Perhaps in higher dimensions, but i do not think we will ever be able to determine it empirically due to both the information horizon and perhaps due to the fact that expansion in all likelihood occurs for all dimensions, just not the three we are familiar with
Excellent presentation Sharkee. I used to be at the center of the universe but I'm retired now and live about seven miles to the right of it. Less stress here.
Man, your speaking voice, topic comprehension and ability to elegantly explain a complex topic is nothing less than hypnotizing. Also, serious points for showing me what it sounds like to hear the word shenanigans in an East Asian (?) accent.
awesome intuitive presentation! I was not good in physics in high school so being able to understand complex concepts like this one through your lecture is really cool! Keep it up!
I love how the answer to this question makes you feel incredibly important as the observer everything centers around and incredibly insignificant as the entirty of the universe doesn't care where, when or if you are. Quite sobering.
adding depth to the sheet, or at least, zooming into the fractal since the sheet is not flat gives you the ability to understand that the universe is actually somewhere between 2 and 3 dimensions.
He only uploads RUclips Red videos anymore, which wouldn't be a bad thing in itself, if this wasn't his only content. If he makes a normal vid, it mostly serves as advertisement for the tour he is on right now.
It is technically true, the observer or frame of reference is the center of the universe in terms of observability. no two frames of reference can be exactly the same otherwise the universe would not be able to tell them apart. we are a different person today than yesterday because we observe a slightly different copy of the universe, time and space effect what we observe.
I wonder which place scientists would choose if they were forced to "teleport" to any place in the universe besides earth. Would they choose a planet that has the most chance of bearing similar life conditions as ours and risk dying in a not so comfortable / slow way or teleport directly into the singularity of a black hole or something else that would destroy you pretty fast.
My question is as space is infinitely expanding is new matter being created? Or did all of the matter come into existence at the same time during the Big Bang meaning all particles were created at the same time. Also planets, as space expands is there possibly new galaxies coming into existence the “farther” out you go? Or did it all form relatively at the same time and is just infinitely expanding away from other matter near by?
Unfortunately, the notion of there being a "centre" of the universe is flawed. We don't know if this universe goes on forever, or if there's a "void" outside our universe, because both scenarios creates a pseudo-paradox. Like you said, the universe is defined by literally everything; all of space and time, inclusive of all events that have happened or will ever happen. If there is anything 'outside' the universe, it must be contained within the universe, since the universe is by definition everything. If the universe is infinite, there's a 100% chance that after X lightyears, you will find an exact copy of yourself, on an identical Earth, in an identical Solar System (you get the idea), and after X light years again, you will find the exact same thing, looping infinitely. Is that not just a 4D torus or sphere? Since if you travel in a straight line in any direction, you will eventually end up back where you started. If it's not infinite, and there is something outside spacetime, then I really don't think we can find the centre of the universe, since we are constrained within it. Just like you said, the universe most likely has higher spacial dimensions, and we're just 3D projections on a N-Dimensional universe. Great philosophical topic though.
Now this is the kind of explanation that i can comfortably digest inside my puny brain. With an added bonus of extra R everytime i hear the word "obserrrrvable". Thank you. Now i just need to wait till someone find me as her center of universe..
The doughnut (torus) universe is really bugging me. How does it transition from a singularity to a complex shape? I can intuitively understand a warped expanse, like an explosion with density variations. When I try to mix the ideas of galaxy clusters and filaments with a complex shape, I'm perplexed by the shape's origin. Would the singularity begin with a torus shape? Why?
Thats because its not a 2 D torus but a 3 D torus . You start with a small point -singularity , that gets bigger in 3 D dimensions. But at the same time , the interior its moving ( rotating ) in circles in al 3 D dimensions. If you add the expansion of the universe , what you get its 3 circles ( that equals to the volume of the universe ) that rotates in this 3 D space --and the geometrical shape that you get : a 3D torus !
I dont say that all the volume of the Universe is rotating , to be clear , just that all the space-time its shaped in a 3 D torus , due to 2 factors ; - expansion of the universe , and this expansions is the same in every dimension. -and the fact that all things must move - there is no stillnes in 3 D space , and they move in a 3 D space , and that makes 3 circles. If you add this 2 factors , you get a 3 D torus shape of the universe.
Mike D If I understand this correctly,.. the three dimensions are X, Y, and Z. If the Universe is a torus shape, 2 of the 3 axes must rotate in opposite directions to converge, while the curvature of the third is irrelevant. I believe the underlying issue I have is what could cause this? Sorry. New concepts like this can take me awhile to mull over and formulate more specific questions about.
