The logic for the refit version is the addition of the larger improved navigational deflector, and a much larger and complete hanger deck for shuttlecraft in addition to increased living space and research laboratories for long term 5 year explorations. The hanger situation on the NX-01 was always compromised in the series, this would also allow addition of larger more versatile shuttles. Overall a much more liveable ship.
Don't forget that with that refit you finally get an emergency separation capabitily between the lived in spaces on ship and the engine room / warp engines... I could see that being a MAJOR factor should 1 or 2 ships during the romulan war have gotten lost due to engine failure / containment collapse...
Doug Drexler makes no mention of a seperation capability. In fact, when I presented him the MSD you see in the video, he told me that the warp core is on an ejectable sled.
I really wish we could have seen the NX-01 refit on Enterprise. Its such a beautiful design, and a great little ship. It has the look of lots of reinforcement, and leads to you clearly seeing how less advanced the NX is to the Constitution class. The struts have the braces coming off of the saucer, and everything looks like it has so much material to make sure its capable of withstanding the stresses going to warp and taking hits from enemy weapons fire. It needs all of the support and also the impulse engines on the NX are much larger most likely because they're less effective, so they need to be so large to move the vessel. The two deflector dishes are probably to enhance what it already has. Less effective and not able to do the job on its own without the larger dish and smaller front saucer dish working together.
I fully agree. If they had the opportunity to redo the STEnt finale they could have shown T'Pau, as the new captain, leaving drydock months later after the refit.
@@johnbockelie3899 The large dish in the drive section is suppose to be the deflector is in TOS. That's also suppose to be where long range sensors are too. Just like with TNG. Except with TNG and even the TOS films, they had the money and time to make a special lit area in the drive section, and get rid of the large primitive looking dish.
@@My-Name-Isnt-Important Well , actually in the TMP Enterprise, the deflector dish was upgraded. It's recessed in and if you watch closely when the ship is in dry dock, the dish is dark copper color and not lit up. When the ship gets under way , it's sort of a light bright tan looking, then at warp or full power it's bright blue. I like this deflector dish, because it powers up as the ship goes to different speeds. It's purpose is to emit a particle beam way ahead of the ship and clear space junk out of the way that could harm the ship at any speed.
🖖😎👍Very cool and very nicely greatly wonderfully well done and very nicely well informatively explained and executed in every detail way shape and format provided on the NX-Refit and this is definitely one of my favorite designs of the NX Class indeed showing the progression up to the Constitution Class starship's!, And I myself have the Eaglemoss model of this as well as a few of the Polar Lights model kits of it also; Any ways a job very nicely fabulously well done as always indeed Sir's!👌.
A lot of hate for the NX and its refit but I actually like it. There are issues, I don't deny that. The center of mass with the impulse still where they are don't much make sense. But the fact is that the secondary hull is "tacked on" makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Rather than spend tons of time trying to refit the ship's existing internal volume to accommodate a larger warp core, the engineers create an external module housing said core and instantly boosts ships power with minimal modification. When you also consider that this was supposed to be during an ongoing conflict with the Romulans the time savings and power gain is win-win. Also, why the hate with the twin booms still being there? Sure, it makes sense during the TOS era but the NX's secondary hull is not likely made of the same materials so having a three point connection to the main hull makes it look solid and sturdy. You can debate how it looks from a TV series production standpoint but continuity wise it does kind of explain how humanity adopted a main-secondary-nacelle layout.
Author of the MSD here: The shuttles exit via rear doors that have always been there for cargo and the warp core. They are now re-purposed as main shuttlebay doors.
This should have been introduced between season 3 and 4. The Enterprise was severely damage during the Xendi mission and was also considered under armed. This would have been easily explained and widely accepted as a natural evolution of the design. Opportunity missed. It also would have been a great time to change the number code to NCC-01.
@@nickryan4126 Whatever it was, changing it to something other than NX would have been appropriate. X designations are only kept during the experimental testing phase and ships, planes, etc. always get their actual designation once in active service. It might not have been NCC, but it should have been something different than NX (although NCC might still have been appropriate even without the Federation existing; I’m pretty sure it’s about the ship, not the organization. “CVN” in the Navy just means “Carrier Vessel Nuclear”).
@@nickryan4126 Not necessarily. Ship type designations don’t have to be organization or service specific. “CVN” in the Navy means “Carrier Vessel Nuclear” and it could possibly be the same regardless of which organization or service is operating it. On the other hand, a different branch of military might change it just because. But in the US military, the “F” for “fighter” applies to all branches. Whether it carries “NCC” or not just depends on whether that was specifically a designation that started with the Federation or if it was in use previously, which is more than possible. The Federation might have adopted an already in use system by the UEPA (?). 🤷🏻♀️
I think an error in the picture at 3:35 is the removal of the main deflector from the saucer, the engineering section was still supposed to be experimental and able to detach in emergency. Would have been interesting to see a saucer separation sequence or episode with it akin to Encounter at Farpoint or Best of Both Worlds but with more of a Romulan War to put in more in context of that era of the Trekverse. One thing I'd like to know, did it have shields and is everyone still afraid of the transporter?
