Fake Turbo VS Fake Turbo


Комментарии • 2,6 тыс.

  • @mightycarmods
    @mightycarmods  4 года назад +218

    Discounted MCM Merch Pack for you and your car!

    • @roybrown7717
      @roybrown7717 4 года назад

      i sent yall a business email

    • @lockupuredaughters
      @lockupuredaughters 4 года назад +1

      I can't believe the BRZ has a bonnet stand and not gas struts. We are in the 21st-century ffs. What is this SuperCheapAuto?

    • @isuruabc100
      @isuruabc100 4 года назад +3

      Hi ShErYl

    • @MrMeowTheSecond
      @MrMeowTheSecond 4 года назад

      Hi Cheryl

    • @bedlamite42
      @bedlamite42 4 года назад

      Eric The Car Guy says Moog sucks:

  • @Carnerd101
    @Carnerd101 4 года назад +3279

    I'd rather have Marty sitting in my passenger seat making his turbo noises.

    • @andersjjensen
      @andersjjensen 4 года назад +30

      Marty's turbo noises are always on point! "Braaaaap stu-tu-tu-tu-tu!!!!"

    • @AxxLAfriku
      @AxxLAfriku 4 года назад +4

      GAGAGAGAGAAGAG this is wonderful! PRANK! It is terrible! I looked in the mirror and saw something UNPRETTY: my face. GAGAGAGAG! But I am happy again because I have TWO HOT GIRLFRIENDS and I make cool YT videos with them! Good evening, love and peace, dear car

    • @Che1seabluesdrogba11
      @Che1seabluesdrogba11 4 года назад +7

      i need a compilation of all the turbo and exhaust noises Martin makes,, waaaah tsutututu

    • @VasyaIvanovichPupkin
      @VasyaIvanovichPupkin 4 года назад +3

      Cheaper to turbocharge a car.

    • @K4rt80y
      @K4rt80y 4 года назад +2

      waaaaAAAAAP WAAAAAAP CHOO Choo chooooo.

  • @ryancooper6260
    @ryancooper6260 4 года назад +681

    You known it's a quality product when it has similar packaging as a happy meal that has been ran over 10 times

    • @keloduma
      @keloduma 4 года назад +1


    • @joakim123451
      @joakim123451 4 года назад +11

      Looks like a McDonald's toy as well

    • @kjah06
      @kjah06 4 года назад +3

      @@joakim123451 damn u. Was just gonna say the same 😂

    • @Vok250
      @Vok250 2 года назад +1

      Maybe its different in Australia, but I've never gotten a single car part in good packaging. The high end stuff often has the worst packaging of all, just hucked in a box.

  • @robert566
    @robert566 4 года назад +1324

    I can still hear moog say, "proudly supported by just car insurance"

    • @markm0000
      @markm0000 4 года назад +5


    • @captainzoll3303
      @captainzoll3303 4 года назад +29

      well, they're still sponsored by shannons, which is the same company...

    • @TheMrZomboss
      @TheMrZomboss 4 года назад +11

      Ahhhh the old days of mighty car mods

    • @bensonhedges479
      @bensonhedges479 4 года назад +7

      As long as they don’t f with budget direct, they fkn suck

    • @colormesarge
      @colormesarge 4 года назад +2


  • @lunymoon4684
    @lunymoon4684 4 года назад +642

    If a ricer spoke honestly : Yea my fake turbo has more fake horse power then you would ever have nerd

    • @hayimhere9604
      @hayimhere9604 4 года назад +18

      Rice speaking honestly: yah it adds negative 10 horsepower

    • @judehendricks2238
      @judehendricks2238 4 года назад +12

      Car: honestly, it just adds weight and slows me down. Take this crap off of me so I can be faster again.. 😭

    • @lunymoon4684
      @lunymoon4684 4 года назад


    • @xNukedApplez
      @xNukedApplez 4 года назад +1

      @@judehendricks2238 slows you down?

    • @raylang1436
      @raylang1436 4 года назад +1

      my fake turbo has more fake horse power than you ever would have nerd

  • @qkaidee
    @qkaidee 4 года назад +901

    Fake Turbo vs Fake turbo?
    me: instant click

  • @joealex65
    @joealex65 4 года назад +631

    Somewhere in Austraila, Turbo Yoda is feeling a boost leak in the force! 😂

  • @InitialDIYmods
    @InitialDIYmods 4 года назад +454

    Should've installed it on a Tesla 😂
    **No sound**

    • @cloudsu007
      @cloudsu007 4 года назад +21

      Taycan Turbo wants to cut in line.

    • @MrJaiimez
      @MrJaiimez 4 года назад +3

      Have you not seen what Chris from Electrified Garage has done, hes installed a fake exhaust with sounds on his Model 3, RichRebuilds has an episode with it in.