If certain versions of multiverse theory are correct, particularity brane theory, then stuff can exist outside the universe, and it becomes meaningful to say the center of the universe lies outside the universe itself. It can also explain the seemingly paradoxical notion that the universe expanded from a single point and yet every point simultaneously. If our universe is expanding, then the hyper-volume, of which our universe forms the surface, is also expanding.
To state there might be a centre of the universe is assuming the universe has an equally 3-dimensional shape in all direction that causes the possibility to find a centre. But as we can't assume that the universe has a specific shape, (like finding the centre in the middle of a cloud of gas) it seems to me strange to assume that such thing as a centre exists. We also know that there is a thing called infinity, and how would one find the centre of an infinite shape?
I have a question that's been bugging me for a while, which was touched upon a little bit in this video. If matter and energy are basically the same thing, how is it possible to have an infinite universe containing an infinite amount of matter when there is only a finite amount of energy in the whole universe? Does this mean that the universe must be curved into a torus/donut shape to avoid breaking the laws of thermodynamics?
Laws of thermodynamics state that energy can't be created or destroyed. If the universe contained infinite amount of matter and energy since the beginning (only density changes) and no additional energy nor matter is added then thermodynamics shouldn't be violated.
The Paranoid Blues Man There are bigger infinities than others. Theoretically there are more fractions than whole numbers and both are infinite, so there's that.
Ok, if the shape of the universe is the 4 dimensional torus or whatever geometrical figure then we can easily find its center, even if it will be outside the existence (like center of torus ) but still geometrically we can find it.
kolodi I mean, we are 3d and only have 3d tools. its like being 2d trying to prove you can turn on the y axis, but how the fuck would you do that if you can only move 2d or all you observe appears 2d
Conway79 it is not know if it is curved, but if so it would be a 4th dimensional object with a third-dimensional surface, the actual dimensionality of anything outside of our universe cannot be known. also our universe being a Taurus is a bit of a misnomer, it would actually be a Klein bottle just that doesn't translate as well to the third dimension, and taurus is the 3D equivalent(with a 2d surface) of a 4d Klein bottle(with a 3d surface) this is all assuming positive curvature mind you, if the curvature is negative it might very well be infinite
can the iniverse be infinite however there is a limit to the amount of matter in the universe? where if you go far enough you will just find empty space with nothing existing but you can still travel through it.
I don't think there's a center of the universe, also because VSauce pointed it out in an interesting way once which you can watch yourself in the "Travel INSIDE a Black Hole" video at about 8:50. Anyway, I love your videos, keep it up! (And do you have new shoes? :O )
Ok, so if Flynn takes a piece of rope and starts to unravel it as he speeds across this limited 4D Universe, what shape will the rope have once he returns to his initial position?
That's a great theory but, and correct me if im wrong, if the universe is expanding in all directions, wouldn't the inside of the donut expand too, meaning that the circle in the middle of the donut gets smaller, thus the bits of the universe located there would also get closer together?
Since we are in the center of our observable universe, It appears to us that the universe is expanding in all direction. But, i think that cannot be true if the universe is donut shaped.
Wouldn't the universe be expanding into "something" in the multiverse theory? As there would potentially be multiple universes inside that space as well, not just ours.
rdizzy1 it doesn't have to expand into anything, multiverse or not, even if we are in a multiverse we can not observe anything outside of our own universe, whats to say that everything is not shrinking all at the same time, while the total size stays the same? the effect is the same, "more space" for the objects in the universe, and space might even be a misnomer and a higher dimensional plane, we would have no clue of the properties of anything outside of observation, while the possibility of being inside a higher dimension has the chance of being provable, anything related to that higher plane is irrelevant since it can't be known and can't be proved, from our position.
Right now it can't be known, but there is potentially no limit to our knowledge or vastness, humans could expand and survive for another billion years for all we know. We could very well find a way to travel to other universes in the multiverse.
rdizzy1 i base my statements on the currently understanding of science, very few scientists would agree with you, since such actions constitute breaking current scientific laws, we can't go outside of the universe (if that exists), and while it might be possible to go between universes (if others exist) but that would only be if they collide, end of the story, its the same as saying "one day humans will fly in the sky like Superman" it is something so far against what we know, that everything would have to be rewritten from scratch, its more or less better to assume its impossible till proven otherwise
For an infinite universe, that question makes no sense; for a finite looping universe, you must remember that since space time loops back onto itself, any forces traveling along would loop with it, as if they were pulling from elsewhere, such a space time model also provides no center of mass. If the universe is finite and not looping, it has both a geometric center and a center of mass. Such a universe is problematic in that you can always ask "What's further out?"
