Romans (Finally) Makes Sense! A Review of 'Paul and Resurrection of Israel' by Jason Staples

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 105

  • @rayhanakram9912
    @rayhanakram9912 22 дня назад +19

    As it turns out Paul is in no way in conflict in his actions or his words with Christ as many may try to fool you into believing.

    • @nancycorbin7317
      @nancycorbin7317 22 дня назад +2

      Profound statement. Very true!

    • @johnirish989
      @johnirish989 21 день назад +7

      Paul's entire teaching is that of the risen Christ.

    • @anaximander66
      @anaximander66 13 дней назад +3

      Yep, exactly! As attested to by Luke as well.

    • @AaronGardner98
      @AaronGardner98 11 дней назад

      What then would you make of those like Ehrman who state that Jesus did not preach justification by faith, while Paul does?

    • @rayhanakram9912
      @rayhanakram9912 11 дней назад +2

      @@AaronGardner98 point em to this book lol, Bart has objections to Christianity and we have objections to Bart.

  • @jessebbedwell
    @jessebbedwell 20 дней назад +10

    That's one thing my father-in-law was really able to drive home in weekly bible study (he's a Messianic rabbi), that it makes absolutely no sense when you have a Jewish book such as the New Testament constantly referring to "the Jews" -- It's like reminding everyone that George Washing or Harriet Tubman were humans. It makes no sense. What it actually refers to is the Judean ruling class, and therefore he would always refer to those sections of reference as "the Judeans".

    • @rainking50
      @rainking50 19 дней назад

      Interesting. Thanks for sharing. In David Bentley Hart's translation of the New Testament, which I adore, he honors your point and uses "Judeans".

    • @thinking7667
      @thinking7667 14 дней назад

      From what I understand, "Judean" is the accurate translation. It's been a while since I read up on this, but the word "Jew" comes from the word "Judean" or "Judah" and that the term "Jew" did not exist when the bible was written. That what they were saying was, in fact, "Judean". I think that is the gist of what I remember on this subject.

    • @kellyjohna
      @kellyjohna 8 дней назад

      Messianic Jews are almost all Dispensational. In order to counter the claim that The Gospel of John is anti-Semitic the idea was floated around that Jews always means Judeans in New Testament or whenever it is convenient for Dispensationalists. This is based on a faulty hermeneutic you cannot just exegete particular text and then cobble together other related texts to prove your point. You have to start with a sound hermeneutic first and then exegete. New Testament supercedes and Interprets Old Testament and you cannot ignore the Christcentric focus of all Holy scripture. Scripture interpret Scripture.

    • @PaulVanderKlay
      @PaulVanderKlay 6 дней назад

      Tom Holland does a similar thing.

  • @frankfebus7565
    @frankfebus7565 18 дней назад +6

    I wrote a book entitled "Confess with your mouth" Amazon. The verses you cited in the first chapter of Roman's vs. 17-32 is exactly what I came up with. Every book I researched on Roman's echoes the same misconception that it's content deals exclusively with those without covenant. It is good to know that one does not need letters behind their name to harvest truth . I think that the problem with modern scholars is that they do not want to be branded as anti Semitic. You know " God's Chosen people.

  • @3BALL4
    @3BALL4 22 дня назад +6

    This book is a triumph.
    I don't know if you mentioned the author's first book that lays out the Jew-Israel distinction in more detail? The Idea of Israel in Second Temple Judaism. Worth checking out too.

  • @Dennis144000
    @Dennis144000 7 дней назад +2

    I disagree with the major premise of this book . We know the northern tribes of Israel are not lost nor have they assimilated into the nations because…
    1)The Biblical accounts of Ten Tribes in Judea after the Assyrian capture of the north in 722
    2) The archeological evidence of a surge of 80,000 people in Judea population at the time of the Assyrian deportation circa 720 BC. Population of Judea goes from 40,000 to 120,000. This is from 10 Tribes migrating to Judea.
    3) The biblical account of Ten Tribes mentioned to be in Judea circa 530 BC after the Babylonian captivity and Ezra's and Nehemiah's repatriation
    4) The strict Jewish laws prohibiting inter-racial/religion marriage
    5) Paul, who was of the tribe of Benjamin, calls those who were alive and in the land of Judea and the greater Roman Empire " Israel" when speaking to Agrippa.
    6) Paul mentions Israel (and he means literal Israel, distinct from Gentile) 12 times in Romans Ch 9-11
    7) James addresses all 12 Tribes in James 1:1
    8) Anna (Luke 2:36) was from the tribe of Asher (one of the ten supposedly lost tribes)
    9) Zechariah and Elisabeth-and therefore John the Baptist-are from the tribe of Levi (Luke 1:5)
    10) Jesus chose twelve apostles as a typological representation of the 12 tribes
    11) King of the Jews equals King of Israel Mark 15:32
    12) The massive aliyah of Israelites from Iran, Turkey and Iraq (formerly Assyria) prophesied and being fulfilled!
    13) The Revelation lists 12 tribes to be restored before Christ’s second coming.
    14) Peter addresses all Israel in Acts 2:22, 36 etc
    15) Josephus did not understand the northern tribes to have assimilated into the nations. He saw them as still a distinct and identifiable people group.

