@Amanda From Wisconsin you sure told them. I bet they're embarrassed now. Way to make people feel bad about their short comings any chance you get. It really makes you look cool.
Pat Dwyer Catch the wry little smirk she was suppressing right then? She won a point back in my book for having an actual sense of humor and playing along well. Bet she's catching hell from Joss on this one.
Ramon Gonzalez, I'm not super hard to impress. she put a helmet on a dog. I don't consider that impressive. beck Bennett did a good job rolling with it, sure, but I'm not impressed with Scarlett Johansson, by all accounts a functioning adult woman without disability, putting a helmet on a dog. I mean, if that impresses you, you oughtta see me play Jenga. You will *literally* shit your pants.
@@Kostadin_Arolski I agree with you and the actress started yelling at her dog he did feel he did something wrong you can tell by the body language and of course you didn't understand why he was being yelled at
@@misimaromemes5172 I didn't see anything Zionist about שחר א's post, just that their name was in Hebrew. So I believe that what you actually meant was 'fucking jew.' If you're going to be a bigot, at least be informed about what type of bigot you are.
@@alisonlazarus5989 I dont have anything against jews. The flag he put in his profile indicates that he is a pro israeli a.k.a a zionist. And i am against zionists.
@@misimaromemes5172 Okay....but again, there was nothing Zionist about שחר א's post. Your insult was completely uncalled for. שחר א having an Israeli flag in their post gives you no right to call them a fucking Zionist, just as I would never see a person with MAGA in their profile a fucking Trump supporter. And let's face it, Misimaro Memes, even if you do have nothing against us, the comment still seems very antisemitic.
You are the definition of a douchebag in today’s society. Show your racism and bigotry then try to explain your reasoning for being a douchebag. Let me guess, you have never seen a punanni, live at home and sponge off the 1 friend u have and ur parents. Aaaahhhh, gotta love today’s society.
The best part is that the dog had a pretty strong rebuttal for literally everything that was said against him. I have to give a bit of credit to SNL, they showed here that they aren't unilateral leftist propaganda after all.
@@medexamtoolscom yeh, 1 sketch in 50. Trump isn’t even in office, and almost all their political jokes are about him. Biden is a goldmine, but they don’t make much fun of him.
@@airborngaming2250 Not even close to perfect. It doesn't mean anything at all. It is exactly the kind of shallow thing that sounds like an argument, but it isn't. You don't need to have people physically at your home to know them. You can just not have people at your home at all. You can be opposed to racism even against people you don't know. And, even if we assume there is a right reason to be racist...the conversation was about Trump. Trump clearly is racist for the wrong reasons. Therefore, there is no reason Scarlett can't blame Trump for being a racist.
@@lordbuss Not to open a can of worms, but how do we know that Trump is racist? I don't see any difference between people coming into my house illegally and coming into my country illegally. If people want to become US citizens, there's a process they need to follow Also, Trump has absolutely nothing against minorities who are in the country legally. Name one thing he's said - aside from wanting to track Syrian refugees and criticizing Black Lives Matter for clearly not showing that they believe blacks matter - that was racist
@@solomonz2821 Also, Trump is not only opposed to people coming to US illegally, he is also opposed to people coming legally if they are the kind he doesn't like, and makes entry (and becoming legal citizens) harder for them. If you need quotes and confirmations i will search them tomorrow too.
I love when a liberal jokes about race, gender, politics, etc, etc, that it's all fun and games. Turn the tables and you get, "YOU RACIST FASCIST NAZI!!!!" Where's the outrage over the not so subtle racism in so many SNL skits?
Goofy Goober How is it clear? Have you heard about the promise program from Obumma and Holdout? Yea the one from Chicago then implemented in Parkland Fla. Look it up before you defend their crooked racicts ass. Get some info before you spout liberal bullshit.
@Rob M Chihuahuas are way worse. They are ugly, mean little abominations. Pugs at least can be cute and are generally nice dogs, and there's even an adorable longer-shouted variant called the Retro Pug. Chihuahuas don't deserve to be called "dogs" at all.
Great improv when the helmet fell off! Beck did a good job even though he kinda laughed at it. Scalett did a good job when she put the helmet back on and decided to hold it the whole time so it didn't fall off. Excellent actors!! SNL trained them well
You would be too if your parents put you on the spot, made you wear a very uncomfortable and ridiculous thing, and started yelling at you in a foreign language.
Wouldn’t you be? He’s in a room full of liberals, and he’s the only one with a functioning brain. It probably pains the dog what’s happened to the human race.
Yeah a it's ashame that it's only because those people hate Trump. Then the dog tells them! The dog is right, humans agrue about politics so much that it's turned to nothing now. That dog is hilarious.
