★ The Maple Leaf Forever - Canadian Armed Forces - Serenata Immortale ★

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Subscribe To My Channel: Canadian Forces - Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy , Royal Canadian Air Force and Reserves 2002 to Present
    Video made by: Matthew Worth (Canadianmatt3)
    Artist: Immediate
    Song: Serenata Immortale
    Video Footage: DND

Комментарии • 284

  • @cameronkennedy3229
    @cameronkennedy3229 10 лет назад +16

    This is what the Canadian Forces does best, kicks ass and keeps the peace. Welcome Home to all Canadian Forces Personnel from Afghanistan and RIP to all 158 souls that were killed in this 12 year campaign. Thanks for all you have done.

    • @user-ki4we3gw9h
      @user-ki4we3gw9h 4 месяца назад

      Hey Cameron. I appreciate your support for our Canadian Forces family.
      What most people do not know is that our federal government does not give our Canadian Forces the tools they need to fulfill the missions our same government gives us. Like, due to budget cuts, the Airforce got rid of our Chinook heavy helicopters. And then, when Afghanistan happened, the government tried to take our ancient SeaKing helicopters from the Navy to fulfill that role. And then they realized our Navy helicopters could not take the sand of the desert, and they were so old the maintenance per hour was prohibitive. (and we did not have sufficient spare parts) And our ships would be sitting ducks against subs if we did not have our helicopters.
      We sold our Chinooks, and all their spare parts to the Dutch for a pittance. And then bought new ones!
      The Army was just about to get rid of our Leopard1 tanks, because they were "too aggressive". And the sale was turned off at the last minute, because it was realized they were so needed In Afghanistan. Then we got Leopard2 tanks to deal with the heat over there.
      Do you remember Yugoslavia? We sent troops there with nothing more than their assault rifles. (I was serving in Germany at the time). And our troops got shot up bad. The Brits brought their Challenger tanks with them, and when the Serbs got feisty, the Challengers shut them down. Our troops had to hunker down in their foxholes and just took it. I have a neighbour who served there and he still suffers from PTSD from that deployment.
      I would pit our Canadian Forces against anyone. But, I just plead that our government gives us the tools for the job they send us out to do. Otherwise, a lot of young Canadians die to make our politicians look good, while they get to go to fancy conferences in five star hotels.
      From a Canadian Forces paratrooper. (retired now, but still ready to go. Green light on?)

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  11 лет назад +7

    Thank you very much for the support, I returned from my 9 months in Afghanistan last week and am now on leave for a bit which is nice. Hope all is well with you and yours and again thank youf or the support, not just for me but for the all Force members. Cheers

    • @user-ki4we3gw9h
      @user-ki4we3gw9h 5 месяцев назад

      Thankyou Canadianmatt, for your service, and these amazing videos you have put together. Showcasing our people.
      Respect from a retired Canadian paratrooper.
      All the way. Osons.

  • @jessiewalton7163
    @jessiewalton7163 7 лет назад +16

    proud to be a Canadian.. thank you from the bottom of my heart

  • @devonhague2531
    @devonhague2531 10 лет назад +16

    god bless the canadian armed forces for keeping my home country canada safe so god bless canada!

  • @pauljohn5272
    @pauljohn5272 10 лет назад +42

    Im enlisting as an infantry soldier within a year roughly and cannot wait. Canada's military at the beginning of 2013 was ranked 19 in the world over all. As of 2014 we are ranked 16. Canada has the potential to have an even larger military but the government isnt doing a good job of advertising the careers available. Iv got some buddies enlisting with me via word of mouth. I love this country and will trade my life for it saftey any day. Nothing but respect for our troops!

    • @rickeyandres7891
      @rickeyandres7891 10 лет назад +1

      im dont have lots of details about canadian forces even though im a canadian, is canada not strong because of the population? i know that the soldiers have some pretty good skills

