The perfect turkey brine

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 255

  • @missionery1
    @missionery1 2 года назад +347

    1/2 gallon water
    1 cup salt
    1 cup brown sugar
    5 cloves crushed garlic
    1 Tbs black pepper
    5 bay leaves
    1 bunch of Rosemary
    1 Bunch of Thyme
    1 Bunch of Parsley
    1 Tbs green cardamom pods
    1 Tbs cloves
    1 Tbs all spice
    1 onion
    2 oranges juiced
    (Bring to boil for a couple minutes)

  • @Eric-qm4vm
    @Eric-qm4vm 2 года назад +21

    I come back every year. This brine is amazing.

  • @RichPurnell73
    @RichPurnell73 11 месяцев назад +4

    Didn't have all the ingredients last year, but still was the best we had. This year, I made sure to get everything, and it was amazing. Thank you.

  • @TheRegius13
    @TheRegius13 3 года назад +108

    I’ve been using this for a couple years now. I recommend it to everyone who will listen to me.

    • @pete19721977
      @pete19721977 2 года назад +4

      Me too it’s amazing

    • @busterbeagle2167
      @busterbeagle2167 2 года назад +3

      As the cooks in west Michigan would reply ..”heard”. Lol

    • @rlamas67
      @rlamas67 2 года назад +3

      I'm listening to you 😌

    • @bukdavid509
      @bukdavid509 2 года назад +6

      Using it this year, it better be good. :p

    • @missskellington3924
      @missskellington3924 2 года назад +2

      @@bukdavid509I’ll let you know how mine goes, my dude

  • @boondogglers9512
    @boondogglers9512 23 дня назад +5

    I'm glad I watche'd this on Tuesday
    I gotta get busy
    I came back after thanksgiving to say, this was honestly the best turkey ive made so far.
    I left it to brine for a day an a half, left the bucket in the sink overnight to get room temp, at 6am we put in the oven at 350 for a few hours
    Used probe to get internal temp to 167 an that dam turkey was delicous.
    Goodluck to yall.

  • @TheImperfectVlogger
    @TheImperfectVlogger Год назад +24

    Making this tonight! Happy thanksgiving everyone!

    • @goodnight7622
      @goodnight7622 Год назад +1

      Same 🎉🎉

    • @TerraKiev
      @TerraKiev Год назад +1

      Happy Thanksgiving!

    • @tinabush1965
      @tinabush1965 Год назад +1

      Me too😊enjoy everyone.. Happy Thanksgiving

    • @Uisci81
      @Uisci81 Год назад

      How did it come out???

  • @xuansanter111
    @xuansanter111 4 года назад +18

    Straight to the point, awesome and thank you!

  • @flashforwardfilms1570
    @flashforwardfilms1570 3 года назад +20

    If anyone wants the recipe:
    1/2 Gallon Water
    1c Salt
    1c Brown Sugar
    5 Garlic Cloves
    1T Black Pepper
    5 Bay Leaves
    T Cloves
    T Green Cardamom Pods
    T Whole All Spice
    1 Chopped Onion
    2 Oranges
    Boil for a couple of minutes. Steep Overnight.
    Add bird and enough ice to cover. Brine no longer than 24hrs.

    • @chifaichan5373
      @chifaichan5373 3 года назад

      May I ask what is the precise amount if 1 cup of salt or sugar?

    • @flashforwardfilms1570
      @flashforwardfilms1570 3 года назад

      @@chifaichan5373 One cup of each.

    • @chifaichan5373
      @chifaichan5373 3 года назад

      What is the weight of a cup of salt.

    • @flashforwardfilms1570
      @flashforwardfilms1570 3 года назад

      @@chifaichan5373 273.12 g

    • @BridgetL_1969
      @BridgetL_1969 2 года назад

      Do you have to rinse the Turkey after you take it out of the brine before baking it?

  • @virgendesign
    @virgendesign 23 дня назад +3

    I've been making this brine for a couple of years now....its so delicious, the family loves it. Turkey comes out so juicy and tastes like the holidays!