Gaming Palooza Empire gotta love brainwashed, simple minded liberals. Don't even argue they are being satirical. The message is clear. Kill the racist, bigoted, Donald Trump. People who support the President are idiots and no smarter than a dog. SNL being their typical smug, asshole selves. Using their entertainment platforms yet again to shove their own personal political beliefs and opinions down people's throats who just want to laugh.
Hey I give comedy no limits, free speech buddy, but there is a consistent ideology that makes it not so funny after a while for Republicans. I don't think any Republicans have tried to remove SNL just use it as a fine example of a business gone propaganda lol
@@weston028 oh yeah, because I'm sure a relatively progressive company full of diverse cast members will fall in line with Trump when he's the quintessential opposite of their liberal mindset. Imagine being a woman and hearing your future president bragging about grabbing a woman's pussy or the fact he's married a plastic (porn star model) who smiles to the camera despite being rampantly cheated on. Now that's a bit unsettling to hear from the moral leadership of this country, which each president is ordained. Why are you surprised people are directing their ire against him. It's hardly 'propaganda', they're simply caricaturing Trump for what he genuinely believes in and behaves, but of course they neglect the good things he's done. However, when a man's negative actions greatly outweigh his contributions, the latter is overlooked. It's justifiably the case of many dictators and tyrants. If you as a human wish to compromise your morals and ethics because Trump has brought 'prosperity' in your eyes, then good for you, but you cannot deny that championing Trump involves egregious compromise in one's morals and beliefs, or perhaps you're naive enough to believe Trumps is a faithful Christian family man.
@@maaz322 now that was a spectacular argument, and one we all truly battle. That's why Christian people struggle with him, he has claimed God but not claimed to be a sinner, which we believe all are sinful which is why Jesus is important. Jesus didn't die for people who think they are perfect but those who are sinners, repentance is very important. The justification on this very subject is that Christian's believe God is in control of everything, but when someone who is awful is in power, people say where is God? Truth is God appoints all our leaders according to scripture, (yes even Hitler) so for those who understand the Bible, we believe God uses all of them according to his will. We as Christians are left to vote for those who fight what is evil based on the bible, God's will is his and his alone but when it comes to vote it's the Lesser of 2 evils. God doesn't perform Evil, but allows evil to reveal itself to us so that we may turn away from it and to Him. Trump's Presidency has been an instrument of good in my opinion, though he as a man is definitely a sinner. Trump's sins prior too are definitely overshadowed by his performance of following through what the people want based on the electoral vote, and no matter what happens after God is in control. Trump is our leader, but we are "One Nation Under God" most of Trump's base believes God is using him for good, and I agree.
@@weston028 I can understand your point of view. Trump has definitely benefited conservatives in the country despite being a blazing hypocrite. I can see why you'd vote for him based on the 'greater good', but many people don't see it that way. For example, most people are aware of Donald Trump's business acumen and financial success, surely his presidency would benefit Americans? Despite this, people fought him based off their principles alone. What good is compromising your morals in this universe for 4 years of uneasy 'prosperity'? Many believers also see life as a personal struggle, where we are judged based on our own morality and choices, not what 'supposedly could've been the right choice for collective society '
Steven Fallon hahaha they know its true. Surprised They did this skit, maybe they're seeing the light on why the dems lost. It was a funny, snl is slowly coming around with the Clintons gone
You understand they're making fun of the half baked and often absurd arguments Trump supporters keep using by making them come from a dog right? Or are you guys just that delusional?
they are making fun of both. Jabs at Republicans becouse dog shares their views, this one is obvious, no need to explain the low hanging fruit. but also at democrats for their condesending bullshit and the "la la la im not listening to you" mentality. Eg. not accepting the fact that someone has different views and them focussing more on the fact that the dog, the first dog to talki is supporting trump instead of the fact that they made him fucking talk. Its a really good sketch actually. If you dont see that maybe you're the one being delusional one caught in the self righteousness, seing the splinter in republican's eye (which definitely is there) but not the one in your democratic own one.
Is he though? Or are we just assuming they are ridiculous becouse the dog says them or becouse they are in conflict with our own views and hence they have to be ridiculous, becouse we're clearly right, arent we? This sketch goes both ways.
At least it can be interpreted diferently unlike some other "comedians"- Trump Bashing on the level of Korean News. And trying is a lot nowdays. Sure, they have their views, but at least they try to show the other side sometimes. They usually fail, or get too full of their own bullshit, but they at least try. Kudos to them for that.
I hope dawg got some cuddles and treats after the skit. He looked a little upset at one point, like he could not figure out why he was being scolded. Fortunately, they usually get over it pretty quickly.
