Hey Jabari. Great video as always. I've been busy with college & I haven't been around to catch your content. I'll be sure to go back & watch them all. :)
I saw one on home team history on u-tube but there are other kingdoms as well kush auxin and the Romans traded with other kingdoms down the African coast as well
I've been waiting on a video on Islam in Africa for awhile also could you do a video on Christianity in Africa next because the oldest Christian nation in the world is in Africa
Caleb Counts most African islamic pursuit for example were markedly less radical than islamic purist in Arabia for one Usman dan fodio believed women should be educated for all we and he had no problem with women advising and possibly leading men from what i know about him
Hey, great vid! Just wanted to point out that the mosque in Pate island (built in 800 ce as you mentioned) is not the oldest in East Africa, the oldest would be the "masjid al-Qiblatayn (or Masjidka labada-Qiblada) in Zeila, north Somalia built in the 7th century. This thus makes it the oldest mosque in all of Africa. While I do love your videos i would like it if you could also include the countries in modern day Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia in your videos, not just the Swahili nations, whenever you talk about East Africa.
Great video again boss. One thing of note however at 6:23 when you mention “formerly illiterate societies “, you were referring to the majority of the citizens right? Because in actually there were Indigenous scripts used but only in secret such as the Songhai kunbaw script, tho not widespread
@A The universities built, Iron forging techniques, the Nabatean script made friendly to Mali languages, Nubians making their own script, Caravans to other parts of Africa, adopting guilds form other pre colonial African states AND MANY MORE! I DON'T SEE WHY AFRICANS NEED EUROPEANS OR ARABS! NEVER WILL AND DID!
@A Not entirely true, there were several more or less sophisticated writing systems designed to record trade transactions, court cases and aid as mnemonic devices in an otherwise oral culture. A good example is Nsibidi that developed into the Anaforuana when taken by slaves to the "New" world.
A who the fucj are Ethiopians the. Who are t he Bassa vah i Like islam but please don’t act like Islam or Christianity built Africa we had our own writing before christ was born so I don’t think we needed islam or Christianity to be literate not like writing was the foundation of civilization
@ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵕ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ I know it is hard that you don't hany any books written in berber before 1950 but it will be good. The great Arab rulers of your country will allow you to use your berber shit.
@ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵕ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ and Omar r.a does not need your respect. He is the greatest stateman in history. His action speaks for himself but you alwayse lie and talk shit in the internet and does not do anything.
@ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵕ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ and our great women built the first univirsity in history in your county to teach you thier great language and make you humans. You should be thankful to our women and don't talk about them.
What an awesome video that lays out Islam in Africa in a neutral manner. It is very rare that you see a video that doesn’t attempt to give this romantic version of Islam in West Africa. Many would like to believe that it spread peacefully and willingly which is far from the truth. Many in West Africa were forced to convert either by the sword or for survival. Whether it was to avoid slavery or to enhance trade, there was indeed a motive. Many of those that continued to practice the traditional African religions were attacked and/ or enslaved such as the Mossi. Mansa Musa and Osman Dan Fadio were two that waged war on those that wouldn’t convert or abandon their own religions entirely. Many continued and continue to practice a modified version of Islam where the African traditions are actually blended. Throughout Mali, Guinea, Senegambia,etc you see an Islam that is quite different than that which is practiced in the Middle East, Asia, North Africa and East Africa. Alcohol is heavily consumed, the majority of women generally do not wear the hijab or restrictive clothing, all holidays including Christmas, Assumption Day, Eids ( Tabaski and Korite) are practiced by all. Most still use traditional amulets, traditional medicines, gris gris and talisman for protection. In fact, the traditional practices that predate and influenced Islam and Christianity are practiced daily and influence virtually all aspects of daily life throughout Sub Saharan Africa. The traditional religions play a major role in everything from business matters to marriage to child birth to shopping at the markets to the construction of buildings. Despite identifying as Muslim, most continue to practice their own traditional religions which confirms that it was not fully embraced willingly.
Two thumbs up you should have brought Mr Bigot And Mr Kangz on here to add a little more spice but it was still a great video Non the less no doubt. Continue with your amazing content you are one of my favorite channels.
