I've been watching your vlogs in random order. I am also from Cebu and grew up there but moved to Manila for college. Then moved to the US to work. I am also a. teacher but not an education major. You did great in your interview. I've worked with other non-native English speakers and the advantage that Filipinos have is that we speak so much better compared to the ones that I've met here at work. So, keep practicing!
I've been watching your vlogs in random order. I am also from Cebu and grew up there but moved to Manila for college. Then moved to the US to work. I am also a. teacher but not an education major. You did great in your interview. I've worked with other non-native English speakers and the advantage that Filipinos have is that we speak so much better compared to the ones that I've met here at work. So, keep practicing!
Thank you so much! Have a great holidays! 💗
Hi Po ate
Hello! 👋