When you collect all 160 Altars of Lilith, your characters receive the following bonuses: Bonus Amount Strength 68 Intelligence. 68 Willpower 68 Dexterity 68 Obol Capacity 100 Paragon Points 4
Yesterday I got into post game finishing my campaign and dungeon and starting nightmare. I messed around a bit in it then tried to go and do the torment dungeon after reaching lvl 60 with a Hammer of the Ancient barbarian build. I got melted by the first small group of regular enemies I came across. Spend one more day grinding alters of lilith and paragon points and then tried again at lvl 62 with better gear. It wasn't easy, and I died probably half a dozen times, but it's perfectly doable. Glad I tried to get into torment as quick as I could because it's a lot of fun actually having to be cautious again out in the open rather than just steam roll everything without fear.
I just wanted to add little thing about rerolling stats on yellow gear - do NOT upgrade it at blacksmith until you get perfect roll. Upgrading it will skyrocket price of rerolling at enchanter.
I agree that it is possible to complete the capstone at 60, BUT, in my experience I was able to complete it at 62 and then couldnt do much for a few levels. Helltide events solo were insane, struggled through regular dungeons too. What happened was everything became like 11+ levels higher than me. I instead got all alters and started side quests. I think 65 is a good sweet spot to change tiers. Alsomake sure no matter what type it is always have a potion going. 5% bonus xp adds up and makes it better.
Nice video, but you forgot to mention that Screaming Hell Veins drop Forgotten Souls, if you get a good run you can find more from these than the mystery chests. I got 59 from 4 chests + ore veins in about 45 mins yesterday
Awesome video, however, this was changed in S1, monsters above your lvl now grant 4.5%exp@3lvl and 15%exp@10lvl. I watched a couple of other videos and they all say the same thing (just to inform people because this came up as a recommended video when searching for a lvling guide)
I just finished the campaign and capstone dungeon last night on my temp is sorcerer. I was going to grind some dungeons for aspects, but apparently they don't transfer to seasonal characters. So, I guess I will just go and clear the map and lilith altars and hold off on experiencing the endgame of gears until the season starts.
The best way to get renown is to do grim favors for dungeons you haven’t done, then you get the renown and grim favors and then you get a good bit of extra xp from tree of whispers, you can level pretty quick that way
Thanks for the info, very helpful. I wanted to make a remark regarding not gambling before lvl 72, not sure is best advice as you have a cap on how many obols you can carry.
Yeah, I gamble my obols whenever I cannot collect any more, I don't like leaving them lying around all over so I try to stay away from filling my capacity
Once you have unlocked Torment but you don't feel like farming it for Ancients, you caaan just switch to Torment once an hour and check the vendors who will have some for sale, then switch back to Nightmare.
I’m lvl 60 and run solo. I’m struggling with tier 4 as I get nuked pretty fast so I’m popping potions like never before. Gonna depend on whispers till lvl 65 as I don’t think I can beat a regular dungeon like this
I've been running a pretty basic Bone Necro and just hit Torment. My very first piece of Ancestral gear nearly made me choke, but not from joy. It was an item level 807, but was the unique 2 hand scythe. That have been phenomenal, considering my 2h sword is like 650s, but I don't use any Darkness skills and my build is completely loaded out for Crit chance, Bone Crit, and Bone dmg. A scythe, even one that much higher level, isn't the right fit. Cue sad trombone.
Hi, sorry if this is a stupid question, on the video of your gear do you have to look for that exact name of item, or does that only change with each aspect, again sorry for the stupid question 😂
I thought all the Altars of Lilith carried over to Seasonal Characters? So getting them done before the season starts, means you would start with all those stats? Or am I wrong here?
What do I need to do to access seasonal content? I never beat the story (only had a lvl 22 sorcerer) then I made a seasonal character. I thought I remember being told you have to beat the story before you can access the seasonal content. Will that become available to me when I beat the story on my season 1 character?