Center needs an object, and the universe isn't one, although it has matter within it. So I guess there isn't a center to universe. In that case we should ask why planets are round ? Is it because of a larger universe trait ? Or just the nature of particles circling and forming gravity ?
So if I am the centre of the universe, and some alien in the Andromeda galaxy is the centre of the universe, then at what point did the universe lose it's centre? Was it just after the big bang when the universe was the size of an orange? Because I can more or less show you the centre of an orange. Was it when it was the size of the Earth? Or the size of the solar system? Because even at that size I'm pretty sure the centre was around where the sun is. Or let's say it was when it was the size of the distance between the Milky Way and Andromeda. Because even then I'm convinced the centre would have been roughly half way between the two. My point is this, if it started out as a singularity, and expanded from there, there must be a centre, and it must be a spheroid. So if there is no centre now, can someone please tell me what size the universe was before it lost it's centre and every point became the centre? Please help, this is hurting my feeble brain.
Wow that made me think. Thanks. I think when I was younger I imagined a giant rectangle universe for some reason. Where anything "outside" of it was "heaven". I wish it were that simple now as well, but probably not lol. If the universe were a simple primitive shape, then you're right there would be absolutely "nothing" outside of it. And what would happen if you reached the edge. I never really thought about that. Anyways I like all of the points you made.
i believe there is a way to warp a torus so it remains not curved like the surface of a sphere or saddle but i forget what it is called. imo the universe is probably a 4th dimensional warped torus that is made a material similar to a balloon and is being blown up
With all the crappy click baity science channels popping up everywhere, I sure miss the clean cut straight to the point presentation by Sharkee. Where have you gone?
Okay so, if the universe is ever expanding, and there is nothing but the universe, in which space does it expand to, i mean if its still expanding, it must mean its expanding in some space right? So there should be something outside the universe?
If a 2D curved universe has a centre "outside" of its surface, why can't our 3D curved universe (if it's the case) have its own centre "outside" of it?
If the cosmic background radiation is the oldest visible thing in the universe, it has to be the furthest visible thing. Since we can see IT in all directions, how is it possible for there to be objects we could never see?
I have a thoughts about this topic as you explained it on example of "one dimension less" . This is only my vision, it may be stupid, be gentle to me. Please If forth dimension (our) the universe is space (in euclidean undrstanding): lenght, widtht, depth and time, the shape of the universe is infinite/flat which also can be curved. Including time, if you would get beyond the barrier of the speed of light you'l be able to surf along all time and places in the universe in NO time, so you''ll be "above" the surface of 4d universe, an there cannot be any center of the universe, because you are EVERYWHERE and in the same ALWAYS (which doesn't exist). You "will be" at the center of everything and nothing, past, future and present in time and in no time, you'll be infinitly small and infinitly huge. Big bang and Big Crunch and everything between would simply BE at single "0D point". It seems to me a little like universe work like tachometer/speedometer where "hand of a clock" go back or forth on a closed circle. All black holes combined are for fair one and the same singularity. Inside of them is with no mass, no time, no shape. From our perspective singularity may be like hole which in the same time is frame of everything around and in some non existend within. My thoughts are simply intuitive, don't get stupider after reading this ^^ And sorry for my language, just english grammar and all this weird present simples and other are hard to me. I hope in my lifetime transhumanistic technology and AI implemented to humans to reach beyond our spiecies brain abilities to consciousness would help understand those topics. :)
Everytime I think of infinite numbers I think of set theory. I'm sure one could come up with an answer, though changing the definition of center would be an easier feat.
“There are not wanting, it is true, some promulgators of paradoxes who maintain that there is no necessary connection between geometrical and moral Irregularity.”
seems to me since there is motion in our universe picking a center would be as silly as picking a center molecule in a glass of water it's not gonna be the center for long
The center of time and space is on a hill in Judea some 2000 years ago. Still can be seen unto this very day. Golgotha, "the place of the skull." To be exact, likely 1987 + or - 2 years ago.
