I think exact is to strong of a description.Though it seems to me the left is much more concerned with conformed thinking than behavior.But in many regards ,left and right are just different sides of the same "we need a purpose" and blame game coin.
+Hugo Lino, a public college, where you are meant to learn and be exposed to new ideas, is not the same thing as a political party. Did you watch the video?
What a novel idea.Political parties should not be allowed to monopolize the education process.Try getting the teachers union to sign on to that proposal.
heck anymore it's starting to look like they don't even want people to look different. With all the gender neutrality, and the style of dress and how people act..I think they just want a bunch or drones to do their dirty work and help with a socialist revolution.
@@mari0664 ..... only dead fish swim with the stream. I tend to be sceptical of people in power, be they liberal or conservative. That's why I'm actually against the indoctrination of liberal ideas on College campus. Yet, what PragerU isn't admitting is that they're simply the opposite side of the coin.
Just write the teaching down, so all of us can see how pseudoscientific your Profs work (in case you study something in the area of humanities). Or just leave.
@@freakdg1230 you make it sound like common sense is a bad thing, common sense is all that is needed for many things for example shooting, it should be common sense to not point a gun at anyone or lock it up so it doesn't get into the wrong hands. Or staying away from a van with a sketchy looking dude that says I have candy.
I’m a liberal but I agree with everything you just said! It’s so much more interesting to speak with someone that you disagree with than with someone you agree with!
I used to be a liberal and shared many of the same views with my friends and acquaintances. They still attacked me verbally and others in spite of having the same views. Hence, I'm no longer liberal. I think and speak as I please based on my life experiences. If others want to discuss things like an adult, I'm in. If they want to behave like spoiled, entitled, screeching brats, I'm out!
And on what criteria are you classifying Muslims as close-minded? On not accepting liberal reforms in society? You can discuss any idea with [the majority] Muslims if you talk in a respectful manner. You can find close-minded people in absolutely any society. From what I have met Muslims are the most open-minded among 'conservatives'.
In my case I actually went into college more liberal leaning, but came out more right leaning, lmao. Something about seeing the freak show in 1st person opened my eyes...
All of your top 10 highly developed countries of 2012 are liberal havens. As is the best state in the union union and the first to fight British oppression, Massachusetts.
Journeyman107 you mean like China? They are so liberal! The higher learning institutions today are freak shows! The Kinks predicted this in the 70s. “Girls will be boys and boys will be girls it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola”!
i had a high school US government teacher who loved to debate. I debated him on obamacare and why it's unconstitutional. After he pointed to the commerce clause which was being used to justify it, i pointed out that commerce is transactions meaning the fed can only regulate transactions that cross state lines and that's it and i pointed out the 10th amendment and no mention of healthcare in the constitution, he brought up the general welfare clause. I researched it and the following day i told him that the general welfare clause pertained only to the duties outlined elsewhere in the constitution and that the notion that it was to give congress unlimited spending power on the seemingly endless needs of the public, held by Alexander Hamilton, was outright rejected at the constitutional convention. He had to concede the point and applauded me for doing the relevant research.
Capitalism is a good thing, government programs and businesses, need to have a good balance with the private sector. No healthy nation only has one, for example America has high school.
Not from the US, but my teacher argued for capitalism in a class with a child. When the student supported socialism, my teacher said 'Should I take away your marks and give it to another kid who has secured less marks in the name of equality?'
Same here, I live in a conservative state and they actually taught real world history. Warned us about communism and taught us that socialism only works in a "vacuum".
I'm a democrat who is pro-life, agrees with immigration laws, believes in a flat tax system, wants political correctness to go away, and doesn't believe in the "more than 2 genders" bs.
So if you reject extremists, how do you react to Barry Goldwater: Moderation in the protection of liberty is no virtue; extremism in the defense of freedom is no vice.
I'm a ninth grade male libertarian/conservative with a all A report card and I'm terrified of college because of the thought social justice warriors could get me kicked out for speaking my mind
Kobe Roland Do not waste time worrying about this. It is exaggerated. Pick a major that will provide a good career for you. Take classes that interest you in addition to your core classes. Then live your life.
I ditched classes of my worst professors, and wrote the perspective they wanted to hear. I had to seek out conservative views on my own to get a better education than indocuration. I choose to read Ayn Rand on my bus commute, and attended an Ann Counter event way back in 2003, when we had better opportunities for free speech. I remeber the conservatives talk about their car windows getting bashed or tires slashed for their republican stickers, and having to avoid the cult of Green Peace between classes. I remember talking to the Army recruiters about the ROTC buildings getting vandalized and recruiters beaten, and the protests during class when crazy kids beat on classroom doors trying to inititate protest during class. No one left, because a better action was to write to a congressman and stay in school because you are paying for it. Sad thing, none of it challenged my way of thinking because I recognized they were the real oppressive assholes, even back then. I learned more on active duty than I did there, and I finished my education online so I wouldn't have to deal with the real thought bigots of the world, who really don't know that much about the real world and don't have open minds or room for real diversity because they really think they are intellectually and morally superior. They know how to think better than we ever could, right? The higher institutions of learning lost my respect years ago because they simply don't teach. After all, look at all the studies that show how poorly prepared graduates are for practically any job.
Erin Smith A question: Why did you seek conservative views? There must be dozens of different views on things, why did you choose just one? And if you teach yourself just one thing, thats still just indoctrination, just voluntary. I mean, why search for a view at all? Like, there may be things that have answers that are just yes/no, but even those things always have more than one reason for choosing that one side. And if you find a view, its picking a side, picking a group. If you do that, its still not YOUR choice, its someone else´s, that you just choose to support. Why not trying to seek to understand the concepts themselves, the questions, instead of trying to find out what other people think about it. Understand the problem itself from all sides first, and only then making your mind, your OWN mind.
Jason Rasmussen Just two options? There is no logical possibility for a third one? There are a minimum of four (4) options here. That you only see two explicitly imply that your capability for reasoning is seriously diminished. Now, since colleges upset you, Im not going to advice you more specificly, but I am saying that a little more learning would not be a bad idea.
Jason Rasmussen That is impressive. So nice for you to share about your life. I cant say I get paid for reading books, which sounds very nice. Cant tell anything exciting about myself. I dont search for conflict or to do damage. I do end up in arguments though with people who seek conflict. Once I kinda accidentally broke a political party. Whhooops! That was kinda fun. Im just glad it wasnt mine. Thats the limit of how exciting my life gets. I dont fight battles or crusade through the country, the most exciting thing in my life is whether I want a yogurt curry or try the tomato sauce. My political philosophy goes like, people are just trying to make things work, and no-one really knows whats going on, so they try to do one thing at a time. And often those one things go against each other. Like, theres people who try to do the things the right way, and theres people who try to get certain results. And usually the methods used and results wanted dont match on any side, even when they might match between the sides. But people fight about them anyway, and get the opposite results they expect, and blame the other side. So the best thing is to just see how things actually work, and show that to people. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes they get inspired, and sometimes they dont. And sometimes you can show what doesnt work, and why. But just be you, and dont try to be part of anything. You know, part of democracy, yes, but as just yourself, a person, without flags or stamps or signs or warcries or colours. Because the moment you choose a flag, people attack the cloth and forget where they are. It can be used for great effect. Get people charging at the cloth, and swipe it away the last moment, but thats not really nice, is it? Its dangerous though. Take away the cloth, and the next thing they attack is you. Anyway, I think theres only two choices, really two this time. Either you choose a side and favor yours and try to cripple the other, or you choose no side. Thats about it. And you either choose a side, and its always YOUR side, and you take from your country and your people, or you choose to give to your people. And those two cannot be mixed.
Universities should not be funded by the government, they should all be private. Edit: so long as they remain pathologically corrupt. If they change and become beneficial to society then I don’t mind them being publicly funded.
I studied at public university which I enjoyed the low tuition fee ( $300) per semester and easy access with metro that links with my residential area. I appreciate whatever the government does for us and the public universities have better educational resources and reputation than private universities.
@@austin7037 My degree is BSc in Genetics and Molecular Biology which requires student to have a good academic result such as GCE A-level and a good inquisitive instinct. Plus thanks for your questioning as your government doesn't provide any basic welfare for the citizens such as the rights for education and medicine for the people in grassroot level. Peace.
It's exactly the same thing that happens in my country, Costa Rica. The incredible thing is that I listen to this guy and it's as if I made a textual narration of what happens in public universities in my country
Im a Junior at Carlow University this upcoming August. I can't tell you how dangerous it is to be a Conservative Republican at this University. They always talk about diversity but most of student body is African American and made up of women. There is so much push for diversity pushed towards accepting Blacks and Women meanwhile the ratio to males is 7 to 1, as in 7 women for 1 guy. The diversity is all over the place and makes no sense. During the election we saw some Republicans come out of the closets but most tend to hide from fear of being bullied not only by their fellow open minded students, but the staff who will openly make fun of them if you cannot hold your own.
I don't understand. All these people are being discriminated against for being conservative, yet, at my school, everyone is accepted, or so it seems to my eye. One time my conservative friend was called a Nazi (I know that's nothing to sneeze at) but that's all I've seen in bad insults in my environment. I live in a state that consitantly votes blue, as well.
I teach college mathematics. There's a hugely different culture in my department than in any of the arts classes. There's still bleedthrough, though. Some of the topics tossed around the office...there's a reason I do a lot of my work at home.
