Stability of Closed Loop Control Systems

  • Опубликовано: 13 янв 2025

Комментарии • 141

  • @tomasgeorgiou5699
    @tomasgeorgiou5699 8 лет назад +266

    Your voice makes me feel that everything is going to be okay

  • @TheJq32
    @TheJq32 10 лет назад +63

    You are benefiting humanity so much. That's about the best compliment I can think of. Thank you.

  • @redrounin1440
    @redrounin1440 4 года назад +16

    12 minutes and I understand what we've been doing in my controls class for the last eight weeks. I wish I could take my tuition back and pay it directly to you.

    • @abcxyz4207
      @abcxyz4207 3 года назад +2

      You did stability for 8 weeks?

    • @konstabark7291
      @konstabark7291 Год назад +1

      @@abcxyz4207 probably not just stability but control theory in general.

  • @Ezurial
    @Ezurial 8 лет назад +56

    The night before my final, I was looking at my review sheet feeling absolutely hopeless and was wondering defeatedly to myself what the controller would look like for some sort of cosmic feedback loop where the reference signal was a B+, I was the plant, and the interference was my (poor) decision to take classes at overlapping times, if the system was required to have a rise time < 15 hours, a steady state error

  • @BrianBDouglas
    @BrianBDouglas  11 лет назад +17

    Thanks Dennis. I would love to put out some videos eventually covering all engineering aspects of control theory. I can't promise anything right now because I have recently started at a new company and I am devoting most of my time to understanding the system (as you can see I haven't posted a video in a while). I'm hoping to take a few more weeks off and then start back up again. I appreciate your comment and I hope I can help you out in the future.

    • @GundoganFatih
      @GundoganFatih 3 года назад +4

      You're doing great after 7 years!

    • @dhruvmenon17
      @dhruvmenon17 Год назад

      ​@@GundoganFatih222u2ffg2fgg2g2gy2riii22i2njwiwwjnr22njw2jwkwn2i22f22idtffffffg2g2222br2wjwnjjwkwkjbj2jr2j2jr22i222ffffg2ft3i22ifi2r2i2iri222wj2r2rf2jj2wr222i2222i2ti2rfh2tt2ie2e22ii22j2j2r2222kf2r2j2jwbr222i22tg2u2fg2y22ru2i2wijir2i2rj22j2jr2jj22r2j2r22r222i2w22tfg2ty2tt2i2ieiiwiiwij22j2r22j2r2w22j2iw222i2u2tffg2ttu2 2i2iiiijiiiiijj2wr22jii222fg2ffg2g2g2y2tu 2t ti2iiijijifi22jij2wjij2i2j2j2jr2nj2j2i2222u22h2th2ffg22g2ii2i22iiiiiiiiijiij2r2222i2222ttfgg22ty2tu2eiriiwiijjiijijijijijijjijj2jjjiiiij22i2i2u2g2fffffei23ijiijijiiji2jij2ijj2ijr2j2j22ji222u2hffgg2g2g2ttt tu2tti 2u22i22iiji2iijijijijijijijiiijiijijjijii2w2iu2222tfffg2fggg2g2y2u2t223i2bjijijjjihijiiijijijijijijiiw3iwi2uy22g2fgfg2tg2ty 2 tri24 22 ii2i2 iijjiijijjijijjijibii22222u2u2h222fggffgggfg2g22g2 ty2u2ii22ii2j2bii2iijiiijiijjijijii2riu2y2ty22gh2ĝfgg2fg2g2t2it iii32ri2ijijijiijijijiijijijijiiijijijijijiji222u2u22g2fgffggggg223i r2ieii jijijijiijjiiw2wi222g2gfh2g2g2y t 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  • @BG-bt5mv
    @BG-bt5mv 4 года назад +1

    This one video will change the level of under standing of classical control theory for new learner. Excellent video!

  • @pirlyet
    @pirlyet 8 лет назад +17

    You explain these concepts much more easily than my teacher... Thanks!!

