Great job getting your message out in the first part. Sometimes you just got to take control of an interview (respectfully, of course) for the greater good.
Mike Maloney has become my best source for accurate, no nonsense education on the subject of money and prosperity. He should be listened to by scholars and students alike. He is that good.
When someone asks me for financial advice or tells me that they're interested in investing and/or wealth preservation, I tell them to watch the "Hidden Secrets of Money" series first and then we'll talk. Great to see Mike on your channel.
Yeah, now there's 10 parts of "The Hidden Secrets of Money", it takes a few hours, but who hasn't seen it yet, you absolutely MUST. For your own good. 😁
Word. When this whole c word thing first started and the kids couldnt go to school i figured we would have to develop our own cirriculum to "homeschool" so for the "math" portion I had my 13,14, and 15 yr olds watch the hidden secrets of money series then we had discussion segments. Lol
@@YouGotOptions2 Well done your kids are already better educated than 99% of the population. Now if only kids in the regular school system (and for that matter adults as well) could watch these videos too.
When I first discovered the financial truth movement sever years ago, I thought I would be happier by understanding the game then playing it well to benefit myself and my family. But as time goes on I realize there is little to nothing I can truly do. I wake up every morning on auto-pilot. I go to work on auto-pilot. I put my currency in the right investments on auto-pilot. I just constantly feel depressed about how the financial system has been fucking me over my whole life. I'm just constantly depressed. I feel like a fake. I feel alone. I just can't find happiness in anything anymore.
I started learning seven year ago as well. It brings you down if you spend too much time thinking about it. Don't watch too many videos. They bring you up one day and bring you down another. It's not healthy. Divercify your portfolio and then just focus on your family and get a hobby. Get out of the house, brother. Life is too short to waste time trying to outplay mindless economists and corrupt politicians. Living life within your means and no debt = No worries. :)
I can relate! But if you go on an hard psychedelic guided trip, I am sure you will rediscover the beauty of life again and be very thankfull for each emotion you have felt and will be feeling....besides being thankfull for having a job and enough left to invest... :)
This is sad to read. Pay your mortgage, get Ag and Au, enjoy gardening and love your family. Assets won’t matter on your death bed. Love you shared and all the good deeds of yours will. 🤗
As you can see, material things cannot give us happiness, and the only way to have peace is to understand the purpose of life. There is a purpose, and when this is not understood, it’s like a ship without direction, tossed by the waves to and fro. I have a video that explains what Power is, which is important to understand who we are. Reach out if you are interested in discussing this directly. These corrupt people, behind the scams, will get theirs at the end of it all.
Mike, I love it when you get cranked up about the use of the term money vs. currency. While you are absolutely correct, I swear some people do it on purpose to watch you go over the deep edge. Keep up the great work!
Mike to me is a savior his knowledge will save peoples lives and will help enlighten the masses to the dark cruel and unfair world we live in financially
Man, this guy is brilliant. I haven't even got past minute 2:00, but he is already head and shoulders above nearly every human I know. Why? Simple, he's conscious; conscious of the presence of his words. He said (paraphrase) "the first thing I need/try to do is get people to use the right words..." God, what a relief to actually hear a human being say what he means...and means WTF he says. This guy's awareness is more "precious" than any freak'n metal. I have a saying that is SO...SO...SO apropos - especially for these feckless times we're in ("in these 'challenging' times..." GMAFB!) What a disgusting copout. "The first thing change needs to change, is the words we use." -GM What a relief to hear this man START by saying GET THE FREAK'N WORDS RIGHT! For example: Covid didn't happen TO us...Covid happened BECAUSE of us. He who does not...cannot...will not understand this, is the problem - not the solution. There, now I feel better. My ranting is done. Now I'm going to enjoy this man's insights. Thx.
The system is designed to keep humanity enslaved.... the reset is just about that, not to make us prosper and be free. Taxes and inflation are part of the equation.
@@EdwintheMagicEngineer isn't that what they are doing...I believe they are up to 5 trillion..and are gonna be around 7 trillion in a couple weeks... Whats a couple trillion among friends right 😁😂
"If you lend me a 20, I can pay you back in a 10, a 5, and five 1s and you don't care." That sounds more like divisibility than fungibility. Wouldn't fungibility be: "You lend me a physical 20 dollar bill from your pocket, and I pay you back with a different physical 20 dollar bill I got from the ATM."? (electronically, it would be a different set of vibrating electron holes, but still fungible)
Superbly instructive! Catherine Austin Fitts might be another brilliant guest to conscider, she really nails the state of play at this time and too the future, imo. Years ago I heard an economy professor ask his class, "What is money?" The answer was, "An intermediary between barter." To my mind this backs up Mikes summary of the difference between money and currency. . . the items of barter have value, the intermediary does not. Blessings too you sirs from a fellow Canadian in Eire. 💖🙏🌻
“the intermediary does not” The “intermediary” has perceived value; if it does not it’s intrinsic value is zero. Its perceived value is what it could be used to exchanged for.
