I have a history teacher who goes against the curriculum and hasn't assigned any book work all year. But every day, he says "What would you like to debate about?" We all have our arguments and rebuts, and guess what? I have learned more about people, how your background can influence people, controversial topics, and certain lifestyles in that one class in one year than in any of my classes all together my entire life. I enjoy going to that class. No one falls asleep because we are so excited to get our opinions out or listen to other's opinions. The teacher wants us to think what we want, not think about facts that we don't want to learn or will forget after the period. This history class has actually helped my social skills dramatically. A's do not mean that you are smart. F's do not mean that you are stupid. I currently has horrible grades. Not because I don't understand the material, but because I don't do the work. I don't want to become a biologist. So why should I waste my time doing a 3 page packet on the splitting of DNA?
+orrin jones No kidding, I think I'm going to start checking out more videos from him. I found him from Joyner Lucas's music video "I'm Sorry." You've got to check it out if you haven't!
Wow man, good luck! Life's too short to not do or say what you want the first time around. They say regret is forever so you might as well try it. Got nothing but love for ya! Goodluck to you on your journey! And let me know whenever you check out that I'm sorry video, promise you won't regret it.
+orrin jones Oh awesome, when I first heard that song, It gave me chills. It changed my life honestly. It reminded how important it is to spread positivity and love in this world.
Hugo Yolo While you may never have a practical need for knowing every single detail of an author's life and emotional state when they wrote a particular piece, you will need to know how to read, write, and communicate effectively. You'd be amazed at how many university level students don't know how to write a simple email to a professor; I get at least 1 email per class each semester reminding me how to communicate with said professor. It's all about how the skills you are supposed to be learning translate into being an adult. Is the system perfect? Ha! No way. Will it ever be perfect? Nope. But it can be worked on and improved upon; the system can't make you learn. What you learn or don't learn is entirely up to you.
Chris Dueck Sometimes people who do not spell well have been failed by our current and historic educational systems... they may be dyslexic or have other learning disabilities that have gone and continue to go unremediated on a daily basis in this country... I am for education, but really, I have serious doubts about the quality of education in this country today and for at least the last 3 decades since I have been out of school... It appears that students no longer are graded on what they know, but instead are graded on just putting something down on paper, even if it is not a quality answer, and being given credit for handing in a piece of paper ... even if it is totally inaccurate, wrong or incomplete... Yet this passes for an acceptable education today... I now know why so many people have lost faith in our current education system... More than 7 out of 10 students graduating from high school are unable to read, write or do math proficiently, and these are the ones GRADUATING and being handed a high school diploma (it doesn't even count the ones that dropped out of high school!) .... so I would have to agree with this video in many respects... as a traditional education obviously doesn't seem to matter or ensure that it will give students the solid foundational skills that they will need to be successful in life outside of this parallel universe called K-12 education in the USA...
5 million people have watched this video and yet, we will go on living as we have. When I finish typing this comment I will go back to studying for my chemistry final in the morning, and the thousands if not millions who have been inspired by this video, will wake up the next morning to rush to class only to fall asleep in the corner. We know its wrong, but its the way it is. We know nothing else and and as a result we know nothing.
its not a weak mentality its the truth. It doesn't matter how we think if we don't act on those thoughts. You may have been inspired by this video but tell me, what have you done differently afterwards? Exactly.
Andy Chen I agree with you. 100%. Its not what we think, its how we act. And without action, thought is useless. You could think about how to improve but its useless if you dont improve. People always get inspired, see people do good, and say to themselves, 'I want to be like that'. They watch people, and think, but they dont act. Peace.
Education is the goal, schooling is just seen as a means to the end goal, hence the reason a graduate is offered employment by companies, that piece of paper 📄 simply shows that you should have done at least the bare minimum requirements of learning that trade or skill, in truth there could be the most skilled person on the planet that doesn’t have a piece of paper that says they passed tests or took required classes, But they would still know more than any living being on the planet about that skill, That is,if they were truly the best on the planet…
I was considered smart. Won bunch of awards and graduated valedictorian. People thought I got there because love learning but I got there because I unconsciously thought number was all I was. I wasn't fighting for my future, I was fighting for my worth.
I find that's true with most students these days. They're studying for the grade not for the sake of learning, which was why school started in the first place.
Middle school tells me I'm smart. There are posters that tell you to keep trying. The teachers tell you that you are smart you just haven't put in enough effort... But the system tells me something different. It tells me that I am a percent, just a number. It tells me that if I don't get a high enough score then I'm dumb. It tells me that if I fail I'm worthless and will never amount to anything. It's funny how the system tells you one thing but does a different thing. How it makes you feel like a failure. Telling you that you have to try harder. Telling you that even if you are going through depression, anxiety, ADD, ect. You still cannot fail. The systems treats us like worthless robots trying to motivate us to do something and not fail for the "big picture". Because they want the state scores to go up. They don't care about whether we are prepared for the future. Prepared to do taxes and get jobs. It's for their own selfish gain. Sorry :P just a thought. I don't know I haven't really looked at the flaws to this way of thinking so there may be some things that don't make sense :3
Lmao people are misinterpreting it. He didn't say you shouldn't go to school. He is just saying that Education is key, You don't have to go to school to be smart.
Uhmm not exactly.. He said that school is a bad place to learn, and that you could study on your own time, and become smart. He's not saying '' drop out of school'', you still need a degree or something to prove you have experience.
superope100 No you're misinterpreting it. He quoted proverbs 17:16 which says "it does a fool no good to spend money on education". It was pretty clear.
The Moral Crusader Prov 17:16 (GNT) says it does a fool no good to spend money on education - this rule is true for fools because fools have no common sense. Above that, if I quote from KJV or NIV or NASB or other versions, it speaks of 'wisdom' and not 'education'. Wisdom cannot be bought - that is what this verse means. It does not mean to not go to school. School imparts knowledge. People get wiser everyday, by making rights decisions or learning from the ones wrongly made.
+jet Remastered You can change that actually. You can go to school just because you want to discover the world. now discovering the world using basic textbooks is not the ideal way. You need to check out vlogs city pictures using the internet. read about life in other places. read about how thing work the sun the soap. why the sky is blue and why are you here? and learning the basics in school 100% helps you. the basics is a relative word . so you should consider that. don't go to school to pass exams. Before you learn math ask yourself why i am learning math ? if you didn't find the answer stop. and ask someone who is good at math more like professor or something why would you need to learn math . if he didn't give you a good answer. don't learn and pass the exams but if you ask me . math builds critcal thinking and its widely used. it's used in all the things in your phone , your computer everything . it's the things that protects your passwords and privacy it's everything in the technology world. so you need to know a little about the basics. to get an overview of how it works. and the make things work. but studying math by itself without knowing why. is 1000% useless for you (I think).
Your totally right, it has taken me 3 years to realise how very right you are about this. It's strange, watching my videos back at times, and realising some of the things I have learnt since I created them. At the same time, I guess that's the beauty of life.
Yeah at school they say do good to get ready for the next school and then to get a high paying job but school can't help me find what will make me happy. Not to say I don't want to be successful or that I'm lazy, but I want to go into amusement park type stuff and it seems like they're trying to only get me into a bland average job. Then, sorry if this is a bit off topic, but they assign us with summer work to make us always feel stressed and to try to turn us into drones who will do whatever someone says it seems like instead of being who we want to be.
And there are so many tests on us that we become more lab rats then students it seems like and they tell us about how it will help us be successful in college, but what I've found is that I can't even get where I want there and will only end up in debt. What's my motivation? I feel like this is all for their self gain and they're trying to brainwash us into doing what they want instead of what we want. Or am I overreacting?
I have listened to this a few times now, but the message only makes to a certain degree sense. "So you want to get a degree? Why?" Well, in the modern world of the 21st century, if you want to work as an engineer, scientist, doctor, be a professor etc, you need a degree. There is no way around it. Airbus is not going to hire you as an engineer if all you got is a high school diploma. Those "statistics" this guy mentioned, are not statistics, but facts. There are a few people who have a clear business plan and do become successful with it, without having got a degree. But MANY, fail in life because they chose not to get a degree. However, I don't disagree with everything he said. "Education is about inspiring ones mind, not just filling their heads" This is true. Most school systems fail on this one big time. You will not be taught to understand the stuff you are learning. It is only to be filled in your head and you know it is like that, but you don't know why. A simple example: What is 3²? Now, we all know its 9 because we understand the concept. We know that 3²=3x3. Now, lets pretend you are tutoring someone who is learning this right now. If you tell him 3²=9, he will know from now on its 9. But if he gets confronted with 3³ or 4², he will not have a clue how to solve it, because he was never taught to understand this. And this problem, applies with everything. Many probably know that the derivative of f(x)=4x³+3x²-8 f'(x)=12x²+6x is, but how many can actually tell me why this is? "Memorizing equations facts and dates" Memorizing is the least helpful thing you can do in order to educate yourself. How does memorizing vocabulary help you learn a language? Not at all. You need to combine the vocabulary with the grammar and literature of the language you are learning. Learning vocabularies for a quiz is useless regarding education, because you will forget them straight after the quiz. It's just like in math. If you memorize the pattern to the solution, you're cool. But as soon as something comes up that you don't expect, you're clueless.
It's people like you that give me faith in the world. We are taught to remember but not to think, but the thing is, how do we teach others how to think? Better yet how do we evaluate thinking? That's the problem
***** It is not impossible to teach someone to think. My step mother has been a teacher for several years, and when she explains something, she doesn't just tell you what it is and to remember it. She will approach you from different angles, and have you thinking about how to get to the solution. She will only guide you. You have to do the thinking yourself. Once it clicks in your brain, you got the whole thing figured out. Now that you know how to think through the task, you can also deal with things that come unexpected. Someone who was told to memorize the solution pattern, would now be in trouble and have no concept whatsoever.
You can also find MANY (millions) with a degree that failed. Then, you also have those that ask themselves how someone like Jobs without a degree can be so successful. Society tells you that you have to get a degree to be successful, "education is the key". That's just a lie, and that's where this video is pointing at. What is important is knowledge, it doesn't matter how you get it. If you get it in school, good, if you get it some other way, even better. Your goals shouldn't be a degree and money, but knowledge and success
macrojd Do you have such a business idea that will make you millions of $? Without it and/or without a degree, you will only be hired for jobs that don't require a lot of pre-studied knowledge. For instance, you might work at the grocery store, or collect garbage, bus driver etc. If you can create a business that will secure your future, go for it. If not, working daily jobs can (and most likely will) be a pain in the ass. If you pursue a degree just for the money, then you won't be successful. You pursue a degree in a field of study that interests you. I didn't say that you will be automatically successful just because you earned a degree. However, you will have the least difficulty finding a job than someone, who is not specialized in a certain field. I know plenty of people that have pursued getting a degree. They are now all working in respective fields, make enough money that they don't have to worry about their finances, and live a happy stress limited life. On the other hand, I also know people that have not pursued further studies, and they are struggling now. Working close to minimum wage, difficulties paying their bills, constantly cutting back and sacrificing from things, stressed out, from time to time on welfare, and they are not certain for how long they will have their jobs. Society doesn't tell you anything. Society is just the world we live in, and it has its way of working. In the modern era, people such as engineers, physicists and scientists, mathematicians, computer programers and engineers, managers, accountants, lawyers etc are all fields, that are needed. Why do you think you can immigrate so easily into another country if you have a degree in one of those fields, and those who don't have a degree hardly get a residence permit? Its because, those are people that are needed in the modern workplace, not a hairdresser or a garbage collector. Society isn't telling or forcing you to get a degree. That's your own choice. But open your eyes: In the modern world, you are nothing without a degree. Sounds harsh, but its the truth.
LSBonnPower I think you still have a lot to learn about society and what it does, What it expectS from people, the life and the world that it proposes to the people that is involved in that society, The paths that are previously set for those people. Everything is planned for you. You are a social slave, unless you understand why and how society tells you what to do and how to do it. If you really think that "Society isn't telling or forcing you to get a degree" or "Society doesn't tell you anything" you are already a slave. It may sound like an insult but please don't take it that way. It's just reality. In fact, if we go further, you can even see how society murders you, convincing you that you HAVE to die and forcing you to accept dead without doing anything about it. That influential is society in the life people live and how they live it. And again, about getting a degree, the same way you can show me happy people with a degree I can show you pathetic people with a degree. Society tells you that a degree and education is the key, and that's a lie, as the video explains.
