Cole understands his character so well and honestly I couldn't ask for anything better, he knows what's best for Jughead and he gets the way he thinks, love that about him
Its not really surprising as Cole has no reason to come back to acting. Hes back because he loves the character. He said in an interview that before getting this role he wasnt sure if he wanted to come back.
He was offered a script for the part of Archie, but then he read the part of Jughead wanted Jughead instead. He said, "I wanted Jughead cuz he's the narrator he can't get killed off."
to add to what Belle is saying aroace does not mean someone will not fall in love or be in a relationship. Its on a spectrum and it really depends on if the writers feel he hits more on the demi portion of that spectrum as Cole said Archie, Jug, and Betty are childhood friends so since Demi depends on an emotional bond he may hit that with Betty or Archie but hold the preference for Females over males so he chooses betty. I would love to this in the show though because it is what the fans want but also covers what the writers want and it would add a different dynamic than boy has know girl for long time, boy and girl fall in love.
Wow, he is so eloquent! And kudos to Cole to do a research and be always so protective of Jughead. He really wants the best for him. I especially love this part: "After filming 13 episodes, it makes sense for me". Just another proof that they choose the right person to play Jughead. :)
I'm asexual, and the thought of having an openly asexual character on mainstream television would be EVERYTHING! It would be interesting and awesome to see how the other characters would react as well.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but Todd on Bojack Horseman is openly asexual. Aside from that, I can’t think of any examples, though I really wish there were more asexual characters on TV too!
so glad he went to college and got a degree and then came back to acting. he is so articulate and you can tell how intelligent he is just within his speaking
He is such an eloquent person. I love it when actors are given the chance/time to speak intelligently about their characters rather than 20 second to say 'how much fun it is to work on the project'
he's literally so intelligent and down to earth, he seems like a genuinely good person I wish I just had a chance to like sit down and discuss about gender equality with him or something
Some asexual people do have sex but they may do it just because they're happy to please their partner in that way or they feel sexual attraction occasionally or after an emotional connection. I think the thing is that Riverdale (from what I've HEARD) is more sexual now, and that while Kevin is clearly stated to be gay, (original) Jughead's asexuality is never mentioned or confirmed.
Couldn't Jughead be demisexual? I mean he has certainly known Betty long enough to have formed romantic and sexual feelings for her as a demisexual and it would explain why he sometimes acts asexual. As someone who is also demisexual, it would be so cool if this was true!!
To the people who don't understand why we want Jughead to at least be asexual: I can think of exactly zero ace characters in mainstream media. There is almost *nothing* addressing this, and he could have been an introduction to allowing us in. And even if he wasn't, there would then have been *one* ace character that I could think of in mainstream media.
TotalWeirdo what about Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory? Doesn't he fit the definition of an asexual?? Sure he's had sex in the recent seasons, but more to please someone else, not to fulfill his own needs... isn't that asexual behavior
I understand the want and need, and clearly so does Cole, but as cole said. You need to give it a chance and realise its in a different dimension than ever before. In saying all this. This show is clearly aiming for long term story line so there is plenty of time for Jughead to grow in to his sexuality, they are what? 16/17 right now in the show. Give them actual time
sherrijean03 Sheldon, if anything, is counter-productive to asexuality visibility. They play him off a robotic and emotionless, which is not asexuality. If that becomes the societal understanding of what asexuality is, it will drive people away from identifying as asexual, leaving them feeling lost/alone/different as many do before discovering asexuality.
sherrijean03 I am aro/ace. I have a filthy sense of humour, I am mentally and physically very ill, I spend most of my free time on the Internet, I love acting and writing, and I have friends who bark at me if I meow. Sheldon is a brain with legs, whos biggest character trait is that he doesn't care what's in between them. He is the human embodiment of every stereotype associated with asexuals - with a large dose of intelligence mixed in. He is analytical, antisocial, cold, struggles, for the most part, to form meaningful relationships with others... I could go on, but the point is, we are not robots. If that's your and the general public's idea of what asexuality is then there are a lot of very confused kids out there, trying desperately to figure out why they can't connect the way others can, why the idea of anyone taking their clothes off sends the wrong sort of shiver down their spine. I'm not trying to trivialise anyone else's struggle, but at least if you're gay, or bi, or pan you know what you're dealing with. You might not even realise how much of the world is, quite literally, *run off sex.* If you can't connect with that it's *terrifying.* We *need* representation, because, especially if you're aro, your childhood, your *life,* is more or less based off something that you can't understand, and you feel so, so alone.
