I'm a huge fan of tolkien's work and I was super amped after the first few episodes, however the plot and script are quite mediocre to be perfectly honest. Watch Episode 7 of House of Dragon, which also came out this weekend. You can immediately tell that that was directly from GRR Martin's brain. This show by comparison is entertaining sure but it doesn't come close to the writing ability of someone like Tolkien or Martin. To be fair, the show runners are clearly trying to live up to the fantastic P. Jackson movies but they're falling short. And that's OK because we are comparing this show to the genius of the source material and those Oscar winning movies. I don't hate this show but I'll give it a solid 5 or 6 out of 10 so far. Your Gandalf videos are amazing though xD
And then there's Elrond asking for their daughter Celebrian whom he was supposed to marry 😂 well to be fair he was to marry her later at the third age 😁
Gotta love how they abandoned a highly defensible fortification with a single narrow bridge as the approach to retreat back to a small village with no walls whatsoever and make their stand. Brilliant writing. Really Giving the last season of GoT a run for their money.
I know right! Any competent military commander would realize a fortified position is far more preferable than a piss poor village that has no defense whatsoever.
Bro are you kidding me? The last season of GOT was fucking brilliant writing compared to this. At least you could get throught watching that season with a few cringes and facepalms, but this shit, this RIP show, i had to stop after the 1st episode it was so horrible! PS: top notch nick name brohan! :D
Ageed, this was BEs breakthrough performance. Chews up the screne and sucks all the O2 out of the room. And Sean Bean is under appreciated as usual... not many lines but knocks it out of the park every time
"Say what you want about the orcs but that's very impressive there's at least a few structural engineers in there ranks " Genius mate absolutely, near broke a rib 🤣😂🤣
"I SWEAR TO GOD IF SHE SURVIVES I'M GONNA KICK OFF" from Boromir, congratulations that's absolutely what I needed from today ~ made me laugh so hard I cried - thanks for doing what you do and for putting myself, and a few of my fellow people online in a good mood today.
This is no mere sketch of Sir Ian, you’ve captured his soul here. The cheeky little drops down into an East Lancs accent, the measured delivery - I hope he has seen it. I’m not sure it’s not him actually.
Like a lot of millennial-based meme humour it is very crude and appeals to a clique of fairly unintelligent people with otherwise uninteresting in-jokes, the sort of people who find farting in public hysterically funny and think "The Hangover" is the best film ever made. But well done to the creators for captivating this very large group of people. (Cue responses of the "u suck dude" variety and more unfunny in-jokes ironically confirming what I just wrote...)
No. Just no. He shouldn’t even be in this show. The showrunners must’ve thought IF WE DONT HAVE NAMES FROM THE JACKSON TRILOGY NO ONE WILL CARE ABOUT OUR CHARACTERS! Bc they can’t make us care about characters other than their namesake of being “galadriel” and “elrond”
@@thelawenforcerhd9654 hmm... not sure how to respond to that, because you didn't really say anything. you just kinda spat insults and said "come at me brah, just proves your stupid". i don't know what you think constitutes intelligence, or lack thereof. much like i'm not sure what you think constitutes humour, or lack thereof. but i AM sure that it is roughly the same as what you think constitutes entertainment, or lack thereof. you don't really try to read between lines, or understand things you don't want to accept, do you? hardly worth my time to bother responding to such a low level provocation, but i felt obligated when you basically stated that anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot. we COULD discuss various aspects of what we both just watched, and trade arguments both in defense and opposition of it. but i can't say with confidence that you possess either the ability or the willingness to do so. your welcome to try, i will respond with my own thoughts and opinions on whatever arguments you bring forth. but as it stands, it seems like your just throwing chum in the water and hoping for an easy catch. and chum consisting mainly of fish guts and bones at that, it's rather low quality. perhaps you thought you were making a point, but all i see is opinionated entitlement. ergo, you believe that your feelings are valid and build your arguments around reinforcing those sentiments rather than trying to make a solid case that would require you to empathize with something you wish to reject entirely. it's kinda sub-par if you want to seem like you considered anything you were saying before you hit "save"
One of the most underrated lines from this absolute masterpiece of a roast is Boromir's line "Take this curtain bow....and draw the curtains." The way you said it so dramatic and out of breath made me spit out my coffee laughing. Seriously, I keep forgetting that this isn't the real people saying these things. I'm so engrossed in the hilariousness of it All.
Gandalf: "Not sure how I feel about this orc genocide". BLOODY HILARIOUS!!!! 💯💯💯 Galadriel's portrayal makes me even feel sorry for the orcs. What a way to ruin a character, just because nothing or no one is allowed to be just evil, everybody is redeemable.🤢😵💫
Well, that's basically every character Tolkien wrote. They're all tragic. That's what makes them so complicated. Morgoth, Sauron, Saruman, the Witch Kings, the Destruction of Numinor, the whole effing history is tragedy piled on tragedy. "If, but by one choice things could be changed, the world would be perfect still.", but it isn't and also that itself was by choice for to fight the tragedy with success is by far the most difficult choice on the face of tragedy rather than to succumb to its evils." Otherwise, Galadriel or Gandalf could have accepted the Ring of Sauron without issue, yet the desire to overturn the evil and the corruption of grief & greatest tragedy torn worlds apart cleave the very souls, akin to the Great Warm and those before or since, leaving gasping wreckage that cannot be undone even for will of it. Psychology and lived experiences knowing the true nature of people vs Aristotelian beliefs that all things are the way they are simply by way of their innate inborne nature. While, declaring the "evil" by way of "nature" can be poetic, the poet knows that it is but a shorthand for the stains of reality lived & destroyed, of the painful isolation & separation, the divorcement of self, and the waking afterlife in the realm is of the still living (metaphors for trauma) that leads to such ends. Is an Orc evil by nature, or is that corruption like that of the battlefields of Man? When once we were friends sitting at dinner in warm friendship we can now slay one another without passing thoughts or grief, yet is this so & but for how long? 🤔 Tolkien wrote of wars while in one of the most reality shattering. Makes sense that in its adaptation, like was done with psychology and the study of human nature was to Shakespeare was so too done with Tolkien. Only, now those carved ancient symbols can be etched with finer tools that have not been bathed in the loss of their own mystery, wonder, and complexity.
