Remember every time, Im over 40 I have the life experience to I mean it when I say, Every Fucking Time, a Company hires players to become devs. Players get shit like this.
Your matches look way more balanced then mine, mine always end something like 500-50, often times with plat level duos facing silver/low gold new players, all solo.
Spellbreaker is Spellbreaker, berserker has repeatedly shoved into the square hole hard enough that it has eventually broken through the hole and been made semi-playable, but when are you going to do the ultimate challenge and make a meta viable... bladesworn build? lets see that one Mr. Crapface.
Nah man it's impossible. Anet fucked it too much and Bladeshit won't recover unless it's gonna get it's old changes back. Making dragon slash not so fucking paragraphed with that stupid delay and adding back the stun should you pick the second grandmaster trait. Alacrity slash in PvP is stupid. You don't need it because boons barely last that long in PvP. The protection and heal is an option for team fights maybe, if you pick that kinda slash but you'd have to give up on might income which can heal you if you run strength with tactics and more damage. Gunsaber is a garbage weapon and shouldn't occupy a slot for the weaponset yet it does. Furthermore you can't use normal burst skills. Why's that? They haven't explained. Likely just to place the sheathing skill for F1 cuz their coding is ass, too.
Completely agree with staff on berserker it's perfect for the rifle build too as you start the fight with the staff unblockable buff and fury, so you don't need to worry about not getting into combat when you start the rifle burst because of aegis or mag aura
Id love to see the hammer 4 be changed to a 1 directional channeled block that gives fury and cleanse if it blocks stuff. Would make the hammer less of a one trick CC meme and fill some gaps in warriors kit.
Unfortunately hammer 4 is a little bit... mandatory for current builds to function, and I don't know how turning it into block with 0 compensation would turn out to be... That said if we just made current staggering blow have block on its animation, It'd make for an acceptable compromise.
Great video, ideas and gameplay! The experience on my berserker build is completely different. While I'm not doing too bad stat wise, I lose more than every second game, because there are multiple willbenders and thieves but no proper support or DPS in all of my teams. That in combination with the inbalanced match making as a roamer is a total death sentence to my rank. I still refuse to change my build/class/role just to fit the meta and win more matches, which of course makes this purely my fault. Still hope I can participate in our next tournament game! Keep up the videos! Always love seeing your gameplay from your perspective.
it would be interestingly funny if they did a special "weapon skin" that was functionally a live asura but only wieldable by Norns and Charr. There's no flails, and the flail is a terrible weapon. Hammer is the only weapon that makes sense. Part of why i wonder if maybe that's why you were talking about the hammer and trolling people potentially with a lv1 hammer.
OMG. I have to run stability on Overloads for my Support tempest now. I already have perma reflects due to all the Range dps running around the dam game. But guess I can dabble in Hammer Warrior for Toxic fun lol.
Remember that one time when Arenanet said that they are making balance patches more frequent through the year? That lasted exactly two balance patches. Just like the time(s) when they said that they would have more communication than ever. Every year. People forget just as much as Arenanet does, which is in their favor.
jak się nauczyć grać w to pvp bo ilość wiedzy którą trzeba przyjąć (każda postać mająca od 15 do kilkudziesięciu możliwych skilli których się trzeba nauczyć) wydaje się absolutnie absurdalna i odpychająca
nie konieczne. od momentu kiedy poprawnie skonstruujesz sobie build (Tj. będziesz miał wystarczająco stabilki, trochę buffów, trochę zdejmowania przypadłości, i jakiś panic button albo dwa) liczba skilli których musisz się nauczyć co robią, spada z 15-20 na klasę do 4-5. Np, worek, jedyne co musisz wiedzieć to żeby nie tłuc w kontrę, blokować, albo unikać kiedy hultaj leci w twoją stronę jak dzik w kukurydzę, i wypieprzać jak się wkóórwi (Rampage). Główny problem w tym momencie polega na tym że Arena pobufowała upierdliwe ścierwa nieco na pałę, i teraz czekamy żeby to ponerfili bo ledwo da się grać a co dopiero uczyć grania, kiedy każde gówno się teleportuje przez ściany i wyjeżdża ci 20k bombę na ryj z niewidki. Zobaczymy dziś wieczór co tam Arenanerdy ugotowały na ten nadchodzący patch. Jak będzie coś dobrego to się zrobi jakiś poradnik dla nowej krwi, jak to wszystko ogarnąć. Na razie dłub przy swojej klasie, znajdź wszystkie źródła buffów jakie możesz sobie dać, debuffów jakie możesz nałożyć na wroga, gdzie możesz jakieś utility wcisnąć, i czy masz kontrę na utility wroga (np nieblokowalne ataki.). Powodzenia.