Looking at all these comments that go against this video simply tells me that you guys don't get the message. The title simply saids it all "Why I hate school but love education", no but some of you are taking this waaaay out of context. He is not encouraging laziness nor is he saying to not pursue a degree. He is simply speaking on the behalf of school and education. Being educated and being schooled is two different things. You see, if you are educated than it means that you have a complete logical understanding of that subject. But being schooled is what was mentored by an educated person with an logical understanding.... *you just been schooled*
Thus why education should be put more into the school system instead school trying get every student into a machine mind and preventing that mind from Opening. #closeminded
This made me cry so hard, because school's killing my 'demon'! Before I liked studying, but now, in that crowd of zombies, of comformed people... In all that building of lies, where you must be on time for learning something... I'm just spending money learning nothing. And my dreams, everybody tells me I'm crazy, everybody says that I'm just stupid because I'll never become a singer, or an actress and I'll never publish a book. I wanna say thank you because you let me open my eyes, letting me see that I don't want to leave school because I'm lazy... but because I want to spend my time improving the talent God gave me. So thank you. Thank you.
ancient, in poetry language , demons were related to pure self expression and they were all our secrets,they were ourselves... Of course I wasn't talking about any ritual or satanic thing LOL
+Thepalenigga yep dosnt matter what age you are what job you do where you are in life.. ALWAYS follow your dreams.. dont end up wondering what if. Dreams are there to be built and followed .. nothings impossable ( except my spelling )
+OfficiallyFJ I hope you NEVER stop chasing your dreams! If they don't get or like your dreams, so what, they don't need to get or like them, because they're your dreams, not their!👊🏻 I wish you the best of luck
My teachers tell me I'm lazy, not trying hard enough, failing. They compare past statistics to present numbers. School is not education, Education is intrinsic understanding of passion, not numbers, and it is not passing school. School offers a path for those who wish to simply add to something that is already built, a dream, a goal from another they constructed through their understanding and hard work. I may not be phenomenal at science, but i can rebuild a engine of almost any kind. I can play guitar, violin,and piano with ease. I can out work and out will anyone of my piers. Failing school when you give it all of your effort doesnt mean you are lazy, I believe it means you need to form your own path, instead of the one society laid out for you. Failing doesnt equal laziness, and you certainly wont get anywhere without effort. Failing just means you found one way a system will not work, so make your own
Carson Myers Thank you Carson I needed to hear that! It's millions of talented people across the whole world including myself, that can turn their talent and ideas, to their own multi businesses!
Carson Myers Excuses.... Do you know what the maximum effective range of an excuse is? 0 meters. Sounds to me your teachers are right you're making excuses why not try your hardest and prove them wrong you can only better yourself but instead you want to complain and only prove them right. Work smarter not harder figure out what works for you and then do it to succeed. Because in this world you better have an education or you're not going anywhere. And before you start naming off people who didn't have an education I want you to name as many as you can tell go on Google and look it up research it for the next year and then what I want you to do is look at the population of the world and then figure out the percentage of people who didn't go and get an education that succeeded to the point that they made millions upon millions of dollars if not billions and are a complete success today compared to the overall majority of the world that didn't go that route and instead got an education and became successful. That's just like somebody saying I'm not going to play sports but I'm going to play in the NBA or I'm going to be an Olympic gold medalist or I'm going to play in the NFL or I'm going to play in the Barclays League. You have to have that foundation in order to succeed and Sports in other words you have to move your way up through the ranks from a kid to adolescent to a young adult to hopefully as an adult you make it in the big time but if you look at how many people play sports as children that actually make it as a professional athlete it's painfully obvious how hard it is. The same applies to education you have to have it in order to succeed you have to crawl before you can walk and you have to walk before you can run.
In all honesty high school rarely taught me anything it just taught me repetitive learning , except when we would have discussions I learned a lot of things by being open minded viewing things from a different standpoint.
Exactly. When I was in 12th grade (I'm a freshman in college now) I was so dumbfounded when like 3 teachers of mine literally taught the same curriculum from 9th grade but just tried to teach it a different way. I was so pissed after that I barely went to school that year
BLVCK LORD BEATS yea its sad what we are actually being taught in schools these days after the ninth grade I could have literally taught myself some of those things people should pursue what they believe in and not follow everyone footsteps
Such a true video, my dad had a GED because he was terrible at school. And now look at him even though he died, selling his oil company years ago for $7.2M. And even starting broke poor. As soon as I graduate in a few days I will go to the Marine Corps and then start my own business when I am out. If you want to be successful in the world, why make someone else rich with a job instead of making yourself rich. Starting your own company is the key to riches my friends.
My dad started a company and made tens of millions of dollars too. He did it with the skills he developed while earning his master's degree. The truth is that neither of our anecdotes prove the value (or lack thereof) of school, and that the success rate of starting companies is a abysmal.
I can completely relate to this, I love to learn I have a huge interest in expanding my mind but, in school I don't do well. What they force me to learn doesn't appeal to me.
Same here. I enjoy reading and studying all sorts of subjects, but when it comes to school I become unmotivated to do so. Even for things I enjoy most -like art and maths.
same here! i took computer science as my major which is my interest. i want to learn in what interests me more, but they tell me whaat i should learn. if i didnt, they call me dumb or cocky. but still i am good at what i learn myself. fuck the rest!!!
When I enroll into college they will force me to take math. I can't stand math also I am horrible at it. From the opportunities I have there's no avoiding math.
I think many of our problems these days is many people limit their focus on wealth. Money is important, but is nothing more than a social construct. I wouldn't mind an unpaid internship, experience is more valuable than just a degree in many situations.
What a lot of people seem to miss in this video is that he never once said not to go to school. All he said is that you should be making your own choices in regard to your education and your life. He even specifically said that school isn't evil. If you want to do something where you need a college degree, then go get a college degree because you want to, not because you feel obligated for whatever reason. His point is that if you want to do something where you don't need one, and you don't want one, why get one? He doesn't support abandoning getting an education, he supports making your own choice. Being an individual. If your choice is to continue school, then go to school. Yes, you can be successful with or without a degree. Make your choice about whether or not you need one.
The thing I actually hate about school is the fact that I have to wake up every morning, let them take 11 hours of my day (1 hour bus ride, 7 hours of school, 1 hour of after school sports, and another 1 hour bus ride) and then come home to a pile of homework, which takes another 2-4 hours. Then they expect you to socilize even when you have no time. Oh and did I mention the mean, judgemental kids? Don't even get me started,
Man, you smarter than 2/3 of the people around the whole globe and society looks at you lower than Justin Bieber whereas we live in a society of education but we thrive in a city of imagination and society looks at you lower than entertainment when they educated education themselves.
When there are students who are so terrified at the prospect of getting a letter other than an A on their report card or test, when they would rather die than get out of bed in the morning to go to a place where they feel worthless every single day and when they feel sick at the idea of school, I think you should know that there is something very wrong with the education system that has been passed down for generations. Education should never ultimately be a value of what letter you get on a piece of paper but teaching kids to think for themselves, not turn them in mindless formula/fact memorising robots designed only to complete a test.
I just wish I knew what to do. I don't have any problems with school other than what you described. I love learning but it feels like a chore to learn. I think I'll just graduate high school & then start producing music. To tell you the truth the only reason I get up every day is because I want to make great music & spend whatever time I have to write lyrics. I don't really care about being a super rockstar or anything like that, but I do want to make enough money to provide for me & my family. I'm very unsure about this idea though......
TheMegaGamingWizard Be wise and realistic. Music is great and wonderful but don't let your passion override your need to support you and your future family. Always have a backup when going into a high risk field like music.
I really love this video. I'm a seventeen year old girl who had passions in multiple things, but people try to tell me: "No, you can't chase your dream. You are not qualified enough in these certain aspects." Or- "That's not a real job." Trying to tell children who are told one moment they are too young to make decisions for themselves, and the next to choose what they want to do / how to spend the rest of their life. I find it completely hypocritical, why should my dreams define anyone but myself? How can I learn from my mistakes if everyone around me is preventing them? I have a job on top of education, and I pay a few personal bills, nothing major, but it frustrates me people are so focused on what society tells them, they would trade common sense + being wise, and not to mention in my own opinion, true intelligence, for a grade and a gold sticker, and then surprise, usually after you finish college/uni good luck finding/getting a job; because in this economy none are truly available, it's a double edged sword. I hope anyone struggling finds their passions and succeeds, because this society is, for lack of words, suckish. :/
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein
You are the one, the center of this verse, the eye of the hyperbolic plane extending in 360 degrees, the medium in which energy flows. You are the only teacher you will ever have, sure some can guide you, open you to knew ideas, but actually teach is upon self. If you assign the worse student to the best teacher, he learns nothing. It's not the teachers fault, one must focus, bring self to present moment and apply self in order to learn through what they already know in order to progress. You are all you will ever have, pay F'in attention, better self, find growth. Peace.
@@helpmegetto10kwithnovideos81 I don't exactly understand why you are telling me this for at least a couple reasons. I'm not against talking about it I guess at the same time. >side note< that is a very poor way to use the word literally, literally thinking, wth does that mean?>. 1. Kind of 'out of nowhere'? What's the topic again? 2. People who want to talk about suicidal thoughts seek attention not death. (the vast majority seek attention don't feel to bad about it). Pick your chin up, jr/highschool sucks for almost everyone. I didn't enjoy mine even a little bit. You are going to be just fine. Make sure you apply self as much as you can stand. If life is sucking so bad it can't get worse right?
@@helpmegetto10kwithnovideos81 Oh... get over it. It wasn't so bad. It's happened before, it'll happen again. Wasn't a forever judgement of yourself even if you thought you wanted whatever it was.
Follow me)on whichever one works best for you: instagram.com/sulibreaks or facebook.com/officialsulibreaks or twitter.com/sulibreaks to stay posted on my new album. #UOSB
+cassandraEARTHLING,look for it, live for it and love it!!! You're purpose. Instead of self pity use the blessings you have to bless others, such a beautiful life is not worth taking. In due time you'll understand. Be encouraged!!!
From reading the comments I see that all people are taking away from this video is to "drop out of education" because look at all the successful people without degrees. Yes whilst that was implied, I don't think that's what he was trying to say. What I took away from this video is that there's too much pressure on young people nowadays to do well in exams. Exams now are more based on how well you memorise pointless facts, which is extremely unfair. Society thinks that your grades define you as a person. They really don't.
His message isn't 'wrong'. It just isn't for everyone. That's the thing with artistic expression, it's a message that not everybody can hear. He's not making an assertion, he's getting you to think
Marcus McCloud Working for yourself is one of the greatest things you can do, improving on your education while doing so is even wiser. I wish you the best of luck for the future.
One question I've always had in my head is, "Who are you without school, grades, and education alike"? All these kids who cry over getting an 89% on an exam, who spend their whole weekends studying for a test they don't give a damn about, who are they when all that is taken away? Who are you without all the external influences and predisposed ideas affecting your own thoughts? Do you really enjoy solving for the missing angle in a triangle, or learning about the chemical makeup of a cell, when you have no desire to become a biologist or chemist in the future? To all you adults out there, when's the last time you've used ANY of the subject material you learned in grade school? Sure maybe its good to know about how the physical world works, and how the different nations on our earth have come to be, but how does any of that help you build and grow as a person? Does it teach you how to see other people's perspectives, or to show compassion to the people around you, strangers included, or to think for yourself and form your own opinions and ideas? Are you really living your own life? Or are you following a guide and a path that someone else has formed for you? Whats most important at the end of the day is YOU, not what someone else thinks of you, not someone else's opinion on what best for you, etc. We all know our education system is outdated, and frankly, I don't feel comfortable following something that was developed so long ago, with nothing in mind but the control and the "greater good" of a nation, not the individual. Why do you think the arts, and other creative, mind provoking subjects are so poorly funded and supported? The powers that keep us in control have a certain agenda, and how we feel about it does not matter to them. We grow up, being taught and conditioned to think and act in a certain, limiting ways. We go to school, put countless hours and loads of energy into subjects most of us have no interest in, just to go to suped-up, less restrictive versions of the same thing in college. We present employers a nice fancy piece of paper showing that we graduated, even though all it takes is the ability to remember facts, dates, names and numbers, and to plan for following assessments accordingly, much like what a robot would do. Most of us give in to the corporate slavery that is working as an adult, where all we do is go to our mostly boring, repetitive jobs, make money, buy consumer goods, pay taxes, etc. Where is the LIFE in that? In this whole process, where is there room to think freely and follow our own desires and ambitions? School does not TEACH us to do any of this, it only delays our pre-programmed, voluntary submission into a system designed to keep us down, and follow orders given by people who's thoughts and ideas may not be any better than our own. Only the most intelligent (and often outspoken :/ ) of us can see through the facade and open up our eyes for once in our lives. I don't presume to know everything, as I am only 16, but what I do know is that true joy stems from doing what you want to do, because you want to do it, not because someone else told you to. Like I said I'm not trying to act like I know all there is to know about whats going on in this world, but I, at the very least, encourage you to think for yourself, and find ways to do what you enjoy. Money can be made in a myriad of ways, don't let that be the sole factor that decided what life you're going to live, what job you're going to have. Don't be afraid to look into and research what doesn't sit right with you. Its ok to let go of certain thoughts and beliefs that, although may have brought you comfort and "ignorant bliss", may not have been the best for you in the grand sense of things. Love you all :)
He is explaining that success is not built on the foundation of a degree, or education. But what you make of decisions and life. Personally ive done ok in higher and college is driving me crazy. Im leaving with a hnc because i cant take being stuck behind a desk anymore. Im training to be a pilot.
I am a college student, and I love to learn things that relevant to art creativity since I am an art major. My dream is to become animator and make my own studio one day; however, I see that dream slowly being crushed since I struggle a lot when it comes my general ed classes. I see college as a place to reach your dreams, but I also see it as a dream crusher if you are struggling to adapt like me.
bushwicksniper Time in the field is useless if you don't have the prerequisite knowledge. It would be like teaching quantum mechanics to someone who doesn't know calculus.
I didn't take this very seriously a couple of years ago. I have seen it now... my dad was right. I have wasted so much time in school these years that it angers me. Waiting for people to teach me... I should have started myself.
