down gently. The evidence is a statement with at least 11 replies. It's a 30min read roughly
The full evidence addresses everything, including the slave trade and world wars, which falls under "evil and suffering". Also, every society had its own way of handling the supernatural until God the creator chose to reveal himself to all the world through Christ. It's not right to hold onto lies once the truth is revealed.
One more thing. At the time of my calling, God insisted that I attend a particular church, where they worship in a local language. Also, during leisurely walks in the supernatural world, He oftentimes talks to me in the local language. So the idea that Christ is from "another country" isn't true. Historically yes, but not in actuality. Christ is for all mankind. God's looks, mainly gold, bear this out.
There are just some contents on youtube that I wish I could like multiple times, this is one of them.
At age nine I asked my dad if he believed in God. He said yes. That was the only syllable he ever uttered on the subject.
what is your point?
Do not tell me atheism is not a religious empty sick empty religious cult which none will evenc are or rmemebered or missed once gone. Atheists are the new religious people: that why they need to make the religion of wars. Let's not call them anymore and let it die, it is completly worthwhile to fuel up such religious cult, and those people who have the only goal to keep people intoe their cult...
it is a cult that will not deserve any kind of attention, only disappear.....
what a religious cult full of religious people that can not resist to talk about religion.
@D.MarcelloRadice have you tried using less drugs?
You're definally not sober with the incoherent ramblings that are coming out of your mouth.
Go eat something and become sober first, drink some coffee
@@Ithinkthereforeiam-ph9nbhe has no point… bro just thought he ate with that line
@@TheDevilsGrandson The point is that Dad believed in God but didn't indoctrinate his child.
Dawkins exposed his philosophical bankruptcy 😅
I understand that when I die, my mind will simply fade to black,never to be conscious or aware again.I am very comfortable with this.I live my best life in the present understanding that its my only life.
Gods come and go. Norse gods, ancient Egyptian gods, Aztec gods, Roman gods, etc, all lived and died. Believers in the Christian god will also eventually realize the folly of basing one's life on myth. They too will see that religion is a club with rules designed to differentiate and separate you from "others".
Agreed, and I'd add: "from less fortunate "others".
@JoeBytowner The Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Roman gods neither lived nor died. They were hand-made by Men and worshipped for _thousands_ of years. Yet, it only took the preaching of Christ's Word of Truth over 30 years by those who witnessed Christ, to wake them up to their folly. This is the Light that shines in the darkness without which you can neither see your way nor know what is ahead.
_Before and during the worship of all those gods you mentioned and more,_ the Hebrews / Israelites worshipped God ('I am that I am') whose Books, written by righteous men moved by His Spirit, prophesied that His word would leave His people and be given to all Nations of the World before God's judgement of all - which is most likely how you know it, following dissemination of the Word of Christ throughout the Roman Empire.
How do you explain the fulfilment of that Prophecy?
@@defimperia2373 You said: "Yet, it only took the preaching of Christ's Word of Truth over 30 years by those who witnessed Christ, to wake them up to their folly."
You're not looking at the big picture. As you mentioned, some of these ancient religions endured for thousands of years. Christianity is young puppy compared to these. We humans tend to see the present day state of affairs as permanent. I'm sure the Aztecs were as certain of their permanence as you seem to be. And yet we know that's not so. Christianity happens to be popular now, but that means little in the long run.
Look at it this way: If you had been born in ancient Sumeria you would not be talking about Jesus. If you had been born in modern day India, where 80% of the population is Hindu, you would likely be talking about Vishnu.
In other words your faith is entirely an accident of when and where you were born.
I always chuckle when I see someone type: "They (other gods) were hand-made by Men".
It's what people of every single faith have said about every other faith throughout history.
@@defimperia2373 (i) "Yet, it only took the preaching of "John Frum's" Truth over" less than "30 years by those who witnessed" him, "to wake them up to their folly." Similar claims can be made for Joseph Smith and the LDS and L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. It doesn't take long to make a new religion.
(ii) So righteous Jews in OT times "prophesied" the success of a rival faith? And who says this is a "prophecy"? Big surprise! Followers of said rival faith. Duh!
Your statement is foundationally flawed. Gods don't come and go. Rather it is belief in these gods that comes and goes.
Additionally, the truth of a religion is independent of people's belief in it. As famed atheist-philosopher Thomas Nagel has said, "if a belief is true, it'd be true even if nobody believed it." Plus, Christianity is going nowhere. Why, it's rooted in history, logic, and experience. It's from the creator himself.
Atheism, on the other hand, is nothing but a project of deception by the devil, where he uses God's greatest gift to humanity, reason, as a weapon against them. The open-minded and humble of heart will avoid this snare.