I saw the additional hull as necessary due to lessons learned. The deflector need to be bigger to use the new deflector shield technology, that required a bigger reactor, and reactor room, and the shuttle bay was obviously a makeshift solution. All of that plus an obvious need for increased storage for higher endurance required more hull space, so they put a fairly easy to make cylinder under the ship and spliced main engineering into it as part of the reactor expansion.
Wasn't the Daedalus a successor design to the NX class? I remember it was discussed in the books that the Daedalus class was cheaper to build than the NX class, and it would kind of make sense for a lot of the design elements from that ship to be incorporated into the Constitution class. The NX refit a proof of concept for the saucer/2nd hull config, with the Daedalus a proof of mass production...the NX + Daedalus = Constitution.
A note about the black bars around the port and starboard running lights on the dorsal primary hull, which were present on Pike's 1701 but absent from the production version: according to Pacific 201, they are placements for docking clamps, and while you don't really see that with Drexler's render, I think it makes a lot of sense.
Taking the refit version of the NX (as if it were built from scratch this way) seems much beefier then the TOS Enterprise. I like the redundancy of 2 deflector dishes, the dual warp cores and the additional supports to the nacelles. I just like the redundancy built in throughout.
Actually, the warp core was supposed to be moved down into the new engineering section. This would have freed up room in the saucer for additional labs and equipment.
The picture with the unpainted NX that has it's engines prepped for launch could be a picture of the NX getting ready for trials after refit. We can assume that the saucer would have maintained it's registry as the ship is yet to be painted. This would make sense as the engineers would rather test everything and replace anything they needed to before applying the final paint job. While on the sea the paint was required to protect from the elements; in space, ships don't rust so there would be no downside to launching with minimal to no paint. Just my two cents from a design philosophy perspective.
Definitely would have been interesting to see this Enterprise evolve on the show into this. Would've allowed for a few new sets to be created as well. Love how it was evolving into the TOS vessel...
I remember reading, probably from Memory Beta, but since this was never seen on screen it became the platform for the Columbia Class NCC-01. Some of the NX were refit to this class, Endeavour for instance went from NX-06 to NCC-06 after refit. I could be wrong, but I'd like to think this is where NCC started and with the birth of the Federation the addition of the USS prefix.
I've been reading the ST Ent books of Rise of the Federation with the Refit Endevour, and they have the shuttle-pod bays in the primary hull still only the doors are slightly smaller and yes it is harder to get out, also the bay is split by the new 'neck'
Great redesign! makes me really wish they had continued Enterprise for a few more seasons so we could have seen it in action! I would have been interesting to see some concepts for the interior! like how the refitted bridge would look! how it would have advanced from the original bridge and maybe a bit closer to the Constitution bridge.
i can see this as a natural progression, I wonder if they were planning to give archer this after season 4 as one of the first federation ships, tbh honest i wish they did another season or 2 of enterprise and maybe the new series wouldn't be in between enterprise and tos
Earth-Romulan War took place from 2156 to 2160. the Enterprise Episode "These Are the Voyages... " shows the final voyage of NX-01 and founding of the UFP in 2161. So this refit although designed for the Earth-Romulan War was never used I say this because in that episode the only changes to the NX-01 are in the control stations on the bridge.
Great episode. There’s one episode in ENT where this starship could appear in. The one where Theres an alternative timeline where humanity lost earth....
I love this refit design, and it makes a wonderful connection between the NX-01 and the NCC-1701 designs. Drexler really pulled that out of the bag, and it makes me sad there were no more seasons of Enterprise where this would have been the star.
I'm glad that u guys are keeping up to date, but I wish y'all would have an actual state trekyards episode instead of just a briefing. I'm missing the trekyards episodes!!
+Christians Barger We have full episodes of Trekyards every Saturday and a mission briefing every Wednesday. So you can always catch the main episodes on Saturdays.
I think the NX Refit looks really cool although one thing I don't like is the 2 deflector dishes, do you think if they removed the original and put the shuttle bay in there it would make the ship better? Great video. :)
I don't get how those two are so close is size, yet have such a huge crew disparity, with the ENT Enterprise having (87?) and the TOS Enterprise having 405. Side note, have you ever done ships from STO? I'd like to see what you think of the Oddysey class Enterprise.
Wouldn't the Constitution class be a *massive* leap forward compared to the NX-refit, not only in years, but with the inclusion of other Federation worlds' technologies and design philosophies? Being part of the Federation Starfleet, it wouldn't solely be an Earth ship.
capt. foley I have a version where it has 2 warp reactors yes I was kit bashing its fun to do if you have the parts anyway I have a question for you where is the shuttle bay on the nx?