College is good, it provides you with contacts. people to discuss, and also guidance. But truly education comes from the individual alone; only your interest and your individual effort will get you to be fully educated and capable. Don't rely on any learning institution to do the teaching for you; your room with your books, texts and your mind is the real clasroom.
johnny drama School is absolutely necessary to get the proper education for many careers. There's no way around it. No amount of library books and diagrams can ever replace hands-on classes that allow a dental student to do a filling on a patient or a medical student to dissect and feel a cadaver.
johnny drama a good university is where you "learn how to learn". however, not the only place. I was really "smart" all through high school, but right now studying engineering in college I feel dumb as fuck. but I think you're missing the point of this video. he's saying that going to school does not have to be your only goal. its CHASE YOUR DREAMS. like david beckham dreamed of being a famous soccer star. don't go to school because someone told you to, that's what this guy is saying. follow your dream and be great
I've been too much surrounded by people who are nagging for good grades. Yet that's not what I'll call motivation. Thank you for showing us the true way of motivating.
How are you able to come up with such strong, brilliant, and profound words. Isn't it hard performing your own work on RUclips in front of millions a people. Have you ever been criticized for speaking the truth.
People are missing the message of his speech. He isn't saying to not go to school. He clearly states that education is important. He is trying to tell people that they shouldn't stress and summit themselves to a "standard" system of learning, for there is more than one way to "educate" yourself. Some of the people he named (Jesus, Mohammed, David Beckham) they weren't educated to a degree (and in some of the cases educaucated at all) yet the were educators..they tought people things, they were still successful. He was asking us why we were going to a Unviersity if we OURSELVES didn't know what our for "learning" was (when he refers to the "students wait in line like zombies to turn in a assignment") he was stating that they were there to be there...just following the status quo of getting to the next step. Listen and look deeper into the context... His points are really valid.
this is so true. I honestly love learning and the subjects I'm studying at school. but school just ruins it by turning learning into a chore, and with the atmosphere of judgement and academic pressure. not to mention they don't teach you some of the most important skills in life. they don't even teach you how to get a job or how to function in society.
Grades don't make you smart. Good grades are due to good memorization. Study a bunch, memorize it, take the test, get an A, then forget all about it. So we aren't really smart from good grades. I've seen people fail everything in school yet they became smarter than some of their teachers.
He's got a point god damn it stop trying to be hipster and disagree with him. A lot of people have problems in school and conditions or stress and get bullied. Being in school for 8 hours trapped in a prison full of people that care about popularity more than their fellow students. I've actually been expelled from my school for having adhd I dont even cause any trouble I just dont take information well and I get hyper but It's not my fault and now I go to a pupil referral unit where people solve answers not by studying but they punch it out and its even worse. My granddad left school at my age(15) and he does well in life. That was some time ago though and this guy is right its all based on shitty exams that mean nothing to you. I have talent in computers and love for them which wont ever be used thanks to society because I dont have exams everything I have learned and worked on in computers is useless.
None. And it has caused many wars over something that doesn't exist. So what if god is written in a book? So is spiderman.. Does that mean spiderman exists?
Muslims shove their brutal religion down other's throats and we're sick of it. Don't tell me to read your qu'ran because I have no interest in fairy tails.
Why would I respect muslims if you lot are coming to my country and treating it like an islamic state? knocking down churches and trying to make us adjust to your rules. Your women are allowed to wear hoods and a mask over their face like a thug and white people can't? If you want to do that shit go back to your desert because we don't want you here.
Imran Esmail That isn't quite true; if you look at American history you see the opposite - when people can gain wealth by building their dreams, that wealth spreads in terms of jobs, charity they give, etc. read Mary Ruwart's work "Healing Our World" (read online free at her site). explains it very well.
Truth Stands Clear well, look at it this way. Let's say i was the boss of a company and you were just an employer of my company who is the one with real success you or me? Unless you are comfortable working as an employer. That's what they guy is trying to say.
***** you are terrible wrong he didn't say leave school he said there is more than one way in this world to be educated man . he didn't say leave school lol . what if i want to be a pilot ? and doctor needs to try on patients not just watch and read lol. thanks for your comment .
***** tough world we live in but you need some writing on a worthless piece of paper to become a legal doctor, unless you live in China - then you can be anything.
He's not saying drop school. He's just making examples of people famous because of their success, that didn't do too well in school, or didn't go at all. An educated doctor is a doctor who didn't just right a dissertation, or regurgitate what their lecturer told them, he took what he was told and practiced it, he performed it on something else.
Everybody in the comments are so picky. They pick apart a video that is supposed to be inspiring to the point where some people no longer find it inspiring. Are you really defending our outdated education system?
Epic Senpai I haven't read the comments, but I will say this:I do not defend our education system, which is no where near to ideal, but the points this guy made in his video are just not related or helping his idea. So what if their is ten, or hundrent, or a million people who could get to an amazing place without school? these people are UNIQE, they are abnormal, they are prodigies, and even if there is a million of these prodigies (and there isn't a million of them) then this is a million divided by 7 billion, that means they are ~0.014% of the population, that's REALY low, and you can't count on that the you would like them. It's stupid to hear 12-18 year old teens that say: "It's ok, einstein also failed math (which is not true)" Or students who say: "It's ok Steve Jobs dropped out of college and look where it got him". Well new flash, you're probably not steve jobs, and you need to study because YOU'RE NOT A PRODIGY. simple as that.
Elder Gamer Nobody needs this, if your going to try to discourage people that are looking for hope just stop. It's just not necessary for negativity. I know your trying to be realistic, but your words are more powerful than you think and this simple stupid comment on youtube could have made the next prodigy or successful person not take that chance to be different or abnormal. With an attitude like this there is no Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or any other abnormal people. Not flaming you just letting you know that ignorance is bliss and everything is possible, maybe if you changed your outlook you could be the next abnormality.
Buizge Jones I'm not discourging prodigiy, prodigies usually know they are prodigies and that's why they have the confident, but prodigies are the beautiful lie that the other 99% tell themselfs, and that won't help when reality strikes them, and when reality strikes it does it with no warning. I'm trying to give them to warning, don't count on it that you can be a prodigy, most software developers and such innovators DIDN"T dropped out of school or failed like that, they usually are very bright and have succecful background.
So in the U.K when kids are 10/11 we do these test called SATs. You do Maths grammar and reading. I was put in a group because I had the ability to get a 5. But I got a 4 in maths. Many kids were put in a group because they could get 6's the highest you guess. I was a few marks away from a 5. You know why because I did something to show my working out by writing it. But it said to do a number calculation. I spent nights up revising because I needed to get a 5. I love art but we did art well once every two months. But maths everyday. I know you need maths but my principal did assemblys every monday saying he loved creativity. But what he actually meant was that if it's academic or sports tell us. No artistic views allowed. We were like robots. All the same. I was put under pressure everyday. Bruh now I'm in high school. Humanties is basically reading a text book and answering question. Can I remember anything about the battle of hastings no.
Holly Taylor During primary school, I was legitimately the top male boy in the school, getting an award for top academically achieving male, being somewhere in the top 2% in the world, but now in highschool, I have no motivation to do good and I just started getting terrible grades, schools insanely painful and especially because of the amount of time it takes out of our lives with school time and homework. I've been self studying music at home because even the music course at school doesn't even teach us how to compose, just play which annoys the heck out of me. My entire family excluding my mum is like this, my brother was terrible in high school, but now his only studying a single subject as a side job, (his main is a voice actor) which is IT, and his getting 95%+ for every test when at school he was on the verge of repeating each year. Pretty well paid jobs are already thinking about him once he finishes in a year. My dad use to hate school and he started working at a factory. In only 6 months he was promoted to the 2nd highest possible one, whilst others were working for years without a single promotion because of the way he thought, he had an invention which made the factories efficiency rate increase a pretty big amount and a whole bunch of other small stuff making that happen to him.
In what year did you do the sats? I dont mean year 6.. like 2005? I took mine in 2012 and the system changed to where you only had to cross boxes and make sure they lines are clear since they go under a machine...
i wish i can show this to my school. I mean...they tell us all of this stuff that we should know. Example algebra or how to do well on your exam. Or using in text evidence. Geez...they have no idea what i wanna do when i grow up. No, i dont wanna sit at a desk working for someone else's business, i want to do my own work. something i would enjoy.
This brought tears to my eyes. I cannot describe how accurate this is. School kills me everyday. People look at me, they judge me bc Im poor, because i'm not pretty enough, because I got a C in math. They criticize everything I do. The work is overwhelming. I have to stay up late doing homework, and then get up before the sunrises. And they ask me why i'm tired. I have bad thoughts, bad dreams, bad feelings, stress, etc. But I can't tell anyone bc they'll give me a therapist, and a daily guidance councilor. And they'll think i'm stupid.
+Tiffany Toure not all rappers curse,shit and talk about sex money and drugs those are only the popular rappers which is like 20 rappers what about the other hundred rappers put here you've never even heard of
I actually discovered this guy from this video I was shown in my English class a few years back. Everyone was just drawn into this guy talking about education!
I finally found people to relate to me... I have a good grades in history, math, english, etc. and always on the class honour role. But having good grades in those things didn't make me successful in the 1 thing I loved, coding. I always dreamed of coding in C++, Java, etc. but I wanted to take a bigger step and learn, Objective C. By pursuing my dream, I had to learn it myself, and not at school, so after months of learning and coding in my spare time at home with all my homework at school with it, I finally was successful. I programmed a drawing program, a ball that bounced on the screen, and many other cool things. After that, I realized that good grades at school doesn't mean you are successful, it just means you learned what you need, to become what you want to be. Math, to help me code numbers. English, so I can type sentences without relying on auto correct. You see, being successful doesn't mean to have good grades, it means to take your knowledge and put it to use in what you want to become! Sure, I know doing simple coding doesn't make me successful, but what I know is I successfully took a big step closer, into becoming what I want to be, a computer programmer. For all of you who don't understand what I'm saying, here: School is just to teach you things you need to become what you want to be. - Plurii
+PluriiGaming same ! I enjoy all subjects but what i enjoy most is coding, arts etc which I can teach myself or take some classes here and there if I wanted to. Success is determined by whatever definition people want it to be whether its monetary success or spiritual achievement.
My God, you know. When I was younger as a high school senior. I was called evantually crazy, a dreamer, stupid, dumb, people laughed at me, made fun of me... At my 17, a senior was the year I revealed myself and took the first step to be myself. No one knew my History Or my Darker past. I list plenty of friends because we used to be known as Kinda the wild populair jerks and etc. So with that Popularity I lost everyone and when the faillures came I lost everything. People, even teachers who used to believe in me, gave up on me. I remembered how one teacher was dissapointed because I wasn't the person they taught I was. I gave it my life and soul to make my Dream a reality. However I Told myself that it didn't matter how many people would give up on me. As long I didn't so despite whatever and everything I fought on and again and again. Even when they all Said it was impossible and laughed. I was probably the dumbest of my class. However after high school I Kinda rolled into leading an organisation and evantually turned it into national company. As my second job I was an actor/director. Again when I followed that path there were people who told me I would never make it. Because I am Asian. My path was lonely, hard and rough however I was able to turn my biggest enemies who were supposed to bring me down into my biggest strengths. I'm 21 now I made a council to help me lead the organisation. Since it was not my main Dream yet. So I Could still act and study further. I can't explain it. When the whole worlds tells you you can't every bone and muscle within you tells you, yes you can. You go on afraid but brave. Because this is my Dream and screw those who can't see it for me. Because I haven't come to make friends but to win. What I learned it's not about winning so much but about not giving up. If you are true to yourself and your dedication to your Dream. You Will never lose a battle. Each second counts. Even when I was like becoming Kinda succesfull here in Europe I even started to have more haters. Not for who I was or how I threated people. But for what I did. They taught I was stupid cuz there wasn't Anyone else who worked that hard as me Or took all those crazy actions. Even when I failed I still came back no matter what to do it again. I told my teacher once they Could take all the time from me that they want I don't care. I'm here to win and I don't care what might Appose me. I have come too far to give up now. Funny thing is I am 21 and I am the first person of that school who became CEO at 18 and made it. The only millionaire and since a few weeks I just made it as a rising actor in that industry. Suddenly all my friends came back. Not sure what to do with them. However even If I did. I wouldn't care since the matter of fact I'm always working. But this vid made me feel warm and gave me a tear. Since it's all true. I have been known as one of the dumbest persons cuz of my grades. Even had to double a year. Yet I'm the only one who made it since the simple fact I believe in more. More for me. Because to me it was all personal. Never Quit.
Some of the dumbest people you will ever meet are in a college classroom, point being going to school doesn't mean you're educated. Malcolm X was highly educated and never stepped foot on a college campus. Going to college is good, but if you're only learning inside of a classroom your knowledge is limited, because history and knowledge extends well beyond a classroom. In order to be truly educated one must research, read, and study things on their own outside of the classroom. Getting good grades in school only means you're good at memorizing information ( most of the time)
This guy is british. The british education system isn't based on memorisation, it's about developing skills. If you're good enough, you can revise little and achieve lots. If you can't, you practice until you can get it right.
