Thank you for watching and for your interest in my videos! Turn on subtitles and translations to your language in the video settings! I look forward to your comments and likes - for me it is very important!
Ellerinize, emeklerinize sağlık gene muhteşem bir pasta tarifi ile karşımızdasınız.⚘ Bu tarifinizi de yaptım, hakikaten, yumuşak, hafif ve çok tatlı olmayan enfes, değişik bir pasta, Not ettim ve tekrar yapmayı düşünüyorum. İlk deneyimimde biraz hamuru yuvarlarken acemilik çektim buna rağmen iyi oldu, inanıyorum ki ikinci pişirmemde daha iyisi olacak. Teşekkürler. İyiki varsınız.
My Aunt always made German treats, often with fresh fruits like plums, peaches, apricots, pears or apples, but also with raisins and other dried fruit. I loved going to her house mostly because I Ioved her, but also because she always had coffee ready (or milk for us kids) and a treat for anyone visiting and she served it using her beautiful china. She always made us feel special. This reminds me of a couple of things that she made.
Bravo pour la recette ,et pour votre patience On peut appeler ce gâteau une brioche aux fruits secs Merci pour votre partage Ca a l air difficile Mais cela veaut la peine MERCI ❤❤
This is more like a strudel or breakfast bread. That's good stuff! You can use less raisins and cranberries and add grated or Minced up apples instead.❤
Oui. D'ailleurs comme elle disait "ne faites plus de tarte aux pommes...", j'ai pensé qu'elle allait proposer une recette aux pommes , genre ApfelStrudel.
Яблочный готовлю ровно час, плюс туда ложу и вишню, просто,, огонь,, этот пирог типа торт надо попробовать, начинку можно по фантазировать.. Респект кулинару.... ❤🎉
Absolutely NOTHING!!!😡 HOWEVER, where she adds the raisins, cranberries and citrus gratings, I'd back some of that off and add apple gratings instead, with just a sprinkle of cinnamon. Then rolling up to continue. The raisins and cranberries go very well with apples, and a little citrus will spark it up in flavor. There you go! Why the false info I don't get it😠 But this dough recipe is good fir a LOT of goodies, cinnamon rolls, fruits - or even sauced up meatballs. By sauced up, cook the meatballs in the sauce for flavor and cut in pieces to roll up into the dough. This dough recipe is like clay, you can make almost ANYTHING OUT OF IT!!❤
I tried making just one pan and cut the recipe in half. I didn't get the rise that was expected, but the taste was very good. I loved the lightness of it and I thought it would taste better with cinnamon, so I added some. I thought mace would have been better, but I was out. Thank you so much for sharing.
Яблочный пирог - это много ароматных яблок и чуть-чуть нежного теста. Ваше сравнение этой булки с яблочным пирогом неуместно. Сравнивайте краффин с куличём или другой пасхальной выпечкой. Яблочный пирог это вещь особенная, пекла, пеку и буду печь!!!!
@katja3152Спасибо за беспокойство, но, вероятно, Вам следует использовать переводчик тоже. Я писала, что не корректно сравнивать этот рецепт с яблочным пирогом. Это также абсурдно, как сравнивать синее с солёным.
Да в название -приказ! Никогда больше не пеки! А я,например, терпеть не могу изюм в выпечке. Так что мне теперь всем говорить:" Никогда не клади изюм?". А яблочный пирог -ЭТО совсем другое. Я вместе с яблоками кладу грушу и посыпаю корицей.
Gorgeous and a work of art. I'm sure would taste exceptional with any mix 😢of fillings, as apricot/almond, mixed berries , orange/walnut/mandarin. Thank you for the recipe.
Me fascinó. Puedo poner otros frutos, como orejones de chabacano y / o. También cáscaras de naranjas o limón podrían ser. Higos bastante secos. Quizá dátiles con nueces. Me gustó, espero hacerla la próxima semana. Gracias por la receta.
This bread looks good. Needs cinnamon though. Don’t know why the comparison was made to apple pie if there’s no apple in it. Two very different things. Putting it in a cake tin doesn’t make it a cake.