Orcs can’t really be redeemed. Their whole shtick is they crave carnage and are also virtually incapable of thinking for themselves. It goes beyond just being unintelligent or naturally predisposed to violence. They need to follow someone and they like to need to kill things, anything. They were engineered to kill and enslave all other life. Even though there are enough orcs to overrun any human city, they can’t do it because they have no organization or structure without the leadership of Sauron or Saruman. Those two are the only ones motivating the orcs to actually work together.
@@kolbywilliams7234 I guess it depends upon how one views both the source materials and the writers' intents (JRR, Chris, etc.). Given Tolkien doesn't strike me as an ardent adherent to Calvinist predeterminism, I suspect that much of the legacy of the "orcs" comes down to the perceptions of war. Orcs can be viewed as those raised under multigenerational trauma, violence, genocide, fascism, totalitarianism, ethnicism, war, imperialism, extreme nationalism, propaganda, and other means to "whip up the masses I to a frenzy". Orcs strike me in part as a metaphor for those within any society who have become victim (willingly or not) to a sort of "warlike" culture that knows only death, the survival of the most cruel, murderous, and atrocity driven powers willing to commit any action to achieve its ends. Saruman himself is a prime candidate of this. One might even say that orcs could be a metaphor for forms of "white nationalism" that sought to eliminate (or rather replace) the cultural tropes and animosities between different peoples & tribes within a group of diverse peoples to make them more pliable for the purposes of imperialist expansions of power and global domination. Sauron _clearly_ has goals like these-goals forged initially in a feliciously reason belief that his mechanical forced "order" was better suited than the chaos others presented at the time. Or, so far as I understand their origins. Melkor created discord by enabling another path that was at odds with those surrounding it, yet ultimately it was revealed that the ability of Melkor to rebel was by its very nature within the whim of their Creator. Given Tolkien's Catholic inspirations & influences in his story building, it strikes me as odd to think that Orcs lack choice and are simply _irredeamable_ by Nature. Rather, it seems far more likely that Orcs represent a particular influence, a perversion that spreads throughout a society, overpowering those incapable or untrained it opposing its influence. Specifically, I think the Orcs are a metaphor for the destructive influence of trauma and the cycles of abuse that can be most typified by Great Wars, Genocide, and perpetual suffering without respite. Tolkien fought in the Trenches of Europe during the Great Wars, so it would be strange for me for him not to be greatly influenced by power trauma has on people and a society as a whole. He would have seen first hand the damage caused by extensive war, C-PTSD, which in his time would have been severe shell shock. The problems faced by those in the Trenches went well beyond standard PTSD, far more akin to being a POW in later wars given the horrors of extensive trench warfare. The lens of trauma and its influence on Tolkien is, in my opinion, crucial to understanding how Tolkien represents orcs and others. It is not that they are by their very nature implicitly evil (even if he said this at some point, the greater body of work seems to imply otherwise) with no capacity for redemption, but rather, like the Devil, it is a choice that is based largely on their external influence, situation, experience, and ultimately will. If orcs lacked any kind of true meaningful choice, then how could Melkor have created them in the first place? It would imply a lack of freewill and choice, which is fundamental to Tolkien's world. Rather, I think it is useful to instead look at the reasons for _why_ Orcs do what they do. I think this lack of fleshing out the nuances is admittedly a flaw that goes to the heart of Middle-Earth in how many view it. If any creature lacked freewill and by their very nature was implicitly evil, it would break down the whole system from the start. It would imply that Melkor did not choose to rebel, but that he was evil by creation, designed to rebel. If so, then is it right to even say that Melkor or orcs are even evil, but are simply by their very nature made to act a particular way? See the implicit problems this sort of predeterminism creates? Rather, as readers, I think it more useful to look at the influences and to ask ourselves - why _don't_ orcs oppose Melkor or Sauron? What influences them to act as they do? Given how Tolkien depicts elves and all other creatures of Eru as possessing freewill, then like those experiments in psychology attempting to look at what could make someone more susceptible to say "going alone with orders" like say Nazi/fascist officials ordering genocide. That strikes me as a purpose of Orcs, to act as a foil for readers to better understand how war transforms us. Unfortunately, I don't think he fleshed this out enough-either by lack of time or having not thought it important enough for the time he had. I find myself looking to this metaphor in how one can make direct analogy to our present times. How are people so readily susceptible to extreme polarization and trends towards violence? If we view Orcs through this series if senses, I think they become far more potential of story and value for readers.