    • @Solomon_RD
      @Solomon_RD 4 года назад +3

      It comes preinstalled on the taycan

    • @tSp289
      @tSp289 4 года назад

      Beat me to it

    • @lordgoofus2364
      @lordgoofus2364 4 года назад

      That'd be hilarious. Screamer pipe on your silent EV

  • @DG-jq7il
    @DG-jq7il 4 года назад +543

    The best explanation of how turbos work has to be the following:
    “A turbo: exhaust gasses go into the turbocharger and spin it, witchcraft happens and you go faster.”
    Jeremy Clarkson
    Apr 16, 2010

    • @damlitproductions8126
      @damlitproductions8126 4 года назад +6

      "NO" Its Voodoo" Black Magic, I Seen It Cum Out my Exhaust, But the legend is, the turbo shit its guts...

    • @nogibertv4824
      @nogibertv4824 4 года назад

      @@damlitproductions8126 "NO" its White mans Voodoo Black Magic..

    • @anglegrinderlover994
      @anglegrinderlover994 4 года назад

      Ths man said it at my bday

    @JDNSAUDIS 4 года назад +255

    “This is a fake turbo from ebay”
    His mouth: “this is a turbo from a turbo factory”
    His face: “this is also a fake turbo from eBay”

  • @negativeindustrial
    @negativeindustrial 4 года назад +565

    The only car this should ever be installed in is a Tesla 🤣

    • @christopherbuda6592
      @christopherbuda6592 4 года назад +36

      Good luck installing it without getting zapped by another electrical device

    • @deepshark4636
      @deepshark4636 3 года назад +3

      @@christopherbuda6592 you just unplug the battery

    • @ZERO-th6dd
      @ZERO-th6dd 3 года назад +8

      You even unplug a window regulator on a tesla and the ignition system locks you out and you need to call tesla to get it unlocked😂😂😂😂

  • @Pickleriiiiiick
    @Pickleriiiiiick 4 года назад +500

    Cripes I'm old. Can't believe that was 10 years ago!

    • @truckspank656
      @truckspank656 4 года назад +21

      You don't need to follow the word cripes with I'm old 😁

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +2

      @Dave Goldspink I've been clicking & farting since my early 20s. I'm 41 now.

    • @joedatsun1894
      @joedatsun1894 4 года назад +7

      There are 20ish year olds running around that don’t know a world pre 9/11/01

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад

      @@joedatsun1894 Stop it! You're making me feel even older! :)

    • @aserta
      @aserta 4 года назад +2

      rake loves this

  • @AmazingMrX
    @AmazingMrX 4 года назад +386

    Guys, when we said "Ebay turbo" this isn't what we meant.

  • @whssem4793
    @whssem4793 4 года назад +280

    The real turbo is the friends that we made along the way.

  • @120Livi
    @120Livi 4 года назад +104

    I've got a one of those, I use it to inflate my camping mattress

    • @northfloridafungi9336
      @northfloridafungi9336 3 года назад +2

      Lmao bro I was gonna say the same thing. As soon as it came out the box lol

  • @jjott6550
    @jjott6550 4 года назад +941

    Who actually tells their insurance about their turbo and their other mods? Lol

    • @tech_savage_3605
      @tech_savage_3605 4 года назад +70

      I don't, still getting away with it

    • @MrMechen
      @MrMechen 4 года назад +184

      Dude every one should tell the truth to the ins. Ppl like i do with my toataly stock nonturbo civic *winkwink*

    • @mr.oddball7615
      @mr.oddball7615 4 года назад +83

      @@MrMechen had me in the first half ngl

    • @LongboardManiac
      @LongboardManiac 4 года назад +45

      Shitty part is I bought a car with a turbo stock so they had to know bout it😂

    • @infantinesquid1158
      @infantinesquid1158 4 года назад +14

      @@LongboardManiac I think thats different bc like its regulated by the manufacturers to like the car i able or prepared I guess you could say to handle it I think

  • @knight2425
    @knight2425 4 года назад +352

    Only thing we need to know now is what does the “twin turbo” sound like? Think it’s time for another eBay purchase boys

    • @monogramadikt5971
      @monogramadikt5971 4 года назад +5

      has anybody ever rigged up a quad turbo ?

    • @markm0000
      @markm0000 4 года назад +5

      Mono gram adikt Why stop there. You need 8 turbos for each piston.

    • @generalgreen77
      @generalgreen77 4 года назад +2

      Seen a quad turbo set up on a 4cyl car.... it didn’t work 2 well

    • @JosephSamsor
      @JosephSamsor 4 года назад +1

      Mono gram adikt there was a triple turbo cummins truck that greg albarella built, and actually yes I think there’s a quad turbo 2jz in Japan.

    • @monogramadikt5971
      @monogramadikt5971 4 года назад

      @@markm0000 why stop there when you could glue 8 to each wheel ;)

  • @3ddrew691
    @3ddrew691 4 года назад +164

    And now Moog has $4965 left to make his car faster than the STi. Lol.

    • @alexskywalker888
      @alexskywalker888 4 года назад +9

      95% of the work complete with awe inspiring choo choo noises

    • @Onewheelordeal
      @Onewheelordeal 4 года назад +2

      Needs to spend it on a TorqueAmp

    • @captainzoll3303
      @captainzoll3303 4 года назад +3

      $4965 that they don't need to use, because the BRZ will easily chop the STI now.

