From time to time we all need this reminder. Jazakallah Khair for reminding me that I need to improve my character. Ya Allah help me and the Muslim Ummah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW become a better Muslim before we return to you 🤲🏽
JazakAllah Khiran. Oh Allah forgive all the Muslims of the past, the present & of the future for all of their sins of the past, the present & of the future & enter us into firdous, Ameen
We humans don’t realise this is our final home. For some it’s a Garden of peace and for unlucky people it’s a volcanic fire from hell. May Allah Guide everyone to the straight path Ameen.
Amin ya habibi best video of this year and ever! Best Naseeha and May Allah Bless You for this. This should be a viral video. THE ONLY THING MATTER IN THIS WORLD IS WE WORSHIP ALLAH (S.w.T.)
My Lord, Ya Rabb I implore your Mercy and Noor Ya Rabb. My Lord forgive me fort sins and forgive such believers whose hearts still lean towards you. Ya Rabb . Have Mercy and and show Grace to my father and make hjs grave a house of light. My Lord, you know me better than I could ever know myself. Don't leave me to my own whims and desires even for a blink of an eye. Aamin.
This Dunya is short, while the Akhira is forever...It is not worth it to be committing sins and not doing good deeds. For, in the hereafter, if you were pious and amongst those, who had believed, you will be rewarded to such an extent, that the best dreams you had in this world, could not even imagine!
Its great lesson to all muslims to follow right path which shown by Allah after death we cannot do anything good deeds there will be punishment forver by Allah my Dua for every muslims Ameen
Subhan Allah x15 Alhamdulillah x15 La ilaha illallah x15 Allahu akbar x15 Astagfirulllah x15 La hawla wala quwwata illa billah x15 Subhan Allahi wabihamdihi x3 Subhan Allahil Adheem x3 Allahumma inni asalukal jannatul firdaus x7 Allahumma ajirni minan naar x7 Allahummagfirlil muslimeena wal muslimati wal mo’mineena wal mo’minaat Al Ahya e minhum wal amwat x12 Plz recite me and you will both get good deeds and plz share this comment with other as the prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “When one of you guides someone to goodness, he will have a similar reward.” -Sahih Muslim
I’m assuming this is either Australia or New Zealand? A double grave to save space. Subhan’Allah may our trial in the grave be filled with ease and Allah swa’s mercy. Ameen.
Allahumma Ameen In Australia It’s allowed I think upto 2 bodies per grave but that’s upto the family So like a father and son can be as long as same family
Laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer “None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and all praise and He is over all things omnipotent.” Oh Allah, our Creator, Al Jabr, Al Qudus, Al Qawyi.. to You belong the best and most beautiful names. You alone we worship and trust, and to You alone we call out to and return ya Al'Hai Al'Qayum... Blessings and salutations on our noble Mursaleen, their families and their companions - may our entire Ummah be true followers of Your Religion and of Your chosen leaders and enjoy the intercession of Rasul'ul Allah s.a.w. La hawla walla quwata ila bilah - Pour in our hearts the neverending concern and objective of pleasing You, Al'Wadud and envelope us in Your Love in the ways that befit Your Majesty. Make taqwa be the center of our existence at all times, and provide us with all that we need to pass our tests delightfuly and to see and appreciate the wisdom behind them. Please shelter us from all that displeases You and make The Straight Path our home and our way of life while we are here. Increase us in knowledge and steer us clear from that which does not benefit us. Ya Al'Mu'izz, inject in us the ability to recognize the truth and to distinguish it from falsehood... allow us to see what is true and grant us the ability to accept it as the truth and endear it to us by making what is false appear to us as false indeed- keep it away from us and us from it, to You alone we supplicate and in all aspects of Islam do not let us procrastinate. Oh Allah Jella Jalaluhu, You know everyone's needs best and You are the Best of Planners, so fulfill them lovingly and make us content and grateful with what You decree. Ya Al'Hakim, help us love what You love and hate what You hate... Endear us to what is best for us - illustrate the perfection of Your Plan in ways we can appreciate and understand - eliminate what we should avoid and don't find peace in and enhance what we should embrace and actively engage in. Oh Owner and Turner of All Hearts, keep ours connected to You, cover us in Your grace, Your comfort, Your light and provide us with ease whilst You know the true pain behind our wounds... and in this strengthen us to bare patience, remind us of the