Paying taxes on money you make. Taxes on money you spend. And Taxes on things you own, that you already paid taxes on with already taxed money. Here a tax...there a tax...everywhere a on tax. Central govt and state govts are richer....... Spending mostly on wasteful social projects.
I am working in poetry farm more of depend on traditional due to shortage of modern instruments purchesing power. I would atach suporting documents next time.
Paying taxes on money you make.
Taxes on money you spend.
And Taxes on things you own, that you already paid taxes on with already taxed money.
Here a tax...there a tax...everywhere a on tax.
Central govt and state govts are richer....... Spending mostly on wasteful social projects.
To watch out for- used 68 times😅😅
Abolish personal income tax totally. 0% Income tax. 🎉
I am working in poetry farm more of depend on traditional due to shortage of modern instruments purchesing power. I would atach suporting documents next time.
Sleeping Partner. Just with in 10 years india debt increased to 165 lakh crores from 65 lakh crores. 😢😢😢😢😢
Epf95 should increase for 1000 to 8000
No benefit for salaried people, as usual