@@Ryvaken Yup. I remember my liberal arts friends talking to me about assuming gender and being super confused when I just wanted to learn how to code.
Joseph Duenas -- Professors will find out where you stand... (Identity Essays - Activism Reports You Believe In) And the English/Lit/History books are Post-Modern Progressive. Professors find and use only books that are written by SJW Socialists... English class books are filled with Racial/Gender Activism and the questions are loaded to either agree with their mindset, or you have to fully explain with Scholar Material why you disagree... Good luck finding that Scholar Info... Google Scholar stinks... In my American History Classes, Semester 1 we went up to the Revolutionary War... Semester 2 we started at the 1900 Progressives... We totally skipped over our Independence, Declaration, US Constitution, and Bill of Rights... (SPOILER: Progressives saved America... so biased) I go to a Community College, and I can only imagine how worse it is in major colleges...
In college in our Native American-White Relations class, our Canadian-Socialist teacher keep trying to convince all us white skinned students that we share responsibility for the destruction of the Native Americans....400 YEARS ago...simply because our skin was pale. Pale equals low melatonin levels...my ancestors had NOT settled in America yet when injustice happened to the Native Americans...but that doesn't matter BECAUSE of your low melatonin levels...even though you were Born This Way.
I agree with you, I wonder if the majority of people appearing to want to place any culpability in today's America get that no one alive ( for the most part ) had any hand in any victimization of any one else. Of course this is directed at the ethnic level, no slaves no organizations that I am aware of do damage to native Americans.
In college, a teacher brought a picture of a 12-year-old girl from 1970 and one from today. The one from 1970 was wearing a cute dress and drinking a cup of milk, the 12-year-old from today was wearing a small bikini and had huge beasts... My teacher's point was to ask us what had changed... And all of the students said that she has more freedom nowadays! I was the only one who spoke against the way she was dressed, I felt alone, but I was glad I stood up against the way she was dressed! And of course, the teacher accused me of supporting rape.... Gracious
Edward Collier I said that a girl that age shouldn't be walking around showing such reveling clothes, that it could attract unwanted attention from older men, illegal attention
I love this and as a college professor I approve of this, but I am a physic professor and I highly doubt that my colleagues in the social sciences, humanities and liberal arts would approve. They are the most closed minded, elitists and anti free speech people I know.
I was immunized with the truth before college . Thank God. I fight every liberal cause everyday in the classroom. The only way the students hear the conservative side is through me.
That's an interesting perspective, that you have the truth and everyone else who disagrees is wrong. What was the truth you were taught? Who taught you? Do you teach in higher education or elementary?
@@BelovedLuke What was the truth that you learned in the Bible that motivates you to fight every liberal cause? Did you mean history books (from) or (about) 19th and 20th century?
@@matthewfairchild3846 The Bible is the conservative basis for all morality. Reading books before the advent of post-modernism is the only way to find what people of the time judged as right and wrong. Today's history judges the past by today's standards.
@@BelovedLuke Interesting. Would you agree that the Bible is a book of historical record? If so, should it be allowed to judge people in the present? What about the past?
TheHollowKnight Absolutely, I'm so thankful that I didn't lose my mind going to college. How oxymoronic is that... lol. But really, I'm so glad I didn't saddle myself with so mich debt that I could never have gotten out. Talk about being an indentured servant. No thanks.
+TheHollowKnight Yeah, I recently concluded high school and instead of directly proceeding to the university like all of my high school academics promoted, I decided to take a year-long break to look at both sides of the issue and what the hell is going on in university and I have come to the resolution that trade school is the way to go. The irony when the university, supposedly a place of "higher learning" becomes utterly useless to society unless you pursue STEM; to the point that learning a trade is now far more viable and valuable than the institution of the university itself.
Yes. I went to trade school myself after being with a university for a year, and got the education I needed to make sweets for a living. Best decision I've ever made in my life.
Actually, yes, it did. They were called the Visigoths. The parallels between what happened with them and the Romans and what's happening now with the Muslim invasion of Europe and the invasion of illegal aliens to the USA are startling.
TBustah It was more like idiots became kings and emperors, making shit military campaigns and giving the states under the Roman rule the Patrician piss. Seeing their people slaughtered to legion steel, they buried their hate, and bloomed a hell bent wankers bellend to destroying the Empire. America please...
Google "The Battle of Teutoburg Forest", and "Arminius". Within 400 yrs (I think)after Teutoburg Forest, the Roman Empire was done. Finished by Odoacer, who I believe would be considered Hungarian today? The fatal flaw of Romans was their belief that "anyone" could be a Roman. The Roman trump card was their battle strategy, and they moronically trained Germans to be in the Roman military. You don't train your enemy on how to beat you. Romans should have either made an effort to completely defeat the Germans (like they did the Spanish, French and others) or at the very least ban German "barbarians" from entering Rome and joining the military. Very important lesson.
It is, but I'd argue that we're far off from a collapse like what was done in the ancient Roman empire. Back before Rome was an Empire the Senate was the ruling body of the country and there was no emperor. However, over time the Roman Senate stopped listening to the people and just did what ever they wanted and rigged the elections in such a way that they didn't have to worry about being voted out of office. Kind of sounds like our congress now. The people could get behind and support someone like Julius Caesar because they were sick and tired of government not working for them. Hmm...Sounds like why Trump got elected. I'd saw we are still closer in parallel to Rome before it became an empire, but unlike Rome and Julius Caesar, Trump isn't the right person that could change our system of government and make us into an empire. He's not nearly as popular with the people and his actions have on more than one occasion called into question his understanding of how government and world works. Julius Caesar in contrast, like him or hate him, was more popular with the people and he had a firm understanding of how the government and world worked when he hatched his plan to rise to power. We also have to keep in mind that our government, while is has many similarities, is not the Roman government and unlike ancient Rome, the common people are far better educated (relatively speaking) so it'll be very different in how we end up with an emperor here, but it'll probably happen at some point as long as congress continues to ignore the people.
if we ever end up with a president that'll enforce the constitution with a heavy hand, or better yet an iron fist, the collapse won't happen. Or it'll at least be postponed by a couple of centuries.
Exactly: if conservative ideas were bad, they would simply die on their own. Astronomers aren't shouting down people who think the moon is made of green cheese. (For one thing, cheese has a different refractive index than moon rocks.)
Ed Poor I'm sorry, but I just want a clarification over how opaque materials ie. moon rocks could possibly have a refractive index at all. It's not like light can pass through such material.
Ed Poor just because something is a terrible does not in any way mean that it will fade some terrible ideas actually grow with time take anti semitism as a good example
That's quite the fallacious statement. If bad= not popular? Plenty of bad ideas become extremely popular or ingrained in society. Slavery, getting drunk, brinkmanship, trickle-down economics, eating Tide Pods, support for unnecessary wars, etc. Bad and good ideas aren't exempt from humanities tendency to make selfish, shortsighted decisions.
Firstly Let me preface my response by saying I'm not an expert. But in 3D modeling programs, when modifying material properties there's an IOR setting that changes the way opaque materials reflect light, and also moving the IOR value far away from 1(pretty much perfect transparency) results in an opaque material. www.deviantart.com/yudesh-sohan
Why aren't you rich then? Are you too stupid? Or lazy? No. You just can't become rich out of nowhere. In order to get more money, someone has to lose more money.
Lune DeFroid how do you become rich in socialism? what are you denying? are you going to argue that because im not rich socialism is better? wow no wonder Trump won
John Sanchez are average americans richer than average Venezuelans. how do quantify rich? is rich a material wealth owned or the ability to acquire such goods? lots of things we can discuss
As a college student at a very liberal university, I've noticed that most people who use the words "open minded" in describing themselves are usually the ones becoming extremely offended when encountered with differing arguments.
Depends on the differing argument. I'd call myself "open minded," but wouldn't be open-minded to things like racism, sexism or homophobia. Nor should I be.
@@lameduck1690 Then you shouldn't' tolerate any of the Left's ideas. They are to a fault racist, sexist, and discriminatory of sexual orientation and religion. Anyone who tells you that different standards need to be applied to different groups (most college entrance processes are known to discriminate against asians and whites) or that certain genders need special treatment (see women only seminars, or women's studies courses for example) Are not "open minded", they're discriminatory, and need to be called out on it.
Not just conservative professors/students but we need Libertarians independents and people who don't give themselves label but simply want to have logical solutions for our nation.
I concur with this video based on my personal experience. I went to a University of California School and many of the general education requirements outside of math, language, and physical sciences, were very left leaning in nature. At the time I had next to zero interest such courses and couldn't understand why on earth they were required for graduation, much less for a student of engineering. I can recall reading an investigative journalism book in one of my writing research courses that surreptitiously had to do with minimum wage law, in which the author essentially blamed the existence of poverty in America on the minimum wage level being overly depressed. This of course is a typical Leftist fantasy that they want to implant in young minds: if only the minimum wage was $50/hour--or whatever the threshold du jour is--poverty would magically vanish. College English can't possibly be politicized you say? Think again. For the record, no courses in business, not even a simple Business 101 with concepts of revenue, expenses, and payroll, were either required or even offered to undergraduates, despite the fact that every single student would have to work for one, or start their own, upon graduation. Moving along, in my Contemporary Moral Problems course (philosophy), we basically had to argue for the absolute validity of abortion using over-complicated logic, resembling a geometry proof, firmly rooted in immorality. Prior to my freshman level enrollment I had never even heard of abortion or considered that something so satanic could exist, yet here I was being spoon fed why a medical practitioner--who took the Hippocratic Oath of Primum non nocere--is fully justified to kill a healthy, anatomically-developed, unborn, innocent human being, without any legal or ethical ramifications. This was nearly two decades ago. Just imagine how bad it is now! I've already made up my mind that when the time comes I"ll be steering my kids away from Universities and towards trade schools and encouraging autodidactisim.