I feel like cole sprouse is the type of person who could write a book about life and everyone would read it because the way he words things and his intelligence is just wow
Thank you for talking about this and not ignoring the matter, Cole! Really great job, you've done your research to see if it was a right thing to do and if it made sense, really respectable 👌🏻😊👏🏻
Cole is such an articulate and intelligent guy. I'm so impressed by a lot of the stuff he has to say, and I think people don't give him credit for that sort of deep thinking he shows. Too many people see him just as the twin from the Suite Life. It's awesome to see how much he's grown.
Cole Sprouse was such a great choice for this role and I love that he understands the significance of these questions and has objectively thought about Jughead in the different universes while deciding what he wants to portray in the role.
Cole is so well spoken, I really love how deeply he considers every aspect of Jughead's character. You can tell he really put research and time into it. It's true that we need more representation for the Ace community but I agree that his version makes sense.
LOL, I like the shipper name Bughead. It's quirky and weirdly cute. There was only ever one other shipper name I found this adorable and that was Puckelberry.
I'm really enjoying this bughead dynamic. I think Jughead has something Betty needs right now, that Archie doesn't, a dept to his personality that Archie lacks, a darker side she can identify with, and at the same time, Betty offers Jughead this care and human connection he's longing for. If it's going to last... I don't know, but I'm enjoying it so far. Like Cole said, it makes sense. I'm mostly interested in the journey of the character of Jughead, and if later they decide to go with the ace storyline I'm sure they're going to make it interesting and I'm going to enjoy. I just think that is too soon for people to be complaining so much and spread hate. Give it a chance and wait to see where the story leads you, but if it bothers you so much, then maybe stop watching, I don't know. I just think the hate is premature. Remember, Jughead is supposed to be 15 in the show. Not everyone knows, especially at a young age, who they are for sure. Heck, I'm mid twenties and I'm still here trying to figure shit out. Don't expect him to be 100% enlightened just because he's fictional. What's interesting about a character who, in the first season, knows exactly who he is and has 0 shit to work on and figure out? Also, this is the CW people! I honestly I'm surprised at how good, interesting and exciting the show is, it so much more than what I expected from that dreaded network.
Tatiana Galvao i agree. i love juggies dynamic and approach to betty. archie seems like a fuckboy and betty doesnt need that. juggies really there for betty and he understands her. hes a way better fit than archie is. GO BUGHEAD
Tatiana Galvao I agree that 15 is a young age to work out what you are and who you are and to be comfortable with that. However with this particular cast I'm so proud of how they've done the characters, they are all strong willed and independent and yes have dark moments but still know enough about themselves to not be weak. And for the sexuality thing, I've known since I was 13 that I was panromantic demisexual and it's taken me 4 years to accept to be called by those labels. Jughead might already know who he is and his sexuality but might not be comfortable to put a label on it yet which is totally fine
I appreciate how even though he was a child star he obviously still finished schooling unlike a lot of child stars and actually does his research and invests himself self into his character. He's very intelligent :)
It's so refreshing to hear an interview from someone whom is knowledgeable on the background of their character and how much time and energy is placed into it. Well stated indeed
baaaaaabe ❤ You can see the gears turning in his head and he demonstrates his understanding of his character so well. I just appreciate him so much. He feels like a breath of fresh air in this industry ☺
I adore this version of Jughead. Cole really does it for him. I mean i'm totally in love with how Riverdale manages to keep the general idea of the Archie comics, which is almost completely frivolous, while managing to immense it into something deeper, darker and worth making a series over. For instance without making it the basic thing about Jughead, i didn't miss out on the fact that there are linstances where you either see Jughead eating when no one else is, eating more that everyone else or making reference to food thus creating, though subtly, a distinction between him and the other characters food wisely. I also like his brooding character and complicated background, it kind of subdues the comicality of his character and makes him this intriguing character that I, and many other fans out there, can't get enough of. Go Cole!
I much prefer these kinds of interviews over the ones done by more popular, teen targetted channels, (*cough* Young Hollywood *cough*) I guess they appeal to different groups but I feel like this gave me some very valuable insight from an actor whose character intrigues me. Thanks for putting this up and not being obnoxious in the slightest.
I’m just glad that it’s been acknowledged and talked about so thoroughly by somebody who understands the issue and has researched it instead of going the other way of “this is our show and we can do whatever we want so you are all just dumb and if you don’t like it don’t watch the show” because that argument gets us nowhere
I appreciate Cole for everything he's saying and for advocating for asexual representation. The following comment is not directed towards him in any way at all. Yes, there needs to be asexual representation on TV. But the POOR HETEROSEXUALS need yet ANOTHER f**cking representation, so I'm SO GLAD they went with Bughead, because, you know, even though the Heteroos have 500,000 variants, they need another "tortured soul looking for love" representation. ... Fuck the show writers. Fuck RiverFail, AKA "another carbon-copy shitty teen drama, but with the Archie label slapped over it, because TV writers have no fucking imagination."