    • @nolansprojects2840
      @nolansprojects2840 4 года назад

      Captain Zoll $4965 that they will now use on the STi because it will be dwarfed by the brz now.

  • @StayMadNobodycares
    @StayMadNobodycares 4 года назад +454

    fake turbo sounds like a prison fart.

    • @DaBoomDude
      @DaBoomDude 4 года назад

      sounds like a bird.

    • @vk2aafhamradio
      @vk2aafhamradio 4 года назад +8

      so how long were you in the joint bro

    • @garystinten9339
      @garystinten9339 4 года назад +6

      A person who speaks from experience..
      So how was it?

    • @garystinten9339
      @garystinten9339 4 года назад +1

      @Unintended Consequences and reflecting upon your answer, I also take from this that you were an experienced prison fart smeller..

    • @kiyoponnn
      @kiyoponnn 4 года назад

      @@garystinten9339 Damn you'd make a fine detective

  • @alextyrrell32
    @alextyrrell32 3 года назад +8

    Probably no one will read this, but I want to say it for myself anyway.
    This is the very first episode of MCM that I ever watched. I had just bought my new car and after months of searches and youtube videos, the algorithm suggested these two guys. I tell you, I laughed for 14 minutes and 13 seconds straight. I absolutely fell in love with this show. Marty and Moog, you two fed that modding spark in my heart until it grew to a bonfire! I saw a few separate episodes until I decided I had to start at the beginning. 9 months and over 500 episodes later, I have come back to my very first encounter with Mighty Car Mods. I have a LIST of mods for my Challenger and I am proud to say: 2 of them are completed!! I was always going to cherish this car, it's my dream. But MCM has given me so much more to appreciate with it now. Thank you to both of you, I proudly rep my MightyCarMods hat and lanyard everywhere I go, meeting others that love your work along the way!
    I look forward to all that comes in the future and I hope one day I might even get to meet you!

  • @hammerhead300
    @hammerhead300 4 года назад +183

    "You probably need to contact your insurance company"
    Yeah, I'll get right on that...

    • @acerIOstream
      @acerIOstream 4 года назад +12

      The problem is if you get into an accident and total your car, upon repossession, the insurance company will realize you installed a turbo without letting them know and will void your entire claim, leaving you with no car and no insurance money.

    • @piority9
      @piority9 4 года назад +2

      @@acerIOstream i used to work at a body shop doing tear downs. Trust me, they are not that fussy. Most of the time they dont even bring an assesor, they let our in house assesor do they work and relay the info.

    • @williampowell5800
      @williampowell5800 4 года назад +17

      Is that an Aussie thing? Cause I'm pretty sure my insurance co here in the U.S. couldn't care less if the LS in my pickup is turbo or not.

    • @prodigee9590
      @prodigee9590 4 года назад +3

      @@williampowell5800 str8 up lol

    • @jynxd420xxx7
      @jynxd420xxx7 4 года назад

      @@williampowell5800 ‘merica

  • @TommysGuitar
    @TommysGuitar 4 года назад +107

    "But don't worry, it sounds dangerous but it's not. BRZ's are so slow it doesn't matter" That got me 😂

  • @stephen3164
    @stephen3164 4 года назад +113

    6:02 missed opportunity for fake noises. Was hoping for a “fun whistle” on the plastic turbo, and a fog horn out of the real turbo.

    • @djyond3rr
      @djyond3rr 4 года назад +11

      Dude I remember he strummed a intercooler once I thought it was real af

    • @dreadn0ught_k
      @dreadn0ught_k 4 года назад

      I was expecting a tuba!

  • @gokartish
    @gokartish 4 года назад +41

    3:12 "Hi Cheryl" in top left

  • @baconapo3990
    @baconapo3990 4 года назад +55

    Who else clicked because it's called fake Turbo vs fake turbo

  • @jonny_s14
    @jonny_s14 4 года назад +39

    The bit about because brz's are so slow anyway 🤣😂😂 had me in stitches

  • @tylerp4130
    @tylerp4130 4 года назад +112

    "But don't worry, BRZ's are slow that none of this is going to matter" 🤣🤣🤣

  • @kylec.5462
    @kylec.5462 4 года назад +79

    "I dont know if I can go that deep in one go"
    upper left corner: Hi cHeRyL

    • @pyro__patrick5724
      @pyro__patrick5724 4 года назад

      Was about to comment that...

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +3

      Just the tip. It's all bunged up in there.
      Have you ever prised open a grilled cheese sandwich?
      Exactly like that.

    • @j_mars_cars
      @j_mars_cars 4 года назад +1

      I came to comment, but knew it would be found

    • @jasonyoung6420
      @jasonyoung6420 4 года назад

      Thanks for that, I missed it the first time around

  • @jackimo22
    @jackimo22 4 года назад +124

    “Gooka-pa-Choo-poo” - I didn’t think Marty could make better turbo noises, but hear we are

    • @wingstar4691
      @wingstar4691 4 года назад +5

      He said this at the same time i read it in your comment

  • @rayceeya8659
    @rayceeya8659 4 года назад +35

    I would love to see the judge's face if one of these turned up at a car show.

