just a thought, take a oscillating saw and glue on a small piece of wood out flat metal to an old blade. plunge it into the concrete to remove air pockets and bubbles.
No plumbing on this house. Just focusing on the structure. I will be finishing the outside but the way I am building i am not going to be able to access the inside. I'm open to doing plumbing and all the interior stuff in the future.
This is really cool
I'm glad you think it is! I am the most excited about framing it like a real house. Stay tuned! 🙂
So cool!
Glad you like it! Stay tuned for the framing! That's going to be even cooler!
I take back my comment. You fixed them all like a man. Ataboy🤙🏻
Haha. I'm not a concrete guy, admittedly. I learned alot on this first foundation attempt. They will be better in the future. 👍🏻
just a thought, take a oscillating saw and glue on a small piece of wood out flat metal to an old blade. plunge it into the concrete to remove air pockets and bubbles.
Love it, great idea! I love hearing different ideas from people, thank you.
Where's the plumbing? Love the project
No plumbing on this house. Just focusing on the structure. I will be finishing the outside but the way I am building i am not going to be able to access the inside. I'm open to doing plumbing and all the interior stuff in the future.
That’s not a model house
That’s a small house!!!
Matt Damon could move in there
Awesome work man 👍
On to the next
Thank you!
how do i get the mini 2x4
You can make them or buy them. I am not currently selling them but will be down the road.
Minimaterials.com has them too! 👍🏻
building a model ranch house Good project, but takes a lot of time.
It does, but its all good!