Ntseeg Yus Lub Siab Txhob Ntseeg Tej Lus Ntxias. 3/24/2020
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- Ntseeg Yus Lub Siab Txhob Ntseeg Tej Lus Ntxias.
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yog li tus niamtsev no hais kawg nkaus li. nyiam zaj neejneeg no kawgnkaus. yog cov niamtsev ua tau li nws hais no ces peb tsis hnov sawvdaws tej neej puas li. ua tsaug
thov qhuas koj tus me niam tsev aw... koj hais yog tshaj plaws tsis yog tim luag tabsi tim yus nkaus nkaus xwb... txhob mus mloog nej niam tej lus ntxias ntawd vim thaum kawg koj yuav yog tus raug tsim los ncaws tthiab ntaus.
Yog ib zaj ua zoo thiab muaj nuj nqis kawg nawb yus niam yus txiv yug yus loj tsis yug yus laus hlub los hlub tsis tis ntxha li yus tus txiv ntawv yus ib sab nws hlub yus lawm ces Ab tsij sib sib hlub kom txog hnub tuag kiag ntawm yus ib sab xwb thiaj yog qhov Tseeb thiab qhov tiag ♥️
Cas zaj neej neeg no chim tsam yuav funny thiab.
Tus viv ncaus kj zaj neej neeg zoo heev li os
Ua tsaug koj cov lus nyiaj lub kub os sister zoo heev li..i feel same way like u that why im stay until now...
Koj niam tsis yog ib leej niam zoo, vim koj niam npaj nrhuav koj lub neej kom koj txom nyem, yog koj ntseeg koj niam es koj txiav txim siab nrauj koj tus txiv ces koj daim ntawv ntuag, nco ntsoov tias niam thiab txiv tsuas yug koj loj xwb tsis yug koj laus.
Hais yog kawg nkaus li o
tus me niam tsev no zaj neej neeg hais tau yog thiab zoo kawg yeej yog li tus niam tsev no hais lawm
Yog li koj hai lawm os niam ntsuab teev
Kv niam yeej hai 6 kv tia yg kv yuav kv tu txiv ce xam tia kv tuag lm yg kv niam nco kv ce kv niam ma mu quaj tim toj ntxa tu siab kawg li o
( kV niam lam hai xb kv niam hlub kv tutxiv wb heev li )
Niam tais cob ntxhais ces zoo li koj niam ntag mas, sister enjoy ur life with ur love and ur kids
Wow niam tais nyaum nyaum tiag tiag li os ..tsis need mus visit niam tais ntxiv lawm os. Tsis tas hlub niam tais poj dab no li os.
Zoo kawg li os tus niam hluas txawm yog li ko es mus ua lub neej nrog yus txiv lawm ces txoj kev mus ntawm yus niam yus txiv ces tsis paub mus ua noj ua haus lawm thiaj nyob nrog yus tej me nyuam yus tus txiv laus tag li no os es yog nyob tau ces nyob zoo dua rov mus nrog niam txiv nyob yog ib txoj kev tu siab kawg li yog tias tsis zoo tiag li los mam nyias mam nyias nyob nyias yog nyob tau nyob zoo dua nawb txoj kev lwm tus ntxias tsis yog lawm yuav tsum ntseeg yus tus kheej xwb es txhob liam rau lwm tus tias vim lwm tus haub yus no os lwm tus twb tsis paub yus tej kev txij nkawm yus yog tus nyob nrog nws yus thiaj paub es yus yuav tau tiv thaiv yus lub neej thiaj tsis puas xwb thiaj yog qhov zoo tshaj xwb thaum txom nyem ces luag khoob qhov nrwg xwb no os
Yog. Txog npaj kawg laib thiaj li yuav yog tus hlub koj.
Zoo kawg og tus me niam tsev koj lub siab ruaj khov kaws nawb peb cov txiv neej yeej nyiam cov zoo ib zam li koj ko peb ntsub txhaj mas cov niam tais txw ntxhai thiab cov poj niam nraws xaiv mas peb tsis xav tau li nawb
Koj ua yog lawm os tus me ncaus.