  • @Wren_Farthing
    @Wren_Farthing 22 дня назад +3

    At my level of study, I suspect the footnotes would be a challenge , but I'm convinced it would be worth the slog. Romans is at the center of so much disparate theology, all of which boggles my mind. In particular, I have some of the same discomfort you described around supersessionism. I think you've sold me on this book! Thanks for the review!

  • @jackshadow325
    @jackshadow325 21 день назад +2

    There were Judaean Israelites and Hellenized Israelites in the first century. Those who were near, and those who were far off. The older brother and the prodigal son. Paul going out to the nations (Gentiles) was to seek out the prodigal son. Non-Israelite Gentiles got saved too but the New Testament gospel mission was primarily to gather the scattered sheep of Israel, which God promised to do in the prophets when the Messiah came. Check out Bruce Malina’s and John Pilch’s commentary on the letters of Paul.

  • @kellyjohna
    @kellyjohna 8 дней назад

    The term "Israel" must be examined in context of the particular audience Paul was writing to. Although there are similarities between Galatians and Romans the context is vastly different. In Romans 9:3 Paul is identifying himself with Israel not based on being a Judean but based on religious and racial aspects. In Romans "Israel" and "Jew" are used interchangeably.

  • @atonementandreconciliation3749
    @atonementandreconciliation3749 19 дней назад +3

    Paul's use of justification and faith are used in their FUNCTIONAL. When you justify something that is crooked, you set it right. Only then do you declare it right. Faith that affects the heart and is not merely academic will affect how a person thinks and lives. That is why functional faith causes a functional justification. We are justified (set right) by our functional faith.

  • @gmac6503
    @gmac6503 15 дней назад +1

    He is an excellent scholar and he will also be on the Ehrman Conference on NINT24 next month with 9 other scholars. Hope you are there. Jason A Staples also has another (2021) _The Idea of Israel in Second Temple Judaism: A New Theory of People, Exile, and Israelite Identity_

    • @AaronGardner98
      @AaronGardner98 11 дней назад

      I’m doing NINT!

    • @gmac6503
      @gmac6503 11 дней назад +1

      @@AaronGardner98 Me too! Last year's was great. Hard to top, but this one's gonna be right up there also. Can't wait!

    • @AaronGardner98
      @AaronGardner98 11 дней назад +1

      @@gmac6503 I am probably most excited about Staples’ presentation. Fascinating topic.

  • @wqnc
    @wqnc 11 дней назад +1

    This is why anybody who teaches the replacement of Israel with the church will never understand this theology . We should always remember that Jesus made it very clear that he was only sent to the lost sheep o the House of Israel.

    • @HrvojeSL
      @HrvojeSL 3 дня назад

      The Church doesn't replace Israel. The Church*is* Israel

  • @CB-vt3mx
    @CB-vt3mx 11 дней назад

    Growing up in the Restoration Movement, and attending one of their colleges/seminaries, this understanding of Paul was always a backdrop for me. The thematic concept that the Church was intended to fulfill the Covenant with Israel is a powerful statement. The Church is not a "plan B", "second covenant", or even response to an "oh my" moment. It also implies that the nation state of Israel being some form of prophetic fulfillment held in many US evangelical circles is not the point of Scripture at all. The modern state of Israel is in no way part of Paul's concept here. The Church is Israel, restored to the Covenant through Jesus, not through political machinations.
    But make no mistake, Paul is communicating something far more than just this premise. He builds upon it to provide the Church some guidelines for its own governance--rules of the road, so to say--to prevent a return to exile. We ignore his exhortations to holiness, community, and faith at our own peril.

    • @CB-vt3mx
      @CB-vt3mx 11 дней назад

      Important to note: the Church does not "replace" Israel. It restores Israel to Covenant. So, is modern Judaism part of Israel? No. It is part of Jewishness, not Israel. This in no way limits God to methods, but Paul is clear that the only way back to the Covenant is not through Judaism, but Jesus. Alone. Without caveat.

    • @j7489
      @j7489 10 дней назад

      Except of course that Scripture clearly states Jesus Himself will restore the Jews to their homeland and will sit on the throne of David ruling over the cosmos.
      Where was David’s throne located?