  • @kennymtfh8701
    @kennymtfh8701 4 года назад +32

    Everyone: fake turbo
    Me: "hi cHeRyL"

  • @SerenaBluee
    @SerenaBluee 4 года назад +8

    I have been playing MCM videos in the background for the last few weeks while I change the clutch and fix up all of the running gear on my car, in a parking space on the road outside my house. Thank you for inspiring so many of us over the years to challenge ourselves to be our best versions, and of course for all of the fantastic entertainment.
    Love to the whole team at MCM and all the fans around the world xo

  • @BlownBudgetGarage
    @BlownBudgetGarage 4 года назад +250

    This makes me wish I could post the Spider-Man pointing meme

    • @AxxLAfriku
      @AxxLAfriku 4 года назад +1

      GAGAGAGAGAAGAG this is wonderful! PRANK! It is terrible! I looked in the mirror and saw something UNPRETTY: my face. GAGAGAGAG! But I am happy again because I have TWO HOT GIRLFRIENDS and I make cool YT videos with them! Good evening, love and peace, dear blown

    • @gamerthebanning
      @gamerthebanning 4 года назад +10

      @@AxxLAfriku wtf

    • @kylejohnson2184
      @kylejohnson2184 4 года назад +3

      Thanks to@@AxxLAfriku now we need the "put down the meth pipe" meme...

    • @prancingmoose2109
      @prancingmoose2109 4 года назад +5

      Kyle Johnson nah mate, just put him down in general

    • @iyanmanzano
      @iyanmanzano 4 года назад +2

      @@AxxLAfriku That some serious case of brain diarrhea.

  • @WadeWilson-
    @WadeWilson- 4 года назад +416

    Fake turbo vs Fake turbo?
    So there's no real turbo.

  • @lovefree4308
    @lovefree4308 4 года назад +22

    The electric turbo is by far the best sounding turbo ive ever heard in my life. 💨💨💨

  • @fedvoxavoxa
    @fedvoxavoxa 4 года назад +40

    love how you confirmed that the brz will get a snail with this fun teaser....... right?

    • @abc-bm8pl
      @abc-bm8pl 4 года назад +5

      End of the STI vs BRZ video had Moog scrolling a Garrett catalogue

  • @MrHowdi
    @MrHowdi 4 года назад +146

    "The First step, is the jack up your car" - I'm glad you guys brought that back hahahaha

    • @94XJ
      @94XJ 4 года назад +2

      Ive been away from MCM for a long time and as soon as I heard that, I was happy.

  • @dvinsarkissian3447
    @dvinsarkissian3447 4 года назад +136

    "I dont know if I can go that deep in one go"
    says marty
    Top left corner: Hi cHeRyL

    • @YoKing_
      @YoKing_ 4 года назад +3

      Dvin Sarkissian secret messages haha I noticed too btw

    • @bubbablazer2
      @bubbablazer2 4 года назад +1

      I lost track of the episode after I saw the hidden nugget!ha

    • @rohannapthali1658
      @rohannapthali1658 4 года назад +4

      Thanks, I missed this. Changed my life.

    • @s70driver2005
      @s70driver2005 4 года назад +1

      Mystery box!!!

    • @god.mp4
      @god.mp4 4 года назад +1

      Who's Cheryl?

  • @AH6man
    @AH6man 4 года назад +30

    Who remembers watching that Honda build 10 years ago as it was coming out. I loved those videos.

    • @jerrymendoza1663
      @jerrymendoza1663 4 года назад +1

      man I came to the comment section looking for someone that brought this up, I was 10 years old when that video came out a I freaking loved it, can't believe its been that long

  • @00exia90
    @00exia90 4 года назад +96

    Did he almost say "premature eja---" at 6:28 HAHAHAHAHAHA

    • @camoriengittens2835
      @camoriengittens2835 4 года назад +5

      The same moment I started reading your comment he said it!!

    • @drew_de8990
      @drew_de8990 4 года назад

      Hahaha I came to the comments to see if anyone caught that 😂😂😂

    • @oneal43
      @oneal43 4 года назад

      Premature ejac---

    • @runforitman
      @runforitman 3 года назад

      thats the joke yeah

  • @rnc428
    @rnc428 4 года назад +13

    That fake turbo from ten years ago was an ultimate ricer mod

  • @miguelbueno774
    @miguelbueno774 4 года назад +94

    "You need to contact your car insurance"
    Every Honda owner in America: haha yeah

    • @BigRedtheGinger
      @BigRedtheGinger 4 года назад +4

      I was thinking the same thing. And yes, I own a Honda haha

    • @miguelbueno774
      @miguelbueno774 4 года назад +2

      @@BigRedtheGinger it's honestly any jdm car haha hey Hondas are rad I had a crx

    • @MattBrownbill
      @MattBrownbill 4 года назад +1

      @@BigRedtheGinger Hondas have Very Tall Exhaust Cooling, so they sound good without Turbos.