Ludwig Rañola yes and isn't it amazing then that Sweden has the highest rate of homosexual suicide because the left say giving every minority what they want actually stops that.
Sweden is going bust. America has been funding their national defence for years. They pay the highest taxes anywhere in the world. Also is still a capitalist country. The only thing that keeps Sweden afloat is capatalism.
Wes Hartman, the same reason why Hollywood is overwhelmingly liberal, because those in positions to hire people in the industry are bigots who discriminate against anyone who does not share liberal views. Not hard to understand at all.
Tastypie, "progressive" views like the belief that you can change your gender by clicking your heels three times? Maybe you meant that the correlation was an inverse relationship between intelligence and "progressive" views.
I’m so glad we have people like him. I don’t feel like my voice is heard, and living in Massachusetts doesn’t help. Look at how many liberals there are
Exactly, I'm an Indian here on the RIGHT coast. My parents came here legally. Most of the racism I've encountered has been from blacks calling me an Uncle Tom.
Cornell and Ithaca College are NOT diverse in any form. I hear newcomers comment how prejudice Ithaca is at least once a month. Fun fact: Cornell has banned Hawaiian shirts, those flowery dress shirts, because they represent cultural appropriation.
Well, shit, that means the Left actually hates all anime lovers (like myself), particularly cos-players. Just when I thought they couldn't hate my white Christian cis straight male rational-thinking self any more... they found a way.
@@louismastrangelo3781 Not even you should eat most pasta, because it's not from your region of Italy! Shame on you for all the cultural appropriation! (Sarcasm, for anyone who missed it)
Ah cultural appropriation. That thing that the left does with European culture but says that whites can't even enjoy a simple shirt. It's like Apocalypse Now, except the smell of napalm is the smell of hypocrisy
I made a major mistake going to a liberal leftist, at the time, women's college for a teaching certificate where they had to accept men for that program at that time according to PA state law. At the initial registration, falsely thinking it was a 'real' college I was assaulted spit on and hit and security told me I asked for it because me just being there antagonized the majority of students. The dean of students a hostile bigoted lesbian harassed me even forbidding me to practice any aspect of Christianity because it was 'sexist.' Male administrators and flaming homosexual teachers there made sexual advances that made me physically sick and when I complained to the president of this obscene joke of a college and her administrative office I was called homophobic and bigoted and told 'to be understanding and cooperative.' I was railroaded out of there on absolutely false and trumped up charges and to this day am sometimes harassed with attempts to extort money. Local law enforcement and legal governmental services are afraid of these 'dritbags' because of intimidation from their multi million legal department and over the years I have told them, sue me, press charges take me to court and as the cowards they are they back down. Following incidents, and this is only what I know of, have taken place there, a grade school ending a relationship because of child molestation and the pressing of, or at least the threatening of, charges of parents for libel, bogus lies. Dead bodies found in abandonded buildings there and at least one case, probably one of hundreds, of viscious lesbian rape with a broom handle. Sincerely any outside authority with any semblance of backbone or courage would shut that place down in a matter of weeks if not days and arrange for the arrest and prosecution of several administrators. Lastly the place was saturated by cocaine as those hateful miserable biggots had to frequently numb themselves with narcodicts and liquor
I'm a hardcore Democrat as you can tell by my profile picture and some of the videos this account post are really stupid but I do have to agree with this. The vast majority of my party to not like to hear what the other side has to say and I think that is where we go wrong we all need to share our ideas and work on them together to make a better country for ourselves and for our kids and their kids.
A respectable human who is a Democrat? *David Attenborough voice* Here in the wild, we have found a truly remarkable specimen indeed. The rarest of their kind, but loved by the opposition for their decent humanity.
The Schools need to Study the US Constitution, History, and Geography! How many college students know where Syria, North Korea, or the Ukraine is located? Not Many!
I was a Finance and Accounting student in Warsaw and we were taught, that free market, capital investment and low taxation create actual wealth. And that in countries were high taxes are implemented, the poor people are usually the ones who pay them. So I have entered my University as center leftist and left it as a liberal. Liberal in the european sense (economic liberalism - not fiscal liberalism).
The education system has been ransacked in order to keep the general population stupid. Think about it: Does any program in college/university teach you what you need to know to be successful in business or in life? The answer is no. There are maybe five degree programs that will land you a career after graduating. The ones in medicine are basically can't-miss propositions. Besides medicine though, the best you can learn from college/university is to memorize a few technical skills for product XYZ that you will (in theory) use upon graduating when you land your first job. Everything else is just filler. Something to occupy your mind so you aren't learning anything valuable. You don't learn any of the skills that you need to succeed like how to manage a business, how to sell yourself, how to identify market needs and develop products/services to satisfy them, how to manage money, etc Schools intentionally omit the information that separates the general population from the 1%.
If you ban Shakespeare just because he's a white male, that's wrong. If you ban a book just because it contains/glorifies sexism, racism or homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, that's also wrong. Shakespeare was from a time when anti-semitism was accepted, and so his works contain them too. Banning them for that reason is stupid. Though I'm a leftist, all my favourite writers did support at least one of the things mentioned above.
The problem with your question is that you misunderstand the point of that example; it is not whether or not Shakespeare must be read, it is whether or not Shakespeare should be excluded. Shakespeare is a valuable asset in academic learning, as it has been proven to be a wonderful experince for many students that learned his plays and work. That is not to say that Shakespeare is overrated, however, defaulting studies to Shakespeare because "everyone else does it" makes learning Shakespeare less meaningful. Do not exclude something from learning just because it classifies as something other people see; a method of classification like this is basically racist when it comes to excluding this sort of knowledge.
Here in America too gen z is just looking at things more logically which can hurt people at times but generally makes you less likely to make a fool of yourself
I feel like sharing every single video you guys make! Such enlightning and enriching content! I'm learning from this channel more then I was ever taught during 4 years in College, where the Professors olny preached their leftists spech. Warm regards froms Brazil! Keep up the excellente work! God bless PragerU!
How can you as a straight white male think you have a right to an opinion on this? Just kidding, I totally agree. Did I trigger any of my logical brethren :p
Just because I feel it needs to be said, Liberals are not the problem, leftists are. I have had countless interesting debates and discussions this liberals at my university, but leftists are a no go. To quote Dennis Prager, "Liberalism and Leftism have almost nothing in common." We should make an effort to correct this false equivalency the Left is pedaling, as noting the difference in conversation with liberals will likely create more allies than enemies. For more information on the difference between the two watch "Left or Liberal?" by PragerU ruclips.net/video/tlIjMJBSnRE/видео.html
@Prasanna Tayade It is not hypocritical, the left doesn't even tolerate right wingers, nevermind give them a voice, you are the hypocrite here, the left has begun violent militancy in order to shut down right-wing speech and now you want the right to give you a voice? It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that you can't see this, have you missed what is happening in Berkeley?
+Prasanna Tayade Why would you have to include a leftist point of view in every video in order to qualify as supporting diversity of thought? There is a big difference between having a different point of view and shutting down/preventing others from giving their thoughts. It would be hypocritical if PragerU had the power to go around deleting leftist leaning channels on YT. Everyone has ideas that they think are correct and the best choice; otherwise, why would you talk about it at all if you didn't think it was right and that everyone else should see that point of view? Calling something out is nothing but speech. Saying something like sharia law is incompatible with the constitution would likely get a kid expelled or something through the school's administrative actions. The silencing is the problem, not the speaking and counter speaking. Tomi worked for a Mormon that probably doesn't even believe birth control is okay. Her job is to be the spokesperson and representative of his show and her personal views is pretty much what the show is. Don't worry about Tomi, she will do just fine and the publicity of all this will probably make her even more famous and have her own show. Your tax dollars don't support the show and the boss can fire anyone he wants (especially someone doing contract work). #3 has nothing to do with the topic of diversity of thought at universities. That is a particular topic of discussion or a collection of thoughts that people might have. Calling things out is the whole idea of having a discussion, but duct taping the mouths of people with the 'wrong' thoughts is very different. Like the fools that pretended their life was in danger because someone wrote 'Trump 2016' on the sidewalk in chalk, or forcing people to take off their MAGA hat because it scares people, rioting because a gay Catholic that loves black guys came to give a talk--hilariously calling him a racist homophobe, etc.
Because it's profoundly affected by ideology. I'm against the uniformity of thought, but they clearly want a "diversity"(they even don't want polarity, but some kind of approval based on their rudimentary statements) that will give them a platform for spreading historical lies, like the one that racism has nothing to do with crime rates in majorily black communities, or that capitalism is a heaven, pretending that places like India, DRC or Zambia don't even exist.
