If they cut all the ovenbreak content ima actually be disappointed... I loved braverse BECAUSE of the unique art on the cards and loved collecting them for em.. made em feel more unique than other cookie run merch ESP with the ovenbreak rep. they already had another card set with an extremly similar format with the kingdom collectable cards that already reuse assets and feature npcs and costumes n stuff! i feel like it would have been easier to update those with the latest cookies than do this to braverse, i get the money making aspect but. made it lost what gave it heart imo.
이제는 카드의 가호를 외치며✨️
기대는 되는데… 뭔가 조금 더 덱의 특징이 잡히면 좋겠다는 생각이…
다른 TCG장르를 보면 주축이 되는 카드가 있어서 덱의 구분이 확실한데, 쿠키런은 그게 부족하다는 느낌이라…
If they cut all the ovenbreak content ima actually be disappointed... I loved braverse BECAUSE of the unique art on the cards and loved collecting them for em.. made em feel more unique than other cookie run merch ESP with the ovenbreak rep. they already had another card set with an extremly similar format with the kingdom collectable cards that already reuse assets and feature npcs and costumes n stuff! i feel like it would have been easier to update those with the latest cookies than do this to braverse, i get the money making aspect but. made it lost what gave it heart imo.
can u explanada what they talkef about pls?
결국 일러스트는 원작일러스트를 가져다쓰는걸로 바꼈네요 판매량이 안되니 어쩔수없나
수호카드면 죽인다😊❤
White lily cookie: finally…..
120종이나 되면 이번주부터 몇장씩 공개하면서 유저분들 안떠나게 해주세요.
길현이형 이런거말고 최적화 좀 해줘... 노트북이긴 하지만 300짜린데 20분마다 튕겨
온라인으로 안나오나요?
Will beraverse be available in America?
뒷면 디자인 다른거 아니지?
한번만 더 속아본다