This was a really good talk. I'm enjoying your channel very much, especially the conversation you hosted with Stephen Harper. Just a few quick comments from the perspective of a student of economics and a civil servant. - Gold can also be 'devalued' much as any modern currency. This was a common practice for royal treasuries throughout the centuries. Silver pennies or gold coins would be melted down and reminted as an alloy that was far from pure. This early debasement of currency led to Gresham's Law, which is still taught in economics to this day. I'm not sure where Mike was going with his entertaining rant at the start of the talk, but the fact remains gold can be devalued and governments don't hesitate to do so. But I'm sure Mike knows this, and the immediate point below, so perhaps I do not understand his point correctly. - The fact currency loses value is not a problem in itself. This is no different than what Nero did when he melted down Roman coinage and recast with lower amounts of precious metal. In other words, gold or silver, fractional reserve etc, when politicians get in involved they will always find a way of damaging a functioning currency system. - At 6:20 Mike refers to government and central bank inability to overcome a 'pullback' in March (presumably 2020). I assume this refers to central agencies' apparent inability to prevent the recession that started as Covid came to Canada. But this is not a good example of institutional ability to overcome a 'pullback' (unclear on what that means, but assuming the recession), since the recession was artificially induced. It was not a part of the normal business cycle. If anything, the 'pullback' makes the opposite point to the one Mike was making, and shows just how powerful central banks and governments are in inducing widespread economic change. It's true that monetary policy does not lead to immediate short-term change, but it was never meant to. That was always the role of fiscal policy. - It's true that we are in chartered waters with bonds. However, even while bonds are transforming, they remain a popular investment instrument. Prior to making an determination about about how 08/09 and the current recession impacted bonds and drove investors towards gold, silver, or crypto, we would need empirical data showing a decrease in investor bond holdings, and a causal link between the two. What we do know presently is that despite negative yields, government bonds in the Eurozone and Japan continue to sell. Very few would have predicted this, and yet it happened. So a flight from bonds to gold, silver, and crypto is not a guaranteed event as bonds are perceived increasingly worthless. - No government or central will back cryptocurrency anytime soon or perhaps ever. It has no backing, and is not a reliable store of value, which takes us back to Mike's point at the very beginning. If the currency issuances of central banks are not money, then neither is crypto, but crypto is even less tangible than government backed currency. - Thank you Mike for emphasizing the point the stock market is not the economy! The fact so many people think it is is very frustrating. - Indeed, the fractional-reserve system only works if growth outpaces real interest. This is what every central bank is hoping for... Let us hope they are correct. If not, entire countries will go down. - The statement that public health measures which reduce GDP is tantamount to murder is not true by any legal definition of murder, and the argument cannot be made philosophically or morally. The lockdown has created its own problems, but interestingly the suicide rate in 4 Canadian provinces went down in 2020, which was not what anyone would have predicted. The point being contractions in GDP can impact lives in ways none of us expect. - Bitcoin may be a tool for freedom, or it can be a pathway to total ruin. Again, it has no backing. And if we're concerned about fluctuations in government currency, then the fluctuations in crypto are even more of a concern. But I add that for now investing in crypto is not necessarily a bad thing, but you need to hedge the heck out of that. - The valuation channel criticism is not valid, given it proposes valuing commodities in gold as an alternate method. However, there is no logical connection between between 10 pounds of gold being worth a 2000 square foot home or anything else either. The fact humans have valued objects in terms of gold over the course of our history says nothing about gold intrinsically, since there is no reason for thinking a metal is 'worth' anything, be it a house, car, etc. We value gold for psychological and evolutionary reasons only. The 'true' value of gold is not worth any of those things, and when gold is used for purchases that is a psychological lie just like the fiat currency lie Mike takes to task. But both are accepted, even while neither stands up to philosophical scrutiny. Mike's closing on where prosperity comes from and what extinguishes it is spot on, but while he noted the drivers are individual freedom, free markets, and sound money, he didn't mention what kills prosperity. That's the government. And it would do it through crypto and gold just as easily as through fiat currency.
Hi mike fantastic vlog love watching your a true gent and patriot keep up the good work the light shines brightest on good people like you god bless you mike Steve b👍
Better questions would have been: The price of gold is set in London every morning! IF it is, why is it that gold does not abide by that price? If London does not set it, who does? Zurich? Do they have anything to do with the price of gold? It is becoming increasingly difficult to SELL gold in developed countries! You must provide proof when, where and with what you bought it! What good is it to have gold if you are treated like a drug dealer! When I purchased gold, I just handed over the cash and they gave me the gold. Not now!