Why don't they just say whether or not the Universe only goes up to 3-Dimensions instead of calling it "Flat"? When I first heard "Flat Universe" it made zero sense to me because I wasn't thinking of "Flat" from a possible 4-D layout.
you obviously havent seen this year christmas carol in Sweden, appearently the time creating machine in the center of the universe is broken. therefore the time will stop at december 23 so we wont have a christmas or anything after december 23. luckily we have three children that is trying to get to the center of the universe to fix this machine. i do hope we will get a christmas this year :)
why do you say flat sheet? Is it just a way to show it? There is stuff in the universe up and down and to the left and right from us, right? So its not flat? I don't get it? Is it just a way to express it? sorry for dumb questions P.S. So there is just a planets, galaxies in every direction from us and blackness, right? That's all we know? aa.. i am stupid. it's just a way to show it right?
Hmm...doughnut universe. Delicious. This reminds me of that old video games, Asteroids. Your spaceship keeps looping to the other side of the screen. The asteroids also loops when hit the edge of the screen too. If you flatten the doughnut it'll become a flat sheet. In Asteroids, the center of the universe is the center of the screen. The question is which way to cut the doughnut.
An infinite universe is terrifying. That means there’s an infinite number of stars, and an infinite number of earths in which an infinite number of mes are writing an infinite number of messages on an infinite number of iPads being read by an infinite number of yous... Mind bending.
Bro that shit got me depressed...Fucks my mind up that it keeps growing and growing. It grows down too so there isn't not bottom. What do you call that?
Exactly, dude. Where the heck is it? When I see programs that are out there labeled "How the Universe works", I just think, "Man's Arrogance". We have far too much to learn to make a program with a title like that correctly
So my question to this excellent video would be. Guys, if the Universe expands to nothing by itself. Isn't that kind of weird? I am not a huge fan of infinite realities and universes. I like the idea that this universe is all there is and it's expending into nothingness. Anyway, I don't really think we will have an answer for that.
Wait... to have entropy the Universe must expand into nothing. A finite universe that is not expanding into nothing (but to itself) would sustain the same amount of energy flowing to and from itself, into temporal infinity. If it is expanding into nothing (and not itself) than it must be expanding from some point, or multiple points. If if light (energy) is recycled that would (at some point) stop entropy in a balance. Now if only we had a couple of trillion years to check this out :D
If a video about space leaves you with a depression that means the video is good.
Most of these videos do it. My favorite one that really made me think was the one titled "What if we could travel faster than the speed of light."
Clark Me too! Love Sharkee!!
so I'm not the only one
Silviu Stefaniu
In a world of 7 billion plus? Hardly ever.
Clark I thought that video was excellent!
What do you guys think? Is there a center for the universe? If so, where is it?
Sharkee uranus
*tongue click* Noice
Sharkee you made a typo, thinK*
I wasn't thinging when I posted that. Thanks!
Perhaps in higher dimensions, but i do not think we will ever be able to determine it empirically due to both the information horizon and perhaps due to the fact that expansion in all likelihood occurs for all dimensions, just not the three we are familiar with
Excellent presentation Sharkee. I used to be at the center of the universe but I'm retired now and live about seven miles to the right of it. Less stress here.
Your videos give my brain the stimulation required to make my life much more bearable right now. Thank you, so much.
Man, your speaking voice, topic comprehension and ability to elegantly explain a complex topic is nothing less than hypnotizing. Also, serious points for showing me what it sounds like to hear the word shenanigans in an East Asian (?) accent.
awesome intuitive presentation! I was not good in physics in high school so being able to understand complex concepts like this one through your lecture is really cool! Keep it up!
I love how the answer to this question makes you feel incredibly important as the observer everything centers around and incredibly insignificant as the entirty of the universe doesn't care where, when or if you are. Quite sobering.
Sharkee, You've done an excellent job of explaining a complicated concept in an understandable way. Mad teaching skilz.
adding depth to the sheet, or at least, zooming into the fractal since the sheet is not flat gives you the ability to understand that the universe is actually somewhere between 2 and 3 dimensions.
this is a better, less known vsauce
Especially since Michael sold out
Veryde how did he sell out
He only uploads RUclips Red videos anymore, which wouldn't be a bad thing in itself, if this wasn't his only content. If he makes a normal vid, it mostly serves as advertisement for the tour he is on right now.
Veryde if you depend on RUclips as your main income at some point you have to choose between content and profit
Ah fuck that why i don`t see so many new videos from him
You're the center of my universe 😊
Cuz you so darn fat
Saim Naeem ok then... is that ment to be a flirt?