School is indoctrination. Remember this quote from Mark Twain: " I will not let schooling interfere with my education". You certainly don't need to go to college to become educated nowadays. Most things you need to know can be found on the Internet, and you certainly don't need to waste tens of thousands of dollars to become "educated" by college. Pretty much the only reason anyone goes to college anymore is because many jobs now require you to have a college degree even though you don't really need a college degree for the job. College is really a huge waste of money if you are expecting it to educate you. The only reason anyone goes to college is to hope that their degree can land them with a high-paying job. I noticed since high school that I was learning way more stuff on the Internet than from my classes in school. I noticed since first year of college that I was learning more stuff on the Internet than my courses at college. It is a complete lie that you need to have good grades in school to become financially successful. Some of the richest people in the world never finished either high school or university. I heard of people making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year selling drugs, and the people doing this don't even have a high school diploma. I am not saying you need to sell drugs to become financially successful, but you certainly do not need a university degree to make a lot of money. Hell, you don't even need to finish high school. But I suggest you finish high school just to make people not think you are lazy. But finishing university is mostly a matter of being able to afford it, and has little to do with your intellect or perseverance. So screw university, and only go if you are able to meet the following criteria: 1) Don't go to university unless you are able to afford it without student loans. Student loan debt is very crippling to your financial ability after university is finished. Minimize the amount of money you spend for university by going to school at a local place (that way you don't need to pay for living expenses, and you can just live with your parents while going to school) 2) Major in something where the knowledge for the subject can't simply be learned from the Internet i.e. becoming a surgeon because you need to go to school to acquire the skills for becoming a surgeon 3) Major in something that can actually land you with a high paying job i.e. a surgeon If you can't satisfy the above criteria, then screw university, and go to an apprenticeship, learn a trade or start your own business. Instead of indoctrinating kids that they must go to university to be successful, we should teach kids to become successful based on their own skills rather than earning an overvalued and mostly worthless university degree.
AmandaNerdBot Well said man:) Just want to share a few awesome quotes I've saved: "You enter school as a kid and the next 15 years is dedicated to molding you to listen and obey. The people at the top don’t want a society of thinkers, they want worker bees that never question anything. Once you get that new house, new car, and credit card bills, you’re now a slave to the system. People sell out their potential and dreams just so that they can keep up with the Jones. We only have one shot at life, why settle for being a hamster in a wheel?" - Charles Ngo "School teaches you how to do what other people want you to do. It teaches you how to submit. It teaches you how to be a drone. Taking the career path less traveled takes you to some strange places, but its lessons are better than those taught in any classroom." - Susannah Breslin "When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” -John Lennon
Exoro another thing I would like to point out is that nobody gives a shit about your grades in school outside of school. Nobody cares you were a straight A student from high school to college. At the end of the day, what people care about is how much MONEY you make, and how successful you are in life has absolutely nothing to do with your grades in school. Based on my personal experience, our "education" system (more like indoctrination system) is very successful at creating obedient people who blindly follow authority. This is why people are so willing to believe in propaganda from the mainstream media. However, some people, despite spending over a decade of being abused by the schooling establishment, are still able to critically think, and see what the system is actually like. School is designed to make you into someone else's bitch. I see nothing with dropping out of school, and pursing your own dreams because people like that are the ones who end up becoming the most successful rather than people who willingly become enslaved by the system known as school.
AmandaNerdBot I'm still extremely confused on how many people are so quick to settle for mediocrity. We live in a society that discourages entrepreneurship and many still wonder why it's so hard to find a job. Most people think that college packs you with secret knowledge and gives you a magical key to success in the real world.
Exoro lol at "college packs you with secret knowledge and gives you a magical key to success in the real world". Nope, I didn't learn any of that in college.
oh my fucking god. he isn't slamming on religion, or putting down his mother. His point is simply that school and grades and things that have scores shouldn't define what you're capable of. You can agree, or you can disagree, but you can't say that you've never gotten a bad grade and felt like shit about it. Think about how you felt; that's his point.
This video is very misleading; it appeals to the few successful exceptions. For every Steve Jobs who dropped out, I can present you with ten-thousand bums who dropped out too. Where do you think your chances lie? Allow me to channel Tyler Durden: "We've all been raised on *sulibreezy's video* to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." School isn't what's stopping you from being a millionaire.
It's great to see your comments, DarkMatter2525. I couldn't agree more. People are too willing to blindly accept a video like this that criticises the education system, because they want to believe they can just drop out of school and be successful without putting in effort. I think getting a university degree is the *easy* way to be successful. This video gives a bad message.
As I just commented on GrapplingIgnorance's response to this video, the entire premise of this video is crap. Citing a few exceptions to a law does not make a new law. There are thousands of drop-outs who never made anything of their lives for every drop-out success story. Yes, it can happen, but the odds are stacked against you. The best way to get those odds in your favour is with a diploma or degree. Otherwise, the odds are that your future career will involve the words "You want fries with that?"
thank fuck that you said something DM... i'm astonished by how many high school drop outs have liked this video...and they all think they're geniuses, like the douchebag in this video.
He forgot to mention one of the smartest people in the world " Albert Instine" who dropped out of school in 4th grade and didn't talk until he was 8 years old. But made some great inventions and figured out that E= MC square
Dude lists exceptional people and uses them as an example for why YOU, a more than likely ordinary person doesn't need to jump through hoops for a successful future. Well, color me inspired. I'm just gonna go break the system with soaring rhetoric as my sword.
I go to sleep every night and I dream. I dream of a place where people, not only children value education for what it is. Not for the A on the test. Not to get into college. Not to do the work for the sake of doing it. No. Because they enjoy it. You see, it's the 21st century now and our current model of education does not work. Our current model forces children to work and learn (which results in just trying to get by so you can go home - not really learning). Learning is supposed to be FUN! It will be too if you strike a child's curiosity, but we don't do that. We show them learning is work and is best avoided when possible. That nothing in life that requires strenuous hard work is worth anything. Why did our model work before (in a way but still did damage) but now it doesn't? Its called the media, information, access to ANYTHING you want through the internet... Our kids know it too. When I am at home doing homework, I have all sorts of gadgets within reach! That I can do anything on! Before children would just do it because, well, they would be beat if they got bad grades and there was just not much else to do. You see, we need to change our educational ways. It just doesn't work. To survive we need to show kids that learning is fun. We need to allow them to understand what passion is. Not to do things just because your told. Otherwise our society will fail. - You can't just automatically assume that without instruction or guidance that the child will fail... Yes may fail but it's called trial, error, and observing. How do you think we learned English when we were tiny? If you don't agree with my opinion I don't care. I'm 15 and this is how I see it.
This title says everything to me!!!! I cannot support school anymore is overwhelmed and sucks. When im at home searching for real self helped content, it brings fulfillment to me. If you played attention, the majority of the materials you learn in school is by people who never frequently school.
I think the whole idea of mid terms and finals makes no sense. They are there to test you on what you learned and actually retained throughout the year but if that's the case how come everyone stresses over them and has to study countless hours to do well. If the teacher did their job right I would have remembered the material and it's also hard to remember something I'm never going to use again in my life.
Agree with you. But the problem is both in the teacher and the student. If the student had taken attention, taken notes, and done his work throughout the period in witch he's supposed to learn and gather information, he'd be ready for evaluation (yes, we're supposed to at least review the things we hear, the teacher can't insert a cheap in our brains). Most students don't want to do so, so they choose willingly to study 4/5 days before a test, therefore late nights and failing to LEARN and UNDERSTAND and instead memorizing - that's temporary. And since the major part of students is in school because they have to be as it is shown in this video, how can one motivate them to learn? (don't be naive on this one, if you're there the institution has to assume a will to learn) If there was no evaluation (assignments, tests, presentations, etc.), the student would finish a 3 year course based on maybe the classes he went to, the groups he was in, and we all know more than half the students are in a vegetable state until they think 'oh crap I have this work to do, I better pick up some books'. But this also shows the problem I'm currently experiencing in law school: the evaluation regulament changed and the reality is I now spend more time being graded than lectured. I have little time to gather the information from teachers and myself. I think the problem about education is not schools: it's the way evaluation patterns are set. Which is the way they have been for so long now. Evaluation is necessary. The average human being does not want to know if he was approved (yes) or rejected (no). He wants to be graded. I'm not talking about school now, think about all the aspects of life. Think about it. It's something so natural. But than of course, I think it's fucked up that we live in a society that grades people since they're 4/5 y/o. Oh well, mindfucks and all. Cheers.
This really hit home. Im currently in University and just flunked out of my department, currently across the ocean from my mother country and family. I am at a crossroad with no idea where to go. Watching this gave me a bit of relief.
I have a history teacher who goes against the curriculum and hasn't assigned any book work all year. But every day, he says "What would you like to debate about?" We all have our arguments and rebuts, and guess what? I have learned more about people, how your background can influence people, controversial topics, and certain lifestyles in that one class in one year than in any of my classes all together my entire life. I enjoy going to that class. No one falls asleep because we are so excited to get our opinions out or listen to other's opinions. The teacher wants us to think what we want, not think about facts that we don't want to learn or will forget after the period. This history class has actually helped my social skills dramatically. A's do not mean that you are smart. F's do not mean that you are stupid. I currently has horrible grades. Not because I don't understand the material, but because I don't do the work. I don't want to become a biologist. So why should I waste my time doing a 3 page packet on the splitting of DNA?
Katie Rose *have. Not "has."
To prove you are capable. And to show you have a wide array of knowledge, whic can impress your employers.
SuperMegaUltraPigeon stfu
Katie Rose good luck finding a job and don't forget to blame the bankers when you can't find one you dumb liberal hippie
***** why find a job when you can simply create one
If you don't build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs." Damn, that hit me deep.
+orrin jones No kidding, I think I'm going to start checking out more videos from him. I found him from Joyner Lucas's music video "I'm Sorry." You've got to check it out if you haven't!
it hit me too. I literally got chills after he said it
Wow man, good luck! Life's too short to not do or say what you want the first time around. They say regret is forever so you might as well try it. Got nothing but love for ya! Goodluck to you on your journey! And let me know whenever you check out that I'm sorry video, promise you won't regret it.
Same, well feel free to check out that I'm Sorry video by Joyner Lucas as well. It changed my entire opinion of life. Definitely worth it.
+orrin jones Oh awesome, when I first heard that song, It gave me chills. It changed my life honestly. It reminded how important it is to spread positivity and love in this world.
''If you dont build your dream someone else will hire you to build theirs'' Dammmnnn!!
that was deep!
Anselmo Foxx for sure!!
Collinz ikr that was so deep
totally right my homie
That’s a quote from Tony Gaskins.
I love how he does this right in front of a school and is not ashamed
That's the art of it.
Isaiah Ruffin you right he should not be ashamed because he is telling the truth
thats so strong of him man
Isaiah Ruffin 😂😂😂yo
We got set this for English homework
School isn't even about learning anymore. It's just about trying to pass
iot's about creating an easier future for the people in charge
Hugo Yolo While you may never have a practical need for knowing every single detail of an author's life and emotional state when they wrote a particular piece, you will need to know how to read, write, and communicate effectively. You'd be amazed at how many university level students don't know how to write a simple email to a professor; I get at least 1 email per class each semester reminding me how to communicate with said professor. It's all about how the skills you are supposed to be learning translate into being an adult. Is the system perfect? Ha! No way. Will it ever be perfect? Nope. But it can be worked on and improved upon; the system can't make you learn. What you learn or don't learn is entirely up to you.
Chris Dueck Sometimes people who do not spell well have been failed by our current and historic educational systems... they may be dyslexic or have other learning disabilities that have gone and continue to go unremediated on a daily basis in this country... I am for education, but really, I have serious doubts about the quality of education in this country today and for at least the last 3 decades since I have been out of school... It appears that students no longer are graded on what they know, but instead are graded on just putting something down on paper, even if it is not a quality answer, and being given credit for handing in a piece of paper ... even if it is totally inaccurate, wrong or incomplete... Yet this passes for an acceptable education today... I now know why so many people have lost faith in our current education system... More than 7 out of 10 students graduating from high school are unable to read, write or do math proficiently, and these are the ones GRADUATING and being handed a high school diploma (it doesn't even count the ones that dropped out of high school!) .... so I would have to agree with this video in many respects... as a traditional education obviously doesn't seem to matter or ensure that it will give students the solid foundational skills that they will need to be successful in life outside of this parallel universe called K-12 education in the USA...
Icewolf187 ur right school nowadays people try not to fail .not neccessarilly passing
5 million people have watched this video and yet, we will go on living as we have. When I finish typing this comment I will go back to studying for my chemistry final in the morning, and the thousands if not millions who have been inspired by this video, will wake up the next morning to rush to class only to fall asleep in the corner. We know its wrong, but its the way it is. We know nothing else and and as a result we know nothing.
What a dull and bleak reality we keep on living...
How is the system wrong??
its not a weak mentality its the truth. It doesn't matter how we think if we don't act on those thoughts. You may have been inspired by this video but tell me, what have you done differently afterwards? Exactly.
Andy Chen I agree with you. 100%. Its not what we think, its how we act. And without action, thought is useless. You could think about how to improve but its useless if you dont improve. People always get inspired, see people do good, and say to themselves, 'I want to be like that'. They watch people, and think, but they dont act.
Wrong. Im trying to tour with my band by next year. Every since you were a child, you always wanted to study chemistry eh?