  • @glennshrom5801
    @glennshrom5801 14 дней назад +1

    Since becoming familiar with Heiser's work on what happened at Babel, I see the first couple chapters of Romans as the Gentile nations origin story, followed later with the Israel origin story where Abraham comes into play. Still, I am intrigued by what you have presented in this video, and would like to get the details. I'd like to buy the book. I think I make sense of Romans now, even though it might not be the same way this book covers everything. I have long been scratching my head why I don't see more about the restoration of Israel in the NT, it being such a repeated promise in the OT regarding what the Messiah would do when he comes. (In this case, when he comes again.) I don't have a problem with the potter and the clay sections. Pharaoh was a son of god who was fashioned on the potter's wheel of his god, and all humans are made out of clay by our god or gods. God showed mercy on Pharaoh and raised him up, when God could have wiped him out, but did so in order to display to the world his glory through Pharaoh once Pharaoh's heart was hardened. By analogy, God can show mercy on Israel and raise up Israel, only to harden Israel later, and do so in order to reach the Gentiles with his glory once Israel's heart had been hardened. In the case of Pharaoh, Pharaoh was a done deal. In the case of Israel, God will come back around to Israel once the Gospel is propelled out to the Gentiles and the world is reached. I realize that this book is taking "Israel" in a different direction, but I see compatibility between raising up faithful Israelites once Israel heeds the Gospel, and restoring the tribes/kingdoms of Israel back together again. But it is so clear over and over again that after God scatters Israel, he will have a time of gathering them together again, and that the Messiah is the key to that restoration.

    • @TommyStahr
      @TommyStahr 14 дней назад

      Jesus said in Luke 21:24 that Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the TIMES of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Where are the Jews today? I believe most all Christians are lost today to bigotry & Idolatry, all the false prophets & thieves are coming through the "Image of the Beast". I'm a born-again Jew. Jesus has shown me, l believe, where we are. 2Thess2:11 is here. The church is fallen. They believe THE LIE! Rev 18:4 is calling. GOP LIES USA DIES! Trump LOST & the religious right is wrong. Anti-LGBT & anti-women, & anti-immigrant are ANTI-CHRIST LIES! Matt 7? Romans 2? People use Romans 1 to condemn gays but don't read to chapter 2 which says if you judge you'll be judged. The right-wing break Jesus' one command to love, breaking the Golden Rule. No different or better than Islamic sharia law. The Little Horn of Daniel 7 is false Abrahamic religions of Catholicism, Islam & Fascists for Jesus. America is the Resurrection of the head of the Beast. Rev 13:11-16 & Rev 18 are America. Two horns like a lamb are right-wing Christians and Catholics who are about to burn down America for the big lie. Compare Exodus & Rev 13:16 & Matt 5:29. The Mark of the Beast is SIN. We must be born again. John 3. What we fill our minds (foreheads) & give our time, money & strength (right hand) proves who our God is. It's Jesus or the Beast. The world is the Beast. The Mark is symbolic and spiritual. The Image is real. Turn off the world and turn on Jesus.

    • @TommyStahr
      @TommyStahr 14 дней назад

      Check out these scriptures to understand that the 2nd half of Daniel's 70th week is almost over. Dan 7:25 & 12:7 & Rev12:14. The 70th week began when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan. Messiah was cut off for the HOLY SPIRIT to begin His ministry. For 3.5 years He did the works to prove Jesus is the Christ. Then, in the middle of the 70th week He, God, put an end to sacrifice & offering ON THE CROSS. The 2nd 3.5 years is TIME, TIMES & and half a Time. The Spirit has been building the 3rd Temple and it's almost over. It's not a literal number of time. Look at Luke 21:24, Rev 11:1-2, Rev 12:6 & 13:5. Time = Catholicism; Times = Islam; Half a Time = American right-wing (Dan 7:4-5, wings of an eagle). Can you see? America is going to burn because the church lifted evil in Jesus name.

  • @mikealdridge5424
    @mikealdridge5424 22 дня назад

    I’m so glad you’ve read this book. It’s a masterpiece! And it changes everything in the best possible way.

  • @BillyBoy66
    @BillyBoy66 15 дней назад

    Bought this book last week. The pages were falling out. Sent it back and received a replacement. Same thing. The book is not bound well. Anyone else have this problem???

  • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
    @SpaceCadet4Jesus 21 день назад +2

    God creating one new person out of Jews and Gentiles is found in Ephesians 2:14-16.
    - Ephesians 2:14-16:
    - "For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups ONE and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself ONE NEW HUMANITY out of the two, thus making peace, and in ONE BODY to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility".
    - Romans 9:6-8:
    - "Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed"
    I'll listen to the rest of your review but I don't think God is making a restoration of the missing 10 ethnic tribes of Israel, any more than ethnic Israel already exists.

  • @davidbell7137
    @davidbell7137 21 день назад

    Would love to hear what you think of Gerald McDermott's New History of Redemption. McDermott is a few degrees more radical on the post-supersessionist axis than Staples, I think. Looking forward to reading his latest.

  • @ds61821
    @ds61821 11 дней назад

    I just now ordered it. Thanks.