+gus stwert because he is so attractive ;)
It is technically true, the observer or frame of reference is the center of the universe in terms of observability. no two frames of reference can be exactly the same otherwise the universe would not be able to tell them apart. we are a different person today than yesterday because we observe a slightly different copy of the universe, time and space effect what we observe.
Tethloach1 nerd
I can almost wrap my mind around a fourth spacial dimension now. Thats an improvment!
Lol we'll never be able to understand 4 dimensions
I can't comprehend why you only have 93k subs...
Rotten Guss Anyone with over millions subs once also had 93k ;)
I fucking love this channel
+Sharkee we need you to get 100k subscribers. Your videos are great buddy.
One of the best videos I've seen on RUclips so far.
I wonder which place scientists would choose if they were forced to "teleport" to any place in the universe besides earth. Would they choose a planet that has the most chance of bearing similar life conditions as ours and risk dying in a not so comfortable / slow way or teleport directly into the singularity of a black hole or something else that would destroy you pretty fast.
My question is as space is infinitely expanding is new matter being created? Or did all of the matter come into existence at the same time during the Big Bang meaning all particles were created at the same time. Also planets, as space expands is there possibly new galaxies coming into existence the “farther” out you go? Or did it all form relatively at the same time and is just infinitely expanding away from other matter near by?
love what you are doing sharkee, keep up the good work
very good video, lots of info presented perfectly
Unfortunately, the notion of there being a "centre" of the universe is flawed. We don't know if this universe goes on forever, or if there's a "void" outside our universe, because both scenarios creates a pseudo-paradox. Like you said, the universe is defined by literally everything; all of space and time, inclusive of all events that have happened or will ever happen. If there is anything 'outside' the universe, it must be contained within the universe, since the universe is by definition everything.
If the universe is infinite, there's a 100% chance that after X lightyears, you will find an exact copy of yourself, on an identical Earth, in an identical Solar System (you get the idea), and after X light years again, you will find the exact same thing, looping infinitely. Is that not just a 4D torus or sphere? Since if you travel in a straight line in any direction, you will eventually end up back where you started.
If it's not infinite, and there is something outside spacetime, then I really don't think we can find the centre of the universe, since we are constrained within it. Just like you said, the universe most likely has higher spacial dimensions, and we're just 3D projections on a N-Dimensional universe. Great philosophical topic though.
best videos on RUclips fr, I love you dude
how did you not say geodesic once? impressive. why doesn't the observer note the repeat? 12:30 . great video
Now this is the kind of explanation that i can comfortably digest inside my puny brain. With an added bonus of extra R everytime i hear the word "obserrrrvable". Thank you.
Now i just need to wait till someone find me as her center of universe..
The doughnut (torus) universe is really bugging me. How does it transition from a singularity to a complex shape? I can intuitively understand a warped expanse, like an explosion with density variations. When I try to mix the ideas of galaxy clusters and filaments with a complex shape, I'm perplexed by the shape's origin. Would the singularity begin with a torus shape? Why?
Thats because its not a 2 D torus but a 3 D torus . You start with a small point -singularity , that gets bigger in 3 D dimensions. But at the same time , the interior its moving ( rotating ) in circles in al 3 D dimensions. If you add the expansion of the universe , what you get its 3 circles ( that equals to the volume of the universe ) that rotates in this 3 D space --and the geometrical shape that you get : a 3D torus !
I dont say that all the volume of the Universe is rotating , to be clear , just that all the space-time its shaped in a 3 D torus , due to 2 factors ;
- expansion of the universe , and this expansions is the same in every dimension.
-and the fact that all things must move - there is no stillnes in 3 D space , and they move in a 3 D space , and that makes 3 circles.
If you add this 2 factors , you get a 3 D torus shape of the universe.
Mike D If I understand this correctly,.. the three dimensions are X, Y, and Z. If the Universe is a torus shape, 2 of the 3 axes must rotate in opposite directions to converge, while the curvature of the third is irrelevant. I believe the underlying issue I have is what could cause this?
Sorry. New concepts like this can take me awhile to mull over and formulate more specific questions about.
If certain versions of multiverse theory are correct, particularity brane theory, then stuff can exist outside the universe, and it becomes meaningful to say the center of the universe lies outside the universe itself. It can also explain the seemingly paradoxical notion that the universe expanded from a single point and yet every point simultaneously. If our universe is expanding, then the hyper-volume, of which our universe forms the surface, is also expanding.
It's been a while! Thanks. :)
AMAZING content, keep helping us stretch our minds.
