Guys, Minggu depan aku mau bikin video tentang kata2 bahasa inggris yang berarti sama: look, watch, see. Hear, listen. Learn, study. Kalo kalian ada kata2 lain yang bingung, silakan komen dibawah :)
about "get" 1. get along (mulai akrab) -im slowly getting along with my roomates -my parents didnt get along well thats why they separated/divorced 2. get across (to make something more clear) - i have difficulties getting my point across 3 . get away ( kabur dari realita ) - i need to get away from work for a while 4. get ahead (menjadi sukses dalam hidup) - if you wanna get ahead in your life,then you should work hard 5. get by (bertahan hidup untuk survive dengan effort yang sangat minimum) -i think my english skill enough for me to get by 6. get into (memasuki sesuatu,atau menyukai sesuatu) -i've been getting into jazz lately -i got into harvard -what did i get myself into? (bindony: bjirr gw lg di situasi apaan nehh) kali aja ada yang mau nambahin catetanya yaa gaes komen dibawah.tapii inii lebih baik kalian nonton videonya sampe akhir yaa gaes lebih ngefeel+lebih inget juga.semangaaat🌈
1. I just recognized with my friend but I have gotten along with him. 2. The Listening is easier than I have to get it across. 3. I have been bored with this lie so I will get away from this situation. 4. Getting ahead is not easy, is it? 5. My ability can't get by, I have to improve it. 6. Recently, I am used to getting into your RUclips channel. Never try never know...
Suka bgt dengerin ka Naila ngomong, aku yg baru belajar bhs inggris mudah ngerti :") aksennya juga bagus. Sukses terus ya, tetep semangat bikin video buat kami yg masih belajar English 😁
Hi kak. Video" dari kakak sangat membantu, thankss Btw msih krg paham sama struktur kalimat" yg sering aku temuin di brbagai sumber kyk misalnya : - what did i get myself into? - is that wht u think girl have trouble choosing between? - there r something that i can't get away from. Arti kalimatnya sih ngerti, cma di akhir kalimat itu ada kata yg ngegantung gitu. Kalo bisa, bkin video penjelasan soal kalimat yg kyk gitu ya kak, msih krg paham cara nyusunnya. Makasih sblumnya maaf kepanjangan hehe, thankyouu kak sukses selalu.
Kata-kata yang ngegantung itu preposition. Kenapa ngegantung? karena setelah preposition itu seharusnya adalah kalimat atau frasa. Tapi.... biasanya kalimat dan frasa itu sudah dibicarakan sebelumnya, jadi tidak perlu disimpan lagi di akhir. Contoh: I gambled in Vegas and lost a lot of money. What did I get myself into .........( into disini menjelaskan gambled in Vegas and lost a lot of money). Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. I'll see you around
Terima kasih Mbak. Sangat membantu kontentnya. Next Mbak, konten 'Phrasalnya' mix Mbak. Karena Mbak sngt cocok dng topik 'Apa bhs Inggrisnya' , gabungkan saja Mbak. Phrasal yg d pakai dng kata yg susah di terjemahakan langsung ke dlm BHS Indonesia diblend. 2 in 1. Paket komplit. Sekali nonton dapat 2 hal. Mohon dipertimbangkan...
1. I can't get along with him anymore 2. I've been trying my best to get accross this words to you 3. It would be hard to get ahead, so I always make my self take a baby step to improve everyday 4. Live in another country looks like easy, but when it comes to you, you will struggle so you have to get by 5. English is difficult, but since I found this channel, I get into it Terima kasih kak Naila!!
kak, boleh request ga? buat video rekomendasi channel buat belajar bahasa inggris versi kak Naila dong, keknya setiap apa yang kak Naila ajarkan dan bahas selalu ada contoh kata/kalimatnya dari berbagai video native speakers dan menariknya channel2nya seperti bagus2, ada channel pengusaha/bahas bisnis gitu, yang presentasi jg, kalo aku paling TED si😂
Phrasal verb : get 0:39 get along = rukun / akrab 1:16 get accross = memperjelas sesuatu 2:05 get away = kabur/lari/pergi 2:48 get ahead = menjadi sukses 3:08 get by = bertahan hidup dgn minimum 5:11 get into = memasuki / menyukai sesuatu Thanks naila. Correct me if I'am wrong.