Yog tias cov niam tsev coj li koj hais thiaj li tsis muaj kev sib rauj feem coob yog cov niam tsev raug tus ub tus no dag ces cia li ntseeg lwm tus ces sib rauj xwb
Good story from niam tais tus ntxhais. Yuav tsum ntse li no lub neej thiaj tsis puas.
👏👏kuv thov qhuav Tus niam tsev no heev! Kuv tus kheej mas ntxhub cov niag niam tais cob ntxhais tshaj plaws hauv lub ntiaj teb no! Kuv hais rau koj tias koj ua thiab hais yog lawm hauv lub neej no Yeej tsis muaj ib leej tus twg yuav ntxias tau yus li! Cov neeg uas pheej hais tias nws hais kom kuv ua/nrauj es kuv lub neej thiaj zoo li no lawm, Cov neeg no they just have to blame someone for their problems! Ua tau li koj ua mas yeej zoo heev lawm es thov kom sib sib hlub!
Yog lawmosniamntsuabteev
tus niam tais no kuv muab ncaws cuag ncaws dev g txhaum..kuv mloog zaj no ua 6 kuv ntshav siab kawg thiab tsov tom pog laus tsw ntxhiab no..
Yog li koj hais kawg li nawb me viv ncaus aw, tamsim no poj nrauj coob heev li lawm muaj tej tug lawv khiav hnab nrib qav lawm xwb os, lub neej twb muaj tus yus hlub thiab nws los hlub yus ces kav tsij tuav khov khov txhob muab tso, tej laus lawv twb yuav tag mus koj lub neej tseem tshuav ntev heev nawb.
1 tug niag niam phem li koj niam ces tsis txhob hlub nws lawm. Nws tsis hlub koj nws thiaj nws thiaj tsis txhawb koj thiaj xav rhuav koj lub neej kom koj txomnyem. 1 tug niam zoo li koj niag niam tsis hlub los yeej tsis khaum yus.
cov niam tai phem li no nyob lo nyhav av niam tai zoo ma txhawb ntxhai kom muaj nok j muaj hau muaj nyiaj
Viv Ncaws aw kuv twb nyob ib leeg ntsiag to tsis muaj niam muaj txiv tsis muaj neej muas tsav tsis noog Leej twg noo li os tus siab txaus lawm os
koj yog ib ntxhais taev ncauj kawg
Tau ib tug txiv zoo npaum li ko lawm ces yeej tsi kam nrauj os
Ntxub cov niam, cov txiv uas txw tub ntxhais ua phem thiab rhuav lub neej.
Yus txw yus tej tub nrauj poj niam, tej ntxhais nrauj txiv, rhuav tej neej puas tag, tso tej xeeb ntxwv ua ntsuag ciaj es ho zoo lawv lub siab.
Kuv thov kom sawvdaws pauv lo lus haistias lub tshoob no os vim nws tsis yog ib yam khoom uas peb yuav muab zuaj tau ua ib lub os Es cias peb pauv lo lus ntaw es kom tej minyuam thiaj tsis xyaum tej lus yuam kev ntaw os es peb yuav tsum hais lo lus tias rooj tshoob no thiaj li yog li ibtxwm tej laus hais mog tus muag koj muab xav seb puas yog li kuv hais os uatsaug ntau os.
Tus niam tsev koj ua yog kawg lawm. Yus niam yus txiv tsi yog yus lub neej.
Yog koj tsis tso tseg koj niam ces koj.lub neej yeej yuav puas.muaj ib hnoob,koj yuav tsum paub xaiv ntawm koj niam thiab koj tus txiv.tam sim no,koj yeej tsis ncaj vim koj tseem mus ua dev nqiag rau koj niam...es koj tus txiv nws yeej tu siab lawm tsuas yog koj tsis xav pom xwb.koj hlub nws ces txiav koj niam ntawm koj lub neej vim niaj hnoob no koj tseem noj ob tog.
