In 2022, the average house price in San Jose is $1.5M. The price is not particularly high but the house tax is $15K a year and you have to pay it until you sell the house or die!!! That's why average rent for a 3 bed house in San Jose or LA is $3K. The living cost in USA is about 3-4 times of that in Taiwan. In Taiwan "22K"ers don't need to pay income tax but in USA "22K"ers have to pay income tax and the tax rates of "22K"ers in USA are about as high as those for a typical mid-class families in Taiwan!!! PS: Believe it or not... The salary in USA is much higher but both USA and Taiwan income tax standard deductions are about THE SAME!!!
7:42 看起來不錯 😋
墨西哥捲餅 😋 應該不錯
天使鐵路 喔 這個我會很想搭 👍
In 2022, the average house price in San Jose is $1.5M. The price is not particularly high but the house tax is $15K a year and you have to pay it until you sell the house or die!!! That's why average rent for a 3 bed house in San Jose or LA is $3K.
The living cost in USA is about 3-4 times of that in Taiwan. In Taiwan "22K"ers don't need to pay income tax but in USA "22K"ers have to pay income tax and the tax rates of "22K"ers in USA are about as high as those for a typical mid-class families in Taiwan!!!
PS: Believe it or not... The salary in USA is much higher but both USA and Taiwan income tax standard deductions are about THE SAME!!!
Thank you for sharing your information. I feel that living in the United States is not as easy as I thought.
可以買 藍瓶咖啡的 馬克杯 回去收藏
台灣確實蠻少見的 雙節巴士 以前我有看過 在信義區
@@jimyen 有 那幾台 應該已經淘汰了 我記得是 49路公車 當初 採購的不多
Have you been in skid row ?
@@jimyen 觀看次數7,看來不是只有我
怪怪,哈~我也搞不清楚是怎回事,我是設定晚上六點開放,那就當成你提前看到首映 👍
你已是無可取代的 1 👍
@@jimyen 剛才在忙 忙完才發現 哇 第二