I think I would have merged the secondary hull with the saucer in the style of the Enterprise E. I think that would have looked better style wise and in my mind it would be a logical hallway step to the Constitution class
I know Drexler said the ship would be functional without the secondary hull, but the original engineering section is gone. As such, I don't think it would function w/o the secondary hull. Therefore, the saucer deflector is unnecessary.
I actually really like that design and I think it makes sense that starfleet would try something like this out BUT I have still one big issue with it, at least in my headcanon: It fits in the gap between ENT and TOS *too* perfect. It makes it seem like starfleet went with this design for "design-purposes" rather than pure functionality. and I also think, it makes it seem like "yeah, between enterprise and TOS, there was one more generation of ships and that's it". There is a very very very very big timegap between those two eras in the star trek universe and there are many attempts to kind of fill in this gap in fan movies and semi-official books and so on. I just like to think that there is more "room" for the development of starfleet designs between those two eras than just having ONE step to the TOS era. It seems just way too "easy".
What if it was necessary to get enterprise back in to the fight during the earth romulan war after being severely damaged and they where stuck in Andoria, or Vulcan and it would have been impossible to send a replacement warp core from earth.
HI GUYSI have 5 versions of the nx ship including 1 I was messing with and added Klingon markings to I painted the ship blue./gray on top andlight blue on the bottom alsp I have added some changes to the ship but I was just messing around with it
I like the refit NX better than the original NX. however I still think it looks too advanced compared to the ENT.I know history was reset in First Contact. and yet again in the J J universe. Doug should have been a little more original in designing the NX refit.I would have like either the same unpainted dark paneling or make it enterprise style white thermocoat.I would have liked a longer and more complete secondary hull, similar to ENT.then do away with the lateral nacelle struts. and move the impulse deck to where it is on the ENT.
Uhm.. Romulans do NOT suck. They play a major part in the 22nd century. And the refit looks cool apart from the warp necalles which are a bit too high/far away from the secondary hull.
Incoming heresy; I actually think the NX refit is a nicer looking ship than the Connie, it's probably my third favorite ship after the Defiant class and the Vor'cha. The Akira happens to be high up as well unsurprisingly. I suppose my taste is just different than the majority of trek fans.
+Staarfury, I agree, but there's something that almost reminds me of the Bonaventure and other pre-1701 cruisiers. It looks like a design compromise, as if they weren't quite sure about those pylons under high stress, which led them to go with the straight pylons for the 1701 and its other precursors.
Well it could be "prettier", but it looks its place... as a slight remodelling of an existing class to better fit into its role in the new Federation than the unchanged NX class... I think a perfectly proportioned" ship would only have pissed us off as a complete rip off of the Connie and its form... this looks like a good step forward from ENT but still far from a full fletched design on its own merits like the NCC 1701...
I don't really think that "ship of the line" would be a good description for such a ship, ship-of-the-line was like a ship class just before the battleship and the man-o-war.
I suggest that you read the Enterprise relaunch novels. They carry on from where the series left off and include what happens to the NX -01 during and after the Romulan wars.
The final episode you refer to was a holodeck rendition of the NX-01 aboard the Enterprise D, Troy refers to visiting the NX-01 museum ship when she was younger.
Dislike the refit. The NX-01 didn't need a refit, the NX-01 class was meant to explore and like the first jet fighters retire early to make way for technological advancement.
*The following comment contains Brutal Honesty: Reader Discretion is advised* This ship is ugly and I think you guys are being way too nice about about these shots. I have the utmost respect for any artist's work but I like it even less than the NX-01 (which I didn't think was possible." Captain Foley said it best. "The Secondary hull is 'tacked on'" and it looks like. The side view screams 'I'm not part of the design'. There are views that look good because it's the familiar Constitution Form. *Style* -I think visually the booms should be completely removed. -The saucer should be rounded to improve performance. -The Secondary Hull shouldn't have the Constitution form (this is pure mimicry) *Technical Criticisms * The purpose of the secondary hull is extremely suspect. Are there two Warp Cores? Has the Warp Core being re-positioned only in the Secondary Hull? If so why maintain the connecting booms with the impulse engines? -Impulse engines needs to be re positioned. You just can't add several hundred Tons of Mass to the bottom and expect the ship to move in the correct direction. This is the difference between Doug and Probert. Doug didn't think this out at all. He just stuck a Secondary hull on the NX-01 for the looks and in engineering Form Follows Function not vise versa. Most fans don't know it but the Enterprise Refit and the Galaxy Class are superior designs because he thought all this through with an great amount of detail. This is why I don't like Gabe Koerner's Enterprise, Ryan Church's Enterprise, The Enterprise J, or the Enterprise E. Think out the Design Intent FIRST. You're working with an understood and existing technology. Follow it don't ignore the original design intent.