    • @pauljohn5272
      @pauljohn5272 10 лет назад +10

      Rickey Andres The Canadian Forces is decent sized and very much well equipped and trained! Canada has a branch of special forces that all are under command of CANSOFCOM (Canadian special operation command) there units include, JTF2(Joint Task Forces 2) a tier 1 unit that could be compared to the DEVGRU or SAS in terms of skills and capabilities. There is also CSOR(Canadian Special Operations Regiment) 427 Special Aviation Squadron which are a different class of pilots as they have advanced training to assist the SF in operations. CJIRU(Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit) who are the guys who deal with biological, chemical and nuclear weapons and chemicals. Something I want to point out is that to create a "list" and rank SF units is utter stupidity as they each have diffrent capabilities, a more accurate way of doingredients this would to use metaphorical " basket" This is because SF units such as JTF2, DEVGRU, SAS, KSK Etc. Are on a diffrent level. See Rickey, Canada has a strong and decent sized military so these stereotypes surrounding the Canadian Armed forces are largely false. Canada has a good population the real area and reason we don't have more people enlisting is cause out goverment hasn't really gotten a handle on recruitment adds and promoting the Military as a great career(Which is it) The Canadian Forces are some of the best trained soldiers out there along with the US, British, German, Russian troops. Our Military(Canadian) is capble of having 1 million active and reserve personal serving, now to put this into perspective the Russian Armed forces have around Roughly 1.7 Million Active and Reserve Personal (I'm not 100% sure on the numbers for Russian troops exactly but it's around there) Me personally, I hate the stereotypes that surround the Canadian Military as weak under funded etc. And I assure you that is not the case. Just to let you know I am not discouraging any other countries armed forces. But, Rickey the Canadian Armed Forces are a strong, advanced and capble fighting force. (Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes)

    • @NovaScotiaNewfie
      @NovaScotiaNewfie 10 лет назад +1

      ***** Training is not neutral. You train for readiness, when your unit gets orders to deploy on some mission. Canada is not neutral. Canada trains along side it's NATO and other allies. We host ofher nations here.
      Canada has troops training in Poland. Were Canada neutral they would be home. It's to send a message that Canada does not agree with Russian troops in Ukraine. It doesn't mean Canada will be going on combat missions but it's making a statement and it's not one of neutrality.

    • @Horthale
      @Horthale 10 лет назад

      Paul John
      The Arned Forces are absolutely underfunded, anything heard otherwise is propaganda. We have 15 warships to defend the largest coastline in the world, and a number of those ships are out of commission for re-fittings. Our military is drastically underfunded for a country our size. We're beneath Pakistan for gods sakes.

    • @pauljohn5272
      @pauljohn5272 10 лет назад +2

      Jason Britain has 19 warships and we have 14. Reason im using Britain as an example is because they have a well equipped military and decent budget while the US has a over all bloated defense budget. But fact is even if we put our defense budget on par with Britain its not like we would be able to afford 65 Destroyers like the US. We defiantly are facing budget cuts and we are being affected but mostly when it comes to training. And trust me Jason, im pretty educated when it comes to this subject. All im saying is that your blowing it out of proportion. Honeslty, it isn't a amount of money problem as much as its a how that money is being spent. The problem is a 19 Billion doller budget (Roughly) is decent but the problem is the Harper government has been not replacing equipment when it needs replment that its hampering our budget with up keep. Its way more costly to operate a fleet of battered fighters or ships then new ones. That being said the Canadian military is doing good. By the way im not calling you "stupid" or anything, im simply stating fact. I do agree with you that some of its equipment needs replacement.

  • @Alan_Mac
    @Alan_Mac 8 лет назад +30

    Canada's armed forces, along with The Anzacs, are possibly the most intelligent in the world.

    • @harryohrt5255
      @harryohrt5255 4 года назад

      America's have intelligence, too....its just that the NSA doesn't like to share.

  • @infinitecanadian
    @infinitecanadian 8 лет назад +21

    Canadian Forces For Ever!

  • @joecoyote42
    @joecoyote42 12 лет назад +4

    Good Job. Remember the poor soldiers at home trying to put their lives back together. Don't just stare, lend them a hand or say a kind word. Sometimes just a smile can make a person's day.

    • @user-ki4we3gw9h
      @user-ki4we3gw9h 4 месяца назад

      Hey Joe, thankyou for that. I live on a small Gulf Island off the West Coast of BC. We have damaged soldiers here, from their service. They still struggle with what they experienced. We have 1400 people on Denman Island, and I personally know 3 damaged soldiers.
      You would be surprised about the number of military veterans on our tiny island! Canadian Navy, AirForce, Army, USN, US Airforce and even Rhodesian Light Infantry!
      As a cold war warrior, I did 36 years in uniform without a hitch. But, I am an exception. And so lucky.
      When you see a veteran, remember he or she was fully prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. For his or her mates, for the Unit, for the mission, for our Country. Which are things our despicable political "masters" would never fucking do...
      Wishing you well joecoyote. Yes, a smile given can make all the difference.
      From a retired Canadian paratrooper.
      All the way.