My kids receive currency and gift cards for birthdays and Christmas from family then they trade it for silver ounces from me and then I go spend their currency to buy groceries
Gold has been manipulated by Governments and has throughout the history of the world, but Bitcoin has a fixed supply and can't be controlled by the worlds governments. The only true store of value, period.
@@AgoristsAxioms in not talking about war nickels as they are longer in circulation. I'm talking about the fact that modern nickels have copper and nickel in them worth more than $ .05
If the internet goes and crypto follows then how does gold maintain its value? Who sets the price then? The internet is kind of as important as the water supply.
In the seventies you could buy encapsulated diamonds in plastic boxes. The price went up as on bitcoin until someone opened a box. The diamonds were of poor quality and the price crashed. Now I'm just waiting for someone to open the hard drive to see how valuable bitcoin is.
whats the easiest way to get into silver as a canadian? i really would not hold physical silver and those mining companies in south america seem risky to me - any etf's etc that tracks silver price for simpletons like me?
I agree 1000% with Mike, by now Bitcon was suppose to be used for transactions. I hold crypto, I can't do anything with it except trade or cash out for now. It's been a big disappointment as a currency but as a crazy speculation? It's been stupid stellar.
Bitcoin with a sprinkling of gold for the next few years...or the Powell-Yelen put? Imagine if one could figure out what is over-valued and under-valued through each cycle...
no hes not accepting crypto he is using a 3rd party vendor that turns the crypto into cash and then the funds are transfered to him in usd. They can regulate bitcoin by saying its illegal to use.
"They" are not going to let the internet or electricity blackout cause they need that for their new CBDC (central bank digital currency) app. You are safe with bitcoin. Just hold your own keys on a cold storage do not leave it on an exchange or wallet or with an intermediary and earn bitcoin with products and services...get ready for hands on business peer to peer!!'
@@ElementFreedive I am no expert. I understand and use trezor cold storage only. Yes I believe those who run hostile countries memorize their seed words (in the sequence). Then when they cross border they just open their crypto on laptop or cellphone. Its always better to have most of your crypto in cold storage though and just a little on online gadgets eg laptop or phones. Trezor is the size of a mem stick. Easy to carry and use. Just do not "store" your seed words and trezor at the same spot.
No internet/no electricity= no crypto transactions. This is arguable true, but would you part with your PMs if you had no idea of its price for a few days? I wouldn't. Electronic communications are essential for price discovery of ALL assets. Gold too.
I would have got into bitcoin when it started, but I was afraid a bitcoin wouldn't feel as good as a gold coin in my hands.......Then again, you can't hold a bitcoin in your hand.
@@Metacognition88 that the DONT put it all in bitcoin. You put what you can risk. Then when it goes up 4X you take some profit. Then you are only risking what you gained. I bought in to BTC at 9k. Rode the upside to 41k. Took some profit now I am not risking anything except some profit.
If gold was divided to every person on earth how much gold would each of us have? maybe Joe will give us all a one 0unce gold coin? Gotta love a smart arse
The “current estimate” is 171 million three hundred thousand grams. Divide that by seven billion and each person gets a little less than one quarter gram, worth a little less than ten dollars.
If miners lose profitability in "mining" that blockchain -- it loses ALL it's value. Cryptos are not a commodity as they are reliant on speculation and insane amounts of continuous electrical energy to provide "value."
Isn't that a ponzi scheme based on a fiat currency? Zero intrinsic value and a continual price increase promise required to bring more people in? Like a virtual pyramid selling scheme?
THEY ARE SENDING US A MESSAGE BB: Black Berry GME: Game Stop NOK: Nokia AMC: Movies SLV: Silver BB: We are sending you a message. GME: The Game Stops here NOK: Nothing can stop what is coming AMC: Enjoy the show SLV: Silver will free the world
Correct Bruce. Go to and see true values of those coins. A pre-1982 penny is worth 2.3 cents, and a nickel is worth 5.2 cents. We should be hoarding these.
Many things, but not all, of limited quantity can be money but silicon, nickel etc are of such great quantity and therefore effectively unlimited availability they have lesser worth. The reason gold and silver etc are called ‘precious’ is because they are of very limited quantity and therefore availability thus increasing their unit value making them more effective money. So, you are right in as far as you go but you do not in any way negate Mike’s explanation of what money is or the supreme efficiency of gold (and silver) in that role.
@@Xari0n92 you know not what you say - watch THE HISTORY OF MONEY - MIKE MALONEY - 1-10 Then come back and apologies. Educate yourself my friend. I forgive you for your tone. but remember ignorance is not a excuse....
@@Xari0n92 I gather you are big on BTC. Not to burst your bubble but... Same founders buddy. Can't you see. History repeats repeats and repeat. You can't reinvent the the wheel no matter what you put it on. And you can't live off hopium. It's happening, it's here. The facts speak for themselves. Watch what they do not what they say. do your own research don't rely on others and always questions your research.