I didn't really think of it like that before, thought it looked alright, but you bring up some valid points. If they would have actually agreed to a 5th seasons there might have been some changes though, we will never truly know.
+saquist You've completely missed the point about the refit. Of course it screams "I don't belong". That's because it doesn't! It's a tacked on hull retrofit to expand the NX-01s capabilities and cope with new challenges. It's not trying to look original. It's not meant to look sleek. It's form follows function 101. Doug Drexler nailed it.
bmused55 If it's supposed to simply be a module that has a purpose why is it repeating functions. The ship already has a very big deflector dish. The already have a full shuttlebay. It already has a warp core. No abilities are being augmented, the ship wouldn't move faster or necessarily be stronger and the added mass only slows it down, makes it more of a target with no extra maneuvering in the engines. You'll never see an upgrade like this in real life.
The "full shuttlebay" has only place for two small shuttles and no visitors (those have to dock on the saucer rim). The larger one in the secondary hull (which could be a lesson learned from the similar design of Daedalus class ships, which at that time should be the largest Earth Starfleet ships in service) would serve a much larger width of mission profiles than just the two pod bay on the underbelly of the original NX class... And it would be approachable without completely matching the speed of the ship to be able to be fished inside by the extendable boom fixing the shuttlepods inside their bays.... here it could be aimed at and then sped down fully when inside the bay... And the original warp core / engine room could not be jettisoned (which was mentioned in at least one episode)... this design could allow emergency separation of the "explosive" part and the populated half of the hull.... Clearly both additions AUGMENT the ships capabilities in profitable ways... without requiring complete reconstruction of the primary hull... You might compare it to the carriers of the ESSEX class after world war two that were converted to the first "angled deck" carriers... expensive remodelling but still cheaper than new constructed ships.
I originally drew up the MSD with the original warp core removed. but was told by Doug Drexler to put it back as it was to be used as a back up device in case the primary core (Now in an ejectable sled in the secondary hull) failed or lost power.
The logic for the refit version is the addition of the larger improved navigational deflector, and a much larger and complete hanger deck for shuttlecraft in addition to increased living space and research laboratories for long term 5 year explorations. The hanger situation on the NX-01 was always compromised in the series, this would also allow addition of larger more versatile shuttles. Overall a much more liveable ship.
Don't forget that with that refit you finally get an emergency separation capabitily between the lived in spaces on ship and the engine room / warp engines... I could see that being a MAJOR factor should 1 or 2 ships during the romulan war have gotten lost due to engine failure / containment collapse...
Doug Drexler makes no mention of a seperation capability.
In fact, when I presented him the MSD you see in the video, he told me that the warp core is on an ejectable sled.
The new warp engine was housed in the secondary hull as well. They did keep the original engine as a backup though.
I really wish we could have seen the NX-01 refit on Enterprise. Its such a beautiful design, and a great little ship. It has the look of lots of reinforcement, and leads to you clearly seeing how less advanced the NX is to the Constitution class. The struts have the braces coming off of the saucer, and everything looks like it has so much material to make sure its capable of withstanding the stresses going to warp and taking hits from enemy weapons fire. It needs all of the support and also the impulse engines on the NX are much larger most likely because they're less effective, so they need to be so large to move the vessel. The two deflector dishes are probably to enhance what it already has. Less effective and not able to do the job on its own without the larger dish and smaller front saucer dish working together.
I fully agree. If they had the opportunity to redo the STEnt finale they could have shown T'Pau, as the new captain, leaving drydock months later after the refit.
This design would have given us more better camera angles. And would have paved the way to the TOS Enterprise design.
TOS Enterprise primary hull had deflectors . they were those 3 "Windows " in the front of the saucer.
@@johnbockelie3899 The large dish in the drive section is suppose to be the deflector is in TOS. That's also suppose to be where long range sensors are too. Just like with TNG. Except with TNG and even the TOS films, they had the money and time to make a special lit area in the drive section, and get rid of the large primitive looking dish.
@@My-Name-Isnt-Important Well , actually in the TMP Enterprise, the deflector dish was upgraded. It's recessed in and if you watch closely when the ship is in dry dock, the dish is dark copper color and not lit up. When the ship gets under way , it's sort of a light bright tan looking, then at warp or full power it's bright blue. I like this deflector dish, because it powers up as the ship goes to different speeds. It's purpose is to emit a particle beam way ahead of the ship and clear space junk out of the way that could harm the ship at any speed.
🖖😎👍Very cool and very nicely greatly wonderfully well done and very nicely well informatively explained and executed in every detail way shape and format provided on the NX-Refit and this is definitely one of my favorite designs of the NX Class indeed showing the progression up to the Constitution Class starship's!, And I myself have the Eaglemoss model of this as well as a few of the Polar Lights model kits of it also; Any ways a job very nicely fabulously well done as always indeed Sir's!👌.