Koj yeej ntse kawg li os me ntxhais aw...thaum ub 3 nyob sab tim ub yog kuv ntse li koj ces kuv lub neej twb tsis puas ces kuv twb tsis txom nyem li niaj hnub no mas me ntxhais aw
Nej cov tseem muaj ntxhais nas tseg txoj kev phem li no nawb ntxim ntxub tshaj plaws ntiajteb
Yog lawm kuv xav li tus niam tsev no thiab tsis muaj tus ntxias tau yus li.
Txhob chim rau koj niam mog, twb yog vim koj niam tsis hlub koj tsis hlub koj cov menyuam, tsis nyiam koj tus txiv, neb thiaj rau rau siab ua tau lub neej zoo zoo, cia li zoo siab thiab ua koj niam tsuag
Yog lawm
Yog muaj tseeb tiag niam tais ua kuj tsis yog lawm, vim tsov txaij nraud neeg txaij hauv kev nyiam nyias nyiam nyias. Tub ku tsuas yug hlob xwb tsis yug laus tiam tshiab nim no tsis yog ntoo qaug es hmab nrog hos hmab qaug ces ntoo nrog lawm xwb yog tias niam txiv txawj yoog ces tau lo lus tias I love you hos tsis txawj yoog ces hnov lo lus tias O G los sis old man no lawm xwb nawv mog hmoob niam hmoob txiv vam tias nyaj nej yuav to taub kuv cov lus lawm mog hmoob meskas.
Ntiaj teb hmoo tej poj niam muab rau koj niam ib leeg phem ruam los ntiaj teb koj niam ib leeg ruam
Niag Pom Niam no yog Siam tsiaj Xwb muaj Siab muaj ntsws Niam Thiab trivium thiamine ntxub USA luaj txawm yog Niam thiab trivium los yog this suav Yus lawm ces this txhob Niam hnuub laws les lung thiab ntxub.
This mother in-law should think careful what she say to her son in-law. She never know who will be the son-in law love them when they get old. The mother and father in-law have 2 son in law, but does she really know they will love her. Why the mother keep coaching her daughter divorce her husband? She only create more problem for the whole family from the top tree down to the root.
Good for you that you listened to yourself and followed your instinct.
cov niam tais zoo li no mas ntxim mag ncaw taw kom nws nyob tau tau xwb
mi niam tsev aw 100 khub txij nkawm 90 khub poj ni!m qhuav ho muaj ib khub yog niam tsev qhuav xwb os
May god bless u both for be strongest and dont listen to your mom. To be honest....your mom never love u...she trying destroyed your marriage. Truthful mom will accept your husband and respect your love. Happy for u both to stand strong against your mom. Wish u both the best.
Good story 😊
Tej zaum koj niam nyiam koj tus txiv es thiaj niaj hnoob yais kom koj nrauj nws poj?
Sister, you got a strong heart. You know what's great for you. Good choices.
Cas koj Niam yuav phem luaj.. koj tu txiv hlub koj xwb ces yuav li xwb..
kuv hais li koj yus hlub leej twg lawm yeek tsis muaj leej twg ntxiam tau li nawb
Great, smart and good principles house wife. I admire your mentality and your commitment to your life may god bless you.
Niam tais is way too much. Omg!!
I support this lady 100%.
You are 💯% right!!! I agree with everything you said!!!
good story
This is a real true love. You set a good example for our parents to learn and understand our young generation.
Laib es pua yog hom laib hau ya mab na lo.
Im proud of you. Im the same way. If you're 18 and over, nobody can brainwash you make you do things you don't want to.
