Nana loves the most beautiful alien in the world❤️🤭❤️🤭❤️ I love this moment when I see only Yaman's face on the screen😍, he looks like an alien there😂 and then I am waiting for the moment when he will show his antennae😂😂😂 Poor Nana thought that it is the beginning of the aliens invasion😂😂😂 so she took some food and water to survive🤭 it but it is love❤️😍❤️😍❤️
Love founds you in the most unexpected ways. The moment Nana heard her heart for the first time beating for someone else then for herself. Nana is mesmerized. Nana is lost. Nana is not herself anymore. The time stoped and suddenly Yaman is not the Yaman she used to know. It's Yaman who makes her heart beat faster and gives it a purpose to breathe. Feelings she’s unfamiliar with and yet is comfortable with. Feelings she fears and yet holds. Love! Nana is in love, well that’s what her heart is telling her and she doesn’t wanna accept. From now on, every loneliness with Yaman feels different. Different not because she’s scared of him but scared of her feelings. Something she doesn’t wanna feel anymore and turn off but can’t. Feelings she herself is unfamiliar with. Both of them in their rooms, try to understand the situation but can’t! I love the crossover of Yaman asking what’s going on with her, and Nana gives him the answer, as she doesn’t know. It reflects their connection and their bond even though the scene won’t be. Yaman knows Nana and the more she runs away from him, the more worried he gets. She never runs away from him nor was she ever scared around him. Nana is not Nana and he knows that, that Yaman is afraid it’s because of him again. Nana is strong and always challenging which he admires about her. She was always holding on to him and yet he has to witness how she runs away. Yaman is worried and scared himself, because he thinks it’s all because of him again. He’s afraid of losing Nana. While Yaman tries to understand and worries about the distance of Nana in his life, Nana is surrounded by the same question about herself. Nana knows the answer, but refuses to see it, because she never felt like this before. She never was in love nor was she afraid of any of her feelings. This love seams so close and yet is so distant. She understands it’s realized to Yaman and yet she can’t do that much about it. She doesn’t want to. ❤️ For Nana, her feelings are mixed up, she doesn’t understand them and can’t find the answers she’s looking out for. She’s frustrated about herself and the situation she feels trapped in adding Hala whom she assured that she doesn’t have any feelings for Yaman and then there is Yaman himself, whom she’s not sure what he feels about her. Her running away from him is not enough that just like Yaman, Nana gets closer to him the harder she tries. ❤️🔥 Love is mystery itself, nana is starting to feel, fear and understand. ❤️🔥 And Yaman too is a part of it, even it's all about Nana! ❤️🥰
My heart wake ups the moment my eyes see you. The time stops, the moment freezes and it's me and my heart connected to you. What happened to me all of the sudden, that my world is not mine anymore but ours? - MayaMary (Nana Mariam)
How much Nana wanted to keep herself away from Yaman, he appeared before her and spoiled Nana's peace of mind and he made her angry on herself,since she was not in a position to control her mind and heart!! 😂😂😍😍😍 Nana, Yaman already knew that you have lost yourself and you were no more that old Nana, who had control on yourself!! Your Yaban has already established his presence in your heart with out seeking your permission!! 😂😂😂😍😍😍👏👏
NANA SE DA CUENTA QUE ESTA ENAMORADA😍💜💋EL CORAZON DE NANA QUEDO IMPRESIONADO ❤🔥-- Nana en el espejo, te enojas cuando dicen loca, pero estas loca, Nana; que es lo que está pasando con tu mente, es ridículo. Nana, estornuda, y dice esto es por Yaban, no es algo que suele pasar; perdiste la cabeza cuando te desmayaste; y sale al pasillo y ve a Yaman. El corazón de Nana comienza a latir, cuando ve a ese hombre bello caminar hacia ella, Yaman se detiene y se miran, 😍 Nana esta impactada. Nana lo ve en otra dimensión y Yaman le dice tenemos que hablar, porque me miras así? ¿Me escuchas? ¿Estas bien? Yaman la toca para que vuelva a la realidad y le dice, estás bien? Nana, yo estoy bien, genial. Yaman, porque haces que te repitas las cosas una y otra vez. Nana, que dijiste, no te escuche. 