I got a question, I am playing causally and just enjoying exploring the map and playing the campaign. Every content provider has made videos about endgame after completing the campaign. What about a player like me at level 50 who hasn't finished the campaign yet as I am on the 5th chapter and still playing in world tier 1. I understand that at some point I need to beat a capstone dungeon. Not sure exactly what that means other then it is a significant and important dungeon that I must beat to get into the endgame. When am I supposed to switch over to world tier 2? I am having a tough enough time with mobs on the map at world tier 1 as it is. I don't want to switch over until absolutely necessary. Most of the game mechanics in Diablo 4 still elude me, and I was a former Diablo 3 player for 5 years with a total of over 2,700 hours played. Diablo 4 is a very different and complicated beast as there are so many additional mechanics to juggle and consider between aspects, Paragon points, uniques, etc. My 2 gamer buddies that were also former Diablo 3 players are also having a tough time figuring out Diablo 4.
I've just got into WT4 and I still have a Rare, not even Sacred, Wand because the stats are nice! I guess I'll be replacing that first thing when I get on.
So I did the tree of whispers and either didn't get a sigil or I dropped it on accident (not sure how) but I am working on my 2nd tree of whispers because I am 55 and have not done a ND yet... ugh
When I was level 50 I got a wicked 2h spear that was item level 715 before upgrade I think yellow item and the stats were so great I can't imagine getting any gear better than it, but I'm still only level 66 so maybe I'll see better after 70.. I definitely scan all high item level yellows now
Got my Druid to level 55, and my buddy opened up Tier 4 for me and I’ve been doing low level 1-5 nightmare dungeons and I cannot for the life of me tet any uniques or legendaries I need for builds. Going to drop Druid and pick up my 35 necro
Im druid too and oneshot everything at wt4, i’m now 80, can speedfarm NM with 88 lvl monsters, and this is just a speedfarm trampleslide build without any uniques requied😂 you prob doing something wrong
I am in an awkward stage where at level 67 - 70 I cannot run ansestar nightmare dungeons (difficulty tier 4) efficiently as the mobs seem to be 6 levels higher than me. It feels strange to go to tier 3 and do those, but I guess it is the best plan. Get more exp -> paragon levels -> Stronger -> try ansestar nightmare dungeons again.
When I first got to nightmare I tryioed hell tiued did them every time they happened and the gear I got wasnt even close to worth it plus the xpo wasnt that great allot of the gerar from the chest were rares I did this until today when I decided t ojus tdo bosses and the lgions while trying to do quests and dingends I haven't done a nm dungen yet wasnt sure how the yworked will start that tommorrow
The capstone was so hard for me on sorcerer, until I switched to a really good staff over wand/focus. Then I just staggered him twice and melted him in those 2 bursts
I was 58 when I did the torment capstone but it didn't matter because I can't really do the nightmare 21+ dungeons effectively so I went back to nightmare
Use the t4 for world bosses. I’m helltides run them in t3 for the shards the find the mysterious chest log out change to t4 and pop the chest on t4 for better gear.
Hey, thanks for the videos, really easy to understand and follow, and always exactly the info that i need, so keep it up 👍... Is it normal to spend a while feeling super weak when going into new WT?;i spent ages in WT3, and have been WT4 for a while but I am feeling super underpowered...very frustrating
Uh my understanding was/is the BONUS is capped at 3 lvls above u but u still get more from higher mobs past that because their BASE xp is higher that's being bonused up but the actual bonus ratio is the same.. if this isnt true anymore tho I'd be happy
I’m at 96 and I keep getting nightmare dungeons with some BS affix that follows me around the entire time doing damage lmao. What a stupid idea from blizzard
I get loot to power up. I power up to kill monsters. I kill monsters to get loot. I get loot to power up. I power up to kill monsters. I kill monsters to get loot. I get loot to power up. I power up to kill monsters. etcetcetc. Anyone else find something wrong with this endless cycle of doing the same thing over and over and over again?
I punching like 1.5m dps on your shadow rouge build but still no feel for end game can you make,more op rouge build like you did for necromancer.thank for carry on Lilith the other day 😂
Tbh I'm just playing whatever build defining unique I get first for now. I was playing a new pulv druid and got a storm claw unique early so to that I go for example
You should NOT wait until 73 to spend Obols. They're capped anyway. That's a waste of currency. Spend them and salvage for materials. Then when you're 72 recap your obols.