Quinn. S. IDA is a name of the sword it is used by the Yoruba and Edo people’s the Edo are the founders of the Benin Empire in todays South South Zine if Nigeria
You kind of exaggerated how “intolerant” Islam is to locals and local religions. When Muslims took over the people were allowed to retain their faith this is a known historical fact
Hey Jabari, I wanted to know if I mised the streem this sunday, if not where can I find it? Will it be on your channel? Great video, keep up the good work.
Probably because they generally lacked large centralized kingdoms or empires in comparison to West Africans. They were mostly small city-states that relied primarily on peaceful trade. West Africans on the other hand had long standing traditions of military power, fortified towns, and centralization. In general, if Arabs were hostile in West Africa they'd have gotten their asses kicked. Europeans learned this the hard way when they first started exploring the West African coast.
From Nothing so much bs in one comment, first of all what even is that question? East africa was one of the first places Islam spread peacefully. Alot of Somalis in the north and Eritreans, literally converted before muslims even took Mecca. Gtfo with your bs. Also from nothing stop with your west africa supermecy your history had nothing on us in east africa.
The prophet (PBUH) said that the Arabs had lineage from Egypt...as was he even more so being a descendant of Abraham and his Egyptian wife Hagar (Hajar in Christianity) he was raised by a Black woman, many of the companions of the prophet (1st ever Muslims) were Africans from Egypt, Abyssinians... (As well as Roman, Jews, Kurds, Persians - a few or a couple of all were freed slaves I believe). The Christian king of Abyssinian whom the prophet praised as a just man, before he sent his companions to Ethiopia for protection from the Arab pagans + of course the thousands of years of relations between the horn of Africa and Arabia (Yemen and Saudi)...between Egypt and Mesopotamia...not to criticize you man but to ME not so foreign
1:10 If someone today said they were having visions of Allah you’d put them under observation. Same thing as seeing someone executed on a cross and seeing him again a few days later walking around. People are fundamentally stupid.
There is no universal African writing system but yes some African peoples did live in literate societies. Very few developed indigenous and widespread systems though.
Tony Ducks Amount to nothing? Of course they had their own writing scripts, the symbols you are talking about are runes. Until the enforcement of english or french those scripts were lost
I don't think the Arabic script spread literacy though while it did take over as the main written script of many civilizations until the scramble for Africa facilitated the use of latin it can be found that many of these illiterate civilizations had writing of some sort even if it was limited to the elith, it has been found that prior to Ajami the Hausa had another script used for writing and counting prior to latin The Edo had a color and symbols based writing system which they abandoned for unknown reasons
@Samer Nattifi Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham’s descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem’s, the latter would enslave them. Al-Tabari, Vol. 2, p. 21, p. 21
your description of the rise of the Sokoto Caliphate is very bauge it was'nt a Jihad to purify islam completely it was a war that originally started as the suppression of a teacher by his student and then a war erupted due to this its aim and objectives was to end certain practices by kings of the hausalands at that time maybe the after affects of the war were meant to spread islam but the initial conflict had various aims
“Black Africa” I don’t understand this concept someone break it down for me. All native africans are africans, so I guess my question is what is black in the context of Africa? Dark skin?
It’s really meant to denote the portion of Africa that contains Africans that westerners would define as “black” . Although the concept of what is “black” changes based on where you are in the world in America black Africa just refers to what some would call sub Saharan Africa or Africa below the Sahara desert
Colour terms like "black" or "white" are incredibly imprecise anyway. Like which exactly shade of skin one must have to fit into any of those categories? Or how much descent from which populations? All those questions were answered differently in different times periods and places
Introduction of Islam to Sub-Saharan Africa was incredibly peaceful. I mean, the native tribes received the Arab-Caliphate as their long expected saviours, who gave them civilisation and freed them from the Christian oppression.