  • @AGentlemansJourney77
    @AGentlemansJourney77 13 лет назад +4

    2 thumbs up. Matt, you do a hell of a job and you make me so proud to be a Canadian. Watching these give me goose bumps and tears of pride to my eyes. Thank you for the videos AND thank you for your service.

  • @snowy16100
    @snowy16100 12 лет назад +2

    We are so very proud of our Canadian men and women serving around the world...I thank God each and every day I am a canadian citizen. We are first to volunteer,and first to help be peacekeepers around the globe...an entire nation tips their hats to our fighting forces--God bless 'em, you are a credit to your nation!

  • @JACKAL747
    @JACKAL747 9 лет назад +10

    God bless my Troops Thank u Alot for serving my Country and Keeping my Country Canada safe

  • @aaronkesler88
    @aaronkesler88 10 лет назад +23

    God bless the candian army and thier armed forces may your country be safe.also hello from America and I also want to visit Canada some day :).

    • @camerontaylor5683
      @camerontaylor5683 9 лет назад +4

      Lol, thank you patriot! We will welcome you with open arms!! Beware, its a tad bit cold!

    • @aaronkesler88
      @aaronkesler88 9 лет назад +5

      Le Todd I don't mind I love the cold :)

    • @TheYukonnahanni
      @TheYukonnahanni 6 лет назад +1

      T.Y. PLEASE COME & SEE THIS GREAT LAND , YOUR NEIGHBOURS! You will be welcomed ,Come to the North,, To The Yukon !!

    • @blake-deathbelch7356
      @blake-deathbelch7356 4 года назад

      I welcome you when you come

  • @jackt9159
    @jackt9159 10 лет назад +7


  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  13 лет назад +2

    Thanks for the comments and liking the video. Feel free to subscribe to my channel for more videos and future videos to come. Cheers Matt

  • @stormagedon666
    @stormagedon666 12 лет назад +4

    i'm enlisting next year, going to do what my family has been doing for canada for the past 100 years..defending this great land.

  • @glenntreble5331
    @glenntreble5331 9 лет назад +22

    I miss serving! I really enjoyed serving Canada for over 28 years! And I would have kept on serving. But due to many injuries I could not serve any more! Which sucks! John Like your statement! First part is great. Second, nice, However. Not feasible in our world! It would be nice! But only message it would send is Canada is open, come and conquer us! And some one would. Out of greed or something else! Canada is second Largest country in world and has most resources in world! and so much taped potential! (only Because of our population) because our doing more then most countries for peace and prosperity then any other! No sane man or woman wants war! Canadian Forces will do every thing it can (alone with Canadian Government ) to avoid war. however cross us, and we will finish it! That is a fact and a historical one too! As peace, total peace! That will only truly come when Jesus comes back and Judgement day is upon us! Too many in our world would take advantage of any sign of weakness! You can not protect, or hold any country or land with out a standing Army, Navy for it's Coast lines and Air Forces for it's Air space! That is is just plain simple fact of our world! Facta Non Verba / OSONS

    • @user-ki4we3gw9h
      @user-ki4we3gw9h 5 месяцев назад

      Hey Glenn, I miss serving in our family too. It is not a job, it is not just a career. The Canadian Forces is family. The best I have ever had. I would do it all over again, but I am over CRA.
      I wish you well buddy.
      Canadian Airborne Regiment. All the way.

  • @unidentifixd-li4621
    @unidentifixd-li4621 7 лет назад +7

    Respects from CANADA, for those who served and protected and made sacrifices to help bring peace across the lands and for ever they shall be remembered for what they did and what they did for each other. Respects to all countries include our brothers (U.S.A, United Kingdom (great Britain) Canada it's self for all the help they did back then and even today's war to help bring peace to this world. and to the other allied countries that are with Canada, respects to you's as well. Let peace roam free around the world. i will be following my families timeline to be in the army so for those who wish me luck type good luck or like to pay your respects. thank you

  • @paulgerald7682
    @paulgerald7682 3 года назад +2

    I should be with them . I am Canadian. I am proud . And I respect our Canadian Forces .

    • @user-ki4we3gw9h
      @user-ki4we3gw9h 4 месяца назад

      Go Paul. You will never find a more awesome organization and a better band of brothers and sisters to be with, than the CF.
      I am retired now, but the CF is my family. Not like working for an insurance company or Home Depot. You get to make a difference, surrounded by people who have a purpose.
      I do not believe in our government or whatever the main stream media says. I believe in the Canadian Forces. All the way.