Good for u lady glad you stood up to yo parents
Tus sister aw ib tug niam zoo li yog kuv no kuv tsis need mus saib nws lawm yog you tus txiv hlub txaus lawm tus niam tais zoo li ko g need mus saib Los tau lawm
Cov niam pog thiab niam tais coj li tus hauv zaj neej neeg no thov kom nws muaj hmoo es nws tau txais tus kab mob Coronavirus sai2 es kom nws ncaim lub ntiaj teb no sai2 nawb..!!👿👿👿
Koj niam tsi ua li ntawd ces neb lub neej yuav tsi sawv li ko naws
Koj niam phem tshaj plaws li o tus muam
muaj tseeb kuv zoo li koj thiab ua li ko yog lawm
Wow. I love this story. Good for you for not listening to your mom.
i agree with this women
Vim koj niam yog noob poj nrauj naw...
Great job on standing your ground. Parents like yours should stop trying to tear their kids life’s apart.
At the end of the day, it’s about you and your husband. Your guys relationship!
True LOVE and true support from your partner conquer all 💪😘 glad you listen to your heart and believes in yourself. Your mom has her own life and you have yours.
Omg...sounds like my stepdad. He used to bribed me daily for 2 years to leave my husband and if I left, he'll buy me a house, any car I want, etc. It got so bad to where I don't even visit my parent's house for a very long time. The stress of our jobs, school, raising our kids is stressful enough...I didn't need the extra stress telling me to leave daily. Not worth the mental stress I was put through. 😭😭
Haha Ua cas yuav pe ze niam tais ko tawm ua luaj os.
You’re damn right! You have a strong heart. Damn, your mom is evil.
Niam tais yawm txiv hlub yus li cas ces yus hlub luag li ntawv xwb mas, txhob mus xyuas lawv, Yim xyuas ntau lawv yim ntxub thiab nkim sij hawm thiab nyiaj txiaj xwb
Good for you for following your heart.
Tus niam tais no twb tsis yog neej sa ne yog neej thau xwb. Viv ncaus aws koj thiab kuv xav tib lub siab os
You’re right sister. You made the right choice by sticking with your husband. Your parents may think they love you but they don’t.
koj niam ma pem ua luaj li os viv ncaus, txhob tu siab os
Tus niam tais zoo li ntawd twb yog tus vauv zoo dhau lawm thiaj tseem mus saib twb nyob teb chaws vam meej tab sis nws tsis vam meej
Niam tais zoo li koj tus ces tsis thas hlub lawm os tus viv ncaus aw.
I’m glad my parents love me and my husband including my kids.
I can't stand old women and men that say bad mean words to their children!
Your mom just need to quit it. You've been married 15 years and she's still telling you to divorce your husband, shes crazy!
Wow...this is just like my life. 🤦♂️
You are very smart girl. You doing right, your mom not love you. You have a evil mom, but remember you have only mom in the world no body can replace her. Love her still, never leave her.
Woman, learn how to be humble, regardless if your parents don’t love you, if your husband and in laws love you that should be enough, why do you even care about the little things.
Kuv xav tau koj tus f os niam lau
Yog kuv tau ib tug niam tais zoo li tus no mas. Tuag kuv twb tsis mus saib os.
Disgusting in-law! Cas tseem muaj cov niam tai zoo li no in 21 century.
Aw so sad...
Kuv muab number ib rau koj os tus me viv ncaus es tsis mloog koj niam tej lus txw koj os nawb.
Ua cas koj phej xav mob koj taub hau dab tsi os tus muam ruam es.yog lwm tus ces twb tsis quav ntsej ib tug niam vwm li koj tus.
Tus kwv tij cov tattoo yeej tsis muaj dab ntsis ntau tab sis vim koj muaj ces zoo li koj tsuj tau tus hneev taw tub sab.
Ub tus niam tais no cas yuav ruam tsab ntse tiag2.
It’s ok. My husband is Cambodian and I am Hmong. My mother has never liked him because he’s a different ethnicity. He’s successful and we have a comfortable life with 4 kids. My mom has never been to my house and she’s not close to my kids at all. She’s never said anything positive about us. Whatever. It’s come to the point where I don’t go over for anything unless it’s for my siblings. If it’s my moms birthday, you can be sure I won’t show up.
Koj niam phem txav li os vov ncau