Also, at least with respect for the Hobbit & TLOTRs, the narrators are not reliable. Bilbo and Frodo Baggins both have their own histories, biases, influences, record keeping purposes, etc., and I feel it is no accident that Tolkien himself chose to write these stories from the perspective of a particular person for it by its very nature enables flexibility in interpretation of the lore. It's not a true accounting of all things, but rather an account by a select few acting as historians. We never see an Orckish account, nor Sauron's own perspectives. Nor, I suspect, that of anyone whom Frodo and Bilbo did not have some form of communication with throughout their lives. Even the story of the ring is shrouded in some degree of bias. We can only see what went down from particular vantage points that may well not tell us the whole story of Middle-Earth, rather, it tells the story of particular people and groups. Having the stories and vantage points of others might not change anything to an unprecedented degree, but it can help us as readers take notice that these stories were not seemingly intended to be accounts from on high, but rather fallible accounts by fallible people of things as they and those like them saw it. If this new series actually provides windows into a more nuanced perspective of things, then I think they are in a way doing precisely what is needed to improve the writing to an audience who may not be fully aware of the intentions and limits in the storytelling. Film is especially problematic as it often gives us a sense of a "god-like view of all things", whereas Tolkien seems to have very purposefully written his stories as accounts by living people talking about events as they saw/see them. Even if the Hobbit isn't as clear in this, the opening and structure of the "Books" is written as if it were history written by Bilbo/Frodo. That's important. So, while I can understand people being critical of particular visual storytelling choices for an adaptation, it is, nevertheless an adaptation. Things are changed land often must be) to ensure the integrity of the work. If we always depict Orcs a certain way without noting the limitations and bias of the storyteller, then we're in effect, telling the viewer a lie-a fiction that does not stay true to the original. Now, since it's an adaptation/remix of the original, that's fine. Many viewers who enjoy the original work might be displeased at the particular choices made (whatever the case), but ultimately, that's the choice if any storyteller. You don't have to like their choices, though, it would be nice if we could dialogue about it vs acting like how Orcs are depicted by Bilbo/Frodo. 😅
Aw man, I was hoping at the part where Galadriel asks how Elendil's wife died, we would get to hear Gandalf respond to "She drowned" with "And the sea is always right." Great video though. Loved the Art of War part. lol
the orks were crackshots in this episode but couldn't hit a barn door in episode 4, and even forgot how their bows worked when Arondir, Bronwyn, and Theo were stood still in a field a few meters away from them.
They were saving the arrows for this scene, of course. They aren't cheap to come by after all the money they spent for the orc engineer's education for the tunnels.
They were fighting in broad daylight in this episode too... wouldn't venture ten feet into the sun to get the sword hilt they were so desperately searching for.
oh, and let's not forget how the orks forgot a battering ram when attacking a fortified tower but remembered to bring it when they could simply walk into the village... I mean there's no wonder Sauron kept loosing 🤦♂
I like that how at the end Gandalf already knows what is going to happen and researchs the likelyhood of surviving a volcano to show unrealism of the film
Not much joy or laughter in my life but this made me laugh out loud for the first time in a very long time and I thank you.. please keep them coming somehow! Hope to see all of you soon!
Adar actor is great. He was uncle Benjen in GoT. He mainly had just a brief appearance in one of the first episodes, but was completely convincing as that "Uncle Benjen" who is slightly inspiring even with being missing almost the whole time (same as books)... I suppose he is just a good actor who gets that across, also here he is convincing in that strange (but the only slightly clever) role.
@@robosing225 But, but, we could have 4 more seasons of Charlies roasts! Amazon spends a billion dollars, and Charlie hopefully makes his own fortune. Surely that's a fair exchange?
'...Running a pub in Bree, thousands of years later?' 'Yup, calling it early...' I don't watch RoP since ep3, but I do look forward to Gandalf and Baby Elrond every week.
This series shines as a light in dark places, since all other lights have gone out. The Rings of Power Series exists, purely to give birth to Gandalf Roasts. May this Road go ever on and on!
bravo and if u are feeling down; Take heart and join us for our fifth installment of EXSURGE TOLKIEN that makes robustly clear the heresy of "ignorance" of Tolkien's Canon displayed out of the showrunner's mouths and hearts. They probably know nothing of Tolkien's masterpiece, as evident from their interview in the Vanity Fair Article. For "they who proclaim to loveth Tolkien, yet understandeth, not his world view can neither hope to create a new film, show, or series of his secondary world." "Auta i lóme!" and" Aurë entuluva!"
@@NovRen19 eru ilúvatar doesn't exist, the Valar made him up. That's what the lord of gifts tells us. Also said he found someone to save us from them. Some kind of king of the north in Angbad which is ruled by a Melkor... Morgoth(?) Idk, he wasn't exactly clear on that . But dudes really good at employing people, and giving jobs. Didn't say what the salary is, but said he had several openings. Can't wait to start 😋 .
@@nate7LP_my_dog_found_the_knife "the king of the north!", lol hey call Morgoth and tell him the Starks want Winterfell back. Love the wit, peace be too u!
I laughed so damn hard when Arandell did his Spinning Power Ranger kick to the big orcs head, only for the orc to eat the shot like a sandwich and blast him in the face
One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten-thousand men could you do this. It is folly.
I only made it half way through the first episode, so thank you for not only soldiering through the rest for us but for also supplying this humorous content.
I'm with Chase, the first few episodes were rough but I find myself sort of hooked just to see if Halbrand is Sauron or something whack. That weird gray line between watching something ironically, but then realizing you are in fact still watching it...
My original plan was to have this playing in the background while eating dinner but? Due to the fact I'm laughing so damn hard I can't consume food at the moment! This is excellent
I started out loving the Gandalf, still do in fact, but the boromir/Sean bean bit fucking cracks me up 😂 It’s the quavering in the voice I think 👌 Great stuff, rock on mate 🤟
From the very beginning of the series I’ve thought, “who the heck taught these elves how to shoot an arrow that way? The back of his hand touches his cheek, you don’t have your hand turned that way!” I guess it’s the middle earth way of holding a pistol sideways. 🙄 These videos are by far the BEST reviews anywhere👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍👍
Weeell it's not entirely ridiculous, just unusual. Historically there are many ways of drawing a bow, the "standard" one people in the west know of being called Mediterranean draw. This would be a reverse Mediterranean draw which actually comes with 2 benefits! 1) it's faster! The downside of Mediterranean draw is that you nock the arrow on the left of the bow but then your fingers wrap around the string from the right. With a reverse grip, you could be more economical with the nocking of the arrow. You can also transition faster from a vertical to horizontal shot (supposing you are crouching with a longbow, trying to make a shot). 2) you can draw further! Biomechanically, rotating your wrist from the palm facing you to facing down/forwards allows you to engage your muscles further during a draw! See modern compound bow hunters who use thumb triggers and see how they draw! Usually their palms face outwards precisely because it engages the muscles in a more efficient way! Personally, I would have liked to have seen him do a thumb draw since he was even wearing a damn thumb ring for that kind of draw! It's (probably) the fastest of all and allows for very heavy draw weights, but nope, they had to go for a rare draw x)
So she gets shot with 2 arrows and then they only pull out one arrow and they close the wound? Like they completely forgot she got shot with 2 arrows in the last scene. The High King of the Elves has a freaking mullet! Lmao, what were they thinking?