A lot of hate for the NX and its refit but I actually like it. There are issues, I don't deny that. The center of mass with the impulse still where they are don't much make sense. But the fact is that the secondary hull is "tacked on" makes a lot of sense if you think about it.
Rather than spend tons of time trying to refit the ship's existing internal volume to accommodate a larger warp core, the engineers create an external module housing said core and instantly boosts ships power with minimal modification. When you also consider that this was supposed to be during an ongoing conflict with the Romulans the time savings and power gain is win-win.
Also, why the hate with the twin booms still being there? Sure, it makes sense during the TOS era but the NX's secondary hull is not likely made of the same materials so having a three point connection to the main hull makes it look solid and sturdy. You can debate how it looks from a TV series production standpoint but continuity wise it does kind of explain how humanity adopted a main-secondary-nacelle layout.
Plus they kept the original warp engine as a backup. Couldn’t hurt to have the additional power source.
Author of the MSD here: The shuttles exit via rear doors that have always been there for cargo and the warp core. They are now re-purposed as main shuttlebay doors.
This should have been introduced between season 3 and 4. The Enterprise was severely damage during the Xendi mission and was also considered under armed. This would have been easily explained and widely accepted as a natural evolution of the design. Opportunity missed. It also would have been a great time to change the number code to NCC-01.
NCC was for Federation ships which this Enterprise would never be.
@@nickryan4126 except this Enterprise would be a Federation ship as it survived the Romulan War. UES may be a better number.
@@ironstarofmordian7098 watch the Enterprise finale again. She was decommissioned before the Federation was founded.
Whatever it was, changing it to something other than NX would have been appropriate. X designations are only kept during the experimental testing phase and ships, planes, etc. always get their actual designation once in active service. It might not have been NCC, but it should have been something different than NX (although NCC might still have been appropriate even without the Federation existing; I’m pretty sure it’s about the ship, not the organization. “CVN” in the Navy just means “Carrier Vessel Nuclear”).
Not necessarily. Ship type designations don’t have to be organization or service specific. “CVN” in the Navy means “Carrier Vessel Nuclear” and it could possibly be the same regardless of which organization or service is operating it. On the other hand, a different branch of military might change it just because. But in the US military, the “F” for “fighter” applies to all branches. Whether it carries “NCC” or not just depends on whether that was specifically a designation that started with the Federation or if it was in use previously, which is more than possible. The Federation might have adopted an already in use system by the UEPA (?). 🤷🏻♀️
The NX Refit is called the Columbia class now a days
15:38 maybe what is removed is undesirable vibrations, transmitted from nacelles to the primary hull, what is added is stability.
I think an error in the picture at 3:35 is the removal of the main deflector from the saucer, the engineering section was still supposed to be experimental and able to detach in emergency. Would have been interesting to see a saucer separation sequence or episode with it akin to Encounter at Farpoint or Best of Both Worlds but with more of a Romulan War to put in more in context of that era of the Trekverse. One thing I'd like to know, did it have shields and is everyone still afraid of the transporter?
I saw the additional hull as necessary due to lessons learned. The deflector need to be bigger to use the new deflector shield technology, that required a bigger reactor, and reactor room, and the shuttle bay was obviously a makeshift solution. All of that plus an obvious need for increased storage for higher endurance required more hull space, so they put a fairly easy to make cylinder under the ship and spliced main engineering into it as part of the reactor expansion.
Wasn't the Daedalus a successor design to the NX class? I remember it was discussed in the books that the Daedalus class was cheaper to build than the NX class, and it would kind of make sense for a lot of the design elements from that ship to be incorporated into the Constitution class. The NX refit a proof of concept for the saucer/2nd hull config, with the Daedalus a proof of mass production...the NX + Daedalus = Constitution.
Just found out these refit ships are known as Columbia Class ships; named after the NX-02 which mysteriously disappeared in 2161. That's pretty neat.
The NX-02 Columbia was found crash-landed on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant by the crew of the Defiant.
A note about the black bars around the port and starboard running lights on the dorsal primary hull, which were present on Pike's 1701 but absent from the production version: according to Pacific 201, they are placements for docking clamps, and while you don't really see that with Drexler's render, I think it makes a lot of sense.
Ship request: SOVEREIGN CLASS!
Poor man's constitution class.( actually the template.)
Taking the refit version of the NX (as if it were built from scratch this way) seems much beefier then the TOS Enterprise. I like the redundancy of 2 deflector dishes, the dual warp cores and the additional supports to the nacelles. I just like the redundancy built in throughout.
Actually, the warp core was supposed to be moved down into the new engineering section. This would have freed up room in the saucer for additional labs and equipment.
This is awesome! Great review Captain & Commander
The picture with the unpainted NX that has it's engines prepped for launch could be a picture of the NX getting ready for trials after refit. We can assume that the saucer would have maintained it's registry as the ship is yet to be painted. This would make sense as the engineers would rather test everything and replace anything they needed to before applying the final paint job. While on the sea the paint was required to protect from the elements; in space, ships don't rust so there would be no downside to launching with minimal to no paint.