Its called Comedy people. Get a sense of humor I'm a liberal and I thought this was Hilarious. I get the joke and I get the point. People have to re-learn the art of debate. We have to learn agree to disagree. If you're going to argue then DEBATE. Plus we have to learn to laugh at ourselves. Lighten the hell up.
Considering this far all Republicans have to offer in debates is slander tactics I doubt your point stands up. every single time a republican politician is asked a question they either lie, don't answer, or say a bunch of unrelated nonsense. then they make a bunch of promises they have no intention of keeping and try to steal Everybody's Health Care.
If you are a real liberal, then you have my respect for saying this. I totally agree. You can agree to disagree. Love the liberal, hate the liberalism. Love the conservative, hate the conservatism.
Googlesux Bigtime you need to get out more. Or rather, stay in more and diversify your...entertainment holdings. Watch more shit. This was shit. I bet the dog crapped out a better skit while they were all trying to decide who's ego should be forced through the doorway first.
Finally an SNL sketch that makes fun of both liberals and conservatives. There are two sides to every debate, I feel like people are forgetting that. It's important we listen and respect what each side has to say instead of just assuming the other side is full of idiots.
Goofy Goober that's what the real problem is, people become so infatuated with their own beliefs it blinds them and makes them absolutely shut out the other side. Just believe what you do but keep an open mind, we all want the same thing when it comes to politics and I feel people forget that...
I saw the two people sitting at a desk and the three people in front of it, and I thought it was gonna be another Kate McKinnon-has-a-bad-experience with something again haha Although no new skit will be as good as that alien abduction one.
DAMMMMMN That's offensive that someone could even be that. But then NBC is Jewish, as are many other television networks and Jewish means pretty much Zionist. I hope they (Zionists) get defeated you know that George Soros is the Devil, I hope someone hits his compound with a...
+swaggakid00010 Sorry to break it to you, but George Soros is the opposite of Zionist. He's as anti-Israel and pro Arab-Muslim as it's possible for a person to be. This is not a secret. It's something you would have known if - at some point during your adult life - you'd pulled your head out of your ass long enough to read the news.
LMAO!!! One of BiBi's own Hasbara Trolls!!!! We are so honored to listen to your bullshit...Arabs are funding the ISISraeLIE Proxy Army for the Greater Israel Project and a pipeline...Slither along snakeO!!!!
Like how Beck improvised when the dog got the helmet off lol.
I totally agree
That was hilarious
It was max who was improvising
Just thinking the same thing.
Sam G same lol
"You didn't afford me a choice when you cut off my balls."
Hydrogen One I thought I knew the building!
Hydrogen One So he became a Trump supporter over a case of testicular manslaughter?
Hydrogen One Where's my balls Summer?
What's Max bitching about? He's luckier than her babies.
I understood that reference!
Beck literally nailed this skit even without entering in it😂
Haha just realized it’s Beck’s voice.
Also he improvised so well when the puppy took the helmet off 😂
I don't think you know what "literally" means.
@Amanda From Wisconsin you sure told them. I bet they're embarrassed now. Way to make people feel bad about their short comings any chance you get. It really makes you look cool.
I love ScarJo's comedic ability to play things totally straight to make it all funnier 🥰
i really wanna like this comment but i am not the monster who is gonna turn that to 70.
69 forever!!!!!!!
Lucifer de Devil good on you!
Yippee somebody in New York City with sense !!
Raymond FERRETTI Your telling me, I live in California
Scarlett and Beck improving on the fly without skipping a beat. Color me impressed.
You're impressed Scarlett Johansson put the helmet back on the dog?
Pat Dwyer Catch the wry little smirk she was suppressing right then? She won a point back in my book for having an actual sense of humor and playing along well. Bet she's catching hell from Joss on this one.
Why do people on the SNL channel always like to pretend that they're super hard to impress?
Ramon Gonzalez, I'm not super hard to impress. she put a helmet on a dog. I don't consider that impressive. beck Bennett did a good job rolling with it, sure, but I'm not impressed with Scarlett Johansson, by all accounts a functioning adult woman without disability, putting a helmet on a dog.
I mean, if that impresses you, you oughtta see me play Jenga. You will *literally* shit your pants.
+Parker man, i bet you are REAL fun at parties.
Funny as the skit is, I can't help but feel sorry for Max's little squishy, confused face
Im sure thay gave him a proper reward. He did great
@@Kostadin_Arolski I agree with you and the actress started yelling at her dog he did feel he did something wrong you can tell by the body language and of course you didn't understand why he was being yelled at
@@markpettis2896 if you notice she wasnt looking at him when she yelled
He is just a prop dog!
“It’s that condescending attitude...” 😂
When you leave your dog infront of the TV for 9 hours a day.