Asked my brother about that shoulder wound. With that much blood there is massine internal damage and shoulders are where all the important bits go through. Best case scenario, they die and we don't have to put up with the twerp. Worst case they lose the arm.
i still haven't gotten over the fact Gandalf values tesco discounts above all else; i'm glad amazon paid a billion dollars so you could make that one joke.
Thoughts on this weeks episode?
It is a gifffffffft
How’d the old man know where & how to place the sword?? 😂😂
"Well I can't wait to see what Gandalf & the boys thought about this episode"
Something to watch when I bored
I'm a huge fan of tolkien's work and I was super amped after the first few episodes, however the plot and script are quite mediocre to be perfectly honest. Watch Episode 7 of House of Dragon, which also came out this weekend. You can immediately tell that that was directly from GRR Martin's brain. This show by comparison is entertaining sure but it doesn't come close to the writing ability of someone like Tolkien or Martin. To be fair, the show runners are clearly trying to live up to the fantastic P. Jackson movies but they're falling short. And that's OK because we are comparing this show to the genius of the source material and those Oscar winning movies. I don't hate this show but I'll give it a solid 5 or 6 out of 10 so far. Your Gandalf videos are amazing though xD
"That's how we defeated morgoth. We sent in our Stable Sweeps one at a time until he got tired."
Comedy gold!
Oh. There it is in the Art of War.
Boromir being pissed off at that woman surviving the arrow was amazing
"I guess the third really is the kicker" 😂
just give it a poke with a burning twig? oh, great, I'm right as rain...ROFL!!!!
He lookin abit more aged like Eddard Stark here
Thankfully season 2 vindicated his take at least
“I know it’s kind of dark in here, but remember it’s light outside, during the daytime.” 🤣
I can barely stop laughing at this
the sea is always right
@@simoontube haha. Yes. Such a comforting statement….
It's such a brilliant crack at the psudeo-profound Tolkien writing they have.
@@matwatson7947 💯 every time I think of this line I start laughing
“They literally left to join the enemy. What did you think they’d be doing? Admin?!” - Charlie’s Gandalf 😂😂 hilarious.
“Tell me, where is Celeborn? For I much desire to speak with him.” Literally started dying 😂🤣
Celeborn is taking care of Celebrian, someone has to care for the child Karendriel neglects.
He wants to stay away from his wife as far as possible.🤫😜
I think he's been taken to Isengard
Even Galadriel doesn't know where her husband is. He does not desire to be found.
he is taken by both Karen and wierdo, feminish of morgoth!
The Gandalf impression is so good that I sometimes forget it's not Ian McKellen sitting on that couch
I actually accept this being Jackson's Gandalf watching the show as canon more than I will ever accept this show
I absolutely lost it at "Tell me where is Celeborn, for I much desire to speak with him." 10/10 on both reference and delivery
And then there's Elrond asking for their daughter Celebrian whom he was supposed to marry 😂 well to be fair he was to marry her later at the third age 😁
I've seen this so many times, and the faint voice of Boromir objecting to Gandalf's lack of underwear still kills me every time
That’s my favourite bit
@@CharlieHopkinson I can certainly see why!! It is very well timed and executed haha
That damn series was unwatchable....
@@leviwilliams9601 Yes, but without it we would not be getting the sweet sweet Jedi morphine that is Gandalf roasting it :D
Haha yes and then Gandalf stays silent to hear the complaint and then casually finishes his sentence. Freakin hilarious
"more Galadriel horse riding. This one is for business, not pleasure" unrated line. 😂😂
You, sir, deserve a billion dollars for these epic roasts.
Yep, that works get a better return and value for money lol
the quality is certianly better!
Agreed 1000% these are pricless
1 billion? NOT ENOUGH. They’re priceless
Gotta love how they abandoned a highly defensible fortification with a single narrow bridge as the approach to retreat back to a small village with no walls whatsoever and make their stand. Brilliant writing. Really Giving the last season of GoT a run for their money.
I know right! Any competent military commander would realize a fortified position is far more preferable than a piss poor village that has no defense whatsoever.
Bro are you kidding me? The last season of GOT was fucking brilliant writing compared to this. At least you could get throught watching that season with a few cringes and facepalms, but this shit, this RIP show, i had to stop after the 1st episode it was so horrible!
PS: top notch nick name brohan! :D
Your talent with your voice is incredible. Every impression is perfect but Gandalf really shines.
His Morgan Freeman is Spot On. I can't tell the difference.
I thought he was using software to fake the voices. I still believe that is the case
His Boromir is really accurate
"oh, there it is in art of war."
Boromir fucking slays me every time.
I’d follow you, my captain, my king… Oh, lets just burn it 😂😂😭
Baby Elrond needs his own spin off.
It’s in the works
@@CharlieHopkinson there will be Gimli? saing something about the table from stupid fat hobbits ( i mean elves)?
Ageed, this was BEs breakthrough performance. Chews up the screne and sucks all the O2 out of the room.
And Sean Bean is under appreciated as usual... not many lines but knocks it out of the park every time
@@CharlieHopkinson Sean needs his own, where he dies in the middle of each episode
All hail the sugar puffs!
Poor Boromir 😂🤣 He was so angry she survived!
