So True about Irelia she can be really strong or completly useless unique to this Champ is that she has one or even the best wave clear Potential of all Champs and can 1v9 Mid -late game you can still mess up in team fights and carry anygame she becomes more stronger the longer the game goes on and her playstyle is that shes an on hit off tank self healing Champion or a Pure suppourting Teamfighter Mage. Her weakness is her Manapool which will run out fast when you spam Q for farming also beeing rly weak at lvl 1 and 2 also that you can only build up her passive when you q kill minons to build up her passive stack of 4 seeing alot players struggeling when using q to build it up to E and engage and going all in real fast which can be hard punished by range matchups.
you re not weak lvl 1 or 2 , i can beat all lvl 1 with 4 stacks passive + lethal tempo, lvl 2 same, lvl 3 same, it all comes down to skill. With irelia u can 1v1 anyone if u can get to them , as long as its same gold same exp same health. Also winning one trade and backing off is gg lane if u good, check irelking u ll see what i mean. He takes cookie for mana and sustain, i prefer revitalise boneplating since and i am not as good
"In the newest patch"? What patch is that? Is it the one from six months ago, or the one from last year? The point: Time isn't the same thing for you as it is for your viewers.
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niiiixe i loved ur skin keep going
So True about Irelia she can be really strong or completly useless unique to this Champ is that she has one or even the best wave clear Potential of all Champs and can 1v9 Mid -late game you can still mess up in team fights and carry anygame she becomes more stronger the longer the game goes on and her playstyle is that shes an on hit off tank self healing Champion or a Pure suppourting Teamfighter Mage.
Her weakness is her Manapool which will run out fast when you spam Q for farming also beeing rly weak at lvl 1 and 2 also that you can only build up her passive when you q kill minons to build up her passive stack of 4 seeing alot players struggeling when using q to build it up to E and engage and going all in real fast which can be hard punished by range matchups.
you re not weak lvl 1 or 2 , i can beat all lvl 1 with 4 stacks passive + lethal tempo, lvl 2 same, lvl 3 same, it all comes down to skill. With irelia u can 1v1 anyone if u can get to them , as long as its same gold same exp same health. Also winning one trade and backing off is gg lane if u good, check irelking u ll see what i mean. He takes cookie for mana and sustain, i prefer revitalise boneplating since and i am not as good
Is it draft or ranked?
You’d love to play kled Ngl
Damn. First.
10 ms wtf
It's always the newest patch :D
Come on bro. I am personally a jax main and irelia is literally a free unless your camped by a shaco or something
I mean. Yeah true. But tbh, I've gone against pretty good jaxes and I won by baiting e. As long as that happens ire wins.
Lot of mistakes here. Shows how great she is.
"In the newest patch"? What patch is that? Is it the one from six months ago, or the one from last year? The point: Time isn't the same thing for you as it is for your viewers.
Look at the date of release, it’s not rocket science