🤩 Yaman, ¿cómo no me puedes oír a esta distancia? Nana, mi mente esta en otra parte, discúlpame, ¿qué dijiste? Yaman, que tenemos que hablar. Nana; ¿y de que hablaremos? Yaman de lo que paso. Nana abre los ojos. 🤩 Nana, que pasó, no pasó nada. Yaman, ¿cómo qué no paso nada, que quieres decir? Nana recuerda: "cuando Yaman la salvó y ella lo abrazó y le dijo en georgiano que haría yo; si te pasara algo. ¿Qué haría?" Nana piensa, "estoy acabada, el me va a preguntar ¿qué fue lo que me dijiste? él me pedirá cuentas." Yaman, vamos a tu habitación. Nana se toca el corazón. Yaman le dice vamos al doctor para que te revise, usted no está bien. Nana se toca el pecho y Nana le dice que está bien; que porque no le cree. Yaman, mira siempre te llevas las manos al corazón, no estás bien, obviamente, algo te está pasando. Nana quita sus manos. Nana, no, no me pasa nada. Yaman, piensa "cómo llegó, esta chica a este estado, sería por los cabrones secuestradores." Yaman le pregunta si los matones le hicieron algo malo. Nana, me secuestraron, eso es malo. Yaman, no así, si te lastimaron, si te hicieron algo, hablemos, descubriste cuáles fueron sus intenciones. Nana, no, no me hicieron nada, llegaste a tiempo no pudieron hacerlo, no se porque me secuestraron estaba inconsciente. Yaman la regaña, espero que esto haya sido una lección, te fuiste con ese hombre desconocido a ayudarlo, lejos, no sabes otra cosa, más que meterte en problemas. Asi, que te daré nuevas reglas, escúchame bien. Nana para mí. Yaman, sí. Yaman abre bien tus oídos, escucha y no digas que tu mente está en otra parte, hasta que no descubra quienes fueron los secuestradores, y su propósito, tienes prohibido salir de la mansión, pasaste un gran peligro, descansa, necesitas recuperarte, dime si necesitas algo? Entendiste? Nana dice que sí. Yaman no tienes objeción? Nana dice que no. A Yaman le extraña y se acerca y le pregunta de verdad estás bien. Nana, estoy bien, esos tipos me extresaron y me dijiste tus reglas, me dijiste que descansara y tienes razon, ahora vete y déjame descansar. Yaman la mira desconcertado y se va. Nana se toca el pecho y dice no estoy bien, Dios ayúdame. Nana tiene calentura y ese calor es el efecto de la presencia de Yaman...😍🔥🤭🤩❤ ¿QUE ES EL AMOR? ¿Y CUALES SON SUS SINTOMAS? 🤩 -- Yaman en su oficina, recuerda la conversación que tuvo con Nana en el cuarto. Yaman no escucho a Cenger con el café. Yaman, no sé qué le pasa a la niñera, esta rara, este evento debe haberla sacudido. Cenger, es normal, ha sido un día difícil. Yaman, no le quites el ojo, si ves algo extraordinario, asegúrate de decírmelo. Cenger, está bien y se va. Yaman suspira y se pregunta, que le esta pasando, que le pasa. Nana en su cuarto, dice no sé qué me esta pasando, y llama a Pinar se saludan y Nana dice que no esta nada bien, Pinar estas enferma. Nana, no, estoy bien, y le dice que es Adalet, que no está bien, necesita ayuda, (y Nana se inventa que la hermana Adalet tiene sentimientos por alguien.) A Pinar le esta raro y le pregunta que siente la hermana Adalet. Nana, dice que sí, pero que ella no está segura, creo que ella no tiene sentimientos. me pregunto que como sabes cuando sientes algo por alguien, cuando estás enamorado, lo entiendes. Nana; ¿y como debo saber? Pinar, no se querida, como lo sabes, si nunca te has sentido así antes, déjame ayudarte. Nana, dice sí, pero no es para mí, es para la hermana Adalet. Pinar, está bien es por la hermana Adalet, te lo digo a ti; y luego se lo dices a la hermana Adalet. Nana, está bien. Pinar se ríe y dice; el tiempo se detiene cuando te gusta alguien, cuando esa persona está contigo. Nana está atenta. Pinar sigue: quieres que el tiempo nunca pase. Nana está atenta y piensa, no, se detuvo una vez, pero estaba nerviosa, porque el me pediría cuentas, así que por eso sucedió.🤩 Pinar te emocionas. Nana, ¿qué tipo de emoción? Pinar, lo entenderás Nana, la emoción es muy dulce. Nana, piensa yo también estoy emocionada, pero no es dulce, es amargo. Pinar, tu corazón late a toda prisa y con fuerza, y buscas excusas para verlo. Nana piensa, no yo no busco excusas, es él quién se aparece frente a mí. 😍 Nana algo más cuando lo ves? Pinar, confías en él y en nadie más. Nana se altera y dice: algunos de ellos encajan, pero eso no es un hecho, es solo coincidencia.