I don't even watch the show but man Cole Sprouse handled this conversation with such grace and maturity and he definitely has a firm grasp around his character and what he's all about and that's awesome.
He was such a huge part of my childhood, and I never realized how hearing him seriously talk about my sexual and romantic orientations seriously makes me so happy.
I appreciate that he outright says that Riverdale's Jughead isn't the same as the comic's
6 лет назад
The fact that cole used the word “incendiary” shows just how different of an actor he is compared with the usual actor or person, (and also shows how he’s matured since his suite life days at Disney) being very intelligent, engaged and well researched , I always love it when actors actually are very interested in the interview questions and give full, articulated, deep thoughts on it instead of cliche answers since it actually shows that they care about the source material as much as we do as viewers and fans.
I love hearing cole talk, hes so invested in what hes doing and he knows what hes talking about, he uses fine words and just overall looks like such an intelligent and interesting human being
I think also some people need to realize that this is their interpretation of the characters and what the character are in this so, as sad as it is, if they don't make Jughead a sexual, there's nothing that is as a an audience can really do. They can interpret the characters as they feel is nice and how they've done it so far is actually pretty impressive
I don't entirely disagree with your point, but I do think it is justified that Ace/Aro people are upset about this. Asexuality is, of the 4 umbrella sexualities (hetero, homo, bi, asexual), the least known. Having a character that is asexual on a TV show, giving asexuality that visibility, would be great in helping asexuals understand their sexuality, especially in our hypersexualized world. A world that often makes us feel awkward or out of place. Knowing that you are not alone or broken, as our hetero-normative society would have us believe, is incredibly relieving. Jughead could have done that.
this was a really good interview. I like that he has actually thought about it and cares about how the characters are portrayed. he actually gives well informed answers and not like some actors that just care about fame and a paycheck
I find it crazy how sometimes he looks like he hasn't slept for weeks and sometimes he has absolutely no eye bags. I think he's under a lot of pressure while shooting...
I think he knows his sh*t, and trying something a little different on screen is working with this plot arc. Both of their stories ( Juggy and Betty's) are so deep and amazing that they just work beautifully together. What they've found on each other is just beautiful, hope they end up together :)
all they had to do was not have an unnecessary sex scene between betty and jughead and they would've made so many people feel represented and welcomed ugh
Maddie L AGREED OMG!!!! Thank You!!! after watching that scene I felt uncomfortable and confused. I support Bughead completely, but why couldn't they just have an aromantic relationship instead of having a unnecessary almost sex scene & also their freaking sophmores!!! What are they doing having sex at the age of 15 or 16 in the story plot???😑😑😑 it just Made me pretty upset, Jughead needs support, not sex.
Sex with the right person is pure love, its sacred. and along with mental support, sex between jughead and betty would probably only thicken their relationship.
He said eveything we all wanted to hear: You can be in a relationship and be asexual, but he's also aromatic so idk why they shipped him with Betty n all ;-; it could've been a cool representation tbh
Apparently aromantics can also be in a relationship but not have romantic feelings. I don't exactly how that works but we'll love is love romantic or not
Hey Cole! Just to clear a few things up, asexuality can still be a part of Riverdale's rendition of Jughead. Although being ace means one doesn't feel any sexual attraction towards others, one can still feel intimacy, passion, companionship, romance, etc. There is also the possibility of Jughead being demisexual, which (I personally think) would be the perfect balance between the original archie comics and this new Riverdale world where "Bughead" is a thing. Allllsoo, being ace doesn't necessarily mean no sex whatsoever. Some ace-identifying people do have sex for different reasons, including that they enjoy the physical and emotional connections sex provides. So I think this asexual Jughead that you were so adamant about can work in Riverdale :)
So respectable, understanding and intelligent You can tell how much research he has done for this and his character Couldn't have picked a better actor to portray Jughead!
i feel like he really understands the character well, and i found the birthday episode in particular so emotional because i hate my birthdays as well and when they threw him a party usually in tv shows/films the character hates it at first but then gets involved in the party but he genuinely hated it...and its like he is genuinely damaged, not a 'cute' version that is shown in the media so much nowadays
I understand where he's coming from but it would be so awesome to have an aro/ace character on a show to relate to and see how the other characters and the people watching react
This makes me a frustrated as an ace person because when I heard that in the comics jughead was explicitly ace I was excited to see representation in a mainstream tv show and to see that just get pushed to the side was disheartening in a way I don’t think cole can understand like if I saw someone on a mainstream show explicitly say they’re ace I might cry because I’ve never seen that in a show before
He's smart and articulate it just makes him all the more attractive af. Like he's actually clearly put a lot of thought into understanding his character, and understanding this show in relation with the comics, I LOVE THAT OMG.
it's crazy that this is the boy i grew up watching on the suite life, he has grown to be such a good actor and to really get into the background of his parts. he's so handsome and intelligent, god i love this kid
it's a good interview. I love to hear from actors explain their interpretation of their characters. Cole seemed did a good research of his character, also the story.
