Had this for a while but overall it's disappointing. Predominantly used for BBC dab stations, the issue is that it won't hold the signal - turn it on, all good, very quick to tune, 5 bars reception which last 10-20 minutes and then the signal drops in and out quickly and repeatedly from 5 bars to 1. The only way to resolve is to turn the radio off and on again and start the cycle again. Sound is ok, a bit harsh, even for speech which is my main listening. I dislike the volume up/down rocker, a knob is always better, but I was swayed by the screen, which is very good. Onboard charging is good and batteries seem to last for ages, a couple of weeks with several hours use a day. I have the white version, it sits well in the kitchen/dining, but I wouldn't buy this model again.
The batteries in mine only last about 2 days! And the pre set stations don't hold at all! :( No problem with holding the signal though. Sound OK too :)
Just received mine. It's lovely, just what I wanted in a compact size which is ideal for travel. 🥂
Please review the latest play 30 from Roberts
Does it have a sleep timer?
Had this for a while but overall it's disappointing. Predominantly used for BBC dab stations, the issue is that it won't hold the signal - turn it on, all good, very quick to tune, 5 bars reception which last 10-20 minutes and then the signal drops in and out quickly and repeatedly from 5 bars to 1. The only way to resolve is to turn the radio off and on again and start the cycle again. Sound is ok, a bit harsh, even for speech which is my main listening. I dislike the volume up/down rocker, a knob is always better, but I was swayed by the screen, which is very good. Onboard charging is good and batteries seem to last for ages, a couple of weeks with several hours use a day. I have the white version, it sits well in the kitchen/dining, but I wouldn't buy this model again.
The batteries in mine only last about 2 days! And the pre set stations don't hold at all! :( No problem with holding the signal though. Sound OK too :)
same problem I got mine to listen to LBC, but signal keeps dropping. I am going to get a different one.
Give radio