beauty in pleading to You for guidance, love, forgiveness and victory for You are the All Encompassing, Our Creator, the Most High. Ya Al'Latif allow us to feel Your Presence throughout our every step.. ..provide us with deep understanding, free us from ignorance and debt and cleanse our sustenance by supplying us with the highest of halal opportunities in all their forms, You are Al'Razak. Do not deprive us from fulfilling all 5 Pillars during our life time nor from visiting Your Holy Lands, and gift us with the priviledge of enjoying the end of our days in the one You choose for us. Oh Allah Azzawajjal free Your creation from all forms of suffering, lead us into tawba and the wisdom of asking for forgiveness and the nobility of forgiving, You are Al'Afuw. Ya Al Aziz, return Your Masjids to Your rightful servants, and protect our ulamah by keeping their teachings alive and have their students apply what Your Quran and our Nabi's Sunnah have established, for us and all future generations, You are Ar'Rashid. Oh Al Mutakabbir, elevate our status and purify our past, our present and our future... make us and our descendants from amongst those that perfected Your Religion, and grant us victory on that Day. We beg You Allah Ghafur AlRaheem for forgiveness for our sins... wipe our accounts clean and fill them with abundant mandalas of good deeds to receive our book on our right hand and allow us to be from among Your pious allies... a Sabiqun, a Sabiqun. Ya Al'Mujeeb, attach our hearts, minds and souls to Your Message and grant us the incomparable gift of memorizing Your Words, the Quran... do not let us forget the sacrifices that were made in order for humanity and the universe to have access to IT... nor to forget those whom You selected to accomplish Your Mission. Cultivate in us the honor of learning Your surahs inside out, and please bestow upon us the miracle of living each ayah, as the best generations once did. Make us from those who benefit from the supplications You chose to prescribe in IT - and remind us day and night that *this* is Your Script. Oh Allah we seek refuge in Your perfect words from every fitnah, from the simplest to the most dangerous... including from the trials of the Dajjal and the end of times... and every form of evil You have created... every devil, every jinn, every human being who does not intend good for us and our loved ones, every vermin, every illness, from misguidance and ingratitude, and protect our Ummah from Shaytaan and his agenda against humanity at large. Allahuakbar! La ilaha illa enta' Subhana! Please purify, strengthen and unite the true Muslim Family and the Muslim Ummah in ways that exceed our expectations and envelope our hearts and souls. Protect us from the hypocrites and those whom wish to harm us in any way. Surround us by those whom will be of benefit to us in Your Rememberance and keep those who have forgotten and refuse to worship You away from us. Keep our children and all of our future generations muslim, content, healthy and safe under our care whilst we all recognize that it is You Who loves, provides, nourishes, sustains, protects and supports us in every way. Endear true believers to one another to the point where we want to contribute towards each other's peace with the best of manners and Islamic ethics - make those closest to us the coolness of our eyes and remind us to remain patient and consistantly practice gratitude, You are Ash'Shakoor. Ya As'Sabur, we utterly thank you for being an endless resource of goodness despite our sins - we supplicate to You alone and recognize that every blessing comes from You, so put Barakah in everything we receive from You and in everything we do. Grant us the strength and the wisdom You deem fit to endure what we may find difficult and beautify the trials You have set for us Rabbi in order to tackle each of them with love and sincerity, You are Al'Haqq. Ya Al'Haleem save us from the punishment of the grave and make Jahanam haram for us at all times. Ya Al'Mumeet, grant us a purified blessed death upon being submitted to You, after uttering the most sincere 'la ilaha il Allah' , and aid us in answering the 3 questions that define our destiny. Ya Rabbi, turner of that which ignites the human core by Your Majesty, cleanse our hearts until they are in a true state of purity and submission before taking us back to You in totality. Unite us with those whom You love most upon the resurection and enter us into every level of Jannah until we are able to finally enjoy YOU in Al Firdeous... let us be honored by Your Glorious company forever and ever... We know and recognize that Your Message and Your Promise is true. Amin, amin ya Rabbi Alameen
Meaning that the second person on the second layer do not get to touching the ground ryt. My question is how will the body decay/decompose into the soil?