    • @TrojanLube69
      @TrojanLube69 4 года назад +4

      Me with my LS swap FRS/BRZ. HE HE HE, still paying about 50 per month. HE HE

    • @TrojanLube69
      @TrojanLube69 4 года назад +1

      for all they know it's still making 200 HP, hahaha

  • @trevormitchell7232
    @trevormitchell7232 4 года назад +108

    “BRZ’s are so slow that none of this is going to matter” 😂

  • @DaxtonAnderson
    @DaxtonAnderson 4 года назад +71

    Who needs a turbo when you can just say "spobobobobooooo" when you let off the gas??
    Edit: MCM should sell their own kit that has a speaker in the cabin with Marty making turbo noises. +1 include a ODB2 splitter and reader option so you don't need that sketch floor button.

    • @iniehawk4472
      @iniehawk4472 4 года назад +1

      I would buy one

    • @estewarrior1
      @estewarrior1 4 года назад

      who makes turbo noises as "spobobo"?

    • @tylertankersley8693
      @tylertankersley8693 4 года назад

      @@estewarrior1 actually one of the better spelling outs of the turbo flutter sound I've seen

    • @ismaeelmotiwala6967
      @ismaeelmotiwala6967 4 года назад

      RevHeadz has an app for that already. any cheap wifi obdii works

    • @spiralinglight
      @spiralinglight 2 года назад

      id put that in my shitbox

  • @tonyhancock3559
    @tonyhancock3559 4 года назад +2

    If i told you a mate of mine spent over £100k developing a real time digital controlled fake turbo called Virtual Turbo in the UK, but never got it to market you wouldn't believe me. It had every exact dump valve sound going which were all dynamic depending on how you drove the car, and it even had proper spool up sounds including compressor surge.

  • @soconoha
    @soconoha 4 года назад +38

    Actually, proper installation of a turbo WILL cause pre mature ejection.

  • @Emkav1
    @Emkav1 4 года назад +75

    Cleetus did a pretty interesting episode with electric turbochargers that actually worked. Albeit they were quite expensive

    • @logandeathrage6945
      @logandeathrage6945 4 года назад +1

      What about the Cleetus turbo whistle videos?

    • @funbox2882
      @funbox2882 4 года назад +4

      They are expensive because they often operate off a MHEV 48v system, they offer a limited boost, the main application I've seen them in is on Audi sq7. They offer initial boost low down on demand, eliminating any step down and turbo lag. It works for what it's intended for

    • @NeoIsrafil
      @NeoIsrafil 4 года назад +4

      @Chris Nunez what do you mean? They added a lot for what they were and what they required to install... remember they dont have the benefit of being hooked to the belts, nor the engine exhaust. One day they'll probably get to the point where they add a high boost level too but its new tech.

    • @Mrs3Diddy
      @Mrs3Diddy 4 года назад

      If the price wasnt 5 grand a peice they would be worth it

    • @funbox2882
      @funbox2882 4 года назад

      @@Mrs3Diddy the aren't viable as somthing to just buy as a kit. You'd have to aquire a new alternator ect. A normal turbo can be upwards of 5k aswell. But as above its application is to be an auxiliary turbo like a space saver tyre 😂

  • @alex31721able
    @alex31721able 4 года назад +44

    I was expecting an instrument sound when Moog blew in the real turbo. They've lost their roots.

    • @iplaysdrums
      @iplaysdrums 4 года назад +6

      I had that thought, too! Maybe without the resonating chamber of the intercooler harp or the piping it didn't produce any viable pitch, like a kettledrum without the kettle.

    • @tasty8186
      @tasty8186 4 года назад +3

      I expected a big fat Tuba sound

    • @ConnorBlikre
      @ConnorBlikre 4 года назад +2

      The real turbo would be like a French horn and the fake turbo would be a kazoo

  • @thegametesterman
    @thegametesterman 4 года назад +87

    There’s a guy at work with what sounds like a fake turbo. It’s way too over the top of a noise to be real 😂

    • @The_Bliz
      @The_Bliz 4 года назад +3

      Really easy to find out...

    • @corky9127
      @corky9127 4 года назад

      There's a few guys at my work that have the same sunglasses as Benny...

    • @mattg768
      @mattg768 4 года назад +6

      We have one of those guys at work 😂 he looks like an absolute dong, he reverses into a space and he has to set of the fake fart sound about 6 times its cringy AF concidering his car doesn't even have a turbo.

    • @lucasvanhamburg4937
      @lucasvanhamburg4937 4 года назад +1

      whats wrong with reversing into a space

  • @karm971
    @karm971 4 года назад +1

    Wow, I can’t believe that episode was from a decade ago - man I feel old.
    Keep up the awesome content - you guys are quite literally the best car-related RUclips channel of the past decade in my opinion!