Just my two cents from a design philosophy perspective.
Definitely would have been interesting to see this Enterprise evolve on the show into this. Would've allowed for a few new sets to be created as well. Love how it was evolving into the TOS vessel...
I remember reading, probably from Memory Beta, but since this was never seen on screen it became the platform for the Columbia Class NCC-01. Some of the NX were refit to this class, Endeavour for instance went from NX-06 to NCC-06 after refit. I could be wrong, but I'd like to think this is where NCC started and with the birth of the Federation the addition of the USS prefix.
Tech design doesn't necessary get sleeker over time. Just look at what Google just did to its logo.
another awesome ship and episode keep up the wonderful work
I've been reading the ST Ent books of Rise of the Federation with the Refit Endevour, and they have the shuttle-pod bays in the primary hull still only the doors are slightly smaller and yes it is harder to get out, also the bay is split by the new 'neck'
Would love to see the refit version in STO, including the cannons mentioned. It would make a excellent tier 2 ship (lvl 10-20 ship)
Great redesign! makes me really wish they had continued Enterprise for a few more seasons so we could have seen it in action! I would have been interesting to see some concepts for the interior! like how the refitted bridge would look! how it would have advanced from the original bridge and maybe a bit closer to the Constitution bridge.
i can see this as a natural progression, I wonder if they were planning to give archer this after season 4 as one of the first federation ships, tbh honest i wish they did another season or 2 of enterprise and maybe the new series wouldn't be in between enterprise and tos
Where can I find that "Mini-Movie" of the NX01 leaving drydock, I would love to see some moving shots of it.
Earth-Romulan War took place from 2156 to 2160. the Enterprise Episode "These Are the Voyages... " shows the final voyage of NX-01 and founding of the UFP in 2161. So this refit although designed for the Earth-Romulan War was never used I say this because in that episode the only changes to the NX-01 are in the control stations on the bridge.
Notices some of the renders are of the ship I made for Star Trek bridge commander. Got to say Doug was create and gave advise through out the build.
Loved Enterprise, loved the NX class, , love the refit, wish it could have gone on for all 7 seasons and progressed to the refit
Great episode. There’s one episode in ENT where this starship could appear in. The one where Theres an alternative timeline where humanity lost earth....
Can you do the Daedalus Class? Pliz
We have filmed one. Be patient.
Yeah! Will you soon release it?
WHAT patience...they DON'T have that these days...
um they already made it
where can I view the NX-refit leaving drydock video you all mentioned? It sounds amazing, does Doug Drexler have a youtube channel?
+Dustin Gibbons its in this video on Doug's Vimeo! Enjoy!
I love this refit design, and it makes a wonderful connection between the NX-01 and the NCC-1701 designs. Drexler really pulled that out of the bag, and it makes me sad there were no more seasons of Enterprise where this would have been the star.
So the shuttles would launch via doors at the rear of the saucer. There are several pictures you used that show the doors at the rear of the saucer.
I'm glad that u guys are keeping up to date, but I wish y'all would have an actual state trekyards episode instead of just a briefing. I'm missing the trekyards episodes!!
+Christians Barger We have full episodes of Trekyards every Saturday and a mission briefing every Wednesday. So you can always catch the main episodes on Saturdays.
The Commander beat me to the punch here. But yeah....full Trekyards every Saturday. And this Saturday's is a great one.
I think the NX Refit looks really cool although one thing I don't like is the 2 deflector dishes, do you think if they removed the original and put the shuttle bay in there it would make the ship better?
Great video. :)
I would love to see WWI through WWII ships from corvettes, destroyers, Cruisers, battleships, and carriers
I don't get how those two are so close is size, yet have such a huge crew disparity, with the ENT Enterprise having (87?) and the TOS Enterprise having 405. Side note, have you ever done ships from STO? I'd like to see what you think of the Oddysey class Enterprise.
would be nice if it was put into star trek online
It is now ^^
(Or at least will be soon)
@@LtCWest Nice.
Actually, the secondary hull is a storage space for stuff found on landing party missions.
I'd be very interested to see you do the Asia Class. It's not canon, but kind of makes sense as an evolution between the NX class and the Connie.
It's leaving drydock without the finished paint for a shakedown run, maybe?
I think this NX refit is how the NX class should have been in the first place. I like the design, obviously.
Wouldn't the Constitution class be a *massive* leap forward compared to the NX-refit, not only in years, but with the inclusion of other Federation worlds' technologies and design philosophies?
Being part of the Federation Starfleet, it wouldn't solely be an Earth ship.
I love this ship! The only ship I like more is the Odyssey class from STO.
capt. foley I have a version where it has 2 warp reactors yes I was kit bashing its fun to do if you have the parts anyway I have a question for you where is the shuttle bay on the nx?