THE QURAN ON THE NOBILITY OF BLACKNESS. “And when your Lord said to the Angels: I am going to create a mortal of sounding clay, of Black mud fashioned into shape. So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My Spirit, fall down making obeisance to him.” Surah 15, verse 26-29. The Original man was created from black substance altered to become black skin, this and other similar verses makes many Muslims very uncomfortable. Some will quote a Hadith which states that the Angles went about collecting different types of mud to add to the Black mud, hence the reason why we have differences in skin tones etc. They quote this Hadith and try to put it above the Quran, to ease their unease, but Hadith cannot be placed over the Quran. This verse is not allegorical, it’s clear and decisive about what was used to create this man, that he was created complete no mentioning of any other ingredient like other types of mud, anyway as an artist even if you add any other colours to black, they will disappear, so I understand the Hadith in this way and as a metaphor about how the other races came about out of the Black mud. The second tongue in cheek opposition to this verse is where they will quote another verse about the creation of man into nation and tribes in order for us to know ourselves etc. This verse in no way contradicts Surah 15: 26-29, it’s another issue about discrimination based on divisions due to skin tone, family, tribes and nations, it does not contradicts or lessens the original creation from Black mud. Allah in his infinite wisdom knew before hand what will be the plight of black skinned people post Baba Adam (S), he knew that dark skinned persons in every culture in this world will be is despised, so the existence of the verse is not by accident. Adam (S) being created by Allah of Black mud made him Noble, despite the lowliness of that dark putrid mud, the best of Allah’s creation was animated further by the Spirit of Allah being blown into him, and this distinction was transferred to his children also as the Quran states; 17:20, “And we have certainly honored the children of Adam ....and preferred them over much of what we have created, with (definite) preference.” Some Muslims and others will go so far in my estimation to accuse me of racism, or of being too occupied with race which they claim is a societal construct and therefore not real. Non dark skin people have the luxury of say that race is a social construct and not real, they have even convinced our black intellectuals of this, I agree to an extent if we had a better world civilisation and values, sure, but the grim reality of being dark skinned under the current Dominant Culture of the White race is as real as Racism can get. At the level of the genes, a red blooded German and a dark skinned Bantu could be similar, we accept that Science (even with it’s problems) however in this real world what matters is physiognomy, how you look that matters, it determines where you live, how you live, how you receives services, if you would be stopped and search, or shot outright, who you can and cannot marry and numerous other issues, socio-political, economical, and religious. To accept that narrative of race being unreal is to blind Black people, makes them vulnerable, especially the young, who have to be taught how to navigate, how to stand, speak, laugh, every damn natural thing in order to survive in this Current Civilisation. There is no escaping it, even in dark skinned families, tribes and societies the darker ones are objectified as either ugly, low class, violent or morally loose, especially peoples who have been conquered by White Nations or subjected to the Aryan caste system. So in order to understand why this is so, there are two reasons; One, Shaytan’s refusal to bow to Adam, Surah 7:12; “Allah said, “ What prevented you from prostrating (to Adam) when I commanded you?” He (Satan) said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay.” So he was the first racist, so to speak, being a Jinn type, created before man from smokeless fire, he pointed that out to his Creator, as to why he refuse to prostrate to Adam (S) he also announced his and his kind hostility to Adam’s children and how he will proceed in his war. 1- (Shaytan) said, ‘Because you have put me in the wrong, I will surely sit in wait for them on the Straight Path’......7: 16 2- By whispers 7: 20, 20:120, 3- Swearing that he is a sincere advisor, 7:21 So he entices his tribe and followers (34:20, 17:64) against the Children of Adam, especially those who still look like Adam (S) with their dark skin. Quran 7:17- “I will come to them from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left,..” The second reason is that: In the past the world was dominated by dark skinned peoples and the White skinned people were subjected, conquered and enslaved, for many reasons they were kept out and seen as troublesome, until Black power declined and White power rose to eventually conquer the world, doing what dark skinned people did to them, they got even and are still doing so, this is my view. Hasan Anyabwile Allah Musta’an.
@Basically most of North West Africa, although they wont claim it,a great majority can trace the genetics to Southern Europe, and Eastern Europe and the Middle East, but they will claim their ancestors were always there.