  • @tedroybal5231
    @tedroybal5231 21 день назад

    Thank you so much Joel. I subscribed after your review. Also, I purchased the book. This is great timing for me. I will start teaching Romans this week. I last covered Romans five years ago and, of course, NT Wright was quoted often. This book sounds so interesting.

  • @davidstout6051
    @davidstout6051 21 день назад +1

    Sounds like it might be worth a look. Thanks for the review.

  • @e.m.8094
    @e.m.8094 22 дня назад +1

    I really need to get this book, as well as his other one.

  • @cynthiacassel
    @cynthiacassel 15 дней назад

    And you gobbled that up? I personally enjoy reading textbooks when I want to gain a new understanding of scripture.

  • @a.t.ministries5376
    @a.t.ministries5376 22 дня назад +1

    Could this book function as a Roman’s commentary?

    • @mikealdridge5424
      @mikealdridge5424 22 дня назад +2

      It’s not an exhaustive commentary on Romans however it is basically a commentary on Romans 1,2, and 9-11. It’s amazing!

  • @TheRomans9Guy
    @TheRomans9Guy 21 день назад

    Well, the overarching argument of Romans is able to be comprehended, and it is significantly different than what scholars have said for centuries. But the argument that we’ve missed that Paul’s argument that Israel is being restored, is wrong. I write the correct view in my book.

  • @integrationalpolytheism
    @integrationalpolytheism 8 дней назад

    I mean, whole dissertations could be written on the discrepancies between Paul's theology and that of the character of Jesus in the various gospels.
    Dr James Tabor wrote and published a good one, in fact, which I would commit to anyone viewing this video. You'll learn a lot more from Taborsbook than from this video clip!

  • @MainPointMinistries
    @MainPointMinistries 10 дней назад

    Good resource. Thanks for sharing

  • @josephbrown6906
    @josephbrown6906 21 день назад

    I'm a first time watcher here. I am currently reading this book. I love it and the review. Are you familiar with David Mitchell's Messiah ben Joseph? It's great and some of the ideas in it complement Dr. Staples' work.

  • @-kepha8828
    @-kepha8828 21 день назад

    A Jew was not "one of the 12 tribes". The slang word Jew represented the southern kingdom of Judah, which was made up of 3 tribes:
    1. Judah
    2. Levi
    3. Benjamin
    As opposed to the dispersed 10 northern tribes of Israel.

  • @GatheringJacob
    @GatheringJacob 22 дня назад +3

    Thank you for your review. This is a theme I have understood by reading scripture. Wondering if the author makes the natural conclusion. That if the “gentiles” are Israel returned, than the prerequisites of the first covenant made with Israel originally, the prerequisites they broke, to make them scattered gentiles, must be the natural necessary outworking of there return to covenant and restoration! I.e. the circumcision of the heart, being a heart of obedience to the terms of the covenant. This obvious outworking is the key to understanding the New Covenant and ultimate result of being a part of that covenant is the Torah being written on your heart which ultimately is practiced by the community of redeemed Israel, here and now, but ultimately into eternity. Which manifests as scripture makes clear, in Jerusalem, with our Messianic king, and a fully functioning temple with priesthood and sacrifices restored! That’s a big pill for Protestants and anti Torah teaching “Christians” to swallow, but the sooner this truth is embraced, the sooner the truth will set you free! We are not free from death until we are free from sin. Sin is the transgression of Torah and until our hearts are converted from law breaking to law abiding we will NOT be free. The penalty of the Torah/law does not apply to the lawful, it only applies to the lawless! I could go on but hopefully you get my drift and hopefully this author realizes the true results of the truth he has expressed in this book.

    • @mikeschaller9233
      @mikeschaller9233 16 дней назад

      So we are not free from the law and must become part of Israel, circumcision and all, to be a part of Israel? Isn’t that what the circumcision group, as Paul called them, said was necessary. The same group Paul was fighting? The same group that the first council in Jerusalem sided against by saying gentiles we’re not required to keep the law of Moses?

  • @mattaikay925
    @mattaikay925 11 дней назад

    My Messianic Rabbi is bringing us Romans chapter by chapter weekly.

  • @TommyStahr
    @TommyStahr 14 дней назад

    I'm a Jew born anew since 1982! God always saves a remnant. I grew up atheist, didn't know my mom was fully Jewish until I was about 50 y.o.! So...After 42 years of walking with Jesus, I just realized about 8 years ago how close His return actually is. 2Thess2:11 is here. The lawless one is lifted up in the holy place (the church). The church is fallen to bigotry & Idolatry. They BELIEVE THE LIE! Jesus is coming soon for this born-again gay stoner Jew while most Christians are left behind because of the bigotry & Idolatry. Idolatry OF THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST! Compare Exodus & Rev 13:16 & Matt 5:29. The Mark of the Beast is SIN, we must be BORN AGAIN! John 3:3. What we fill our minds and give our time proves who our God is. It's Jesus or the Beast. The world is the Beast. Most all the church is lost. 😢Turn off the world and turn on Jesus!