  • @phanindraravi207
    @phanindraravi207 5 лет назад +2

    Your videos are absolutely the best. These are some of those videos where i don't look at the timer, that is how well you teach.
    I've gained a very intuitive understanding of control systems through your videos.
    Thanks a lot.

  • @ddansdaman
    @ddansdaman 3 года назад +4

    You're a bloody legend aren't you Brian. Thanks for all of your fantastically well described and illustrated lectures!!!!

  • @RobertMascorroJr
    @RobertMascorroJr 12 лет назад

    Thanks Brian. We are going over root locus in class and just today I asked my professor why we are doing this. I mean I can do the work but didn't have the big picture why. His explanation didn't help. I just want to thank you for taking the time to make these videos that are fun to watch and very informative. I have such a better understanding of why we are doing this know rather than just going through the motions. Thanks again.

  • @BrianBDouglas
    @BrianBDouglas  11 лет назад +2

    Check out Timofte's post just above this one for figuring out how to calculate the TF for a mass moving across on a frictionless table. In order to look this up you'd have to realize that this is a mass-only translational mechanical system and then look up the TF for that. Hope that helps.

  • @bhekicele3677
    @bhekicele3677 11 лет назад +1

    Brother I don't know to call it a gift or not, but you're excellent. It's like you know exactly what the viewer is hungry for. Thanx for everything

  • @dennisnguyen8346
    @dennisnguyen8346 11 лет назад

    Thank you Brian, I understand that because I'm a graduate student and also just got a new job, it costs all of my time to get to know the new system as well. Again you've done a wonderful job, keep it up!!! Wish you all the best with the new job and looking forward to your next video.

  • @BrianBDouglas
    @BrianBDouglas  11 лет назад +1

    Hi Steven, no it's not hidden anywhere, I just haven't made it yet. I got side tracked by the laboratory style videos and that pushed some of these lecture videos back. I will make a series on Nyquist plots once I finish the current series on lead/lag compensators.

  • @mathiasvilen2569
    @mathiasvilen2569 9 лет назад +1

    So far I really appriciate your videos. Not only do I learn, but it is a joy to watch. Kudos for the enthusiasm and commitment you put into your lessons. I'll drop another comment when i'm trough with all the videos, maybe when I passed my exam as well!
    /Engineering student in sweden

    • @Avraham.Eisenberg
      @Avraham.Eisenberg 9 лет назад

      +Mathias Vilen assuming you go to Kth right? I have to do lab two tomorrow any advice? Pm me.

    • @mathiasvilen2569
      @mathiasvilen2569 9 лет назад +1

      itsdtx no i study at linköpings university. Good luck with your lab tomorrow

  • @BrianBDouglas
    @BrianBDouglas  11 лет назад +2

    This would be a fairly good linear description of the dynamics of a rock sitting on a frictionless table (assuming the rock was only translating across the table and not rotating.) So yes X(s) would be the TF, which is just the Laplace Transform of the impulse response like you calculated.

  • @udaysubramaniam2530
    @udaysubramaniam2530 4 года назад +1

    This is probably trivial, but for anyone wondering why the TF became 1/(m.s^2 + k), it's after a couple of steps of math...recall G/(1 + G*H)...Thank you Brian for the effort you have put in these videos which is helping so many people! 🙏😊

    • @drjoriv
      @drjoriv 2 года назад

      Can you post the math?

    • @drjoriv
      @drjoriv 2 года назад +1

      Nevermind I found on wikipedia:

  • @jacqueswaldmann3478
    @jacqueswaldmann3478 3 года назад

    At 9:46 the open loop poles include s=zero; thus the open loop is not stable in the BIBO-sense: a step input will cause the open loop to output a ramp. Just a minor observation. The video is excellent.

  • @acw19851
    @acw19851 11 лет назад +2

    Brian, thank you man! I cant tell you how appreciative I am to have stumbled on your very effective and enlightening videos. You have gift WRT removing some of the intimidation that can come along with this material out of the box. Thanks again man. I do appreciate it.