Definitly small soil layer is placed. When body decomposes, this layer will absorb it and excess will drain down to bottom. But soon it drys off. Remaining flesh mixes into soil simultaneously also eaten by insects or armadillo. Basically, don't overthink what happens to the corpose in grave. Focus on ur amaal in duniya.
Bismillahi rahaman r rahim. Ya Allah, ya Rahim, Ya Gaffar, Ya Razzak forgive us. We are unworthy but we are helpless. We have wronged but we are the Ummah of your beloved prophet Muhammad (saw). Forgive us, don't push us away from your mercy, be gentle with us since you are most merciful subhanAllah. Your throne says that your mercy is greater than your anger, so allow us your Rahm. Oh Allah, protect us from the fitna of this world, shield us from the azab of the grave and forgive us on the day of judgement. If you wont forgive us, who will? We have nowhere to go, and no one to turn to. You are all we have, we came from you and to you will we would return. Grant us a place under your throne, ya Mateen, and allow us to be beside/behind our Nabi saw on the Akhira. Lessen our pain, increase our imaan and improve our adab in this world. Most of us could not do anything for our brothers/sisters of Palestine, forgive us and hide our shame from them on the day of judgement since we are truly sorry for our inability. There is none worthy of worship except Allah swt and prophet Muhammad pbuh is the final messenger of Allah. 🕋
Just my opinion if they use wooden slabs and walls instead of cement it would b better & this is what we do as we r not allowed to make our graves concrete & Allah knows the best.
Please Read These Adhkars and earn good Deeds for you and me! *AllahuAkbar *Subhan'Allah *Al'hamdulillah *Astaghfirullah *La illaha il'lallah *La hawla wala quwwata illa billah *Allahumma inni As'aluka Hubbak *Allahumma inni A'uzu Bika Minal Azaabil Qabar *Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar (x3) *Allahumma inni As'alukal Jannah (x3) *La ilaha illa anta Sub'hanaka inni kuntu minaz zã'limeen *Rãbbi inni Lima anzalta ilaiya min khãirin faqeer
May Allah Subhanahu Wah TaAallah Forgive Us .. May we Remember That our Time will come and That We should Do Good Deeds that are Pleasing To Allah Subhanahu Wah TaAallah and That Will Give us Entry INTO JANNATUL FIRDOZE AMEEN YA RABBUL AALAMEEN😭😢❤🌷
When life gets unbearable and don’t see a way out, remember this 👇🏻 and find comfort in it: “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” (Quran 2:286) 🤍
Subhan Allah x15 Alhamdulillah x15 La ilaha illallah x15 Allahu akbar x15 Astagfirulllah x15 La hawla wala quwwata illa billah x15 Subhan Allahi wabihamdihi x3 Subhan Allahil Adheem x3 Allahumma inni asalukal jannatul firdaus x7 Allahumma ajirni minan naar x7 Allahummagfirlil muslimeena wal muslimati wal mo’mineena wal mo’minaat Al Ahya e minhum wal amwat x12 Plz recite me and you will both get good deeds and plz share this comment with other as the prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “When one of you guides someone to goodness, he will have a similar reward.” -Sahih Muslim
SubhanaAllah! May ALLAH guide and protect us all - Aameen Yaa ALLAH 🙏
Today I realized every minute that passes behind is a minute we are closer to our end
May الله protect us from the trials/ punishment of the grave and allow us all to have a good ending by HIS mercy! 😢🤲 اللهم امين
Allahumma Ameen
Allahuma Ameen 🤲🏽
Ameen ya rabil aalameen 🤲🏻
If you want your dua to be accepted and that you don't suffer in the grave, then you should change your profile picture for Allah(سبحانه و تعالى)
@@raeedkamran69024 what’s wrong with the profile picture
From time to time we all need this reminder. Jazakallah Khair for reminding me that I need to improve my character. Ya Allah help me and the Muslim Ummah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW become a better Muslim before we return to you 🤲🏽
Allahumma Ameen
Allahumma Amin
May Allah make this a garden of paradise for all of us...