LandInbetween How does sudenly atheist = leftis? Its not like only atheist is suporting the left seeing how only around 25% of US population says they arent relgious and that the left has around half of the population suporting them
Hahaha I'm a modern day leftist and I didn't get pissed at this video! I support most of the points of the video, though extreme right and extreme left ideas are unrealistic and harmful.
LandInbetween No that you say left/atheist seems too make that atheist for some reason should be triggered by this? Why exactly? He did not mention anything about atheist and relgious people about this video only about diversity on thought which i suport. There are atheist who suport the right so why the hell should they be triggered? And triggered? How am i triggered may i ask?
I feel like this video misses the point. We shouldn’t be advocating for colleges to hire conservative professors. We should be advocating for leftist professors to stop giving their political opinions and tell facts and truth!
“The high crime rates in black communities has little to do with historic racism.” This statement is offensively incorrect. That’s why no one in schools have that opinion, because it’s flat out wrong. I was on your side up until then.
Sherry Gillis "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people.” "You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." This is a quote from Nixon’s domestic policy chief, John Ehrlichman. The man who instigated the criminalization of the “DRUGS” African Americans are still getting arrested for. This is why I know for a fact that the high crime rate in African American communities is due to systemic racism.
Sherry Gillis I did some more research on the John Ehrlichman quote, you’re right it is not as credible as I thought. I don’t know though, with all the racism that has existed in the country, it isn’t out of the wheel house to say the war on drugs was related. Just looking at the timing, African Americans got the right to vote in 1965, the war on drugs began in 1971. I love this country, but it isn’t perfect, and that’s ok, as long as we can point out that imperfection and make a change. Marijuana should not be illegal. It didn’t used to be, George Washington had a cannabis farm. But politicians muddied the waters and lied to the public about it’s dangers. Which believe me, I know the dangers of weed first hand, it ain’t perfect. But it is a heck of a lot better than “scientists” we’re claiming it to be in the 70s. “Refer Madness” is just incorrect, no one is more physically aggressive when high on THC. Maybe a hint more passive aggressive, but that’s the paranoia. Anyway, the bottom line is, the validity of the quote I sighted is shaky when viewed on its own. But when viewed in context, there just doesn’t seem to be a more reasonable answer to the question of why a drug like cannabis was so harshly condemned. Crack, heroine, cocaine, I get it, those will mess you up and kill you. But even then, why criminalize a victim of addiction? What about rehab?
Sherry Gillis ultimately, it’s irrelevant whether or not the war on drugs was started with racist intent. Maybe I should stop focusing on the past, and focus on the present. After all, none of us were in the room where these people discussed why they should or shouldn’t criminalize drugs. So none of us can say why it’s all happened the way it has. I was arrogant to say that I “know” that it was based on historic racism. What is important now is agreeing that the laws surrounding illegal drugs are not working. The fact that it’s mostly black people who are punished is irrelevant, regardless of ethnicity, children are losing their fathers for years for minor drug possession felonies, rather than being separated for months for rehabilitation sentencing. Do you agree we should change that? Thank you for starting this dialog with me, I’ve learned a lot.
Sherry Gillis Yeah I know that drugs are harmful, and people shouldn’t take them lightly. Maybe recreational use is not the answer. But the question still stands. Should we sentence people to 5 years in prison for having 5 grams of marijuana in their possession? Addicts need therapeutic help, not felony strikes on their records. Do you agree?
To all of the incoming freshmen on any campus, never be afraid of your views. Listen to the other side and be respectful, but also be educated in your views. I am speaking as a black female that holds conservative views. I was usually the only racial minority AND political minority. Even when I had 5 people against me in class, I was always respectful and today it has made me stronger and confident.
"They want everyone to look different but think exactly the same." So sad so true.
Isn't that the exact same thing with conservatives? Where they think exactly the same thing? There's not much diversity between relevant groups.
I think exact is to strong of a description.Though it seems to me the left is much more concerned with conformed thinking than behavior.But in many regards ,left and right are just different sides of the same "we need a purpose" and blame game coin.
+Hugo Lino, a public college, where you are meant to learn and be exposed to new ideas, is not the same thing as a political party. Did you watch the video?
What a novel idea.Political parties should not be allowed to monopolize the education process.Try getting the teachers union to sign on to that proposal.
heck anymore it's starting to look like they don't even want people to look different. With all the gender neutrality, and the style of dress and how people act..I think they just want a bunch or drones to do their dirty work and help with a socialist revolution.
“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.” George S. Patton
.... kinda like Trump voters, right?
Etienne Aubert somewhat yes
@@mari0664 ..... only dead fish swim with the stream. I tend to be sceptical of people in power, be they liberal or conservative. That's why I'm actually against the indoctrination of liberal ideas on College campus. Yet, what PragerU isn't admitting is that they're simply the opposite side of the coin.
Etienne Aubert tru tru
Kinda like most of the comments on the video. Apparently mostly conservatives are watching. YO LET'S GET SOME LIBERALS IN HERE!
I am a student at UC Berkeley and I agree with this video. Also, I am one of very few conservatives people on campus.
When UC Berkeley sees this this comment, they'll execute you.
Just write the teaching down, so all of us can see how pseudoscientific your Profs work (in case you study something in the area of humanities). Or just leave.
My friend went to UCR and she told me exactly the same thing
Now that you've said that, best enroll yourself in a witness protection program or something.
Colleges need more, a lot more, of this type of common sense! How refreshing.
Common sense is subjective and, in the words or Einstein, common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18.
@@freakdg1230 you make it sound like common sense is a bad thing, common sense is all that is needed for many things for example shooting, it should be common sense to not point a gun at anyone or lock it up so it doesn't get into the wrong hands. Or staying away from a van with a sketchy looking dude that says I have candy.
Woah there! Don't think too much, or you'll sound like capitalist!
@@Shultzchet Just quoting Einstein, and it is different for everyone, then again, everything is different for everyone. Is this conversation even real
Einstein also had trouble writing his own name and was The Offspring of first cousins.
The most diverse society is one made up of Individuals, not groups.
Piggers71, you are correct.
College Students...
1950: "Better DEAD than RED!"
2018: "Be RED or DEAD!"
Yes, I, too want to go back to McCarthyism. This is a very good and totally not stupid comment.
@Cool Dude what he means is Better dead than Communist
Actually in a turnaround we could say, "Better DEAD than RED...
@@70sman ?
Jake Shattuck they actually changed it for Red stands for Reagan
Q: What is the opposite of diversity?
A: Modern university
Or you could just say university. Uni meaning one.
I’m a liberal but I agree with everything you just said! It’s so much more interesting to speak with someone that you disagree with than with someone you agree with!
Probably because you are a classical liberal and not a leftist.
I used to be a liberal and shared many of the same views with my friends and acquaintances. They still attacked me verbally and others in spite of having the same views. Hence, I'm no longer liberal. I think and speak as I please based on my life experiences. If others want to discuss things like an adult, I'm in. If they want to behave like spoiled, entitled, screeching brats, I'm out!
Liberals are the most closed-minded people I've met and I've been to Saudi Arabia.
If you don't find Muslims closed-minded I have bad a news for you
his point is that liberals are worse not that i nessesarily know what that means
The_Dailey on Twitter
The most intolerant people I've ever meet are liberals.
And on what criteria are you classifying Muslims as close-minded? On not accepting liberal reforms in society? You can discuss any idea with [the majority] Muslims if you talk in a respectful manner. You can find close-minded people in absolutely any society. From what I have met Muslims are the most open-minded among 'conservatives'.
In my case I actually went into college more liberal leaning, but came out more right leaning, lmao. Something about seeing the freak show in 1st person opened my eyes...
All of your top 10 highly developed countries of 2012 are liberal havens. As is the best state in the union union and the first to fight British oppression, Massachusetts.
Journeyman107 you mean like China? They are so liberal! The higher learning institutions today are freak shows! The Kinks predicted this in the 70s. “Girls will be boys and boys will be girls it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola”!
Journeyman107 all those nations were founded by conservatives. Liberals are trying to destroy them for a global government.
Yeah the American founding fathers were reeeeeeal conservative for their time, that's how they terrified European monarchies, by being traditionalists
Oh sorry I forgot Otto Von Bismark another notorious reactionary set on maintaining the age-old status quo
I actually have a history teacher who does argue for capitalism and all the good things this guy in the video is talking about.
i had a high school US government teacher who loved to debate. I debated him on obamacare and why it's unconstitutional. After he pointed to the commerce clause which was being used to justify it, i pointed out that commerce is transactions meaning the fed can only regulate transactions that cross state lines and that's it and i pointed out the 10th amendment and no mention of healthcare in the constitution, he brought up the general welfare clause. I researched it and the following day i told him that the general welfare clause pertained only to the duties outlined elsewhere in the constitution and that the notion that it was to give congress unlimited spending power on the seemingly endless needs of the public, held by Alexander Hamilton, was outright rejected at the constitutional convention.
He had to concede the point and applauded me for doing the relevant research.
Capitalism is a good thing, government programs and businesses, need to have a good balance with the private sector. No healthy nation only has one, for example America has high school.
except government has a habit of taking a mile whenever an inch is given. Keep it weak and it stays out of the way. This is absolute.
Not from the US, but my teacher argued for capitalism in a class with a child.
When the student supported socialism, my teacher said 'Should I take away your marks and give it to another kid who has secured less marks in the name of equality?'