Mil gracias Chef Schnell, por compartirnos tan exquisita receta, ésta para consentir a la familia, que estoy segura que le estarán muy agradecidos. Abrazos
Me, too. With a bit of grated orange peel, and maybe the dried cranberries! Or just the walnuts. Or...just cut up dried apricots and roasted sliced almonds?
@@chantalf9357 an not in the video either I checked twice He made 2 rolls but cut off the part of what he does after the long cut And how he rolled to look like that Hummmmm
Merci pour cette recette mais ce n'est pas une tarte aux pommes... J''ai appris une chose comment couper le rouleau en 2 et l'enrouler sur lui même ! L'idée est surprenante ! 🙏❤
Это не торт, а пирог. Почему автор сравнивает его с яблочным не понятно, ведь они совершенно разные. Возможно он вкусный, но яблочный готовить быстрее в 2 раза, начинки в нем гораздр больше, а теста меньше. Все это дело вкуса.
вот и я о том же.... и причём тут яблочный красавчик вкуснятинский!? я например изюм в печённостях не люблю... а в яблочный и клюкву можно добавить да что хошь можно...
To jest ciasto drożdżowe 😉, domyślam się, że bardzo smaczne, na pewno nie jest to szarlotka, pozdrawiam 😉. Mała uwaga, ma pani piękne kwiatki, ale czy muszą być tam, gdzie przygotowuje się jedzenie, chyba nie, tym bardziej, że nie za dużo jest miejsca roboczego.
Video title is misleading; no apples involved. Why would you even mention them? The title sounds like this is going to be some kind of new take on apple pastry, but no. Raisins. I like the basic idea, tho, and it opens up a lot of possibilities. So, thank you?
@@schnellleckerschonImi plac foarte mult retetele tale, am facut cateva cu succes,felicitari! Te rog ,ar fi frumos sin partea ta,,răspunde atâtor întrebări din comentarii,ce legatura e totusi între aceasta reteta si prajitura cu mere?🤔 Multumesc, iti doresc un weekend minunat!🎉🖐🥰
Hola hermosa, muchas gracias por otra delicia de receta, te cuento que prepare este delicioso pan y a mi familia le encantó. No hagas caso a los mensajes negativos, hay mucha gente con muy poca empatia, solo están buscando hacer comentarios destructivos. Tarta, pan, manzana , frutos secos, uno puede colocarle a sus recetas el nombre que quiera, lo importante es que te tomaste tu tiempo para enseñar. Muchas Bendiciones
Hola buenas tardes, solo leí la receta y me pareció explendida, te felicito por tu delicioso pastel. Te mando muchas felicidades y bendiciones que Dios te bendiga y te proteja siempre!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you for watching and for your interest in my videos! Turn on subtitles and translations to your language in the video settings! I look forward to your comments and likes - for me it is very important!
Ellerinize, emeklerinize sağlık gene muhteşem bir pasta tarifi ile karşımızdasınız.⚘
Bu tarifinizi de yaptım, hakikaten, yumuşak, hafif ve çok tatlı olmayan enfes, değişik bir pasta, Not ettim ve tekrar yapmayı düşünüyorum. İlk deneyimimde biraz hamuru yuvarlarken acemilik çektim buna rağmen iyi oldu, inanıyorum ki ikinci pişirmemde daha iyisi olacak.
İyiki varsınız.
Boa noite traduz em português eu sou de Jundiaí São Paulo Brasil, obrigado Deus abençoe vocês 🙏
Voy a probar hacerla! Se ve exquisita! Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷
Interminable !!! .
No pasaba más el tiempo de su receta.
Lo siento😞
My Aunt always made German treats, often with fresh fruits like plums, peaches, apricots, pears or apples, but also with raisins and other dried fruit. I loved going to her house mostly because I Ioved her, but also because she always had coffee ready (or milk for us kids) and a treat for anyone visiting and she served it using her beautiful china. She always made us feel special. This reminds me of a couple of things that she made.