@@ThePolarpop I’m staying in wt4 I’m 60 now, I’m just doing side quests and dungeons for renown. Feels about the same for xp but at least I’m getting better drops and doing chores via renown.
I was a little bit higher 66 when I got to tier 4 yes it's humble pie all the way in tier 4 until you are at level 70 to 73 at with my twisted blade poison build I can speed run helltides I want to compare the transition from tier 3 to tier 4 with a sports analogy when you break in to tier 4 you are newly promoted playing with big boys and your team has trash players , but then you slowly build to make your team top of the tier 4 league:))).
1. This is annoying that the world progress is bound to a character so I'm forced to play one because my new character has to grind renown from 0 :/ 2. Sigils should be your level - 51 LOL. Tell devs that they should introduce Sigil level -10 for my Rogue at level 40 running nightmare dungeons xD 3. I would add that with season 4 there will be a change with Codex of Power so if you will find a high roll on an aspect then extract it instead of salvaging an item.
If im a casual player is there no point on playing this game with seasons being a thing? This is my first Diablo so i didnt know of seasons and that you have to pretty much start all over every 3 months
Hey dude. It's cool. You do not have to stop playing if you don't want to. Seasonal is an option, just like Hardcore is an option. And you can do both if you want, too. The fun for me of seasonal is in fact starting over and playing (hopefully you've done the Campaign already) maybe a new class, and playing with new dimensions that change with every new season. So you could try seasonal for a while and if you don't like it, you go right back to playing your Launch character(s). All this just to say, there is a point to doing whatever you are doing now.
@@mrblitzer8705 I did finish the campaign but I mean I play mostly on the weekends, during the week I work most of the day so I’ll play a few hours each day (at least I try to). I feel like I’m going to be playing on an old patch essentially if I don’t hop on seasons like everyone else is if that makes sense. Thanks for the help tho man
Grinding lvls in this game sucks... I miss the lvling in D3 i just wanna hit max lvl so i can farm gear. There is no reason the lvling is this slow and trash. I like grinding but this is stupid.
That’s when you can get ancestrals but you will want to gamble before then to target specific weak spots in your gear as you level. And to get rid of opals instead of leaving them behind on the ground
I have a 73 sorc that im sick of working on and its weak as hell offensive and moreso defense and leveling a druid thats 59 thats overall better to play and druid doesn't need four defense skills to survive go figure.
just finished campaign, so what do i do now just the same dungeons over and over to get better gear for what? to do the same dungeons faster? this game is so boring TAT
I just hit 75 in my Barbarian tonight (I also have a 73 Rogue) & I just can’t take it no mo!!! My average ilvl is 818.5 & loot drops that are 800+ are like 1 in 100, if even that & I already got all my juiciest paragon board stuff So now I’m staring at 25 increasingly slower & more redundant levels but the carrot on a stick is gone
I believe 85-100 is the same amount of XP as 1-85. You are not even halfway there 😭. In fairness to you as well. They are keeping WT5 locked behind the season release. Probably so people don't blow through all the content before the first season.. where I guess the new main content will be as time goes by. I think if I were you.. I would probably try to play a different character until then. Only issue I see with doing multiple characters.. is the stash space.
@@tksilent By 4/4 I’m assuming you mean the stats on the gear? You think my gear is dumb useless shit like shadow resistance & chance to execute non elites? No. All my gear is 4/4 actual positives like vulnerable dmg , close damage, berserk duration, extra skill ranks, thorns & max health, total armor etc & that 818 average is including the 25 extra levels from upgrades
@@tksilent Wtf Im not bragging about my gear To my awareness the absolute rarest best gear is 840 base, & I don’t see anything above 801 dropping. Ever. In fact most loot is total garbage as low as 650 & sacred for some reason. So as far as I know my gears not gonna improve much if I continue. I COULD be wrong 🤷🏽 How does me being burnt out personally offend you? because you sure sound awfully defensive about this
@stay60feetawayfromme33 dont listen to him hes a sweaty try hard man we get it you hit a point in the game where progress feels none existent but trust me push alittle higher amd you will start seeing improvment its an rng grind fest for a reason its why we play for the chase if your carrot is gone try comming back to the game take a break . But dont blame the game because its doing what it was ment to do 😊
its pointless to go slowly through campaign. you want to finish it as soon as possible to get world tier 3, ability to unlock last two renown levels, and other end game content.