Same here, I live in a conservative state and they actually taught real world history. Warned us about communism and taught us that socialism only works in a "vacuum".
"It's like a firkin cult!" My favorite part
Me too
@angry libtard Pretty much the whole of what the left teaches.
69th like. 😏
It *IS* a Cult.
He said that line right as I read this comment
I am a democrat, and while still disagree with a lot of your content, this is one of the few videos that I agree with.
red-pilling democrats is what he does it for.
You people hate us as a republican from Nepali guy Google Nepal
I'm a democrat who is pro-life, agrees with immigration laws, believes in a flat tax system, wants political correctness to go away, and doesn't believe in the "more than 2 genders" bs.
So if you reject extremists, how do you react to Barry Goldwater: Moderation in the protection of liberty is no virtue; extremism in the defense of freedom is no vice.
Oh look an apologist
My cousin goes into college as a conservative, comes out a SJW.
He was brainwashed
Another one lost, goddamn the Left.
Aiden james ...? So the problem is that they changed their opinion? Isn't that something valued as part of diversity of thought?
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain...........................
that's sad
Im going to college on Sunday.....pray for me.
God be with you and lead you to professors that are driven by a passion for teaching. We are few, but we do exist.
Better than the military.
Paris Great how’s the first year gone for you?
If you're so terrified of College, then why are you going?
Conservatives rise up!
Pipe down
I would rather you didn’t and instead just shut up and pipe down
I'm a ninth grade male libertarian/conservative with a all A report card and I'm terrified of college because of the thought social justice warriors could get me kicked out for speaking my mind
Speaking your mind, being what?
Elaborate, you're being vague.
Kobe Roland exactly
Don't be afraid! Just be confident.
Kobe Roland Do not waste time worrying about this. It is exaggerated. Pick a major that will provide a good career for you. Take classes that interest you in addition to your core classes. Then live your life.
I ditched classes of my worst professors, and wrote the perspective they wanted to hear. I had to seek out conservative views on my own to get a better education than indocuration. I choose to read Ayn Rand on my bus commute, and attended an Ann Counter event way back in 2003, when we had better opportunities for free speech. I remeber the conservatives talk about their car windows getting bashed or tires slashed for their republican stickers, and having to avoid the cult of Green Peace between classes. I remember talking to the Army recruiters about the ROTC buildings getting vandalized and recruiters beaten, and the protests during class when crazy kids beat on classroom doors trying to inititate protest during class. No one left, because a better action was to write to a congressman and stay in school because you are paying for it. Sad thing, none of it challenged my way of thinking because I recognized they were the real oppressive assholes, even back then. I learned more on active duty than I did there, and I finished my education online so I wouldn't have to deal with the real thought bigots of the world, who really don't know that much about the real world and don't have open minds or room for real diversity because they really think they are intellectually and morally superior. They know how to think better than we ever could, right? The higher institutions of learning lost my respect years ago because they simply don't teach. After all, look at all the studies that show how poorly prepared graduates are for practically any job.
When you said "Indocuration," your entire argument worked against you. Haha, you played yourself
Erin Smith A question: Why did you seek conservative views? There must be dozens of different views on things, why did you choose just one? And if you teach yourself just one thing, thats still just indoctrination, just voluntary.
I mean, why search for a view at all?
Like, there may be things that have answers that are just yes/no, but even those things always have more than one reason for choosing that one side. And if you find a view, its picking a side, picking a group.
If you do that, its still not YOUR choice, its someone else´s, that you just choose to support.
Why not trying to seek to understand the concepts themselves, the questions, instead of trying to find out what other people think about it. Understand the problem itself from all sides first, and only then making your mind, your OWN mind.
Jason Rasmussen
Just two options? There is no logical possibility for a third one?
There are a minimum of four (4) options here. That you only see two explicitly imply that your capability for reasoning is seriously diminished.
Now, since colleges upset you, Im not going to advice you more specificly, but I am saying that a little more learning would not be a bad idea.
Jason Rasmussen That is impressive. So nice for you to share about your life.
I cant say I get paid for reading books, which sounds very nice.
Cant tell anything exciting about myself. I dont search for conflict or to do damage. I do end up in arguments though with people who seek conflict.
Once I kinda accidentally broke a political party. Whhooops! That was kinda fun. Im just glad it wasnt mine.
Thats the limit of how exciting my life gets. I dont fight battles or crusade through the country, the most exciting thing in my life is whether I want a yogurt curry or try the tomato sauce.
My political philosophy goes like, people are just trying to make things work, and no-one really knows whats going on, so they try to do one thing at a time. And often those one things go against each other. Like, theres people who try to do the things the right way, and theres people who try to get certain results.
And usually the methods used and results wanted dont match on any side, even when they might match between the sides. But people fight about them anyway, and get the opposite results they expect, and blame the other side. So the best thing is to just see how things actually work, and show that to people. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes they get inspired, and sometimes they dont. And sometimes you can show what doesnt work, and why. But just be you, and dont try to be part of anything. You know, part of democracy, yes, but as just yourself, a person, without flags or stamps or signs or warcries or colours. Because the moment you choose a flag, people attack the cloth and forget where they are.
It can be used for great effect. Get people charging at the cloth, and swipe it away the last moment, but thats not really nice, is it? Its dangerous though. Take away the cloth, and the next thing they attack is you.
Anyway, I think theres only two choices, really two this time. Either you choose a side and favor yours and try to cripple the other, or you choose no side. Thats about it. And you either choose a side, and its always YOUR side, and you take from your country and your people, or you choose to give to your people. And those two cannot be mixed.
Universities should not be funded by the government, they should all be private.
Edit: so long as they remain pathologically corrupt. If they change and become beneficial to society then I don’t mind them being publicly funded.
I studied at public university which I enjoyed the low tuition fee ( $300) per semester and easy access with metro that links with my residential area. I appreciate whatever the government does for us and the public universities have better educational resources and reputation than private universities.
Ya, I agree, look at how expensive the Ivy’s are
@@ivanleong2608 did you specifically learn things there that have benefited you? Or was it just the general degree that you got that was of benefit?
@@austin7037 My degree is BSc in Genetics and Molecular Biology which requires student to have a good academic result such as GCE A-level and a good inquisitive instinct. Plus thanks for your questioning as your government doesn't provide any basic welfare for the citizens such as the rights for education and medicine for the people in grassroot level. Peace.
It's exactly the same thing that happens in my country, Costa Rica. The incredible thing is that I listen to this guy and it's as if I made a textual narration of what happens in public universities in my country
Im a Junior at Carlow University this upcoming August. I can't tell you how dangerous it is to be a Conservative Republican at this University. They always talk about diversity but most of student body is African American and made up of women. There is so much push for diversity pushed towards accepting Blacks and Women meanwhile the ratio to males is 7 to 1, as in 7 women for 1 guy. The diversity is all over the place and makes no sense. During the election we saw some Republicans come out of the closets but most tend to hide from fear of being bullied not only by their fellow open minded students, but the staff who will openly make fun of them if you cannot hold your own.
Dude you go to carlow??? I go to Pitt!!!
ElsieBarry Sweet. Which campus?
hmmmm 7 to 1 you say
+Jason Rasmussen
So you agree that it's weird to complain about being surrounded by women? Black people sure but women?
+Jason Rasmussen
Honestly if that's the worst you have to complain about you have it pretty good
I'm a conservative. Ah school someone slapped me because I like trump.
Madd Studios Worldwide beat the shit outta him
The funniest part is the people trying to bait you into stooping to their level. Real indicative that the right is better than the left, guys.
Madd Studios Worldwide kick their ass!
I don't understand. All these people are being discriminated against for being conservative, yet, at my school, everyone is accepted, or so it seems to my eye. One time my conservative friend was called a Nazi (I know that's nothing to sneeze at) but that's all I've seen in bad insults in my environment. I live in a state that consitantly votes blue, as well.
College was great. I just majored in Computer Science so my degree was actually useful.
I teach college mathematics. There's a hugely different culture in my department than in any of the arts classes. There's still bleedthrough, though. Some of the topics tossed around the office...there's a reason I do a lot of my work at home.
@@Ryvaken Yup. I remember my liberal arts friends talking to me about assuming gender and being super confused when I just wanted to learn how to code.
@@RyvakenYes please stay at home
Why cant professors dance? "Cause they have twelve left feet!" XD
Got’eem! XD
More like:
- Why can't professors dance?
- Because they always turn left.
why didn't the professor danced
because he left
This is so true it's not even funny. If you aren't a democrat in college you will be singled out.
Brian Frazier austin is horribly pc i refuse to go there
Joseph Duenas -- Professors will find out where you stand... (Identity Essays - Activism Reports You Believe In) And the English/Lit/History books are Post-Modern Progressive.
Professors find and use only books that are written by SJW Socialists... English class books are filled with Racial/Gender Activism and the questions are loaded to either agree with their mindset, or you have to fully explain with Scholar Material why you disagree... Good luck finding that Scholar Info... Google Scholar stinks...
In my American History Classes, Semester 1 we went up to the Revolutionary War... Semester 2 we started at the 1900 Progressives... We totally skipped over our Independence, Declaration, US Constitution, and Bill of Rights... (SPOILER: Progressives saved America... so biased)
I go to a Community College, and I can only imagine how worse it is in major colleges...
No you won't.
Zach Bills yeah, you will.
