Sampoorna Mahabharatam • సంపూర్ణ శ్రీమహాభారతము • Episode 3

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024
  • Ganesha agrees to be a scribe
    With his Yogic vision, Vyasa Maharishi saw everything pertaining to the creation.
    Even modern science accepts that sound gets recorded in space and that it can be retrieved. If science has been able to save enormous data in a small micro-chip, think of Nature’s capacities. Every sound gets recorded. Within 1/10th of a speck of dust, all sounds can be found.
    Sounds of innumerable living entities across eons reach our ears. Some people are driven insane by it. By chaining them in mental hospitals, we believe we are treating them. But their complaint is that they can hear all sounds. They should be healed in a proper way; not through torture.
    As sounds are recorded in space, Swamiji insists everyone endlessly chants ‘Vitthala; Hari, Krishna’. Science which said sound waves remained for 40 years now says it stays for 4000 years.
    This subject is covered in the Bhagavad Gita commentary being readied. Even if it takes a year or two, you must eagerly await that book and read it thoroughly.
    Through his Yogic vision, Maharishi Vyasa was able to see the entire Mahabharata treatise, the different historical treatises; Shrutis etc.
    Mahatmas who are totally engrossed in worshipping Mother Goddess have Her vision in their dreams, see Her giving them something or taking something. Some devotees of Swamiji are fortunate to have such experiences. Ordinary dreams such as going for picnic with friends pertain to this world. But the dreams wherein they travel to different worlds are treasured ones. The truth is that life itself is a dream. This you will learn in Vedanta classes. My talking, you listening is also a dream.
    Maharishi Vyasa explained this profound science in detailed and abridged forms. His narration brought delight to many pandits. Some scholars choose to read this treatise from the beginning, some from the story of Astika, some from Uparichara-vasu. Many learned men are bringing to light the knowledge contained in this text. Some skilfully offer commentaries while some are good at memorizing the verses.
    On the strength of his penance and meditation, Parashara’s son Vyasa analysed the entire Vedas before composing this sacred history. He undertook strict disciplines and composed it over a 3 year period. He was then lost in thought of ways by which he can pass this teaching to his students.
    When he was thus pondering, Lord Brahma arrived there seeking the wellbeing of Vyasa and the world.
    Surprised at his arrival, Vyasa lovingly welcomed and worshipped Him. Sitting beside the Lord he said,
    ‘O Lord, I have composed Mahabharata poem. It contains secrets of Veda, essence of Vedanga, Upanishads, history and puranas; topics pertaining to 3 time periods; nature of oldage, death, fear, real and unreal; attributes of the different dharmas and ashramas; rules for the 4 castes, rules regarding penance and celibacy; dimensions of earth, sun, moon, planets; duration of the 4 yugas; Rig, yajur and Sama Vedas; Spiritual Knowledge; knowledge of justice, medical treatment, charity, pasupata-dharma; description of pilgrim centres, mountains, forests, rivers, oceans, celestial abodes, warfare techniques, different kinds of nations, languages; and ways of the world. Description of all worldly objects is found here.
    Experts in dharma extol it as dharma-shastra, Vedantins as Vedanta, Experts in Niti as a Niti-shastra; greatest poets as a poem, learned scholars as a Shastra, historians as a historical story and Pouraniks as a compilation of all Puranas.
    Yet I do not find a competent worthy scribe to write this story’.
    Brahma said, ‘O best among all saints! You are a repository of knowledge and best in all the 3 worlds. Saraswati has always blessed you and makes your words come true. Since you call your work a poem, it will be a poem and the foremost among all poems. No one can explain it better than you. Only Ganapati is best suited to be your scribe. Pray to Him. You will see success’ saying so, Brahma vanished.
    Upon Vyasa’s prayer, Ganapati arrived. After worshipping and seating Him, Vyasa asked, ‘I have mentally composed Mahabharata. As I narrate, I want you to write it’.
    Ganapati said, ‘I will write as long as my pen does not rest even momentarily’.
    Vyasa said, ‘Ok, but You should not write without comprehending the meaning’.
    It means, even when typing, he must understand what he is typing.
    Ganapati agreed. Deliberately Vyasa chanted 8800 knotty verses difficult to comprehend. This style of composition is called grantha-granthi. Even to date none can perfectly fathom the Yogic- secrets contained in them.
    In the moment that Ganapati took to reflect over the meaning, Vyasa would compose more verses.
    To this world that has been blinded by darkness called ignorance, Mahabharata is the collyrium that opens eyes, fills illumination and dispels darkness. It is the lamp called history which is illumining the temple called world.

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