Allahumna ameenn
Aameen Yaa ALLAH
JazakAllah Khiran. Oh Allah forgive all the Muslims of the past, the present & of the future for all of their sins of the past, the present & of the future & enter us into firdous, Ameen
Allahumma Ameen
Allah is with you, Palestinians...❤❤❤ You are strong. We are with you.
"And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion"
~ Quran 3:185
😭😢 Yaa Rabbi Forgive Us and Grant Us Mercy...That Fills All Our Pains and Fears🤲🏽🥺
Allahumma ameen
Ameen ya rab
The immense wisdom of Allah that he made this life an illusion to differentiate between good-doers and non-believers.
Jazakalogeiren,Brother you're an inspiration to all Muslims and like minded people. May Allah bless,protect and forgive you always, ameen
We humans don’t realise this is our final home. For some it’s a Garden of peace and for unlucky people it’s a volcanic fire from hell. May Allah Guide everyone to the straight path Ameen.
Amin ya habibi best video of this year and ever! Best Naseeha and May Allah Bless You for this. This should be a viral video. THE ONLY THING MATTER IN THIS WORLD IS WE WORSHIP ALLAH (S.w.T.)
May Allah grant us all light in our qabr. And may He unite us all, up there. Ameen
From 🇵🇭 Philippines.
Ameen ya Rabul Alameen. Subhanallah wa Bihamdih.
Aaaminn. The first of a very long journey we all must take before the awakening and Judgment Day.
Thanks for the reminder , May Allah make it easy for us to prepare for the life hereafter
*MashaAllah! Islam's rich culture and diversity reflect Allah's greatness. Alhamdulillah for this beautiful faith! 🕌🌍*
Ya Allah grant us a good ending, save us from punishment of grave and hellfire Ameen.
La Ilaha Illa Allah
Allahu Akbar🌹
Jazak'Allahu-khair for sharing
Jazaak Allah Khair for the reminder of where we are going.
Люблю всех своих братьев и сестер мусульман Ради всевышнего Аллаха ♥️🫂🫂♥️
إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
"Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return." [Qur'an 2:156]
My Lord, Ya Rabb I implore your Mercy and Noor Ya Rabb.
My Lord forgive me fort sins and forgive such believers whose hearts still lean towards you.
Ya Rabb . Have Mercy and and show Grace to my father and make hjs grave a house of light.
My Lord, you know me better than I could ever know myself. Don't leave me to my own whims and desires even for a blink of an eye.
May Allah SWT Grant Us All Jannat Al Firdaws Inshallah.
Please Say :
34x Allahu Akbar
33x Alhamdullillah
33x Subhanallah
Allahumma Ameen
May Allah grant us good ending and make us among the successful servants AMEEN YAA RABBIL ÀLLAMEEN 🤲😔
Mashallah ♥ may Allah make us die in the state of ibaadah and protect us from the punishment of the grave 🙏
Allahumma Ameen
May Allah azzawajal bless you love you all my brothers and sisters in Islam ❤❤❤❤
This Dunya is short, while the Akhira is forever...It is not worth it to be committing sins and not doing good deeds. For, in the hereafter, if you were pious and amongst those, who had believed, you will be rewarded to such an extent, that the best dreams you had in this world, could not even imagine!
May Allah protect us from the torment of grave .
Have mercy Allah
Allahumma Ameen
Allah akbar
Very powerful reminder.
May Allah azzawajjal bless the Ummah of Rasool Allah (saw) with hidaya to follow the Qur’an and Sunnah.