I really don't understand you people it's always white or black. First of all Egyptians are neither their skin tones usually can range from Brown, Olive, or Tan. The world is not just divided into white or black.
Omar Abdullah Egyptian as in nationality? Because the ancient Egyptians didn’t call themselves egyptian. And they were Cushitics and other African groups
NOTE : The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) DID NOT "invent" Islam☪️; NOWHERE in the Quran did the Prophet claim that he invented Islam; it was REVEALED to him, by the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel); Arabic is a Shemitic Language, directly related to Hebrew, Amharic, Ashuric & Aramaic - so the TRUE Shemitic peoples, are indeed AFRICANS ! The 5 branches of the Afro-Asiatic Families : Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, Shemitic & Egyptian ! Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was a dark-skinned African ! Islam has ancient Egyptian roots !
Sources will be available in the next 24-48 hours in the links provided below:
Hey Jabari. Great video as always. I've been busy with college & I haven't been around to catch your content. I'll be sure to go back & watch them all. :)
Islam was spread by the sword.!Millions were and are enslaved to a man made Religion which is not as ancient as chrisantity and denies ,God's SUN".
Hey where can I found reliable sources for this. This is very interesting to me @fromnothing
I saw one on home team history on u-tube but there are other kingdoms as well kush auxin and the Romans traded with other kingdoms down the African coast as well
I will say it again: West African history is every bit as good as Egypt’s.
not really
@@jolo8145 stufu
@@tyronechillifoot5573 stufu?(shut the ultra fuck up?)
@@jolo8145 Oh yes it is.
@@gerardrbain1972 oh no it isn't. did ancient West Africa have pyramids?
I've been waiting on a video on Islam in Africa for awhile also could you do a video on Christianity in Africa next because the oldest Christian nation in the world is in Africa
Egypt, NUBIA, lybia, Catharge, Numidia, and Ethiopia
Toss up between ethopia's ancestor axum and armenia.
I believe in jesus
shock houser
Then you’re mentally enslaved because jesus was telling you idiots that you’re God
Born and raised muslin in Sierra Leone, West Africa but now not a fan for religion, God is within me and I try to find heaven where ever I go. Thanks
Don’t let religion and politics enter in conflict even if one can be used for the other
You know brother ase
Nice I am sierra leonean and similiar to you lol
@@michaelsmith-ht2jy no I do not
It was said that Nubian archers could shoot someone through the eye from 100 yards away!
Chris Petrill even when that person in running
@@Gnomelander1400 yeah,very impressive marksmanship
@Shakanaka it happens: centuries later the Muslims were little more than Barbary Pirates in North Africa. Power is cyclic
Chris Petrill can you explain yourself because centuries after the conquest North Africa was Muslim
@@YA-kr4fr I am not sure what you would like em to expound upon.
I read that Islam in parts of West Africa was less radicalized than in modern times and women had some important roles.
Caleb Counts they did but wahabism and salafism the bain of the islamic world ruined that
Caleb Counts most African islamic pursuit for example were markedly less radical than islamic purist in Arabia for one Usman dan fodio believed women should be educated for all we and he had no problem with women advising and possibly leading men from what i know about him
Yes, it changed before the colonial era, with a bunch of fulani led “fundamentalist” jihads.
@@Anedoje you're both numbskulls who have no idea what you're talking about . Just saying buzzwords like they mean something .
Hey, great vid!
Just wanted to point out that the mosque in Pate island (built in 800 ce as you mentioned) is not the oldest in East Africa, the oldest would be the "masjid al-Qiblatayn (or Masjidka labada-Qiblada) in Zeila, north Somalia built in the 7th century. This thus makes it the oldest mosque in all of Africa.
While I do love your videos i would like it if you could also include the countries in modern day Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia in your videos, not just the Swahili nations, whenever you talk about East Africa.
Important to mention that islam did penetrate Nubia, and the Somali coast. Im not sure that was mentioned.
Yea,Abdallah jammah and the Persian prince Ali shirazi (Kilwa Sultanate).
Great video again boss.
One thing of note however at 6:23 when you mention “formerly illiterate societies “, you were referring to the majority of the citizens right?
