Just put a selection committee together that picks the most offensively talented players. The whole thing is so stupid and conceited. Getting players to play depth roles makes no sense. If the fourth line is filled with All Stars that can score points and you win in high scoring games why does the style matter?
Cameron’s player selection was unfortunate. He cancelled practises, was out coached, was arrogant, and took no responsibility for his obvious mishandling of many aspects of a coaches core responsibilities. After Canada was eliminated he was asked “do you have any regrets”, he said “no”. I couldn’t believe it. He in fact blamed his players.
Three ways management is blaming the players: 1) cant coach discipline, its on the players to not take penalties. 2) cancel practices because THE PLAYERS were exhausted. 3) wouldnt change anything: management didnt bring the wrong players, the players just dropped the ball.
last year and this year the selection committee got too cute. it's a simple process but they made it all complicated and ended up shooting themselves in the foot....again. you pick the very best players available. full stop. they slotted in ROLE players that statistically were not as good as players who were snubbed. i don't know how much dave cameron had to say about the players he got but i suspect he had some input and i don't think too much of him as a coach. great human being but they need someone younger and more in tune with the players. and for god's sake, take the best available and stop over thinking the process.
Just put a selection committee together that picks the most offensively talented players. The whole thing is so stupid and conceited. Getting players to play depth roles makes no sense. If the fourth line is filled with All Stars that can score points and you win in high scoring games why does the style matter?
Cameron’s player selection was unfortunate. He cancelled practises, was out coached, was arrogant, and took no responsibility for his obvious mishandling of many aspects of a coaches core responsibilities. After Canada was eliminated he was asked “do you have any regrets”, he said “no”. I couldn’t believe it. He in fact blamed his players.
Three ways management is blaming the players:
1) cant coach discipline, its on the players to not take penalties.
2) cancel practices because THE PLAYERS were exhausted.
3) wouldnt change anything: management didnt bring the wrong players, the players just dropped the ball.
More "tired" than players on all the other teams?
Dave Cameron = Allen Iverson Practice???
Precisely what I was thinking about during that segment. - Seb
Canada didn't finish behind Latvia lol
Latvia !!!!
last year and this year the selection committee got too cute. it's a simple process but they made it all complicated and ended up shooting themselves in the foot....again. you pick the very best players available. full stop. they slotted in ROLE players that statistically were not as good as players who were snubbed. i don't know how much dave cameron had to say about the players he got but i suspect he had some input and i don't think too much of him as a coach. great human being but they need someone younger and more in tune with the players. and for god's sake, take the best available and stop over thinking the process.