Was Mike high during this interview or something? He really seemed a bit loopy. Going off on rambling tangents, forgetting what the question was, repeating himself repetitively...yikes.
He did seem very relaxed and was in “lecture mode” in his succinct summary of all 10 episodes of the Hidden Secrets of Money! Sundown Gin and Tonic or a Margarita? He was looking tanned and in good spirits!
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Thanks for having me, looking forward to the next one.
Great job getting your message out in the first part. Sometimes you just got to take control of an interview (respectfully, of course) for the greater good.
Any expectation when you will complete and publish your ‘Formula for Prosperity’ book Mike?
Always a pleasure to listen to your good common sense instruction Mike.
Thanks & blessings from Eire.
Hugs to you, Mikey!
From Canada, with love!
Please finish the Formula, Mike!!
Mike Maloney has become my best source for accurate, no nonsense education on the subject of money and prosperity. He should be listened to by scholars and students alike. He is that good.
Mike and Jim Rickard are two guys who taught a novice like me a great deal.
Thank you Mike
There are others like Mike👍 and Jim👍, yet there are far far fewer such honest and gentle men than all the fraudsters👎.
G Edward Griffin ;)
you picked good teachers.
check out milton friedman and thomas sowell.
outlook for silver for 2030 20 to 30 dollars
oldcards65 Sweet!
When someone asks me for financial advice or tells me that they're interested in investing and/or wealth preservation, I tell them to watch the "Hidden Secrets of Money" series first and then we'll talk. Great to see Mike on your channel.
Yeah, now there's 10 parts of "The Hidden Secrets of Money", it takes a few hours, but who hasn't seen it yet, you absolutely MUST. For your own good. 😁
Word. When this whole c word thing first started and the kids couldnt go to school i figured we would have to develop our own cirriculum to "homeschool" so for the "math" portion I had my 13,14, and 15 yr olds watch the hidden secrets of money series then we had discussion segments. Lol
@@tomasdvorak7307 word
@@YouGotOptions2 Well done your kids are already better educated than 99% of the population. Now if only kids in the regular school system (and for that matter adults as well) could watch these videos too.
@@YouGotOptions2 now that's good parenting!
My favorite economic commentator along with Peter Schiff.
Lol peter hahaha...
Bruh Peter Schiff is fuckin dumb on the way currency and finances are changing. Not all the time, but I wouldn't make him a fav my guy
With all due your respect ... refusing the algorithm of crypto currency is an issue for Schiff. Mahoney is on another level.
Peter will eventually be proven right, and the bitcoin fan boys will hate him even more because of it lol
The hidden secerets of money from mike are exellent , really opens your eyes
The best teacher period,Mike has been great for 12 years when i found him on YT
Mike Maloney is one of my favourite iconomist really intelligent man. Every time he speaks Iem listening very carefully
He has a soothing voice too.
When I first discovered the financial truth movement sever years ago, I thought I would be happier by understanding the game then playing it well to benefit myself and my family. But as time goes on I realize there is little to nothing I can truly do. I wake up every morning on auto-pilot. I go to work on auto-pilot. I put my currency in the right investments on auto-pilot. I just constantly feel depressed about how the financial system has been fucking me over my whole life.
I'm just constantly depressed. I feel like a fake. I feel alone. I just can't find happiness in anything anymore.
I started learning seven year ago as well. It brings you down if you spend too much time thinking about it. Don't watch too many videos. They bring you up one day and bring you down another. It's not healthy. Divercify your portfolio and then just focus on your family and get a hobby. Get out of the house, brother. Life is too short to waste time trying to outplay mindless economists and corrupt politicians. Living life within your means and no debt = No worries. :)
I can relate!
But if you go on an hard psychedelic guided trip, I am sure you will rediscover the beauty of life again and be very thankfull for each emotion you have felt and will be feeling....besides being thankfull for having a job and enough left to invest... :)
This is sad to read. Pay your mortgage, get Ag and Au, enjoy gardening and love your family. Assets won’t matter on your death bed. Love you shared and all the good deeds of yours will. 🤗
Happiness cannot be bought with currency. Serve God & you will find peace.
As you can see, material things cannot give us happiness, and the only way to have peace is to understand the purpose of life. There is a purpose, and when this is not understood, it’s like a ship without direction, tossed by the waves to and fro. I have a video that explains what Power is, which is important to understand who we are. Reach out if you are interested in discussing this directly. These corrupt people, behind the scams, will get theirs at the end of it all.