No TV leans left so not really
Fox channel 24/7
@@notsure1920 I don’t think his owner would leave that channel on
Fox is grosssss
Watching Fox 😅
pretty good how she responded to the prop falling off the dogs head I think that was a live reaction... THE SHOW MUST GO ON
I think Beck Bennet had to improvise a bit for the dog's voice over when it was trying to paw its helmet off.
RaymondHng I'm glad they kept going that was hilarious that poor mf'ing dog lol......
RaymondHng Who is this Beck Bennett you speak of, it's clearly the dog's own voice.
Listen when he can.
Greetings from Serbia
"...I think that was a live reaction..." On a show called Saturday Night Live? Mind. Blown.
Great skit. And that was pretty quick adapting to the dog knocking his helmet off. Almost seemed natural.
You have to love how Scarlett saved it.
And Beck ad libbed a line well.
possible that he was trained to do so.
He is right you know... It's funny to realize that a dog it's smarter than the whole SNL cast
@@wololos ... "that a dog it's smarter than"...
I like how they yelled at the dog even though he was making that face of “WHAT I DO!?” The entire time
@@misimaromemes5172 I didn't see anything Zionist about שחר א's post, just that their name was in Hebrew. So I believe that what you actually meant was 'fucking jew.' If you're going to be a bigot, at least be informed about what type of bigot you are.
@@alisonlazarus5989 I dont have anything against jews. The flag he put in his profile indicates that he is a pro israeli a.k.a a zionist. And i am against zionists.
@@misimaromemes5172 Okay....but again, there was nothing Zionist about שחר א's post. Your insult was completely uncalled for. שחר א having an Israeli flag in their post gives you no right to call them a fucking Zionist, just as I would never see a person with MAGA in their profile a fucking Trump supporter. And let's face it, Misimaro Memes, even if you do have nothing against us, the comment still seems very antisemitic.
You are the definition of a douchebag in today’s society. Show your racism and bigotry then try to explain your reasoning for being a douchebag. Let me guess, you have never seen a punanni, live at home and sponge off the 1 friend u have and ur parents. Aaaahhhh, gotta love today’s society.
@@misimaromemes5172 pro Israel is zionism ok bud
2:45. Only dogs can make Cecily break character
Haha Yepp...she wanted to be like "Awwww"
Awwwww the dog had no idea what was going on and he's so cute.
Yeah he did
Uh... of course he did. Didn't you hear him?
You are such a typical leftist, it hurts.
@@juliannah5721 shut the fuck up
@@saber7529 Uhoh, Did someone get offended because someone questioned the flawed ideologys of the democratic party?
Kyle and MIkey's reactions when the dog said the masturbation thing was on point, had me dying.
The best part is that the dog had a pretty strong rebuttal for literally everything that was said against him. I have to give a bit of credit to SNL, they showed here that they aren't unilateral leftist propaganda after all.
Don't see Cecily Strong break character often but she was laughing at the healthcare for illegals.
We were all picturing it
By comforted the people who everybody knows
@@medexamtoolscom yeh, 1 sketch in 50. Trump isn’t even in office, and almost all their political jokes are about him. Biden is a goldmine, but they don’t make much fun of him.
I was waiting for a 2nd amendment joke when she pulled out the gun out of nowhere
Jalon-I think that was the joke. A rampant anti-gun leftist pulls out a gun.
Christopher Larkby Pulling out the gun she carries WAS the joke, but getting it requires the sort of awareness of irony that many conservatives lack.
Kaddywompous oh how sweet you think conservatives are stupid
@@Ryan-nv2wp Well the president is a conservative and he is to stupid to close an umbrella.
anteeker leftist aren’t normally anti gun the most of the left is well armed. Only liberals are against guns and they are not the left.
I hope they bring this skit back as dog saying the election was fraud
They wont. Is illigal to say the truth about the fraud and the laws that were changed under the table
@@elessal Booo
@@elessal lmao. A republican in texas was arrested for turning in hundreds of fake votes from the retirement homes she owns. But Fox News hides it
@@elessal *illegal
They did exactly that XD
And scarlet johanhansen puts back the helmet staying in character
OH DID YOU!!! ME TOOOO yelling knto the wind
"You didnt afford me a choice when you cut off my balls" 🤣 I died. But seriously he does have a point.
We never ever neuter our dogs.
@@sewpungyow5154 I have had 4 unfixed big dogs. We had one sexual incident, and it was not his doing. Fake news.
Many points
Max is smart
Smart dog. He's rational.