When you collect all 160 Altars of Lilith, your characters receive the following bonuses:
Bonus Amount
Strength 68
Intelligence. 68
Willpower 68
Dexterity 68
Obol Capacity 100
Paragon Points 4
Pretty usefull thing is some of the sidequest actually makes you complete the dungeons so you both finish the dungeon and sidequest and get 50 renown.
Now THIS is good to know! Knock out 2 birds with 1 stone
Yesterday I got into post game finishing my campaign and dungeon and starting nightmare. I messed around a bit in it then tried to go and do the torment dungeon after reaching lvl 60 with a Hammer of the Ancient barbarian build. I got melted by the first small group of regular enemies I came across. Spend one more day grinding alters of lilith and paragon points and then tried again at lvl 62 with better gear. It wasn't easy, and I died probably half a dozen times, but it's perfectly doable. Glad I tried to get into torment as quick as I could because it's a lot of fun actually having to be cautious again out in the open rather than just steam roll everything without fear.
No bloated into or outro, right to the info, fast and concise. Wish all youtubers were like this. Subbed!
I just wanted to add little thing about rerolling stats on yellow gear - do NOT upgrade it at blacksmith until you get perfect roll. Upgrading it will skyrocket price of rerolling at enchanter.
He said that
@@robertdewolfe1654 how has his comment 37 likes when Nick literally said that xD
Sorry, looks like I missed it somehow.. nevertheless it doesn't hurt to be reminded 😊
It has likes because wether the guy says it or not a bunch of us found the info useful
Thanks for saying that idk
One of the best end game guides I have seen for anything.
I agree that it is possible to complete the capstone at 60, BUT, in my experience I was able to complete it at 62 and then couldnt do much for a few levels. Helltide events solo were insane, struggled through regular dungeons too. What happened was everything became like 11+ levels higher than me. I instead got all alters and started side quests. I think 65 is a good sweet spot to change tiers. Alsomake sure no matter what type it is always have a potion going. 5% bonus xp adds up and makes it better.
Thanks for all the info man, fast, clear and concise.. didn't waste anytime watching this.. Subscribed
The regular chests in Helltide do drop forgotten souls. Mystery chests just drop more of them. You can get them from screaming hell veins as well.
I didn't know you could do capstone at earlier levels. Very helpful. Good quick and concise guide on endgame
Yeah that’s only if you’ve beat campaign on one character already and when you start a new character you have to choose to skip campaign.
Nice video, but you forgot to mention that Screaming Hell Veins drop Forgotten Souls, if you get a good run you can find more from these than the mystery chests. I got 59 from 4 chests + ore veins in about 45 mins yesterday
Give this a like if you are playing Diablo 4 while trying to quit gaming but do it anyways feeling guilty... :(
Awesome video, however, this was changed in S1, monsters above your lvl now grant 4.5%exp@3lvl and 15%exp@10lvl. I watched a couple of other videos and they all say the same thing (just to inform people because this came up as a recommended video when searching for a lvling guide)
So we need to be 10 levels higher now?
I just finished the campaign and capstone dungeon last night on my temp is sorcerer. I was going to grind some dungeons for aspects, but apparently they don't transfer to seasonal characters. So, I guess I will just go and clear the map and lilith altars and hold off on experiencing the endgame of gears until the season starts.
did the capstone for torment at 62 with your HOTA barb build. took me three tries to kill elias but it worked. Really recommending that build!
Isn't that a level 100 Lilith echo boss?
@@PULAGno? Elias and uber Lilith are in two different dungeons.