  • @RainJoltik
    @RainJoltik 4 года назад

    Holy. I remember when that old video with the fake turbo noise came out. Feels like yesterday watching all the old videos. Love from the uk . keep it up guys

  • @SoulTouchMusic93
    @SoulTouchMusic93 4 года назад +39

    Hey guys are you going to race moog's dream car, the datsun vs marty's dream Subaru? I'm really curious to see if a fair lady can catch an STI!

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +2

      The Fairlady would annihilate the STI.

    • @deejayxela555
      @deejayxela555 4 года назад +6

      I see what you did there

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +4

      @@deejayxela555 I'm so stupid I only just got his joke :)

    • @2KXMKR
      @2KXMKR 4 года назад

      Damn that was clean

  • @dungeondeckmaster2292
    @dungeondeckmaster2292 4 года назад +185

    Fake turbo vs. fake turbo
    They mean this fake turbo vs the fake turbo 10 years ago. I watched the video before commenting

    • @kimmyrask7368
      @kimmyrask7368 4 года назад +4

      DungeonDeckMaster good on you mate

    • @dog4579
      @dog4579 4 года назад

      That's really really sad

    • @dungeondeckmaster2292
      @dungeondeckmaster2292 4 года назад

      @@mophiustheone no there's only one of me, but I've learned how to bee through captain obvious so you can start there

  • @dave-osmodernlife6885
    @dave-osmodernlife6885 4 года назад +23

    Moog: "Do you want to..."
    Everyone: *Contemplates...*
    Marty: "YES!!!"

  • @avaziko4888
    @avaziko4888 4 года назад +9

    “No one is gonna know” “They gonna know”

  • @rogerkapetanovic4377
    @rogerkapetanovic4377 4 года назад +1

    You guys always pick me up during these crappy times... much love and stay safe ❤️

  • @ThatUsuallyWorks
    @ThatUsuallyWorks 4 года назад +90

    Last time I was this early Marty's Evo hadn't broken down yet

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +3

      Last time I was this early, Marty hadn't discovered that automatic Evos are shit.

    • @Ward1706
      @Ward1706 4 года назад +1

      What Evo?

    • @patrickrooney9999
      @patrickrooney9999 4 года назад +1

      @@Ward1706 all of them

    • @jasonyoung6420
      @jasonyoung6420 4 года назад

      Marty has never owned, and never will own an Evo

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +3

      @@jasonyoung6420 *WRONG!!* ruclips.net/video/pbCta9iG3Hg/видео.html

  • @Martin911
    @Martin911 4 года назад +19

    6:29 ..... someone has been having trouble lately 😏😏😂😂😂

  • @irishawn5856
    @irishawn5856 4 года назад +26

    That lil red turbo would be cool mounted on a bicycle or power wheels for your kids! LMAO😂

  • @YoungVeteran2023
    @YoungVeteran2023 4 года назад

    Good to see you guys are still around! Cheers from Florida!

  • @ChanelZiro
    @ChanelZiro 3 года назад +1

    The only place where a fake turbo belongs is in the garbage

  • @xBeauGaming
    @xBeauGaming 4 года назад +44


    • @stefanrusdea1398
      @stefanrusdea1398 4 года назад

      Yooo i know you from back then with the skyrim vids whats up :)

  • @BennyBattaglia
    @BennyBattaglia 4 года назад +17

    I’m happy Moog has as deep seeded of hate for “car vloggers” as I do.

  • @Its_motion_media
    @Its_motion_media 4 года назад +10

    "I don't know if I can go that deep in one go" 3:10
    *Cheryl enters the chat*

  • @CorruptInfinityOfficial
    @CorruptInfinityOfficial 4 года назад

    Correction, the term inducer and excducer are used specifically to refer to the measurements of the turbine when at its two different widths. Inducer is the measurement of the widest part of the turbine blades near the theoretical outside of the turbine wheel. Excducer is the measurements of the thinnest diameter part of the compressor wheel. The two terms are just used as reference for the compressor wheels to get an idea of how aggressive/responsive they are with their given AR rating.

  • @TomBudin
    @TomBudin 4 года назад

    just got gen2 internals for the 35/82 on the 1jz is200 the spool noise is insane

  • @motoholota
    @motoholota 4 года назад +17

    Just started watching, if they don't Dyno fake turbo I'll be so disappointed. :(

  • @dominiccruz2332
    @dominiccruz2332 4 года назад +7

    Man, I was a freshman in highschool when I saw the first fake turbo video...
    Now I'm 23! Life's been crazy, but I'm glad to have watched these mad lads do their thing throughout the years.
    This one brought back a lot of good memories! Anyone wanna see them mod another Civic??

  • @BobMonkeypimp
    @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +9

    With modern 'Hot V' turbo placement it would be really interesting to see what actual difference the length of the turbo 'plumbing' makes.

    • @That-guy0801
      @That-guy0801 4 года назад +1

      Maybe 100rpms of lag

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +1

      @@That-guy0801 See that's what I think. I think all this Hot-V stuff is nonsense. It'd be an interesting experiment though.