He's not saying ditch school, he's saying think about what you're getting from school. And what you're giving up to get it
Well put
@@stevecorlew7187 yeah but the result will be the same we like school or not we are depended on those grades and degrees
Education is the goal, schooling is just seen as a means to the end goal, hence the reason a graduate is offered employment by companies, that piece of paper 📄 simply shows that you should have done at least the bare minimum requirements of learning that trade or skill, in truth there could be the most skilled person on the planet that doesn’t have a piece of paper that says they passed tests or took required classes,
But they would still know more than any living being on the planet about that skill,
That is,if they were truly the best on the planet…
I was considered smart. Won bunch of awards and graduated valedictorian. People thought I got there because love learning but I got there because I unconsciously thought number was all I was. I wasn't fighting for my future, I was fighting for my worth.
RELATABLE. I'm really relating rn.
School has become less about education and more about passing. I go to school to pass, I have no intentions of learning, tbh.
Yolo Lexi trrruuuuu
I find that's true with most students these days. They're studying for the grade not for the sake of learning, which was why school started in the first place.
lern what ever you want as long as you have no grade you will live in the sewers
Yolo Lexi the same i feel like i go to school so i can say i went there
AB H I guess you didn't learn anything from this.
Watching this in 2021 is heartbreaking, nothing has changed
"if you answer something outside of the box the automatic response is a cross"
100%! I agree to that.
Middle school tells me I'm smart. There are posters that tell you to keep trying. The teachers tell you that you are smart you just haven't put in enough effort... But the system tells me something different. It tells me that I am a percent, just a number. It tells me that if I don't get a high enough score then I'm dumb. It tells me that if I fail I'm worthless and will never amount to anything. It's funny how the system tells you one thing but does a different thing. How it makes you feel like a failure. Telling you that you have to try harder. Telling you that even if you are going through depression, anxiety, ADD, ect. You still cannot fail. The systems treats us like worthless robots trying to motivate us to do something and not fail for the "big picture". Because they want the state scores to go up. They don't care about whether we are prepared for the future. Prepared to do taxes and get jobs. It's for their own selfish gain. Sorry :P just a thought. I don't know I haven't really looked at the flaws to this way of thinking so there may be some things that don't make sense :3
i totally agree ^-^
i totally agree ^-^
:3 thanks
Very true unfortunately
Yeah :(
Lmao people are misinterpreting it. He didn't say you shouldn't go to school. He is just saying that Education is key, You don't have to go to school to be smart.
Uhmm not exactly.. He said that school is a bad place to learn, and that you could study on your own time, and become smart. He's not saying '' drop out of school'', you still need a degree or something to prove you have experience.
superope100 No you're misinterpreting it. He quoted proverbs 17:16 which says "it does a fool no good to spend money on education". It was pretty clear.
The Moral Crusader Prov 17:16 (GNT) says it does a fool no good to spend money on education - this rule is true for fools because fools have no common sense.
Above that, if I quote from KJV or NIV or NASB or other versions, it speaks of 'wisdom' and not 'education'. Wisdom cannot be bought - that is what this verse means. It does not mean to not go to school. School imparts knowledge. People get wiser everyday, by making rights decisions or learning from the ones wrongly made.
BC.Alvin Tay That's the version he quoted though. And how exactly can you spend money on wisdom?
The Moral Crusader I think that's quite the point of the verse. You can't.
school is just a memory game. who ever can memorize material the best succeeds.
That true
well said
+jet Remastered You can change that actually. You can go to school just because you want to discover the world. now discovering the world using basic textbooks is not the ideal way. You need to check out vlogs city pictures using the internet. read about life in other places. read about how thing work the sun the soap. why the sky is blue and why are you here? and learning the basics in school 100% helps you. the basics is a relative word . so you should consider that. don't go to school to pass exams. Before you learn math ask yourself why i am learning math ? if you didn't find the answer stop. and ask someone who is good at math more like professor or something why would you need to learn math . if he didn't give you a good answer. don't learn and pass the exams but if you ask me . math builds critcal thinking and its widely used. it's used in all the things in your phone , your computer everything . it's the things that protects your passwords and privacy it's everything in the technology world. so you need to know a little about the basics. to get an overview of how it works. and the make things work. but studying math by itself without knowing why. is 1000% useless for you (I think).
Moaz Eldefrawy Thank you for telling me this. I never like until I read this
Blackkidwithskil You never liked what ? I am so grateful that I helped ^^ !!
Most of people compare money with success, that's the problem! =(
Your totally right, it has taken me 3 years to realise how very right you are about this.
It's strange, watching my videos back at times, and realising some of the things I have learnt since I created them. At the same time, I guess that's the beauty of life.
+Suli Breaks you're
Yeah at school they say do good to get ready for the next school and then to get a high paying job but school can't help me find what will make me happy. Not to say I don't want to be successful or that I'm lazy, but I want to go into amusement park type stuff and it seems like they're trying to only get me into a bland average job. Then, sorry if this is a bit off topic, but they assign us with summer work to make us always feel stressed and to try to turn us into drones who will do whatever someone says it seems like instead of being who we want to be.
And there are so many tests on us that we become more lab rats then students it seems like and they tell us about how it will help us be successful in college, but what I've found is that I can't even get where I want there and will only end up in debt. What's my motivation? I feel like this is all for their self gain and they're trying to brainwash us into doing what they want instead of what we want. Or am I overreacting?
+Alberto Tirado The Greatest overconfident, I see
I have listened to this a few times now, but the message only makes to a certain degree sense. "So you want to get a degree? Why?" Well, in the modern world of the 21st century, if you want to work as an engineer, scientist, doctor, be a professor etc, you need a degree. There is no way around it. Airbus is not going to hire you as an engineer if all you got is a high school diploma. Those "statistics" this guy mentioned, are not statistics, but facts. There are a few people who have a clear business plan and do become successful with it, without having got a degree. But MANY, fail in life because they chose not to get a degree.
However, I don't disagree with everything he said. "Education is about inspiring ones mind, not just filling their heads" This is true. Most school systems fail on this one big time. You will not be taught to understand the stuff you are learning. It is only to be filled in your head and you know it is like that, but you don't know why.
A simple example: What is 3²? Now, we all know its 9 because we understand the concept. We know that 3²=3x3. Now, lets pretend you are tutoring someone who is learning this right now. If you tell him 3²=9, he will know from now on its 9. But if he gets confronted with 3³ or 4², he will not have a clue how to solve it, because he was never taught to understand this. And this problem, applies with everything. Many probably know that the derivative of f(x)=4x³+3x²-8 f'(x)=12x²+6x is, but how many can actually tell me why this is?
"Memorizing equations facts and dates" Memorizing is the least helpful thing you can do in order to educate yourself. How does memorizing vocabulary help you learn a language? Not at all. You need to combine the vocabulary with the grammar and literature of the language you are learning. Learning vocabularies for a quiz is useless regarding education, because you will forget them straight after the quiz. It's just like in math. If you memorize the pattern to the solution, you're cool. But as soon as something comes up that you don't expect, you're clueless.
It's people like you that give me faith in the world. We are taught to remember but not to think, but the thing is, how do we teach others how to think? Better yet how do we evaluate thinking? That's the problem
***** It is not impossible to teach someone to think. My step mother has been a teacher for several years, and when she explains something, she doesn't just tell you what it is and to remember it. She will approach you from different angles, and have you thinking about how to get to the solution. She will only guide you. You have to do the thinking yourself. Once it clicks in your brain, you got the whole thing figured out. Now that you know how to think through the task, you can also deal with things that come unexpected. Someone who was told to memorize the solution pattern, would now be in trouble and have no concept whatsoever.
You can also find MANY (millions) with a degree that failed. Then, you also have those that ask themselves how someone like Jobs without a degree can be so successful. Society tells you that you have to get a degree to be successful, "education is the key". That's just a lie, and that's where this video is pointing at. What is important is knowledge, it doesn't matter how you get it. If you get it in school, good, if you get it some other way, even better. Your goals shouldn't be a degree and money, but knowledge and success
Do you have such a business idea that will make you millions of $? Without it and/or without a degree, you will only be hired for jobs that don't require a lot of pre-studied knowledge. For instance, you might work at the grocery store, or collect garbage, bus driver etc. If you can create a business that will secure your future, go for it. If not, working daily jobs can (and most likely will) be a pain in the ass.
If you pursue a degree just for the money, then you won't be successful. You pursue a degree in a field of study that interests you. I didn't say that you will be automatically successful just because you earned a degree. However, you will have the least difficulty finding a job than someone, who is not specialized in a certain field.
I know plenty of people that have pursued getting a degree. They are now all working in respective fields, make enough money that they don't have to worry about their finances, and live a happy stress limited life. On the other hand, I also know people that have not pursued further studies, and they are struggling now. Working close to minimum wage, difficulties paying their bills, constantly cutting back and sacrificing from things, stressed out, from time to time on welfare, and they are not certain for how long they will have their jobs.
Society doesn't tell you anything. Society is just the world we live in, and it has its way of working. In the modern era, people such as engineers, physicists and scientists, mathematicians, computer programers and engineers, managers, accountants, lawyers etc are all fields, that are needed. Why do you think you can immigrate so easily into another country if you have a degree in one of those fields, and those who don't have a degree hardly get a residence permit? Its because, those are people that are needed in the modern workplace, not a hairdresser or a garbage collector.
Society isn't telling or forcing you to get a degree. That's your own choice. But open your eyes: In the modern world, you are nothing without a degree. Sounds harsh, but its the truth.
LSBonnPower I think you still have a lot to learn about society and what it does, What it expectS from people, the life and the world that it proposes to the people that is involved in that society, The paths that are previously set for those people. Everything is planned for you. You are a social slave, unless you understand why and how society tells you what to do and how to do it. If you really think that "Society isn't telling or forcing you to get a degree" or "Society doesn't tell you anything" you are already a slave. It may sound like an insult but please don't take it that way. It's just reality. In fact, if we go further, you can even see how society murders you, convincing you that you HAVE to die and forcing you to accept dead without doing anything about it. That influential is society in the life people live and how they live it. And again, about getting a degree, the same way you can show me happy people with a degree I can show you pathetic people with a degree. Society tells you that a degree and education is the key, and that's a lie, as the video explains.
Looking at all these comments that go against this video simply tells me that you guys don't get the message. The title simply saids it all "Why I hate school but love education", no but some of you are taking this waaaay out of context. He is not encouraging laziness nor is he saying to not pursue a degree. He is simply speaking on the behalf of school and education. Being educated and being schooled is two different things. You see, if you are educated than it means that you have a complete logical understanding of that subject. But being schooled is what was mentored by an educated person with an logical understanding.... *you just been schooled*
Thus why education should be put more into the school system instead school trying get every student into a machine mind and preventing that mind from Opening. #closeminded
Thank you! Some people completely missed the point of this vid.
***** Totally agree.
Jack Brilla Wrong...He quoted proverbs 17:16 which says "it does a fool no good to spend money on education". It was pretty clear.
This made me cry so hard, because school's killing my 'demon'! Before I liked studying, but now, in that crowd of zombies, of comformed people... In all that building of lies, where you must be on time for learning something... I'm just spending money learning nothing.
And my dreams, everybody tells me I'm crazy, everybody says that I'm just stupid because I'll never become a singer, or an actress and I'll never publish a book.
I wanna say thank you because you let me open my eyes, letting me see that I don't want to leave school because I'm lazy... but because I want to spend my time improving the talent God gave me. So thank you. Thank you.
ancient, in poetry language , demons were related to pure self expression and they were all our secrets,they were ourselves...
Of course I wasn't talking about any ritual or satanic thing LOL
+Thepalenigga yep Dont drop out of school.
+Thepalenigga yep dosnt matter what age you are what job you do where you are in life.. ALWAYS follow your dreams.. dont end up wondering what if. Dreams are there to be built and followed .. nothings impossable ( except my spelling )
School is important, all of this is just bs.
+OfficiallyFJ I hope you NEVER stop chasing your dreams! If they don't get or like your dreams, so what, they don't need to get or like them, because they're your dreams, not their!👊🏻 I wish you the best of luck
My teachers tell me I'm lazy, not trying hard enough, failing. They compare past statistics to present numbers. School is not education, Education is intrinsic understanding of passion, not numbers, and it is not passing school. School offers a path for those who wish to simply add to something that is already built, a dream, a goal from another they constructed through their understanding and hard work. I may not be phenomenal at science, but i can rebuild a engine of almost any kind. I can play guitar, violin,and piano with ease. I can out work and out will anyone of my piers. Failing school when you give it all of your effort doesnt mean you are lazy, I believe it means you need to form your own path, instead of the one society laid out for you. Failing doesnt equal laziness, and you certainly wont get anywhere without effort. Failing just means you found one way a system will not work, so make your own
Patrick Starr yes but is mayonnaise an instrument?
Rose Tyler that used to be my google name, of course it is dumbass
Carson Myers Thank you Carson I needed to hear that! It's millions of talented people across the whole world including myself, that can turn their talent and ideas, to their own multi businesses!