"Say what you want about the orcs but that's very impressive there's at least a few structural engineers in there ranks "
Genius mate absolutely, near broke a rib 🤣😂🤣
"One of these lives has a future, mister Galadriel Anderson" Caught me off guard 🤣
"I SWEAR TO GOD IF SHE SURVIVES I'M GONNA KICK OFF" from Boromir, congratulations that's absolutely what I needed from today ~ made me laugh so hard I cried - thanks for doing what you do and for putting myself, and a few of my fellow people online in a good mood today.
Jack, same here, couldn't agree more! :)
Wasnt Galadriel all magic and powerful? In the hobbit she one shots Sauron with an evil spell
That one took me too long to get
@@_emory I still didn't get it :(
@@Ravelowsky boromir got arrow’d till he died
This is no mere sketch of Sir Ian, you’ve captured his soul here. The cheeky little drops down into an East Lancs accent, the measured delivery - I hope he has seen it. I’m not sure it’s not him actually.
I love baby Elrond. His lines and their delivery are so lore-friendly.
a breath of fresh air with this terrible show
This is the only good thing that came from this show
Like a lot of millennial-based meme humour it is very crude and appeals to a clique of fairly unintelligent people with otherwise uninteresting in-jokes, the sort of people who find farting in public hysterically funny and think "The Hangover" is the best film ever made. But well done to the creators for captivating this very large group of people. (Cue responses of the "u suck dude" variety and more unfunny in-jokes ironically confirming what I just wrote...)
No. Just no. He shouldn’t even be in this show. The showrunners must’ve thought IF WE DONT HAVE NAMES FROM THE JACKSON TRILOGY NO ONE WILL CARE ABOUT OUR CHARACTERS! Bc they can’t make us care about characters other than their namesake of being “galadriel” and “elrond”
@@thelawenforcerhd9654 hmm... not sure how to respond to that, because you didn't really say anything. you just kinda spat insults and said "come at me brah, just proves your stupid". i don't know what you think constitutes intelligence, or lack thereof. much like i'm not sure what you think constitutes humour, or lack thereof. but i AM sure that it is roughly the same as what you think constitutes entertainment, or lack thereof. you don't really try to read between lines, or understand things you don't want to accept, do you? hardly worth my time to bother responding to such a low level provocation, but i felt obligated when you basically stated that anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot.
we COULD discuss various aspects of what we both just watched, and trade arguments both in defense and opposition of it. but i can't say with confidence that you possess either the ability or the willingness to do so. your welcome to try, i will respond with my own thoughts and opinions on whatever arguments you bring forth. but as it stands, it seems like your just throwing chum in the water and hoping for an easy catch. and chum consisting mainly of fish guts and bones at that, it's rather low quality. perhaps you thought you were making a point, but all i see is opinionated entitlement. ergo, you believe that your feelings are valid and build your arguments around reinforcing those sentiments rather than trying to make a solid case that would require you to empathize with something you wish to reject entirely. it's kinda sub-par if you want to seem like you considered anything you were saying before you hit "save"
One of the most underrated lines from this absolute masterpiece of a roast is Boromir's line "Take this curtain bow....and draw the curtains." The way you said it so dramatic and out of breath made me spit out my coffee laughing. Seriously, I keep forgetting that this isn't the real people saying these things. I'm so engrossed in the hilariousness of it All.
I was dying at that part!! 😂
“Perhaps we should just waterboard ya kids Adar, yeah we ain’t messing”
That line made me do that ugly laugh in a very silent room
Boromir and being healed by the stick on fire made my day! Lol 😆
« Elvish Presley » best joke ever
"Tell me, where is Celeborn? For I much desire to speak with him." Died laughing at that XD
“Where is Celeborn, for I most desire to speak with him”
Great play there, that was awesome
Is adar maybe Celeborn?
Gandalf: "Not sure how I feel about this orc genocide". BLOODY HILARIOUS!!!! 💯💯💯
Galadriel's portrayal makes me even feel sorry for the orcs. What a way to ruin a character, just because nothing or no one is allowed to be just evil, everybody is redeemable.🤢😵💫
Well, that's basically every character Tolkien wrote. They're all tragic. That's what makes them so complicated. Morgoth, Sauron, Saruman, the Witch Kings, the Destruction of Numinor, the whole effing history is tragedy piled on tragedy. "If, but by one choice things could be changed, the world would be perfect still.", but it isn't and also that itself was by choice for to fight the tragedy with success is by far the most difficult choice on the face of tragedy rather than to succumb to its evils." Otherwise, Galadriel or Gandalf could have accepted the Ring of Sauron without issue, yet the desire to overturn the evil and the corruption of grief & greatest tragedy torn worlds apart cleave the very souls, akin to the Great Warm and those before or since, leaving gasping wreckage that cannot be undone even for will of it.
Psychology and lived experiences knowing the true nature of people vs Aristotelian beliefs that all things are the way they are simply by way of their innate inborne nature. While, declaring the "evil" by way of "nature" can be poetic, the poet knows that it is but a shorthand for the stains of reality lived & destroyed, of the painful isolation & separation, the divorcement of self, and the waking afterlife in the realm is of the still living (metaphors for trauma) that leads to such ends.
Is an Orc evil by nature, or is that corruption like that of the battlefields of Man? When once we were friends sitting at dinner in warm friendship we can now slay one another without passing thoughts or grief, yet is this so & but for how long? 🤔
Tolkien wrote of wars while in one of the most reality shattering. Makes sense that in its adaptation, like was done with psychology and the study of human nature was to Shakespeare was so too done with Tolkien. Only, now those carved ancient symbols can be etched with finer tools that have not been bathed in the loss of their own mystery, wonder, and complexity.