  • @Howard25247
    @Howard25247 13 лет назад +1

    Thank you for all who fight for the world peace.
    because of your tear we can smile.
    Your fighting for us, so we can live with peace
    and...because your dying there we can live.
    Thank you...

  • @snowy16100
    @snowy16100 11 лет назад +1

    we may not be the biggest...but we are amongst the best in the world. Thanks for posting this!

  • @triggermanloyal2840
    @triggermanloyal2840 7 лет назад +3

    So many memories

    • @user-ki4we3gw9h
      @user-ki4we3gw9h 5 месяцев назад

      Me too buddy. It was not a job it was an adventure with benefits. And it is my family forever.
      All the way. Airborne!

  • @snowy16100
    @snowy16100 12 лет назад +1

    doesn't matter how many times I view this video....I am a proud Canuk,and so very proud of our Canadian Armed Forces.! Good on ya....and thanx for posting this Mat!

  • @Denmandiver1
    @Denmandiver1 11 лет назад

    Thankyou CanadianMatt3. Trooper Worth. This is an outstanding video. Makes me proud of our men and women in the Canadian Forces.

  • @45Irwin
    @45Irwin 13 лет назад

    A fellow Canadian salutes you for your loyalty to your country and military. There aren't many of us!!!

  • @TheYukonnahanni
    @TheYukonnahanni 3 года назад +1

    Lives given, UNCONDITIONALLY !! Lives lost !! Memories still Remain !!

    • @user-ki4we3gw9h
      @user-ki4we3gw9h 5 месяцев назад

      Hey Yukon. It is in our CF contract. We call it unconditional liability. It means we agree we can be ordered on a one way mission. But, unlike most people, we in the CF are insured in a war zone, and insured for suicide.
      I cannot imagine a more noble and ethical organization than the Canadian Forces.
      It is worth it.

    • @TheYukonnahanni
      @TheYukonnahanni 5 месяцев назад

      T.Y for your reply :)) perhaps, I ,missed some of the small print, re" Suicide, but as Medical, my Job & Vocation with C.A.F WAS ALWAYS TO DO THE BEST I COULD TO SAVE LIVES ... No Matter Where We were Deployed... ~~ I Def !! Agree with You, That There is a Not a More Ethical Organization than C.A.F. !! . @@user-ki4we3gw9h

  • @rhettgonzales
    @rhettgonzales 10 лет назад +15

    To die for to defend for and to serve for......

    • @byronhenry3877
      @byronhenry3877 10 лет назад +16

      As an American, i love our neighbors to the north. Anyone messes with Canada, they'll have to get through us both.

    • @canadianbacon3846
      @canadianbacon3846 10 лет назад +2

      That goes both ways pal ;)

    • @nicolaecarl
      @nicolaecarl 10 лет назад +1

      Damn straight it goes both ways!

    • @devilsoffspring5519
      @devilsoffspring5519 4 года назад

      @@byronhenry3877 Thank you :)

  • @vikingblood0408
    @vikingblood0408 5 лет назад

    5 members of my family served in the Canadian forces from the Boer war to the 2nd and I'm damn proud of them! I think of them every day.

  • @jinhan5129
    @jinhan5129 5 лет назад +1

    So very proud of our Canadian troops. Canada for ever in our hearts

  • @TheCanadiansFTW
    @TheCanadiansFTW 13 лет назад +1

    The two people who disliked this a obviously ungrateful to the sacrifice made to keep them free.

  • @timbest81
    @timbest81 13 лет назад

    Love it! The CF16 pilot throwing up the "Rock" sign, FANTASTIC!

  • @SuperZFunkey
    @SuperZFunkey 11 лет назад

    I'm Chinese, and I think these guys are my heros, thumbs up if your Chinese and think the same way.

  • @youresucker1276
    @youresucker1276 12 лет назад

    from an editors perspective saying, scenes are from various vids, however you combined them so smoothy with unnoticed transactions, I agree with AmericanMilitaryPower, this is Flawless

  • @ym6294
    @ym6294 10 лет назад +4

    Long live Canadians and our native brother

  • @robdunnett1258
    @robdunnett1258 2 года назад

    I know this isn’t a Canadian Forces recruitment video, but, damn, it OUGHT to be. Well done, lad....and welcome home. 🇨🇦

  • @jvmax100
    @jvmax100 13 лет назад

    i will say that this is the best military video i have ever seen, great job canadianmatt3

  • @Senegal259
    @Senegal259 13 лет назад

    @canadianmatt3 ex RCN here from 1977-85. Served on HMCS Terra Nova, Restigouche, Chaleur, and Miramichi. Excellent videos. Makes me proud to have served Canada. All those ships are gone now, but replaced by far better classes. "Steamers" were not fun, but we got the job done.....