Mbak naila minta tolong, apa bahasa Inggris nya - " kemana saja kamu kemaren?" _"Siapa saja yang ada di rumah itu? _" Aku bukan tak cinta" _" Aku bukan tak mau" _"Aku bukan tak bisa" _" Aku bukan tak ingin Itu aja dulu mbak Thanks in advance
My opinion Is there anyone there(at that house)? ~~ ga terlalu yakin but you can use this sentence. It is not that i dont love you It is not that i dont want to ..... It is not that i can not... It is not that i dont want to / i it is not that i dont willing to
Hi... Would you please teach us about ( getting and get) for examples : 1. I am getting paid 2. you are getting fired 3. When he gets back 4. She is getting old 5. I will Get him to call you 6. Getting accepted 7. I am getting nails and hammer to repair the roof Why get and getting have lot of meanings ,it makes me crazy..
Hi Kak, I am one of your new subscriber from Indonesia of course . I would like to ask u. What the sentences u pronounce/what did u say before let's get started. Without further . . . let's get started . . I wonder . Could u type below? Thank u in advance
Thank you so much i learn a lot from this... But ive been curious for long may i know how you get those videos during video playing? Do u get those all during your process of learning english? Or you Just google some videos that is related to the material? Please answer 😊
Ka boleh bikin tentang words formation? Suka ga paham kalo dari misalnya dari verb disuruh ubah ke noun atau adj atau adv gitu, itu ada polanya atau gimana?
Just know this youtube channel, love the way to share her knowledge, she is beautiful jadi betah nontonnya. I think she will be a hot mom when she has a kid 😘
Guys, Minggu depan aku mau bikin video tentang kata2 bahasa inggris yang berarti sama: look, watch, see. Hear, listen. Learn, study. Kalo kalian ada kata2 lain yang bingung, silakan komen dibawah :)
home & house, miss & longing, can i & could i, wish & hope, every & each
Sound, voice, sama noise kak^^
Very get awasomee!!, The best get
Phrasal verb lagi. Hang around, look around, etc
Clean, clear
about "get"
1. get along (mulai akrab)
-im slowly getting along with my roomates
-my parents didnt get along well thats why they separated/divorced
2. get across (to make something more clear)
- i have difficulties getting my point across
3 . get away ( kabur dari realita )
- i need to get away from work for a while
4. get ahead (menjadi sukses dalam hidup)
- if you wanna get ahead in your life,then you should work hard
5. get by (bertahan hidup untuk survive dengan effort yang sangat minimum)
-i think my english skill enough for me to get by
6. get into (memasuki sesuatu,atau menyukai sesuatu)
-i've been getting into jazz lately
-i got into harvard
-what did i get myself into? (bindony: bjirr gw lg di situasi apaan nehh)
kali aja ada yang mau nambahin catetanya yaa gaes komen dibawah.tapii inii lebih baik kalian nonton videonya sampe akhir yaa gaes lebih ngefeel+lebih inget juga.semangaaat🌈
I've been getting into your channel since first time i saw.
1. I just recognized with my friend but I have gotten along with him.
2. The Listening is easier than I have to get it across.
3. I have been bored with this lie so I will get away from this situation.
4. Getting ahead is not easy, is it?
5. My ability can't get by, I have to improve it.
6. Recently, I am used to getting into your RUclips channel.
Never try never know...
Nmr 3 kayaknya lbh keren pake " im bored " , drpd " i have been bored "
Suka bgt dengerin ka Naila ngomong, aku yg baru belajar bhs inggris mudah ngerti :") aksennya juga bagus. Sukses terus ya, tetep semangat bikin video buat kami yg masih belajar English 😁
I got the new knowledge to improve my english right now, even who teach me looks so adorable, its perfect!
A great video. Thank you. Ada lagi nih salah satu contoh phrasal verb. come across
Mudah banget di mengerti, yg lagi belajar bhs inggris harus banget nih nonton semua video kak Naila yg cantiknya kelewatan😊
A good teaching, good learning tips, the important thing is a beautiful teacher as Kak Naila👍😊
Hi kak. Video" dari kakak sangat membantu, thankss
Btw msih krg paham sama struktur kalimat" yg sering aku temuin di brbagai sumber kyk misalnya :
- what did i get myself into?
- is that wht u think girl have trouble choosing between?
- there r something that i can't get away from.
Arti kalimatnya sih ngerti, cma di akhir kalimat itu ada kata yg ngegantung gitu. Kalo bisa, bkin video penjelasan soal kalimat yg kyk gitu ya kak, msih krg paham cara nyusunnya. Makasih sblumnya maaf kepanjangan hehe, thankyouu kak sukses selalu.