Orcs can’t really be redeemed. Their whole shtick is they crave carnage and are also virtually incapable of thinking for themselves. It goes beyond just being unintelligent or naturally predisposed to violence. They need to follow someone and they like to need to kill things, anything. They were engineered to kill and enslave all other life. Even though there are enough orcs to overrun any human city, they can’t do it because they have no organization or structure without the leadership of Sauron or Saruman. Those two are the only ones motivating the orcs to actually work together.
@@kolbywilliams7234 I guess it depends upon how one views both the source materials and the writers' intents (JRR, Chris, etc.).
Given Tolkien doesn't strike me as an ardent adherent to Calvinist predeterminism, I suspect that much of the legacy of the "orcs" comes down to the perceptions of war. Orcs can be viewed as those raised under multigenerational trauma, violence, genocide, fascism, totalitarianism, ethnicism, war, imperialism, extreme nationalism, propaganda, and other means to "whip up the masses I to a frenzy".
Orcs strike me in part as a metaphor for those within any society who have become victim (willingly or not) to a sort of "warlike" culture that knows only death, the survival of the most cruel, murderous, and atrocity driven powers willing to commit any action to achieve its ends. Saruman himself is a prime candidate of this.
One might even say that orcs could be a metaphor for forms of "white nationalism" that sought to eliminate (or rather replace) the cultural tropes and animosities between different peoples & tribes within a group of diverse peoples to make them more pliable for the purposes of imperialist expansions of power and global domination. Sauron _clearly_ has goals like these-goals forged initially in a feliciously reason belief that his mechanical forced "order" was better suited than the chaos others presented at the time. Or, so far as I understand their origins.
Melkor created discord by enabling another path that was at odds with those surrounding it, yet ultimately it was revealed that the ability of Melkor to rebel was by its very nature within the whim of their Creator.
Given Tolkien's Catholic inspirations & influences in his story building, it strikes me as odd to think that Orcs lack choice and are simply _irredeamable_ by Nature. Rather, it seems far more likely that Orcs represent a particular influence, a perversion that spreads throughout a society, overpowering those incapable or untrained it opposing its influence.
Specifically, I think the Orcs are a metaphor for the destructive influence of trauma and the cycles of abuse that can be most typified by Great Wars, Genocide, and perpetual suffering without respite. Tolkien fought in the Trenches of Europe during the Great Wars, so it would be strange for me for him not to be greatly influenced by power trauma has on people and a society as a whole. He would have seen first hand the damage caused by extensive war, C-PTSD, which in his time would have been severe shell shock. The problems faced by those in the Trenches went well beyond standard PTSD, far more akin to being a POW in later wars given the horrors of extensive trench warfare.
The lens of trauma and its influence on Tolkien is, in my opinion, crucial to understanding how Tolkien represents orcs and others. It is not that they are by their very nature implicitly evil (even if he said this at some point, the greater body of work seems to imply otherwise) with no capacity for redemption, but rather, like the Devil, it is a choice that is based largely on their external influence, situation, experience, and ultimately will.
If orcs lacked any kind of true meaningful choice, then how could Melkor have created them in the first place? It would imply a lack of freewill and choice, which is fundamental to Tolkien's world.
Rather, I think it is useful to instead look at the reasons for _why_ Orcs do what they do.
I think this lack of fleshing out the nuances is admittedly a flaw that goes to the heart of Middle-Earth in how many view it. If any creature lacked freewill and by their very nature was implicitly evil, it would break down the whole system from the start. It would imply that Melkor did not choose to rebel, but that he was evil by creation, designed to rebel. If so, then is it right to even say that Melkor or orcs are even evil, but are simply by their very nature made to act a particular way?
See the implicit problems this sort of predeterminism creates?
Rather, as readers, I think it more useful to look at the influences and to ask ourselves - why _don't_ orcs oppose Melkor or Sauron? What influences them to act as they do?
Given how Tolkien depicts elves and all other creatures of Eru as possessing freewill, then like those experiments in psychology attempting to look at what could make someone more susceptible to say "going alone with orders" like say Nazi/fascist officials ordering genocide. That strikes me as a purpose of Orcs, to act as a foil for readers to better understand how war transforms us. Unfortunately, I don't think he fleshed this out enough-either by lack of time or having not thought it important enough for the time he had.
I find myself looking to this metaphor in how one can make direct analogy to our present times. How are people so readily susceptible to extreme polarization and trends towards violence? If we view Orcs through this series if senses, I think they become far more potential of story and value for readers.
Also, at least with respect for the Hobbit & TLOTRs, the narrators are not reliable. Bilbo and Frodo Baggins both have their own histories, biases, influences, record keeping purposes, etc., and I feel it is no accident that Tolkien himself chose to write these stories from the perspective of a particular person for it by its very nature enables flexibility in interpretation of the lore. It's not a true accounting of all things, but rather an account by a select few acting as historians. We never see an Orckish account, nor Sauron's own perspectives. Nor, I suspect, that of anyone whom Frodo and Bilbo did not have some form of communication with throughout their lives. Even the story of the ring is shrouded in some degree of bias.
We can only see what went down from particular vantage points that may well not tell us the whole story of Middle-Earth, rather, it tells the story of particular people and groups.
Having the stories and vantage points of others might not change anything to an unprecedented degree, but it can help us as readers take notice that these stories were not seemingly intended to be accounts from on high, but rather fallible accounts by fallible people of things as they and those like them saw it.
If this new series actually provides windows into a more nuanced perspective of things, then I think they are in a way doing precisely what is needed to improve the writing to an audience who may not be fully aware of the intentions and limits in the storytelling. Film is especially problematic as it often gives us a sense of a "god-like view of all things", whereas Tolkien seems to have very purposefully written his stories as accounts by living people talking about events as they saw/see them. Even if the Hobbit isn't as clear in this, the opening and structure of the "Books" is written as if it were history written by Bilbo/Frodo. That's important.