  • @Axgoodofdunemaul
    @Axgoodofdunemaul 12 лет назад +2

    Hats off for the brave Canadians! I'm not forgetting what they did for us during the Fall of Saigon in 1975, and later in Iran. That's not mentioning WWI and WWII. All Canadians should know the name of Flora McDonald and Judy LaMarsh, two outstanding Cold Warriors.

  • @snowy16100
    @snowy16100 12 лет назад

    thanx for posting this vid Mat....hadn't seen it for a while,it's easy to forget the great job our forces do, around the globe--we may not have the largest armed forces, but we're amongst some of the best trained in the world. Big thumbs up to our men and women who give unselfishly to serve our great nation... :)

  • @TheYukonnahanni
    @TheYukonnahanni 5 лет назад +1

    As Canadian Medical, I have Served with many Nations,, We ARE N.A.T.O .. I am as Medical an '''A" POLITiCAL PERSON... But that being said,, I Pray with all my Heart , that the People of the U.S.A. get it together & find how to work together for your Nation.. The World looked up to you for many years , but now, not so...You do not represent Freedom anymore.. As a Canadian who shares , the Values of North America, I hope you will take a look at it all & recover what the origin of your Founding Fathers Constitution meant .. No Man shall become King , nor Change the rights of Others , No man shall change the right to FREEDOM OF THE PRESS !! Take Care my Friends , Vote well , give Freedom , be free!! As A CANADIAN MEDICAL OFFICER THAT HAS SERVED WITH SO MANY OF MY AMERICAN FRIENDS , IN AFGHANISTAN, & IRAQ, I WISH YOU ALL WELL !! WE HAVE A SAYING !! AND ,, THOSE THAT HAVE SERVED WITH US , KNOW IT WELL !!!!

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  13 лет назад +2

    @SereneSatellites Considering when you look at the side of the video and it states Artist :Immediate and Buy song on itunes:Serenata Immortale and also it states it in the video bio so get off your high horse. When you make and edit things then you can discuss until then get "irritated" some wheres else.

  • @user-ki4we3gw9h
    @user-ki4we3gw9h 4 месяца назад

    Thankyou Trooper Worth. For showcasing our Canadian Forces family.
    I did time in the private sector. It sucked. It was about making money for someone else up the food chain. They did not give a shit about service.
    My career in the CF was not about the bottom line. It was about making a difference. And I was Logistics. It was all about service.
    Servitium Nulli Secundus.
    I would do it all again in a heartbeat. But I am too old. And' I think, the CF is still mandating the RMNA shots... so who wants to go there? Despite all the CDS's they fired, saying they would not support having their troops as guinea pigs...
    Our veterans died to hold on to our freedoms. Why is our Canadian government (Liberal and NDP lapdogs), trying so hard to take those freedoms away???
    From an Airborne trooper. (retired now)

  • @Denmandiver1
    @Denmandiver1 4 года назад

    Thankyou Canadianmatt3. This is an awesome video. Civilians don't have to sign an "unlimited liability" clause in their employment contracts... But then again, they do not get life insurance in a war zone and are not covered for suicide... We in the Canadian Forces are. Unlimited liability is the requirement of a member of the Canadian Forces to die on lawful order to complete the mission. Sucks, but it is the best and most ethical organization (read family for those who are in) that I have ever been a part of. How can this compare to Costco or Walmart or HomeDepot? Not on your life!!

  • @LvVida
    @LvVida 12 лет назад

    Thank you all that have served. Least we forget.

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  12 лет назад +1

    @Abeltramello Thank you kindly, it was not too bad, it was the first video I made using "epic" sort of music so was just trying things out with this one. I find making them relaxing and De-stressing. When I am in Afghanistan next month I will be making more I am sure on down time.

  • @theJNCsaga
    @theJNCsaga 12 лет назад +2

    just makes me proud to be canadian

  • @Denmandiver1
    @Denmandiver1 9 лет назад

    Thankyou Canadianmatt3 for this awesome video. I send best wishes to those looking to join our Canadian Forces family. You will never regret your decision. It is not CostCo, Walmart, or Home Depot. It is a family, and an organization, where we make a difference. At home, and around the world.
    Those who suggest demilitarization... are we in a more peaceful world? After we extracted our "peace dividend" in the 80's? No. We now live in a more dangerous, more unpredictable world than ever before. Think Global climate change, peak oil, human population overshoot...
    Remember, there will always be a Navy off your coast.
    Yours, or somebody elses.
    Servitium Nulli Secundus.