Carson Myers Excuses.... Do you know what the maximum effective range of an excuse is? 0 meters. Sounds to me your teachers are right you're making excuses why not try your hardest and prove them wrong you can only better yourself but instead you want to complain and only prove them right. Work smarter not harder figure out what works for you and then do it to succeed. Because in this world you better have an education or you're not going anywhere. And before you start naming off people who didn't have an education I want you to name as many as you can tell go on Google and look it up research it for the next year and then what I want you to do is look at the population of the world and then figure out the percentage of people who didn't go and get an education that succeeded to the point that they made millions upon millions of dollars if not billions and are a complete success today compared to the overall majority of the world that didn't go that route and instead got an education and became successful. That's just like somebody saying I'm not going to play sports but I'm going to play in the NBA or I'm going to be an Olympic gold medalist or I'm going to play in the NFL or I'm going to play in the Barclays League. You have to have that foundation in order to succeed and Sports in other words you have to move your way up through the ranks from a kid to adolescent to a young adult to hopefully as an adult you make it in the big time but if you look at how many people play sports as children that actually make it as a professional athlete it's painfully obvious how hard it is. The same applies to education you have to have it in order to succeed you have to crawl before you can walk and you have to walk before you can run.
In all honesty high school rarely taught me anything it just taught me repetitive learning , except when we would have discussions I learned a lot of things by being open minded viewing things from a different standpoint.
Exactly. When I was in 12th grade (I'm a freshman in college now) I was so dumbfounded when like 3 teachers of mine literally taught the same curriculum from 9th grade but just tried to teach it a different way. I was so pissed after that I barely went to school that year
BLVCK LORD BEATS yea its sad what we are actually being taught in schools these days after the ninth grade I could have literally taught myself some of those things people should pursue what they believe in and not follow everyone footsteps
Jack Thread exactly
+BLVCK LORD Didn't expect one of the top rap commenters to be on a spoken word video. You got good taste fam
Mktrenton appreciate that, I'm all over
Life is what you make it. Everyone has their talents and abilities, so embrace yours.
You play that nipple harmonica with all your might and you will reach the stars.
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
+David Liu but it aint the biggest part of the cell
yes 😂
Yooo don't stay in school
Phillip Harris i should, how else am i supposed to make a living
"If education is the key then school is the lock."
@Ravinder Sian man didn't even watch the video
Ravinder Sian I found the shit I loved and wanted to learn about long ago but now I’m learning about shit I don’t give a flying fuck about.
Half the people in school are not even doing what they went to school for.
@@ichangedit5847 def more than half
Such a true video, my dad had a GED because he was terrible at school. And now look at him even though he died, selling his oil company years ago for $7.2M. And even starting broke poor. As soon as I graduate in a few days I will go to the Marine Corps and then start my own business when I am out. If you want to be successful in the world, why make someone else rich with a job instead of making yourself rich. Starting your own company is the key to riches my friends.
My dad started a company and made tens of millions of dollars too. He did it with the skills he developed while earning his master's degree.
The truth is that neither of our anecdotes prove the value (or lack thereof) of school, and that the success rate of starting companies is a abysmal.
Srry for your lost
I can completely relate to this, I love to learn I have a huge interest in expanding my mind but, in school I don't do well. What they force me to learn doesn't appeal to me.
Same here. I enjoy reading and studying all sorts of subjects, but when it comes to school I become unmotivated to do so. Even for things I enjoy most -like art and maths.
same here! i took computer science as my major which is my interest. i want to learn in what interests me more, but they tell me whaat i should learn. if i didnt, they call me dumb or cocky. but still i am good at what i learn myself. fuck the rest!!!
When I enroll into college they will force me to take math. I can't stand math also I am horrible at it. From the opportunities I have there's no avoiding math.
I wish I could but from the way things seem I'll just study my favorite branches of science as a hobby.
It's the fact that they forced you to learn it that makes it uninteresting, at least that's how I feel.
I think many of our problems these days is many people limit their focus on wealth. Money is important, but is nothing more than a social construct. I wouldn't mind an unpaid internship, experience is more valuable than just a degree in many situations.
I still can not believe this is over a decade ago. I listen to this ANYTIME I'm feeling down. This man alone has kept me going.
It's a pleasure!
What a lot of people seem to miss in this video is that he never once said not to go to school. All he said is that you should be making your own choices in regard to your education and your life. He even specifically said that school isn't evil. If you want to do something where you need a college degree, then go get a college degree because you want to, not because you feel obligated for whatever reason.
His point is that if you want to do something where you don't need one, and you don't want one, why get one? He doesn't support abandoning getting an education, he supports making your own choice. Being an individual. If your choice is to continue school, then go to school.
Yes, you can be successful with or without a degree. Make your choice about whether or not you need one.
The thing I actually hate about school is the fact that I have to wake up every morning, let them take 11 hours of my day (1 hour bus ride, 7 hours of school, 1 hour of after school sports, and another 1 hour bus ride) and then come home to a pile of homework, which takes another 2-4 hours. Then they expect you to socilize even when you have no time.
Oh and did I mention the mean, judgemental kids? Don't even get me started,
haha whoops i meant 10 hours....
"If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."
Get tickets to my show "NOT A ROLE MODEL" Live Show here:
Man, you smarter than 2/3 of the people around the whole globe and society looks at you lower than Justin Bieber whereas we live in a society of education but we thrive in a city of imagination and society looks at you lower than entertainment when they educated education themselves.
It'ss Jack Here!!! most people look down on others because of our society
When there are students who are so terrified at the prospect of getting a letter other than an A on their report card or test, when they would rather die than get out of bed in the morning to go to a place where they feel worthless every single day and when they feel sick at the idea of school, I think you should know that there is something very wrong with the education system that has been passed down for generations. Education should never ultimately be a value of what letter you get on a piece of paper but teaching kids to think for themselves, not turn them in mindless formula/fact memorising robots designed only to complete a test.
You described me very well :(
I'm sad to hear that
I just wish I knew what to do. I don't have any problems with school other than what you described. I love learning but it feels like a chore to learn. I think I'll just graduate high school & then start producing music. To tell you the truth the only reason I get up every day is because I want to make great music & spend whatever time I have to write lyrics. I don't really care about being a super rockstar or anything like that, but I do want to make enough money to provide for me & my family. I'm very unsure about this idea though......
Seriously, if it makes you happy just do it. You have one life. Don't waste it on something that makes you feel like shit.
TheMegaGamingWizard Be wise and realistic. Music is great and wonderful but don't let your passion override your need to support you and your future family. Always have a backup when going into a high risk field like music.
I really love this video. I'm a seventeen year old girl who had passions in multiple things, but people try to tell me: "No, you can't chase your dream. You are not qualified enough in these certain aspects." Or- "That's not a real job." Trying to tell children who are told one moment they are too young to make decisions for themselves, and the next to choose what they want to do / how to spend the rest of their life. I find it completely hypocritical, why should my dreams define anyone but myself? How can I learn from my mistakes if everyone around me is preventing them? I have a job on top of education, and I pay a few personal bills, nothing major, but it frustrates me people are so focused on what society tells them, they would trade common sense + being wise, and not to mention in my own opinion, true intelligence, for a grade and a gold sticker, and then surprise, usually after you finish college/uni good luck finding/getting a job; because in this economy none are truly available, it's a double edged sword. I hope anyone struggling finds their passions and succeeds, because this society is, for lack of words, suckish. :/
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein
You are the one, the center of this verse, the eye of the hyperbolic plane extending in 360 degrees, the medium in which energy flows.
You are the only teacher you will ever have, sure some can guide you, open you to knew ideas, but actually teach is upon self.
If you assign the worse student to the best teacher, he learns nothing. It's not the teachers fault, one must focus, bring self to present moment and apply self in order to learn through what they already know in order to progress.
You are all you will ever have, pay F'in attention, better self, find growth.
Dave DjL I’m literally thinking about suicide.. and I’m only in the 8th grade
@@helpmegetto10kwithnovideos81 I don't exactly understand why you are telling me this for at least a couple reasons. I'm not against talking about it I guess at the same time. >side note< that is a very poor way to use the word literally, literally thinking, wth does that mean?>.
1. Kind of 'out of nowhere'? What's the topic again?
2. People who want to talk about suicidal thoughts seek attention not death. (the vast majority seek attention don't feel to bad about it).
Pick your chin up, jr/highschool sucks for almost everyone. I didn't enjoy mine even a little bit. You are going to be just fine. Make sure you apply self as much as you can stand. If life is sucking so bad it can't get worse right?
Dave DjL no, it’s cause a situation I had with my teacher
Dave DjL it ruined my life
@@helpmegetto10kwithnovideos81 Oh... get over it. It wasn't so bad. It's happened before, it'll happen again. Wasn't a forever judgement of yourself even if you thought you wanted whatever it was.
Follow me)on whichever one works best for you:
to stay posted on my new album. #UOSB
He said they didn't graduate, which is true so stop with the ignorant comments about Bill Gates going to Harvard.
+Suli Breaks i love this , this is real truth.
+Russian Kawaii Einstein's IQ was 164
+cassandraEARTHLING,look for it, live for it and love it!!! You're purpose. Instead of self pity use the blessings you have to bless others, such a beautiful life is not worth taking. In due time you'll understand. Be encouraged!!!
That is spitting facts b. Well done for makin it out the prism. Big up!!!
From reading the comments I see that all people are taking away from this video is to "drop out of education" because look at all the successful people without degrees. Yes whilst that was implied, I don't think that's what he was trying to say.
What I took away from this video is that there's too much pressure on young people nowadays to do well in exams. Exams now are more based on how well you memorise pointless facts, which is extremely unfair. Society thinks that your grades define you as a person. They really don't.
You've just taken the words outta my mouth, i wish i could like this 9999 times
Don't ya agree?
+snoopy dog I AGREE
I agree!
I hate how society use this ranking system.
Iqlima Bachariputri you hate society but you I and the the world that we live in is society
His message isn't 'wrong'. It just isn't for everyone. That's the thing with artistic expression, it's a message that not everybody can hear. He's not making an assertion, he's getting you to think
The system is completely and utterly broken, yet the ones with the power to fix it are doing absolutely nothing.
hu ?
no one has the power to fix it because too many people are believing this.
Glad I am starting my own business. But I am going to college for a backup job. I refuse to work for someone my whole life.
Marcus McCloud Working for yourself is one of the greatest things you can do, improving on your education while doing so is even wiser. I wish you the best of luck for the future.
Larry Thompson thanks
Me too!
Marcus McCloud Best of luck to you :)
Marcus McCloud exactly my plan! good choice!
One question I've always had in my head is, "Who are you without school, grades, and education alike"? All these kids who cry over getting an 89% on an exam, who spend their whole weekends studying for a test they don't give a damn about, who are they when all that is taken away? Who are you without all the external influences and predisposed ideas affecting your own thoughts? Do you really enjoy solving for the missing angle in a triangle, or learning about the chemical makeup of a cell, when you have no desire to become a biologist or chemist in the future? To all you adults out there, when's the last time you've used ANY of the subject material you learned in grade school? Sure maybe its good to know about how the physical world works, and how the different nations on our earth have come to be, but how does any of that help you build and grow as a person? Does it teach you how to see other people's perspectives, or to show compassion to the people around you, strangers included, or to think for yourself and form your own opinions and ideas? Are you really living your own life? Or are you following a guide and a path that someone else has formed for you? Whats most important at the end of the day is YOU, not what someone else thinks of you, not someone else's opinion on what best for you, etc. We all know our education system is outdated, and frankly, I don't feel comfortable following something that was developed so long ago, with nothing in mind but the control and the "greater good" of a nation, not the individual. Why do you think the arts, and other creative, mind provoking subjects are so poorly funded and supported? The powers that keep us in control have a certain agenda, and how we feel about it does not matter to them. We grow up, being taught and conditioned to think and act in a certain, limiting ways. We go to school, put countless hours and loads of energy into subjects most of us have no interest in, just to go to suped-up, less restrictive versions of the same thing in college. We present employers a nice fancy piece of paper showing that we graduated, even though all it takes is the ability to remember facts, dates, names and numbers, and to plan for following assessments accordingly, much like what a robot would do. Most of us give in to the corporate slavery that is working as an adult, where all we do is go to our mostly boring, repetitive jobs, make money, buy consumer goods, pay taxes, etc. Where is the LIFE in that? In this whole process, where is there room to think freely and follow our own desires and ambitions? School does not TEACH us to do any of this, it only delays our pre-programmed, voluntary submission into a system designed to keep us down, and follow orders given by people who's thoughts and ideas may not be any better than our own. Only the most intelligent (and often outspoken :/ ) of us can see through the facade and open up our eyes for once in our lives. I don't presume to know everything, as I am only 16, but what I do know is that true joy stems from doing what you want to do, because you want to do it, not because someone else told you to. Like I said I'm not trying to act like I know all there is to know about whats going on in this world, but I, at the very least, encourage you to think for yourself, and find ways to do what you enjoy. Money can be made in a myriad of ways, don't let that be the sole factor that decided what life you're going to live, what job you're going to have. Don't be afraid to look into and research what doesn't sit right with you. Its ok to let go of certain thoughts and beliefs that, although may have brought you comfort and "ignorant bliss", may not have been the best for you in the grand sense of things. Love you all :)
Wow...I'm speechless.
Very well said!
amazing comment
He is explaining that success is not built on the foundation of a degree, or education. But what you make of decisions and life. Personally ive done ok in higher and college is driving me crazy. Im leaving with a hnc because i cant take being stuck behind a desk anymore. Im training to be a pilot.