    • @That-guy0801
      @That-guy0801 4 года назад +1

      Thumbobby its all for efficiency and heat keep hot parts together, cool parts together

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад

      @@That-guy0801 I wonder how effective it really is though. Is it worth the effort? There is engine packaging & as you say, hot stays with hot, cold stays with cold but one of the claims by manufacturers is that it also shortens the path of airflow.
      I suppose on a mass produced engine, most things can be worth the effort but for aftermarket... I wonder.

  • @kmart55
    @kmart55 4 года назад

    This is great to watch to cheer me up after a massive storm just passed through and destroyed almost everything!

  • @firefueled
    @firefueled 4 года назад

    Turbos we're like magnets to me. I never knew how they worked, until you just explained it in layman's terms. RUclips channel of the month ✨

  • @pier11francesco
    @pier11francesco 4 года назад +4


  • @brandondeel3567
    @brandondeel3567 4 года назад +7

    Cleetus McFarland installed an electric turbo that actually did make a decent amount of power! It was hella expensive but it actually did work.

    • @Pingandlucky
      @Pingandlucky 4 года назад +1

      Yeah, I was thinking of that one as well. Maybe if you have an extra battery or two in the back just to run the electric turbo, they would be worth doing...

    • @BigEpinstriping
      @BigEpinstriping 4 года назад +1

      @@Pingandlucky a few large capacitors (Like the ones used in Car Audio installs) would be adequate to compensate and they'd be lighter. that way you'd only need one battery. Hybrid turbos; The kind that use an electric motor to quickly spool them up to eliminate lag, seem to be the future.

    • @TomHaynes360
      @TomHaynes360 4 года назад +1

      hes so cringy though, idk why anyone watches him. hes all "CHEVY CHEVY CHEVY". People who drive chevys suck.,

    • @hammerhead300
      @hammerhead300 4 года назад

      @@TomHaynes360 Not really, he just likes Corvettes (and considering that he and Kyle from 1320 grew up together, that's not surprising). Several of the builds he's done aren't even Chevys.

    • @TomHaynes360
      @TomHaynes360 4 года назад

      @@hammerhead300 it might just be every video I've seen it's a chevy. I saw a 370z somewhere but I dont know of it was him for not. I dont remember. I'm just not a fan of Chevy, I've never had anything good come out of it, or the people around me who drive one.

  • @buffhorsesgarage8889
    @buffhorsesgarage8889 4 года назад +42

    I'll choose the old 10yrs ago one cuz it's sound most relevant to the real one.

    • @Iregretthispost
      @Iregretthispost 4 года назад +2

      I have to go with the new one, not only does it sort it sound like one it also kinda looks like one

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +3

      @@Iregretthispost The ultimate giveaway is that it sounds *exactly* the same on every 'blow-off'.

  • @emadarshad11
    @emadarshad11 4 года назад +6

    "The first step is jack up you car" yeah that's a given 🤣

  • @SlowBoiGang
    @SlowBoiGang 4 года назад

    I remember watching that first fake turbo noises video when it came out. My friend John and I were just sophomores in high school and we thought it was the coolest thing ever for our NA cars. A great memory.

  • @Misterfairweather
    @Misterfairweather 4 года назад +16

    Ah, that must be one of those electric Turbos like the Taycan Turbo uses..

  • @Emulen2
    @Emulen2 4 года назад +17

    i had supresed the memory of me buying that first fake turbo speaker like 7 years ago and put in my 1,8 citroén xantia xD

    • @greenberlina
      @greenberlina 4 года назад +1

      Emulen2 , I just said Xantia in an Ozzy accent in my head 😂

    • @Emulen2
      @Emulen2 4 года назад

      @@greenberlina Ohh yea. that sounds really wired xD

  • @3ddrew691
    @3ddrew691 4 года назад +4

    Also love how right at the end you both call the electric turbo you just installed a POS and need to get rid of it 🤣🤣🤣 love it.

    • @iplaysdrums
      @iplaysdrums 4 года назад

      Marty didn't actually say "pizza turd," but that's how I chose to hear it.

    • @3ddrew691
      @3ddrew691 4 года назад

      @@iplaysdrums 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @JohnJones-ep7of
    @JohnJones-ep7of 4 года назад

    I'm a metal head when it comes to music but your techno music has grown on me.I realized it is like the music I listened to in the video game arcade music from games that I played that it reminded me of in my youth.

  • @deviousphoenix5590
    @deviousphoenix5590 3 года назад

    Very informative episode I wonder if using the fake turbo sound can be incorporated into other applications like: when you open your fridge door, flush the toilet, turn your TV on, use as a doorbell, put on your lawn mower etc. 😏

  • @MrVadim101
    @MrVadim101 4 года назад +29

    Lmao i opened youtube and this was posted a second ago. Nice timing

    @HAMlLTON 4 года назад +72

    Read the tittle 4 times looking for the word “real”

    • @jorgeantonini201
      @jorgeantonini201 4 года назад +9

      Lol me too.
      Thumbnail caption: FAKE TURBO V FAKE TURBO
      Me: umm....one of those looks pretty real to me
      Marty and Moog: today we’re comparing a FAKE TURBO V A REAL ONE!!
      Me after: 🤔🤔

    • @angusherdegen5036
      @angusherdegen5036 4 года назад


    • @OctaneStreet
      @OctaneStreet 4 года назад


    • @passingchampion
      @passingchampion 4 года назад


    • @cordovaxemiliano2066
      @cordovaxemiliano2066 4 года назад

      I only realized that because of this comment

  • @heylolp9
    @heylolp9 4 года назад +6

    this is the type of questions we never knew we needed answered during a pandemic... but now it is answered
    *excited fake swooosh noises*

  • @jeremytallentire6561
    @jeremytallentire6561 4 года назад +1

    Benny is a bloody legend my heart goes out to that lad with bennys custom works.