Honestly, saying that there are fans who want asexual rep and fans who want Jughead to be with Betty and putting them on equal ground doesn't sound right to me. Jughead can be in a relationship and still be ace! You don't have to deny anything to any of the fans! On the contrary, Riverdale could give much needed representation to an often misrepresented and misunderstood community using the Jughead x Betty pairing. I very much hope they do so!
I think the community actually needs to calm down a bit and realise right now they are mid teens and still quite young. All the characters need time to develop.
I totally agree, especially when you consider erasing someone's actual identity to make them straight isn't equal to a hypothetical ship, regardless how popular it is.
Thank you Cole Sprouse for distinguishing asexual and aromantic.
StikWitClassics TRUE
StikWitClassics YAAAAASS.
He's amazing I love him so much
i love cole sprouse so much he is so intelligent and articulate, but also damn he is sure easy to look at
Camille kinsella same tho
He frankly looks way better as a brunette...
I agree
he's racist and an abuser...
Camille kinsella how tho?
Cole understands his character so well and honestly I couldn't ask for anything better, he knows what's best for Jughead and he gets the way he thinks, love that about him
Maggs gotta love him
Maggs Ikr
Dan Howell the phandom is everywhere
Maggs true (I'm apart of the phandom)
Maggs their job is to know their characters
I love how well he has done reasearch for his characters and the history of Jughead's relationship with Betty!
he worked at a cómic book store. and hes very intellegent. so yea
Its not really surprising as Cole has no reason to come back to acting. Hes back because he loves the character. He said in an interview that before getting this role he wasnt sure if he wanted to come back.
Did he audition or was he offered the part?
Hey would have auditioned. They all would have
He was offered a script for the part of Archie, but then he read the part of Jughead wanted Jughead instead. He said, "I wanted Jughead cuz he's the narrator he can't get killed off."
He needs to write a book. Or three.
Zoha Kashif Id buy all of them.
Zo Kashif he has written one with his brother its called The Betrayal .
Zo Kashif it was the 47 R.O.N.I.N series, which I love!!!
Zo Kashif Or maybe 87 i would read them lol
I like how much he seems to understanding the character
Gabbyb133 he worked at a comic shop and he's super smart and he loves researching stuff and his character
I enjoy the amounting of proper englishes in this comment
Pine Apple lol😂
Pine Apple English is not the first language for a lot of these people so way to be a dick.
Gabbyb133 666th LIKE
If we're talking about an asexual Jughead, he can totally be in a relationship.
Shirley Tirado yeah, I think roverdale Jughead is biromantic asexual
Shirley Tirado jughead was aroace in the comics and that should be on the show
to add to what Belle is saying aroace does not mean someone will not fall in love or be in a relationship. Its on a spectrum and it really depends on if the writers feel he hits more on the demi portion of that spectrum as Cole said Archie, Jug, and Betty are childhood friends so since Demi depends on an emotional bond he may hit that with Betty or Archie but hold the preference for Females over males so he chooses betty. I would love to this in the show though because it is what the fans want but also covers what the writers want and it would add a different dynamic than boy has know girl for long time, boy and girl fall in love.
in the show he was about to have sex with betty
Amanda12378 It's more about the connection though isn't it? Like not necessarily the sex it's the connection it has.
Cole has an amazing vocabulary.
Flora Seed incendiary
I feel like Cole is the less crazy James Franco of our generation
This is my favorite comment so far.
Nadia Vanessa lol
Nadia Vanessa James Franco, James Dean👍👍
OH MY GOD YEAH! I love them both, I love this comment too
Wow, he is so eloquent! And kudos to Cole to do a research and be always so protective of Jughead. He really wants the best for him. I especially love this part: "After filming 13 episodes, it makes sense for me". Just another proof that they choose the right person to play Jughead. :)
I'm asexual, and the thought of having an openly asexual character on mainstream television would be EVERYTHING! It would be interesting and awesome to see how the other characters would react as well.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but Todd on Bojack Horseman is openly asexual. Aside from that, I can’t think of any examples, though I really wish there were more asexual characters on TV too!