"What do you know about black people, you never brought one into our house once" 😂👏👏
Perfect response to Democrat hypocrisy
@@airborngaming2250 Not even close to perfect. It doesn't mean anything at all. It is exactly the kind of shallow thing that sounds like an argument, but it isn't. You don't need to have people physically at your home to know them. You can just not have people at your home at all. You can be opposed to racism even against people you don't know. And, even if we assume there is a right reason to be racist...the conversation was about Trump. Trump clearly is racist for the wrong reasons. Therefore, there is no reason Scarlett can't blame Trump for being a racist.
@@lordbuss Not to open a can of worms, but how do we know that Trump is racist? I don't see any difference between people coming into my house illegally and coming into my country illegally. If people want to become US citizens, there's a process they need to follow
Also, Trump has absolutely nothing against minorities who are in the country legally. Name one thing he's said - aside from wanting to track Syrian refugees and criticizing Black Lives Matter for clearly not showing that they believe blacks matter - that was racist
@@solomonz2821 Also, Trump is not only opposed to people coming to US illegally, he is also opposed to people coming legally if they are the kind he doesn't like, and makes entry (and becoming legal citizens) harder for them. If you need quotes and confirmations i will search them tomorrow too.
@@lordbuss He's racist? Exactly how is he racist?
Who's watching this in 2025? I think it has gained new relevance.
Max's good acting skills, was probably him actually scared. You can see Scarlet, while still keeping good character was trying to comfort him lol
"What do you know about black people, you never brought one to our house once!!" lmao
Loved that line.
I love when a liberal jokes about race, gender, politics, etc, etc, that it's all fun and games. Turn the tables and you get, "YOU RACIST FASCIST NAZI!!!!" Where's the outrage over the not so subtle racism in so many SNL skits?
Goofy Goober How is it clear? Have you heard about the promise program from Obumma and Holdout? Yea the one from Chicago then implemented in Parkland Fla. Look it up before you defend their crooked racicts ass. Get some info before you spout liberal bullshit.
I was like "Oop" lol.
Kenneth Hedden
Deflection Fail.
This should be a recurring skit with different dogs.
Oooo yes yes yes
Needs to be the Chihuahua
The next dog's an anti-vaxxer.
Yeah pugs suck. Nasty little abominations.
@Rob M Chihuahuas are way worse. They are ugly, mean little abominations. Pugs at least can be cute and are generally nice dogs, and there's even an adorable longer-shouted variant called the Retro Pug. Chihuahuas don't deserve to be called "dogs" at all.
"If Faquito was born here, he has nothing to worry about" sdasfvbghjk 😂
I suppose that didn't really age very well...
This is probably the cutest and funniest comedy skit I have ever seen.
You probably didn't saw alot of comedy skits here.
“Stupid helmet! I can’t believe you put this thing on me!”
I never thought i would see Scarlett Johansson do a Rashida Jones impression.
You cold man.😂😂
John Gray: funny, that's who i initially thought it was.
Holy shit you're right
THATSSS who she was channeling!!!
Damn now I realize how similar their voice is
Beck’s voice is like the perfect voice for this Dog 🤣🤣🤣
The best dog is the best actor. He just conveys every emotion so well. The way he annunciates everything is amazing. Good job max.
Scarlett saved the sketch without missing a beat.😆
Max’s face whenever they talk to him is adorable
Never mind what the dog says, this would still be a scientific breakthrough…
Great improv when the helmet fell off! Beck did a good job even though he kinda laughed at it. Scalett did a good job when she put the helmet back on and decided to hold it the whole time so it didn't fall off. Excellent actors!! SNL trained them well
Haha Beck Bennett did a good job with the voice-over for the dog 👍
And the whole time I remembered him as a gay robot. Here I go watch out coming through.
We collectively awww'd when he took off his little helmet.
Innotech has mind reading technology but a 1995 monitor.
That poor dog... he looked so sad.
I know. I wanted to cry when she put the hat back on and he looked devastated 😭
You would be too if your parents put you on the spot, made you wear a very uncomfortable and ridiculous thing, and started yelling at you in a foreign language.
Jacey Garden Wray don’t worry he probably got so many belly rubs after that and treats
Wouldn’t you be? He’s in a room full of liberals, and he’s the only one with a functioning brain. It probably pains the dog what’s happened to the human race.
But you responded, so how does that even make sense?
I don't see why the investors were upset, the machine worked.
Because liberalism is a mental disorder. 😉
the dog didn't
thats what i was thinking
Thats the joke man. They even forgets dog is actualu talking but only the hate for Trump
Yes, TRUTH was TOLD for sure.
Damn, Scarlet Johansson is awesome in this sketch.
I like that dog! Knows what he’s talking about! Lol 😂
Probably the most thumbs up for a SNL skit in a very long time.
My guess would be since Chapelle hosted. This is right up there with the election night skit.
Gaming Palooza Empire Have you seen the new sketch making fun of Trump and his press secretary. That's even more popular!
Yes SNL rocks!