I have been an Atheist since I was 14. I am now 85.
(This piece explains God's fail-safe for dealing with the confusion that can arise between God-sent visions, dreams etc and mere mental experiences like delusions, hallucinations etc.)
For centuries there's been much talk about heaven. At age 17 during a church service, God literally drove my spirit into heaven to see him and spend time with him and his angels at his throne. Yes, I saw and experienced this incredible joy! This was in the year 2008. As a result of this experience, "Lord of angels" is how I call upon God during battles with demons in the supernatural world.
Because God wanted to make sure that I didn't think I was having delusions, he confirmed the reality of that heaven event by telling my pastor, who in turn told me. This account is similar to that of Paul in the Bible, where God involved a third party, the prophet Ananias, to ensure that Paul didn't think he was deluded after seeing Jesus in a vision on his way to Damascus. God's work among humans continues, but it is only experienced by the "chosen few" Jesus talked about.
Keeping an open mind and a reasonably receptive heart is necessary to learning the truth. Without these, no amount of evidence will suffice for you. This was why in Jesus's day, many rejected him although he performed countless miracles to prove his Godship. Getting good evidence of God can be easy. You just have to meet the right kind of person. Someone who's genuinely called of God, someone who's truly willing to help, someone who understands your position fairly well.
God is coming back into this world to give proof of his existence through supernatural events, just as he did 2,000 years ago. But it's going to be far more glorious this time. However genuine seekers can get to know God and begin a relationship with him well before that time arrives. For now, the best I can do to help is share this brief evidence with others.
(God has used this fail-safe throughout history to ensure clarity for his servants. The Bible contains many examples of it.)
[An excerpt from my Evidence of God]
for the full evidence type "dose of reason why god is imaginary 3" in the search box. make sure the video you tap on has the number 3 in its title. Change the comment settings on the video to Newest and then scroll down gently. The evidence is a statement with at least 11 replies. It's a 30min read roughly
So 71 years a fool? King Solomon the Wise said "The fool says in his heart "There is no God".
I think religious teachings have a value when they support morality and decent behaviour. They fail when they demand acceptance of unsubstantiated claims, the infallibility of certain individuals, and when they attack other religions to violently assert their dominance.
I would call them "ethical teachings", as they have nothing to do with religion.
I was lucky, in the sense that I was never pressured into believing things that couldn’t be demonstrated to be true. Religions, on the other hand, depend upon people believing things that cannot be demonstrated to be true. “God did it, with magic” is nothing more than an empty claim that doesn’t merit consideration. I rejected all afterlife claims, because it couldn’t be demonstrated that the human persona could survive brain death.
Saying theres no creator is like being in a sky scraper and not believing in architects. Its not even a remotely valid view and it doesnt even deserve a name
It does have a name though - the argument from design. That's the one Darwin destroyed with natural selection (as Richard Dawkins says in this video).
Well said!😂
The universe is not something like a skyscraper, which we have evidence of people building. We do not have evidence of any god creating a universe.
God created Nothing from Everything.
You don't have to understand. It gives comfort when you know there is s something (the Lord) you can't understand and know. It's always be there
Aeitheisn is a religion.
Religion started when the 1st scoundrel met the 1st fool 😮
Voltaire, go read his dying words on Google 😢...😅
Voltaire dieing words . When a priest told him to denounce the devil , he replied ' now look here my man, this is no time for me to be making enemies 😅😅😅😅😅😅😮
Athiests believe in their own intelligence and research on creation and other things. But even that research facts are often felt that it was not right! If there is no god, why would some famous scientists are / were full of faith and trust in God whom they have never seen?
What exactly did Darwin solve if you Dawkins acknowledge that Science doesn't know the Origin of life?
Religion and politics are nearly the same thing.
They use fear of death or others (black and brown people) to gain control and acquire resources.
They are one and the same.
Religions are a tad worse in my humble view.
@@RichieRichMDhow is it worse?
They both can be a force for good and evil. Because power is vested there, it attracts certain power hungry people.
Actually, I was NOT born into religion, far from it. Like millions of others `out of the blue` I met with Christ and my life was changed. Dawkins cannot `have his cake and eat it`. He has already declared that he wants Cultural Christianity to continue in Britain, you will not get cultural Christianity if you have no true believers to produce Cultural Christianity. So, `suck it up, suck it up`. Determine to say something `nice` about Christianity every day, if you wish to continue in the traditional ethos of the country.
Quantum physics is an excellent substitution for any of the existing religions.
Doesn't apply to Christianity. I can't access the supernatural through quantum physics or any kind of physics for that matter, but I can access it through belief in Christ.
@kofidan9128 Quantum entanglement explains the supernatural, and the key to existence is information (or as John Wheeler put it "it from bit").