I am a college student, and I love to learn things that relevant to art creativity since I am an art major. My dream is to become animator and make my own studio one day; however, I see that dream slowly being crushed since I struggle a lot when it comes my general ed classes. I see college as a place to reach your dreams, but I also see it as a dream crusher if you are struggling to adapt like me.
all that time spent in college you could of been spending in the field.
bushwicksniper Time in the field is useless if you don't have the prerequisite knowledge. It would be like teaching quantum mechanics to someone who doesn't know calculus.
***** thank you.
"My Proud Mother Didn't even Turn up to my Graduation"
that hit me deep
This is true , you can be educated all by yourself towards any SUBJECT or outcome , self taught people almost always become the most successful
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
Albert Einstein
Wow this is deep.
Love it
I didn't take this very seriously a couple of years ago. I have seen it now... my dad was right. I have wasted so much time in school these years that it angers me. Waiting for people to teach me... I should have started myself.
College is good, it provides you with contacts. people to discuss, and also guidance. But truly education comes from the individual alone; only your interest and your individual effort will get you to be fully educated and capable. Don't rely on any learning institution to do the teaching for you; your room with your books, texts and your mind is the real clasroom.
May be true. But it's not needed.
True but still school is not needed to learn education
johnny drama School is absolutely necessary to get the proper education for many careers. There's no way around it. No amount of library books and diagrams can ever replace hands-on classes that allow a dental student to do a filling on a patient or a medical student to dissect and feel a cadaver.
johnny drama a good university is where you "learn how to learn". however, not the only place. I was really "smart" all through high school, but right now studying engineering in college I feel dumb as fuck. but I think you're missing the point of this video. he's saying that going to school does not have to be your only goal. its CHASE YOUR DREAMS. like david beckham dreamed of being a famous soccer star. don't go to school because someone told you to, that's what this guy is saying. follow your dream and be great
I've been too much surrounded by people who are nagging for good grades. Yet that's not what I'll call motivation. Thank you for showing us the true way of motivating.
How are you able to come up with such strong, brilliant, and profound words. Isn't it hard performing your own work on RUclips in front of millions a people. Have you ever been criticized for speaking the truth.
People are missing the message of his speech. He isn't saying to not go to school. He clearly states that education is important. He is trying to tell people that they shouldn't stress and summit themselves to a "standard" system of learning, for there is more than one way to "educate" yourself. Some of the people he named (Jesus, Mohammed, David Beckham) they weren't educated to a degree (and in some of the cases educaucated at all) yet the were educators..they tought people things, they were still successful. He was asking us why we were going to a Unviersity if we OURSELVES didn't know what our for "learning" was (when he refers to the "students wait in line like zombies to turn in a assignment") he was stating that they were there to be there...just following the status quo of getting to the next step. Listen and look deeper into the context... His points are really valid.
Suli Breaks and Prince Ea COLLAB
Luna E i think boniyaband should also join in
Jaq Wong y
Wait this isn't ea
this is so true. I honestly love learning and the subjects I'm studying at school. but school just ruins it by turning learning into a chore, and with the atmosphere of judgement and academic pressure. not to mention they don't teach you some of the most important skills in life. they don't even teach you how to get a job or how to function in society.
Grades don't make you smart. Good grades are due to good memorization. Study a bunch, memorize it, take the test, get an A, then forget all about it. So we aren't really smart from good grades. I've seen people fail everything in school yet they became smarter than some of their teachers.
Have you but? grades are just a mark, it's what's in your head that counts.
He's got a point god damn it stop trying to be hipster and disagree with him. A lot of people have problems in school and conditions or stress and get bullied. Being in school for 8 hours trapped in a prison full of people that care about popularity more than their fellow students. I've actually been expelled from my school for having adhd I dont even cause any trouble I just dont take information well and I get hyper but It's not my fault and now I go to a pupil referral unit where people solve answers not by studying but they punch it out and its even worse. My granddad left school at my age(15) and he does well in life. That was some time ago though and this guy is right its all based on shitty exams that mean nothing to you. I have talent in computers and love for them which wont ever be used thanks to society because I dont have exams everything I have learned and worked on in computers is useless.
And religious education Haha
Religion has caused more problems than it has fixed.
None. And it has caused many wars over something that doesn't exist. So what if god is written in a book? So is spiderman.. Does that mean spiderman exists?
Muslims shove their brutal religion down other's throats and we're sick of it. Don't tell me to read your qu'ran because I have no interest in fairy tails.
Why would I respect muslims if you lot are coming to my country and treating it like an islamic state? knocking down churches and trying to make us adjust to your rules. Your women are allowed to wear hoods and a mask over their face like a thug and white people can't? If you want to do that shit go back to your desert because we don't want you here.
If you don't build your dreams someone else will hire you to help build theirs.
Imran Esmail That isn't quite true; if you look at American history you see the opposite - when people can gain wealth by building their dreams, that wealth spreads in terms of jobs, charity they give, etc. read Mary Ruwart's work "Healing Our World" (read online free at her site). explains it very well.
Truth Stands Clear well, look at it this way. Let's say i was the boss of a company and you were just an employer of my company who is the one with real success you or me? Unless you are comfortable working as an employer. That's what they guy is trying to say.
Lol we all can't be employers
As if those were the only two options.
***** getting hired by Microsoft ya thats a dream but how about getting hired by McDonalds or KFC or any fast food restaurant
I've never cried so hard listening to a spoken word poem before. It was cathartic. Thank you so much for this.
Wow. This guys amazing.
Yep, It's fair to say that Learnt more off the Discovery and Natural Geographic channel and got me more prepared for life than University.
I hate school but I wanna be a doctor so...I'm kinda stuck.
***** you are terrible wrong he didn't say leave school he said there is more than one way in this world to be educated man . he didn't say leave school lol . what if i want to be a pilot ? and doctor needs to try on patients not just watch and read lol. thanks for your comment .
***** tough world we live in but you need some writing on a worthless piece of paper to become a legal doctor, unless you live in China - then you can be anything.
He's not saying drop school. He's just making examples of people famous because of their success, that didn't do too well in school, or didn't go at all. An educated doctor is a doctor who didn't just right a dissertation, or regurgitate what their lecturer told them, he took what he was told and practiced it, he performed it on something else.
***** If my brain surgeon said he'd learnt how do what he was about to do from courses on the internet because he hated school I'd walk out the door.
***** If my brain surgeon said he'd learnt how do what he was about to do from courses on the internet because he hated school I'd walk out the door.
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
school is just a memory game. who ever can memorize material the best succeeds.
Everybody in the comments are so picky. They pick apart a video that is supposed to be inspiring to the point where some people no longer find it inspiring. Are you really defending our outdated education system?
Poor logic does not inspire. It misleads.
Epic Senpai I haven't read the comments, but I will say this:I do not defend our education system, which is no where near to ideal, but the points this guy made in his video are just not related or helping his idea.
So what if their is ten, or hundrent, or a million people who could get to an amazing place without school? these people are UNIQE, they are abnormal, they are prodigies, and even if there is a million of these prodigies (and there isn't a million of them) then this is a million divided by 7 billion, that means they are ~0.014% of the population, that's REALY low, and you can't count on that the you would like them.
It's stupid to hear 12-18 year old teens that say: "It's ok, einstein also failed math (which is not true)"
Or students who say: "It's ok Steve Jobs dropped out of college and look where it got him".
Well new flash, you're probably not steve jobs, and you need to study because YOU'RE NOT A PRODIGY.
simple as that.
Elder Gamer Nobody needs this, if your going to try to discourage people that are looking for hope just stop. It's just not necessary for negativity. I know your trying to be realistic, but your words are more powerful than you think and this simple stupid comment on youtube could have made the next prodigy or successful person not take that chance to be different or abnormal. With an attitude like this there is no Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or any other abnormal people. Not flaming you just letting you know that ignorance is bliss and everything is possible, maybe if you changed your outlook you could be the next abnormality.
Buizge Jones I'm not discourging prodigiy, prodigies usually know they are prodigies and that's why they have the confident, but prodigies are the beautiful lie that the other 99% tell themselfs, and that won't help when reality strikes them, and when reality strikes it does it with no warning.
I'm trying to give them to warning, don't count on it that you can be a prodigy, most software developers and such innovators DIDN"T dropped out of school or failed like that, they usually are very bright and have succecful background.
(Albert Einstein)
This is deep.
So in the U.K when kids are 10/11 we do these test called SATs. You do Maths grammar and reading. I was put in a group because I had the ability to get a 5. But I got a 4 in maths. Many kids were put in a group because they could get 6's the highest you guess. I was a few marks away from a 5. You know why because I did something to show my working out by writing it. But it said to do a number calculation. I spent nights up revising because I needed to get a 5. I love art but we did art well once every two months. But maths everyday. I know you need maths but my principal did assemblys every monday saying he loved creativity. But what he actually meant was that if it's academic or sports tell us. No artistic views allowed. We were like robots. All the same. I was put under pressure everyday. Bruh now I'm in high school. Humanties is basically reading a text book and answering question. Can I remember anything about the battle of hastings no.
Holly Taylor During primary school, I was legitimately the top male boy in the school, getting an award for top academically achieving male, being somewhere in the top 2% in the world, but now in highschool, I have no motivation to do good and I just started getting terrible grades, schools insanely painful and especially because of the amount of time it takes out of our lives with school time and homework. I've been self studying music at home because even the music course at school doesn't even teach us how to compose, just play which annoys the heck out of me.
My entire family excluding my mum is like this, my brother was terrible in high school, but now his only studying a single subject as a side job, (his main is a voice actor) which is IT, and his getting 95%+ for every test when at school he was on the verge of repeating each year. Pretty well paid jobs are already thinking about him once he finishes in a year. My dad use to hate school and he started working at a factory. In only 6 months he was promoted to the 2nd highest possible one, whilst others were working for years without a single promotion because of the way he thought, he had an invention which made the factories efficiency rate increase a pretty big amount and a whole bunch of other small stuff making that happen to him.
In what year did you do the sats? I dont mean year 6.. like 2005?
I took mine in 2012 and the system changed to where you only had to cross boxes and make sure they lines are clear since they go under a machine...
+Maya Matthews Same acronym I'm guessing (sorry just finding this interesting XP)
Maya Matthews I am in the UK.
I didn't ask what grade I asked what year did someone take the test
I am currently in year 9 and took it in 2012.
+Holly Taylor (WonderlandHolly) why didn't you take fine arts as a subject?
Money’s only the medium by which you measure wordly success
school isnt about education anymore in all honesty its about memorization instead intelligence
It never was
i wish i can show this to my school. I mean...they tell us all of this stuff that we should know. Example algebra or how to do well on your exam. Or using in text evidence. Geez...they have no idea what i wanna do when i grow up. No, i dont wanna sit at a desk working for someone else's business, i want to do my own work. something i would enjoy.
This brought tears to my eyes. I cannot describe how accurate this is. School kills me everyday. People look at me, they judge me bc Im poor, because i'm not pretty enough, because I got a C in math. They criticize everything I do. The work is overwhelming. I have to stay up late doing homework, and then get up before the sunrises. And they ask me why i'm tired. I have bad thoughts, bad dreams, bad feelings, stress, etc. But I can't tell anyone bc they'll give me a therapist, and a daily guidance councilor. And they'll think i'm stupid.
Sweet child
remember Proverbs 31:16-17, and all will be ok. Nooo education for this
Its been 5 years, how ya doing now a days?
When students cheat on exams it's because our school system values grades more than students value learning. -Neil Tyson
that´s why i sheet
man i don't know what i like more about this video. the message itself or the way he talks =)
This video agrees with me. I thought like this about education before I saw this video.
You'd do brilliantly as a rapper
He is a rapper
Please no...He's an excellent Poet
+Tiffany Toure Rappers are poets. RAP = Rhythm and Poetry.
+Tiffany Toure not all rappers curse,shit and talk about sex money and drugs those are only the popular rappers which is like 20 rappers what about the other hundred rappers put here you've never even heard of
+Tiffany Toure Fuck you. Closed minded rude fool.
I actually discovered this guy from this video I was shown in my English class a few years back. Everyone was just drawn into this guy talking about education!
Dayum I opened my highs school Mac book and this video is on my library it’s been 10 years dayummmm
I finally found people to relate to me... I have a good grades in history, math, english, etc. and always on the class honour role. But having good grades in those things didn't make me successful in the 1 thing I loved, coding. I always dreamed of coding in C++, Java, etc. but I wanted to take a bigger step and learn, Objective C. By pursuing my dream, I had to learn it myself, and not at school, so after months of learning and coding in my spare time at home with all my homework at school with it, I finally was successful. I programmed a drawing program, a ball that bounced on the screen, and many other cool things. After that, I realized that good grades at school doesn't mean you are successful, it just means you learned what you need, to become what you want to be. Math, to help me code numbers. English, so I can type sentences without relying on auto correct. You see, being successful doesn't mean to have good grades, it means to take your knowledge and put it to use in what you want to become!
Sure, I know doing simple coding doesn't make me successful, but what I know is I successfully took a big step closer, into becoming what I want to be, a computer programmer.
For all of you who don't understand what I'm saying, here: School is just to teach you things you need to become what you want to be.
- Plurii
+PluriiGaming same ! I enjoy all subjects but what i enjoy most is coding, arts etc which I can teach myself or take some classes here and there if I wanted to. Success is determined by whatever definition people want it to be whether its monetary success or spiritual achievement.