Dude, I go to college and am a liberal. I literally know more Conservatives and are friends with more Conservatives than liberals.
In college in our Native American-White Relations class, our Canadian-Socialist teacher keep trying to convince all us white skinned students that we share responsibility for the destruction of the Native Americans....400 YEARS ago...simply because our skin was pale. Pale equals low melatonin levels...my ancestors had NOT settled in America yet when injustice happened to the Native Americans...but that doesn't matter BECAUSE of your low melatonin levels...even though you were Born This Way.
I agree with you, I wonder if the majority of people appearing to want to place any culpability in today's America get that no one alive ( for the most part ) had any hand in any victimization of any one else. Of course this is directed at the ethnic level, no slaves no organizations that I am aware of do damage to native Americans.
In college, a teacher brought a picture of a 12-year-old girl from 1970 and one from today. The one from 1970 was wearing a cute dress and drinking a cup of milk, the 12-year-old from today was wearing a small bikini and had huge beasts... My teacher's point was to ask us what had changed... And all of the students said that she has more freedom nowadays! I was the only one who spoke against the way she was dressed, I felt alone, but I was glad I stood up against the way she was dressed! And of course, the teacher accused me of supporting rape.... Gracious
What did you say?
Such uneducated "educators".
Edward Collier I said that a girl that age shouldn't be walking around showing such reveling clothes, that it could attract unwanted attention from older men, illegal attention
NickieB poor arguement on the professor side unless you stated something else that influenced that decision
if 12 year old girls are gonna wear small bikinis, then might as well let boys 8 and older wear speedos...
I love this and as a college professor I approve of this, but I am a physic professor and I highly doubt that my colleagues in the social sciences, humanities and liberal arts would approve. They are the most closed minded, elitists and anti free speech people I know.
I was immunized with the truth before college . Thank God. I fight every liberal cause everyday in the classroom. The only way the students hear the conservative side is through me.
That's an interesting perspective, that you have the truth and everyone else who disagrees is wrong. What was the truth you were taught? Who taught you? Do you teach in higher education or elementary?
@@matthewfairchild3846 Three years of Bible study and many history books from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
@@BelovedLuke What was the truth that you learned in the Bible that motivates you to fight every liberal cause? Did you mean history books (from) or (about) 19th and 20th century?
@@matthewfairchild3846 The Bible is the conservative basis for all morality. Reading books before the advent of post-modernism is the only way to find what people of the time judged as right and wrong. Today's history judges the past by today's standards.
@@BelovedLuke Interesting. Would you agree that the Bible is a book of historical record? If so, should it be allowed to judge people in the present? What about the past?
going to a trade school is better than college in many ways
TheHollowKnight Absolutely, I'm so thankful that I didn't lose my mind going to college. How oxymoronic is that... lol. But really, I'm so glad I didn't saddle myself with so mich debt that I could never have gotten out. Talk about being an indentured servant. No thanks.
+TheHollowKnight Yeah, I recently concluded high school and instead of directly proceeding to the university like all of my high school academics promoted, I decided to take a year-long break to look at both sides of the issue and what the hell is going on in university and I have come to the resolution that trade school is the way to go.
The irony when the university, supposedly a place of "higher learning" becomes utterly useless to society unless you pursue STEM; to the point that learning a trade is now far more viable and valuable than the institution of the university itself.
Should i go to trade school?
Yes. I went to trade school myself after being with a university for a year, and got the education I needed to make sweets for a living. Best decision I've ever made in my life.
Hands on training always pays better too.
It has never been a good idea to let people tell you what to think. Never was, never will be.
vanhetgoor well, that's kinda how discussions are started, solutions are found...
i've heard they banned orwell's 1984
hackingpro nice one but Orwell was a leftist through and through
No way they banned him
@@ItsEnigmaTime5 it doesn't matter on which side he was it matters that his book got banned that describes what's possibly going to happen to us
He had to be left. His book was about how wrong it was. Read it again.
No, it's not banned.
America is weird... It's like Roman Empire 2.0. in many aspects. Just hope it won't copy its downfall.
Actually, yes, it did. They were called the Visigoths. The parallels between what happened with them and the Romans and what's happening now with the Muslim invasion of Europe and the invasion of illegal aliens to the USA are startling.
TBustah It was more like idiots became kings and emperors, making shit military campaigns and giving the states under the Roman rule the Patrician piss. Seeing their people slaughtered to legion steel, they buried their hate, and bloomed a hell bent wankers bellend to destroying the Empire.
America please...
Google "The Battle of Teutoburg Forest", and "Arminius". Within 400 yrs (I think)after Teutoburg Forest, the Roman Empire was done. Finished by Odoacer, who I believe would be considered Hungarian today? The fatal flaw of Romans was their belief that "anyone" could be a Roman. The Roman trump card was their battle strategy, and they moronically trained Germans to be in the Roman military. You don't train your enemy on how to beat you. Romans should have either made an effort to completely defeat the Germans (like they did the Spanish, French and others) or at the very least ban German "barbarians" from entering Rome and joining the military. Very important lesson.
It is, but I'd argue that we're far off from a collapse like what was done in the ancient Roman empire. Back before Rome was an Empire the Senate was the ruling body of the country and there was no emperor. However, over time the Roman Senate stopped listening to the people and just did what ever they wanted and rigged the elections in such a way that they didn't have to worry about being voted out of office. Kind of sounds like our congress now.
The people could get behind and support someone like Julius Caesar because they were sick and tired of government not working for them. Hmm...Sounds like why Trump got elected.
I'd saw we are still closer in parallel to Rome before it became an empire, but unlike Rome and Julius Caesar, Trump isn't the right person that could change our system of government and make us into an empire. He's not nearly as popular with the people and his actions have on more than one occasion called into question his understanding of how government and world works. Julius Caesar in contrast, like him or hate him, was more popular with the people and he had a firm understanding of how the government and world worked when he hatched his plan to rise to power.
We also have to keep in mind that our government, while is has many similarities, is not the Roman government and unlike ancient Rome, the common people are far better educated (relatively speaking) so it'll be very different in how we end up with an emperor here, but it'll probably happen at some point as long as congress continues to ignore the people.
if we ever end up with a president that'll enforce the constitution with a heavy hand, or better yet an iron fist, the collapse won't happen. Or it'll at least be postponed by a couple of centuries.
Exactly: if conservative ideas were bad, they would simply die on their own. Astronomers aren't shouting down people who think the moon is made of green cheese. (For one thing, cheese has a different refractive index than moon rocks.)
Ed Poor
I'm sorry, but I just want a clarification over how opaque materials ie. moon rocks could possibly have a refractive index at all. It's not like light can pass through such material.
Flatus Antiquitous
Well, reflective index isn't a thing either. The ability of things to reflect light is reflectance.
Ed Poor just because something is a terrible does not in any way mean that it will fade some terrible ideas actually grow with time take anti semitism as a good example
That's quite the fallacious statement. If bad= not popular? Plenty of bad ideas become extremely popular or ingrained in society. Slavery, getting drunk, brinkmanship, trickle-down economics, eating Tide Pods, support for unnecessary wars, etc. Bad and good ideas aren't exempt from humanities tendency to make selfish, shortsighted decisions.
Firstly Let me preface my response by saying I'm not an expert. But in 3D modeling programs, when modifying material properties there's an IOR setting that changes the way opaque materials reflect light, and also moving the IOR value far away from 1(pretty much perfect transparency) results in an opaque material.
"I might not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it."
-Some other PragerU video
That's from Voltaire or some say Evelyn Beatrice Hall. Anyway it is the spirit of Voltaire's attitude.
Thank god I went to military school were it was run by conservative
sootythunder Same. I attend the University of North Georgia which is a senior military college with conservative and liberal views.
Maybe I should go to military school...🤔
in capitalism, anyone can become rich. in socialism noone can become rich...but the dictator
Why aren't you rich then? Are you too stupid? Or lazy? No. You just can't become rich out of nowhere. In order to get more money, someone has to lose more money.
Lune DeFroid how do you become rich in socialism? what are you denying? are you going to argue that because im not rich socialism is better? wow no wonder Trump won
John Sanchez are average americans richer than average Venezuelans. how do quantify rich? is rich a material wealth owned or the ability to acquire such goods? lots of things we can discuss
Greg B he won't argue with you because he knows you'll make him look like a fool lol
Richard Romero he will try because liberals have no filter and i will be called every bad name imagineable for not agreeing watch
As a college student at a very liberal university, I've noticed that most people who use the words "open minded" in describing themselves are usually the ones becoming extremely offended when encountered with differing arguments.
Depends on the differing argument. I'd call myself "open minded," but wouldn't be open-minded to things like racism, sexism or homophobia. Nor should I be.
@@lameduck1690 Then you shouldn't' tolerate any of the Left's ideas. They are to a fault racist, sexist, and discriminatory of sexual orientation and religion.
Anyone who tells you that different standards need to be applied to different groups (most college entrance processes are known to discriminate against asians and whites) or that certain genders need special treatment (see women only seminars, or women's studies courses for example)
Are not "open minded", they're discriminatory, and need to be called out on it.
Not just conservative professors/students but we need Libertarians independents and people who don't give themselves label but simply want to have logical solutions for our nation.
There's a Libertarian Party who thinks you should be able to do whatever you want.