Yeah a it's ashame that it's only because those people hate Trump. Then the dog tells them! The dog is right, humans agrue about politics so much that it's turned to nothing now. That dog is hilarious.
Gaming Palooza Empire ✅
Gaming Palooza Empire gotta love brainwashed, simple minded liberals. Don't even argue they are being satirical. The message is clear. Kill the racist, bigoted, Donald Trump. People who support the President are idiots and no smarter than a dog. SNL being their typical smug, asshole selves. Using their entertainment platforms yet again to shove their own personal political beliefs and opinions down people's throats who just want to laugh.
I am impressed that skit was extremely fair to both sides lol
meanwhile, trump supporters castigate SNL for having 'TDS' or being 'unfunny for 10 years' when they express other fair viewpoints.
Hey I give comedy no limits, free speech buddy, but there is a consistent ideology that makes it not so funny after a while for Republicans. I don't think any Republicans have tried to remove SNL just use it as a fine example of a business gone propaganda lol
@@weston028 oh yeah, because I'm sure a relatively progressive company full of diverse cast members will fall in line with Trump when he's the quintessential opposite of their liberal mindset. Imagine being a woman and hearing your future president bragging about grabbing a woman's pussy or the fact he's married a plastic (porn star model) who smiles to the camera despite being rampantly cheated on. Now that's a bit unsettling to hear from the moral leadership of this country, which each president is ordained. Why are you surprised people are directing their ire against him. It's hardly 'propaganda', they're simply caricaturing Trump for what he genuinely believes in and behaves, but of course they neglect the good things he's done. However, when a man's negative actions greatly outweigh his contributions, the latter is overlooked. It's justifiably the case of many dictators and tyrants. If you as a human wish to compromise your morals and ethics because Trump has brought 'prosperity' in your eyes, then good for you, but you cannot deny that championing Trump involves egregious compromise in one's morals and beliefs, or perhaps you're naive enough to believe Trumps is a faithful Christian family man.
@@maaz322 now that was a spectacular argument, and one we all truly battle. That's why Christian people struggle with him, he has claimed God but not claimed to be a sinner, which we believe all are sinful which is why Jesus is important. Jesus didn't die for people who think they are perfect but those who are sinners, repentance is very important. The justification on this very subject is that Christian's believe God is in control of everything, but when someone who is awful is in power, people say where is God? Truth is God appoints all our leaders according to scripture, (yes even Hitler) so for those who understand the Bible, we believe God uses all of them according to his will. We as Christians are left to vote for those who fight what is evil based on the bible, God's will is his and his alone but when it comes to vote it's the Lesser of 2 evils. God doesn't perform Evil, but allows evil to reveal itself to us so that we may turn away from it and to Him. Trump's Presidency has been an instrument of good in my opinion, though he as a man is definitely a sinner. Trump's sins prior too are definitely overshadowed by his performance of following through what the people want based on the electoral vote, and no matter what happens after God is in control. Trump is our leader, but we are "One Nation Under God" most of Trump's base believes God is using him for good, and I agree.
@@weston028 I can understand your point of view. Trump has definitely benefited conservatives in the country despite being a blazing hypocrite. I can see why you'd vote for him based on the 'greater good', but many people don't see it that way. For example, most people are aware of Donald Trump's business acumen and financial success, surely his presidency would benefit Americans? Despite this, people fought him based off their principles alone. What good is compromising your morals in this universe for 4 years of uneasy 'prosperity'? Many believers also see life as a personal struggle, where we are judged based on our own morality and choices, not what 'supposedly could've been the right choice for collective society '
Max: ""It's those comments and that condescending attitude that made people want to vote for Trump in the first place!"
Audience member: "YEAHHHHH!!"
Steven Fallon hahaha they know its true. Surprised They did this skit, maybe they're seeing the light on why the dems lost. It was a funny, snl is slowly coming around with the Clintons gone
You understand they're making fun of the half baked and often absurd arguments Trump supporters keep using by making them come from a dog right? Or are you guys just that delusional?
they are making fun of both. Jabs at Republicans becouse dog shares their views, this one is obvious, no need to explain the low hanging fruit. but also at democrats for their condesending bullshit and the "la la la im not listening to you" mentality. Eg. not accepting the fact that someone has different views and them focussing more on the fact that the dog, the first dog to talki is supporting trump instead of the fact that they made him fucking talk. Its a really good sketch actually. If you dont see that maybe you're the one being delusional one caught in the self righteousness, seing the splinter in republican's eye (which definitely is there) but not the one in your democratic own one.
Is he though? Or are we just assuming they are ridiculous becouse the dog says them or becouse they are in conflict with our own views and hence they have to be ridiculous, becouse we're clearly right, arent we? This sketch goes both ways.