  • @MrAjFighter
    @MrAjFighter 12 лет назад

    Great video series, just wanted to express my gratitude for taking the time out to concisely cover these topics

  • @MohamedNourElDin5
    @MohamedNourElDin5 12 лет назад +2

    You sir deserve a medal or something ! :D
    thank you so much : )

  • @damilarebalogun7945
    @damilarebalogun7945 12 лет назад

    your video series are out of this world. its like control system made simple. you are doing a great job . please can you do some series of videos on electrical power system

  • @rakshithramesh8453
    @rakshithramesh8453 11 лет назад +2

    Thanks Brian :) Watching your videos made many concepts clear in control systems. Its a plesure to listen to these lectures.

  • @WalidIssa
    @WalidIssa 10 лет назад +6

    Thanks AWSOME. I would see a video on observability and controbability

  • @sjoe_87
    @sjoe_87 9 лет назад +1

    These lectures are a life saver. Thanks.

  • @Lagos3sgte
    @Lagos3sgte 11 лет назад +9

    Amazingly clear and helpful. Thank you!

  • @arpanlaha1653
    @arpanlaha1653 9 лет назад +3

    These lectures are brilliant. Please make videos on discrete time control systems and on state space analysis. If it is possible then make videos on modern control theories as well, neural networks and fuzzy systems and artificial intelligence (intelligent control).

  • @paulssali4903
    @paulssali4903 8 лет назад +8

    GOD BLESS YOU!!! Brian these videos are amazing.

  • @elektrik1000
    @elektrik1000 12 лет назад

    This is really good. The tempo is nice you dont fall into sleep and the explenation is really really good. Hope to see more videos from you:)

  • @dianalinville8536
    @dianalinville8536 10 лет назад +3

    Thanks for making these videos! Very helpful. I took a Control Theory Course about 30 years ago, and it feels good to finally have an AHA moment.

  • @LaraAGodoy
    @LaraAGodoy 10 лет назад +4

    I do really love your videos! It`s helping me a lot! Thanks!

  • @ahmadkh1488
    @ahmadkh1488 12 лет назад

    man I check your channel every week waiting for the next video, please continue the great work ^_^

  • @maupz
    @maupz 11 лет назад

    Excellent lectures Brian! Your effort is really appreciated. Maybe you can also mention Liènard-Chipart stability criteria. It's based on Hurwitz's determinants. Greeting from Costa Rica.

  • @BrianBDouglas
    @BrianBDouglas  11 лет назад +3

    Really!? I had no idea. I'll see if I can fix that in future videos. Thanks for the heads up.

    • @victortitov1740
      @victortitov1740 4 года назад

      any clue on what the reply was to? seems like there is a fairly important error/implication, but the original comment seems gone.

    • @rorschach4285
      @rorschach4285 4 года назад +1

      @@victortitov1740 The reply is certainly in response to a comment where someone might have pointed out how the video is only broadcasting audio in the right channel of an earpiece. Something that a person listening to the video on speakers won't notice and hence, not be able to make sense of this comment.

  • @peterwan9076
    @peterwan9076 3 года назад

    Very good in explaining a complicated subject as control system.

  • @blipboop2763
    @blipboop2763 6 лет назад +1

    Your detail in explaining these concepts are amazing! You ever think about doing examples too?

  • @dennisnguyen8346
    @dennisnguyen8346 11 лет назад

    Hi Brian, thank you for these extremely useful and clear explanations. Best lectures on RUclips so far, mate!!! ^^
    Just wondering that do you have any plan for some video focus on electronics/electrical problem? like design feedback loops for op amp, power converter, etc?

  • @arnehendricks3496
    @arnehendricks3496 11 лет назад

    Really good videos ! Good drawings, clear explanations and you actually explain WHY stuff works - thats a feature i am missing in a lot of the engineering classes: stuff just falls from sky and everyone is just memorizing it !

  • @GammaWraith
    @GammaWraith 8 лет назад +4


  • @RamprasanthRajkumar
    @RamprasanthRajkumar Год назад

    Hi Brian. Your lectures are awesome, Can you please put some videos about bang bang control method for stability and also videos about hydraulic lag analysis.