    • @sweetxchiki
      @sweetxchiki 22 дня назад +2

      This is a dumb question but do you add more water for a bigger sized turkey or did you just follow the recipe it to the T? I have a 14 lb turkey and I don’t think 1/2 gallon of water was enough 😅

    • @03cobrah
      @03cobrah 22 дня назад

      @@sweetxchikihave this question to 😂😅

    • @sweetxchiki
      @sweetxchiki 21 день назад

      @@03cobrah I ended up with 2 gallons of Water and adjusted the recipe based on that

  • @deborahrose5369
    @deborahrose5369 22 дня назад +1

    Love this recipe. Going budget and using powdered subs for the fresh stuff. I know - would be better. But - this is going to be good nonetheless. Thank you Willows Lodge.

  • @CKJW
    @CKJW 4 года назад +5

    This recipe is incredible. Best turkey ever.

  • @staceyrearic903
    @staceyrearic903 2 года назад +7

    Great Brine Recipe thank you! Do you refrigerate while brining or do you keep adding ice so the uncooked turkey temperature does not fall below recommended food safety guidelines? Loved this video and how you did step by step on making the Brine.

  • @michaeloldaker2559
    @michaeloldaker2559 2 года назад +12

    Excellent instruction video!!! Can’t wait to try it in a few days. Just put the 13 lb turkey in the fridge today to thaw.👍🏻

  • @liamstone3437
    @liamstone3437 20 дней назад

    My wife is an excellent cook and needs no recipe to make great food. Yet certain things are my job like breakfast and holiday meals - especially thanksgiving dinner. This is the second year I have used your brine recipe and I soaked our bird (free turkey with $125 spent in groceries) for 24 hours. My wife raved about how good it was! She said she could eat turkey cooked this way every day and coming from a Thai woman who is very chauvinistic about food that is a real compliment. She normally just tolerates weatern cuisine. This year I also loosened the skin and packed 1/4 lb of butter under it. I alway bake turkey in an oven bag. The meat was moist and flavorful. Thanks for your beine recipe!

  • @lizzy2991
    @lizzy2991 Год назад +3

    Being using this brine for years! It’s excellent!

  • @jessicaf6358
    @jessicaf6358 2 года назад +2

    How do you recommend we drain the turkey and such prior to cooking? People leave out that next step and I don't know how much liquid should be on/it it prior to cooking. Thank you for this video, it's quite useful!

    • @Bafa
      @Bafa 2 года назад

      I am not a chef, however, I've watched a lot of brining videos for turkey and have brined other meats myself and the meat is always rinsed off after the brine. All the flavors should be absorbed into the meat and you are washing off the excess salt that isn't needed. That being said, again, I am not a chef and this isn't my recipe.

  • @RODE-j4z
    @RODE-j4z 23 дня назад +1

    BQuestion it's my first time making turkey and I don't know the difference between brining and no brine . After the turkey brines overnight , do dry it with paper towel and seasoning it or you just take it out and stick it in the oven ????also is the ice necessary, can I just wait for it to cool to add my whole turkey?

  • @marthalaguna9807
    @marthalaguna9807 5 лет назад +4

    Looks fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing

  • @twelfthlady847
    @twelfthlady847 3 года назад +1

    Oh this looks gorgeous!!!

  • @robertsullivan9501
    @robertsullivan9501 Год назад +1

    i am new at this, after you brine the turkey , do you rinse it before cooking?

  • @AskingCrescent
    @AskingCrescent 2 года назад +2

    How would you season the turkey afterwards?

  • @michaelevan9184
    @michaelevan9184 22 дня назад

    That's looks like an awesome brine ... will definitely be using that recipe. Thank you so much

  • @arturomunoz4032
    @arturomunoz4032 29 дней назад +25

    Funny how in 2024 I’m trying to find a simple brine recipe and everyone just wants to push their own products or show off the random kitchen gadget nobody has. Thanks for the simplicity of a recipe!

    • @SkippyTheBeerCan
      @SkippyTheBeerCan 22 дня назад +2

      I’ve done this one last year, and it came out amazing. Coming back this year to refresh my memory for the recipe.

    • @THX-vb8yz
      @THX-vb8yz 16 дней назад

      Hahahaha...... same here. 2024

  • @seymourbuttz3077
    @seymourbuttz3077 Год назад +1

    Do you let the turkey brine sit at room temp or in a fridge??

  • @reddfyareddfya
    @reddfyareddfya 3 года назад +2

    Do you rinse/wash off the brine ?