  • @lintu25
    @lintu25 11 лет назад +2

    Canada is perhaps the most peace loving country in the world.
    Long live the Canada and King Gord ;)

  • @searats20
    @searats20 12 лет назад +1

    Our brave men and women in action! We owe our lives to them.....bless the best nation in the world and long live Canada!

  • @KelliReimer
    @KelliReimer 11 лет назад

    Thank you Canadianmatt for all your dedication and hard work creating
    these amazing videos to help represent and remind us of all that our military does!!!

  • @Denmandiver1
    @Denmandiver1 3 года назад

    Thankyou Canadianmatt3. For showcasing our brothers and sisters in uniform.
    We who have signed the "unlimited liability clause" for our country. (look it up armchair warriors), support you.
    Trooper Worth, thankyou for this.
    Are you Armoured or Airborne?
    Sent from an Airborne Trooper.
    Servitium Nulli Secundus.
    Yup, Airborne Service Commando.
    Osons. Death from Above.

  • @randyhill5901
    @randyhill5901 12 лет назад +1

    Excellent job , well done . Thank you Mr. Worth . I'd call this work a ' labour of dedication ' . I will be subscribing to you channel to watch more of your work . I've added this piece to my play list titled " Canadian History " . You do realize this work of yours IS our Canadian History in the making... right now . God bless you , stay safe . R. Hill ( proud civilian )

  • @cameronjodoin309
    @cameronjodoin309 5 лет назад

    For over a hundred years, Canadian soldiers have been at the bulk of some of the toughest and deadliest wars known to man. Throughout them we have proven our worth. In the first world war, we were known by the Germans as the deadliest fighting force they had set eyes on. In the second world war we took one of the most difficult beach heads of D-Day with ease, we liberated the Netherlands and defended valiantly against the Japanese in Hong Kong. In the Korean War we were again at the bulk of the front. In Croatia, one Canadian platoon of 30 men managed to fight off over 2000 Croatians despite being largely outnumbered and outgunned in order to protect a small village from being ruthlessly slaughtered. In Afghanistan we were again at the bulk of the fight in Kandahar, the most dangerous province and we still come out victorious. Now we are in Mali, the most dangerous U.N. peacekeeping mission yet. History has proven itself time and time again, that all jokes aside. It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it.

  • @XKS99
    @XKS99 13 лет назад

    As a Canadian who has spent several years living in the US I can only say that we are in this together, and I'm glad we have such a great people as the Americans as our allies.

  • @Denmandiver1
    @Denmandiver1 11 лет назад

    I love this video and its accompanying music! Thankyou Mathew! The CF has been the best part of my life and family for 36 years. Servitium Nulli Secundus! Airborne!

  • @2ndRCHAret
    @2ndRCHAret 11 лет назад

    Very well done Matt and thanks for your service.All of my life I have been very proud of my 5 years of service. As I'm sure you are and will continue to be. I just hate seeing the guys and girls come home through Trenton in caskets.It goes with the job but we dont have to like it.

  • @Howard25247
    @Howard25247 13 лет назад +1

    We will fight for stop fight, and we ard bleeding for stop bleeding.
    Whatever it takes we will fight for peace

  • @federanger
    @federanger 12 лет назад

    great video man , watched it everey day like 5 times , joining next year

  • @AddMaGT
    @AddMaGT 11 лет назад +1

    Love the Canadian twist on the RAF ensign.

    @OBEYZO 11 лет назад +1

    i love this video! all respect in the world to the Canadian armed forces and all the armed forces around the world! ill be joining the Canadian army very soon and i am excited to serve.

  • @Denmandiver1
    @Denmandiver1 12 лет назад +1

    Thankyou for this video! The Canadian Forces is more than a career, it's family.
    Servitium Nulli Secundus. Go Navy. Airborne!

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  11 лет назад

    I have trained with the Americans in Fort Knox and worked with them as well as the British, Aussies, Germans, Turks, Romanians, Singapore, French, Kiwis, Italians, Norwegians, Jordanians, Afghan N.A and others while overseas.