I think I would have merged the secondary hull with the saucer in the style of the Enterprise E. I think that would have looked better style wise and in my mind it would be a logical hallway step to the Constitution class
Fully functional and leaving spacedock without a paint job? Sounds like a first test of the spaceframe changes.
Would be a nice one to get in the Starships collection
Someone has been marked for a visit by the Tal Shiar for his comments about romulans.
Great show.
Are you doing mainly SFB vice old FASA and ST Online?
I never liked the original NX design, so I love the addition of the secondary hull.
all the big ships have two deflectors it's just some are hardly visible
I know Drexler said the ship would be functional without the secondary hull, but the original engineering section is gone. As such, I don't think it would function w/o the secondary hull. Therefore, the saucer deflector is unnecessary.
Well, there are few Starfleet vessels with secondary deflectors, Intrepid-class being a prime example.
It had 2 defectors or one?
The refit always seemed odd to me but the last shot was amazing.
Cant wait to see the Ambassador Class!
The NX secondary hull holds house hold appliances , wash room, storage areas, rec room. Bathrooms, sleeping guests areas. Garage space.
The bussard collectors have spikes.
I actually really like that design and I think it makes sense that starfleet would try something like this out BUT I have still one big issue with it, at least in my headcanon: It fits in the gap between ENT and TOS *too* perfect. It makes it seem like starfleet went with this design for "design-purposes" rather than pure functionality. and I also think, it makes it seem like "yeah, between enterprise and TOS, there was one more generation of ships and that's it".
There is a very very very very big timegap between those two eras in the star trek universe and there are many attempts to kind of fill in this gap in fan movies and semi-official books and so on. I just like to think that there is more "room" for the development of starfleet designs between those two eras than just having ONE step to the TOS era. It seems just way too "easy".
Great episode guys, when is the commander getting his name on the LCARS?
+Steve Martino
My thoughts exactly
+Steve Martino
As Mrs Slocumbe would say.
" I am unanymous in that "
In other thoughts exactly
What if it was necessary to get enterprise back in to the fight during the earth romulan war after being severely damaged and they where stuck in Andoria, or Vulcan and it would have been impossible to send a replacement warp core from earth.
Use a Vulcan or Andorian warp core but building a new hull section to house it.
HI GUYSI have 5 versions of the nx ship including 1 I was messing with and added Klingon markings to I painted the ship blue./gray on top andlight blue on the bottom alsp I have added some changes to the ship but I was just messing around with it
Nice video.
I like the refit NX better than the original NX. however I still think it looks too advanced compared to the ENT.I know history was reset in First Contact. and yet again in the J J universe. Doug should have been a little more original in designing the NX refit.I would have like either the same unpainted dark paneling or make it enterprise style white thermocoat.I would have liked a longer and more complete secondary hull, similar to ENT.then do away with the lateral nacelle struts. and move the impulse deck to where it is on the ENT.
I would like to see the unused original Matt Jeffries version of the TOS shuttlecraft that was not used because of economic reasons.
Uhm.. Romulans do NOT suck. They play a major part in the 22nd century. And the refit looks cool apart from the warp necalles which are a bit too high/far away from the secondary hull.
how about the ha'apax romulan warbird?
I would like to see it compared with the Buena venture...
nx alpha would be a cool ship
terran empire nx with a zindi cannon on the bottom
How about Star Fleet Battles ships?
Incoming heresy; I actually think the NX refit is a nicer looking ship than the Connie, it's probably my third favorite ship after the Defiant class and the Vor'cha. The Akira happens to be high up as well unsurprisingly. I suppose my taste is just different than the majority of trek fans.
Really don't like the side profile. In the comparison with the Constitution, it looks like it's the sidekick with a comedically large head.
+Staarfury, I agree, but there's something that almost reminds me of the Bonaventure and other pre-1701 cruisiers. It looks like a design compromise, as if they weren't quite sure about those pylons under high stress, which led them to go with the straight pylons for the 1701 and its other precursors.
+Staarfury So's JJ's monstrosity.
Well it could be "prettier", but it looks its place... as a slight remodelling of an existing class to better fit into its role in the new Federation than the unchanged NX class... I think a perfectly proportioned" ship would only have pissed us off as a complete rip off of the Connie and its form... this looks like a good step forward from ENT but still far from a full fletched design on its own merits like the NCC 1701...
I don't really think that "ship of the line" would be a good description for such a ship, ship-of-the-line was like a ship class just before the battleship and the man-o-war.
Ship-of-the-line would for for the NX refit as it would've been the heavy hitter of the UE fleet.
Sorry. The paint job won't come until tuesday.
+Olli1701 I think it would look better with the ENT white thermocoat.
I would like to see a Cardassian Galor Class episode.
+Lee E. Stevens obsidian order galor class as well.
