I would definitely look into getting the colour to display. I'm thinking along the lines of you, scoring a joblot of disks from an old dev from the 80s and discovering unreleased game levels etc.
I have sorted the colour issue, which will be shown in a future video. Hopefully any newly discovered discs will now be shown in their glorious colours.
A.C.G. is "Ashby Computers and Graphics" aka Ultimate Play the Game!
I would definitely look into getting the colour to display. I'm thinking along the lines of you, scoring a joblot of disks from an old dev from the 80s and discovering unreleased game levels etc.
I have sorted the colour issue, which will be shown in a future video. Hopefully any newly discovered discs will now be shown in their glorious colours.
Hi, thanks for making these videos. Are these archived anywhere please?
They should still be online here: mikesretrotech.co.uk/userfiles/