  • @zgennaro
    @zgennaro 3 дня назад

    The Israel/Jew distinction was pretty jarring, not sure how everyone brushes by that. Romans 1, nothing new there, Romans 2 his argument for Augustines read over the natural law view was interesting. Already subscribed to Calvin’s view of Chapter 11 so no shock there. Excellent book though.

  • @Scrupulouslyhonest
    @Scrupulouslyhonest 13 дней назад

    It seems that some from all the tribes returned to land and eventually became one nation from from the times of Ezra and Nehemiah to Messiah's first advent. In other words, it seems that the two sticks prophesy was fulfilled before Messiah came. All Israel heard the Good News from Him. I'm carefully reviewing the prophetic facts to be sure for myself.

  • @BillyBoy66
    @BillyBoy66 22 дня назад

    Joel, what do you think NT Wright will think about Staple's points in this book?

    • @mikealdridge5424
      @mikealdridge5424 22 дня назад +1

      It’ll blow wrights mind. He’s such a humble man that he might celebrate this book and I’d guess revise some of his work.

    • @davidbell7137
      @davidbell7137 21 день назад

      No criticism of Wright's character but he has been exposed to post supersessionism in the pastвидео.htmlsi=b6APU5kP_UmTFC_z

  • @samsauce94
    @samsauce94 15 дней назад

    This whole argument is kind of blowing my mind lol

  • @e.m.8094
    @e.m.8094 22 дня назад +2

    Disciple Dojo did an interview with him on one episode.

    • @KingoftheJuice18
      @KingoftheJuice18 22 дня назад

      Was it about this book (or the same themes of the book)?

    • @e.m.8094
      @e.m.8094 22 дня назад +1

      ​@@KingoftheJuice18As I recall, yes.

    • @KingoftheJuice18
      @KingoftheJuice18 22 дня назад +1

      @@e.m.8094 Thank you

    • @Wren_Farthing
      @Wren_Farthing 21 день назад +1

      @@e.m.8094 I love Disciple Dojo. I’ll be looking this up!

    • @e.m.8094
      @e.m.8094 21 день назад +2

      @@Wren_Farthing He's got one of the best channels around for the serious student of the Bible. A true blessing for sure. 🙌

  • @Ditchdiggerpewsitter
    @Ditchdiggerpewsitter 21 день назад

    Intrigues me as a full preterist. See where this goes. Thanks.

  • @davidbell7137
    @davidbell7137 21 день назад

    Does Staples interact at all with the Paul Within Judaism camp?

    • @JoelWentz
      @JoelWentz  21 день назад +1

      Yes, he especially interacts with Matt Thiessen. Some substantial agreement, but a lot of challenge, particularly on the difference between the meaning of "Israel" and "Jew" in the literature

  • @cynthiacassel
    @cynthiacassel 15 дней назад

    I’ll put it on my list.

  • @Dizerner
    @Dizerner 21 день назад +1

    None of this makes any sense. Right up there with "two part Romans."

  • @BibleTales123
    @BibleTales123 21 день назад

    Awesome review ! 🧸⭐️⛱️ we want to read this

  • @BiteSizeBible1
    @BiteSizeBible1 22 дня назад

    Loved this book too!

  • @barrymiller3044
    @barrymiller3044 22 дня назад +1

    The down stream consequences of this book are going to be huge!
    Thanks for the review!

  • @firstamendment2887
    @firstamendment2887 9 дней назад

    That's weird. With asking the Holy Spirit for discernment, I understand it just fine. Are you supposing that we need another book, to understand the Bible?
    Sounds very, JW/Mormon/Catholic. Nah. I will stick with what God says.

  • @kwpctek9190
    @kwpctek9190 22 дня назад +2

    Nice to see someone batting for Paul again. Guys like Rabbi Tovia Singer are saying Paul alone invented Christianity, was anti-nomian and could conceivably influence the world council of Churches to reduce a globally acceptable Bible by 13 books. Of course he says Paul hated women too 🙄

    • @nancycorbin7317
      @nancycorbin7317 22 дня назад

      Singer , is a heavy weight contender for Jews for Judaism isn't he . Believe it not, they refused to see Yeshua as , Yehovahs prophesied Messiah when he was walking around. Would be something if , they did huh?

