Awesome! I am currently tinkering with an ESP32 + Bluetooth Low Energy and am now very happy that I bought a few more than I actually need. Looks very promising and isn't even really 'done' yet.
Also the conditions are really favourable because transmitter is on the hill. If terrain was flat, both receiver and transmitter would need to be raised high to to ensure the Fresnel zone is not obstructed. By the way it is possible to play with the polarisation of the signal by turning antennas 90 degrees to enhance the signal quality.
a video full of information. very nice. ive tinkered with 433 Mhz modules, but never came across all these formulas, which wouldve helped me a great deal
Yep but Starbucks or employees in it make do something if they are geeks and if distance is less approx 2 Km it may be possible and ,Finally they may know your passwords , credit card details or something very important like your g mail account 😉 better go for taking a connection even there is chance that a hacker is between you and public WiFi which may cause you lot of damage ,so keep avoiding public WiFi
Lmao ! The main general working points here are 1. That guy lives too far on country side. 2. I am barely seeing any other frequency operating ,even electronic item around in that bizzare .So ,nearely zero traffic congestion . 3. That's placed over on a mountain peak .
Fun fact. You can split the transmit and receive signals out to different antennas. Use a higher gain antenna for rx and a lower gain for tx. Battabing butta bang, Bidirectional long range communication.
Yes, wifi protocol needs a package acknowledge in a time slot equivalent to the time the waves travel 100m, otherwise, the protocol assumes the packages was lost. So it is not technically possible to increase the distance of wifi without changing or ignoring this parameter. The use of promiscuous mode is a clever workaround for a unidirectional transmission, though.
This great!. Most interesting part is the ONE WAY telecommunication via Wi-fi!. While watching the video i asked my self "but wifi is bi-directional... how can??" and then you answered the question !!! :)
Thats really smart, the one way wifi hack allows you to legally use high gain directional antennas as they are only used to receive.
7 лет назад+5
What if you could use a directional antenna at ESP32-side? Of course a little bit smaller antenna than receiver, because ESP32 can not feed big antenna, I think. With directional antenna at ESP-32 could you increse the distance?
Dear author, would it be possible to publish 1) the final code that actually streams the jpeg data from esp32 with that one-way data stream and 2) some info how your notebook is able to receive it in that "monitor" mode? It would really-really helpful.. The published code (broadcasting some rickrolling SSIDs) is not really helpful to understand how the final project works. Thanks!
In case someone, as me, try to understand how Jeija did this... There is no connection between emitter/receiver, this is achieved by not using conventionnal wifi but just the broadcast mode that is usually only used by the AP to advise any device that it's own network is in range, that mean this data isn't sent specifically to one device but to all of them able to listen (mainly this is network name, kind of password safety...etc). In the esp32-80211-tx sketch, we roughtly take the first part of the beacon frame, then add the false SSID name and then add the end of the beacon frame before to send it. By this way the hidden AP make believe that some other's network/AP are availables. That don't change the beacon frame size, it only make believe another sender exist. The same process can be use to carry data instead of fake SSID's, but the beacon frame isn't extensible so only, 32 bytes can be carried by SSID part, 6 bytes by BSSID (mac address) part and 253 bytes by the beacon Information Element part of the beacon frame. That mean the data to send must be splited in some consecutive beacon frame's with an ID number so that the receiver can reassemble the payload of each frame in order to reconstitute the original data. This process can be use for advertising or some other's legal stuff or... to stole data by a hacker. As you understood it's not an usual way to use the wifi beacon frame, that mean despite the screen of Jeija during the video look like a web page, there is no adress to connect to it because there is in fact no connection between emitter/receiver, it act few like terrestral numeric television (TNT). So it's necessary to have a special program on the receiver side that decode each beacon frame, extract each small payload data and reassemble it. This is probably the impressive job that Jeija did and it's really pity that for some reason (maybe good reason's), he seem to don't want to share specifically his camera example which is really amazing. Understand the code of esp32-80211-tx sketch and even modify it seem possible but the program to decode is definitely out of range regarding my knowledge... My aim was to make a target camera with numeric quality and long range (500 to 1200m). I won't do it ue to decoding program, if someone can and share, I would be very glad.
I gotta say, I didn't notice the video author until I saw that Lua controller channel image in the end of the video, then I remembered who you are Edit : imagine a minetest mod where you connect an esp32 to a Lua controller and possibly a new graphical display
Great video, thanks for sharing. Do you think there would be a way to do this in reverse but with just audio. So, to describe what I mean more, I would like to transmit audio using a directional antenna to a receiving device (or even better, many esp32 devices that will listen) that is in listen only mode. The idea is for on a large farm in Australia, multiple farm vehicles can be equipped with an ESP32 with a roof omni antenna so they can listen to internet radio streams while out in the fields (where no radio reception is available). I note your receiving antenna is a very large directional antenna, this is why I am wondering if it could be done in reverse so that a truck/car that would be moving around could just have an omni antenna. The directional antenna (or high gain omni) would be at the base, elevated on a roof top or mast.