I concur with this video based on my personal experience. I went to a University of California School and many of the general education requirements outside of math, language, and physical sciences, were very left leaning in nature. At the time I had next to zero interest such courses and couldn't understand why on earth they were required for graduation, much less for a student of engineering.
I can recall reading an investigative journalism book in one of my writing research courses that surreptitiously had to do with minimum wage law, in which the author essentially blamed the existence of poverty in America on the minimum wage level being overly depressed. This of course is a typical Leftist fantasy that they want to implant in young minds: if only the minimum wage was $50/hour--or whatever the threshold du jour is--poverty would magically vanish. College English can't possibly be politicized you say? Think again. For the record, no courses in business, not even a simple Business 101 with concepts of revenue, expenses, and payroll, were either required or even offered to undergraduates, despite the fact that every single student would have to work for one, or start their own, upon graduation.
Moving along, in my Contemporary Moral Problems course (philosophy), we basically had to argue for the absolute validity of abortion using over-complicated logic, resembling a geometry proof, firmly rooted in immorality. Prior to my freshman level enrollment I had never even heard of abortion or considered that something so satanic could exist, yet here I was being spoon fed why a medical practitioner--who took the Hippocratic Oath of Primum non nocere--is fully justified to kill a healthy, anatomically-developed, unborn, innocent human being, without any legal or ethical ramifications.
This was nearly two decades ago. Just imagine how bad it is now! I've already made up my mind that when the time comes I"ll be steering my kids away from Universities and towards trade schools and encouraging autodidactisim.
Good idea! Trade schools are made for teaching a practical, marketable skill that can be used in the real world.
I love the ''It's like a freakin cult!'' part !!Yeah, i like this vid.
nagra bagra I read your comment at the moment he said it
Well ya. You like anything that agrees with what you think.
He sounds kind of like idubbbz
Which cult did you go to by chance?
LOLLOL!!! That's too funny!!
im glad sombody is saying it. keep the good work
Amere Garsun why do you think im racist? I said nonthing about anybody. Im just glad that sombody is saying the truth.
the most diverse place
political correctness ofcourse!!!!
ooooh, so tolerant.
Ludwig Rañola yes and isn't it amazing then that Sweden has the highest rate of homosexual suicide because the left say giving every minority what they want actually stops that.
Shots fired.
Sweden is going bust. America has been funding their national defence for years. They pay the highest taxes anywhere in the world. Also is still a capitalist country. The only thing that keeps Sweden afloat is capatalism.
"A consent form signed and notarized"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 good one, man!👍
Perhaps Prager should be asking the obvious question: why is ACADEMIA overwhelmingly LIBERAL?
Those who can't do, teach.
Wes Hartman, the same reason why Hollywood is overwhelmingly liberal, because those in positions to hire people in the industry are bigots who discriminate against anyone who does not share liberal views. Not hard to understand at all.
Well god forbid if there's any correlation between intelligence and progressive views.
Perhaps because smart people tend to be left-leaning?
Tastypie, "progressive" views like the belief that you can change your gender by clicking your heels three times? Maybe you meant that the correlation was an inverse relationship between intelligence and "progressive" views.
Sees video
Listens for a few seconds
Hsgj1069 And THAT'S the problem. People see the titles and bam: TRIGGER WARNING!!
All they have to do is read/watch these articles..
Even a straight white guy or two LOL
I’m so glad we have people like him. I don’t feel like my voice is heard, and living in Massachusetts doesn’t help. Look at how many liberals there are
The preferred point of view in India is the Right.
Good on India, I wish the west was still like that.
If India will be richer,she will be Liberal
also in israel
Exactly, I'm an Indian here on the RIGHT coast. My parents came here legally. Most of the racism I've encountered has been from blacks calling me an Uncle Tom.
Cornell and Ithaca College are NOT diverse in any form. I hear newcomers comment how prejudice Ithaca is at least once a month.
Fun fact: Cornell has banned Hawaiian shirts, those flowery dress shirts, because they represent cultural appropriation.
C'mon! we already did this with the whole girl wearing a traditional Chinese dress thing!
One can just feel all that tolerance. I am italian, yet I don't worry that people are culturally appropriating Italians when the eat pasta???
Well, shit, that means the Left actually hates all anime lovers (like myself), particularly cos-players.
Just when I thought they couldn't hate my white Christian cis straight male rational-thinking self any more... they found a way.
@@louismastrangelo3781 Not even you should eat most pasta, because it's not from your region of Italy! Shame on you for all the cultural appropriation! (Sarcasm, for anyone who missed it)
Ah cultural appropriation. That thing that the left does with European culture but says that whites can't even enjoy a simple shirt. It's like Apocalypse Now, except the smell of napalm is the smell of hypocrisy
i learned more life lessons from this video than I did attending college
I made a major mistake going to a liberal leftist, at the time, women's college for a teaching certificate where they had to accept men for that program at that time according to PA state law. At the initial registration, falsely thinking it was a 'real' college I was assaulted spit on and hit and security told me I asked for it because me just being there antagonized the majority of students. The dean of students a hostile bigoted lesbian harassed me even forbidding me to practice any aspect of Christianity because it was 'sexist.' Male administrators and flaming homosexual teachers there made sexual advances that made me physically sick and when I complained to the president of this obscene joke of a college and her administrative office I was called homophobic and bigoted and told 'to be understanding and cooperative.' I was railroaded out of there on absolutely false and trumped up charges and to this day am sometimes harassed with attempts to extort money. Local law enforcement and legal governmental services are afraid of these 'dritbags' because of intimidation from their multi million legal department and over the years I have told them, sue me, press charges take me to court and as the cowards they are they back down. Following incidents, and this is only what I know of, have taken place there, a grade school ending a relationship because of child molestation and the pressing of, or at least the threatening of, charges of parents for libel, bogus lies. Dead bodies found in abandonded buildings there and at least one case, probably one of hundreds, of viscious lesbian rape with a broom handle. Sincerely any outside authority with any semblance of backbone or courage would shut that place down in a matter of weeks if not days and arrange for the arrest and prosecution of several administrators. Lastly the place was saturated by cocaine as those hateful miserable biggots had to frequently numb themselves with narcodicts and liquor
Mark Ross+ That.. sounds awful.
Holy shit. Where did you go??
All these videos are so right on point! Thank you.
I'm a hardcore Democrat as you can tell by my profile picture and some of the videos this account post are really stupid but I do have to agree with this. The vast majority of my party to not like to hear what the other side has to say and I think that is where we go wrong we all need to share our ideas and work on them together to make a better country for ourselves and for our kids and their kids.
A respectable human who is a Democrat? *David Attenborough voice* Here in the wild, we have found a truly remarkable specimen indeed. The rarest of their kind, but loved by the opposition for their decent humanity.
Issac ShadowCannon you care to strawman that any harder?
@Demiclea funny because only people I hear saying that is the right
@Demiclea not that I am actually worried though
your first step into a much larger world
So true. So sad.
I love adds that I don't want to skip.
Keep up the great work!
The Schools need to Study the US Constitution, History, and Geography! How many college students know where Syria, North Korea, or the Ukraine is located? Not Many!
Yep... my error!
Make sure to get your consent forms signed and notarized kids! :)
Is that based off of THE Ben Shapiro?
Haacker Gaming Don't you just LOVE Ben Shapiro? ☺️
Yep, the political meme king himself
@Tiana Grey, no I don’t. His motto ought to be “Facts don’t care about your feelings but they care about mine”
Excellent video. Thanks!
Low key finish college in stem and get the heck out.
That's what I'm trying to do🤣
@@RedAndTheCompany567 Same here.
If everybody is thinking the same thing, then some body isn't thinking.
anyone else LOVE THE THUMBNAIL for this video?
When he said “they want everyone to look different but think exactly the same” lmao go off 👏🙌
4:45 “and even a straight white guy or two”
Good on Charlie Kirk. The President called him a "good friend" today.
maybe joining the Marines this summer before college isn't such a bad idea after all
Goddamnit i can’t stop putting these vids on my watch later so i can see em again, great job PragerU
Ben Shapiro: Hold my Wine
I was a Finance and Accounting student in Warsaw and we were taught, that free market, capital investment and low taxation create actual wealth. And that in countries were high taxes are implemented, the poor people are usually the ones who pay them. So I have entered my University as center leftist and left it as a liberal. Liberal in the european sense (economic liberalism - not fiscal liberalism).
The education system has been ransacked in order to keep the general population stupid.
Think about it: Does any program in college/university teach you what you need to know to be successful in business or in life? The answer is no.
There are maybe five degree programs that will land you a career after graduating. The ones in medicine are basically can't-miss propositions. Besides medicine though, the best you can learn from college/university is to memorize a few technical skills for product XYZ that you will (in theory) use upon graduating when you land your first job. Everything else is just filler. Something to occupy your mind so you aren't learning anything valuable. You don't learn any of the skills that you need to succeed like how to manage a business, how to sell yourself, how to identify market needs and develop products/services to satisfy them, how to manage money, etc
Schools intentionally omit the information that separates the general population from the 1%.
Never realized how thankful I'd be for going to a college where different views are normally respected and discussed.
Give me a list of those colleges
Even a straight white guy or two.
OMG! I didn't know that was possible.
What's wrong with studying writers other than Shakespeare? Didn't you claim that you want colleges to have "diverse thought"?