Kata-kata yang ngegantung itu preposition. Kenapa ngegantung? karena setelah preposition itu seharusnya adalah kalimat atau frasa. Tapi.... biasanya kalimat dan frasa itu sudah dibicarakan sebelumnya, jadi tidak perlu disimpan lagi di akhir. Contoh: I gambled in Vegas and lost a lot of money. What did I get myself into .........( into disini menjelaskan gambled in Vegas and lost a lot of money). Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. I'll see you around
i always follow your new update to upgrade my knowledge in learning English
Stay safe and healthy.. God bless u 😘
omg aku lg butuh ini banget, bc besok ujian tentang phrasal verb and you uploaded this at the right time, thanks!
video yang aku tunggu tunggu Thanks a lot kak for making this video, sekarang aku mulai paham phrases ini, di tunggu banget part 2 nya, semangat kak
Terima kasih Mbak. Sangat membantu kontentnya. Next Mbak, konten 'Phrasalnya' mix Mbak. Karena Mbak sngt cocok dng topik 'Apa bhs Inggrisnya' , gabungkan saja Mbak. Phrasal yg d pakai dng kata yg susah di terjemahakan langsung ke dlm BHS Indonesia diblend. 2 in 1. Paket komplit. Sekali nonton dapat 2 hal. Mohon dipertimbangkan...
That's great and useful. Thanks for your explanation about Phrasal verb of get. Cuz I've been Learning this one also 😍
1. I can't get along with him anymore
2. I've been trying my best to get accross this words to you
3. It would be hard to get ahead, so I always make my self take a baby step to improve everyday
4. Live in another country looks like easy, but when it comes to you, you will struggle so you have to get by
5. English is difficult, but since I found this channel, I get into it
Terima kasih kak Naila!!
Kak aku suka banget bljr tntang phrasal verb!!! Well, I'm waiting for the next video!
Apalah dayaku yang cuma tau "GET OUT" saat ketahuan nyontek saat SMA
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is the best comment 👌
thanks a lot for your effort to teach us how to speak english!
Ditunggu video phrasal verbs selanjutnya kak😍😍
kak, boleh request ga? buat video rekomendasi channel buat belajar bahasa inggris versi kak Naila dong, keknya setiap apa yang kak Naila ajarkan dan bahas selalu ada contoh kata/kalimatnya dari berbagai video native speakers dan menariknya channel2nya seperti bagus2, ada channel pengusaha/bahas bisnis gitu, yang presentasi jg, kalo aku paling TED si😂
Thanks kak, aku jadi ngerti penggunaan ttg get ..❤
Dirumah saja bisa bkin badan smakin berisi ❤️
Aku suka nonton channelnya ,very educated and makes me easyly anderstand how to speak fuently like a ative speaker
Sukses ya naila,ilmu yg kau ajarkan sangat membantu,like this channel ❤
Ga rugi gue subscribe channelmu,nai..
Phrasal verb : get
0:39 get along = rukun / akrab
1:16 get accross = memperjelas sesuatu
2:05 get away = kabur/lari/pergi
2:48 get ahead = menjadi sukses
3:08 get by = bertahan hidup dgn minimum
5:11 get into = memasuki / menyukai sesuatu
Thanks naila. Correct me if I'am wrong.
This is really usefull to learn more in english..
I get into your channel naila for a long time👍
Kak buat video penggunaan has been doong trus beberapa kata atau slang yang sering diucapin org british
saya terbantu sekali belajar phrasal verb...
Mbak naila minta tolong, apa bahasa Inggris nya - " kemana saja kamu kemaren?" _"Siapa saja yang ada di rumah itu?
_" Aku bukan tak cinta"
_" Aku bukan tak mau"
_"Aku bukan tak bisa"
_" Aku bukan tak ingin
Itu aja dulu mbak Thanks in advance
My opinion
Is there anyone there(at that house)? ~~ ga terlalu yakin but you can use this sentence.
It is not that i dont love you
It is not that i dont want to .....
It is not that i can not...