To state there might be a centre of the universe is assuming the universe has an equally 3-dimensional shape in all direction that causes the possibility to find a centre. But as we can't assume that the universe has a specific shape, (like finding the centre in the middle of a cloud of gas) it seems to me strange to assume that such thing as a centre exists.
We also know that there is a thing called infinity, and how would one find the centre of an infinite shape?
This might be your best video to date.
I have a question that's been bugging me for a while, which was touched upon a little bit in this video. If matter and energy are basically the same thing, how is it possible to have an infinite universe containing an infinite amount of matter when there is only a finite amount of energy in the whole universe? Does this mean that the universe must be curved into a torus/donut shape to avoid breaking the laws of thermodynamics?
Laws of thermodynamics state that energy can't be created or destroyed. If the universe contained infinite amount of matter and energy since the beginning (only density changes) and no additional energy nor matter is added then thermodynamics shouldn't be violated.
The Paranoid Blues Man
There are bigger infinities than others. Theoretically there are more fractions than whole numbers and both are infinite, so there's that.
i thought the center of the entire universe is everywhere, like when you draw a dot on a sphere
This is brilliantly explained
Damn Sharkee, always blowing my thoughts away and making me want to become a theorical physicist.
I love your channel! You should continue making stuff like this.
Ok, if the shape of the universe is the 4 dimensional torus or whatever geometrical figure then we can easily find its center, even if it will be outside the existence (like center of torus ) but still geometrically we can find it.
kolodi I mean, we are 3d and only have 3d tools. its like being 2d trying to prove you can turn on the y axis, but how the fuck would you do that if you can only move 2d or all you observe appears 2d
this is the best video ive seen on this subject
So is our universe 2d and curved in the 3rd dimension, or 3d and curved in the 4th dimension?
Conway79 it is not know if it is curved, but if so it would be a 4th dimensional object with a third-dimensional surface, the actual dimensionality of anything outside of our universe cannot be known.
also our universe being a Taurus is a bit of a misnomer, it would actually be a Klein bottle just that doesn't translate as well to the third dimension, and taurus is the 3D equivalent(with a 2d surface) of a 4d Klein bottle(with a 3d surface)
this is all assuming positive curvature mind you, if the curvature is negative it might very well be infinite
Conway79 yes
can the iniverse be infinite however there is a limit to the amount of matter in the universe? where if you go far enough you will just find empty space with nothing existing but you can still travel through it.
I don't think there's a center of the universe, also because VSauce pointed it out in an interesting way once which you can watch yourself in the "Travel INSIDE a Black Hole" video at about 8:50.
Anyway, I love your videos, keep it up! (And do you have new shoes? :O )
Many years from now the theories of today are going to seem so barbaric.
How cool would it be to see the same supernova remnant on two opposite sides of the universe.
upload more frequently you kick ass man!
Amazing topic as usual. Keep up the good work!
Ok, so if Flynn takes a piece of rope and starts to unravel it as he speeds across this limited 4D Universe, what shape will the rope have once he returns to his initial position?
Very interesting video Sharkee! Will this question have an awnser at all? Will it loop?
That's a great theory but, and correct me if im wrong, if the universe is expanding in all directions, wouldn't the inside of the donut expand too, meaning that the circle in the middle of the donut gets smaller, thus the bits of the universe located there would also get closer together?
Since we are in the center of our observable universe, It appears to us that the universe is expanding in all direction. But, i think that cannot be true if the universe is donut shaped.
Wouldn't the universe be expanding into "something" in the multiverse theory? As there would potentially be multiple universes inside that space as well, not just ours.
rdizzy1 it doesn't have to expand into anything, multiverse or not, even if we are in a multiverse we can not observe anything outside of our own universe, whats to say that everything is not shrinking all at the same time, while the total size stays the same? the effect is the same, "more space" for the objects in the universe, and space might even be a misnomer and a higher dimensional plane, we would have no clue of the properties of anything outside of observation, while the possibility of being inside a higher dimension has the chance of being provable, anything related to that higher plane is irrelevant since it can't be known and can't be proved, from our position.
Right now it can't be known, but there is potentially no limit to our knowledge or vastness, humans could expand and survive for another billion years for all we know. We could very well find a way to travel to other universes in the multiverse.
rdizzy1 i base my statements on the currently understanding of science, very few scientists would agree with you, since such actions constitute breaking current scientific laws, we can't go outside of the universe (if that exists), and while it might be possible to go between universes (if others exist) but that would only be if they collide,
end of the story, its the same as saying "one day humans will fly in the sky like Superman" it is something so far against what we know, that everything would have to be rewritten from scratch, its more or less better to assume its impossible till proven otherwise
It does expand. Since there was no space before big bang and big bang created space itself. Witch also means its not infinate
I was just wondering when will the new video be out
Well, that's the mathematical definition of center. Would it make more sense to ask where is the center of mass of the universe?