  • @KewMechEng
    @KewMechEng 11 лет назад

    hi Brian, thanks for these lectures. I'm studying control systems and these lectures help me get the concept. Any chance we can get some tips on how to solve exam types questions... May be some examples.

  • @vectorrehan9340
    @vectorrehan9340 3 года назад

    thanks a lot....great explaination lucid and interactive

  • @march11stoneytony
    @march11stoneytony Год назад

    At 3:50, if only the distrubances were accounted for would that be a stricly feed forward system?

  • @puneetsaluja4012
    @puneetsaluja4012 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you Brian. These are really amazing videos and are full of knowledge. I was trying to download the book also from the link which you have mentioned above but i am not able to download it. Could you please assist in this regard. Thanks again!!

  • @sepehremami9893
    @sepehremami9893 4 года назад

    thanks for your amazing page....i should watch them all ...

  • @tracingmystepsbackhome3267
    @tracingmystepsbackhome3267 9 лет назад +4

    can you post the lectures on nicholas chart and z transform

  • @meetharia7233
    @meetharia7233 9 лет назад

    Very good practical concepts. Vil u please share videos on rate feedback controller and transportation delay. Also i want u to formulate fundamentals in process control...

  • @ventjemazzel8822
    @ventjemazzel8822 6 лет назад

    Another excellent tutorial! Many thanks !!!

  • @michaelabreucabrera8764
    @michaelabreucabrera8764 2 года назад

    You are really good at drawing. I kinda wanna draw now

  • @PrathameshKini
    @PrathameshKini 11 лет назад +1

    Hi Brian,
    Thanks a lot for the videos. I have a couple of questions though.
    1. If it's easily possible to solve control systems with modern computers, why do we even bother to transform to the frequency domain?
    2. Why is it difficult to find the roots of 1 + HG? Wouldn't it be the same as before since the denominator is the same?
    Thank you.

    • @DucTra
      @DucTra 7 лет назад

      2. Because with HG, we solve for the open loop, then the caracteristic equation is the DENOMINATOR of HG. However, with 1+HG, the problem is now closed loop system, 1+HG is the denominator of the total transfer function; then the caracteristic equation is NUMERATOR of 1+HG.

  • @Y747Y
    @Y747Y 3 месяца назад

    Eigen value, in Linear Algebra perspective everything are so clear. The terms like “poles” sounds like in dark age.

  • @GamingAI02
    @GamingAI02 8 лет назад

    Thank you Brian, but can you please cover MPC controllers ?

  • @danielemessina1979
    @danielemessina1979 6 лет назад

    Excellent introduction!

  • @makbutt
    @makbutt 11 лет назад

    Appreciate the effort your putting into your videos......:)

  • @nimeshsingh9271
    @nimeshsingh9271 3 года назад +1

    "Necessity is the mother of all inventions."

  • @moustafaazouz7737
    @moustafaazouz7737 7 лет назад

    very good mr douglas

  • @Mortesins
    @Mortesins 11 лет назад

    First of all, great videos!! I just have one question, if the transfer function of a system has poles on the immaginary axis (0 excluded) is it considered BIBO stable? For example, is the system with the following transfer function W(S) = 1/(s^2+1) BIBO stable?

  • @popamaji
    @popamaji 6 лет назад

    at 9:45 you say roots are -4 -3 -1 0 but do HG have any root at all??the nominator is 1?!?

  • @muhammadarhum9976
    @muhammadarhum9976 5 лет назад

    please make video on state space equation and thier practical examples.

  • @Colony28
    @Colony28 11 лет назад

    Hi Brian! I really appreciate your videos and enthusiasm for Control Theory. The insights and bigger picture you are providing makes all the things settle well in my head. In this video I've found a possible typo. Could you please double check the TF of the mass with spring (5 minutes into the video)? Mine is K/(ms^2 + K). And if I am the one mistaken, could you please explain me why?
    Thanks and keep up the great job! Also congrats on the new work!

