Futuristic & Retro Casa Finlandia Gas Station by Matti Suuronen | Old Helsinki Highway, Lempäälä FIN

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • Retro greetings from the past and future - Finland’s first all-plastic gas station Casa Finlandia CF-100 was located in Lempäälä along the old Tampere-Helsinki highway. It was an iconic landmark for many generations of motorists.
    The UFO and scifi style building was part the Casa Finlandia prefabricated series, designed by the Finnish architect Matti Suuronen.
    Casa Finlandia is a perfect example of the futuristic plastic architecture of the 1960s and 1970s.
    In the late 1960s, as a counterweight to the prefabricated element stations that deteriorate quickly, Gulf began to build gas/service stations made of reinforced plastic. Stations were designed by architect Matti Suuronen, and inspired by the beginning of the space age.
    The Casa Finlandia CF-100/200 gas stations were designed in 1969. The Lempäälä station was built first in 1969. It was advertised as the world's first all-plastic service station.
    The Lempäälä CF-100 station building was sold in an auction in 2019 for 29,000 euros. The station is culturally significant, so the buyer must reassemble it in a new location.
    The buyer of the former Gulf station building, latest ST1 station, is an admirer of architect Matti Suuronen's work. The CF-100 building will be transferred to the Helsinki region and transformed into a single-family dwelling unit. Casa Finlandia is an important piece of Finnish architectural history and its restoration is a cultural act.
    Casa Finlandia was a series of reinforced plastic buildings, the first of which was Matti Suuronen’s 1968 ellipsoid-shaped Futuro plastic house (CF-00).
    The Futuro house looks more like an alien spacecraft than a building. It was designed as a ski chalet, the radical design was subsequently marketed to the public as a small prefabricated home, easily assembled and installed on virtually any topography. Its plastic construction and futurist aesthetic combined to create a product which is identifiable with both the future and the past.
    20 Futuros were manufactured in Finland between 1968 and 1978. Of these, 12 were delivered directly to foreign customers. In the years 1969-1973, the manufacturing license of the Futuro was sold to 25 different countries, but its production only started in about ten countries. All in all, less than 100 Futuro houses were manufactured, of which five have survived in Finland. One Futuro (no. 001) is on display at the Espoo Museum of Modern Art in Emma (WeeGee).
    Along with the Futuro, the most famous of the Casa Finlandia series buildings was the CF-45 designed by Suuronen in 1971, better known as the Venturo. 20 Venturos were manufactured in Finland.
    In addition to Futuro, the Casa Finlandia series included gas station CF-100/200 (1969), kiosk CF-10 (1970) and residential and commercial buildings CF-45 (1971) and CF-16 (1974). The number in the CF model designation means the surface area of the building's interior. The manufacturer of the houses was Oy Polykem Ab.
    Retrot terveiset - Suomen ensimmäinen täysmuovihuoltoasema Casa Finlandia CF-100 sijaitsi Lempäälässä vanhan Tampere-Helsinki valtatie 3:n varrella (nykyinen aluetie 130). Asema oli ikoninen maamerkki monelle motoristisukupolvelle.
    UFO- ja scifi-tyylinen rakennus oli osa Casa Finlandia -elementtisarjaa, jonka suunnitteli arkkitehti Matti Suuronen.
    Casa Finlandia on oiva esimerkki 1960- ja 1970-lukujen futuristisesta muoviarkkitehtuurista.
    1960-luvun lopulla Gulf alkoi rakentaa lujitemuovista valmistettuja huoltoasemia. CF-100/200 -huoltoasemat suunniteltiin vuonna 1969. Lempäälän asema rakennettiin ensimmäisenä 1969.
    Lempäälän CF-100 rakennus myytiin huutokaupassa 29 000 eurolla 2019. Ostaja on arkkitehti Matti Suurosen työn ihailija. Rakennus siirretään pääkaupunkiseudulle ja muutetaan omakotitaloksi. Casa Finlandia on tärkeä osa suomalaista arkkitehtuurihistoriaa ja sen entisöiminen on kulttuuriteko.
    Casa Finlandia oli lujitemuovirakennusten sarja, joista ensimmäinen oli Matti Suurosen vuodelta 1968 ellipsoidin muotoinen Futuro-muovitalo (CF-00).
    Futuro-talo näyttää enemmän muukalaisavaruusalukselta. Se suunniteltiin alunperin hiihtomökiksi, joka oli helposti pystytettävä.
    20 Futuroa valmistettiin 1968-1978. Näistä 12 toimitettiin suoraan ulkomaisille asiakkaille. 1969-1973 Futuron valmistuslisenssi myytiin 25 eri maahan, mutta sen valmistus aloitettiin vain 10 maassa. Kaikkiaan Futuro-taloja valmistettiin vajaat sata, joista viisi on säilynyt Suomessa. Yksi Futuro (nro 001) on esillä Espoon modernin taiteen museossa Emmassa (WeeGee).
    Casa Finlandia -sarjan rakennuksista tunnetuin Futuron ohella oli Suurosen vuonna 1971 suunnittelema CF-45, joka tunnetaan paremmin nimellä Venturo. 20 Venturoa valmistettiin Suomessa.
    Casa Finlandia sarjaan kuuluivat Futuron lisäksi huoltoasema CF-100/200 (1969), kioski CF-10 (1970) sekä asuin ja liikerakennukset CF-45 (1971) ja CF-16 (1974). CF-mallimerkinnässä oleva numero tarkoittaa rakennuksen sisätilojen pinta-alaa. Talojen valmistaja oli Oy Polykem Ab.

Комментарии • 4

  • @chaz_xzikouvin
    @chaz_xzikouvin 6 месяцев назад +1

    thanks for posting

    • @l33g0
      @l33g0  2 месяца назад

      @@chaz_xzikouvin Thank you for watching and commenting!

  • @tonitsi78
    @tonitsi78 2 месяца назад +1

    Hieno video klassikkotalosta!

    • @l33g0
      @l33g0  2 месяца назад

      @@tonitsi78 Kiitos viestistäsi, todellinen klassikkotalo.