I'm afraid that is not a good idea for multiple reasons: * Farm vehicles tend to operate on flat land or in a landscape with small-ish hills. Unfortuantely, as soon as you loose line of sight to the transmitter, the stream will stop since there is not much diffraction at 2.4GHz. Even if there is line of sight, the ground will cause destructive interference (the fresnel zone is obstructed) on flat land. * Audio streams are much more sensitive to volatile data rates; if I don't manage to transmit a picture all the time, I can just keep displaying the previous one, that won't work for audio. * The data rate here is really low, so even a 128kbit/s MP3 stream is quite challenging to get across reliably. * Encoding audio on an ESP32 is quite challenging already. So all in all, I'd guess you will propably be better off using some analogue system at lower frequencies. But I'd be happy to be proven wrong ;)
Thank you Jeija, that clears up my thoughts on doing this as a project. The land where such a system would be used is extremely flat so line of site would be workable most of the time, but I didn't consider the realtime nature would be a major issue and make such a solution not workable. I was thinking of using the opus codec to attempt to get around this, but even then, as you mentioned as of yet the esp32 isn't quite ready for encoding. I'll revisit this as the esp32 becomes more mature. Thanks for your insight.
Very cool, I have the camera built into an ESP32 that is sitting in a drawer doing nothing along with several other ESP32's and 8266's. Perhaps I should put them to work, I have been playing with that idea for some time, this video simply adds to my desire to see it work. I have no need to go 10 K but putting the camera in the back window of my Ford Edge that is hooked to my 35 foot Class A motor home and putting the monitor on the dash of my rig sounds like a wonderful idea. I already have the backup camera system but my rig is over 10 years old now and the innards of the poor old B&W monitor have taken a beating, I need to rewire the power to get it working 100 percent, but now I have it at about 65% with the need for a sharp crack from my fist when it goes out. I have been repairing broken traces on the main board of the little monitor now before every major move, and it is getting to be a pain in the back climbing under the dash to access it all the time.
i remember reading a blogpost about a guy using what he calls wifi-broadcast, where the cummication is unidirectional too but he uses UDP to send video signal
Wait if the communication is one way for long distance if we use two devices 1 for transmit and 1 for receiving we can make two ways communication is that right? (Sorry my English is bad)
@@jamisusijarvi646 i meant an external antenna like the directional one on the recieving end. Dont go all technical on me man, i'm just a hobbyist not an engineer.
so could you build the same setup in reverse. so the castle has a receiver as well and you have a transmitter as well.Then you duplex them together (I'm not sure on how you would do that). You could then setup a link caperble of transmission and receiving 10k which is also working inside the law?
Yes, with directional antennas on both sides you could get bidirectional communication. You'd have to reduce the transmit power though so that you won't exceed the maximum EIRP.
Hast Du ne Idee ,wie ich am besten ca. 100 Meter über Wifi überbrücken kann ? Will aufm Campingplatz im Sanitärhaus auch WLan Empfang haben mit nem Handy und denke ich muss mal irgendwie an meine Fritzbox im Wohnwagen, die das WLan Signal sendet irgend ne Richt Antenne anbringen und vielleicht noch nen Verstärker , oder ? Ob man das hinbekommt ? Soll auch nur immer ca. mal ne halbe Stunde temporär gesendet werden , so dass es sonst keinen stört
Schnapp dir einen Asus RT-N12 und zwei Richtantennen oder einen Ubuquiti LBM. Beides sind Repeater, die auch über Ethernet ans WAN angeschlossen werden können (Eine Schande, dass das nicht alle können). Ich hab beides schon eingesetzt und gerade für Ubiquiti ist 1km noch Pillepalle. Der Asus kostet insgesamt etwa 50€, die Schüssel von Ubi auch wenn du sie gebraucht auf Amazon suchst :)
@routemastersCSGO Die ganz großen Brummer von Ubiquiti (AirFiber) kriegen das unter optimalen Bedingungen hin, aber garantieren kann dir das bei der Skala niemand. Wenn du freie Sicht zwischen beiden Punkten hast (also idealerweise in einem Bereich von 5° keine Hindernisse sind), hast du echt gute Chancen. Auf der Hornisgrinde habe ich erst vor zwei Wochen eine AirFiber 5 gesehen, da will man gar nicht direkt davor stehen. Das ist nicht mal die dickste Variante. Der Hersteller wirbt mit sage und schreibe 300km für das Topend-Modell (AirFiber 11FX). Die LBM-23 kriegen nominal keine 20km hin, aber die gibts auf amazon aktuell à 45€, falls es dir den Versuch wert ist.
