Geese, RedTailed Hawks, Fluffy, Merlin, Egrets, Blue Heron, Quail, Turkeys, Rabbits, Kali and Speedy

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Jay made a short video of three Canada Geese flying past our house, as he stepped out of the house for our morning walk.
    I made a brief video of a RedTailed Hawk that was on the Nest Tree next to The Last Word Ranch. We had overcast-cloudy skies this morning until almost 10 AM.
    Fluffy saw us heading toward her area and came down the sidewalk to connect with us. We spotted Lucifer make his way to the food-water area at her site as Fluffy led the way to her area. Jay gave me some cat treats to put down as a peace offering for Lucifer, which I did. He did not advance toward the treats today. The water dish needed to be rinsed before I filled it up with fresh water. The dry food dish was empty but not after I filled it back up. Fluffy joined me as I was finishing putting the dry food in the dish and started eating the dry food. I let her have a few bites, then picked her up and turned her around and urged her toward her ground cover area. Jay put treats down for Fluffy, which she ate before joining Jay.
    After we left Fluffy's area, Jay spotted a RedTailed Hawk perched on the eastern hillside fence, near one of the fence gates. While I was doing my video, I was aware that some bird flew over the RedTailed Hawk's head to the left and returned to the right. I scanned to the right and saw a smaller bird perched on the fence. When we viewed my video on a larger screen at home, I paused that part of the video and turned to Jay and asked 'You know what bird that is, don't you?' Jay looked intently and responded that it was a Merlin. Merlins are small falcons about the size of a pigeon and sometimes referred to as Pigeon Hawks, due to their size. We do see them in the area from time to time but this was the first time we saw one at the same time we were seeing a RedTailed Hawk. Awesome!!
    On the hillside near the Whispering Hills Ranch, we had two Great White Egrets that were hanging out with the Whispering Hills Ranch's horses. That is until I was un-zooming my lens and realized there was a third egret left of the horses and two egrets.
    Jay was busy while I made the egret video making a video of the juvenile Great Blue Heron. It was on the hillside above Whispering Hills Ranch and also near some of the ranch's horses. It was on the hunt for its breakfast but did not catch anything during Jay's video.
    There was a very low turnout of birds at Alviso Adobe Park. It was eerily quiet when we arrived and that always has us looking for a hawk in the park. While we did not see one in the park, from the park's entrance area, I made a video of a RedTailed Hawk on the utility pole next to the nearby Whispering Hills Ranch. A California Towhee showed up to take one of the four mealworms from the picnic table. The male and female Quail showed up for birdseed on the ground next to the picnic table. There were four Cotton-Tailed Rabbits enjoying the cracked corn that I put on the nearby bark for them. A couple of ladies who visited the park and knew I put food out for the park birds didn't realize I also put food out for the rabbits. We had collected our cameras and were getting ready to head to the entrance area of the park when the two tom Wild Turkeys showed up. Jay tossed some live mealworms towards them and they quickly gobbled them up. By the time we left the park, the rest of the eleven turkeys in this flock were flying over the grapevine fence to join the two male turkeys.
    Kali hadn't been at the church earlier when we were heading to the park but was there on our return. Jay put cat food and treats on the cement curb in the church's back parking lot and Kali showed her eagerness for breakfast by trotting toward the food once Jay stepped away.
    Fluffy greeted us upon our return and Jay put more treats down for her. She was finishing up her treats as I headed over to check on her water. I decided to top off the water dish and saw that the food plate was clean.
    We had not seen Speedy earlier and he made certain we saw that he was at the southern site on our return. Jay had four live mealworm left and put them on the groundcover. Speedy flew down to take the first one and flew off. One of the two California Scrub Jays flew down and took the second mealworm and the other Scrub Jay flew down and took the third mealworm and was 'encouraged' not to take the last mealworm. Speedy returned and he and one of the Scrub Jays both went for the last mealworm. Speedy's speed won out and he got the last mealworm.

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