  • @Denmandiver1
    @Denmandiver1 8 лет назад +1

    Today. On Nov 11th 2015, there are 1,500 CF personnel operationally deployed around the world. On 14 different missions. Away from friends and family. They don't go home at the end of the work day and the commute home to supper. They go to bed to be awoken for the next watch... and hope to find time for the next email home. The next Sat phone connection to their family... Today I attended Remembrance Day with a community of Gulf Islanders (yes. I know, the Left Coast). And we talked about the stupidity of war, and the waste. We also talked about the family of the military community, and our hope for peace. There was the recogition that we, in industrial civilization, were forgetting the lessons of history. The horror of war. You ask any member of the Canadian Forces today. And they will tell you. War is stupid. Lets avoid it if we can. And, lets remember those members of the Canadian Forces who have gone before us, and hope our politicians have the sense to keep us out of harms way until we are needed.

    • @yukonnahanni
      @yukonnahanni 7 лет назад

      Thank-you for that so true observation !!

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  13 лет назад +1

    @canadianmatt3 The Office of the Secretary of Defense states that the F22 needs 34 hours of maintenance per single hour of flight, The Pentagon requirement is for 12 hours of maintenance per flight hour. The F-22 also reportedly encountered a critical failure every 1.7 hours. According to Lt. Col. Wade Tolliver rain has caused "shorts and failures in sophisticated electrical components" when the Raptors were briefly posted to Guam. Now all this may be just

  • @canadianatwork6753
    @canadianatwork6753 9 лет назад +2


  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  13 лет назад +1

    @canadianmatt3 Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced in April that the military would shift more funding towards intelligence and personnel, rather than hardware only suitable for fighting major wars like the F-22, specifically stating that it is too expensive and does not have sufficient multi-mission capability for current military operations which the future F-35 will provide. In February 2010 the entire fleet was grounded due to rusting ejection seat rods.

  • @dirkx99
    @dirkx99 12 лет назад

    Thanks for this awesome video.. although I have never served I am a staunch supporter of our military. very excellently done video. esp like 1:07 , 1:41, 2:20 -2:23, 2:54 and 3:16-19.

  • @Teamcanada98
    @Teamcanada98 12 лет назад +1

    Great video, a great video for a great army & the great nation that army protects. The maple leaf forever!

  • @5Cdarkwing
    @5Cdarkwing 11 лет назад

    Thank You, for all you do for us !

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  13 лет назад +1

    Welcome back to the official names of the the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), Canadian Army and Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). These titles have not been used since 1968 when the then Liberal government merged the Canadian Army, RCAF and RCN into one unified organization called the Canadian Forces striping the branches of their pre-1968 traditions and identities. The Cdn Army was called "Land Force Command", RCN called "Maritime Command" and the RCAF called "Air Command" from 1968 to Aug 16th 2011

  • @maxrocks19
    @maxrocks19 13 лет назад

    we need to start a petition to get the DnD to employ you to make recruiting videos.

  • @JoshHopkinsYT
    @JoshHopkinsYT 7 лет назад

    Proud to have you as an ally

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  13 лет назад +1

    @iconindy The F-22 is a nice fifth-generation fighter but it is plagued with malfunction issues, has yet to see any non training operations, besides intercepting Russian bombers near North American air space along side the Canadian air force. The Canadian Forces will be acquiring the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter within the next 10 years so having the Raptor which its self is no longer seeing any funding or reorders within the US Armed Forces would be something many nations would not look into.

  • @Arriscraft
    @Arriscraft 12 лет назад +1

    greatest country, defended by and army noble and just as a army can be |!

  • @CyberSamTV
    @CyberSamTV 12 лет назад +1

    Go Canada!
    -Greetings from Taiwan

  • @CeaserTJ
    @CeaserTJ 13 лет назад +1

    @rubiconus You should have a lot to smile about, you helped show the world how this great country contributes the the world

  • @TheJakemate
    @TheJakemate 12 лет назад +1

    nicely done man! it makes me proud to be a canadian, honestly i was getting a little pissed that our gov't didnt have inspiring military videos like the americans but i can see youve got it covered!

  • @klittninja
    @klittninja 13 лет назад +1

    I'm proud as hell to be a Canadian. Awesome vids.

  • @Alex911TheCanadian
    @Alex911TheCanadian 13 лет назад +1

    Nice video. I am thinking of becoming a law officer myself with the AIr Force.
    I don't think I am going to RMC.
    But again, nice video.

  • @vladtepes97
    @vladtepes97 12 лет назад

    dang it. i was looking for the maple leaf forever. nice video though. maybe i'll watch the whole thing another time. continuing my search.