For an infinite universe, that question makes no sense; for a finite looping universe, you must remember that since space time loops back onto itself, any forces traveling along would loop with it, as if they were pulling from elsewhere, such a space time model also provides no center of mass. If the universe is finite and not looping, it has both a geometric center and a center of mass. Such a universe is problematic in that you can always ask "What's further out?"
Comment if any 1 thinks the same it would be good to here others thoughts on this or maybe make a vid on the subject
your videos are awesome.. i wonder why you arent famous than v sause..
Center needs an object, and the universe isn't one, although it has matter within it.
So I guess there isn't a center to universe.
In that case we should ask why planets are round ? Is it because of a larger universe trait ? Or just the nature of particles circling and forming gravity ?
awesome video as always.
So if I am the centre of the universe, and some alien in the Andromeda galaxy is the centre of the universe, then at what point did the universe lose it's centre? Was it just after the big bang when the universe was the size of an orange? Because I can more or less show you the centre of an orange. Was it when it was the size of the Earth? Or the size of the solar system? Because even at that size I'm pretty sure the centre was around where the sun is. Or let's say it was when it was the size of the distance between the Milky Way and Andromeda. Because even then I'm convinced the centre would have been roughly half way between the two. My point is this, if it started out as a singularity, and expanded from there, there must be a centre, and it must be a spheroid. So if there is no centre now, can someone please tell me what size the universe was before it lost it's centre and every point became the centre? Please help, this is hurting my feeble brain.
Such an underrated channel... what a shame.
It would have been more accurate to stand at each vertex and measure it's angle. don't you think?
Wow that made me think. Thanks. I think when I was younger I imagined a giant rectangle universe for some reason. Where anything "outside" of it was "heaven". I wish it were that simple now as well, but probably not lol. If the universe were a simple primitive shape, then you're right there would be absolutely "nothing" outside of it. And what would happen if you reached the edge. I never really thought about that. Anyways I like all of the points you made.
i believe there is a way to warp a torus so it remains not curved like the surface of a sphere or saddle but i forget what it is called. imo the universe is probably a 4th dimensional warped torus that is made a material similar to a balloon and is being blown up
With all the crappy click baity science channels popping up everywhere, I sure miss the clean cut straight to the point presentation by Sharkee. Where have you gone?
Okay so, if the universe is ever expanding, and there is nothing but the universe, in which space does it expand to, i mean if its still expanding, it must mean its expanding in some space right? So there should be something outside the universe?
Not necessarily. It's so far become apparent that space itself is expanding, dragging matter along.
How do we know that gravitation is acting at light speed ?
what is the universe of the center?
If a 2D curved universe has a centre "outside" of its surface, why can't our 3D curved universe (if it's the case) have its own centre "outside" of it?
If the cosmic background radiation is the oldest visible thing in the universe, it has to be the furthest visible thing. Since we can see IT in all directions, how is it possible for there to be objects we could never see?
Because there are objects that are farther away than 46.5 billion lightyears.
Your analysis was the first time I hear someone say: We don't know!
And, according to the estimated.
I have a thoughts about this topic as you explained it on example of "one dimension less" . This is only my vision, it may be stupid, be gentle to me. Please
If forth dimension (our) the universe is space (in euclidean undrstanding): lenght, widtht, depth and time, the shape of the universe is infinite/flat which also can be curved.
Including time, if you would get beyond the barrier of the speed of light you'l be able to surf along all time and places in the universe in NO time, so you''ll be "above" the surface of 4d universe, an there cannot be any center of the universe, because you are EVERYWHERE and in the same ALWAYS (which doesn't exist). You "will be" at the center of everything and nothing, past, future and present in time and in no time, you'll be infinitly small and infinitly huge.
Big bang and Big Crunch and everything between would simply BE at single "0D point". It seems to me a little like universe work like tachometer/speedometer where "hand of a clock" go back or forth on a closed circle. All black holes combined are for fair one and the same singularity. Inside of them is with no mass, no time, no shape. From our perspective singularity may be like hole which in the same time is frame of everything around and in some non existend within.