@@mimcduffee86 I know. He said Torment, which I see a Lilith inside this capstone. Alias is Nightmare.
@@PULAG I meant the capstone to unlock Torment difficulty
Same! The dmg is insane
also good to pop a pot to get the extra 5% exp especially when you plan to go helltide/dungeons even if you don't need the buff just use a junk pot.
Grinding. great video. looking forward to the future of the game. hopefully its a long term game for the community
The best way to get renown is to do grim favors for dungeons you haven’t done, then you get the renown and grim favors and then you get a good bit of extra xp from tree of whispers, you can level pretty quick that way
Thanks for the info, very helpful. I wanted to make a remark regarding not gambling before lvl 72, not sure is best advice as you have a cap on how many obols you can carry.
Yeah, I gamble my obols whenever I cannot collect any more, I don't like leaving them lying around all over so I try to stay away from filling my capacity
Once you have unlocked Torment but you don't feel like farming it for Ancients, you caaan just switch to Torment once an hour and check the vendors who will have some for sale, then switch back to Nightmare.
I’m lvl 60 and run solo. I’m struggling with tier 4 as I get nuked pretty fast so I’m popping potions like never before. Gonna depend on whispers till lvl 65 as I don’t think I can beat a regular dungeon like this
I've been running a pretty basic Bone Necro and just hit Torment. My very first piece of Ancestral gear nearly made me choke, but not from joy. It was an item level 807, but was the unique 2 hand scythe. That have been phenomenal, considering my 2h sword is like 650s, but I don't use any Darkness skills and my build is completely loaded out for Crit chance, Bone Crit, and Bone dmg. A scythe, even one that much higher level, isn't the right fit.
Cue sad trombone.
I hear ye :(
Great video - thanks for the info bro
Hi, sorry if this is a stupid question, on the video of your gear do you have to look for that exact name of item, or does that only change with each aspect, again sorry for the stupid question 😂
Thank you man this video helped a lot
Yes! Let’s go!
I thought all the Altars of Lilith carried over to Seasonal Characters? So getting them done before the season starts, means you would start with all those stats? Or am I wrong here?
What do I need to do to access seasonal content? I never beat the story (only had a lvl 22 sorcerer) then I made a seasonal character. I thought I remember being told you have to beat the story before you can access the seasonal content.
Will that become available to me when I beat the story on my season 1 character?
great video. do you have a link of your build?
I got a question, I am playing causally and just enjoying exploring the map and playing the campaign. Every content provider has made videos about endgame after completing the campaign. What about a player like me at level 50 who hasn't finished the campaign yet as I am on the 5th chapter and still playing in world tier 1. I understand that at some point I need to beat a capstone dungeon. Not sure exactly what that means other then it is a significant and important dungeon that I must beat to get into the endgame. When am I supposed to switch over to world tier 2? I am having a tough enough time with mobs on the map at world tier 1 as it is. I don't want to switch over until absolutely necessary. Most of the game mechanics in Diablo 4 still elude me, and I was a former Diablo 3 player for 5 years with a total of over 2,700 hours played. Diablo 4 is a very different and complicated beast as there are so many additional mechanics to juggle and consider between aspects, Paragon points, uniques, etc. My 2 gamer buddies that were also former Diablo 3 players are also having a tough time figuring out Diablo 4.
I'm having this exact problem now just 5 months later.
Where to farm gear I'd we are too weak for nightmare but are lv 51?
Picked druid for my first char. Not happy at level 60. When season starts will pick more powerful class
Very useful. Thank you!
When season 1 opens do I have to replay the story?
Hey Nick, is your Druid build still viable or is there a better option out?
Thanks for the very clear guides!!!!!! Been following one of your builds and it’s turned the fun way up!
Thank you. Perfect guide.
I've just got into WT4 and I still have a Rare, not even Sacred, Wand because the stats are nice! I guess I'll be replacing that first thing when I get on.
Doing the side quests and side dungeons at the same time works really well as a lot of them overlap
So I did the tree of whispers and either didn't get a sigil or I dropped it on accident (not sure how) but I am working on my 2nd tree of whispers because I am 55 and have not done a ND yet... ugh
great guide!!