    • @Sherlock_nohtreal
      @Sherlock_nohtreal 21 день назад

      The Bible explains the Bible. Paul's attitude towards women and why he is single and celibate is understood by understanding the history of the Benjamin tribe and that Paul is a Sanhedrin Pharisee. The Benjamin tribe was so wicked God instructed the children of Israel to k-ll every man woman and child, but some men escaped by hiding in a cave. The tribe was then cursed and all Israelite women refused to marry a Benjaminite, so from that point on they had to kidnap young virgins from neighboring lands at night while they were doing their festivals.
      Paul being a Sanhedrin Pharisee would not be able to kidnap a gentile wife to marry, nor would he want to marry a gentile as a pharisee.
      We see an overall disdain for women from Paul, but he especially doesn't like young women and creates partially between young widows and "true widows" who seek aide from the church. They are only permitted to receive aide if they are on the list of "true widows" and meet the "true widow" list of criteria.
      Also, acts clearly states the disciples of Paul (followers of the gospel and doctrine he taught, which he called "my gospel") were first called Christian's in Antioch. Its not a matter of opinion - the Bible states it. Now, whether or not you believe what Paul taught and what is called "Christianity" is the same gospel and doctrine as Jesus, that's for you to decide. Some believe Paul brought a new gospel and new doctrine to the gentiles, and what Jesus taught was only for the Jews.

    • @andreaurelius45
      @andreaurelius45 21 день назад

      Tovia wants a pie.

    • @johnirish989
      @johnirish989 21 день назад

      ​@@Sherlock_nohtrealThe most correct cutting of His word is that between the gospel of Jesus and the gospel of the risen Christ, the latter given only and directly to Paul by a revelation of the risen Christ. And the two radically different gospels are NOT to be mixed because doing so just causes chaos and confusion and brings great joy to Satan.
      The basics: Jews circumcisionists /Gentiles uncircumcisionists, law works/grace, forgiven if you do this this and this/justified thus no need for forgiveness, must go through the tribulation/snatched away before the tribulation, not appointed to indignation, terrestrial destination/celestial destination.
      They hated Paul (the risen Christ) just like many hated Jesus. All of Paul's teachings except where he explicitly says they are his are from the risen Christ, none are from Saul.
      I personally don't think the Israel Jew distinction is that important. When Paul teaches that in the body of Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, he's not referring to members of the tribe of Judah. Perhaps the Circumcisionists.
      More relevant points of Paul: the meaning of the cross of Christ, the blood of the cross, the agony of the cross instead of a mere slitting of the throat type sacrifice. The Circumcisionists writers (Peter, John, James, Jude) never mention the word cross. For them His crucifixion was bad news the Jews needed to repent for. For Paul's gospel, His crucifixion was good news and the foundation of his gospel.

    • @Sherlock_nohtreal
      @Sherlock_nohtreal 12 дней назад

      @@johnirish989 John, thanks for your response. I just want to really draw out what you are saying here. You are saying Paul received a separate/new gospel by revelation (which he calls "my gospel") from God that provides a NEW/separate path of salvation for the gentiles. That is a messiah of sorts to the gentiles, yeah? Let's say he's not a messiah and instead just a prophet of sorts who brought the prophetic word of 'salvation by grace through faith apart from works oh the law', which is the new path to salvation for the gentiles, and distinctly different from the path of salvation given by Jesus to the Jews. Christ = "chosen one". Paul was the chosen one (acts 9:15) to bring salvation to the gentiles in the name of Jesus by means of the new gospel he received by revelation from Jesus (to be specific, he claims he was not taught it and received it when he was brought up to the third heaven [2 Corinthians 12]).
      So final recap: Paul said he was the chosen one to go to the gentiles in Jesus' name, to bring them a totally new gospel/path to salvation that was dramatically different than the one Jesus gave to the Jews, which he did not receive by man nor was taught, but that he received by divine revelation, dreams and visions, and going to the third heaven. (Acts 9:15; Galatians 1:11,12; 2 Corinthians 12:1-7)
      Matthew 24:5 KJVS
      For many shall come in my name (*authority*), saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
      Mark 13:22-23 KJVS
      For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. [23] But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
      Anyone who claims to have seen Jesus on earth after the final ascension is a false prophet:
      Matthew 24:24-27 ESV
      For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. [25] See, I have told you beforehand. [26] So, if they say to you, 'Look, he is in the wilderness,' do not go out. If they say, 'Look, he is in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. [27] For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
      Judas understood Jesus would not visually manifest himself privately to anyone on earth after His ascension. Judas asks Jesus how he will manifest Himself, if no one will see Him (because if one person sees him, the whole world will see Him, and anyone who claims to see him on earth privately is a liar/false prophet):
      John 14:22-23,26 KJVS
      Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? [23] Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. [26] But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
      Acts 23:11 KJVS
      And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.
      Acts 9:27 KJVS
      But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.
      Does Jesus say the Jews will be judged by the words which He had SPOKEN, and the gentiles will be judged by the words Paul has spoken?
      John 12:48 KJVS
      He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
      Jude 1:3-4 NASB
      Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith that was ****once for all time**** handed down to the saints. [4] For certain people have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into indecent behavior and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
      1 John 2:18-19 NASB
      Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour. [19] *****They went out from us, but they were not really of us****; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; ****but they went out, so that it would be evident that they all are not of us****.