  • @consuelodi2617
    @consuelodi2617 22 дня назад

    Thank you so much!! ❤

  • @timsjulie
    @timsjulie Год назад

    Hi. How much of the fresh herbs like rosemary etc? I didn't see where
    It said that. Thanks!

  • @hyoh-wu
    @hyoh-wu 5 лет назад +24

    I will be using this recipe in a few days. Along with Gordon Ramsay's recipe on how to cook the turkey

    • @g5kj1987
      @g5kj1987 5 лет назад

      Do you have a link to that recipe/video?

    • @Darthbelal
      @Darthbelal 5 лет назад +3

      @@g5kj1987 This is most likely the video on Gordon Ramsay the OP was referring to.....видео.html
      The brining is a good insurance policy against dry turkey as is Ramsay's techniques. Just don't let the bird get over 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius and let the turkey rest (wrap it in foil) so the temp will climb the next few degrees and make for safe eating.....

    • @RealTalkWithJD
      @RealTalkWithJD 5 лет назад +1

      Wow lol I am going to do the exact same thing would love to know how yours turned out

    • @hyoh-wu
      @hyoh-wu 5 лет назад +1

      @@Darthbelal yep that is the video. I ve made turkey with his recipe but never have brined. Even without the brine it comes out amazing

    • @hyoh-wu
      @hyoh-wu 5 лет назад

      @@g5kj1987 Kj..Darth belal posted a link to video. 🤘

  • @KaoV1983
    @KaoV1983 3 года назад +6

    Thanks for the recipe. I’m gonna try it this week. I love eating at your restaurant, it’s always delicious.

    • @MyChannel7236
      @MyChannel7236 3 года назад

      Just spice it up with more of your own seasonings. Like he said, this is a basic wet brine but it will be good 👌

  • @carleigh-anneanderson7538
    @carleigh-anneanderson7538 3 года назад +4

    Best brine ever, and I have tried many! Thank you!!!

    • @whiteyfisk9769
      @whiteyfisk9769 23 дня назад

      I just wanna say you pass remarkably well!! One could barely tell you were assigned male at birth! You are an inspiration to girls like us everywhere!!!

  • @videos4mydad
    @videos4mydad 4 года назад +6

    Love this video - straight to the point. Looks amazing. Trying it today, will come back with results.

    • @FAZeroSolid
      @FAZeroSolid Год назад

      really though were waiting =)

  • @abdulamite
    @abdulamite Год назад +2

    I watch this video every year and it is always helps me make such a perfect turkey

  • @4cupsx01
    @4cupsx01 21 день назад

    Do you rinse it after removing from brine or add other dry spices

  • @farmerBob12
    @farmerBob12 26 дней назад

    First-time attempt here. I need advice on drying the bird after brine.
    I'm doing a whole bird in the oven (deep frying scares me). I'm assuming deep-frying would need to be thoroughly dried, so the water doesn't explode. But what about for slow oven-roasting? Is drip-dry on a rack for an hour long enough?

  • @CjMcQueen2024
    @CjMcQueen2024 21 день назад

    Trying out this brine for the first time tonight, after the brine process should I rinse the brine and dry before deep fry?

  • @nickmc4502
    @nickmc4502 Месяц назад +1

    Made my first turkey ever using this brine last year. Can't wait for round 2! See ya again next year!

  • @iniquity5437
    @iniquity5437 21 день назад

    Is 1 gallon enough? I have a 16lbs turkey and I’ve been seeing a lot of recommendations for 2 gallons

  • @tomgorman4302
    @tomgorman4302 3 года назад +11

    My guests told me it was the best tasting turkey breast they ever had! They liked it so much that we are having it again for Christmas dinner 🙂

  • @smoke362
    @smoke362 2 года назад

    Saw your video the other day decided to try it. AWESOME! Our turkey for Thanksgiving was perfect. Tender, juicy all around awesome, Thank you for this brine recipe.

  • @jamesk8131
    @jamesk8131 2 года назад

    What size container do you use to Brine whole turkey's, 18 or 22 Quart?

  • @pattil.diflorio2649
    @pattil.diflorio2649 4 года назад +26

    This was absolutely amazing! Made it for Christmas dinner and couldn’t get enough! Thank you!

    • @AskingCrescent
      @AskingCrescent 2 года назад

      Do you add any seasonings after the brine ??