So, while I can understand people being critical of particular visual storytelling choices for an adaptation, it is, nevertheless an adaptation. Things are changed land often must be) to ensure the integrity of the work.
If we always depict Orcs a certain way without noting the limitations and bias of the storyteller, then we're in effect, telling the viewer a lie-a fiction that does not stay true to the original.
Now, since it's an adaptation/remix of the original, that's fine. Many viewers who enjoy the original work might be displeased at the particular choices made (whatever the case), but ultimately, that's the choice if any storyteller. You don't have to like their choices, though, it would be nice if we could dialogue about it vs acting like how Orcs are depicted by Bilbo/Frodo. 😅
Elrond finally used his Agent Smith voice. It's about time!
Gandalfs “nuhhh-uhhh” at 7:34 had me dead. The tone and his face matched perfectly
That made me laugh out loud 😂😂
Aw man, I was hoping at the part where Galadriel asks how Elendil's wife died, we would get to hear Gandalf respond to "She drowned" with "And the sea is always right." Great video though. Loved the Art of War part. lol
Such an underrated comment 😂
Bravo. The Sean Bean arrow complaints had me dying. Another epic roast.
the orks were crackshots in this episode but couldn't hit a barn door in episode 4, and even forgot how their bows worked when Arondir, Bronwyn, and Theo were stood still in a field a few meters away from them.
They were saving the arrows for this scene, of course. They aren't cheap to come by after all the money they spent for the orc engineer's education for the tunnels.
They were fighting in broad daylight in this episode too... wouldn't venture ten feet into the sun to get the sword hilt they were so desperately searching for.
Lol true.
oh, and let's not forget how the orks forgot a battering ram when attacking a fortified tower but remembered to bring it when they could simply walk into the village... I mean there's no wonder Sauron kept loosing 🤦♂
@@-heathen-3622 the orcs are like stormtroopers from star wars 😂
"I guess the third really is the kicker"
That reference from Boromir is just... *chef's kiss*
Please keep them coming, good sir.
About a million times better than the actual show.
I could watch these all day long 👌😂
#METOO.. oops I’m in trouble again…😂
“I know it’s kind of dark in here but remember the light is outside during the daytime”
“How very prophetic”
"Then us greasy peasants shall answer" - I fucking lost it lol. That line sums up this show perfectly.
Young Elrond is a gem! "one of these lives has a future..." nearly had me wheezing with laughter.
Boromir at the arrow part hahahaha nice.
I like that how at the end Gandalf already knows what is going to happen and researchs the likelyhood of surviving a volcano to show unrealism of the film
I love how fast he goes "it is a gift!"
Let us use it against him!
"This broken hilt cannot be destroyed by any craft they there possess." I was done for after that....tea...everywhere.
Best yet. The more silly the source episode the better the roast. Boromir had me in stitches.
The part with treebeard killed me 😂
As always, very good job ! You're definitely underrated
Its quite a feat to still be this funny 6 weeks in, every joke on point
Sorry, I've just arrived. This is pure brilliance. This is what the internet was made for.
The Gandalf ROASTS content - is far superior to the Amazon Rings of Power series. Love it, keep it up.
No joke, I look forward to each RoP episode coming out so I can watch deepfake Gandalf roast them.
I concur.
I want him to roast literally everything
Gandalf isn’t roasting anything. He’s just stating facts
@@_emory with the flames of absnor no less. 🤣
Not much joy or laughter in my life but this made me laugh out loud for the first time in a very long time and I thank you.. please keep them coming somehow! Hope to see all of you soon!
Sorry to hear that mate but your comment made me smile as well…stay well my friend
What are you doing Gandalf? Looking up the probability of anyone surviving a full on volcanic eruption. Lmao
1 in 80,000 chances. This show is rubbish.
More like taking a pyroclastic flow to the freaking face! No one survives that...Noone not even say a spacemarine in armor! But she WALKED INTO IT!
@@vitaliyred622 not even a primarch with primarch armor can. Unless it’s Fulgrim since he has regen hacks
@@vitaliyred622 its evil lava, OF COURSE it would be cold
@@toastytoast9800 ok then she dies thanks to the ruish and smoke and ash she inhales in the cloud of death
Adar actor is great. He was uncle Benjen in GoT. He mainly had just a brief appearance in one of the first episodes, but was completely convincing as that "Uncle Benjen" who is slightly inspiring even with being missing almost the whole time (same as books)... I suppose he is just a good actor who gets that across, also here he is convincing in that strange (but the only slightly clever) role.
He was also in Sense8 and did a marvelous job there!
I have Amazon Prime and have not watched a single episode, but I have seen all of the roasts and feel good about my decision.
Yep, exactly the same here!
Same 🤣 I let them suffer for me.
@@mikesmithz umm, not many are watching it. It ranks behind she hulk show in viewership, that should tell you how unpopular this show is.
Me too.
Bless you Charlie, your videos are like the light of Earendil when all other lights go out 😂
Now I kinda don’t want this show to be cancelled just to see this keep going
They recently started filming season 2
@@kevinschmidt8101 this hurts to read... ugh...
@@robosing225 But, but, we could have 4 more seasons of Charlies roasts! Amazon spends a billion dollars, and Charlie hopefully makes his own fortune. Surely that's a fair exchange?
"Yep...calling it early" is the gem of this episode.
The "Urgh Gandalf man" in the background when Gandalf shows a little too much on the couch. 😂
'...Running a pub in Bree, thousands of years later?' 'Yup, calling it early...'
I don't watch RoP since ep3, but I do look forward to Gandalf and Baby Elrond every week.
This was perfection! Man, Celeborn must be at home just sitting on the couch while Galadriel saves the world and facing Volcanoes?