🤭 Pinar, no entiendo. Nana dice, Adalet me dijo que confía mucho en él, eso se ajusta a su situación, pero debe ser una coincidencia; está bien, lo entiendo, Adalet no debe sentir nada por él. Ellos son solo amigos, esta luego, gracias. Pinar se está riendo porque sabe que es ella la que está enamorada. Nana suspira y dice se ajusta un poco, no es un problema, ohh que estoy pensando, si me alejo un poco de él, no tendre nada de qué preocuparme. 🔥 Nana lo ve subir y corre a su cuarto. Nana, esta es una casa enorme, porqué siempre aparece frente de mí. ¿Tendré que ahora, encerrarme en la habitación, sere un preso? Nana sale despacio de su habitación y corre por las escaleras. Nana va a la cocina a tomar agua, continúa estornudando; y dice un vaso no será suficiente y tendre que venir de nuevo, y se lleva la jarra, bien hecho Nana, para que no vuelvas, y así no tienes que salir de la habitación, que pasa si me da hambre, deja conseguir algo de comer, así no bajare hasta que llegue Yusuf de la escuela, entonces salgo de la habitación. Se lleva hasta el pan para no salir del cuarto y encontrarse con Yaman. Yaman llega a la cocina, y ella le pregunta, que haces aquí en la cocina? ¿Me estas siguiendo? Yaman, porqué debería seguirte, te has vuelto loca. Cuánta hambre tienes, ese pan es grande. Nana tengo hambre. Yaman, detente ahi, que te dije, que descansará, si necesitas algo, te lo llevarán, necesitas recuperarte pronto. Nana dice que si y se va. Yaman, suspira y busca algo en la nevera. Nana, no me das paz, siempre apareces delante de mí, mira estoy enojada otra vez porque siento que mi corazón va a explotar.❤ Hala, espero que te hayas recuperado, estas mejor. Nana, me estoy recuperando, estoy bien, gracias Sra. Hala. Hala mira el pan y Nana le dice que esta hambrienta. Nana escucha los pasos de Yaman y dice haya viene, haya viene. Hala, quien viene querida. Nana, que Dios te dé un buen día, ire a descansar un poco. Hala le dice a Yaman, ella dice que está bien, pero la chica no está bien, se fue apresurada. Yaman, le dije que descansará, no te preocupes, la estoy vigilando. Hala, ujum. 🤩🤩🤭🤭
Nana putting herself in self imprisonment in her roomto avoide Yaman 😂 taking a jug of water a larger bread made Yaman more concerned of her health because of her strange actions ❤😍
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team. Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3. Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out. Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️ This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes. After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
El corazòn de Yaman ya tiene dueña asi esta muerta, y es Segher si el petsonaje de Yaman acsede a estar con Nana lo combierte en un traidor pues el le dijo a Segher que la puerta de su amor solo era para ella y que jamas se abriria nuevamente para otra mujer. Ademas nana no tiene ningun tipo de legado de amor con Yaman Segher y Yaman son y seran los unicos que pueden darle flote a Emanet lo demas sin uno de los dos ya es cuento aburridor
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team. Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3. Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out. Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️ This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes. After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team. Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3. Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out. Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️ This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes. After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team. Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3. Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out. Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️ This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes. After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
Вот такая у танцовщицы игра смотреть не хочеться. На ютубе прочитала комментарий что танцовщица играет лучше чем сила. Танцовщице далеко до силы. Сила даже в щербет играет отлично.
Halil 💯💯💯🌼🌼🌼❤️❤️❤️Nanuka și sezonul 3 👎👎👎👎🤮🤮🤮🤮Emanet = SilHal pentru totdeauna, adică doar primele două sezoane, povestea de dragoste și viață dintre Yaman și Seher și nimeni nu poate schimba asta.