اللهم امين يا رب العالمين
Duniya is a bus stop, we travel through to our destination; Dar ul Aakhira! In Sha Allah
Its great lesson to all muslims to follow right path which shown by Allah after death we cannot do anything good deeds there will be punishment forver by Allah my Dua for every muslims Ameen
*Astaghfirullah for any mistakes! 🙏 Grateful for Allah's forgiveness and love. 💫😇*
May Allah make us all heed good advise ameen
Allahumma Ameen
We puts dryer Clay inside the grave.. اللهم اجعل قبورنا روضة من رياض الجنة ولا تجعله حفرة من حفر النار
Ya Allah grant us good end allahuma inni as aluka husnal khatima
اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات ❤❤
Subhan Allah x15
Alhamdulillah x15
La ilaha illallah x15
Allahu akbar x15
Astagfirulllah x15
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah x15
Subhan Allahi wabihamdihi x3
Subhan Allahil Adheem x3
Allahumma inni asalukal jannatul firdaus x7
Allahumma ajirni minan naar x7
Allahummagfirlil muslimeena wal muslimati wal mo’mineena wal mo’minaat Al Ahya e minhum wal amwat x12
Plz recite me and you will both get good deeds and plz share this comment with other as the prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “When one of you guides someone to goodness, he will have a similar reward.” -Sahih Muslim
did you do it yourself
@@trollgegael yes
بارك الله فيك على الموعضة
I’m assuming this is either Australia or New Zealand? A double grave to save space. Subhan’Allah may our trial in the grave be filled with ease and Allah swa’s mercy. Ameen.
Allahumma Ameen
In Australia
It’s allowed I think upto 2 bodies per grave but that’s upto the family
So like a father and son can be as long as same family
We need to change our actions and intentions. Because barzakh is for real and dunya is just an illusion.
May Allah swt protect me from the hellfire Amin ❤
Saw two great video of this same brother today, who is he? May Allah bless him
الله اکبر🎉❤
Everything has a beginning and has an End. Be prepared for the forever life. ❤
Bro here they don't even go down, they dig it and put you laying on your back, cover whole grave with dirt and put some rocks on top, and that's it.
Laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer
“None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and all praise and He is over all things omnipotent.”
Oh Allah, our Creator, Al Jabr, Al Qudus, Al Qawyi.. to You belong the best and most beautiful names. You alone we worship and trust, and to You alone we call out to and return ya Al'Hai Al'Qayum... Blessings and salutations on our noble Mursaleen, their families and their companions - may our entire Ummah be true followers of Your Religion and of Your chosen leaders and enjoy the intercession of Rasul'ul Allah s.a.w.
La hawla walla quwata ila bilah - Pour in our hearts the neverending concern and objective of pleasing You, Al'Wadud and envelope us in Your Love in the ways that befit Your Majesty. Make taqwa be the center of our existence at all times, and provide us with all that we need to pass our tests delightfuly and to see and appreciate the wisdom behind them.
Please shelter us from all that displeases You and make The Straight Path our home and our way of life while we are here. Increase us in knowledge and steer us clear from that which does not benefit us. Ya Al'Mu'izz, inject in us the ability to recognize the truth and to distinguish it from falsehood... allow us to see what is true and grant us the ability to accept it as the truth and endear it to us by making what is false appear to us as false indeed- keep it away from us and us from it, to You alone we supplicate and in all aspects of Islam do not let us procrastinate.
Oh Allah Jella Jalaluhu, You know everyone's needs best and You are the Best of Planners, so fulfill them lovingly and make us content and grateful with what You decree. Ya Al'Hakim, help us love what You love and hate what You hate... Endear us to what is best for us - illustrate the perfection of Your Plan in ways we can appreciate and understand - eliminate what we should avoid and don't find peace in and enhance what we should embrace and actively engage in.
Oh Owner and Turner of All Hearts, keep ours connected to You, cover us in Your grace, Your comfort, Your light and provide us with ease whilst You know the true pain behind our wounds... and in this strengthen us to bare patience, remind us of the beauty in pleading to You for guidance, love, forgiveness and victory for You are the All Encompassing, Our Creator, the Most High.
Ya Al'Latif allow us to feel Your Presence throughout our every step.. ..provide us with deep understanding, free us from ignorance and debt and cleanse our sustenance by supplying us with the highest of halal opportunities in all their forms, You are Al'Razak. Do not deprive us from fulfilling all 5 Pillars during our life time nor from visiting Your Holy Lands, and gift us with the priviledge of enjoying the end of our days in the one You choose for us.
Oh Allah Azzawajjal free Your creation from all forms of suffering, lead us into tawba and the wisdom of asking for forgiveness and the nobility of forgiving, You are Al'Afuw. Ya Al Aziz, return Your Masjids to Your rightful servants, and protect our ulamah by keeping their teachings alive and have their students apply what Your Quran and our Nabi's Sunnah have established, for us and all future generations, You are Ar'Rashid.
