Going off the beaten path. Great find. Found it interesting how you gracefully side-stepped the question of infinite time. There is an alternative cosmology in astrophysics that supports an eternal universe. From an Austrian astrophysicist a few years back but can't recall his name. Based on mass not being constant over time which can account for a red-shift (Eigenvalues for a potential energy surface ~ 1/m). Had no conflicts with observations. What is your take on this subject matter in general considering Kant's antinomy? I tend to agree with Kant.
Since this was written at the end of 1871, i suspect his hypothesis itself is an attempt at coping with the massacre of the paris commune earlier that year. The last paragraphs themselves have a double edge to them. Progress may not be possible, but that also means we have not failed to make progress. The death of the revolution is only local happenstance, not a universal human truth.
Very interesting!
Thank you!
Going off the beaten path. Great find.
Found it interesting how you gracefully side-stepped the question of infinite time. There is an alternative cosmology in astrophysics that supports an eternal universe. From an Austrian astrophysicist a few years back but can't recall his name. Based on mass not being constant over time which can account for a red-shift (Eigenvalues for a potential energy surface ~ 1/m). Had no conflicts with observations.
What is your take on this subject matter in general considering Kant's antinomy? I tend to agree with Kant.
Thanks for pointing us to this historical figure (I'm working on Eternal Recurrence), there's definitely also some links to Marx here.
I believe Walter Benjamin was inspired by both Blanqui and Nietzsche and wrote about connections between then in the Arcades work.
Since this was written at the end of 1871, i suspect his hypothesis itself is an attempt at coping with the massacre of the paris commune earlier that year. The last paragraphs themselves have a double edge to them. Progress may not be possible, but that also means we have not failed to make progress. The death of the revolution is only local happenstance, not a universal human truth.
Same idea as the multiverse too. Nothing is really new in philosophy or otherwise.