YTP Xenoblade Chronicles: It's Never Sunny in Makna Forest: Definitive Edition

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
    Been playing through Definitive Edition and thought "Hey. Why not, as an editing exercise, remake a Theaggyuu YTP with footage from my own DE playthrough?" So I did, to the best of my abilities. That CoD win screen at around 2:27 (volume warning btw) was a pain to get working with the green screen, so I went with what you see in its place. There was also a bit of color correction I did for a few clips because I accidentally took them with the game brightness all the way up. Again, this was a learning experience for me and my editing software.
    Took a few liberties of my own as well, but nothing too major in terms of changes. Also contains a vague explosion effect from the end of the game and the very end of the credits in terms of spoilers (of which was the only footage I had to get outside of my playthrough since I didn't want to wait until I was basically done with the game to make this for one clip).
    I enjoyed making this, and I think I like the final product more than Theaggyyu did of the original. This is one of my favorite YTPs of his.
    "Those who have sidequested extensively in Makna Forest will get the title :3"

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