Could he be more intelligent and adorable at the same time? Like wow
Puck he is intelligent, adorable, cute, hot and his hair OMG ❤️
Can we just take a moment bc *OMG* he's so cute
DreamyShinyMely NiGhT YES also i love skam omg
Tosca Greenwood gurl *SKAM* is life too. Like Christoffer omg
DreamyShinyMely NiGhT Yasss we should be friends
We were friends before you asked that question LOLOL everyone who watches Skam is a friend to meeeeeee
DreamyShinyMely NiGhT yes gurl same for me
so glad he went to college and got a degree and then came back to acting. he is so articulate and you can tell how intelligent he is just within his speaking
This Kid is all brain, I love it. He has done great!
Endy Mars That comment made me laugh. The kid is all brain!
Endy Mars brains and looks holy wow
Is his hair just always naturally awesome????
Eternal Rose yes
Yes, you should know by now
No he was blonde but died it cause jughead had it in the comic
He is such an eloquent person.
I love it when actors are given the chance/time to speak intelligently about their characters rather than 20 second to say 'how much fun it is to work on the project'
Brilliant young actor. Such a rare gem nowadays. Good work Cole!
he's literally so intelligent and down to earth, he seems like a genuinely good person I wish I just had a chance to like sit down and discuss about gender equality with him or something
Oona Jaakkola or else be his girlfriend😂😂😂😂😂
He can be ace and date. shit I do it all the time.
Ynnep Torres but do you fuck?
no^ thats what that is dude
I do too and I'm aro (not ace, as some people stress that you cant be aro if you aren't ace(sorry, I had to make that clear))
EXACTLY! Then everyone would be happy!
Some asexual people do have sex but they may do it just because they're happy to please their partner in that way or they feel sexual attraction occasionally or after an emotional connection.
I think the thing is that Riverdale (from what I've HEARD) is more sexual now, and that while Kevin is clearly stated to be gay, (original) Jughead's asexuality is never mentioned or confirmed.
Couldn't Jughead be demisexual? I mean he has certainly known Betty long enough to have formed romantic and sexual feelings for her as a demisexual and it would explain why he sometimes acts asexual. As someone who is also demisexual, it would be so cool if this was true!!
That's what I was thinking!
Jessica Sheldon that'd be so cool!!
yes yes yes I love this
OH! I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thinks this!
Jessica Sheldon what is demisexual?
To the people who don't understand why we want Jughead to at least be asexual: I can think of exactly zero ace characters in mainstream media. There is almost *nothing* addressing this, and he could have been an introduction to allowing us in. And even if he wasn't, there would then have been *one* ace character that I could think of in mainstream media.
TotalWeirdo what about Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory? Doesn't he fit the definition of an asexual?? Sure he's had sex in the recent seasons, but more to please someone else, not to fulfill his own needs... isn't that asexual behavior
TotalWeirdo I know one! Raphael Santiago from Shadowhunters. Literally just that one
I understand the want and need, and clearly so does Cole, but as cole said. You need to give it a chance and realise its in a different dimension than ever before.
In saying all this. This show is clearly aiming for long term story line so there is plenty of time for Jughead to grow in to his sexuality, they are what? 16/17 right now in the show. Give them actual time
sherrijean03 Sheldon, if anything, is counter-productive to asexuality visibility. They play him off a robotic and emotionless, which is not asexuality. If that becomes the societal understanding of what asexuality is, it will drive people away from identifying as asexual, leaving them feeling lost/alone/different as many do before discovering asexuality.
sherrijean03 I am aro/ace. I have a filthy sense of humour, I am mentally and physically very ill, I spend most of my free time on the Internet, I love acting and writing, and I have friends who bark at me if I meow. Sheldon is a brain with legs, whos biggest character trait is that he doesn't care what's in between them. He is the human embodiment of every stereotype associated with asexuals - with a large dose of intelligence mixed in. He is analytical, antisocial, cold, struggles, for the most part, to form meaningful relationships with others... I could go on, but the point is, we are not robots. If that's your and the general public's idea of what asexuality is then there are a lot of very confused kids out there, trying desperately to figure out why they can't connect the way others can, why the idea of anyone taking their clothes off sends the wrong sort of shiver down their spine. I'm not trying to trivialise anyone else's struggle, but at least if you're gay, or bi, or pan you know what you're dealing with. You might not even realise how much of the world is, quite literally, *run off sex.* If you can't connect with that it's *terrifying.* We *need* representation, because, especially if you're aro, your childhood, your *life,* is more or less based off something that you can't understand, and you feel so, so alone.
he is such a beautiful, intelligent person and I absolutely love him
I feel like cole sprouse is the type of person who could write a book about life and everyone would read it because the way he words things and his intelligence is just wow
he articulates so well omg
He's so damn eloquent
Thank you for talking about this and not ignoring the matter, Cole! Really great job, you've done your research to see if it was a right thing to do and if it made sense, really respectable 👌🏻😊👏🏻
Cole is such an articulate and intelligent guy. I'm so impressed by a lot of the stuff he has to say, and I think people don't give him credit for that sort of deep thinking he shows. Too many people see him just as the twin from the Suite Life. It's awesome to see how much he's grown.
