Wake up NOW Listen up all Latin Catholic naive community members, bishops and Provincial Fathers, the Munambam lands are not Wakf lands, they never were!! Right before Bharat's freedom in the very distant past, these lands, most of them which formed out of the sea, have been assigned to the Latin Catholic community by a royal edict of the King of Kochi by the then Diwan of Kochi Shri. Madhava Rao. Before that all lands which formed out of the Arabian Sea and lands abutting it were gifted to the Jewish community by a Royal Decree of the then King of Kochi through the Copper Plate Proclamation. They are relevant still as they got merged into the India Government after its independence from the British yoke. No entity can jump in at this late moment and stake their claim over these lands assigned first to the Jews and to the Latin Catholic communities too. The Waqf claimants have raised bogus issues and invalid reasons to defraud the rightful owners of the Latin Catholic community.
സമരത്തിന് അഭിവാദനങ്ങൾ
അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Wake up NOW
Listen up all Latin Catholic naive community members, bishops and Provincial Fathers, the Munambam lands are not Wakf lands, they never were!! Right before Bharat's freedom in the very distant past, these lands, most of them which formed out of the sea, have been assigned to the Latin Catholic community by a royal edict of the King of Kochi by the then Diwan of Kochi Shri. Madhava Rao. Before that all lands which formed out of the Arabian Sea and lands abutting it were gifted to the Jewish community by a Royal Decree of the then King of Kochi through the Copper Plate Proclamation. They are relevant still as they got merged into the India Government after its independence from the British yoke. No entity can jump in at this late moment and stake their claim over these lands assigned first to the Jews and to the Latin Catholic communities too. The Waqf claimants have raised bogus issues and invalid reasons to defraud the rightful owners of the Latin Catholic community.