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team. Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3. Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out. Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️ This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes. After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
Nana loves the most beautiful alien in the world❤️🤭❤️🤭❤️ I love this moment when I see only Yaman's face on the screen😍, he looks like an alien there😂 and then I am waiting for the moment when he will show his antennae😂😂😂
Poor Nana thought that it is the beginning of the aliens invasion😂😂😂 so she took some food and water to survive🤭 it but it is love❤️😍❤️😍❤️
Yaman is surprised when Nana didn't raise any objection to his new rules and restrictions 😁😁
Nana was mesmerized looking at Yamam 😂😂😂😂😂
Eita yaman e Naná Maria! Saudades de vcs halilibrhaimceyhan Nanukastambolhvil Emanet 😢 Amo muito vcs NAMYAM ❤️🇧🇷🇧🇷
Perfect couples...... They are beautiful... 😍😍💗💗
Meu vício diário Emante ti sentindo saudade 🤗🤗😪
Love founds you in the most unexpected ways. The moment Nana heard her heart for the first time beating for someone else then for herself. Nana is mesmerized. Nana is lost. Nana is not herself anymore.
The time stoped and suddenly Yaman is not the Yaman she used to know. It's Yaman who makes her heart beat faster and gives it a purpose to breathe.
Feelings she’s unfamiliar with and yet is comfortable with. Feelings she fears and yet holds.
Love! Nana is in love, well that’s what her heart is telling her and she doesn’t wanna accept. From now on, every loneliness with Yaman feels different. Different not because she’s scared of him but scared of her feelings. Something she doesn’t wanna feel anymore and turn off but can’t. Feelings she herself is unfamiliar with.
Both of them in their rooms, try to understand the situation but can’t!
I love the crossover of Yaman asking what’s going on with her, and Nana gives him the answer, as she doesn’t know. It reflects their connection and their bond even though the scene won’t be.
Yaman knows Nana and the more she runs away from him, the more worried he gets. She never runs away from him nor was she ever scared around him. Nana is not Nana and he knows that, that Yaman is afraid it’s because of him again.
Nana is strong and always challenging which he admires about her. She was always holding on to him and yet he has to witness how she runs away. Yaman is worried and scared himself, because he thinks it’s all because of him again. He’s afraid of losing Nana.
While Yaman tries to understand and worries about the distance of Nana in his life, Nana is surrounded by the same question about herself. Nana knows the answer, but refuses to see it, because she never felt like this before. She never was in love nor was she afraid of any of her feelings. This love seams so close and yet is so distant. She understands it’s realized to Yaman and yet she can’t do that much about it. She doesn’t want to. ❤️
For Nana, her feelings are mixed up, she doesn’t understand them and can’t find the answers she’s looking out for. She’s frustrated about herself and the situation she feels trapped in adding Hala whom she assured that she doesn’t have any feelings for Yaman and then there is Yaman himself, whom she’s not sure what he feels about her.
Her running away from him is not enough that just like Yaman, Nana gets closer to him the harder she tries. ❤️🔥
Love is mystery itself, nana is starting to feel, fear and understand. ❤️🔥
And Yaman too is a part of it, even it's all about Nana! ❤️🥰
@@Sandra-pd3pu 😘❤️
My heart wake ups the moment my eyes see you. The time stops, the moment freezes and it's me and my heart connected to you. What happened to me all of the sudden, that my world is not mine anymore but ours? - MayaMary (Nana Mariam)
She was completely mesmerized 😍 ... and who would blame her? 😉🥰
@@TheMJPhoenix who's not falling for teh Yaman Kırımlı ❤️🥰!
How much Nana wanted to keep herself away from Yaman, he appeared before her and spoiled Nana's peace of mind and he made her angry on herself,since she was not in a position to control her mind and heart!! 😂😂😍😍😍 Nana, Yaman already knew that you have lost yourself and you were no more that old Nana, who had control on yourself!!
Your Yaban has already established his presence in your heart with out seeking your permission!! 😂😂😂😍😍😍👏👏
Me encanta Emanet tercera temporada ❤❤❤❤
Bom dia!!! A temporada que a mãe do menino morre e a tia vai morar na mansão, qual é??