At least it can be interpreted diferently unlike some other "comedians"- Trump Bashing on the level of Korean News. And trying is a lot nowdays. Sure, they have their views, but at least they try to show the other side sometimes. They usually fail, or get too full of their own bullshit, but they at least try. Kudos to them for that.
This sketch still works in 2024😂
Plot twist: The translation was real
I feel bad for the dog being yelled at
They weren't yelling. They softly spoke to him.
damn, this is a really well written and hilarious snl skit. thumbs up!
Zayd Qureshi has to take
Not a script
She was going to shoot the dog for having a different opinion. Wow
You know what I like about this?... that it "pisses" off both sides quite equally, so now we know what it feels like to be dogged ;)
I hope dawg got some cuddles and treats after the skit. He looked a little upset at one point, like he could not figure out why he was being scolded. Fortunately, they usually get over it pretty quickly.
My favorite part was when she picked him up and you see it's a female dog lol
Because she cut off his balls!
@Al Gonis not like she cut off his dick tho lol
@@markwiley5698 ...maybe she went for the full package! :)
It identified as male. Don't misgender him now ... Jeez.
I forget the exact reason, but most animal actors are female.
This skit made me laugh when it came out a few years back. It still makes me laugh now.
Beck Bennett’s voice makes me laugh.
I love when people can laugh about themselves; it almost always works.
Skit was funny but I couldn't help feeling bad for that poor dog. He looked scared.
Brandon Tuttle I couldn't help feeling sorry for the dog as it's a genetic abomination.
she was kinda rough with him ....
well hes in front of a crowd of laughing people
Brandon Tuttle I agree!
Poor dog didn't want to be there. He didn't know what was going on 🐶
Meh it read more as boredom & vague annoyance.
I love how the dog is just sitting there being cute
Beck Bennett had me rolling as the voice of that dog. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
This skit never gets old
I freaking love that dog.
J.R. Stewart Oh my god me too. That dog is freaking awesome!
This should be called SNL Bipartisanship. And it was pretty funny so they should do more of them.
JabberCT No this is liberal bullshit
I voted for Trump and loved this skit. Beck Bennett and Scarlett Johansson are hilarious.
As a republican, this was actually neutral. I think it kind of picked on both sides.
Do you need a safe space?
Hello fellow atheist.
Its called Comedy people. Get a sense of humor I'm a liberal and I thought this was Hilarious. I get the joke and I get the point. People have to re-learn the art of debate. We have to learn agree to disagree. If you're going to argue then DEBATE. Plus we have to learn to laugh at ourselves. Lighten the hell up.
I'm a republican I thought it was pretty funny 😂
Considering this far all Republicans have to offer in debates is slander tactics I doubt your point stands up. every single time a republican politician is asked a question they either lie, don't answer, or say a bunch of unrelated nonsense. then they make a bunch of promises they have no intention of keeping and try to steal Everybody's Health Care.
If you are a real liberal, then you have my respect for saying this. I totally agree. You can agree to disagree. Love the liberal, hate the liberalism. Love the conservative, hate the conservatism.
Kent Darden Them disowning someone because they support trump isn't debate...
TheLostPages yeah like the ones that were ambushed by the Democrat in Virginia?
I like the way Max stayed in character even when the helmet came off.
Max for president 2023
Do you mean 2024
@@gavinmcwilliams408 No, that would give him a full 4 year term. We're just looking to get him one year as president.
Junoh Productions in that case still 2024, we would rather him cut into the term of a democrat once one of them gets elected
His platform involves building a wall dividing the dog park to keep out the ethnic dog breeds.
That was the *BEST* SNL skit I've seen in 30 years.
Googlesux Bigtime you need to get out more. Or rather, stay in more and diversify your...entertainment holdings.
Watch more shit. This was shit. I bet the dog crapped out a better skit while they were all trying to decide who's ego should be forced through the doorway first.
Then clearly you never seen Farley
+Googlesux Bigtime -- Their "Election Night" skit was pretty good, too. Link: ruclips.net/video/SHG0ezLiVGc/видео.html
So this is the best sketch since 1987 ?? You fool.
I disagree bud
They finally got someone with talent to write a skit. That dog was great!
Jq Public Amen.
Finally some common sense in the comment section
Jq Public
I don't think the dog wrote the skit.
The dog looks sad as fuck actually but people too busy finding the whole concept cute.
Yeah, talent is when someone agrees with you! The dog is awesome because he says what you want to hear!
Best line is the ad lib when the dog was taking off the helmet. "stupid helmet...condescending attitude." Hilarious.
"I'm gonna shoot him."
"Don't miss." 😂😂😂
Because that dog is a monster. A pro-Republican, pro-conservative and pro-Trump monster. Right?