@captaincrapface7337 z tym uczeniem się to chodziło mi nie o uczenie się swojej klasy, tylko trzeba wiedzieć co przeciwnik może mieć w zanadrzu, jakieś niewidki, stunlocki, jakieś condi itd i trzeba wiedzieć czego unikać
@@mmmdawe no tak, ale spora część umiejek w grzre kontruje więcej niż jeden problem. (Np ["Shake it off"] zarówno zdejmuje CC, jak i przypadłości.) Jeśli twój build zawiera wystarczająco kontr (szczególnie pasywnych) na wszelakie gówno, pozostaje ci wyuczenie się których animacji unikać, a to idzie w miarę sprawnie. Warto tylko priorytetyzować walczenie 1 v 1 jak chcerz się uczyć, bo tak łatwiej widzieć animacje niż jak się lejesz 4 na 4.
PVP is sucha pain to play... only no penys ididots who wanna dailys/weeklys and every single game 1 leaver or afker from beggining very funny to play in day.. PVP is only playeble at night when small no penys kiddos are sleeping
2shots people, heals a crapton, infinite mobility and practically immunity to immob, 20k base health and heavy armor... "yeah we need a few more buffs to be competitive" rofl...
"tell me you know nothing about warrior withaout teling me you know nothing about warrior" - congrats, you accomplished it. If 600-800 heals are a "crap tone" then you may want to sit down before you see guard spear heals for 800 on 8sec cd with ammunition, and mesmer spear heals for 1.6-2k, while cleansing, while invulnerable, and while having the same AoE burst, as Zerker does, but avaliable from nowhere. And if you mean instead that one 3k heal warr has to spend 30 adrenaline on... well you either heal, or go berserk, so either that or two shots :) And before you cry about [Blood Reckoning] go read what [Litany of Wraith] does. Infinite Mobility comment is also hilarious considering Necro has more mobile builds, with spear/sword harb, and every class in current meta has either 1200 range instant shadowsteps, 8 fucking dashes at the same time, perma swiftness or superspeed acces, with cooldown resets on some of those dashes. Immunity to immob, is an effect of one specific trait, in a trait line you can't use on this build, cause that would be 20-40% damage drop, while losing acces to stability generation, meaning you wouldn't be able to play the game with this slow ass Hammer F1 animations. (which btw aren't affected by Quickness). All the while we're not having Aegis on every Shatter like Virt does, we don't have Cleanse, we don't have stealth, we have one stunbreak, we can't run [Relic of Stormsinger] becouse we need [Relic of Midnight King] for fury generation. If this is what you complain about, Slower, easier to counter version of meta duelists, with more telegraphed animations, and less bloated defences, then I understand you must be playing something like Core Shortbow Power Engie, in which case you have my respect, or be a hypocrite, in which case consider learning to mucking dodge. Either way have a nice day :))
@@captaincrapface7337 hilarious wall of text that said nothing of value... oh no you have to choose between doing damage or surviving? what a bummer... you have way more healing than guardian spear with your staff so idk what the hell are you even talking about here... oh wait "tell me you know nothing about the game without telling me you know nothing about the game"
1:20 Goofy sound edits like this is is exactly why I subscribed to you.
The squeaky toy noises for the hammer were so cute! :3
Czesz, mówisz po Polsku? Your content is awesome, thank you. The "average Polish disagreement" bit was hilarious.
It would be rather difficult to live in Poland if I couldn't speak the language. :))
Remember every time, Im over 40 I have the life experience to I mean it when I say, Every Fucking Time, a Company hires players to become devs. Players get shit like this.
Your matches look way more balanced then mine, mine always end something like 500-50, often times with plat level duos facing silver/low gold new players, all solo.