Saudades de NanYam ❤️😍
Que lindeza estes dois 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🧿
NANA SE DA CUENTA QUE ESTA ENAMORADA😍💜💋EL CORAZON DE NANA QUEDO IMPRESIONADO ❤🔥-- Nana en el espejo, te enojas cuando dicen loca, pero estas loca, Nana; que es lo que está pasando con tu mente, es ridículo. Nana, estornuda, y dice esto es por Yaban, no es algo que suele pasar; perdiste la cabeza cuando te desmayaste; y sale al pasillo y ve a Yaman. El corazón de Nana comienza a latir, cuando ve a ese hombre bello caminar hacia ella, Yaman se detiene y se miran, 😍 Nana esta impactada. Nana lo ve en otra dimensión y Yaman le dice tenemos que hablar, porque me miras así? ¿Me escuchas? ¿Estas bien? Yaman la toca para que vuelva a la realidad y le dice, estás bien? Nana, yo estoy bien, genial. Yaman, porque haces que te repitas las cosas una y otra vez. Nana, que dijiste, no te escuche. 🤩 Yaman, ¿cómo no me puedes oír a esta distancia? Nana, mi mente esta en otra parte, discúlpame, ¿qué dijiste? Yaman, que tenemos que hablar. Nana; ¿y de que hablaremos? Yaman de lo que paso. Nana abre los ojos. 🤩 Nana, que pasó, no pasó nada. Yaman, ¿cómo qué no paso nada, que quieres decir? Nana recuerda: "cuando Yaman la salvó y ella lo abrazó y le dijo en georgiano que haría yo; si te pasara algo. ¿Qué haría?" Nana piensa, "estoy acabada, el me va a preguntar ¿qué fue lo que me dijiste? él me pedirá cuentas." Yaman, vamos a tu habitación. Nana se toca el corazón. Yaman le dice vamos al doctor para que te revise, usted no está bien. Nana se toca el pecho y Nana le dice que está bien; que porque no le cree. Yaman, mira siempre te llevas las manos al corazón, no estás bien, obviamente, algo te está pasando. Nana quita sus manos. Nana, no, no me pasa nada. Yaman, piensa "cómo llegó, esta chica a este estado, sería por los cabrones secuestradores." Yaman le pregunta si los matones le hicieron algo malo. Nana, me secuestraron, eso es malo. Yaman, no así, si te lastimaron, si te hicieron algo, hablemos, descubriste cuáles fueron sus intenciones. Nana, no, no me hicieron nada, llegaste a tiempo no pudieron hacerlo, no se porque me secuestraron estaba inconsciente. Yaman la regaña, espero que esto haya sido una lección, te fuiste con ese hombre desconocido a ayudarlo, lejos, no sabes otra cosa, más que meterte en problemas. Asi, que te daré nuevas reglas, escúchame bien. Nana para mí. Yaman, sí. Yaman abre bien tus oídos, escucha y no digas que tu mente está en otra parte, hasta que no descubra quienes fueron los secuestradores, y su propósito, tienes prohibido salir de la mansión, pasaste un gran peligro, descansa, necesitas recuperarte, dime si necesitas algo? Entendiste? Nana dice que sí. Yaman no tienes objeción? Nana dice que no. A Yaman le extraña y se acerca y le pregunta de verdad estás bien. Nana, estoy bien, esos tipos me extresaron y me dijiste tus reglas, me dijiste que descansara y tienes razon, ahora vete y déjame descansar. Yaman la mira desconcertado y se va. Nana se toca el pecho y dice no estoy bien, Dios ayúdame. Nana tiene calentura y ese calor es el efecto de la presencia de Yaman...😍🔥🤭🤩❤
¿QUE ES EL AMOR? ¿Y CUALES SON SUS SINTOMAS? 🤩 -- Yaman en su oficina, recuerda la conversación que tuvo con Nana en el cuarto. Yaman no escucho a Cenger con el café. Yaman, no sé qué le pasa a la niñera, esta rara, este evento debe haberla sacudido. Cenger, es normal, ha sido un día difícil. Yaman, no le quites el ojo, si ves algo extraordinario, asegúrate de decírmelo. Cenger, está bien y se va. Yaman suspira y se pregunta, que le esta pasando, que le pasa. Nana en su cuarto, dice no sé qué me esta pasando, y llama a Pinar se saludan y Nana dice que no esta nada bien, Pinar estas enferma. Nana, no, estoy bien, y le dice que es Adalet, que no está bien, necesita ayuda, (y Nana se inventa que la hermana Adalet tiene sentimientos por alguien.) A Pinar le esta raro y le pregunta que siente la hermana Adalet. Nana, dice que sí, pero que ella no está