So how do go about finding them, bcus they are hidden. Thats way too much running around
Great vid
Subscribed 👍
When I was level 50 I got a wicked 2h spear that was item level 715 before upgrade I think yellow item and the stats were so great I can't imagine getting any gear better than it, but I'm still only level 66 so maybe I'll see better after 70.. I definitely scan all high item level yellows now
Perfect video! Amen!
What’s the red star in the top right corner on the item icons?
Transmog on and off function.
Alters give you 68 per stat 100 obol capacity and 4 paragon points
Also, make sure you always drink a potion for a 5% xp boost
Not really that significant. It’s only about 1,5%xp when in torment
What tier do i grind renown
Can anyone tell me the website he was talking about for hell tides
I believe 54 for nightmare dungeons is if you are on tier4 if you are on tier 3 it’s 53
Got my Druid to level 55, and my buddy opened up Tier 4 for me and I’ve been doing low level 1-5 nightmare dungeons and I cannot for the life of me tet any uniques or legendaries I need for builds. Going to drop Druid and pick up my 35 necro
Drop rates in this game r trash... So is the lvling hitting lvl 65 the game is just meh and sluggish.
Im druid too and oneshot everything at wt4, i’m now 80, can speedfarm NM with 88 lvl monsters, and this is just a speedfarm trampleslide build without any uniques requied😂 you prob doing something wrong
unlocked sacred items, went to gamble my obols and on my second purchase i rolled +600 mallet. Not bad i guess
perfect timing my friend. my girlfriend and i just beat the campaign and hit 50, so now we know what to do next :)
I am in an awkward stage where at level 67 - 70 I cannot run ansestar nightmare dungeons (difficulty tier 4) efficiently as the mobs seem to be 6 levels higher than me. It feels strange to go to tier 3 and do those, but I guess it is the best plan. Get more exp -> paragon levels -> Stronger -> try ansestar nightmare dungeons again.
If you need help I don’t mind carrying you through tier 50 NM dungeons, I run them solo anyway but the bonus xp from a party is always welcome
Just grind nightmare 3 levels above until you hit 70?
Im in the same stage i noticed xp even feel like it has slowed down.
@@ItsMeKhayamy id is contraban#11130 i know the offer wasnt for me but if your happy im always looking for new friends still on my first toon .
@@ItsMeKhayai’d appreciate that, even a tier 40 run. Trying to grind as much as I can since I work a lot so any help is welcome.
I just reached 70 but I'm having trouble gearing, i only drop ancestral legendary pants
When I first got to nightmare I tryioed hell tiued did them every time they happened and the gear I got wasnt even close to worth it plus the xpo wasnt that great allot of the gerar from the chest were rares I did this until today when I decided t ojus tdo bosses and the lgions while trying to do quests and dingends I haven't done a nm dungen yet wasnt sure how the yworked will start that tommorrow
I hope they buff tree of whispers cause I think they're kind of fun
Im a sorceress lvl 90 and my Attack Power is only 6k , my weapon is at my level , what am i doing wrong ? Glyphs at lvl 19.
How show item details example. I have 3,5% something and grey text show me 3-5% for this stat
Go to the settings menu and turn on “display advanced item details” or something like that. Either way it’s in the settings
The capstone was so hard for me on sorcerer, until I switched to a really good staff over wand/focus.
Then I just staggered him twice and melted him in those 2 bursts
what are about exlusive items?
Whats the best way to get ancestral weapons?
If you're lower level (sub 80), try getting a friend/guidlie to run you through T35+ nm dungeons.
@@k1ng617 thank you a lot, I just fee like from lvl 70-81 I got 1 upgrade lol
I was 58 when I did the torment capstone but it didn't matter because I can't really do the nightmare 21+ dungeons effectively so I went back to nightmare
Use the t4 for world bosses. I’m helltides run them in t3 for the shards the find the mysterious chest log out change to t4 and pop the chest on t4 for better gear.