NX-01 wasn't refitted. it was turned into a museum piece after the Romulan war.
It indeed was. That final episode was a Section 31 fabrication.
I suggest that you read the Enterprise relaunch novels. They carry on from where the series left off and include what happens to the NX -01 during and after the Romulan wars.
The final episode you refer to was a holodeck rendition of the NX-01 aboard the Enterprise D, Troy refers to visiting the NX-01 museum ship when she was younger.
+phillip poole I know. That's how I know it was a fabrication.
my bad. I thought you were insisting there was a refit ;-)
*Warp Coils
Not engine
Dislike the refit. The NX-01 didn't need a refit, the NX-01 class was meant to explore and like the first jet fighters retire early to make way for technological advancement.
Put it in STO.
* GASSSSSSSSSSSSSSP * R-Romulans suck?!
I don't like this refit design at all. I'll take the NX-01 in its original state.
Gah why does everyone hate the enterprise series so much? Stop being so snide..
God awful ugly.. even JJprice looks more Startreky.
Ducks and runns
+Steampilot The Brewery? Don't be mad.
+Robert Hayes At least from the outside
Side view is super super ugly.
Still an Akira rip-off, just with a mini Constitution Class secondary hull duct taped onto it.
Exactly. It doesn't look like this was the original concept for the NX-01. It looks like an forced homage to the Constitution.
Agreed. More Copy-n-Paste Drexwork.
*The following comment contains Brutal Honesty: Reader Discretion is advised*
This ship is ugly and I think you guys are being way too nice about about these shots. I have the utmost respect for any artist's work but I like it even less than the NX-01 (which I didn't think was possible." Captain Foley said it best. "The Secondary hull is 'tacked on'" and it looks like. The side view screams 'I'm not part of the design'. There are views that look good because it's the familiar Constitution Form.
-I think visually the booms should be completely removed.
-The saucer should be rounded to improve performance.
-The Secondary Hull shouldn't have the Constitution form (this is pure mimicry)
*Technical Criticisms *
The purpose of the secondary hull is extremely suspect. Are there two Warp Cores? Has the Warp Core being re-positioned only in the Secondary Hull? If so why maintain the connecting booms with the impulse engines?
-Impulse engines needs to be re positioned. You just can't add several hundred Tons of Mass to the bottom and expect the ship to move in the correct direction.
This is the difference between Doug and Probert. Doug didn't think this out at all. He just stuck a Secondary hull on the NX-01 for the looks and in engineering Form Follows Function not vise versa.
Most fans don't know it but the Enterprise Refit and the Galaxy Class are superior designs because he thought all this through with an great amount of detail. This is why I don't like Gabe Koerner's Enterprise, Ryan Church's Enterprise, The Enterprise J, or the Enterprise E. Think out the Design Intent FIRST. You're working with an understood and existing technology. Follow it don't ignore the original design intent.
I didn't really think of it like that before, thought it looked alright, but you bring up some valid points. If they would have actually agreed to a 5th seasons there might have been some changes though, we will never truly know.
+saquist You've completely missed the point about the refit. Of course it screams "I don't belong". That's because it doesn't! It's a tacked on hull retrofit to expand the NX-01s capabilities and cope with new challenges. It's not trying to look original. It's not meant to look sleek.
It's form follows function 101. Doug Drexler nailed it.
If it's supposed to simply be a module that has a purpose why is it repeating functions. The ship already has a very big deflector dish. The already have a full shuttlebay. It already has a warp core. No abilities are being augmented, the ship wouldn't move faster or necessarily be stronger and the added mass only slows it down, makes it more of a target with no extra maneuvering in the engines.
You'll never see an upgrade like this in real life.
The "full shuttlebay" has only place for two small shuttles and no visitors (those have to dock on the saucer rim). The larger one in the secondary hull (which could be a lesson learned from the similar design of Daedalus class ships, which at that time should be the largest Earth Starfleet ships in service) would serve a much larger width of mission profiles than just the two pod bay on the underbelly of the original NX class... And it would be approachable without completely matching the speed of the ship to be able to be fished inside by the extendable boom fixing the shuttlepods inside their bays.... here it could be aimed at and then sped down fully when inside the bay...
And the original warp core / engine room could not be jettisoned (which was mentioned in at least one episode)... this design could allow emergency separation of the "explosive" part and the populated half of the hull....
Clearly both additions AUGMENT the ships capabilities in profitable ways... without requiring complete reconstruction of the primary hull... You might compare it to the carriers of the ESSEX class after world war two that were converted to the first "angled deck" carriers... expensive remodelling but still cheaper than new constructed ships.
I originally drew up the MSD with the original warp core removed. but was told by Doug Drexler to put it back as it was to be used as a back up device in case the primary core (Now in an ejectable sled in the secondary hull) failed or lost power.
You mispronounced awful as awesome.
How about Star Fleet Battles ships?