Miłe wspomnienia
Bravo pour la recette ,et pour votre patience
On peut appeler ce gâteau une brioche aux fruits secs
Merci pour votre partage
Ca a l air difficile
Mais cela veaut la peine MERCI ❤❤
@@saidabennani76 llk
I will try to make this, it look great but I will add bit of cinnamon cos I love cinnamon😂
Cardamom would also be nice
Aus Serbien lieben grüße. Für unsere Ostern werde ich bestimmt probieren. Danke für recept.
Me encantó, lo voy a hacer...!!! Cariños desde Buenos Aires Argentina 🇦🇷
Není nad jablkový závin.
Que lindo esse bolo! Vou fazer, amo suas receitas ❤❤
This is more like a strudel or breakfast bread. That's good stuff! You can use less raisins and cranberries and add grated or Minced up apples instead.❤
Oui. D'ailleurs comme elle disait "ne faites plus de tarte aux pommes...", j'ai pensé qu'elle allait proposer une recette aux pommes , genre ApfelStrudel.
12:37 hola, me ha sorprendido el pastel, maravilloso.
Deseo me diga que hacer para que la levadura seca se levante tanto... gracias ❤❤❤ 12:37
Que pan dulce tan hermoso y claro que debe estar deliciosa gracias por compartir.
Agradecida desde Caracas Venezuela ..👏👏👍🇻🇪🤗😘😊
Bellissimo e deve essere buonissimo da fare ❤
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Muchas Gracias por compartir tu receta con tanta amorosidad!!!
Saludos desde Buenos Aires,,, Argentina
Que delicia de pan dulce, voy hacer 😋 muchas gracias por esta receta sencilla
Не раз пекла дрожжевое тесто с разными начинками, но этот пирог действительно замечательный, спасибо за рецепт , семья в восторге!
Яблочный готовлю ровно час, плюс туда ложу и вишню, просто,, огонь,, этот пирог типа торт надо попробовать, начинку можно по фантазировать.. Респект кулинару.... ❤🎉
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
This looks a lovely recipe.I have panettone to use up first but I will try this bread for sure. Thank you.
Felicitaciones desde Argentina.. Es una receta exquisita.
Looks good, but what does it have to do with apples?
Absolutely NOTHING!!!😡
HOWEVER, where she adds the raisins, cranberries and citrus gratings, I'd back some of that off and add apple gratings instead, with just a sprinkle of cinnamon. Then rolling up to continue. The raisins and cranberries go very well with apples, and a little citrus will spark it up in flavor. There you go! Why the false info I don't get it😠 But this dough recipe is good fir a LOT of goodies, cinnamon rolls, fruits - or even sauced up meatballs. By sauced up, cook the meatballs in the sauce for flavor and cut in pieces to roll up into the dough. This dough recipe is like clay, you can make almost ANYTHING OUT OF IT!!❤
Bu zaten elmali pasta degil.
You can put apples in the filling if you want not what she added or chocolate or dried fruits. Use your imagination people.
I am not sure but i think She means This one is more delicous then Apple pie ❤
Se ve riquísimo ya quiero hacerlo gracias
Wauuuu maravilha adorei. Feliz Páscoa
Maravilhosa! Já salvei para fazer!!
Super!!! Me encanta!! Lo haré! Gracias!
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Мне рецепт понравился ,попробую испечь ,если будет все ,'ОК".Одесса .😮❤
L9ve your ape Puerto dessert. Will try it & thank you for sharing your recipe.
Друзья давайте будем милосердными и понимающими и добрыми,не ошибается тот,кто ничего не делает! Россия!!!
te sigo desde España, me enseñas cosas interesantes, acabo d hacer el Kraffin, ya lo hice más veces, eres estupenda, muchas gracias. Cariños❤❤❤❤
Deutlich und klar gezeigt. Danke! Besser Weizenvollkornmehl und Vollrohrzucker nehmen.Das wird auch sehr locker und viel gesünder.
Und was hat das mit Apfelkuchen zu tun?
Foarte bine arata, am sa încerc și eu, mulțumesc, ești un fenomen!
excelente demostración te felicito saludos desde Jujuy
Thank you very much!