Oh Al Mutakabbir, elevate our status and purify our past, our present and our future... make us and our descendants from amongst those that perfected Your Religion, and grant us victory on that Day. We beg You Allah Ghafur AlRaheem for forgiveness for our sins... wipe our accounts clean and fill them with abundant mandalas of good deeds to receive our book on our right hand and allow us to be from among Your pious allies... a Sabiqun, a Sabiqun.
Ya Al'Mujeeb, attach our hearts, minds and souls to Your Message and grant us the incomparable gift of memorizing Your Words, the Quran... do not let us forget the sacrifices that were made in order for humanity and the universe to have access to IT... nor to forget those whom You selected to accomplish Your Mission. Cultivate in us the honor of learning Your surahs inside out, and please bestow upon us the miracle of living each ayah, as the best generations once did. Make us from those who benefit from the supplications You chose to prescribe in IT - and remind us day and night that *this* is Your Script.
Oh Allah we seek refuge in Your perfect words from every fitnah, from the simplest to the most dangerous... including from the trials of the Dajjal and the end of times... and every form of evil You have created... every devil, every jinn, every human being who does not intend good for us and our loved ones, every vermin, every illness, from misguidance and ingratitude, and protect our Ummah from Shaytaan and his agenda against humanity at large. Allahuakbar!
La ilaha illa enta' Subhana! Please purify, strengthen and unite the true Muslim Family and the Muslim Ummah in ways that exceed our expectations and envelope our hearts and souls. Protect us from the hypocrites and those whom wish to harm us in any way. Surround us by those whom will be of benefit to us in Your Rememberance and keep those who have forgotten and refuse to worship You away from us. Keep our children and all of our future generations muslim, content, healthy and safe under our care whilst we all recognize that it is You Who loves, provides, nourishes, sustains, protects and supports us in every way. Endear true believers to one another to the point where we want to contribute towards each other's peace with the best of manners and Islamic ethics - make those closest to us the coolness of our eyes and remind us to remain patient and consistantly practice gratitude, You are Ash'Shakoor.
Ya As'Sabur, we utterly thank you for being an endless resource of goodness despite our sins - we supplicate to You alone and recognize that every blessing comes from You, so put Barakah in everything we receive from You and in everything we do.
Grant us the strength and the wisdom You deem fit to endure what we may find difficult and beautify the trials You have set for us Rabbi in order to tackle each of them with love and sincerity, You are Al'Haqq. Ya Al'Haleem save us from the punishment of the grave and make Jahanam haram for us at all times.
Ya Al'Mumeet, grant us a purified blessed death upon being submitted to You, after uttering the most sincere 'la ilaha il Allah' , and aid us in answering the 3 questions that define our destiny. Ya Rabbi, turner of that which ignites the human core by Your Majesty, cleanse our hearts until they are in a true state of purity and submission before taking us back to You in totality. Unite us with those whom You love most upon the resurection and enter us into every level of Jannah until we are able to finally enjoy YOU in Al Firdeous... let us be honored by Your Glorious company forever and ever... We know and recognize that Your Message and Your Promise is true.
Amin, amin ya Rabbi Alameen
Meaning that the second person on the second layer do not get to touching the ground ryt. My question is how will the body decay/decompose into the soil?
Definitly small soil layer is placed. When body decomposes, this layer will absorb it and excess will drain down to bottom. But soon it drys off. Remaining flesh mixes into soil simultaneously also eaten by insects or armadillo. Basically, don't overthink what happens to the corpose in grave. Focus on ur amaal in duniya.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon.