I did my capstone at. 48 so yeah
Hey, thanks for the videos, really easy to understand and follow, and always exactly the info that i need, so keep it up 👍... Is it normal to spend a while feeling super weak when going into new WT?;i spent ages in WT3, and have been WT4 for a while but I am feeling super underpowered...very frustrating
It's good not to be too focused on dps and get some defence in your build
XP Bonus isn't cap at +3 level above yours ?
Cap got removed with the latest patch.
Uh my understanding was/is the BONUS is capped at 3 lvls above u but u still get more from higher mobs past that because their BASE xp is higher that's being bonused up but the actual bonus ratio is the same.. if this isnt true anymore tho I'd be happy
I’m at 96 and I keep getting nightmare dungeons with some BS affix that follows me around the entire time doing damage lmao. What a stupid idea from blizzard
I get loot to power up. I power up to kill monsters. I kill monsters to get loot. I get loot to power up. I power up to kill monsters. I kill monsters to get loot. I get loot to power up. I power up to kill monsters. etcetcetc.
Anyone else find something wrong with this endless cycle of doing the same thing over and over and over again?
that cycle is nothing new.
@@spatrk6634true. It's just a pointless perpetual motion machine.
@@Johnston212 perpetual motion?
I punching like 1.5m dps on your shadow rouge build but still no feel for end game can you make,more op rouge build like you did for necromancer.thank for carry on Lilith the other day 😂
I guess people who have like 3 level 100 heroes..pretty much dont have jobs. Its take forever to level up. I am very intrigued to know how they do it.
Im finding getting the relevant gear to my build is hard it gives me gear for builds i dont play.
Tbh I'm just playing whatever build defining unique I get first for now. I was playing a new pulv druid and got a storm claw unique early so to that I go for example
How did you get 3x chars to 100 so quickly? I have a 79 rogue and 48 barb and have put in a lot of hours! Like 30-35 hours per week since launch
By doing that amount of hours in two days.
Not sure if anyone can answer this, but currently lvl 63, in order to maximize my EXP with nightmare dungeons, I should be doing Tier 12-15?
You wanna run sigil that are at least tier 13.
Here’s the formula.
Your character level - 51
You should run at least tier 12.
You should NOT wait until 73 to spend Obols. They're capped anyway. That's a waste of currency. Spend them and salvage for materials. Then when you're 72 recap your obols.
Anyone know exactly how much XP for NM Dungeons with Mobs 3-10 levels higher?
I got into wt4 at lvl 57 with rogue and I’m too weak to do helltides 🤣
Lmaooo this is my friend too, got into tier 4 as rogue at 56 or 57 is 58 now, but is back in tier 3 cuz that shit is r o u g h for him
@@ThePolarpop I’m staying in wt4 I’m 60 now, I’m just doing side quests and dungeons for renown. Feels about the same for xp but at least I’m getting better drops and doing chores via renown.
you can do the wt3 difficulty and then change to wt4 to claim reward
I was a little bit higher 66 when I got to tier 4 yes it's humble pie all the way in tier 4 until you are at level 70 to 73 at with my twisted blade poison build I can speed run helltides I want to compare the transition from tier 3 to tier 4 with a sports analogy when you break in to tier 4 you are newly promoted playing with big boys and your team has trash players , but then you slowly build to make your team top of the tier 4 league:))).
So you've played about 14 hours each day since launch? Take in 7-8 hours of sleep and that's about the day there :o
I swear you only play games that fizzle out after like 3-6 months 😂.
PVP builds when Nick??
1. This is annoying that the world progress is bound to a character so I'm forced to play one because my new character has to grind renown from 0 :/
2. Sigils should be your level - 51 LOL. Tell devs that they should introduce Sigil level -10 for my Rogue at level 40 running nightmare dungeons xD
3. I would add that with season 4 there will be a change with Codex of Power so if you will find a high roll on an aspect then extract it instead of salvaging an item.
If im a casual player is there no point on playing this game with seasons being a thing? This is my first Diablo so i didnt know of seasons and that you have to pretty much start all over every 3 months
Hey dude. It's cool. You do not have to stop playing if you don't want to. Seasonal is an option, just like Hardcore is an option.