It is not that i dont want to / i it is not that i dont willing to
Thank you mbak Naila
Lebih sering bkin video tentang phrasal verb yang sering di pake dalam kehidupan sehari2 kak 👍
Seneng banget belajar di vidio kakak💜
Thx videonya kkk cantik, sangat bermanfaat😁
Kak bagaimana penggunaan kata into Dan onto kak masih bingung sekali mohon jelaskan ya kak
Love you Naila 😘
I love it
I'm so very happy when see this chanel
Do more videos about phrasal verbs because it's very useful.
when I look you, my heart get in my eyes
Thanks a lot for the lesson ka Naila, hope you stay safe and see you in the next video
I've been getting into your videos lately
Very helpful video, thanks
yeay another video, thanks for uploading and inspiring kak!❤
Thanks for the valuable lessons
Kak manis banget😭❤️❤️
Thanks a lot Miss. The lesson is helpful. Make another phrasal verb.
Hi... Would you please teach us about ( getting and get) for examples :
1. I am getting paid
2. you are getting fired
3. When he gets back
4. She is getting old
5. I will Get him to call you
6. Getting accepted
7. I am getting nails and hammer to repair the roof
Why get and getting have lot of meanings ,it makes me crazy..
Ini hanya masalah tenses aja present and continouos
Kaaaa banyakin video slang dan idiom lagi dongg eheheh
I love your channel it help me alot
Aku suka channel ini
Thankssss keep making videos
thanks naila you so helpful so much
Thank you so much kak!! 😁Have a nice day
Sangat bermanfaat❤
Terima kasih Mbak 🙏
Sangat membantu kak. Sangat membantu
Finally kawaii sensei appear and get to teach us again 😍
Thank you Banggt KK Buat Video yg Useful Btw kk tolong buat video tentang " Might be" bagaimana Cara Menggunakan Might be
Hi Kak, I am one of your new subscriber from Indonesia of course . I would like to ask u. What the sentences u pronounce/what did u say before let's get started. Without further . . . let's get started . . I wonder . Could u type below? Thank u in advance
Sangat bermanfaat, thank you kak🙏
Kak bahas slang lagi dong kapan kapan, banyak banget slang baru yang nggak aku paham
Thank you so much i learn a lot from this... But ive been curious for long may i know how you get those videos during video playing? Do u get those all during your process of learning english? Or you Just google some videos that is related to the material?
Please answer 😊
You got the lesson across
So nice. BismiLLAH
Hi naila im one of your subcriber
I wanna ask you the use of though in a sentence
makasih kak✨✨✨✨
Sering sering neng bikin nya
kak, request video tentang rising and falling intonation dong.
I love u naila
Ka boleh bikin tentang words formation? Suka ga paham kalo dari misalnya dari verb disuruh ubah ke noun atau adj atau adv gitu, itu ada polanya atau gimana?
"I have difficulties getting my point across", I can relate hhuhu [Jan,19]
It's verry useful
cantik banget sih.
Request Bahasa Perancis yah kak on next video
That cute little "hi"
Kak phrasal verb pake kata out please
more kak moreeeeee
Lagi cari polyglot indonesia hanya ada satu orang yang channel masih aktif lol.
Phrasal Verb, Take kak :)
Kalo kita menggunakan past gimana? I have got a long from my sister,. Is that correct ?
Get away n run away is same?
Just know this youtube channel, love the way to share her knowledge, she is beautiful jadi betah nontonnya. I think she will be a hot mom when she has a kid 😘
kak, aku salfok ke video2 yang dijadiin contoh. itu dapetnya gimana kak? apa dicari satu satu gitu?
Jujur mash belum ngerti get/got/getting across,kita bakal gunain get/got/getting,ini tolong jelasin sih ada yg paham tempat penggunaannya
The smart pretty girl....i like to watch your videos
Hola kak... Just wanna ask bout ur course. Can pay it with prakerja? Thx
kakkk, mau dong yang pronoun giti kak kayak 'ee' dan 'ea' hampir sama gitu kannn like see sea
Ka aku kesulitan bahasa inggris tuh gini,susah menempatkan kata get,getting,got.. kapan kita hrs menggunakan kata trsbut?? Jawab dong ka
Kayaknya nggak pernah dengar have/has gotten selama bertahun2 nonton film2 bahasa Inggris
Kaaa Nailaaa,,, kalau vocab Yang jarang dipakai, tapi saat mau makai ingat, gimana tips nya yaaa??? Makasih :))
Kakk gimana dgn get to verb 1, get somebody to (verb 1), get somebody (verb ing), get + verb ing. Mereka semua beda meaning ya kak?
Past participle itu apa?
I wanna get into your heart, but it just kind of my dream tho😂
kalo "aku paham maksud kamu" i get it atau i got it ? soalnya masi blm paham banget
Kalau go ahead apa artinya