    • @Omarsayan
      @Omarsayan 7 лет назад +1

      The forces acting on the mass are F and -kx. So ma = mx'' = F-kx. Take laplace, you get: ms^2*X(s) + k*X(s) = F(s). Therefore, X(s) = F(s) * (1/ms^2 + k)

  • @kartiksharma1532
    @kartiksharma1532 6 лет назад

    I have a question if u can answer......the output and input may have different how we can compare the feedback with input signal......for example input is the force and output is distance??.......also is there difference between input signal and reference signal.....thanks if u r reading.....I am thankful to ur teaching

  • @ibrahimyldrm2427
    @ibrahimyldrm2427 4 года назад

    awesome lecture brian thnx

  • @aaronmekonnen6046
    @aaronmekonnen6046 8 лет назад

    this is insanely good

  • @g.meghasyamsyam3560
    @g.meghasyamsyam3560 11 лет назад

    hi.Mr.Brian Douglas thank you for the clear explanation. I had a small question can you give me the details how these r-h criteria,root locus,bode plot are determining closed system stability directly by using open loop equation. I dont mean to get procedure for those i need to get derivation part that this made them to make a direct comment on stability of the system. so,pls give me a solution for thi though it may be stupid question please help me if i dont get the clear outview of the subject

  • @boblansdorp
    @boblansdorp 7 лет назад

    Great video. Minor comment: static sliding friction of the rock on the table in your example would make the system nonlinear and not a great choice for linear control theory.

  • @Cool-yu5vr
    @Cool-yu5vr 10 лет назад +2

    Thanks a lot for the videos. Very helpful~~

  • @markwillerton538
    @markwillerton538 9 лет назад

    Hi Brian, thanks for the lecture! Actually, I was looking for an explanation to what may be an unusual question: From the equation of the closed loop system, it is easy to see how 180 degrees phase shift (-1) and a loop gain of x1 will cause instability in a closed system with negative feedback. What is harder to understand, at least from an intuitive perspective, is why a 180 degree phase shift and loop gain of >1 (e.g. x10) does not result in even more instability! Again, the equation, tells us that the system is stable but it seems a bit counterintuitive. Can you help me gain an intuitive understanding of why gains of >1 do not result in instability despite 180 degrees phase shift. Please!

  • @persianshawn92
    @persianshawn92 8 лет назад +1

    sooo basically, if I understand this correctly, when you rewrite the transfer function of the system, that is closed, you have the polynomial division, in which P(q) is multiplication of each inidividual part of the block diagram, that is H and G. Then in the lower part of the division, you simply ADD +1 to what you have above. Right?

    • @19ms94
      @19ms94 8 лет назад +1

      the closed loop transfer function is equal to feedforward gain/(1- loop gain) the feedforward gain is equal to HG in this example and the loop gain is equal to -HG as we have negative feedback. so in total you get HG/(1+HG)

  • @izi2bhappy2
    @izi2bhappy2 11 лет назад

    plese explain the nyquist critetion as well

  • @heirofrohan7865
    @heirofrohan7865 4 года назад

    Brian's voice reminds me of Commander Data

  • @hashemzaitooni3296
    @hashemzaitooni3296 9 лет назад

    your videos are awseome , thanks alot

  • @HarryPotter-gx5lc
    @HarryPotter-gx5lc 5 лет назад

    How do we make sure that which method is the best for stability analysis of a control system?

  • @AshritDas
    @AshritDas 11 лет назад

    Hi Brian,
    Could you help me know why a system must be un energized to find its step response.
    I am dealing with a system thats a pneumatic piston. control variable is air mass flow.
    so i want to find the step response of this system at various points and the spring against which the system acts is a diaphragm so its nonlinear force with position. I want a step response at many points and all but one of which have some pressure in the system. please help..

  • @suheladesilva2933
    @suheladesilva2933 11 месяцев назад

    Great video, thanks very much.

  • @yuzhan1896
    @yuzhan1896 4 года назад

    Amazing videos! Thank you so much!!!

  • @qvt5935
    @qvt5935 2 года назад

    My MAN!!!! Thank YOU.