segura, creo que ella no tiene sentimientos. me pregunto que como sabes cuando sientes algo por alguien, cuando estás enamorado, lo entiendes. Nana; ¿y como debo saber? Pinar, no se querida, como lo sabes, si nunca te has sentido así antes, déjame ayudarte. Nana, dice sí, pero no es para mí, es para la hermana Adalet. Pinar, está bien es por la hermana Adalet, te lo digo a ti; y luego se lo dices a la hermana Adalet. Nana, está bien. Pinar se ríe y dice; el tiempo se detiene cuando te gusta alguien, cuando esa persona está contigo. Nana está atenta. Pinar sigue: quieres que el tiempo nunca pase. Nana está atenta y piensa, no, se detuvo una vez, pero estaba nerviosa, porque el me pediría cuentas, así que por eso sucedió.🤩 Pinar te emocionas. Nana, ¿qué tipo de emoción? Pinar, lo entenderás Nana, la emoción es muy dulce. Nana, piensa yo también estoy emocionada, pero no es dulce, es amargo. Pinar, tu corazón late a toda prisa y con fuerza, y buscas excusas para verlo. Nana piensa, no yo no busco excusas, es él quién se aparece frente a mí. 😍 Nana algo más cuando lo ves? Pinar, confías en él y en nadie más. Nana se altera y dice: algunos de ellos encajan, pero eso no es un hecho, es solo coincidencia.🤭 Pinar, no entiendo. Nana dice, Adalet me dijo que confía mucho en él, eso se ajusta a su situación, pero debe ser una coincidencia; está bien, lo entiendo, Adalet no debe sentir nada por él. Ellos son solo amigos, esta luego, gracias. Pinar se está riendo porque sabe que es ella la que está enamorada. Nana suspira y dice se ajusta un poco, no es un problema, ohh que estoy pensando, si me alejo un poco de él, no tendre nada de qué preocuparme. 🔥 Nana lo ve subir y corre a su cuarto. Nana, esta es una casa enorme, porqué siempre aparece frente de mí. ¿Tendré que ahora, encerrarme en la habitación, sere un preso? Nana sale despacio de su habitación y corre por las escaleras.
Nana va a la cocina a tomar agua, continúa estornudando; y dice un vaso no será suficiente y tendre que venir de nuevo, y se lleva la jarra, bien hecho Nana, para que no vuelvas, y así no tienes que salir de la habitación, que pasa si me da hambre, deja conseguir algo de comer, así no bajare hasta que llegue Yusuf de la escuela, entonces salgo de la habitación. Se lleva hasta el pan para no salir del cuarto y encontrarse con Yaman. Yaman llega a la cocina, y ella le pregunta, que haces aquí en la cocina? ¿Me estas siguiendo? Yaman, porqué debería seguirte, te has vuelto loca. Cuánta hambre tienes, ese pan es grande. Nana tengo hambre. Yaman, detente ahi, que te dije, que descansará, si necesitas algo, te lo llevarán, necesitas recuperarte pronto. Nana dice que si y se va. Yaman, suspira y busca algo en la nevera. Nana, no me das paz, siempre apareces delante de mí, mira estoy enojada otra vez porque siento que mi corazón va a explotar.❤ Hala, espero que te hayas recuperado, estas mejor. Nana, me estoy recuperando, estoy bien, gracias Sra. Hala. Hala mira el pan y Nana le dice que esta hambrienta. Nana escucha los pasos de Yaman y dice haya viene, haya viene. Hala, quien viene querida. Nana, que Dios te dé un buen día, ire a descansar un poco. Hala le dice a Yaman, ella dice que está bien, pero la chica no está bien, se fue apresurada. Yaman, le dije que descansará, no te preocupes, la estoy vigilando. Hala, ujum. 🤩🤩🤭🤭
Jajjajaje nana embobada mirando como su fuera su modelo en pasarela si es que me rio. Que ganas de las escenas nuevas pa reírme en condiciones 😅😅
Gracias querida por la traducción
Nana putting herself in self imprisonment in her roomto avoide Yaman 😂 taking a jug of water a larger bread made Yaman more concerned of her health because of her strange actions ❤😍
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team.
Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3.
Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out.
Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️
This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes.
