There are also some psychopaths who think that by attacking an international scholar they will be elevated. Some sell their books by creating false stories about this icon. I am a theologian and an expert in theology not just general superficial culture.
Ndinochuku nje ndiyaqaqanjeeeeeelwa
Apha uGqirha inene ulwela amalungelo okanye yindlela ekwenziwa ngayo kwelakubo. Naye lotata makangayidungudelisi into yesini. Isini yinto yonke kwaxhosa. Qha ke kubuhlungu ngoba omama abasabamkeli ubumama bafuna ulingana namadoda.
Tata u daluxolo hoho inye qha into endiythandayo apho kuwe ndithanda inyani nemibuzo nam ndinazo impendulo apho kodwake ungandibuza nam undibuze nge SMS mna ndinqinelana nawe
Inkonde leithethayo ingathi uyoyika ukucelela uDr.Nokuzola uxolo,ndingaziyo ke phofu ukubakutheni engamceli ngenhlonipho ukuba makathi uxolo bethunana ndiyiphosili loondawo.
Unyanisile tata lamadoda azisa indaba komama kufanje abekhwetha nje ngomama
Xolile Saba shuuu
Ndisemndleni welentetho yalo Tata womelez' onokhontoni.
There are also some psychopaths who think that by attacking an international scholar they will be elevated. Some sell their books by creating false stories about this icon. I am a theologian and an expert in theology not just general superficial culture.
Daluxolo lenqubo bekumele inikwe wena qha qwaba
He will never be in the same league as mine. Ngekhe andogqithe hence ekhala kwitouch line
Lo tata uthetha eziphikisa kokoyika toro
eyonanto ndirhalela uyazi sube kusenziwani xa kuzoshwanywa kube kuxelelwe umntu onguMama ngemazi yenkomo ngoba ndazi ezilelwa ngemazi and akushwanywa ezileni
Iyaphi intombi esibayeni umthetho uthi esesuka kulala nendoda ayngeni ebuhlanti akumbi xakwenziwa isiko
Xolile Saba mna ndibethelela into ethi masiyihlonipheni into yokuba imizi ayifani ifana ngeentlanti kuphela
@@daluxolohoho6890 injalo tata mayhlanitshwe ndiyawathanda tata amazwi wakho uyasakha nathi Camagu tata yhooo nam ndithatha I point apha kuwe🙋
UKungafani kwemizi akuthi inkwenkwe ingayivele ibeyindoda indaziwa ngamadoda elali... Ngumzekelo ke lo ndiphendula ngawo... Intombi ayiveli ibe ngumfazi nje ingendanga...
Yiza nazo mama kesive imvelo yakwantu
😂😂😂liyandichaza ke elixhego alicengi
Lenkqubo yomhlobo wenene iphethwe ngungalonkulu olahlekisa isizwe sabantsundu makayokhokhela oomama bakalwesini ebandleni lakhe
Tata ndicela u email le video to Management ye SABC imbi lento.
Ndabhalela ehead office but ababonanto imbi apha ukuze ke ndiphele ndiyifaka apha, kuba abantu bazivele ngokwabo kuba uninzi, lenkqubo yenziwa belele...
That could help because they are very broadminded
Kutheni lento ngathi uDr.Nokuzola unobuyilo nje.Ndiyamthanda ngoba unsipho sokusebenzisana nabantu qha unobuyilo pha naphaya.
Zange ndalilo iyilo hence ndibold ndingathethi ekoneni njengamagwala Akhonya kufacebook angandijongi ngqo
Ufuna ukundixelela ukuba intombi iyakwazi ukuyokha ubulongwe ebuhlanti lonto ayenzeki pha ekhaya yilonto eminye imizi ichitheka nje
I am broad minded into yokukha ubulongwe belongs to a certain level of debate and unfortunately am far above that level. I can’t even comment