Me gusto mucho esta receta,facil y se ve rico❤❤❤gracias...desde Buenos Aires,Argentina🇦🇷
Спасибо вам за красоту,дай Бог вам здоровья и успехов!!! Россия!!!
Вы молодец, очень понравился Ваш рецепт. Спасибо большое ❤
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Que linda receita obrigado.
Felicitări. Cred ca e foarte gustoasă. Am luat rețeta.
Your loaves look delicious! Thank you for sharing your recipe.
Muy Buena Receta la voy hacer Soy de Argentina
Te felicito!!!!!.Es.exquisito. Muchas gracias ❤
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Спасибо за рецепт, очень понравился.Главное простой. 😊
Спасибо замечательно ,,!
Merci beaucoup ! Aussi beau que bon ! 😊❤❤❤❤
Like a big Chelsea Bun 😊
I would just replace the raisins and cranberries with butterfried apple, cinnamon, and pecan nuts.
I have also made Chelsea buns with apple, also with mincemeat - nice Christmas treat, and also with Nutella, which is yummy!
ҚАЗАҚТАННАН СӘЛЕМ! Өте дәмді аппетитті көрінеді😊 АЙТта пісіремін. Рахмет❤❤❤
Hola, se ve muy bueno,se supone que deben salir 4 pasteles, solo se ven 2
Dá eto ne tort, a keks v vide rozochki.Rulet zakruchivali po 2a, potomu i 2a keksy v tortovej forme. 🥞
Adorei a receita ! O visual incrivel, mas achei pouco recheio senti falta da maçã ! Parabéns! ❤
Здравствуйте! Россия. Я думаю перевод не точный. Конечно это пасхальный, очень, вкусный, праздничный кулич. Я такой пеку. Спасибо 😊😊❤
Точно.Я испеку.
Are you here for the pastry or to show your gramma knowledge?
Dear Russia, why do you need to spoil everything?
I tried making just one pan and cut the recipe in half. I didn't get the rise that was expected, but the taste was very good. I loved the lightness of it and I thought it would taste better with cinnamon, so I added some. I thought mace would have been better, but I was out. Thank you so much for sharing.
Яблочный пирог - это много ароматных яблок и чуть-чуть нежного теста.
Ваше сравнение этой булки с яблочным пирогом неуместно.
Сравнивайте краффин с куличём или другой пасхальной выпечкой.
Яблочный пирог это вещь особенная, пекла, пеку и буду печь!!!!
Et les pommes ??
Looks good🙏enjoy your day 🙏
@katja3152Спасибо за беспокойство, но, вероятно, Вам следует использовать переводчик тоже. Я писала, что не корректно сравнивать этот рецепт с яблочным пирогом. Это также абсурдно, как сравнивать синее с солёным.
Да в название -приказ! Никогда больше не пеки! А я,например, терпеть не могу изюм в выпечке. Так что мне теперь всем говорить:" Никогда не клади изюм?". А яблочный пирог -ЭТО совсем другое. Я вместе с яблоками кладу грушу и посыпаю корицей.
@katja3152Попробуйте быть вежливее, обращаясь к незнакомому человеку.
Gorgeous and a work of art. I'm sure would taste exceptional with any mix 😢of fillings, as apricot/almond, mixed berries , orange/walnut/mandarin.
Thank you for the recipe.
A wonderful Easter cake recipe! Happy Easter!
"Brioche" !
Gracias saludos desde Aguascalientes; Mexico
I love it so much 😍😍😍 happy Easter 🪻🪻🪻 thanks for sharing your recipe 🌹
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Molto felice di preparare questa torta con uvetta e altro! Grazie fa gola solo a vederla! 🎉😊❤🎉😊❤🎉😊❤
Thank You Master
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Que maravilloso y rico pastel....lo haré🫶
merci! je me régale déjà, super bon ***
Me fascinó.
Puedo poner otros frutos, como orejones de chabacano y / o. También cáscaras de naranjas o limón podrían ser. Higos bastante secos. Quizá dátiles con nueces.