  • @syncmaster941bw
    @syncmaster941bw 13 лет назад

    Great video canadamatt3. Canada Proud

  • @SuperTekZone
    @SuperTekZone 11 лет назад

    The C7A2 is a modification of the C7 and C7A1 rifles, which are in turn modifications of the US M16A2. The biggest differences between the M16A2 and the C7 series is that the C7's have heavier barrels with a 1:7 twist that can handle the hotter FN SS109 ammunition, heavier bolts, heavier receivers, and full-auto capability.
    Diemaco may have manufactured the rifle, but it didn't design it. But in typically Canadian fashion, it improved an already fairly decent weapon system.

  • @Steacy783NUTS
    @Steacy783NUTS 13 лет назад

    Very Impressive ! Ex SSF Hussar ! Always proud !!! Good ol' fashioned 5 star rating !

  • @funnyproductions456
    @funnyproductions456 14 лет назад +1

    cant wait i do all my testing tomorrow !

  • @sleepinalldaymf
    @sleepinalldaymf 11 лет назад

    I used to live in canada for 8 years and now I I live in usa for 6 years and all I gotta say mo matter which country you are from thank all the soldiers that are sacrificing their lives for us cuz remember usa and canada are allies, not enemy's so americans stop hating on canada and canadians stop hating on the usa

  • @stormagedon666
    @stormagedon666 12 лет назад

    Makes me proud to be Canadian

  • @vegetation1
    @vegetation1 13 лет назад

    Awesome work!
    I was wondering what program did you use to make the video.
    By the way, perfect slow motion at 1:55 !

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  13 лет назад +1

    @canadianmatt3 Do not get me wrong pound for pound, the F-22 is by far the most capable fighter plane in the world right now. Along with Lockheed Cross-Breeding Raptors, Joint Strike Fighters it shows it is still a great fighter, but back to the main point you stated was it was too bad the CF does not use F-22's compared to our fleet of CF-18 Hornet's and as all those previous comments from me shows the F-22 is too expensive, has a history of malfunctions( Mind you they are improving),

  • @lindakostin514
    @lindakostin514 12 лет назад

    Wow! I have goose bumps! Thank you!

  • @SuperTekZone
    @SuperTekZone 11 лет назад

    Even though I'm half-Irish, I feel the same way and would do the same if I were young enough and fit enough to serve in the military, and that's because of my Scots ancestry on my father's side of my family, and the fact that I have distant relatives living in Scotland (who I've never met, admittedly.)
    Interesting to see how, almost 150 years on, the pull of the mother country is still strong.

  • @Canadianmatt3
    @Canadianmatt3  13 лет назад +1

    @iconindy I never once said the US did not have any of the F-22's I said the US is no longer ordering more which was an order from your Commander and Chief. Also I should have added the F22 is a great fighter and was in the early and middle stages of development and procurement plagued with issues. The F22 would and still possibly could (If not shut down) be a world contender for allied nations like Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Israel and other NATO nations to buy and procure if the

  • @DBAViking
    @DBAViking 11 лет назад

    Awesome video! I miss the life sometimes when I see vids like yours

  • @mrsc0rpi0n81
    @mrsc0rpi0n81 8 лет назад +2

    Cadpad for life.....

  • @Oh-bt5wp
    @Oh-bt5wp 8 лет назад +5

    Our army is bad ass

  • @JACKAL747
    @JACKAL747 9 лет назад +3

    Freedom isn't free

  • @Renegade23456
    @Renegade23456 13 лет назад

    The Canadian forces mainly use the C7A2 rifle it was designed and manufactured by "Diemaco" Diemaco was then bought out by colt and Deimaco is now known as Colt Canada.

  • @lgcrooks
    @lgcrooks 13 лет назад

    I was RCAF. And, apparenttly, am again!! Woo Hoo!!

  • @THENoodle31
    @THENoodle31 13 лет назад

    i so cant wait to join this year

  • @Denmandiver1
    @Denmandiver1 11 лет назад

    Thankyou CanadianMatt3, this video is very moving. You depict the Canadian Forces Family so well. Those of us who have served very much appreciate it! There is no life like it. And with 36 years in, I wish I could do it again!
    Servitium Nulli Secundus. Kill em all, let god sort em out. Airborne!

  • @judythreetimes3
    @judythreetimes3 10 лет назад

    God Bless our Troops.

  • @TheButcher123001
    @TheButcher123001 11 лет назад

    Nice video! Have you ever trained with American forces or other nations?