Godbless you brother 🙏
Bismillahi rahaman r rahim. Ya Allah, ya Rahim, Ya Gaffar, Ya Razzak forgive us. We are unworthy but we are helpless. We have wronged but we are the Ummah of your beloved prophet Muhammad (saw). Forgive us, don't push us away from your mercy, be gentle with us since you are most merciful subhanAllah. Your throne says that your mercy is greater than your anger, so allow us your Rahm. Oh Allah, protect us from the fitna of this world, shield us from the azab of the grave and forgive us on the day of judgement. If you wont forgive us, who will? We have nowhere to go, and no one to turn to. You are all we have, we came from you and to you will we would return. Grant us a place under your throne, ya Mateen, and allow us to be beside/behind our Nabi saw on the Akhira. Lessen our pain, increase our imaan and improve our adab in this world. Most of us could not do anything for our brothers/sisters of Palestine, forgive us and hide our shame from them on the day of judgement since we are truly sorry for our inability. There is none worthy of worship except Allah swt and prophet Muhammad pbuh is the final messenger of Allah. 🕋
May allah SWT forgive all the sins we have done and may he grant us paradise☝🏾❤
Allahumma ameenn
Australian are so fancy, they use moulded concrete for maqbaroh, meanwhile Indonesias president's mom only use 3 pieces of wooden boards.
The only truth from which we all are trying to deny
A good reminder, indeed.
Temporary world, we're on life journey....enjoy and be good...
Just my opinion if they use wooden slabs and walls instead of cement it would b better & this is what we do as we r not allowed to make our graves concrete & Allah knows the best.
I am not scared of death as much as I am scared of the grave and the judgement day.
subhanallah, may allah make it easy for muslims and giide non muslims
Allahumma Ameen
I live in trinidad and i have dug alot of graves , we do it similar to yours
thanks you god👏🙏☝
Please Read These Adhkars and earn good Deeds for you and me!
*La illaha il'lallah
*La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
*Allahumma inni As'aluka Hubbak
*Allahumma inni A'uzu Bika Minal Azaabil Qabar
*Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar (x3)
*Allahumma inni As'alukal Jannah (x3)
*La ilaha illa anta Sub'hanaka inni kuntu minaz zã'limeen
*Rãbbi inni Lima anzalta ilaiya min khãirin faqeer
Allahumma Ameen
Jazakallah kahairan
Assalam alaikum varahmat'Allahi wa barakatahu
Requesting you brother to please read these Ahadith
Sahih al Bukhari 5787
Abu Dawood 638
May Allah Subhanahu Wah TaAallah Forgive Us .. May we Remember That our Time will come and That We should Do Good Deeds that are Pleasing To Allah Subhanahu Wah TaAallah and That Will Give us Entry INTO JANNATUL FIRDOZE AMEEN YA RABBUL AALAMEEN😭😢❤🌷
Allahumna Ameen
imagine if you end up next to a snorer?
Which place is this video from?
Guys where is the next episode of the prophets series ?its been a while now
Allahu akbar .
That's the nicest grave i have ever seen. I dont know if i can afford it.
May Allah SWT grant you all the Rizq which is meant for you in this life and the next
Allahumma ameen
i love ALLAH
Give me his youtube channel name
How about Kane?
I have a hard time taking this guy seriously.
He’s on so much “gear”
Tren. HGH. Anabolics.
DAMN, I think there's no mercy of ALLAH in the GRAVE.
May Allah swt save us 😢 from the ibilis want we are alive
Allahumma Ameen
Allahumma Ameen
The brother talking was pretty sick himself just a few years ago.
They bury more than one person in the same grave? i didn't know that... or did i get it wrong?
I think tops 2 per grave in Australia
I think it's an option to family members who want to be together or to save room because of limited land property restrictions
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َ'' What led you into Hell Fire?
They will say: 'We were not of those who prayed.'” (Qur'an, 74:42-43)
🌹Don't forget your five daily prayers🌹
When life gets unbearable and don’t see a way out, remember this 👇🏻 and find comfort in it: “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” (Quran 2:286) 🤍
Subhan Allah x15
Alhamdulillah x15
La ilaha illallah x15
Allahu akbar x15
Astagfirulllah x15
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah x15
Subhan Allahi wabihamdihi x3
Subhan Allahil Adheem x3
Allahumma inni asalukal jannatul firdaus x7
Allahumma ajirni minan naar x7
Allahummagfirlil muslimeena wal muslimati wal mo’mineena wal mo’minaat Al Ahya e minhum wal amwat x12
Plz recite me and you will both get good deeds and plz share this comment with other as the prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “When one of you guides someone to goodness, he will have a similar reward.” -Sahih Muslim