    • @JH-me1gc
      @JH-me1gc Год назад +1

      Crimbo Din din is always delicious

  • @holdthebagtogetthebaginves1603
    @holdthebagtogetthebaginves1603 2 года назад

    Thanks for the info. Definitely going to try this.

  • @morkmindywiththedukeofsold6019
    @morkmindywiththedukeofsold6019 2 года назад

    Thank you for adding the recipe, I’m going to try doing this, for Christmas this year

  • @susu..
    @susu.. 2 года назад

    This way is really taste good and tender! Thank you!!💗

  • @christinogriego428
    @christinogriego428 23 дня назад

    what kind of salt kosher or iodizes?

  • @ahsyiafarrell8761
    @ahsyiafarrell8761 22 дня назад +1

    I’ve been using his brine for 5 years now -kiss this chef bro

  • @jaswutucookin
    @jaswutucookin 4 года назад +1

    Do you put that in the fridge overnight? Or leave it out?

    • @mrcoz1764
      @mrcoz1764 4 года назад +4

      you put it in the fridge overnight,,,has to be kept cold

    • @dabulls1g
      @dabulls1g 4 года назад +4

      glad someone else was confused about this too. THANKS!

  • @jambatx
    @jambatx 2 года назад

    This recipe is the truth…I tried it back to back and it was consistent.

    • @scottaaa397
      @scottaaa397 2 года назад +1

      Did you make the brine with half a gallon or full gallon? I plan on letting my brine come down to room temp naturally without the ice, then refrigerate it, then use it tomorrow on the turkey. I figured by the time he added the ice and it melted, then he had about a gallon of solution

  • @sylviaalfred8563
    @sylviaalfred8563 2 месяца назад

    One of the best every thanksgiving using this method and it’s taste amazing

  • @QuabmasM
    @QuabmasM 3 года назад +2

    When smoking a turkey, just put in salt & water with a sprinkle of vinegar. Boil some of the water with the top on so it boils fast(3 minutes). Then add all the salt & stir. Once most of the salt is melted(mere seconds), turn off heat & add in some ice cubes before combining this warm salt water with cold water w/ ice.
    Once you confirm the water is cold, sprinkle in some vinegar, add the cleaned bird(1 hour per lb), & sprinkle the vinegar. To smoke it, just heat up some old dry wood away from the bird on the grill(you can literally pick up old easy to break thick branches off your favorite trail...if they break easy they are likely dry enough...beware bugs).
    6- 8 hours later BEFORE the skin turns to pitch black uneatable bark, take off the bird(that you shouldve spun around a few times when checking on the wood). Check the internal temp for doneness using the thermometer they give you in your turkey fryer kit(lol).
    If not done, put the bird in the over at 350 for about 10-20 minutes checking the temp every 10 minutes. Itll be done though in no time no matter the size(after 6 hours smoking oh yeah itll be done). The meat will taste like the best pork you ever had...yeah I said PORK.
    Barbeque sauce or hot sauce...either one will love the bird but by itself itll be super juicy & flavorful enough to need NOTHING to dip it in. Youll only need a side to eat it with....Every edible strip of flesh will be coveted including the back.
    If you dont burn the skin....oh that skin! Also dont be afraid of pink color when you brine turkey....the temperature wont lie...if its done its done. The curing process in the brine makes it stay pink.

  • @BeauMeztli
    @BeauMeztli 4 года назад +1

    Tried it this year, loved it!

  • @TehNubblet
    @TehNubblet 26 дней назад

    I'll be trying this brine in a few days.

  • @DanielAlvarez-dz5xu
    @DanielAlvarez-dz5xu 2 года назад +1

    What can I use substitute the green cardamom pods??? they don’t sell that in my area 😭

  • @madisonberrios8505
    @madisonberrios8505 4 года назад +5

    I’m using this recipe for tomorrow

  • @jemporium1
    @jemporium1 Месяц назад

    I’m surprised you don’t use sage. Would that be ok to add?

  • @samnaghoon5907
    @samnaghoon5907 4 года назад

    Man, what a great video!! One of the best.

  • @raysanders4781
    @raysanders4781 2 года назад

    Should I skip the added salt if I’m working with a frozen Turkey ?