This befor 7 years..
My God, you know.
When I was younger as a high school senior. I was called evantually crazy, a dreamer, stupid, dumb, people laughed at me, made fun of me...
At my 17, a senior was the year I revealed myself and took the first step to be myself. No one knew my History Or my Darker past.
I list plenty of friends because we used to be known as Kinda the wild populair jerks and etc.
So with that Popularity I lost everyone and when the faillures came I lost everything.
People, even teachers who used to believe in me, gave up on me. I remembered how one teacher was dissapointed because I wasn't the person they taught I was. I gave it my life and soul to make my Dream a reality.
However I Told myself that it didn't matter how many people would give up on me. As long I didn't so despite whatever and everything I fought on and again and again. Even when they all Said it was impossible and laughed.
I was probably the dumbest of my class. However after high school I Kinda rolled into leading an organisation and evantually turned it into national company. As my second job I was an actor/director. Again when I followed that path there were people who told me I would never make it. Because I am Asian.
My path was lonely, hard and rough however I was able to turn my biggest enemies who were supposed to bring me down into my biggest strengths. I'm 21 now I made a council to help me lead the organisation. Since it was not my main Dream yet.
So I Could still act and study further. I can't explain it. When the whole worlds tells you you can't every bone and muscle within you tells you, yes you can. You go on afraid but brave. Because this is my Dream and screw those who can't see it for me. Because I haven't come to make friends but to win.
What I learned it's not about winning so much but about not giving up. If you are true to yourself and your dedication to your Dream. You Will never lose a battle. Each second counts.
Even when I was like becoming Kinda succesfull here in Europe I even started to have more haters. Not for who I was or how I threated people. But for what I did. They taught I was stupid cuz there wasn't Anyone else who worked that hard as me Or took all those crazy actions. Even when I failed I still came back no matter what to do it again. I told my teacher once they Could take all the time from me that they want I don't care.
I'm here to win and I don't care what might Appose me. I have come too far to give up now.
Funny thing is I am 21 and I am the first person of that school who became CEO at 18 and made it. The only millionaire and since a few weeks I just made it as a rising actor in that industry. Suddenly all my friends came back.
Not sure what to do with them. However even If I did. I wouldn't care since the matter of fact I'm always working.
But this vid made me feel warm and gave me a tear. Since it's all true. I have been known as one of the dumbest persons cuz of my grades. Even had to double a year. Yet I'm the only one who made it since the simple fact I believe in more. More for me. Because to me it was all personal. Never Quit.
Bullshit, prove it
Alright mate calm down
TheFocker Didn't think I came across as that agitated but thankyou, thanks to you I'm tip-top, so calm :))
Pat Stevenson Suck out mate I wasn't even talking to you.
TheFocker :(
Some of the dumbest people you will ever meet are in a college classroom, point being going to school doesn't mean you're educated. Malcolm X was highly educated and never stepped foot on a college campus. Going to college is good, but if you're only learning inside of a classroom your knowledge is limited, because history and knowledge extends well beyond a classroom. In order to be truly educated one must research, read, and study things on their own outside of the classroom. Getting good grades in school only means you're good at memorizing information ( most of the time)
But it does look good on that application they wont even hire you at mcdonalds without a high school diploma
that is why our system is fucked up.
This guy is british. The british education system isn't based on memorisation, it's about developing skills. If you're good enough, you can revise little and achieve lots. If you can't, you practice until you can get it right.
But this is the world we live in today. Our system is a MESS. So there's noting we can do about it.
11 years and it still hits. I even had to take a break from school to *understand my motives* and *re-assess my aims.* It helps.
School is indoctrination. Remember this quote from Mark Twain: " I will not let schooling interfere with my education". You certainly don't need to go to college to become educated nowadays. Most things you need to know can be found on the Internet, and you certainly don't need to waste tens of thousands of dollars to become "educated" by college. Pretty much the only reason anyone goes to college anymore is because many jobs now require you to have a college degree even though you don't really need a college degree for the job.
College is really a huge waste of money if you are expecting it to educate you. The only reason anyone goes to college is to hope that their degree can land them with a high-paying job.
I noticed since high school that I was learning way more stuff on the Internet than from my classes in school. I noticed since first year of college that I was learning more stuff on the Internet than my courses at college. It is a complete lie that you need to have good grades in school to become financially successful. Some of the richest people in the world never finished either high school or university. I heard of people making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year selling drugs, and the people doing this don't even have a high school diploma. I am not saying you need to sell drugs to become financially successful, but you certainly do not need a university degree to make a lot of money. Hell, you don't even need to finish high school. But I suggest you finish high school just to make people not think you are lazy. But finishing university is mostly a matter of being able to afford it, and has little to do with your intellect or perseverance. So screw university, and only go if you are able to meet the following criteria:
1) Don't go to university unless you are able to afford it without student loans. Student loan debt is very crippling to your financial ability after university is finished. Minimize the amount of money you spend for university by going to school at a local place (that way you don't need to pay for living expenses, and you can just live with your parents while going to school)
2) Major in something where the knowledge for the subject can't simply be
learned from the Internet i.e. becoming a surgeon because you need to go to school to acquire the skills for becoming a surgeon
3) Major in something that can actually land you with a high paying job i.e. a surgeon
If you can't satisfy the above criteria, then screw university, and go to an apprenticeship, learn a trade or start your own business.
Instead of indoctrinating kids that they must go to university to be successful, we should teach kids to become successful based on their own skills rather than earning an overvalued and mostly worthless university degree.
AmandaNerdBot Well said man:)
Just want to share a few awesome quotes I've saved:
"You enter school as a kid and the next 15 years is dedicated to molding you to listen and obey. The people at the top don’t want a society of thinkers, they want worker bees that never question anything. Once you get that new house, new car, and credit card bills, you’re now a slave to the system. People sell out their potential and dreams just so that they can keep up with the Jones. We only have one shot at life, why settle for being a hamster in a wheel?" - Charles Ngo
"School teaches you how to do what other people want you to do. It teaches you how to submit. It teaches you how to be a drone. Taking the career path less traveled takes you to some strange places, but its lessons are better than those taught in any classroom." - Susannah Breslin
"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” -John Lennon
Exoro another thing I would like to point out is that nobody gives a shit about your grades in school outside of school. Nobody cares you were a straight A student from high school to college. At the end of the day, what people care about is how much MONEY you make, and how successful you are in life has absolutely nothing to do with your grades in school.
Based on my personal experience, our "education" system (more like indoctrination system) is very successful at creating obedient people who blindly follow authority. This is why people are so willing to believe in propaganda from the mainstream media. However, some people, despite spending over a decade of being abused by the schooling establishment, are still able to critically think, and see what the system is actually like.
School is designed to make you into someone else's bitch. I see nothing with dropping out of school, and pursing your own dreams because people like that are the ones who end up becoming the most successful rather than people who willingly become enslaved by the system known as school.
AmandaNerdBot I'm still extremely confused on how many people are so quick to settle for mediocrity. We live in a society that discourages entrepreneurship and many still wonder why it's so hard to find a job. Most people think that college packs you with secret knowledge and gives you a magical key to success in the real world.
Exoro lol at "college packs you with secret knowledge and gives you a magical key to success in the real world". Nope, I didn't learn any of that in college.
AmandaNerdBot Did they at least give you some handy-dandy student loan debt?
This how I feel right now! I hope all my hard work really pay off.
Education is the most beautiful thing in the world! :D
Stop learning by imposed topics, learn by personal projects.
oh my fucking god. he isn't slamming on religion, or putting down his mother. His point is simply that school and grades and things that have scores shouldn't define what you're capable of. You can agree, or you can disagree, but you can't say that you've never gotten a bad grade and felt like shit about it. Think about how you felt; that's his point.
This is beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. Everyone should watch this.
This video is very misleading; it appeals to the few successful exceptions. For every Steve Jobs who dropped out, I can present you with ten-thousand bums who dropped out too. Where do you think your chances lie? Allow me to channel Tyler Durden: "We've all been raised on *sulibreezy's video* to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." School isn't what's stopping you from being a millionaire.
It's great to see your comments, DarkMatter2525.
I couldn't agree more. People are too willing to blindly accept a video like this that criticises the education system, because they want to believe they can just drop out of school and be successful without putting in effort. I think getting a university degree is the *easy* way to be successful. This video gives a bad message.
As I just commented on GrapplingIgnorance's response to this video, the entire premise of this video is crap. Citing a few exceptions to a law does not make a new law. There are thousands of drop-outs who never made anything of their lives for every drop-out success story. Yes, it can happen, but the odds are stacked against you. The best way to get those odds in your favour is with a diploma or degree. Otherwise, the odds are that your future career will involve the words "You want fries with that?"
thank fuck that you said something DM... i'm astonished by how many high school drop outs have liked this video...and they all think they're geniuses, like the douchebag in this video.
***** i love that you tell us to look at the title while you seem to think it says 'why school doesn't make you a millionaire.'
What sets the bums and the wealthy dropouts apart is ethics. If want it bad enough you'll find a way.
I'm homeschooling my way through high school doing things my way. Learning about things that inspire me
For those people saying this is stupid school is important he's saying he likes education but he dosent like the way they do it
School nowadays teaches us to go into a war with guns, but with no ammo.
You should switch schools
Ask a Physicist
You shouldn't be so literal.
I watch this every day. Love it.
Theirs more than one way to be an educated man. Damn. That's Deep
He forgot to mention one of the smartest people in the world " Albert Instine" who dropped out of school in 4th grade and didn't talk until he was 8 years old. But made some great inventions and figured out that E= MC square
Einstein not instine.
He also graduated with a PhD in Physics from the finest institution of Physics in his country.
Dude lists exceptional people and uses them as an example for why YOU, a more than likely ordinary person doesn't need to jump through hoops for a successful future.
Well, color me inspired. I'm just gonna go break the system with soaring rhetoric as my sword.
I go to sleep every night and I dream. I dream of a place where people, not only children value education for what it is. Not for the A on the test. Not to get into college. Not to do the work for the sake of doing it. No. Because they enjoy it.
You see, it's the 21st century now and our current model of education does not work. Our current model forces children to work and learn (which results in just trying to get by so you can go home - not really learning). Learning is supposed to be FUN! It will be too if you strike a child's curiosity, but we don't do that. We show them learning is work and is best avoided when possible. That nothing in life that requires strenuous hard work is worth anything.
Why did our model work before (in a way but still did damage) but now it doesn't?
Its called the media, information, access to ANYTHING you want through the internet... Our kids know it too. When I am at home doing homework, I have all sorts of gadgets within reach! That I can do anything on! Before children would just do it because, well, they would be beat if they got bad grades and there was just not much else to do.
You see, we need to change our educational ways. It just doesn't work. To survive we need to show kids that learning is fun. We need to allow them to understand what passion is. Not to do things just because your told. Otherwise our society will fail. - You can't just automatically assume that without instruction or guidance that the child will fail... Yes may fail but it's called trial, error, and observing. How do you think we learned English when we were tiny?
If you don't agree with my opinion I don't care. I'm 15 and this is how I see it.
This title says everything to me!!!!
I cannot support school anymore is overwhelmed and sucks. When im at home searching for real self helped content, it brings fulfillment to me.
If you played attention, the majority of the materials you learn in school is by people who never frequently school.
"If education is the key then school is the lock."
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
I wonder why we need to know mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
I cried on the "My proud mother didn't even turn up on my graduation part..."
Nilesh Jain I dont even think you have graduated kindergarden looking at your english.
I think the whole idea of mid terms and finals makes no sense. They are there to test you on what you learned and actually retained throughout the year but if that's the case how come everyone stresses over them and has to study countless hours to do well. If the teacher did their job right I would have remembered the material and it's also hard to remember something I'm never going to use again in my life.
Agree with you. But the problem is both in the teacher and the student. If the student had taken attention, taken notes, and done his work throughout the period in witch he's supposed to learn and gather information, he'd be ready for evaluation (yes, we're supposed to at least review the things we hear, the teacher can't insert a cheap in our brains). Most students don't want to do so, so they choose willingly to study 4/5 days before a test, therefore late nights and failing to LEARN and UNDERSTAND and instead memorizing - that's temporary. And since the major part of students is in school because they have to be as it is shown in this video, how can one motivate them to learn? (don't be naive on this one, if you're there the institution has to assume a will to learn) If there was no evaluation (assignments, tests, presentations, etc.), the student would finish a 3 year course based on maybe the classes he went to, the groups he was in, and we all know more than half the students are in a vegetable state until they think 'oh crap I have this work to do, I better pick up some books'. But this also shows the problem I'm currently experiencing in law school: the evaluation regulament changed and the reality is I now spend more time being graded than lectured. I have little time to gather the information from teachers and myself.
I think the problem about education is not schools: it's the way evaluation patterns are set. Which is the way they have been for so long now. Evaluation is necessary. The average human being does not want to know if he was approved (yes) or rejected (no). He wants to be graded. I'm not talking about school now, think about all the aspects of life. Think about it. It's something so natural.
But than of course, I think it's fucked up that we live in a society that grades people since they're 4/5 y/o. Oh well, mindfucks and all. Cheers.
This really hit home. Im currently in University and just flunked out of my department, currently across the ocean from my mother country and family. I am at a crossroad with no idea where to go. Watching this gave me a bit of relief.