Cole Sprouse was such a great choice for this role and I love that he understands the significance of these questions and has objectively thought about Jughead in the different universes while deciding what he wants to portray in the role.
Cole is so well spoken, I really love how deeply he considers every aspect of Jughead's character. You can tell he really put research and time into it. It's true that we need more representation for the Ace community but I agree that his version makes sense.
LOL, I like the shipper name Bughead. It's quirky and weirdly cute. There was only ever one other shipper name I found this adorable and that was Puckelberry.
Exactly! I love the ship name Bughead and I don't see why people hate it... Jetty doesn't sound so great imo.
Puckleberry was my shit way back when omg. And I'm obsessed with both.
Mia Lovely Puckelberry was a good ship. Too bad it wasn't a big one tho. Good to see others ship them and talk about them.
Mia Lovely I love it too. But here's another one I was thinking of (just bored): Jetty
You spelled it wrong, it's puckleberry
I'm really enjoying this bughead dynamic. I think Jughead has something Betty needs right now, that Archie doesn't, a dept to his personality that Archie lacks, a darker side she can identify with, and at the same time, Betty offers Jughead this care and human connection he's longing for. If it's going to last... I don't know, but I'm enjoying it so far. Like Cole said, it makes sense. I'm mostly interested in the journey of the character of Jughead, and if later they decide to go with the ace storyline I'm sure they're going to make it interesting and I'm going to enjoy. I just think that is too soon for people to be complaining so much and spread hate. Give it a chance and wait to see where the story leads you, but if it bothers you so much, then maybe stop watching, I don't know. I just think the hate is premature. Remember, Jughead is supposed to be 15 in the show. Not everyone knows, especially at a young age, who they are for sure. Heck, I'm mid twenties and I'm still here trying to figure shit out. Don't expect him to be 100% enlightened just because he's fictional. What's interesting about a character who, in the first season, knows exactly who he is and has 0 shit to work on and figure out? Also, this is the CW people! I honestly I'm surprised at how good, interesting and exciting the show is, it so much more than what I expected from that dreaded network.
Tatiana Galvao i agree. i love juggies dynamic and approach to betty. archie seems like a fuckboy and betty doesnt need that. juggies really there for betty and he understands her. hes a way better fit than archie is. GO BUGHEAD
Tatiana Galvao I agree that 15 is a young age to work out what you are and who you are and to be comfortable with that. However with this particular cast I'm so proud of how they've done the characters, they are all strong willed and independent and yes have dark moments but still know enough about themselves to not be weak. And for the sexuality thing, I've known since I was 13 that I was panromantic demisexual and it's taken me 4 years to accept to be called by those labels. Jughead might already know who he is and his sexuality but might not be comfortable to put a label on it yet which is totally fine
Bruh u wrote a whole novel haha
I appreciate how even though he was a child star he obviously still finished schooling unlike a lot of child stars and actually does his research and invests himself self into his character. He's very intelligent :)
damn this is when they still took pride in their jobs and respected being part of the show lmao
cole is such a down to earth person he's so amazing
I could listen to him talk all day.
Thing is tho, Jughead can still have the "deeper companionship with Betty" and still be ace.
It's so refreshing to hear an interview from someone whom is knowledgeable on the background of their character and how much time and energy is placed into it. Well stated indeed
his vocabulary is just so artistic and eloquent
baaaaaabe ❤ You can see the gears turning in his head and he demonstrates his understanding of his character so well. I just appreciate him so much. He feels like a breath of fresh air in this industry ☺
I adore this version of Jughead. Cole really does it for him. I mean i'm totally in love with how Riverdale manages to keep the general idea of the Archie comics, which is almost completely frivolous, while managing to immense it into something deeper, darker and worth making a series over.
For instance without making it the basic thing about Jughead, i didn't miss out on the fact that there are linstances where you either see Jughead eating when no one else is, eating more that everyone else or making reference to food thus creating, though subtly, a distinction between him and the other characters food wisely.
I also like his brooding character and complicated background, it kind of subdues the comicality of his character and makes him this intriguing character that I, and many other fans out there, can't get enough of.
Go Cole!