  • @dianepotter2476
    @dianepotter2476 Год назад +1

    I can practically smell this brine through my phone! I’ve been brining for yrs- similar ingredients but might be adding a few of these ones! .Looks great! Q…when you say “kill the heat”and “let it go over night” , do you mean you are low simmering your hot brine? (Or literally no heat and are letting stand overnight? (Before using to brineTurkey )

  • @robertolopez8671
    @robertolopez8671 3 года назад +1

    Dose the ice water down the brine?

    • @krichardson78
      @krichardson78 3 года назад

      He said it was a concentrated batch so I think not.

  • @stevo88071
    @stevo88071 2 года назад +1

    After using this brine, can you still inject and seaon with Tony Chacheres?

  • @loganross1861
    @loganross1861 24 дня назад

    Just overnight is enough?

  • @rosieregalado2805
    @rosieregalado2805 3 года назад +4

    I made this recipe for Thanksgiving and it was perfect. Got a lot of complements. I was amazed, it wasn't too salty. It was moist. I recommend it.

    • @nuriadavis4871
      @nuriadavis4871 2 года назад

      What recipe did you follow for the actual cooking?

  • @gabrielvillanueva9329
    @gabrielvillanueva9329 26 дней назад

    He really enjoys what he does

  • @ernagianfrancesco3640
    @ernagianfrancesco3640 3 года назад

    Happy holidays. Thanks

  • @djl2033
    @djl2033 2 года назад

    do you have all those things listed?

  • @InfiniteUmbra
    @InfiniteUmbra 5 лет назад +7

    Definitely going to use this one day.

  • @sugar_peas
    @sugar_peas Месяц назад

    Is the brine enough for a whole turkey?

  • @Aigliperdiou
    @Aigliperdiou 3 года назад

    What the water proportions with the salt and sugar please ???

  • @allanlindgren8745
    @allanlindgren8745 3 года назад +1

    Thanks Dan glad to see and use this video! Confit for the legs and thighs!😎

  • @depmodealex
    @depmodealex 4 года назад

    Dan, you nailed it.

  • @matthewrodriquez8116
    @matthewrodriquez8116 Год назад +1

    Me looking up brines expecting to cook in 2 hours

  • @loriesau543
    @loriesau543 4 года назад

    How long did you actually simmer the brine before the cool-down?

  • @echoesvayne9790
    @echoesvayne9790 Год назад +6

    yuuuup... the first year i threw oranges into my brine my wife side eyed me... then her step dad said it was the best turkey he ever ate... finally stopped complaining about having the giant pot in the fridge the day before even

  • @eliot327
    @eliot327 2 года назад +5

    I took over turkey duty and used this and it was the first time I had turkey breast that wasn't super dry. Best turkey I've ever had and I'm doing it again this year

  • @veronicanaidoo9763
    @veronicanaidoo9763 4 года назад

    Thanks... Gonna definitely give it a try

  • @GregVasquez777
    @GregVasquez777 4 года назад +1

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

  • @jasoncalvert6082
    @jasoncalvert6082 3 года назад +5

    With all the poser brine videos online, this video is legit and to the point.

  • @pearl90012
    @pearl90012 3 года назад

    Do you need to place a bag on top of the container? Some ppl place a bag in a container then pour the mix and zip the bag

  • @a.barnard3205
    @a.barnard3205 4 года назад +3

    Some advice to you fans of deep fried turkey.
    Whatever the cook time that is stated for how large of a turkey, shave 20 minutes off of it, because your bird continues to cook when it's out of the deep fryer.
    If you deep fry your turkey to the recommended 165 DF internal IN the deep fryer, you will wind up with a VERY dry bird, because the internal temperature will go to 175 while it's resting.

  • @christinasilva4188
    @christinasilva4188 4 года назад

    What do you do after the overnight brine?

    • @mrcoz1764
      @mrcoz1764 4 года назад

      you put the turkey in it and let it absorb the flavors overnight

    • @christinasilva4188
      @christinasilva4188 4 года назад

      @@mrcoz1764 yes then what do you do after ?