@routemastersCSGO Die Firmware von Ubi ist auch super. Sieht sauber aus, reagiert schnell. Zeigt dir ein Spektrogramm vom ganzen 5GHz-Band an, damit du ganz einfach den ruhigsten Kanal aussuchen kannst. Zum Ausrichten der Schüsseln ist sogar ein akustisches Feedback dabei, damit du nicht ständig die dB nachschauen musst. Verbindung ist bombensicher und ich kriege problemlos 12MB/s durch das DSL meines Nachbarn rein. Hat einen Riesenspaß gemacht die Dinger aufzustellen.
@@sciencoking Meintest Du mit LBM den LiteBeam M5 oder wie ? Ist das nur ne Richtantenne oder hat der auch noch nen Repeater drannen ? Laufen die nur mit 5 Ghz oder auch mit 2.4 Ghz ? Welche Frequenz ist besser für mehr Reichweite ? Wozu 2 Richtantennen ? Könnte nicht eine auch reichen ? Danke.
Amazing to see how well that tiny chip can transmit data so far away. Is it possible to increase the received data quality by using something like a dish at the transmitter side to direct most of the radio signals towards the receiver?
Technically possible yes, but also most likely illegal due to the increased EIRP (at least in the EU). So there's no point in having a directional dish antenna at the transmitter if you then have to decrease transmit power anyways. Of course that's different in countries with higher EIRP limits, e.g. Australia.
Would it be possible to convert a Satelite Dish into a Wifi - Transmitter point? I could think of many applications in countries where there is no internet available at remote locations. I would be interested in solutions for such an antenna pair
To be honest, I think you'd be better off just using dedicated equipment. Directional WiFi antennas really aren't that expensive and you can also get special outdoor access points that include all the electronics for little money. I don't know that much about internet access in remote locations / developing countries to be honest, but I was of the impression that LTE is making great progress in countries like India, where Jio just built up an LTE-only network in the last couple of months.
@@Jeija most countries don't even enforce the laws... they just restrict imports. But if the imported products have their firmware modded after they make it through customs, it's pretty much a FFA.
what that antenna is being used here, and does it matter as long its 24dbi? also would the use of 30 or even 36dbi antennas possible as i seen some for comercial use
I spent over $1500 by buying AMP and sector antenna, connectors, microwave cables but at the end I couldn't make it work. That was biggest money thrown in the trash experience for me.
i think its possible to send the signal even further, but you're limited by line of sight, the 2.4Ghz have a limited NLOS ability, basicaly 4/3 beyond the horizon distance. i remember there was a record for wifi transmission done from 2 montains on different islands with over 300km distance.
Alles in einem recht informatives Video... wusste gar nicht daß man da so viel herausholen kann mit einer guten Empfangsantenne. Auf der Senderseite war nur die PCB-Antenne des ESP-moduls nehm ich an? Mich würde auch interessieren was das für ein mega-zoom-rohr sein musste um so nah herangehen zu können. Da gabs doch mal so ein Russen-Rohr (eher ein Teleskop mit M42 canon bajonet wenn ich mich recht entsinne...)
did u really just use this on-board antenna on the transmitter side? and if so how strong would it be if u would use a good external antenna on the transmitter side, too?
I just remove the antenna from the grid reflectors and mount the esp32 or esp8266 itself in a PVC tube in its place. It's still using the standard PCB antenna, but it's now in a nice high-gain place! So, "technically", I'm not really breaking the rules, but get a few kilometres range on my mesh networks. 🙂
@Jeija ! Hi I am highly interested in your current set up do you think you could e-mail me the parts required to do what you did, would be very handy for my sounding rocket project
For example, there are 5 Wi-Fi signals at a distance of 2 km. Can this device receive them and they appear on the screen of my device.I want to use this device to receive signals even if I don't have the password
2:23 - this is like at VUT university. Simple and clear things are overexplained and when it comes to crucial and not so easy to understand thing, explanation is omitted. It took me abt. 15sec to get how the Pr[dBm] = Pt[dBm] + Gt[dBi] + Gr[dBi] + 20dB log (λ/4πR) is transformed into Pr[dBm] = const. -20dB log(R) and the only I can say about that is that is not straightforward. Hint: λ is constant, 4π is also constant, so 2 log(λ) is constant and 2 log(4π) too. Please, don't do this nerdy cosmology things like "Yeah, bro, that's cool equation, let's put it on a t-shirt." without knowing what that means.
It's not technically a video stream, but actually just a sequence of JPEG images. I used the JPEG compression inside the OV2640 camera. The bitrate depends a lot on image quality / framerate etc., but it's close to 1 Mbps.