Somebody get Mr maloney, rick rule, peter Schiff and doug Casey on the same interview. These gentlemen are quality
Max Keiser, Saylor and Antonopolous 😆
Might as well bring in Harry Dent and make it interesting
Peter Schiff is too hung up on hating on BTC to deserve to be on
@@theeverfartingelephant8189 sorry sir but your username is causing global warming and climate change
@@Blackridge. Lol Good one 😂😂😂
Mike, I love it when you get cranked up about the use of the term money vs. currency. While you are absolutely correct, I swear some people do it on purpose to watch you go over the deep edge. Keep up the great work!
First five minutes already blew my mind!
Nicely described!
Amazing Interview!
Ty for letting him speak! And great questioning!
Mike to me is a savior his knowledge will save peoples lives and will help enlighten the masses to the dark cruel and unfair world we live in financially
Mike is on a quest to save the average Joe. Mike is an amazing educator. Interviewer looked bored with the interview
He's always like that (no pun intended)
Mike is so interesting, smart an informative! could listen to him for hours. thank you
I love this guy! Talk about looking behind "the curtain."
Man, this guy is brilliant. I haven't even got past minute 2:00, but he is already head and shoulders above nearly every human I know. Why? Simple, he's conscious; conscious of the presence of his words. He said (paraphrase) "the first thing I need/try to do is get people to use the right words..."
God, what a relief to actually hear a human being say what he means...and means WTF he says. This guy's awareness is more "precious" than any freak'n metal.
I have a saying that is SO...SO...SO apropos - especially for these feckless times we're in ("in these 'challenging' times..." GMAFB!) What a disgusting copout.
"The first thing change needs to change, is the words we use." -GM
What a relief to hear this man START by saying GET THE FREAK'N WORDS RIGHT!
For example: Covid didn't happen TO us...Covid happened BECAUSE of us.
He who does not...cannot...will not understand this, is the problem - not the solution.
There, now I feel better. My ranting is done. Now I'm going to enjoy this man's insights. Thx.
Mike Maloney is a legend in the gold sector. Always been very honest and exact in his interviews, a real pro.
His books are excellent!
@@goq6137 On it!
Mike Maloney is an absolute living legend. I love this Man. Thank you both for this interview
Why pay taxes if they can just print money
Moral hazard
Money comes from one place; the sweat of one’s brow.
The system is designed to keep humanity enslaved.... the reset is just about that, not to make us prosper and be free. Taxes and inflation are part of the equation.
because money printing leads to inflation. Inflation can destroy a country or society.
@@EdwintheMagicEngineer isn't that what they are doing...I believe they are up to 5 trillion..and are gonna be around 7 trillion in a couple weeks...
Whats a couple trillion among friends right 😁😂
Great choice to interview Mike - he's wonderfully informative and honest reporting.
Mike did a few videos years ago about the prosperity of a country and life expectancy. He's almost a prophet at this stage! Great man.
“billionaires trying to protect their wealth and you’re going to see some fireworks”
Jay, you need to prepare for your interviews. Mike, is always prepared.
Mike is a hero! His work changed my (financial) life. Thanks for this great interview!
I bought Michael Maloney’s book and audiobook. He narrated so well in his audiobook and I will go back to reading his book.
Great interview! I subscribed
Great to hear Mike, thanks for the vid.
The hidden secrets of Money is the best book on this topic. Absolutely, Wonderful!
Mike is great! Thanks for having him, Jay!
What's with the interviewer? Mike Maloney is owed nothing but upmost respect.
"If you lend me a 20, I can pay you back in a 10, a 5, and five 1s and you don't care." That sounds more like divisibility than fungibility. Wouldn't fungibility be: "You lend me a physical 20 dollar bill from your pocket, and I pay you back with a different physical 20 dollar bill I got from the ATM."? (electronically, it would be a different set of vibrating electron holes, but still fungible)
I agree. I think of fungibility as "my $20 bill in my wallet is equal to your $20 in your wallet"
Didn’t know the CSI Miami guy was an economist
Superbly instructive!
Catherine Austin Fitts might be another brilliant guest to conscider, she really nails the state of play at this time and too the future, imo.
Years ago I heard an economy professor ask his class, "What is money?"
The answer was, "An intermediary between barter."
To my mind this backs up Mikes summary of the difference between money and currency. . . the items of barter have value, the intermediary does not.
Blessings too you sirs from a fellow Canadian in Eire.
“the intermediary does not”
The “intermediary” has perceived value; if it does not it’s intrinsic value is zero. Its perceived value is what it could be used to exchanged for.
Very ,very interesting conversation Mike !!!
I have watched them all.... great videos
Great stuff in the second half.
Excellent video! I've learned so much from Mike.
Mike is the real Man
This was a really good talk. I'm enjoying your channel very much, especially the conversation you hosted with Stephen Harper. Just a few quick comments from the perspective of a student of economics and a civil servant.
