Just a random thought: back in the 80s I spent some time working on a farm north of Brooks/Basano in Alberta. mustering cattle out on the community pasture (unbroken prairie) you would see stone rings that the farmer said were old teepee rings where the stones were used to weigh down the teepee skins. I always thought it odd that they were always single rather than several together. Now I wonder if they were, in reality, Sabe meeting spots? 🤔
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It's much appreciated!
You always find the most intesting things 🐺🐻🦍😊
@@johnruggiero3366 I am glad you enjoy my efforts. Thank you 💓😊
Just a random thought: back in the 80s I spent some time working on a farm north of Brooks/Basano in Alberta. mustering cattle out on the community pasture (unbroken prairie) you would see stone rings that the farmer said were old teepee rings where the stones were used to weigh down the teepee skins.
I always thought it odd that they were always single rather than several together. Now I wonder if they were, in reality, Sabe meeting spots? 🤔
@@davidwilkinson333 yeah teepee weights would tend to be multiple rings