And you can do both if you want, too. The fun for me of seasonal is in fact starting over and playing (hopefully you've done the Campaign already) maybe a new class, and playing with new dimensions that change with every new season. So you could try seasonal for a while and if you don't like it, you go right back to playing your Launch character(s).
All this just to say, there is a point to doing whatever you are doing now.
@@mrblitzer8705 I did finish the campaign but I mean I play mostly on the weekends, during the week I work most of the day so I’ll play a few hours each day (at least I try to). I feel like I’m going to be playing on an old patch essentially if I don’t hop on seasons like everyone else is if that makes sense. Thanks for the help tho man
Grinding lvls in this game sucks... I miss the lvling in D3 i just wanna hit max lvl so i can farm gear. There is no reason the lvling is this slow and trash. I like grinding but this is stupid.
Some Brother from EU wanna spam NM Tier 40+? I want to Finish my rogue thos weekend
Um sir you have givin inproper info ....you can get forgotten souls from normal helltide chests ....
Why do you want to wait until level 73 to gamble?
That’s when you can get ancestrals but you will want to gamble before then to target specific weak spots in your gear as you level. And to get rid of opals instead of leaving them behind on the ground
Tru dat
You forgot to equip your title sir
Great guide. Pls give us a guide for T5.
T5 = irl
I have a 73 sorc that im sick of working on and its weak as hell offensive and moreso defense and leveling a druid thats 59 thats overall better to play and druid doesn't need four defense skills to survive go figure.
Or just keep going and going, learn from your mistakes no matter if u die in capstone in softcore xd
Me having world tier 4 at lvl 55😁💀
end game guide: wait for season 1. done lol
Add madmaggie if you ever need shards i escort ppl in pvp
just finished campaign, so what do i do now just the same dungeons over and over to get better gear for what? to do the same dungeons faster? this game is so boring TAT
I just hit 75 in my Barbarian tonight (I also have a 73 Rogue) & I just can’t take it no mo!!!
My average ilvl is 818.5 & loot drops that are 800+ are like 1 in 100, if even that
& I already got all my juiciest paragon board stuff
So now I’m staring at 25 increasingly slower & more redundant levels but the carrot on a stick is gone
I believe 85-100 is the same amount of XP as 1-85.
You are not even halfway there 😭.
In fairness to you as well. They are keeping WT5 locked behind the season release.
Probably so people don't blow through all the content before the first season.. where I guess the new main content will be as time goes by.
I think if I were you.. I would probably try to play a different character until then.
Only issue I see with doing multiple characters.. is the stash space.
How long do you think it would take to get to 100?
@@tksilent By 4/4 I’m assuming you mean the stats on the gear?
You think my gear is dumb useless shit like shadow resistance & chance to execute non elites? No. All my gear is 4/4 actual positives like vulnerable dmg , close damage, berserk duration, extra skill ranks, thorns & max health, total armor etc
& that 818 average is including the 25 extra levels from upgrades
@@tksilent Wtf Im not bragging about my gear
To my awareness the absolute rarest best gear is 840 base, & I don’t see anything above 801 dropping. Ever.
In fact most loot is total garbage as low as 650 & sacred for some reason. So as far as I know my gears not gonna improve much if I continue. I COULD be wrong 🤷🏽
How does me being burnt out personally offend you? because you sure sound awfully defensive about this
@stay60feetawayfromme33 dont listen to him hes a sweaty try hard man we get it you hit a point in the game where progress feels none existent but trust me push alittle higher amd you will start seeing improvment its an rng grind fest for a reason its why we play for the chase if your carrot is gone try comming back to the game take a break . But dont blame the game because its doing what it was ment to do 😊
Am i the only one lvl 52 and just finished up act 2? 😅😂
its pointless to go slowly through campaign.
you want to finish it as soon as possible to get world tier 3, ability to unlock last two renown levels, and other end game content.
Endgame? What endgame? Doing the same stuff over and over, just slightly quicker?
Getting my ass handed to me in Tier 3 though.
How to D4 in 15 minutes :p