- Gold can also be 'devalued' much as any modern currency. This was a common practice for royal treasuries throughout the centuries. Silver pennies or gold coins would be melted down and reminted as an alloy that was far from pure. This early debasement of currency led to Gresham's Law, which is still taught in economics to this day. I'm not sure where Mike was going with his entertaining rant at the start of the talk, but the fact remains gold can be devalued and governments don't hesitate to do so. But I'm sure Mike knows this, and the immediate point below, so perhaps I do not understand his point correctly.
- The fact currency loses value is not a problem in itself. This is no different than what Nero did when he melted down Roman coinage and recast with lower amounts of precious metal. In other words, gold or silver, fractional reserve etc, when politicians get in involved they will always find a way of damaging a functioning currency system.
- At 6:20 Mike refers to government and central bank inability to overcome a 'pullback' in March (presumably 2020). I assume this refers to central agencies' apparent inability to prevent the recession that started as Covid came to Canada. But this is not a good example of institutional ability to overcome a 'pullback' (unclear on what that means, but assuming the recession), since the recession was artificially induced. It was not a part of the normal business cycle. If anything, the 'pullback' makes the opposite point to the one Mike was making, and shows just how powerful central banks and governments are in inducing widespread economic change. It's true that monetary policy does not lead to immediate short-term change, but it was never meant to. That was always the role of fiscal policy.
- It's true that we are in chartered waters with bonds. However, even while bonds are transforming, they remain a popular investment instrument. Prior to making an determination about about how 08/09 and the current recession impacted bonds and drove investors towards gold, silver, or crypto, we would need empirical data showing a decrease in investor bond holdings, and a causal link between the two. What we do know presently is that despite negative yields, government bonds in the Eurozone and Japan continue to sell. Very few would have predicted this, and yet it happened. So a flight from bonds to gold, silver, and crypto is not a guaranteed event as bonds are perceived increasingly worthless.
- No government or central will back cryptocurrency anytime soon or perhaps ever. It has no backing, and is not a reliable store of value, which takes us back to Mike's point at the very beginning. If the currency issuances of central banks are not money, then neither is crypto, but crypto is even less tangible than government backed currency.
- Thank you Mike for emphasizing the point the stock market is not the economy! The fact so many people think it is is very frustrating.
- Indeed, the fractional-reserve system only works if growth outpaces real interest. This is what every central bank is hoping for... Let us hope they are correct. If not, entire countries will go down.
- The statement that public health measures which reduce GDP is tantamount to murder is not true by any legal definition of murder, and the argument cannot be made philosophically or morally. The lockdown has created its own problems, but interestingly the suicide rate in 4 Canadian provinces went down in 2020, which was not what anyone would have predicted. The point being contractions in GDP can impact lives in ways none of us expect.
- Bitcoin may be a tool for freedom, or it can be a pathway to total ruin. Again, it has no backing. And if we're concerned about fluctuations in government currency, then the fluctuations in crypto are even more of a concern. But I add that for now investing in crypto is not necessarily a bad thing, but you need to hedge the heck out of that.
- The valuation channel criticism is not valid, given it proposes valuing commodities in gold as an alternate method. However, there is no logical connection between between 10 pounds of gold being worth a 2000 square foot home or anything else either. The fact humans have valued objects in terms of gold over the course of our history says nothing about gold intrinsically, since there is no reason for thinking a metal is 'worth' anything, be it a house, car, etc. We value gold for psychological and evolutionary reasons only. The 'true' value of gold is not worth any of those things, and when gold is used for purchases that is a psychological lie just like the fiat currency lie Mike takes to task. But both are accepted, even while neither stands up to philosophical scrutiny.
Mike's closing on where prosperity comes from and what extinguishes it is spot on, but while he noted the drivers are individual freedom, free markets, and sound money, he didn't mention what kills prosperity. That's the government. And it would do it through crypto and gold just as easily as through fiat currency.
Mike Maloney - Hero!
Gold wins in the end.
..coming all the way from the rear ⚡
Maximum Prosperity Maxims:
Free Markets
Sound Money
I watched Hidden Secrets of Money back in April and thanks Mike, turned me into a Bitcoin Bull from the knowledge I gained
Lol wtf
Lol it didn't turn me into a bitcoin bull but its a good series. Very well produced and informative and entertaining.
John Smith I agree. Bitcoin is good for pump and dump. It is clear that some big institution is doing exactly just that.
Magic mike😄💪🏻 great interveiw, knows his stuff! But quick finnish and rushed
Mike is 100% correct. RSA is following the exact same pattern as the US but has been doing so for much, much, much longer!
I’m naive but how can you safely put your money in Bitcoin when the whales can drop its value in a second🤷♀️
Gold or silver is my question. I’m invested pretty much 50/50. What should I buy more of gold, or silver?
Silver is a better buy. But you can hold more wealth in gold I have gold silver and bitcoin ✨😉
Right now silver and platinum... convert back to gold when the ratios change..... gotta be patient, it’s a long term game.