  • @cynthiacassel
    @cynthiacassel 15 дней назад

    Looks like a deep read.

  • @Ditchdiggerpewsitter
    @Ditchdiggerpewsitter 21 день назад

    The IO camp might like this book.

  • @kylewhitten3961
    @kylewhitten3961 21 день назад

    John 11 and the Lazarus pericope is about the same thing.
    It’s all 1 story.

  • @toddstevens9667
    @toddstevens9667 21 день назад

    Just pointing out that the epistle to the Romans made sense to countless people for a couple millennia before this book you’re reviewing was written. Just saying … lol

    • @TheRomans9Guy
      @TheRomans9Guy 21 день назад +1

      Just starting this video, and haven’t read the book, but wow, you are way off base. People have NOT understood Romans for thousands of years. People have MISunderstood Romans, beginning with Augustine.

  • @hoerimchoi4461
    @hoerimchoi4461 12 дней назад

    Not so fast!
    The ten tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel were not completely wiped out, but their fate was complex and multifaceted following the Assyrian conquest in 722 BCE.
    ### 1. **Exile and Dispersion:**
    - **Assyrian Conquest**: The Assyrian Empire conquered the northern Kingdom of Israel, and a large portion of the population was indeed exiled. The Assyrians had a policy of deporting conquered peoples to different regions within their empire to prevent rebellion and to break down local identities. As a result, many Israelites from the northern tribes were dispersed throughout the Assyrian Empire, losing their distinct identity over time. These exiles are often referred to as the "Lost Tribes of Israel" because they effectively disappeared from historical records.
    ### 2. **Remnants and Escape:**
    - **Fleeing to Judah**: Not all members of the ten northern tribes were exiled. Some Israelites managed to escape the Assyrian invasion and fled south to the Kingdom of Judah. The Kingdom of Judah, consisting mainly of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, also included people from the other tribes who had moved there either before or after the fall of Israel. This included those who sought refuge during the Assyrian campaigns or those who had moved to Judah in earlier times for religious reasons (like those who wanted to remain faithful to the worship at the Temple in Jerusalem).
    ### 3. **Integration and Assimilation:**
    - **Integration into Judah**: The Israelites who fled to Judah were gradually integrated into the society there. Over time, they assimilated into the population of Judah, contributing to the formation of what would later become known as the Jewish people. This means that the bloodlines and heritage of the ten tribes continued, albeit merged with the tribe of Judah and Benjamin.
    ### 4. **Religious and Cultural Impact:**
    - **Religious Significance**: The presence of remnants from the ten tribes in Judah had religious significance, as it meant that the spiritual and cultural heritage of these tribes was preserved to some extent. Some biblical prophecies and later Jewish traditions hold that members of all twelve tribes were present in Judah during the Babylonian exile and subsequent return, though they were primarily identified as "Jews" from Judah.
    ### 5. **Later Jewish Traditions:**
    - **Legends of the Lost Tribes**: Throughout history, there have been various legends and speculations about the whereabouts of the "Lost Tribes." Some believe they assimilated with other cultures, while others suggest they migrated to distant lands. However, these theories are often more mythological than historical.
    In conclusion, while many members of the ten northern tribes were exiled and dispersed, others survived by fleeing to Judah, where they eventually integrated into the broader Jewish population. The tribes weren't entirely wiped out, but their distinct identities largely vanished over time.

    • @hoerimchoi4461
      @hoerimchoi4461 12 дней назад

      In other words, contrary to the author of this book, Israel is well preserved through Judah. Whoever is lost in northern Israel is lost in history through obvious judgment of God. Yet, remnant is remnant and northern remnants survive to fulfill the whole Israelites as it meant to be until Jesus Christ. Please do not come up with fancy way to twist the obvious truth. Israel is Israel, and Judah (hence Jews) represented the whole when Paul meant it. It goes way back to Abraham and Jacob! Don’t overthink it.

  • @sillysil2006
    @sillysil2006 20 дней назад

    The Hebrew Israelite have been saying this forever...the gentiles are the lost sheep of the house of Israel

  • @ClaimClam
    @ClaimClam 12 дней назад

    was pol polytheist?

  • @5675492
    @5675492 7 дней назад +1

    Virtually everyone else in the early church , including and maybe especially James the brother of Jesus , weren't initially buying what Paul was saying . It took some considerable arm twisting and scripture re-interpretation by Paul to get his point across . Even then I think the deciding factor was seeing the bags of cash Paul was bringing back from wealthy gentiles and the promise of swelling congregations that tipped the tide in Paul's favor . And , not that this means anything really , Islam considers Paul to be a deceiver ( false teacher ) who corrupted the Jewish religion .