Lol that pun
Notice that then threatened with logic the natural reaction from the left was extreme violence and attempts to silence him.
@@JoveJoved congrats, you found the joke
@@vocalvortexstudios2058 Agreed, leftists are one big joke.
Finally an SNL sketch that makes fun of both liberals and conservatives. There are two sides to every debate, I feel like people are forgetting that. It's important we listen and respect what each side has to say instead of just assuming the other side is full of idiots.
Goofy Goober that's what the real problem is, people become so infatuated with their own beliefs it blinds them and makes them absolutely shut out the other side. Just believe what you do but keep an open mind, we all want the same thing when it comes to politics and I feel people forget that...
nhyijy na co těšit a
Bout time
tyruss23 But one side is actually true, the other not so much.
fadedfizzle Good point, valid reasoning, great chance that I would feel comfortable debating with you on whatever came to mind
Why that cutie dog looks like it's gonna cry
That dog was owning everyone the entire sketch lol
Beck is awesome, he can make anything sound funny, his delivery is unmatched
2:45 Cecily Strong about to crack up 😂...
In conclusion, the device actually worked.
"I dont want to see your tax dollars going to healthcare for illegals" -- Max the dog 🤣🤣
I love this dog! XD You didn't afford me a choice when you cut off my balls! LMAO I am so dead. hahahahaahaha
"YOU liberal snowflakes!" Lmao that was awesome!!!
@Cilantro lol
conservatives are so weird sometimes
I saw the two people sitting at a desk and the three people in front of it, and I thought it was gonna be another Kate McKinnon-has-a-bad-experience with something again haha Although no new skit will be as good as that alien abduction one.
Mack the Knife I thought the same too. i also think the best one is the one about the aliens
by far. I think I've watched that skit ten times.
This is the funniest skit I've seen on SNL in a long, long time.
the better one was the military experiment dogheadman
Video name: translator
Ad: in Spanish
Edit: video talks about Trump this is great
Love how the opening shot is the convention centre in Dublin
That dog looked so confused.
Hey... Weren't you supposed to have gone off the grid!?
Back here in 2024, and I love how relevant this still is😂
I kept on watching because i saw scarlett. Then i stayed because of Max
I took into the bathroom when I noticed scarlet
U mean to say u started watching
What a savage Doggo! Interested to hear Max now during the whole corona thing.
This is so much funnier today than it was a few years ago
this dog is pure greatness
the opening place is in Ireland! !!!
Adam Zaidan Dublin Convention Center👌
I knew it!!!! Thought I was being a bit Irish centric coming up Paddy's Day but it is
My first thought was, huh, the designer of the Convention Centre is doing well... I assumed it was a building in the States with the same design!
Listen when he could
I live 5 minutes away from that building
Couldn't wait to read the comments on this video
The dog looks like he’s thinking, “I feel like a idiot with this stupid hat on…when do I get paid?”
Poor Max. As soon as they ripped off the helmet he looked a little shocked and scared. Oof.
The entire sketch they used they “bad dog” tone with him lol
Oh my god this is hilarious!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
And true
@@Bingusshmingus12 god isn't real so you don't have to capitalize it
Cameron thank you for having the balls to say that!
If he was born here then he has nothing to worry about🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is my best SNL SKIT EVER.
"He's my man"
Poor dog he looks really scared at 4:02
He even got the helmet off at one point!
Loved the shot of the Dublin Convention Centre at the start.
the casual way Beck delivers the dogs lines really sells this sketch
I mean.... the machine worked 😂🤷🏻♀️
Anyone else notice the star of David on his collar?
That's offensive that someone could even be that.
But then NBC is Jewish, as are many other television networks and Jewish means pretty much Zionist. I hope they (Zionists) get defeated you know that George Soros is the Devil, I hope someone hits his compound with a...
At 2:18 good eye! I didn't see it at first.
+swaggakid00010 Sorry to break it to you, but George Soros is the opposite of Zionist. He's as anti-Israel and pro Arab-Muslim as it's possible for a person to be. This is not a secret. It's something you would have known if - at some point during your adult life - you'd pulled your head out of your ass long enough to read the news.
Listen when he can.
Greetings from Serbia
LMAO!!! One of BiBi's own Hasbara Trolls!!!! We are so honored to listen to your bullshit...Arabs are funding the ISISraeLIE Proxy Army for the Greater Israel Project and a pipeline...Slither along snakeO!!!!
3:25 I cant get that image out of my head now...
and people say that SNL doesn't make fun of liberals
tuotuo lu not anymore.
Yeah, blew me away. Let's hope it continues! Tired of the group think and sanctimony!
Once in a blue moon
This was years ago. They're probably not allowed to anymore