Become an amateur radio operator and you can legally run a lot more power than that. In Australia you could run up to 120w with no limit on EIRP. You would just need to do a few things like transmitting your call sign and not user encryption to comply with the rules. Other countries may allow even more power. Keep in mind power doesn't always help and I've been able to use legal wifi power levels to cover 40km.
@excited box you might get better than 10km too even with omni antennas. Height is might. I've done over 40km wifi without having to resort to using Ham power levels. From 100m high apartment to a 250m high summit.
@@vk3fbab being a radio operator doesnt give you right to emit whatever power on all frequencies you can only exploit your license on ham radio specific ones the wifi standard falls on the 2.4Ghz band and its an ISM band, its license free to use, but with a limited power and you're not protected from interference by other devices
@@zazugee in Australia we have rights to operate over a fair bit of the 2.4ghz ISM band under ham license. So long as I comply with the license I could legally tx 120W power. Would I? Not much point as you don't need that much power at 2.4. ham bands and power levels differ around the world. Here for advanced calls it's 120w any bandwidth any emission mode at 2.4ghz.
Awesome! I am currently tinkering with an ESP32 + Bluetooth Low Energy and am now very happy that I bought a few more than I actually need. Looks very promising and isn't even really 'done' yet.
I find it funny that as I read that I could hear marcoreps saying it. I must be a huge fanboy.
holy shit marco. youre walking around youtube from german to swiss 😂
Bayaqub Mlg
The Guy with the swiss accent has gone Back to the Future
is not the same guy, maybe german accent..
but anyway both are sharing good useful info.
The country he is filming in is called Ukraine, by the way. I live in it.
До речі, раїна, у якій він записує - це Україна. Я у ній живу.
@@abicus3502 Hohenneuffen is in Germany about 25km away from me... So this video is filmed in germany i guess...
@Naranja Vape Reviews Who hurt you?
Stop being so toxic
@Naranja Vape Reviews Комерад, Украина - это красивая интересная страна.
What a good test! That's a huge distance. Keep sharing with us your projects with Esp32.
Also the conditions are really favourable because transmitter is on the hill. If terrain was flat, both receiver and transmitter would need to be raised high to to ensure the Fresnel zone is not obstructed. By the way it is possible to play with the polarisation of the signal by turning antennas 90 degrees to enhance the signal quality.
5 years later of this video being released I'm still amazed. Future is not old man.
I have no business sending any signal over wifi to such distance. But boy, the video is awesome.
a video full of information. very nice. ive tinkered with 433 Mhz modules, but never came across all these formulas, which wouldve helped me a great deal
Woow outstanding results!!!
You did great job man, now I want to explore this board as well.
Thank you!
I'll pay whatever, so i can have internet from Starbucks at my home......
Public WiFi sucks
Yep but Starbucks or employees in it make do something if they are geeks and if distance is less approx 2 Km it may be possible and ,Finally they may know your passwords , credit card details or something very important like your g mail account 😉 better go for taking a connection even there is chance that a hacker is between you and public WiFi which may cause you lot of damage ,so keep avoiding public WiFi
@@AnilArya51 Lookup "humor" in dictionary
Lmao ! The main general working points here are
1. That guy lives too far on country side.
2. I am barely seeing any other frequency operating ,even electronic item around in that bizzare .So ,nearely zero traffic congestion .
3. That's placed over on a mountain peak .
No you not, due ACK settings distance limitation.
This was very informative. Thank You! Just getting started with LoRa and will bookmark and favourite this vid.
The style used in this video reminds me of 3blue1brown. Nice video.
its because of the text in the equation
@@RomanLeBg it's actually using 3b1b's animation framework, which he open-sourced for anyone to use.
Fun fact. You can split the transmit and receive signals out to different antennas. Use a higher gain antenna for rx and a lower gain for tx. Battabing butta bang, Bidirectional long range communication.
zyxwvutsrqponmlkh may it be possible??
@@p__-- It's not just possible, its used in industry all the time.
wow i thought you have two of these antennas! Impressed how far the signal goes from the esp.
Yes, wifi protocol needs a package acknowledge in a time slot equivalent to the time the waves travel 100m, otherwise, the protocol assumes the packages was lost. So it is not technically possible to increase the distance of wifi without changing or ignoring this parameter. The use of promiscuous mode is a clever workaround for a unidirectional transmission, though.
What you're saying means you'd need to send an acknowledgment in ~350ns. I'm calling bullshit.
Routers intended for distance (point to point) let you set this value, allow longer timeouts. Look at the manuals for Ubiquiti AirOS for example.
This great!. Most interesting part is the ONE WAY telecommunication via Wi-fi!. While watching the video i asked my self "but wifi is bi-directional... how can??" and then you answered the question !!! :)
Thats really smart, the one way wifi hack allows you to legally use high gain directional antennas as they are only used to receive.
