Nice to see a challenge for Orlandeau. Dragonheart is a tough reaction ability to set up for reraise (lifefont was a good idea). Maybe that life's anthem could help, though seraph song for mana shield may be more reliable. Tougher than the wiegraf battle for sure, let alone the construct/holy dragon reis large monsters to help climb those columns for treasure hunter javelin II/escutcheon II RNG. I don't think nagnarok is worth it with construct 7 blocking let alone chance of toad and weak damage.
Nice to see a challenge for Orlandeau. Dragonheart is a tough reaction ability to set up for reraise (lifefont was a good idea). Maybe that life's anthem could help, though seraph song for mana shield may be more reliable. Tougher than the wiegraf battle for sure, let alone the construct/holy dragon reis large monsters to help climb those columns for treasure hunter javelin II/escutcheon II RNG.
I don't think nagnarok is worth it with construct 7 blocking let alone chance of toad and weak damage.
@MrVariant This was the last difficult fight I had in the game