  • @RussLyman
    @RussLyman 4 года назад

    This episode was such a fun throwback. I remember watching that episode 10 years ago. Has it been that long already. You guys always get me pumped to work on my car.
    I'd go with turbo sound 2 because of the easy installation and similar sound

  • @rubyshoes1032
    @rubyshoes1032 4 года назад +9

    That red "turbo" looks like a 70s hair dryer 🤣🤣

    • @rubyshoes1032
      @rubyshoes1032 4 года назад

      @Ross Bourne🤔🤣🤣I like your thinking.

  • @elreyyakko
    @elreyyakko 4 года назад +12

    "Lets get rid of that pos", moog referencing the car or the fake turbo, the world may never know.lol

    • @masmune2158
      @masmune2158 4 года назад

      yea we do what do you think the new Garrett turbo is gonna go

  • @rottenspice190
    @rottenspice190 4 года назад +3

    I'm rigging it to my toilet. Now my toilet is "turbo ed" thanks MCM. 😜😂

  • @Gourmondise
    @Gourmondise 2 года назад

    I honestly say this is fun to use in tiny cars like the Peugeot 107 or the Honda Jazz. Obviously this is for laughs and giggles and not to be taken seriously in by any means. I'm planning to fit one on my Pug 107 just for fun :D

  • @abc-bm8pl
    @abc-bm8pl 4 года назад

    4:10 No Marty, inducer and exducer are not otherwise known as a compressor and turbine. The compressor and the turbine BOTH have inducers and xxducers. The inducer is the first part of the blade to touch the gas passing it, and the exducer is the last. This applies to both compressor and turbine. For the compressor the inducer is the minor diameter, and the exducer is the major. For the turbine, the inducer is the major diameter, and the inducer is the minor.

  • @michealsneed1482
    @michealsneed1482 4 года назад +9

    I’ve got blood fluid coming from my eyes after watching this. LoL

  • @Android-vk8yh
    @Android-vk8yh 4 года назад +6

    Brilliant you guys never fail to cheer me up I'm trying to juggle three kids and getting ready to pack the car for holiday with 5 bikes stuck to it. The fact that this is red I'm very tempted to stick it on my type R but I don't want to go through the long conversation with the insurance to embarrassingly say I've got a fake turbo attached to my car because I would actually have to tell them, seriously my unnamed one of them would actually make me take a photo and send it into them so the office would fall about laughing, it sounds like like a bird swallowed a whistle🤣🤣🤣🤣 you need to order some more online now and just compare which one is the best because you guys make me so happy for a 5-minute man car stuff time..ps speaking of buying stuff on eBay I've been caught out quite a few times don't ever by what looks like an F1 racing steering wheel because you realise when you lean on it it's basically like a coat hanger covered in cheap plastic👍🤣.more please

  • @danielbrown7077
    @danielbrown7077 4 года назад +3

    i want that 14 min of my life back!

  • @The_Erazer
    @The_Erazer 4 года назад +1

    Moog using the winning... no the losing money on fake turbos... That's nothing else we would expect from him... xD

  • @Michaeltje89
    @Michaeltje89 4 года назад +15

    Fake turbo vs Fake turbo
    "Pulls out a brand new garrett turbo"

    • @user-wl3lm2un5e
      @user-wl3lm2un5e 4 года назад

      They meant the turbo 10 years ago hence fake turbo vs fake turbo

    • @Michaeltje89
      @Michaeltje89 4 года назад

      @@user-wl3lm2un5e lol I know but was kind of shocked when I saw the new gerratt, turbo brz wtf..

  • @joeldavey2149
    @joeldavey2149 4 года назад +3

    They looked like they were in pain while filming the whole episode.🤣😂

  • @sebeasty_5005
    @sebeasty_5005 4 года назад +8

    Yoh, thats an added 600 horsepower!!😭

    • @alexramos1435
      @alexramos1435 4 года назад

      U only have 1 subscriber with no content. 😩

    • @jamescolbourne5268
      @jamescolbourne5268 3 года назад

      @@alexramos1435 lmao, you only have 17...

  • @ryanthethumb
    @ryanthethumb 4 года назад

    Mad carnt belive iv been watchin mcm for 10 years

  • @Zykfryt997
    @Zykfryt997 4 года назад +2

    Love The "Hi Cheryl" text when Marty point out he cant go that deep in one go hahah