If you ban Shakespeare just because he's a white male, that's wrong. If you ban a book just because it contains/glorifies sexism, racism or homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, that's also wrong. Shakespeare was from a time when anti-semitism was accepted, and so his works contain them too. Banning them for that reason is stupid.
Though I'm a leftist, all my favourite writers did support at least one of the things mentioned above.
droid root Yes because the video suggested that the only writer to be studied was Shakespeare. Nice strawman.
The problem with your question is that you misunderstand the point of that example; it is not whether or not Shakespeare must be read, it is whether or not Shakespeare should be excluded. Shakespeare is a valuable asset in academic learning, as it has been proven to be a wonderful experince for many students that learned his plays and work. That is not to say that Shakespeare is overrated, however, defaulting studies to Shakespeare because "everyone else does it" makes learning Shakespeare less meaningful.
Do not exclude something from learning just because it classifies as something other people see; a method of classification like this is basically racist when it comes to excluding this sort of knowledge.
The least diverse place in America?
*_n o w h e r e_*
Prager, I never skip an ad by you on my videos ever and I probably never will. Great moves, Keep it up, proud of you.
From what I've seen, us Gen Z'ers, at least here in Canada, are becoming more and more conservative.
It's probably because you're hanging out with people with similar points of view. We all do it unconsciously.
Im Gen Z, and a gamer.
Here in America too gen z is just looking at things more logically which can hurt people at times but generally makes you less likely to make a fool of yourself
Right on! Diversity of thought. Take back the narrative!!! Own your
own thoughts. Think, speak, act.
I feel like sharing every single video you guys make! Such enlightning and enriching content! I'm learning from this channel more then I was ever taught during 4 years in College, where the Professors olny preached their leftists spech. Warm regards froms Brazil! Keep up the excellente work! God bless PragerU!
How can you as a straight white male think you have a right to an opinion on this?
Just kidding, I totally agree. Did I trigger any of my logical brethren :p
i almost went nuclear. literally finger on the button
Darth Nihilus. I seem to remember killing you aboard the Ravager...oh, well; I need a workout, anyway. (activates lightsaber)
Just because I feel it needs to be said, Liberals are not the problem, leftists are. I have had countless interesting debates and discussions this liberals at my university, but leftists are a no go. To quote Dennis Prager, "Liberalism and Leftism have almost nothing in common." We should make an effort to correct this false equivalency the Left is pedaling, as noting the difference in conversation with liberals will likely create more allies than enemies.
For more information on the difference between the two watch "Left or Liberal?" by PragerU
can anyone explain to me why people would dis like this video? better yet I would love to hear from someone who actually disliked it
Because it is hollow?
All he said was "there aren't enough conservatives in universities".
I didn't even bother to dislike this video.
Sölvi Már Þórisson Look at this. People liked you comment that supported their views. Yet completely ignored the comment that had a reasonable answer
@Prasanna Tayade It is not hypocritical, the left doesn't even tolerate right wingers, nevermind give them a voice, you are the hypocrite here, the left has begun violent militancy in order to shut down right-wing speech and now you want the right to give you a voice? It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that you can't see this, have you missed what is happening in Berkeley?
+Prasanna Tayade Why would you have to include a leftist point of view in every video in order to qualify as supporting diversity of thought? There is a big difference between having a different point of view and shutting down/preventing others from giving their thoughts. It would be hypocritical if PragerU had the power to go around deleting leftist leaning channels on YT.
Everyone has ideas that they think are correct and the best choice; otherwise, why would you talk about it at all if you didn't think it was right and that everyone else should see that point of view? Calling something out is nothing but speech. Saying something like sharia law is incompatible with the constitution would likely get a kid expelled or something through the school's administrative actions. The silencing is the problem, not the speaking and counter speaking.
Tomi worked for a Mormon that probably doesn't even believe birth control is okay. Her job is to be the spokesperson and representative of his show and her personal views is pretty much what the show is. Don't worry about Tomi, she will do just fine and the publicity of all this will probably make her even more famous and have her own show. Your tax dollars don't support the show and the boss can fire anyone he wants (especially someone doing contract work).
#3 has nothing to do with the topic of diversity of thought at universities. That is a particular topic of discussion or a collection of thoughts that people might have.
Calling things out is the whole idea of having a discussion, but duct taping the mouths of people with the 'wrong' thoughts is very different. Like the fools that pretended their life was in danger because someone wrote 'Trump 2016' on the sidewalk in chalk, or forcing people to take off their MAGA hat because it scares people, rioting because a gay Catholic that loves black guys came to give a talk--hilariously calling him a racist homophobe, etc.
Because it's profoundly affected by ideology. I'm against the uniformity of thought, but they clearly want a "diversity"(they even don't want polarity, but some kind of approval based on their rudimentary statements) that will give them a platform for spreading historical lies, like the one that racism has nothing to do with crime rates in majorily black communities, or that capitalism is a heaven, pretending that places like India, DRC or Zambia don't even exist.
Diversity of thought is the only kind of diversity that matters.
It's time to join Trump university.
I love this guy!
Hahaha the modern day atheists/leftists are getting pissed at this video!
LandInbetween How does sudenly atheist = leftis? Its not like only atheist is suporting the left seeing how only around 25% of US population says they arent relgious and that the left has around half of the population suporting them
Hahaha I'm a modern day leftist and I didn't get pissed at this video! I support most of the points of the video, though extreme right and extreme left ideas are unrealistic and harmful.
Jhonny Duenas grasping at straws are we? How childish.
LandInbetween No that you say left/atheist seems too make that atheist for some reason should be triggered by this? Why exactly? He did not mention anything about atheist and relgious people about this video only about diversity on thought which i suport. There are atheist who suport the right so why the hell should they be triggered? And triggered? How am i triggered may i ask?
Going next year, let's hope I can keep my mouth shut, get my degree and pray I dont get expelled for wrongthink
I feel like this video misses the point. We shouldn’t be advocating for colleges to hire conservative professors. We should be advocating for leftist professors to stop giving their political opinions and tell facts and truth!
“The high crime rates in black communities has little to do with historic racism.” This statement is offensively incorrect. That’s why no one in schools have that opinion, because it’s flat out wrong. I was on your side up until then.
Sherry Gillis
"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people.”
"You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."
This is a quote from Nixon’s domestic policy chief, John Ehrlichman. The man who instigated the criminalization of the “DRUGS” African Americans are still getting arrested for.
This is why I know for a fact that the high crime rate in African American communities is due to systemic racism.
Sherry Gillis I did some more research on the John Ehrlichman quote, you’re right it is not as credible as I thought. I don’t know though, with all the racism that has existed in the country, it isn’t out of the wheel house to say the war on drugs was related. Just looking at the timing, African Americans got the right to vote in 1965, the war on drugs began in 1971. I love this country, but it isn’t perfect, and that’s ok, as long as we can point out that imperfection and make a change. Marijuana should not be illegal. It didn’t used to be, George Washington had a cannabis farm. But politicians muddied the waters and lied to the public about it’s dangers. Which believe me, I know the dangers of weed first hand, it ain’t perfect. But it is a heck of a lot better than “scientists” we’re claiming it to be in the 70s. “Refer Madness” is just incorrect, no one is more physically aggressive when high on THC. Maybe a hint more passive aggressive, but that’s the paranoia.
Anyway, the bottom line is, the validity of the quote I sighted is shaky when viewed on its own. But when viewed in context, there just doesn’t seem to be a more reasonable answer to the question of why a drug like cannabis was so harshly condemned. Crack, heroine, cocaine, I get it, those will mess you up and kill you. But even then, why criminalize a victim of addiction? What about rehab?
Sherry Gillis ultimately, it’s irrelevant whether or not the war on drugs was started with racist intent. Maybe I should stop focusing on the past, and focus on the present. After all, none of us were in the room where these people discussed why they should or shouldn’t criminalize drugs. So none of us can say why it’s all happened the way it has. I was arrogant to say that I “know” that it was based on historic racism. What is important now is agreeing that the laws surrounding illegal drugs are not working. The fact that it’s mostly black people who are punished is irrelevant, regardless of ethnicity, children are losing their fathers for years for minor drug possession felonies, rather than being separated for months for rehabilitation sentencing. Do you agree we should change that?
Thank you for starting this dialog with me, I’ve learned a lot.
Sherry Gillis Yeah I know that drugs are harmful, and people shouldn’t take them lightly. Maybe recreational use is not the answer. But the question still stands. Should we sentence people to 5 years in prison for having 5 grams of marijuana in their possession? Addicts need therapeutic help, not felony strikes on their records. Do you agree?
Google Thomas Sowell
Believe me people, this guy is not exaggerating. I work as a janitor at UCF and that's exactly the way it is.
Exactly , the goal actually is to divide people not unite .
I am a fifteen year old, took one look at the thumbnail and literally thought of universities and colleges
Thank you for making this video
Look different, think same. Nailed it.
Amazing video. So on point!
4:30 that visual effect looks awesome man.
To all of the incoming freshmen on any campus, never be afraid of your views. Listen to the other side and be respectful, but also be educated in your views.
I am speaking as a black female that holds conservative views. I was usually the only racial minority AND political minority. Even when I had 5 people against me in class, I was always respectful and today it has made me stronger and confident.
I'm from Brazil, and it happens a lot in here. I don't even know other conservative person from my university.
2:20 Who else heard Poe make a Minecraft villager sound?
I did.