How come no one has commented on this video? How come only three people like it? Thank you VERY much for uploading! This is my favorite work by Vivier. It's a type of music that makes me feel I have a company somewhere... though distant, very present.
Magnificent! A sublime evocation of the human condition, by a great genius of late 20th century music... See the Dissertation on the music of Claude Vivier by Dr Ross Braes,University of British Columbia! Bravo and kudos to Susan Narucki and the Asko and Schonberg Ensembles,for this superb, definitive performance!
The more I listen to his music, the better it seems to me... In my humble opinion, Vivier is one of the greatest composers to have ever lived and his music is truly unique (the same I would say of Ustvolskaya)
Claude vivier was one of the best composers. It is really a pity that he left us so soon.... But this may also be the fate of great minds ... Thanks for the uploading. I ahev all CDs but had never seen a performance.
Bel enfant de la lumière dors, dors, dors, toujours dors. Les rêves viendront, les douces fées viendront danser avec toi. Merveille, les fées et les elfes te fêteront, la farandole joyeuse t'enivrera. Ami. Dors, mon enfant, ouvrez-vous portes de diamant, palais somptuex, mon enfant, les hirondelles guideront tes pas. Kuré nouyazo na-oudè waki nannoni eudou-a. Dors, mon enfant. Dadodi yo rrr-zu-i yo a-e-i dage dage da è-i-ou dage dage ou-a-è dagè dadoudè dagè dagè dagè na-ou-è ka jadè-do yanousè mayo rès tè de-i-a wè nanoni nowi i-è ka. Les étoiles font des bonds prodigieux dans l'espace, temps, dimensions zébréés de couleurs. Les temps en paraboles discutent de Merlin, les magiciens merveilleux embrassent le soleil d'or, les acrobates touchent du nez les étoiles pas trop sages, les jardins font rêver aux moines mauves. Reves d'enfant, donnez-moi la main et allons voir la fée Carabosse, son palais de jade sis au millieu des morceaux de rêves oubliés déjà flotte éternellement. Oh reine des aubes bleues donne-moi s'il te plaît l'éternité. Oh Reine. Koré noy Tazio. Koré kore Tazio Tazio Tazio. Koré noy na-ou yasin kè. L'heliante douce dirige vers les étoiles l'énergie sublime, Tazio, la langue des fées, tu la parleras et tu verras l'amour, Tazio, tendrement tes yeux verts, puiseront dans les lambeaux de contes surannés pour en créer un vrai le tien, Tazio, donne-moi la main, Tazio, Tazio, et l'espoir du temps, du temps. Hors temps apparaît mon enfant, les étoiles au ciel brillent pour toi, Tazio, et t'aiment éternellement.
Beauteous child of light sleep, sleep, sleep, forever sleep. The dreams will come, the gently fairies will come and dance with thee. Wonder, the fairies and the elves will fête thee and the merry farandole will inebriate thee. Friend. Sleep, my child. Open up, doors of diamond, sumptuous palaces, my child, the swallows will guide thy steps. Kuré nouyazo na-oudè waki nannoni eudou-a. Sleep, my child. Dadodi yo rrr-zu-i yo a-e-i dage dage da è-i-ou dage dage ou-a-è dagè dadoudè dagè dagè dagè na-ou-è ka jadè-do yanousè mayo rès tè de-i-a wè nanoni nowi i-è ka. The stars make prodigious leaps in space, time, dimensions striped with colored zebra-markings. The times discuss Merlin in parables, the wondrous magicians splash the glowing sun with gold, the acrobats touch with their nose the mischievous stars, the gardens make the mauve monks dream. Children’s dreams, give me your hand and let us go and look up the fairy Carabosse. Her palace of jade, lying amidst pieces of forgotten dreams, is already floating in eternity. Oh, queen of blue dawns, give me, please, eternity. Oh, Queen. Koré noy Tazio. Koré kore Tazio Tazio Tazio. Koré noy na-ou yasin kè. The gentle helianthus directs the sublime energy towards the stars, Tazio. The language of the fairies, you will speak it and you will know love, Tazio. Tenderly, your green eyes will dip into dregs of outmoded tales to create a real one, yours, Tazio. And the hope of time, of time. Beyond time, my child appears, the stars n the sky are shining for you, Tazio, and will love you forever and ever.
One of the most beautiful and I say BEAUTIFUL works in the contemporary classical music
How come no one has commented on this video? How come only three people like it?
Thank you VERY much for uploading! This is my favorite work by Vivier. It's a type of music that makes me feel I have a company somewhere... though distant, very present.
Magnificent! A sublime evocation of the human condition, by a great genius of late 20th century music...