Because in actually there were Indigenous scripts used but only in secret such as the Songhai kunbaw script, tho not widespread
Can you name some more of these scripts?
That guy I literally just did in the end if my comment..... Kunbaw the Songhai script
@@sjappiyah4071 and I asked if you knew anymore?
That guy Oh sorry, I misread.
Nko, Vai are some others of the top of my head.
A not as great as denial 🤷🏿♂️
The great Achievements in African happened despite islam not because of it!
@A The universities built, Iron forging techniques, the Nabatean script made friendly to Mali languages, Nubians making their own script, Caravans to other parts of Africa, adopting guilds form other pre colonial African states AND MANY MORE! I DON'T SEE WHY AFRICANS NEED EUROPEANS OR ARABS! NEVER WILL AND DID!
@A Not entirely true, there were several more or less sophisticated writing systems designed to record trade transactions, court cases and aid as mnemonic devices in an otherwise oral culture. A good example is Nsibidi that developed into the Anaforuana when taken by slaves to the "New" world.
A who the fucj are Ethiopians the. Who are t he Bassa vah i Like islam but please don’t act like Islam or Christianity built Africa we had our own writing before christ was born so I don’t think we needed islam or Christianity to be literate not like writing was the foundation of civilization
@A none of your business. Back to Storm Front idiot!
@A apparently you still have issues with reading buffoon.
Clicked this joint so fast lol
I love this Channel and the historical honesty behind it and what ACTUALLY happened
You don’t actually know what happened unless you were there
@@shawnhall3849 I was there
You should've clarified that the Rashuidun wars in Egypt and North Africa were against the Romans, not the locals.
But great video by the way.
ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵕ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ typical berberist bullshit lmao
@ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵕ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ
I know it is hard that you don't hany any books written in berber before 1950 but it will be good.
The great Arab rulers of your country will allow you to use your berber shit.
@ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵕ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ and Omar r.a does not need your respect.
He is the greatest stateman in history.
His action speaks for himself but you alwayse lie and talk shit in the internet and does not do anything.
@ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵕ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ and our great women built the first univirsity in history in your county to teach you thier great language and make you humans.
You should be thankful to our women and don't talk about them.
@ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵕ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ
Was fatima al fihri a berber?.
Why do you alwayse lie?.
What an awesome video that lays out Islam in Africa in a neutral manner. It is very rare that you see a video that doesn’t attempt to give this romantic version of Islam in West Africa. Many would like to believe that it spread peacefully and willingly which is far from the truth. Many in West Africa were forced to convert either by the sword or for survival. Whether it was to avoid slavery or to enhance trade, there was indeed a motive. Many of those that continued to practice the traditional African religions were attacked and/ or enslaved such as the Mossi. Mansa Musa and Osman Dan Fadio were two that waged war on those that wouldn’t convert or abandon their own religions entirely. Many continued and continue to practice a modified version of Islam where the African traditions are actually blended. Throughout Mali, Guinea, Senegambia,etc you see an Islam that is quite different than that which is practiced in the Middle East, Asia, North Africa and East Africa. Alcohol is heavily consumed, the majority of women generally do not wear the hijab or restrictive clothing, all holidays including Christmas, Assumption Day, Eids ( Tabaski and Korite) are practiced by all. Most still use traditional amulets, traditional medicines, gris gris and talisman for protection. In fact, the traditional practices that predate and influenced Islam and Christianity are practiced daily and influence virtually all aspects of daily life throughout Sub Saharan Africa. The traditional religions play a major role in everything from business matters to marriage to child birth to shopping at the markets to the construction of buildings. Despite identifying as Muslim, most continue to practice their own traditional religions which confirms that it was not fully embraced willingly.
This video is way too short for my liking, but satisfyingly dense in information.
Also, cataphracts.
Thank You 😘😘😘
Two thumbs up you should have brought Mr Bigot And Mr Kangz on here to add a little more spice but it was still a great video Non the less no doubt. Continue with your amazing content you are one of my favorite channels.
3:08 what is the name of that straight edged sword called?