He's so eloquent and articulate, bless Cole Sprouse
He is so well spoken, I can't even believe
he is so so articulate like u can really tell that he takes careful planning and care in choosing his words for each and every question
I much prefer these kinds of interviews over the ones done by more popular, teen targetted channels, (*cough* Young Hollywood *cough*) I guess they appeal to different groups but I feel like this gave me some very valuable insight from an actor whose character intrigues me. Thanks for putting this up and not being obnoxious in the slightest.
I love how he talks honestly he's so sure of himself he doesn't hesitate and he knows what he wants to say honestly so refreshing
Such an intelligent and articulate kid. Its such a pleasure listening to his discourse.
i just became more of a fan of cole. my gosh. that much passion on portraying the role correctly. what a handsome brain!! ❤❤❤
I think I might be in love with him
I’m just glad that it’s been acknowledged and talked about so thoroughly by somebody who understands the issue and has researched it instead of going the other way of “this is our show and we can do whatever we want so you are all just dumb and if you don’t like it don’t watch the show” because that argument gets us nowhere
I appreciate Cole for everything he's saying and for advocating for asexual representation. The following comment is not directed towards him in any way at all.
Yes, there needs to be asexual representation on TV. But the POOR HETEROSEXUALS need yet ANOTHER f**cking representation, so I'm SO GLAD they went with Bughead, because, you know, even though the Heteroos have 500,000 variants, they need another "tortured soul looking for love" representation. ... Fuck the show writers. Fuck RiverFail, AKA "another carbon-copy shitty teen drama, but with the Archie label slapped over it, because TV writers have no fucking imagination."
I don't even watch the show but man Cole Sprouse handled this conversation with such grace and maturity and he definitely has a firm grasp around his character and what he's all about and that's awesome.
My favourite blonde boy since the suite life
i love how well constructed and natural his answer was. most celebrities would avoid questions like these
Cole really understands his character and the community I love how he true my is open to new people and how they feel
I could listen to him talk forever, everything he says makes sense. He has such a mature outlook on things my goodness
god i admire him so much
He was such a huge part of my childhood, and I never realized how hearing him seriously talk about my sexual and romantic orientations seriously makes me so happy.
I appreciate that he outright says that Riverdale's Jughead isn't the same as the comic's
The fact that cole used the word “incendiary” shows just how different of an actor he is compared with the usual actor or person, (and also shows how he’s matured since his suite life days at Disney) being very intelligent, engaged and well researched , I always love it when actors actually are very interested in the interview questions and give full, articulated, deep thoughts on it instead of cliche answers since it actually shows that they care about the source material as much as we do as viewers and fans.
I loved his explanation. Also am I the only one noticing he was such an... old voice? idk
You do realise hes like twenty three right? hes not exactly a kid
I know, but he sounds like an older man. That's what I meant.
Old soul. He's only twenty three, but he seems to know himself completely. truly a joy to hear him speak.
Thank you for sharing this video!
Thank you for uploading this interview!
I love hearing cole talk, hes so invested in what hes doing and he knows what hes talking about, he uses fine words and just overall looks like such an intelligent and interesting human being
I think also some people need to realize that this is their interpretation of the characters and what the character are in this so, as sad as it is, if they don't make Jughead a sexual, there's nothing that is as a an audience can really do. They can interpret the characters as they feel is nice and how they've done it so far is actually pretty impressive
I don't entirely disagree with your point, but I do think it is justified that Ace/Aro people are upset about this. Asexuality is, of the 4 umbrella sexualities (hetero, homo, bi, asexual), the least known. Having a character that is asexual on a TV show, giving asexuality that visibility, would be great in helping asexuals understand their sexuality, especially in our hypersexualized world. A world that often makes us feel awkward or out of place. Knowing that you are not alone or broken, as our hetero-normative society would have us believe, is incredibly relieving. Jughead could have done that.
Perfectly and respectfully put. I wish I had more likes to give you, friend.
I love how Cole is so passionate about it all, it makes his role so much better
he was ace/aro in the orginal comics btw
I appreciate how he handled this so articulately and respectfully
Kinda sad that they didn't pursue the asexuality
this was a really good interview. I like that he has actually thought about it and cares about how the characters are portrayed. he actually gives well informed answers and not like some actors that just care about fame and a paycheck
I find it crazy how sometimes he looks like he hasn't slept for weeks and sometimes he has absolutely no eye bags. I think he's under a lot of pressure while shooting...