My thoughts are simply intuitive, don't get stupider after reading this ^^ And sorry for my language, just english grammar and all this weird present simples and other are hard to me. I hope in my lifetime transhumanistic technology and AI implemented to humans to reach beyond our spiecies brain abilities to consciousness would help understand those topics. :)
I have a feeling that there are higher demention beings out there looking at us like "awww look at them cute little things navigating a flat surface"
Everytime I think of infinite numbers I think of set theory. I'm sure one could come up with an answer, though changing the definition of center would be an easier feat.
flynn would go supernova being that huge lool
“There are not wanting, it is true, some promulgators of paradoxes who maintain that there is no necessary connection between geometrical and moral Irregularity.”
10:18 as you explain this you have gotten that wrong, that is called sub-space it is between the malty-verse.
you just fudged up my mind
seems to me since there is motion in our universe picking a center would be as silly as picking a center molecule in a glass of water it's not gonna be the center for long
It's like being 1/10000000000000000000 the size of an electron, and asking "where is the center of the ocean?'
The center of time and space is on a hill in Judea some 2000 years ago. Still can be seen unto this very day. Golgotha, "the place of the skull."
To be exact, likely 1987 + or - 2 years ago.
If you seriously think Earth is at the center of the universe … nevermind.
Everything is moving away from the initial bang right?
No. The initial bang was a singularity. Spacetime expanded as a whole from it. Every point is expanding so it's the whole thing, not a point.
No. The initial bang was a singularity. Spacetime expanded as a whole from it. Every point is expanding so it's the whole thing, not a point.
Why don't they just say whether or not the Universe only goes up to 3-Dimensions instead of calling it "Flat"? When I first heard "Flat Universe" it made zero sense to me because I wasn't thinking of "Flat" from a possible 4-D layout.
you obviously havent seen this year christmas carol in Sweden, appearently the time creating machine in the center of the universe is broken. therefore the time will stop at december 23 so we wont have a christmas or anything after december 23. luckily we have three children that is trying to get to the center of the universe to fix this machine. i do hope we will get a christmas this year :)
Assuming that there is a center of the universe the other question would be, what size it? An atom, a quark, etc...?
Flin or fin please can you tell me I am confused
@sharkee, can you do a video on debunking the flat Earth theory. Great videos!
you will become more popular, i believe!
why not a hypersphere universe?
why do you say flat sheet? Is it just a way to show it? There is stuff in the universe up and down and to the left and right from us, right? So its not flat? I don't get it? Is it just a way to express it? sorry for dumb questions
P.S. So there is just a planets, galaxies in every direction from us and blackness, right? That's all we know?
aa.. i am stupid. it's just a way to show it right?
Hmm...doughnut universe. Delicious. This reminds me of that old video games, Asteroids. Your spaceship keeps looping to the other side of the screen. The asteroids also loops when hit the edge of the screen too. If you flatten the doughnut it'll become a flat sheet. In Asteroids, the center of the universe is the center of the screen. The question is which way to cut the doughnut.
An infinite universe is terrifying. That means there’s an infinite number of stars, and an infinite number of earths in which an infinite number of mes are writing an infinite number of messages on an infinite number of iPads being read by an infinite number of yous... Mind bending.
Where are you from?
He's from Bahrain, if I remember correctly. His accent is everything!
Any point you pick is the center.
Bro that shit got me depressed...Fucks my mind up that it keeps growing and growing. It grows down too so there isn't not bottom. What do you call that?
Exactly, dude. Where the heck is it? When I see programs that are out there labeled "How the Universe works", I just think, "Man's Arrogance". We have far too much to learn to make a program with a title like that correctly
But what about the multiverse?
Sharkee, please, come back.
So my question to this excellent video would be. Guys, if the Universe expands to nothing by itself. Isn't that kind of weird? I am not a huge fan of infinite realities and universes. I like the idea that this universe is all there is and it's expending into nothingness. Anyway, I don't really think we will have an answer for that.
Perfect video 👌🏻🙂👍🏻
Wait... to have entropy the Universe must expand into nothing. A finite universe that is not expanding into nothing (but to itself) would sustain the same amount of energy flowing to and from itself, into temporal infinity.
If it is expanding into nothing (and not itself) than it must be expanding from some point, or multiple points. If if light (energy) is recycled that would (at some point) stop entropy in a balance.
Now if only we had a couple of trillion years to check this out :D
How can the universe be flat if I can jump up and down?
what if the centre of our universe is the great attractor?
You're a very clever man.