Quinn. S. IDA is a name of the sword it is used by the Yoruba and Edo people’s the Edo are the founders of the Benin Empire in todays South South Zine if Nigeria
You know I can see your content turning into a book or a series of books. And your voice is perfect for narration.
As usual, great content but the background music especially in the second half made the narration almost inaudible.
Beautiful video! Would love to see a video on the history of Christianity in Africa!
Culpable Injustice as well as Nubia
Prophet SAW was relevaed the Quran in 610 CE not 605 CE
Great video.
You kind of exaggerated how “intolerant” Islam is to locals and local religions. When Muslims took over the people were allowed to retain their faith this is a known historical fact
True, it’s a common misconception
I don’t by into it
@@vestadundee2676 it’s history
Hey Jabari, I wanted to know if I mised the streem this sunday, if not where can I find it? Will it be on your channel?
Great video, keep up the good work.
Important to mention that islam did penetrate Nubia, and the Somali coast.
Yes, Abdallah jammah and to Madagascar and the Comoro islands also.
Why were the East Africans conversion so much harsher?
Probably because they generally lacked large centralized kingdoms or empires in comparison to West Africans. They were mostly small city-states that relied primarily on peaceful trade. West Africans on the other hand had long standing traditions of military power, fortified towns, and centralization. In general, if Arabs were hostile in West Africa they'd have gotten their asses kicked. Europeans learned this the hard way when they first started exploring the West African coast.
@@FromNothing I see. Thank you.
From Nothing so much bs in one comment, first of all what even is that question? East africa was one of the first places Islam spread peacefully. Alot of Somalis in the north and Eritreans, literally converted before muslims even took Mecca. Gtfo with your bs. Also from nothing stop with your west africa supermecy your history had nothing on us in east africa.
@@yetlin8386 He wasn't counting the Horn of Africa.
I need more videos bro... plz keep making videos ...thx
Around 6.50 min. He said the Muslims introduce writing. I've seen other doco's where the local population already had writing.
Which ones?
From Nothing from home town history is one of them but also the kingdoms of kush and Axum had writing as well
The prophet (PBUH) said that the Arabs had lineage from Egypt...as was he even more so being a descendant of Abraham and his Egyptian wife Hagar (Hajar in Christianity) he was raised by a Black woman, many of the companions of the prophet (1st ever Muslims) were Africans from Egypt, Abyssinians... (As well as Roman, Jews, Kurds, Persians - a few or a couple of all were freed slaves I believe). The Christian king of Abyssinian whom the prophet praised as a just man, before he sent his companions to Ethiopia for protection from the Arab pagans + of course the thousands of years of relations between the horn of Africa and Arabia (Yemen and Saudi)...between Egypt and Mesopotamia...not to criticize you man but to ME not so foreign
1:10 If someone today said they were having visions of Allah you’d put them under observation. Same thing as seeing someone executed on a cross and seeing him again a few days later walking around. People are fundamentally stupid.
Which is why I'm not religious but calling them stupid is a bit disrespectful.
We believe in one God that created humans.
And we belive that mohammed a.s was his slave and massenger.
If you cannot put it AS IT IS, Hold your peace!
The problem is the idea of racial superiority, the arabs treated the Africans more like people more African would adopted Islam in my opinion.
They also treated Berber as inferior but you guys like to separate light skin in the same place
Seeing how arabs look at us then and now I wish we never accepted it. Sorry Omar Abdullah.
Islam was the best thing that ever happened in Black Africa.
@@أُسامَةَالقَيْسِيْ-ص8ج What?
Yeah... that's like saying Genghis Khan was the best thing that ever happened to Afghanistan...
And funny things is Genghis said he was the wrath of God, just like ''them" and no one says Khan was the best thing to happen to the world.
Well I'm an Arab and I love black Africans
And What do you mean by "how Arabs look at us" ? can you please explain if you don't mind
My brothers dont be tricked by Islamic preacher
And for Christian either
Please provide a shred of evidence for your statement at time stamp 07:49; because it's utterly and complete BS.
Do african have there own writing system?
There is no universal African writing system but yes some African peoples did live in literate societies. Very few developed indigenous and widespread systems though.
