Sale and Altrincham 真係名校區,但其實full晒。想插班係0.1%機會,so 除非小學升中之外都唔好諗入到名校。雖然大部分英國人無香港人咁注重名校,但競爭依然好大! 13:00 Deansgate 去正式 University of Manchester campus 5 分鐘無可能! 行得快25-30分鐘都勉強行到。除非你include 直頭喺 Deansgate 中嘅大學圖書館 John Rylands Library, 咁計法令分鐘就到... 就算行去 Manchester Metropolitan University 即以前嘅 Manchester Polytechnic 都要 15 分鐘!
never buy apartments ... your leasehold fees and service charge is going to kill all your rental profits..... i been buying houses in manchester since 2007 ......
Not quite true, depends on where you are talking about.
San 要幫手平衡下,直接問些對方避談的問題至得,以免大家被誤導。
我住曼城 5 年 , 你個嘉賓 cubie 好 hardsell 下 , 佢亂噏多
Sale and Altrincham 真係名校區,但其實full晒。想插班係0.1%機會,so 除非小學升中之外都唔好諗入到名校。雖然大部分英國人無香港人咁注重名校,但競爭依然好大!
13:00 Deansgate 去正式 University of Manchester campus 5 分鐘無可能! 行得快25-30分鐘都勉強行到。除非你include 直頭喺 Deansgate 中嘅大學圖書館 John Rylands Library, 咁計法令分鐘就到... 就算行去 Manchester Metropolitan University 即以前嘅 Manchester Polytechnic 都要 15 分鐘!
👍, 唯一唔同嘅係當時政府未決定suspend piccadily嘅高鐵站, 我自己比較喜歡piccadily 因為嗰度坐火車同輕鐵可以週圍去
Heard that there are free buses within Manchester city centre. Are those bus free for all?
有3條市內free bus
@@sindytse Thanks again for your sharing.
yes free for anyone, just hop on and hop off at any stop
never buy apartments ... your leasehold fees and service charge is going to kill all your rental profits..... i been buying houses in manchester since 2007 ......
請問 Greengate 係什麼 post code ?
好似係M3 7NG
Hi Sam Sam and Cubie, 家人想過去曼城開跌打推拿店呀,請問可否提供一些開店資料?例如需要申請什麼牌照等?
我幫你問問CUBIE, 睇睇佢朋友有冇資料?
@@SamSamChannel888 謝謝你
一年管理費 貴到爆。仲要業主比
Thank you!
High Speed Rail from London to Manchester takes 25 years to complete in 2047.
sssh don't tell anyone that, how else is she gonna get people to buy?
HS2 High Speed train from London to Manchester takes 52 mins,HS2 will take 25 years or longer to completion!
Deansgate square 有好多人好似收樓果下做唔到按揭,你地完全無提既😅
按揭又係另一個issue, 唔止睇盤,仲要睇人同埋銀行政策,其他盤同二手樓一樣有機會借唔到按揭,所以要計清楚風險。
Very informative and professional
Whatever you do, DO NOT buy in Salford, it's VERY rough. Greenfield is in Salford, and I would not recommend anyone investing there.
Hi thanks for the kind tips. Anywhere worth investing? Thank you!
Not quite true, depends on where you are talking about.
提議做埋airbnb 管理,我未搵到人做
英國人都睇校網,尤其Garmmer school , Cubie too hard sell 😌
Exactly! 唔係做乜Altrincham 同 Sale 屋價俾surrounding area 高50%。
我住曼城 25 年 你個嘉賓 我donot know cubie
識人買咗affinity living 2 bedroom, 租金GBP 1500 per month
我個Deansgate Square 2房收緊月租£2200, 租客仲要排緊隊, 無盤!
太hard sell ⋯
有錢又點會住 city centre 😂 晌香港仲未同人逼夠咩
亞姊,好似Wigan同Rochdale讀错咗,Salford個拼音都有点麻麻地!同你update下,唔敢肯定,亞古路離開孟城時,Deansgate Square好似都未入伙,唔好講亞古路咁遠,孟城Joao Cancelo就住嚮Deansgate Square,以前成日嚮Club House撞到佢,今年借咗俾拜仁,可能好快又番呢!
Cubie - nice and good girl (slim a little is better)
大灣區5-60萬? 唔好話深圳廣州, 東莞佛山珠海都買唔到啦........