What if you could use a directional antenna at ESP32-side? Of course a little bit smaller antenna than receiver, because ESP32 can not feed big antenna, I think. With directional antenna at ESP-32 could you increse the distance?
Damn, how is that I find these so interesting. When I was in college, I used to hate these.
4:13 where did you get that Ubuntu bag from?
Dear author, would it be possible to publish 1) the final code that actually streams the jpeg data from esp32 with that one-way data stream and 2) some info how your notebook is able to receive it in that "monitor" mode? It would really-really helpful.. The published code (broadcasting some rickrolling SSIDs) is not really helpful to understand how the final project works. Thanks!
In case someone, as me, try to understand how Jeija did this...
There is no connection between emitter/receiver, this is achieved by not using conventionnal wifi but just the broadcast mode that is usually only used by the AP to advise any device that it's own network is in range, that mean this data isn't sent specifically to one device but to all of them able to listen (mainly this is network name, kind of password safety...etc).
In the esp32-80211-tx sketch, we roughtly take the first part of the beacon frame, then add the false SSID name and then add the end of the beacon frame before to send it. By this way the hidden AP make believe that some other's network/AP are availables.
That don't change the beacon frame size, it only make believe another sender exist.
The same process can be use to carry data instead of fake SSID's, but the beacon frame isn't extensible so only, 32 bytes can be carried by SSID part, 6 bytes by BSSID (mac address) part and 253 bytes by the beacon Information Element part of the beacon frame.
That mean the data to send must be splited in some consecutive beacon frame's with an ID number so that the receiver can reassemble the payload of each frame in order to reconstitute the original data. This process can be use for advertising or some other's legal stuff or... to stole data by a hacker.
As you understood it's not an usual way to use the wifi beacon frame, that mean despite the screen of Jeija during the video look like a web page, there is no adress to connect to it because there is in fact no connection between emitter/receiver, it act few like terrestral numeric television (TNT).
So it's necessary to have a special program on the receiver side that decode each beacon frame, extract each small payload data and reassemble it.
This is probably the impressive job that Jeija did and it's really pity that for some reason (maybe good reason's), he seem to don't want to share specifically his camera example which is really amazing.
Understand the code of esp32-80211-tx sketch and even modify it seem possible but the program to decode is definitely out of range regarding my knowledge...
My aim was to make a target camera with numeric quality and long range (500 to 1200m).
I won't do it ue to decoding program, if someone can and share, I would be very glad.
that is damned impressive I would never have thought of this.. Well done fellows.. well done indeed!
man, this maths can burst my brain.
That's why he simplified it.
Super good high quality work!
5:13 Is your mode close to the performance of the ESP-Now LR? Or would that further improve range?
I gotta say, I didn't notice the video author until I saw that Lua controller channel image in the end of the video, then I remembered who you are
Edit : imagine a minetest mod where you connect an esp32 to a Lua controller and possibly a new graphical display
Great video, thanks for sharing. Do you think there would be a way to do this in reverse but with just audio. So, to describe what I mean more, I would like to transmit audio using a directional antenna to a receiving device (or even better, many esp32 devices that will listen) that is in listen only mode. The idea is for on a large farm in Australia, multiple farm vehicles can be equipped with an ESP32 with a roof omni antenna so they can listen to internet radio streams while out in the fields (where no radio reception is available). I note your receiving antenna is a very large directional antenna, this is why I am wondering if it could be done in reverse so that a truck/car that would be moving around could just have an omni antenna. The directional antenna (or high gain omni) would be at the base, elevated on a roof top or mast.
I'm afraid that is not a good idea for multiple reasons:
* Farm vehicles tend to operate on flat land or in a landscape with small-ish hills. Unfortuantely, as soon as you loose line of sight to the transmitter, the stream will stop since there is not much diffraction at 2.4GHz. Even if there is line of sight, the ground will cause destructive interference (the fresnel zone is obstructed) on flat land.
* Audio streams are much more sensitive to volatile data rates; if I don't manage to transmit a picture all the time, I can just keep displaying the previous one, that won't work for audio.
* The data rate here is really low, so even a 128kbit/s MP3 stream is quite challenging to get across reliably.
* Encoding audio on an ESP32 is quite challenging already.
So all in all, I'd guess you will propably be better off using some analogue system at lower frequencies. But I'd be happy to be proven wrong ;)
Thank you Jeija, that clears up my thoughts on doing this as a project. The land where such a system would be used is extremely flat so line of site would be workable most of the time, but I didn't consider the realtime nature would be a major issue and make such a solution not workable. I was thinking of using the opus codec to attempt to get around this, but even then, as you mentioned as of yet the esp32 isn't quite ready for encoding. I'll revisit this as the esp32 becomes more mature. Thanks for your insight.
how is this project going?!?!
use separate chip for encode/decode mp3, YMPC-3001 for example
great project! greetings from 10km further away :)
@Jeija Hi, what cable did you use to connect the USB WI-FI Adaptor to the antenna?