I think he knows his sh*t, and trying something a little different on screen is working with this plot arc. Both of their stories ( Juggy and Betty's) are so deep and amazing that they just work beautifully together. What they've found on each other is just beautiful, hope they end up together :)
all they had to do was not have an unnecessary sex scene between betty and jughead and they would've made so many people feel represented and welcomed ugh
Maddie L AGREED OMG!!!! Thank You!!! after watching that scene I felt uncomfortable and confused. I support Bughead completely, but why couldn't they just have an aromantic relationship instead of having a unnecessary almost sex scene & also their freaking sophmores!!! What are they doing having sex at the age of 15 or 16 in the story plot???😑😑😑 it just Made me pretty upset, Jughead needs support, not sex.
Maddie L yea exactly
Sex with the right person is pure love, its sacred. and along with mental support, sex between jughead and betty would probably only thicken their relationship.
He's so well spoken it's mesmerizing to hear him talk.
He said eveything we all wanted to hear:
You can be in a relationship and be asexual, but he's also aromatic so idk why they shipped him with Betty n all ;-; it could've been a cool representation tbh
Apparently aromantics can also be in a relationship but not have romantic feelings. I don't exactly how that works but we'll love is love romantic or not
I really like how much Cole has a background and understanding of Riverdale's source material/materials
Hey Cole! Just to clear a few things up, asexuality can still be a part of Riverdale's rendition of Jughead. Although being ace means one doesn't feel any sexual attraction towards others, one can still feel intimacy, passion, companionship, romance, etc. There is also the possibility of Jughead being demisexual, which (I personally think) would be the perfect balance between the original archie comics and this new Riverdale world where "Bughead" is a thing. Allllsoo, being ace doesn't necessarily mean no sex whatsoever. Some ace-identifying people do have sex for different reasons, including that they enjoy the physical and emotional connections sex provides. So I think this asexual Jughead that you were so adamant about can work in Riverdale :)
So respectable, understanding and intelligent
You can tell how much research he has done for this and his character
Couldn't have picked a better actor to portray Jughead!
Am I the only one who liked him since he was Cody?😍
I love that 👏🏼👏🏼 can he have his own podcast?!? Is listen to it 24/7
you can still have a romantic relationship if you're asexual, but i mean, the last episode
i feel like he really understands the character well, and i found the birthday episode in particular so emotional because i hate my birthdays as well and when they threw him a party usually in tv shows/films the character hates it at first but then gets involved in the party but he genuinely hated it...and its like he is genuinely damaged, not a 'cute' version that is shown in the media so much nowadays
1:56 did he just make a pun on purpose?
i love how cole always talks really eloquently and has researched knowledgeably for the jughead role
This aged like milk. Bughead stans are so aggressive about it. Sad...
I understand where he's coming from but it would be so awesome to have an aro/ace character on a show to relate to and see how the other characters and the people watching react
this makes me miss season 1 jug...
Can we take a moment and just appreciate Coles hair
I dont know I sometimes get some Ezra miller vibes from him. He's great as jughead.
This makes me a frustrated as an ace person because when I heard that in the comics jughead was explicitly ace I was excited to see representation in a mainstream tv show and to see that just get pushed to the side was disheartening in a way I don’t think cole can understand like if I saw someone on a mainstream show explicitly say they’re ace I might cry because I’ve never seen that in a show before
As an asexual I'm not offended by this because asexuality is such a broad term. It's not a 1 size fits all kind of thing.
He's smart and articulate it just makes him all the more attractive af. Like he's actually clearly put a lot of thought into understanding his character, and understanding this show in relation with the comics, I LOVE THAT OMG.
jughead can be asexual and still be with betty after all
it's crazy that this is the boy i grew up watching on the suite life, he has grown to be such a good actor and to really get into the background of his parts. he's so handsome and intelligent, god i love this kid
If you all saw the last episode of Riverdale, Jughead is DEFINITELY not asexual...😂😂😂
it's a good interview. I love to hear from actors explain their interpretation of their characters. Cole seemed did a good research of his character, also the story.
Cole is daddy af
Caitlyn Gutierrez Why was this comment needed
I could listen to him talk all day, and look at him. He's so beautiful and mesmerising.
Honestly, saying that there are fans who want asexual rep and fans who want Jughead to be with Betty and putting them on equal ground doesn't sound right to me. Jughead can be in a relationship and still be ace! You don't have to deny anything to any of the fans! On the contrary, Riverdale could give much needed representation to an often misrepresented and misunderstood community using the Jughead x Betty pairing. I very much hope they do so!
I think the community actually needs to calm down a bit and realise right now they are mid teens and still quite young. All the characters need time to develop.
I totally agree, especially when you consider erasing someone's actual identity to make them straight isn't equal to a hypothetical ship, regardless how popular it is.
Loving that Catcher in the Rye reference just shows how well educated he is! I love it