@Tony Ducks Ethiopians had a writing system.
@Tony Ducks Dosen't that appile to Egypt as well
@Tony Ducks alot language are a delvoped from each other there are few original languages
Tony Ducks
Amount to nothing? Of course they had their own writing scripts, the symbols you are talking about are runes. Until the enforcement of english or french those scripts were lost
I don't think the Arabic script spread literacy though while it did take over as the main written script of many civilizations until the scramble for Africa facilitated the use of latin it can be found that many of these illiterate civilizations had writing of some sort even if it was limited to the elith, it has been found that prior to Ajami the Hausa had another script used for writing and counting
prior to latin The Edo had a color and symbols based writing system which they abandoned for unknown reasons
Thought you'd talk about the Arab slave trade on this video too
perhaps it does not fit the narrative
@King Base I did mention it at 7:30. Not sure how you missed that unless you just came cherry picking the video
There was an Arab Slave Trade actually. All non-Muslims were fair game. Even European Christians.
Why do u keep removing my comments about racism in islam?
@Samer Nattifi Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham’s descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem’s, the latter would enslave them.
Al-Tabari, Vol. 2, p. 21, p. 21
your description of the rise of the Sokoto Caliphate is very bauge it was'nt a Jihad to purify islam completely it was a war that originally started as the suppression of a teacher by his student and then a war erupted due to this its aim and objectives was to end certain practices by kings of the hausalands at that time maybe the after affects of the war were meant to spread islam but the initial conflict had various aims
“Black Africa” I don’t understand this concept someone break it down for me. All native africans are africans, so I guess my question is what is black in the context of Africa? Dark skin?
It’s really meant to denote the portion of Africa that contains Africans that westerners would define as “black” . Although the concept of what is “black” changes based on where you are in the world in America black Africa just refers to what some would call sub Saharan Africa or Africa below the Sahara desert
Colour terms like "black" or "white" are incredibly imprecise anyway. Like which exactly shade of skin one must have to fit into any of those categories? Or how much descent from which populations? All those questions were answered differently in different times periods and places
Introduction of Islam to Sub-Saharan Africa was incredibly peaceful. I mean, the native tribes received the Arab-Caliphate as their long expected saviours, who gave them civilisation and freed them from the Christian oppression.
Islam didn't come peacefully over here get your facts right
@Tony Ducks Don't forget the invasion of what was Black North Africa through warfare.
Tony Ducks
Berbers aren’t caucasians. And Mediterranean of Africa were always black and brown prior to invasions and migrations
Tony Ducks
I guess you as a ws would talk such crap
@Tony Ducks False, the arabs invaded North Africa. It was always Black.
@@shawnhall3849 I've noticed he's a 4chan troll, I'm not taking him seriously.
“And when your Lord said to the Angels: I am going to create a mortal of sounding clay, of Black mud fashioned into shape. So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My Spirit, fall down making obeisance to him.”
Surah 15, verse 26-29.
The Original man was created from black substance altered to become black skin, this and other similar verses makes many Muslims very uncomfortable.
Some will quote a Hadith which states that the Angles went about collecting different types of mud to add to the Black mud, hence the reason why we have differences in skin tones etc.
They quote this Hadith and try to put it above the Quran, to ease their unease, but Hadith cannot be placed over the Quran.
This verse is not allegorical, it’s clear and decisive about what was used to create this man, that he was created complete no mentioning of any other ingredient like other types of mud, anyway as an artist even if you add any other colours to black, they will disappear, so I understand the Hadith in this way and as a metaphor about how the other races came about out of the Black mud.
The second tongue in cheek opposition to this verse is where they will quote another verse about the creation of man into nation and tribes in order for us to know ourselves etc.
This verse in no way contradicts Surah 15: 26-29, it’s another issue about discrimination based on divisions due to skin tone, family, tribes and nations, it does not contradicts or lessens the original creation from Black mud.
Allah in his infinite wisdom knew before hand what will be the plight of black skinned people post Baba Adam (S), he knew that dark skinned persons in every culture in this world will be is despised, so the existence of the verse is not by accident.