SUBSCRIBED, i love these kinds of channel, fun learning
great video
do you think we can get the same results if we use omni directional antenna ?
Can you pls list the used components?
Very cool, I have the camera built into an ESP32 that is sitting in a drawer doing nothing along with several other ESP32's and 8266's. Perhaps I should put them to work, I have been playing with that idea for some time, this video simply adds to my desire to see it work. I have no need to go 10 K but putting the camera in the back window of my Ford Edge that is hooked to my 35 foot Class A motor home and putting the monitor on the dash of my rig sounds like a wonderful idea. I already have the backup camera system but my rig is over 10 years old now and the innards of the poor old B&W monitor have taken a beating, I need to rewire the power to get it working 100 percent, but now I have it at about 65% with the need for a sharp crack from my fist when it goes out. I have been repairing broken traces on the main board of the little monitor now before every major move, and it is getting to be a pain in the back climbing under the dash to access it all the time.
very nice video , I have question is it single directional this ESP32 only to receive or it can be used to send/receive data either ?
Super Erklärungen zur Theorie. Interessantes Experiment.
What is the range like with normal antenna like can i use it for a arduino based plane ?
i remember reading a blogpost about a guy using what he calls wifi-broadcast, where the cummication is unidirectional too
but he uses UDP to send video signal
Hohenneuffen Castle, da war ich schon einige Male oben, super Aussicht bei gutem Wetter. Kommst du von dort?
Ja, aus der Gegend um Nürtingen.
Normal 802.3 or 802.11 modes: "You send packets, I receive my packets, and my neighbors receive theirs."
Promiscuous mode: "Give me ALL the packets".
Wait if the communication is one way for long distance if we use two devices 1 for transmit and 1 for receiving we can make two ways communication is that right?
(Sorry my English is bad)
another amazing thing was how did you manage to make that laptop battery last long?
How can i build a audio transmitter? Sending and receiving
it seems you're not talking about the ability of the ESP but the ability of the receiver
hes talking about the sensitivity of the wifi aspect of the esp32 chip I think
The transmission is still done by an Esp without any antenna.
@@militantpotato8671 without any additional antenna. That esp module includes PCB printed antenna.
@@jamisusijarvi646 i meant an external antenna like the directional one on the recieving end. Dont go all technical on me man, i'm just a hobbyist not an engineer.
How much power needed to transmit signals to and fro from Mars? Anyone? Does Mars rover has a big receiver or a transmitter?
For a moment I was wondering how your going to establish the link without any RX from the ESP end. Great work.
nice antena! have you used ESP NOW protocol? is also in 2.4g ghz band.
Schönes Experiment! Wäre interessant es mal mit zwei Antennen und zwei Sendern aus unterschiedlichen Richtungen gleichzeitig zu probieren.
so could you build the same setup in reverse. so the castle has a receiver as well and you have a transmitter as well.Then you duplex them together (I'm not sure on how you would do that).
You could then setup a link caperble of transmission and receiving 10k which is also working inside the law?
Yes, with directional antennas on both sides you could get bidirectional communication. You'd have to reduce the transmit power though so that you won't exceed the maximum EIRP.
except if you use different bands. i think 5 Ghz allows up to 1W, or even more. dunno though how the higher frequency affects the range though.
Just get your ham radio license, then you can legally use higher power and modified hardware on channels 1-6 of the ISM wifi band.
please can you tell me how do you connect your usb wifi adapter with the antena?
Hast Du ne Idee ,wie ich am besten ca. 100 Meter über Wifi überbrücken kann ? Will aufm Campingplatz im Sanitärhaus auch WLan Empfang haben mit nem Handy und denke ich muss mal irgendwie an meine Fritzbox im Wohnwagen, die das WLan Signal sendet irgend ne Richt Antenne anbringen und vielleicht noch nen Verstärker , oder ? Ob man das hinbekommt ? Soll auch nur immer ca. mal ne halbe Stunde temporär gesendet werden , so dass es sonst keinen stört
Schnapp dir einen Asus RT-N12 und zwei Richtantennen oder einen Ubuquiti LBM. Beides sind Repeater, die auch über Ethernet ans WAN angeschlossen werden können (Eine Schande, dass das nicht alle können). Ich hab beides schon eingesetzt und gerade für Ubiquiti ist 1km noch Pillepalle. Der Asus kostet insgesamt etwa 50€, die Schüssel von Ubi auch wenn du sie gebraucht auf Amazon suchst :)
@routemastersCSGO Die ganz großen Brummer von Ubiquiti (AirFiber) kriegen das unter optimalen Bedingungen hin, aber garantieren kann dir das bei der Skala niemand. Wenn du freie Sicht zwischen beiden Punkten hast (also idealerweise in einem Bereich von 5° keine Hindernisse sind), hast du echt gute Chancen. Auf der Hornisgrinde habe ich erst vor zwei Wochen eine AirFiber 5 gesehen, da will man gar nicht direkt davor stehen. Das ist nicht mal die dickste Variante. Der Hersteller wirbt mit sage und schreibe 300km für das Topend-Modell (AirFiber 11FX).