Me gustó, espero hacerla la próxima semana.
Gracias por la receta.
Ok I will follow your advice, I will never make apple pies again. Thanks.
How does this pastry relate to apple pie with no apple in it?
Saludos y gracias por esta reseta esta genial felizidades 🎉🎉🎉🎉😮😮❤❤
This bread looks good. Needs cinnamon though. Don’t know why the comparison was made to apple pie if there’s no apple in it. Two very different things. Putting it in a cake tin doesn’t make it a cake.
You have to add apple to make it a apple pie xx
Danke, ein ein gutes Rezept,das ich ausprobieren werde.alles Liebe❤😊
That looks so yummy! I enjoy your video with great recipe as always 👌thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Mil gracias Chef Schnell, por compartirnos tan exquisita receta, ésta para consentir a la familia, que estoy segura que le estarán muy agradecidos. Abrazos
Very pretty cake but where are the apples?
You can use apples as a filling not what she added if you want, you can even put chocolate inside or any dried fruits 😊
It's bread, not cake, I don't know if cake has yeast in it.😊
Bread with raisins, not to my taste sorry☹️ or bread or cake💖
Add apples into the filling yourself, but not much of them!!! I'm sure it'll be delicious!!! 🤗
Me encantó.... La voy hacer y la cuento.... gracias 😊❤
in my imagination i add chocolate .........
Me, too. With a bit of grated orange peel, and maybe the dried cranberries! Or just the walnuts. Or...just cut up dried apricots and roasted sliced almonds?
Ingenious to make the rolls, and then roll within roll. Did I see correctly, cut length-wise, but not all the way through. Not in transcript.
@@chantalf9357 an not in the video either
I checked twice
He made 2 rolls but cut off the part of what he does after the long cut
And how he rolled to look like that
C'est vrai ce gâteau est magnifique mais les tartes aux pommes ont quelque chose dans mon cœur ❤❤❤❤❤❤
me pareció super original.
Замечательное кулинарная выпечка.Спасибо за рецепт.Внесла в свою кулинарную тетрадь!
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Exelente video,siempre covinas con Amor infinito
Thank you very much!
Рецепт понравился,сделаю, но почему отказываться от яблочного пирога .привет из Германии
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Merci pour cette recette mais ce n'est pas une tarte aux pommes... J''ai appris une chose comment couper le rouleau en 2 et l'enrouler sur lui même ! L'idée est surprenante ! 🙏❤
Это не торт, а пирог. Почему автор сравнивает его с яблочным не понятно, ведь они совершенно разные. Возможно он вкусный, но яблочный готовить быстрее в 2 раза, начинки в нем гораздр больше, а теста меньше. Все это дело вкуса.
This is a cake, not a pie
Obıknovennıy buloçnoye testo s suhofruktami
@katja3152 Thank you dear for explaining that. I agree my mistake 🙏
вот и я о том же.... и причём тут яблочный красавчик вкуснятинский!? я например изюм в печённостях не люблю... а в яблочный и клюкву можно добавить да что хошь можно...
In Russia this is a pie not a cake.
Thank you very much!
To jest ciasto drożdżowe 😉, domyślam się, że bardzo smaczne, na pewno nie jest to szarlotka, pozdrawiam 😉. Mała uwaga, ma pani piękne kwiatki, ale czy muszą być tam, gdzie przygotowuje się jedzenie, chyba nie, tym bardziej, że nie za dużo jest miejsca roboczego.
Seguro que está riquísimo, ten por seguro que lo haré
A great recipe! - But I fail to see the connection to Apple Pie here, because it's a completely different kind 'cake' ... 🤔
Se ve delicioso 😋 gracias por compartirlo ❤😊
I would include apple and pecan pieces instead of the raisins. Looks delish.
Thank you very much!
A good idea!
Video title is misleading; no apples involved. Why would you even mention them? The title sounds like this is going to be some kind of new take on apple pastry, but no. Raisins. I like the basic idea, tho, and it opens up a lot of possibilities. So, thank you?