  • @johncordbooks593
    @johncordbooks593 11 дней назад

    Dear Joel, I watched this video thru the YT App on my TV & appreciate your presentation. I was not raised in religion but had reason to begin studying the Bible & the history of "We love God" empires, nations & leaders. I remain nonreligious. 50 years Bible Study & 24 years of appeals to the most famous, powerful voices on Earth to speak the nonviolent solution to "holy" fascism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, Anti-Jews & wars that builds no further hate. I can find no pope, no leader, no famous Atheist, no law school, no elementary school that will speak the promised "reconciliation between Jew & Greek ('Gentile'; non-Jew). The Old Testament reveals that the 1 Circumcision is not of a male's foreskin but is of the foreskin of the heart of every human (Romans 2:25-29). Those that honor this 1 Circumcision live to circumcise or cut-away or "abort" rising desires to do harm and instead use their brilliant minds to determine the problem source & find the solution that does no harm at the point of the seed of discontent. "The people of the Circumcision" refer to all humans, regardless of one's ancestry or religious sect or culture, that live to maintain the safety first & peace. "The people of the uncircumcision" are humans that have no problem "birthing" or giving life to desires to do harm for their gain, all of whom can change.
    I appreciate your video because it proves, again, that this entire world is built upon the silencing of the solution that is further clarified by Jesus and by Paul (in Romans). Not only is the true meaning of the 1 Circumcision globally silenced but so is the One Law of God ('The All of the Law') that substantively means the same thing... that no matter how we define ourselves, we are to make this Unseen All-Good Mind & Spirit seen, not doing things to others we'd never want done to ourselves, meaning that when issues or problems arise we find the solution that does no harm, just as we'd want other people we don't even know to resolve their rising troubles without doing harm to us or anyone else for that matter.
    To date, since 15 (I am now 65), I have never heard one human ever explain Romans 2:25-29. It is as if it has been deleted from Scripture though it is there is black & white. To date, I have never heard anyone of power teach the 1 true circumcision that correctly defines "the people of the circumcision" (later called, 'The Jews') from "the people of the uncircumcision" (later called, 'The Gentiles'). There will never be that promised reconciliation between Jew & Gentile until mankind understands what "Jew" & "Gentile" actually means. These are character issues. No one is born a "Gentile" in character. Please consider taking the time to hear the historically silenced, relatively simple solution that initiates the restoration of peace on earth. I am no savior. I could care less if there is a literal heaven but wholly care that "heaven on earth" is before us if we want. Humans that do not believe this world can be run by people who know how to resolve troubles without fomenting hate, oppressions & committing crimes against humanity have already lost. Do you live to fix rising troubles before you without hurting others or not?
    I will not put the link to this video here. I plan to record the final part tomorrow. I am not monetizing or seeking fame. Stay well. I have subscribed & look forward to watching more of your videos. Here's the video title presenting the solution.

  • @harryabrahams2770
    @harryabrahams2770 21 день назад

    Just as there is a first and second Adam, first and second covenant, there is also a first and second Israel..
    There is no scriptural Israel until the first resurrection ( the first fruits )…All of Israel shall be saved is referring to the second Israel…as the scriptures state that just as He chose Jacob He will CHOOSE Israel again…
    Got Torah Got Truth

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 21 день назад +1

      Scripture never mentions a "2nd covenant". The word used in English translation is "new covenant", yet the Hebrew word means "to re-new".
      Similar to how there is no such thing as a new moon day, only a re-newed moon day.
      You wouldn't say their are 2 moons, simply because there is a renewed moon. There are not 2 covenants. Only a renewed covenant based on better promises. And that would be the priesthood. Yehushua is the high priest now. That was the better promise.

    • @harryabrahams2770
      @harryabrahams2770 20 дней назад

      @@-kepha8828 there was obviously a 1st covenant, so numerically the next covenant would be the 2nd covenant so yes , there are two covenants…if you can’t think logically you should keep your comments to yourself….Got Torah Got Truth

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 20 дней назад

      @@harryabrahams2770 there was never a 2nd covenant. Scripture never mentions a 2nd covenant. But you know this lol, which is why you cannot provide scriptural verses claiming a 2nd covenant.
      Again, Hebrews 8 says there is a "new covenant". But the word actually means "to re-new". This is why Jesus said "I bring you NO NEW commands, but only that which already were.
      Just as their are new moon days. But this doesn't mean there is a NEW moon every month. It's the same moon each month, just it's cycle is being RE-NEWED.

  • @TheRomans9Guy
    @TheRomans9Guy 21 день назад

    Jew is a general term to describe Israelites.

  • @user-zb4wh3ks2e
    @user-zb4wh3ks2e 2 дня назад

    If you think Romans is about the resurrection of Isrsel, what you mean when you say it makes sense is that you have invented a lie that makes sense.
    These delusions are given to you false believers by God Himself because of your UNBELIEF.

  • @frankfebus7565
    @frankfebus7565 10 дней назад

    U must b drinking alot of coffee