Apply that to love and tell that to your girlfriend, wife or lover. See what good it does you.
@@stephenking4170 Our love for opposite sex stems from the theory of evolution, or in this case biological evolution. Incidently, biological evolution is a special case of a much broader cosmic evolution scenario.
hold on, are you a sinner? people say; no, i think i am a good person. my question is: really? have you lied? have you jealous of others? have you stolen things? have you walked aways from a poor? etc. if you have done any one of these, you are a sinner. if you are a sinner, then you need salvation. period. it's just that simple. People say: oh, no, i have lied, i have cheated, but i don't think i am a sinner. my question is: ok, so is lying wrong? is cheating wrong? the answer is ' yes' it doesn't matter if you are old or young, if you are black or white, if you are educated or uneducated. we know these things are wrong. why? it;s the moral law written in our genes by God. so you are a sinner, you do need salvation. You do need Jesus. We all do need Jesus and follow him is following the ultimate moral law made by God. If we break the law, we will go to hell, if we follow the law, we will go to heaven. period.
Jesus doesn't exist though
@bottlecap632 are you a sinner? is there ultimate moral law? yes, then we need Jesus. if Jesus had never come to the world, that means there wouldn't have the final judgement. if there weren't final judgement, that means there were not ultimate moral laws. if there were not ultimate moral laws, the physic laws we have discovered wouldn't exist as well. but laws of physics, laws of biology, etc, do exist, that means there is also ultimate moral law. that means there is final judgement, that means there is hell and heaven, that means we do need Jesus. And Jesus does exist. why? eye witness at the time, 12 disciples, his teaching represents the ultimate truth and moral law, his influence to the world, the world would have been a much darker place if Jesus had never come to the world.
@@anna-y6e6b okay and how do you know these disciples didn't lie about anything or that what they did was greatly exaggerated?
@bottlecap632 i think what you really want to ask is how do you know bible is the truth. please read the rest of my writing with a humble heart if you admit you are sinner. I only hope to help you understand GOD. come back to you question. first, you need to read the bible with a humble heart, secondly, use logical thinking and reasoning to reason if the teaching in the bible is right, then you will find out it is the truth. ok, so what's the bible about? it's about who or what God is. GOD is the creator, God create through laws, God create through laws because he loves what he creates. so the nature of GOD is law and love which is why Moses asked the name of God, God said' I AM who I AM. God was stating who he is. He is the ultimate law and love which is also why Jesus said he came to the world not to elimiate the law of GOD but to fullfill the law of God. let me explain. GOD loves what he creates, that's why GOD create through laws so that everything is in order. think about our universe and physical world, the universe and nature are following the laws, if there weren't these physical laws, the world would be chaotic. same logic, there must be ultimate moral law. laws created for being followed. if we don't follow this ultimate moral law, we need to pay the price, very simple. people kill need to go to prison to pay the price according to human law. but what about lying, cheating, being selfish, etc? we know these things are wrong, but we don't need to pay the price for these sins. the fact that we all know these things are wrong has already showed that we're created by God and God has written the moral code in our genes which is why we know these are wrong. ok, so if we commit these sins, we need to pay price for that. according to the ultimate law, 99.9999% people will go to hell, but God loves what he create, God does not want to see people end up in hell. either we pay the price or someone else pay the price for us. that why Jesus came to the world to pay the price for us so that we don't need to. this is just a piece of bible, why is the bible truth? because everything in bible make perfect sense, old testament and new testament actually surprisingly united and point to one thing which is law and love, judgement and salvation, and sin and choice. and if you study every teaching of Jesus, it's just so right and true, it's even beyond right and true, it shows us the reason and logics. it has nothing to do with disciples, i am convinced by the teaching and verses and the connection between the verses in old and new testament through a lot of fact checking, reasoning and logical thinking. all i can say is you have to really want to seek the truth, otherwise you won't find it. i used to be a non-believer. i was programed by the world, things i used to think were wrong when i was a kid, later on i did what i used to think wrong because everyone else is doing it or many people are like that. the ultimate moral code is in our genes, but it's covered by sins. we have to see the sins and dig out all the sins, then we can see the ultimate moral code in our heart. anyway, there is not enough space for me to write every wisdom and truth in Jesus. all i can say is Jesus is the red pill that will show you the truth. The truth is not gonna make you happy, but it will give you joy, freedom and the truth.
@bottlecap632 Jesus Christ, the Son of God, did exist and He died for you.
I told my mum I didn't want to go to church at 8 years of age. She asked if I'd rather go to Temple (she was an agnostic with Jewish background but not raised Jewish), and I said no because I don't believe that any gods exist. I tried, but never bought into the this collective dissonance of "faith". At least my mum understood.