After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
جمال المشهد💕💕💕💕🔥🔥🔥🔥
Pena que não tem legenda em português ou espanhol
Tem legendada no telegram
desearia traduccion en español
El corazòn de Yaman ya tiene dueña asi esta muerta, y es Segher si el petsonaje de Yaman acsede a estar con Nana lo combierte en un traidor pues el le dijo a Segher que la puerta de su amor solo era para ella y que jamas se abriria nuevamente para otra mujer. Ademas nana no tiene ningun tipo de legado de amor con Yaman
Segher y Yaman son y seran los unicos que pueden darle flote a Emanet lo demas sin uno de los dos ya es cuento aburridor
Não gostei dessa mulher a sila era muito mais linda e com o rosto de um anjo
De Ángel malvado 🤭🤭🤭
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team.
Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3.
Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out.
Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️
This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes.
After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
Никто не смотрит 3 сезон только
Нана и Назмие и те немногие которые считают что цирк повторов с танцовщицей из Грузии это
" супер" .
Of course, of course dear, nobody watches it in kanal7 but you're all here watching it even the viewers have been increased lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team.
Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3.
Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out.
Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️
This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes.
After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
მთავარია შენ უყურებ და ზეპირად იცი თითოეული მომენტი.ალბათ სიზმარშიც ამათ ხედავ😆😉
Nana 👍👍👍
Nana 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍❤
Oferecida e chata.
Naná e Yamam nada a ver nem a música ajuda o casal não tem química..
They have more chemistry than Sila and her new partner
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team.
Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3.
Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out.
Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️
This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes.
After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
Вот такая у танцовщицы игра смотреть не хочеться. На ютубе прочитала комментарий что танцовщица играет лучше чем сила. Танцовщице далеко до силы. Сила даже в щербет играет отлично.
Halil 💯💯💯🌼🌼🌼❤️❤️❤️Nanuka și sezonul 3 👎👎👎👎🤮🤮🤮🤮Emanet = SilHal pentru totdeauna, adică doar primele două sezoane, povestea de dragoste și viață dintre Yaman și Seher și nimeni nu poate schimba asta.
Que serie tan aburridora la repetición de la repetidora cuándo actuaba seger
No one's forcing you to watch it. Go and see what ever you like and let the rest of us to enjoy it.
Wow too good 👍🏻
who cares about the ratings, it’s only matter of facts for channels and production team.
Moreover season 1 & 2 were telecasted during covid times, whereas world revived during season 3.
Ok what made you think Season 1 & 2 perfect, because the mansion was run by two snakes 🐍 🐍 manipulating the good ones and making that a horror and horrible house and Seher faced all difficulties after she entered Yaman’s life. And they were no match, I mean by compatibility. Yaman has to satisfy Seher by all means otherwise she would frown and the happy days for them were only countable. They weren’t open and relationship goals were zero. Seher is fragile and naive and I’m not saying it’s bad, she would have lived a wonderful life without Yaman if she had married the same type of person and moreover still alive( marrying a gangster wasn’t meant for her character). Yaman on other hand always has to change his behaviour or his character for Seher and their love was manipulated to us as divine by just watching each others eye, maybe chemistry worked out.
Whereas in season 3 the mansion is a home and it is at peace. And moreover you needn’t have any romantic scenes with Yaman and Nana, it’s like waterfall, they match each other, I mean they are compatible, they know each other in and out. Even they shout at each other they both know it’s a mask and this makes their love ❤️ so beautiful. They yell at each other but couldn’t live without each other. That’s why I feel Nana more suitable for Yaman, they both had similar childhood, rough atmosphere while they grew up which made both of them strong and wild. Hence they both know each other in and out ❤️
This made this season 3 super and I don’t care about ratings. Actually even I started to watch this show during pandamic. Watched season 1 it was ok but couldn’t stand all the evil happening to that child and Zia ( it was a Evil House). I saw only the promos for season 2, which had only few happy days (it was only countable) for Yaman and Seher and thank god I never watched the full episodes.
After a long gap, due to curiosity watched season 3 during episode 476 somewhat liked it and started to watch it from 417. The character development of Nana is so good and I see Yusuf more happy with Nana than Seher. She engages him with all games and laughter. And moreover the mansion stays as a home with only one negative character Aynur and not prominent role, just a maid. Let’s see how this love ❤️ would play tom and jerry game. And one main thing that attracted me towards this season 3 was Nana able to turn Yaman more comic, I mean their conversation, it’s fun to watch. And there are many like me. So, my kind obligation for Sehyam lovers is please keep watching those wonderful seasons which you love and leave season 3 to us which belongs to us 🥰
ممثلة فاشلة
Translation, really. ......., finally I now what thay talking