Die LBM-23 kriegen nominal keine 20km hin, aber die gibts auf amazon aktuell à 45€, falls es dir den Versuch wert ist.
@routemastersCSGO Die Firmware von Ubi ist auch super. Sieht sauber aus, reagiert schnell. Zeigt dir ein Spektrogramm vom ganzen 5GHz-Band an, damit du ganz einfach den ruhigsten Kanal aussuchen kannst. Zum Ausrichten der Schüsseln ist sogar ein akustisches Feedback dabei, damit du nicht ständig die dB nachschauen musst. Verbindung ist bombensicher und ich kriege problemlos 12MB/s durch das DSL meines Nachbarn rein. Hat einen Riesenspaß gemacht die Dinger aufzustellen.
@@sciencoking Danke für den Tip, meintest Du diese Antenne hier ?
@@sciencoking Meintest Du mit LBM den LiteBeam M5 oder wie ? Ist das nur ne Richtantenne oder hat der auch noch nen Repeater drannen ? Laufen die nur mit 5 Ghz oder auch mit 2.4 Ghz ? Welche Frequenz ist besser für mehr Reichweite ? Wozu 2 Richtantennen ? Könnte nicht eine auch reichen ? Danke.
Amazing to see how well that tiny chip can transmit data so far away.
Is it possible to increase the received data quality by using something like a dish at the transmitter side to direct most of the radio signals towards the receiver?
Technically possible yes, but also most likely illegal due to the increased EIRP (at least in the EU). So there's no point in having a directional dish antenna at the transmitter if you then have to decrease transmit power anyways. Of course that's different in countries with higher EIRP limits, e.g. Australia.
Would it be possible to convert a Satelite Dish into a Wifi - Transmitter point? I could think of many applications in countries where there is no internet available at remote locations. I would be interested in solutions for such an antenna pair
To be honest, I think you'd be better off just using dedicated equipment. Directional WiFi antennas really aren't that expensive and you can also get special outdoor access points that include all the electronics for little money.
I don't know that much about internet access in remote locations / developing countries to be honest, but I was of the impression that LTE is making great progress in countries like India, where Jio just built up an LTE-only network in the last couple of months.
@@Jeija most countries don't even enforce the laws... they just restrict imports. But if the imported products have their firmware modded after they make it through customs, it's pretty much a FFA.
I do have 24 dbi grid panel . Problem is obstacles , can't use it practically for long distance.
what that antenna is being used here, and does it matter as long its 24dbi? also would the use of 30 or even 36dbi antennas possible as i seen some for comercial use
I spent over $1500 by buying AMP and sector antenna, connectors, microwave cables but at the end I couldn't make it work. That was biggest money thrown in the trash experience for me.
i think its possible to send the signal even further, but you're limited by line of sight, the 2.4Ghz have a limited NLOS ability, basicaly 4/3 beyond the horizon distance.
i remember there was a record for wifi transmission done from 2 montains on different islands with over 300km distance.
Good video, little muddy on logic and rules, both ends are "the transmitting end"
which development enviroment did you use for that project?
Alles in einem recht informatives Video... wusste gar nicht daß man da so viel herausholen kann mit einer guten Empfangsantenne.
Auf der Senderseite war nur die PCB-Antenne des ESP-moduls nehm ich an?
Mich würde auch interessieren was das für ein mega-zoom-rohr sein musste um so nah herangehen zu können. Da gabs doch mal so ein Russen-Rohr (eher ein Teleskop mit M42 canon bajonet wenn ich mich recht entsinne...)
Hello I have one question, with Alfa AWUS036NHA and antenna Alfa aga-2424t can I have 5 km or not
Do you think it would work with a flying drone ?
Great R synopsis. Make a video solving E=mc^2 for time.. really thought provoking.
OMG I still have one of those giant antennas in the garage... used it for Wifi in the 90s was connected via card in PCI card reader.
NO, mine is even bigger, had a look,
did u really just use this on-board antenna on the transmitter side? and if so how strong would it be if u would use a good external antenna on the transmitter side, too?
Awesome video! I once tested something similar by sending data from the Teck :'D
I just remove the antenna from the grid reflectors and mount the esp32 or esp8266 itself in a PVC tube in its place. It's still using the standard PCB antenna, but it's now in a nice high-gain place!
