When Gebisa was a senior at the former Alemaya College, now Haromaya University, I was a sophomore. He was a near 4 GPA student and graduated as the top student and got the Chancellor's medal from the hands of Emperor Haile Selassie. He was also a very good basketball player, being a member of the college basketball team. He was also one of the few students who sacrificed his valuable time in teaching in the elementary school run by the students in the village outside the campus, namely ADS (Alemaya College Dependent School). I am very proud of Gebisa for his great accomplishments. I hope he will do even more.
When Gebisa was a senior at the former Alemaya College, now Haromaya University, I was a sophomore. He was a near 4 GPA student and graduated as the top student and got the Chancellor's medal from the hands of Emperor Haile Selassie. He was also a very good basketball player, being a member of the college basketball team. He was also one of the few students who sacrificed his valuable time in teaching in the elementary school run by the students in the village outside the campus, namely ADS (Alemaya College Dependent School).
I am very proud of Gebisa for his great accomplishments. I hope he will do even more.
በትምህርቱ በጣም ጎበዝ።
ሌሎች መሬት ላራሹ እያሉ ሲንቀሳቀሱ እርሱ ግን ህይወቱን በትምህርትና ምርምር ላይ ያሳለፈ ዜጋ ነው።
እኔ ዓለማያ ኮሌጅ ስገባ እርሱ የመጨረሻ ዓመት ተማሪ ነበረ።
መልካም ዕድል።
thank`s docter hejeta
Great Great Great
Thank you! Congratulation !!!
Proud of the former Student of AMBO, where I completed my secondary School.
Very impressive storytelling❤
ዓቢይ ሰብ
Excellent !
Alem Gena aydelem Addis alem new yetemarut astekaklu
Eshi fayyee wandimachin thanks for your consrutcting comments. baayyee galatoomii!!!!
ረዥም እድሜ ሰፊ ቀለብ ይስጦ
My Oromo❤️💚❤
እኔ ከዚህ የተሻለና ፕሮፌሰር ገቢሳን ሊገልጽ የሚችል መረጃ እነግርህ ነበረ እኮ። ለወደፊት እየተዘጋጀህ ብትቀርብ።
ገቢሳ አዲስ ዓለም ኣለቃ ኪዳነ ወልድ ለመማር መጥቶ ኣበበ የሚባል ዘመዱ ኣራዳ ምተባል ትንሽ ሠፈር ሲኖር እኔም በዛው ትምህርት ቤት የሱ ጎረበት ሆኜ እንኖር ነበር:: ብዙም የቆየ አይመስለኝም:: በጣም ደስ አለኝ ሳያው የሰውን ፍዳሜ የሚያውቅ እግዚኣብሔር እንኳን ረዳህ:: እጅግ በጣም ነው ደስያለኝ:: ለአለም ሁሉ ምሳሌ የሚሆኑ እናት ናቸው እናትህ::
Geberew agedawinn enday tekembet agedaaa yelelew mashelaaa arekewww egziabhair yeyelehe gabissa !!!
You never now if he prefer to be an oromo or Ethiopian
His name identity is an oromo not Ethiopian
He is Oromo❤💚❤️