100 oz Britannia Bars are beautiful if you get a chance to pick one up
Interviewer needs to do more research and be better prepared for his guests
Need to do a series that if we all start using silver as money how much prosperity we will have in the future.
Wonderful talk
Finally the man himself M - Square.
Which pension funds have recently announced that they are moving to gold?
Was it the Ohio Fireman’s Pension Fund?
Hi mike fantastic vlog love watching your a true gent and patriot keep up the good work the light shines brightest on good people like you god bless you mike Steve b👍
Better questions would have been: The price of gold is set in London every morning! IF it is, why is it that
gold does not abide by that price? If London does not set it, who does? Zurich? Do they have anything to do with the price of gold? It is becoming increasingly difficult to SELL gold in developed countries! You must provide proof when, where and with what you bought it! What good is it to have gold if you are treated like a drug dealer! When I purchased gold, I just handed over the cash and they gave me the gold. Not now!
Do you think metals will be banned again in the Us
This price list of things I would like to see.
I give my son some pocket currency before he goes to school.
My kids receive currency and gift cards for birthdays and Christmas from family then they trade it for silver ounces from me and then I go spend their currency to buy groceries
Gold has been manipulated by Governments and has throughout the history of the world, but Bitcoin has a fixed supply and can't be controlled by the worlds governments. The only true store of value, period.
When's your new book coming out Mike?
High lvl quest here! Love HSOM!
Mike is great as usual but one slight correction. There is at least part of one national currency that is money. U.S. Nickels!
War nickels when they needed the nickel for tank armor
@@AgoristsAxioms in not talking about war nickels as they are longer in circulation. I'm talking about the fact that modern nickels have copper and nickel in them worth more than $ .05
If the internet goes and crypto follows then how does gold maintain its value? Who sets the price then? The internet is kind of as important as the water supply.
In the seventies you could buy encapsulated diamonds in plastic boxes. The price went up as on bitcoin until someone opened a box. The diamonds were of poor quality and the price crashed. Now I'm just waiting for someone to open the hard drive to see how valuable bitcoin is.
Bitcoin has value because of it being halved every 4 year's and you can't print more of them.
@@oroville12345 There is nothing to print because it is not there.
If they are so useless why would Mike buy them. The dollars you hold are becoming more worthless each and every day....
@@oroville12345 So far all investments with no values have always returned to its proper value, I.e. zero.
whats the easiest way to get into silver as a canadian? i really would not hold physical silver and those mining companies in south america seem risky to me - any etf's etc that tracks silver price for simpletons like me?
Buy it from Mike or both are awesome 👌
Canadian Maples, buried in the Canadian wilderness....
jay seems to be uncomfortable and irritated
Will gold @ silver be used in blockchain as a hidden money?
I agree 1000% with Mike, by now Bitcon was suppose to be used for transactions. I hold crypto, I can't do anything with it except trade or cash out for now. It's been a big disappointment as a currency but as a crazy speculation? It's been stupid stellar.
they aren't going to use taxation to pay next bill... they gonna use inflation..
you ever work for GPO
Bitcoin with a sprinkling of gold for the next few years...or the Powell-Yelen put? Imagine if one could figure out what is over-valued and under-valued through each cycle...
no hes not accepting crypto he is using a 3rd party vendor that turns the crypto into cash and then the funds are transfered to him in usd. They can regulate bitcoin by saying its illegal to use.
"They" are not going to let the internet or electricity blackout cause they need that for their new CBDC (central bank digital currency) app. You are safe with bitcoin. Just hold your own keys on a cold storage do not leave it on an exchange or wallet or with an intermediary and earn bitcoin with products and services...get ready for hands on business peer to peer!!'
Cold storage is a unit that cannot be accessed online like trezor..
I am no expert. I understand and use trezor cold storage only. Yes I believe those who run hostile countries memorize their seed words (in the sequence). Then when they cross border they just open their crypto on laptop or cellphone. Its always better to have most of your crypto in cold storage though and just a little on online gadgets eg laptop or phones. Trezor is the size of a mem stick. Easy to carry and use. Just do not "store" your seed words and trezor at the same spot.
It sounds like you need to be a computer programmer to hold that stuff. Metals on the other hand are quite simple
No , b i t c o i n is so easy a child of ten can use it. Much easier to trade than metal. Push button to send or receive.
No internet/no electricity= no crypto transactions.
This is arguable true, but would you part with your PMs if you had no idea of its price for a few days?
I wouldn't. Electronic communications are essential for price discovery of ALL assets. Gold too.
No. You can trade gold in a market without any electricity. That’s how it was done for thousands of years!
That cannot be done with crypto.
To my knowledge Bitcoin does not have a Bond Market. Yet.