Adam (S) being created by Allah of Black mud made him Noble, despite the lowliness of that dark putrid mud, the best of Allah’s creation was animated further by the Spirit of Allah being blown into him, and this distinction was transferred to his children also as the Quran states;
17:20, “And we have certainly honored the children of Adam ....and preferred them over much of what we have created, with (definite) preference.”
Some Muslims and others will go so far in my estimation to accuse me of racism, or of being too occupied with race which they claim is a societal construct and therefore not real.
Non dark skin people have the luxury of say that race is a social construct and not real, they have even convinced our black intellectuals of this, I agree to an extent if we had a better world civilisation and values, sure, but the grim reality of being dark skinned under the current Dominant Culture of the White race is as real as Racism can get.
At the level of the genes, a red blooded German and a dark skinned Bantu could be similar, we accept that Science (even with it’s problems) however in this real world what matters is physiognomy, how you look that matters, it determines where you live, how you live, how you receives services, if you would be stopped and search, or shot outright, who you can and cannot marry and numerous other issues, socio-political, economical, and religious.
To accept that narrative of race being unreal is to blind Black people, makes them vulnerable, especially the young, who have to be taught how to navigate, how to stand, speak, laugh, every damn natural thing in order to survive in this Current Civilisation.
There is no escaping it, even in dark skinned families, tribes and societies the darker ones are objectified as either ugly, low class, violent or morally loose, especially peoples who have been conquered by White Nations or subjected to the Aryan caste system.
So in order to understand why this is so, there are two reasons; One, Shaytan’s refusal to bow to Adam,
Surah 7:12; “Allah said, “ What prevented you from prostrating (to Adam) when I commanded you?” He (Satan) said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay.”
So he was the first racist, so to speak, being a Jinn type, created before man from smokeless fire, he pointed that out to his Creator, as to why he refuse to prostrate to Adam (S) he also announced his and his kind hostility to Adam’s children and how he will proceed in his war.
1- (Shaytan) said, ‘Because you have put me in the wrong, I will surely sit in wait for them on the Straight Path’......7: 16
2- By whispers 7: 20, 20:120,
3- Swearing that he is a sincere advisor, 7:21
So he entices his tribe and followers (34:20, 17:64) against the Children of Adam, especially those who still look like Adam (S) with their dark skin.
Quran 7:17- “I will come to them from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left,..”
The second reason is that: In the past the world was dominated by dark skinned peoples and the White skinned people were subjected, conquered and enslaved, for many reasons they were kept out and seen as troublesome, until Black power declined and White power rose to eventually conquer the world, doing what dark skinned people did to them, they got even and are still doing so, this is my view.
Hasan Anyabwile
Allah Musta’an.
Wtf is this bruh this is some Nation of Islam bull😂😂
Too bad you didnt talk about the arab slavetrade and the millions of afrikans transported to asia
but he did.
What's White Africa? Egypt?
@Basically most of North West Africa, although they wont claim it,a great majority can trace the genetics to Southern Europe, and Eastern Europe and the Middle East, but they will claim their ancestors were always there.
@@mikeaskme3530 I wouldn't exactly call them white though...
I really don't understand you people it's always white or black. First of all Egyptians are neither their skin tones usually can range from Brown, Olive, or Tan. The world is not just divided into white or black.
@@omarabdullah24 ikr
Omar Abdullah
Egyptian as in nationality? Because the ancient Egyptians didn’t call themselves egyptian. And they were Cushitics and other African groups
Pls angels are not women in Islam,be corrected
NOTE : The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) DID NOT "invent" Islam☪️; NOWHERE in the Quran did the Prophet claim that he invented Islam; it was REVEALED to him, by the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel); Arabic is a Shemitic Language, directly related to Hebrew, Amharic, Ashuric & Aramaic - so the TRUE Shemitic peoples, are indeed AFRICANS !
The 5 branches of the Afro-Asiatic Families : Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, Shemitic & Egyptian !
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was a dark-skinned African ! Islam has ancient Egyptian roots !