Spellbreaker is Spellbreaker, berserker has repeatedly shoved into the square hole hard enough that it has eventually broken through the hole and been made semi-playable, but when are you going to do the ultimate challenge and make a meta viable... bladesworn build? lets see that one Mr. Crapface.
be carefull what you wish for...
Nah man it's impossible.
Anet fucked it too much and Bladeshit won't recover unless it's gonna get it's old changes back.
Making dragon slash not so fucking paragraphed with that stupid delay and adding back the stun should you pick the second grandmaster trait.
Alacrity slash in PvP is stupid. You don't need it because boons barely last that long in PvP. The protection and heal is an option for team fights maybe, if you pick that kinda slash but you'd have to give up on might income which can heal you if you run strength with tactics and more damage. Gunsaber is a garbage weapon and shouldn't occupy a slot for the weaponset yet it does.
Furthermore you can't use normal burst skills. Why's that? They haven't explained. Likely just to place the sheathing skill for F1 cuz their coding is ass, too.
Completely agree with staff on berserker it's perfect for the rifle build too as you start the fight with the staff unblockable buff and fury, so you don't need to worry about not getting into combat when you start the rifle burst because of aegis or mag aura
ANet really though that now is the perfect time for a PvP rush
Those are automated and scheduled now. The poor timing of the missing balance patch makes it rich.
Id love to see the hammer 4 be changed to a 1 directional channeled block that gives fury and cleanse if it blocks stuff.
Would make the hammer less of a one trick CC meme and fill some gaps in warriors kit.
Unfortunately hammer 4 is a little bit... mandatory for current builds to function, and I don't know how turning it into block with 0 compensation would turn out to be...
That said if we just made current staggering blow have block on its animation, It'd make for an acceptable compromise.
Great video, ideas and gameplay! The experience on my berserker build is completely different. While I'm not doing too bad stat wise, I lose more than every second game, because there are multiple willbenders and thieves but no proper support or DPS in all of my teams. That in combination with the inbalanced match making as a roamer is a total death sentence to my rank. I still refuse to change my build/class/role just to fit the meta and win more matches, which of course makes this purely my fault. Still hope I can participate in our next tournament game! Keep up the videos! Always love seeing your gameplay from your perspective.
what a funny commentary XD abs gold
NO! don't let Anet catch you having fun with warrior
it would be interestingly funny if they did a special "weapon skin" that was functionally a live asura but only wieldable by Norns and Charr. There's no flails, and the flail is a terrible weapon. Hammer is the only weapon that makes sense. Part of why i wonder if maybe that's why you were talking about the hammer and trolling people potentially with a lv1 hammer.
Brain damage has always been effective tool against meta.
Based and Stick pilled , such is the way of the warrior main.
OMG. I have to run stability on Overloads for my Support tempest now. I already have perma reflects due to all the Range dps running around the dam game. But guess I can dabble in Hammer Warrior for Toxic fun lol.
Remember that one time when Arenanet said that they are making balance patches more frequent through the year? That lasted exactly two balance patches.
Just like the time(s) when they said that they would have more communication than ever. Every year.
People forget just as much as Arenanet does, which is in their favor.
Could you post the build for Staff /Hammer berserker please?
here's what i was using:
jak się nauczyć grać w to pvp bo ilość wiedzy którą trzeba przyjąć (każda postać mająca od 15 do kilkudziesięciu możliwych skilli których się trzeba nauczyć) wydaje się absolutnie absurdalna i odpychająca
nie konieczne.
od momentu kiedy poprawnie skonstruujesz sobie build (Tj. będziesz miał wystarczająco stabilki, trochę buffów, trochę zdejmowania przypadłości, i jakiś panic button albo dwa) liczba skilli których musisz się nauczyć co robią, spada z 15-20 na klasę do 4-5.
Np, worek, jedyne co musisz wiedzieć to żeby nie tłuc w kontrę, blokować, albo unikać kiedy hultaj leci w twoją stronę jak dzik w kukurydzę, i wypieprzać jak się wkóórwi (Rampage).