@TRUTH _ I don’t know much about Bitcoin. Gold and Silver can be possessed. Bitcoin is in a computer.
Solid analysis from Goldmember. What were you expecting?
I would have got into bitcoin when it started, but I was afraid a bitcoin wouldn't feel as good as a gold coin in my hands.......Then again, you can't hold a bitcoin in your hand.
GunMetalBlue 77 you hold it in your wallet your keys your assets
Robert breedlove?
Me thinketh the., Big Fish are hungry and now it's.......a feeding frenzy!@!?😝😝🤪😜
Jay Martin seems confused about the money
Jay should pay more attention to his Guest, and avoid taking notes (he can see the video after, I guess?).
@@CountDown2012 he is a youngster, seems stressed.
Cryptocurrencies are high-risk, highly volitile assets.
And high reward for that high risk.
Put your life savings into crypto. Yolo
Such is life huh
@@Metacognition88 that the DONT put it all in bitcoin. You put what you can risk. Then when it goes up 4X you take some profit. Then you are only risking what you gained. I bought in to BTC at 9k. Rode the upside to 41k. Took some profit now I am not risking anything except some profit.
That you Christine Lagarde? Drop the tan and the cat's arse mouth
when does the Killing begin?
Perpetual bonds R GO!!
Gold and silver
Storage cost "allocated" is extremely high
Not worth it
Does not sell Platinum or Paladium
Store it in your house in an inconspicuous shoe box under a pile of dirty laundry
btc cannot be controlled hence the growth is immence compared to gold silver regulation
But its conversion back to fiat can be altered on a Central Bank or Government whim?
If gold was divided to every person on earth how much gold would each of us have? maybe Joe will give us all a one 0unce gold coin? Gotta love a smart arse
The “current estimate” is 171 million three hundred thousand grams. Divide that by seven billion and each person gets a little less than one quarter gram, worth a little less than ten dollars.
i will not be "investing" with "cambridge house".
In my opinion they are taking advantage.
just my view.'
And you have done your channel a dis-service mike...
in my opinion!
If miners lose profitability in "mining" that blockchain -- it loses ALL it's value. Cryptos are not a commodity as they are reliant on speculation and insane amounts of continuous electrical energy to provide "value."
Isn't that a ponzi scheme based on a fiat currency? Zero intrinsic value and a continual price increase promise required to bring more people in? Like a virtual pyramid selling scheme?
The US has 8 Trillion dollars in debt dew this year.
We're will that leave us.
Bitcoin will Run on the XRP LEDGER (Ripple) in the future.
xrp is a dead project
BB: Black Berry
GME: Game Stop
NOK: Nokia
AMC: Movies
SLV: Silver
BB: We are sending you a message.
GME: The Game Stops here
NOK: Nothing can stop what is coming
AMC: Enjoy the show
SLV: Silver will free the world
Correct Bruce. Go to and see true values of those coins. A pre-1982 penny is worth 2.3 cents, and a nickel is worth 5.2 cents. We should be hoarding these.
have you tried to purchase anything with a penny lately?
Many things, but not all, of limited quantity can be money but silicon, nickel etc are of such great quantity and therefore effectively unlimited availability they have lesser worth. The reason gold and silver etc are called ‘precious’ is because they are of very limited quantity and therefore availability thus increasing their unit value making them more effective money.
So, you are right in as far as you go but you do not in any way negate Mike’s explanation of what money is or the supreme efficiency of gold (and silver) in that role.
Silver Scott Mines Inc.
Strings of zeroes and ones are not true store of value. Trade them as what they are, bubble assets.
Thanks for the manipulation, we can save cheaply in the metals for many years
Please look up a warrior calls it will set you free
Doesn't XRP resolve these things? Sounds alot like XRP's use cases.....
Centralized horse manure
@@Xari0n92 you know not what you say - watch THE HISTORY OF MONEY - MIKE MALONEY - 1-10 Then come back and apologies. Educate yourself my friend. I forgive you for your tone. but remember ignorance is not a excuse....
@@pablodomain1 keep on dreaming boy have fun being dumped on till infinity by the founders.
@@Xari0n92 I gather you are big on BTC. Not to burst your bubble but... Same founders buddy. Can't you see. History repeats repeats and repeat. You can't reinvent the the wheel no matter what you put it on. And you can't live off hopium. It's happening, it's here. The facts speak for themselves. Watch what they do not what they say. do your own research don't rely on others and always questions your research.
EOS, Hedera Hashgraph and many other
Was Mike high during this interview or something? He really seemed a bit loopy. Going off on rambling tangents, forgetting what the question was, repeating himself repetitively...yikes.
He did seem very relaxed and was in “lecture mode” in his succinct summary of all 10 episodes of the Hidden Secrets of Money! Sundown Gin and Tonic or a Margarita? He was looking tanned and in good spirits!