Anche io ho scritto più o meno lo stesso. Se le mele non ci sono a cosa serve citarle? ☺️
Buna. Arata foarte bine si frumos. O sa-l prepar si eu . Multumesc pt frumoasa si detaliata descriere.❤
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Очень понравился Спасиюа
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
¡tiene una pinta buenísima! seguro que la hago....pronto
Por que 4 bolas de masa si solo utiliza 2. ? Muchas gracias
Utiliza 2 bollos en cada molde !😊
Bravo pour cette nouvelle recette simple mais efficace et très bien expliquée. J'adore 💕. Merci 🤩
Me encanto la receta, se ve deliciosa, pronto la estare haciendo!! Gracias
Ewa from Florida 🌞I love yours recipes❤️❤️👍👍you’re GREAT 👍 thank you ❤️
Это не торт, а пирог. Ошиблись в переводе. Рецепт интересный, спасибо!
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
@@schnellleckerschonImi plac foarte mult retetele tale, am facut cateva cu succes,felicitari! Te rog ,ar fi frumos sin partea ta,,răspunde atâtor întrebări din comentarii,ce legatura e totusi între aceasta reteta si prajitura cu mere?🤔 Multumesc, iti doresc un weekend minunat!🎉🖐🥰
There is no need to be a smart samovar.
Muy rico me encantó
Muchas gracias
Dios le bendiga su trabajo
Hola hermosa, muchas gracias por otra delicia de receta, te cuento que prepare este delicioso pan y a mi familia le encantó. No hagas caso a los mensajes negativos, hay mucha gente con muy poca empatia, solo están buscando hacer comentarios destructivos. Tarta, pan, manzana , frutos secos, uno puede colocarle a sus recetas el nombre que quiera, lo importante es que te tomaste tu tiempo para enseñar. Muchas Bendiciones
Exquisito 😊😊😊😊😊
Se ve delicioso , gracias amiga por compartir
Почему вы придумываете такие незнания? Никогда не пеките яблочный пирог, пекли и будем печь. А ваш рецепт просто кому понравился тоже попробуем.
Ud es una persona muy negativa, de esas que no dejan luchar ni luchan, seguro que así es, no lo dudo, nunca critique el esfuerzo ajeno.
Muchas gracias, así lo aremos, desde Uruguay!
This cake has nothing to do with apple pie. Get it right this is just plain cake.
I'm with restrella.. don't mention apple pie if your recipe has nothing to do with apple pie... boo ... bad form!!!
@katja3152 lol... are you ok... mess not working or did you forget to take em... bless your heart!
@katja3152 lol.
@katja3152 oh man my feelings are hurt... lol 😆
Thank you very much!
Bon appetit!
Um…this isn’t apple pie…
Also puzzled by title. But really delicious sweet bread. Read on.
Sei bravissima nello spiegare. Farò questa prelibatezza al piu presto con tanti ripieni diversi. Grazie mille
Da mach ich dann doch lieber Apfelkuchen. So ein Quatsch "nie wieder Apfelkuchen". Kann man doch gar nicht vergleichen, eher mit Rosinenstuten
There gud!
No need to be hostile about it… Make what you like.
Muy largo el video😮
Vyzera to nadychane,ale prilis pracna babovka..
Yes 12 mins is such a long time 😂😂😂😂@@celivalenzuela89
Ваш рецепт прекрасен! Спасибо,что поделились,обязательно воспользуюсь ,ведь скоро Пасха!🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you very much!
Verdaderamente delicioso, Gracias 🙏🏽 por compartir la receta, Dios lo Colme de Bendiciones 🙏🏽
أكثر من رائعة . تسلم ايدك
Mil gracias, se ve delicioso, lo hare
Hermosa y deliciosa. Gracias Me gusta la haré 😊❤ gracias
Hola buenas tardes, solo leí la receta y me pareció explendida, te felicito por tu delicioso pastel. Te mando muchas felicidades y bendiciones que Dios te bendiga y te proteja siempre!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
This looks great! Loved watching the process.