Główny problem w tym momencie polega na tym że Arena pobufowała upierdliwe ścierwa nieco na pałę, i teraz czekamy żeby to ponerfili bo ledwo da się grać a co dopiero uczyć grania, kiedy każde gówno się teleportuje przez ściany i wyjeżdża ci 20k bombę na ryj z niewidki.
Zobaczymy dziś wieczór co tam Arenanerdy ugotowały na ten nadchodzący patch.
Jak będzie coś dobrego to się zrobi jakiś poradnik dla nowej krwi, jak to wszystko ogarnąć.
Na razie dłub przy swojej klasie, znajdź wszystkie źródła buffów jakie możesz sobie dać, debuffów jakie możesz nałożyć na wroga, gdzie możesz jakieś utility wcisnąć, i czy masz kontrę na utility wroga (np nieblokowalne ataki.).
@captaincrapface7337 z tym uczeniem się to chodziło mi nie o uczenie się swojej klasy, tylko trzeba wiedzieć co przeciwnik może mieć w zanadrzu, jakieś niewidki, stunlocki, jakieś condi itd i trzeba wiedzieć czego unikać
@@mmmdawe no tak, ale spora część umiejek w grzre kontruje więcej niż jeden problem. (Np ["Shake it off"] zarówno zdejmuje CC, jak i przypadłości.)
Jeśli twój build zawiera wystarczająco kontr (szczególnie pasywnych) na wszelakie gówno, pozostaje ci wyuczenie się których animacji unikać, a to idzie w miarę sprawnie.
Warto tylko priorytetyzować walczenie 1 v 1 jak chcerz się uczyć, bo tak łatwiej widzieć animacje niż jak się lejesz 4 na 4.
zeus is famous
happily surprised i didnt see my thief on this clips, pretty sure i got slapped once or twice by you recently xd
I have 20 hours and never played PvP. Why am I watching this?
because funny man does bonk.
PVP is sucha pain to play... only no penys ididots who wanna dailys/weeklys and every single game 1 leaver or afker from beggining very funny to play in day.. PVP is only playeble at night when small no penys kiddos are sleeping
2shots people, heals a crapton, infinite mobility and practically immunity to immob, 20k base health and heavy armor... "yeah we need a few more buffs to be competitive" rofl...
"tell me you know nothing about warrior withaout teling me you know nothing about warrior" - congrats, you accomplished it.
If 600-800 heals are a "crap tone" then you may want to sit down before you see guard spear heals for 800 on 8sec cd with ammunition, and mesmer spear heals for 1.6-2k, while cleansing, while invulnerable, and while having the same AoE burst, as Zerker does, but avaliable from nowhere.
And if you mean instead that one 3k heal warr has to spend 30 adrenaline on... well you either heal, or go berserk, so either that or two shots :)
And before you cry about [Blood Reckoning] go read what [Litany of Wraith] does.
Infinite Mobility comment is also hilarious considering Necro has more mobile builds, with spear/sword harb, and every class in current meta has either 1200 range instant shadowsteps, 8 fucking dashes at the same time, perma swiftness or superspeed acces, with cooldown resets on some of those dashes.
Immunity to immob, is an effect of one specific trait, in a trait line you can't use on this build, cause that would be 20-40% damage drop, while losing acces to stability generation, meaning you wouldn't be able to play the game with this slow ass Hammer F1 animations. (which btw aren't affected by Quickness).
All the while we're not having Aegis on every Shatter like Virt does, we don't have Cleanse, we don't have stealth, we have one stunbreak, we can't run [Relic of Stormsinger] becouse we need [Relic of Midnight King] for fury generation.
If this is what you complain about, Slower, easier to counter version of meta duelists, with more telegraphed animations, and less bloated defences, then I understand you must be playing something like Core Shortbow Power Engie, in which case you have my respect, or be a hypocrite, in which case consider learning to mucking dodge.
Either way have a nice day :))
@@captaincrapface7337 hilarious wall of text that said nothing of value... oh no you have to choose between doing damage or surviving? what a bummer... you have way more healing than guardian spear with your staff so idk what the hell are you even talking about here... oh wait "tell me you know nothing about the game without telling me you know nothing about the game"
Bruh, do you really consider Zeus a good player xd?
One has to be at least somewhat good to consistently sit amongst top 100 of the server.