  • @inobotics
    @inobotics 12 лет назад

    Could also upload what ever you wrote on d blackboard in form of an image/pdf/etc so that later on we could just look at it to revise the lecture...!!

  • @Rabbit-el1cr
    @Rabbit-el1cr 2 года назад

    Wish I had known about this sooner.

  • @عليعمادجمعة
    @عليعمادجمعة 11 лет назад +1

    Great job.

  • @SamWalsh1
    @SamWalsh1 11 лет назад

    Is there anywhere I can download these videos? i would love to able to watch them offline while commuting etc..

  • @alextapia9058
    @alextapia9058 7 лет назад

    Excellent mate! Thanks!

  • @ggj77u788t
    @ggj77u788t 12 лет назад

    hi.. i like you explaination....can you show how to sketch root locus step by step?

  • @hossammohamed6341
    @hossammohamed6341 8 лет назад +1

    Thank you very much ! REALLY !

  • @pulkitbhardwaj3801
    @pulkitbhardwaj3801 11 лет назад

    what will happen to stablity if number of zeroes are more than number of poles in transfer function?

  • @dogintwater6454
    @dogintwater6454 9 лет назад

    Thanks for the video!

  • @haifasalah5144
    @haifasalah5144 7 лет назад

    Thanks so much for your videos

  • @echo0204
    @echo0204 11 лет назад

    Hi Brian, I have a transfer function 1/(s^3 + 2 s^2 + 3 s + 8), which is unstable. Then using matlab I put a controller (3s+1). In closedloop step resnpose test, the system is now stable but slow. Then I modified the controller to (3s+1)*(s+1): the response was even better. My question is: are these controllers make sense/realizable? Isn't it the rule poles > zeros is a must? Thanks a lot!!

    • @discretelycontinuous2059
      @discretelycontinuous2059 10 лет назад

      My understanding is that only proper transfer functions (ie: The order of the numerator polynomial must be less than or equal to the order of the denomonator polynomial). So, in order to make your controller, you'll need to introduce 2 addtional poles. If you select them to decay rapidly, then they won't affect the functioning of your system too much.

  • @vikasgupta-hl9sq
    @vikasgupta-hl9sq 4 года назад

    No words. thanks

  • @simonsmashup
    @simonsmashup 6 лет назад

    Sir, you saved my final exam.

  • @cakdian
    @cakdian 11 лет назад

    Good job Brian
    Nice presentation, very helpfull
    I permit to download this video

  • @alanrapoport6784
    @alanrapoport6784 7 лет назад

    I have a little question. Shouldn't the reference be a position instead of a force? For instance, I may want the rock to be at x = 3 cm, and make an action (force) to do that. But I find no sense in saying "I want a force of such an amount of Newtons as a reference". What am I missing?

    • @langalethumgobhozi1770
      @langalethumgobhozi1770 6 лет назад

      We need a force that'll cancel the effect of the disturbing force so the rock remains on the same position. Assuming you accurately measure all the variables entering the system to disturb it, the reference can be an instantaneous opposite force...subject to the most recent disturbing force input.

  • @kommolafe
    @kommolafe 12 лет назад

    You are awesome sir!

  • @abhisekhrawat3183
    @abhisekhrawat3183 7 лет назад

    Sir, u are really awesome.....

  • @sreenu5012
    @sreenu5012 4 года назад

    Which one is more stable system

  • @march11stoneytony
    @march11stoneytony Год назад

    Yes! Took a while but I found it.

  • @LukeMahan-xr4xx
    @LukeMahan-xr4xx 2 года назад

    Thank you Sir

  • @jeffsam5495
    @jeffsam5495 6 лет назад

    how 1/ms^2 came? really new to control theory. can someone please help?

  • @vaibhavman
    @vaibhavman 7 лет назад

    thank u brian

  • @shanmukhpasumarthy4320
    @shanmukhpasumarthy4320 5 лет назад

    Thank you Sir.#Respect

  • @pimpingbuss
    @pimpingbuss 12 лет назад

    Thank you!!!