See the Dissertation on the music of Claude Vivier by Dr Ross Braes,University of British Columbia!
Bravo and kudos to Susan Narucki and the Asko and Schonberg Ensembles,for this superb, definitive performance!
The more I listen to his music, the better it seems to me...
In my humble opinion, Vivier is one of the greatest composers to have ever lived and his music is truly unique (the same I would say of Ustvolskaya)
Vivier's music is truly fabulous. Great performance
Wonderful performance of a masterpiece
Claude vivier was one of the best composers. It is really a pity that he left us so soon.... But this may also be the fate of great minds ... Thanks for the uploading. I ahev all CDs but had never seen a performance.
Vanaf de eerste noten ben ik nieuwsgierig geworden naar zijn werken.
Dank aan het interview wat ik gelezen heb van reinbert de leeuw
Une œuvre magique et puissante interprétation. Le texte est écrit par Claude Vivier.
Bel enfant de la lumière dors, dors, dors, toujours dors.
Les rêves viendront, les douces fées viendront danser avec toi.
Merveille, les fées et les elfes te fêteront, la farandole joyeuse t'enivrera.
Dors, mon enfant, ouvrez-vous portes de diamant, palais somptuex,
mon enfant, les hirondelles guideront tes pas.
Kuré nouyazo na-oudè waki nannoni eudou-a.
Dors, mon enfant.
Dadodi yo rrr-zu-i yo a-e-i dage dage da è-i-ou dage dage ou-a-è dagè dadoudè dagè dagè dagè
na-ou-è ka jadè-do yanousè mayo rès tè de-i-a wè nanoni nowi i-è ka.
Les étoiles font des bonds prodigieux dans l'espace, temps, dimensions zébréés de couleurs.
Les temps en paraboles discutent de Merlin, les magiciens merveilleux embrassent le soleil d'or,
les acrobates touchent du nez les étoiles pas trop sages, les jardins font rêver aux moines mauves.
Reves d'enfant, donnez-moi la main et allons voir la fée Carabosse, son palais de jade sis au millieu des
morceaux de rêves oubliés déjà flotte éternellement.
Oh reine des aubes bleues donne-moi s'il te plaît l'éternité.
Oh Reine.
Koré noy Tazio.
Koré kore Tazio Tazio Tazio.
Koré noy na-ou yasin kè.
L'heliante douce dirige vers les étoiles l'énergie sublime, Tazio, la langue des fées, tu la parleras
et tu verras l'amour, Tazio, tendrement tes yeux verts, puiseront dans les lambeaux de contes
surannés pour en créer un vrai le tien, Tazio, donne-moi la main, Tazio, Tazio, et l'espoir
du temps, du temps.
Hors temps apparaît mon enfant, les étoiles au ciel brillent pour
toi, Tazio, et t'aiment éternellement.
Thank you very much for the text! Thanks a lot! Quelle musique si merveilleuse!!!!
Brava Susan Narucki !
Beauteous child of light sleep, sleep, sleep, forever sleep.
The dreams will come, the gently fairies will come and dance with thee.
Wonder, the fairies and the elves will fête thee and the merry farandole will inebriate thee.
Sleep, my child. Open up, doors of diamond, sumptuous palaces,
my child, the swallows will guide thy steps.
Kuré nouyazo na-oudè waki nannoni eudou-a.
Sleep, my child.
Dadodi yo rrr-zu-i yo a-e-i dage dage da è-i-ou dage dage ou-a-è dagè dadoudè dagè dagè dagè
na-ou-è ka jadè-do yanousè mayo rès tè de-i-a wè nanoni nowi i-è ka.
The stars make prodigious leaps in space, time, dimensions striped with colored zebra-markings.
The times discuss Merlin in parables, the wondrous magicians splash the glowing sun with gold, the
acrobats touch with their nose the mischievous stars, the gardens make the mauve monks dream.
Children’s dreams, give me your hand and let us go and look up the fairy Carabosse.
Her palace of jade, lying amidst pieces of forgotten dreams, is already floating in eternity.
Oh, queen of blue dawns, give me, please, eternity.
Oh, Queen.
Koré noy Tazio.
Koré kore Tazio Tazio Tazio.
Koré noy na-ou yasin kè.
The gentle helianthus directs the sublime energy towards the stars, Tazio.
The language of the fairies, you will speak it and you will know love, Tazio.
Tenderly, your green eyes will dip into dregs of outmoded tales to create a real one, yours, Tazio.
And the hope of time, of time.
Beyond time, my child appears, the stars n the sky are shining
for you, Tazio, and will love you forever and ever.