So, "technically", I'm not really breaking the rules, but get a few kilometres range on my mesh networks. 🙂
So how can we use the built in antenna to transmit and the parabolic to receive? Will it pass thru trees?
Very cool! Do you have a recommendation for a decent ESP32 development board? The smaller the better.
In the UK all the matters is the power of the TX power of the device.
Wow, it is looking good for my next project! I think It can replace LoRa modules, thanks for simple explanation!
@Jeija ! Hi I am highly interested in your current set up do you think you could e-mail me the parts required to do what you did, would be very handy for my sounding rocket project
Hello, which antenna are u using?
Just curious about the delay and timing advanced for the transmission.
good to know, i have fiber 2km away from me, now i can install router fiber in my cousin house and use it!
Did it work?
For example, there are 5 Wi-Fi signals at a distance of 2 km. Can this device receive them and they appear on the screen of my device.I want to use this device to receive signals even if I don't have the password
Sir Is there any sensor for 1 kilometer range that can identify the object?
2:23 - this is like at VUT university. Simple and clear things are overexplained and when it comes to crucial and not so easy to understand thing, explanation is omitted. It took me abt. 15sec to get how the Pr[dBm] = Pt[dBm] + Gt[dBi] + Gr[dBi] + 20dB log (λ/4πR) is transformed into Pr[dBm] = const. -20dB log(R) and the only I can say about that is that is not straightforward. Hint: λ is constant, 4π is also constant, so 2 log(λ) is constant and 2 log(4π) too. Please, don't do this nerdy cosmology things like "Yeah, bro, that's cool equation, let's put it on a t-shirt." without knowing what that means.
I can only work with arduino ESP32, can the sketch be modified into *.ino?
So we can stream video from a drone for that distance with just wifi adapter
What was the bitrate of the video stream? Was any compression used?
cheers Peter
It's not technically a video stream, but actually just a sequence of JPEG images. I used the JPEG compression inside the OV2640 camera. The bitrate depends a lot on image quality / framerate etc., but it's close to 1 Mbps.
Bah! I dont care about regulations! I'll use 1w power!
Become an amateur radio operator and you can legally run a lot more power than that. In Australia you could run up to 120w with no limit on EIRP. You would just need to do a few things like transmitting your call sign and not user encryption to comply with the rules. Other countries may allow even more power. Keep in mind power doesn't always help and I've been able to use legal wifi power levels to cover 40km.
@excited box you might get better than 10km too even with omni antennas. Height is might. I've done over 40km wifi without having to resort to using Ham power levels. From 100m high apartment to a 250m high summit.
@@vk3fbab being a radio operator doesnt give you right to emit whatever power on all frequencies
you can only exploit your license on ham radio specific ones
the wifi standard falls on the 2.4Ghz band and its an ISM band, its license free to use, but with a limited power
and you're not protected from interference by other devices
@@zazugee in Australia we have rights to operate over a fair bit of the 2.4ghz ISM band under ham license. So long as I comply with the license I could legally tx 120W power. Would I? Not much point as you don't need that much power at 2.4. ham bands and power levels differ around the world. Here for advanced calls it's 120w any bandwidth any emission mode at 2.4ghz.
Nice video! What kind of program did you use to create the "math formula" part of your video?
cool, thanks
ThomasHaberkorn what was the answer?
I think the lesson here is really "signal-to-noise"
This is your daily dose of Recommendation
So far Wireless range
May I ask what's the program in 4:37 ? Thanks!
a web browser
cool video! loved your experiment!
Distance bird's eye view Max 2 Km. You should give examples as birds eye view, not walking distance.
4:47 Eye-to-Eye range
Вітаю. А де зйомки були? На Україні? . Hello. Where you filmed this video on Ukraine?
Um. Why you not show transmitting set up? Antenna?
You can see the whole transmission "set up" at 4:41. It's just the PCB Antenna of the ESP32 module.
Great project man ;-)
Schöne Grüße in den Süden ;-)
Very interesting experiment, thanks!
Good day, can ESP32 send data without internet?
hi how can i send mp4 file to esp32 sd card from pc ?
Since you're running in promiscuous mode, the wifi communication isn't secured and anyone can "snoop" into your signal as well?
Yep.... There might have been a password and encryption going on but only on a basic level. As its one way communication.
Isn't 6 db for every double in distance in the free space loss relation (fsl)
Prx=pire - fsl + smthg
3 db
I think it has less to do with broadcast strength and more with receive sensitivity of the antenna, plus the hacked wifi stack.
Well yes, that's what he said in the video.
Amazing work 👌👌👌
Great content mate!
Excellent video
Pretty impressive!! 👍
what adapter you use to wifi adapter to antenA cable i need that