    • @mrcoz1764
      @mrcoz1764 4 года назад +3

      @@christinasilva4188 Well, you rinse it off put it in the pan and cook it and let me tell you,,It will be the juciest turkey you EVER had ,,You and your family will enjoy,,,Stay
      safe and Healthy And bless you

    • @greenidguy9292
      @greenidguy9292 4 года назад +1

      Definitely rinse before roasting

    • @Eric-qm4vm
      @Eric-qm4vm 3 года назад +1

      Very happy you asked this question. I also wanted to know if it needed to be seasoned, prepped with butter or injected with anything after this process. Also, can it stay outside or does it need to be refrigerated? FYI, I’m in New England so it’s cold. Thanks

  • @heyimpaul7979
    @heyimpaul7979 23 дня назад

    So is there a difference in taste between letting brine sit over night or just throwing ice in like he did?

  • @charlieangle9789
    @charlieangle9789 3 года назад +1

    rewatching this and a few others hahaha

  • @amyibrahim5719
    @amyibrahim5719 Год назад

    Thanks you Dan

  • @keithwilliamson236
    @keithwilliamson236 4 года назад +3

    Do you rinse the turkey after taking it out of the brine?

  • @AC-rj1cq
    @AC-rj1cq 4 года назад

    Great instructional, thanks!

  • @leticiacampos3085
    @leticiacampos3085 3 года назад +3

    Pon tu receta de los ingredientes. Se ve muy buena te felicito. 🙏🏻

  • @randle1972
    @randle1972 5 лет назад +4

    Can I inject a turkey with Tony’s Creole butter for 48 hrs? Would that be a bad thing or good?

    • @Tolderian
      @Tolderian 4 года назад +1

      @@razorone2299 what about... both... together...

  • @Bafa
    @Bafa 2 года назад +1

    I want to do this, but I am cooking for 18 people and I am concerned that if the taste is too different I may have upset family members. Can someone give me a description of that taste? is it still a good roast turkey flavor? Does it taste of orange? I have family members that don't like cooked fruit, so I wouldn't want it to be too strong. I'd love a good description of how it tastes. Thanks.

  • @mhcastillon
    @mhcastillon 4 года назад

    looks good

  • @krismeaney2841
    @krismeaney2841 Год назад +1

    I wish you said how much water Does it matter? I like the recipe though, but I just dont know how much water you got in your pot.

  • @neilrischl9569
    @neilrischl9569 21 день назад

    Late night Thanksgiving Prep Let's GOOOOO!

  • @scouseofhorror104
    @scouseofhorror104 3 года назад

    Wow! No messing about with this guy! I'm doing this version! 😋

  • @LiloUkulele
    @LiloUkulele Год назад

    Great video. covered the issue of brineing in COLD water not warm, which might lead to salmonella. Length of brine...thanks!

  • @kristinleblanc8219
    @kristinleblanc8219 Год назад

    What's the total volume of liquid when he's done anyone know?

  • @truthhurts7529
    @truthhurts7529 5 лет назад +2

    🔥 Did you set the turkey in the brine outside of the fridge all night or did you set it inside the fridge?

  • @Darthbelal
    @Darthbelal 5 лет назад +4

    He's using gradient brining which means that he'll have to pull the turkey breasts out of the brine before it gets too salty. With equilibrium brining, the weight of the meat is calculated (minus the weight of the bones) and a solution of no more than 1% salt is used when the weight of the meat and water is calculated. A rather tricky process, but IF I ever get the math right, there won't be a danger of over-salting the meat......

    • @FounderOfAiTheNewOrder
      @FounderOfAiTheNewOrder 5 лет назад +2

      As we say in England your a twat

    • @groyperfuhr4871
      @groyperfuhr4871 2 года назад

      would you do a 1:1 ratio of salt and sugar or is the sugar a different % of the meat weight?

  • @gator_momma_30
    @gator_momma_30 Год назад

    I'm sugar free...can i omit the sugar??? If i needed to i can add some honey

    • @Uisci81
      @Uisci81 Год назад

      I think the sugar is just for some flavor so would guess honey would really be nice too

  • @cogirllaluz827
    @cogirllaluz827 4 года назад +1

    looks good but i will add ginger too

  • @kathyb-007
    @kathyb-007 3 года назад

    Thank you Dan, sir.
    I would like to know how you carved up those turkey breasts.
    And what is this breading *pudding with the thighs* you speak of?

  • @AndyEmerson8
    @AndyEmerson8 3 года назад

    I’ll be doing this!