This series shines as a light in dark places, since all other lights have gone out. The Rings of Power Series exists, purely to give birth to Gandalf Roasts. May this Road go ever on and on!
bravo and if u are feeling down; Take heart and join us for our fifth installment of EXSURGE TOLKIEN that makes robustly clear the heresy of "ignorance" of Tolkien's Canon displayed out of the showrunner's mouths and hearts. They probably know nothing of Tolkien's masterpiece, as evident from their interview in the Vanity Fair Article. For "they who proclaim to loveth Tolkien, yet understandeth, not his world view can neither hope to create a new film, show, or series of his secondary world." "Auta i lóme!" and" Aurë entuluva!"
@@NovRen19 eru ilúvatar doesn't exist, the Valar made him up. That's what the lord of gifts tells us. Also said he found someone to save us from them. Some kind of king of the north in Angbad which is ruled by a Melkor... Morgoth(?) Idk, he wasn't exactly clear on that . But dudes really good at employing people, and giving jobs. Didn't say what the salary is, but said he had several openings. Can't wait to start 😋 .
@@nate7LP_my_dog_found_the_knife "the king of the north!", lol hey call Morgoth and tell him the Starks want Winterfell back. Love the wit, peace be too u!
@@NovRen19 but I have no idea how to send a carrier pigeon, and Google didn't help. Maybe smoke signals might work.
@@nate7LP_my_dog_found_the_knife or perhaps blazing sword or shining wizard like on orcies armor 🤣😆
This actually makes the show bearable
Hope these three do more
It's almost worth the rings of power being made, getting to watch these videos tearing it to pieces.
Boromir in the background when Gandalf flashed him lmao "Ohhhh Gandalf man" hahaha
"... That's how we defeated Morgoth. We just charged our stable sweeps at him, one at a time, until he got tired."
This had me rolling
I laughed so damn hard when Arandell did his Spinning Power Ranger kick to the big orcs head, only for the orc to eat the shot like a sandwich and blast him in the face
My office is getting tired of my Gandalf voice on the palantir. Your paperwork shall not pass.
Ty for bringing up the haircuts Gandalf! I keep getting reminded of Keanu Reeves in the movie Johnny Mnemonic.
"tell me where is Celeborn for i much desire to speak with him" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Galadrial Anderson made me spit out my beer in laughter! This is so awesome LOL
The pitch meeting for this is going to be amazing
with the amount of bullshit that went into evry episode, i think it would be justifiable to make a pitch meeting for evry single oneof them
It would be like 2 hours long if he wanted to call out every major issue/plothole
@@justhair17 your underestimatig the amount of stupidness that went into this show.
Watching the pitch meeting without watching the series is tight!
@@ReinoldFZ super easy barely an inconvenience!
Boromir had me in stiches this week! Holy shit, so good.
Helms Deep? More like Helms Cheap.
"sugar puffs" had me in stitches 🤣🤣🤣
Same 😂😂
Calling it early Sean Bean won't make it to the end of this series 😂
One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten-thousand men could you do this. It is folly.
Going out on a limb there… 😂
He looks stressed all the time.
One does not simply walk into another series like this.
sugar puffs!
4:34 ugh! mithrandir some decency pleaase! ☠☠ i wasnt able to keep my guard up coming at us like that! lmao
Lol you hear boromir at that part? Uughh Gandalf!
"Can't wait to meet Evedar." I'm wheezing.
These Gandalf reviews literally make my day. Can't wait for the next one
The “they/their” line from baby Elrond caught me off guard. I laughed so hard.
Wait, what part was that?
Well caught, not many heard that.
baby elrond knows what is up.
Gandalf reading the book of the harbits for orcs was hilarious 1 year since I watched this for the first time and it still gets me 😂😂😂
Thanks for doing these --it almost makes watching Rings of Power worthwhile. I look forward to your roasts more than the show itself.
😂🤣💀 When he goes to kick something and his unit is blurred out!!! 🤣🤣🤣
I only made it half way through the first episode, so thank you for not only soldiering through the rest for us but for also supplying this humorous content.
I forced myself to finish the first episode, the brain damage I sustained because of it wasn't worth it.
This episode was good. I enjoy it. This series is hilarious still. But i think they even hinted that theyre starting to like it haha
@@chasekemp I am glad you got something out of it.
I'm with Chase, the first few episodes were rough but I find myself sort of hooked just to see if Halbrand is Sauron or something whack. That weird gray line between watching something ironically, but then realizing you are in fact still watching it...
@@seanerzat Sounds a bit like Stockholm syndrome.
Enjoyed the dressing gown leg spread, reminded me of my dad in the 90s
I started choking from laughing so hard at One of these lives has a future, Mr. Galadriel Anderson.”! 😂😂 Congratulations and subscribed!
“Crudding heck… what the hell am I going to do with all those Flame of Abnor T shirts?” 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Gandalf: "...the light is outside during the daytime" hehehe
My original plan was to have this playing in the background while eating dinner but? Due to the fact I'm laughing so damn hard I can't consume food at the moment! This is excellent
Ohh man, I loved Boromir's commentary. "The third really is the kicker"🤣🤣🤣🤣😁
I started out loving the Gandalf, still do in fact, but the boromir/Sean bean bit fucking cracks me up 😂
It’s the quavering in the voice I think 👌
Great stuff, rock on mate 🤟
“Take this curtain pole..and draw the curtains”….am in bits
From the very beginning of the series I’ve thought, “who the heck taught these elves how to shoot an arrow that way? The back of his hand touches his cheek, you don’t have your hand turned that way!”
I guess it’s the middle earth way of holding a pistol sideways. 🙄
These videos are by far the BEST reviews anywhere👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍👍
My shoulder hurts just watching that technique. Maybe he’s cleverly checking for BO?
But You know-sea is always right->she called him and gave those instructions.
He's keeping it real 😂
He is going for a gangster kill shot
Weeell it's not entirely ridiculous, just unusual. Historically there are many ways of drawing a bow, the "standard" one people in the west know of being called Mediterranean draw. This would be a reverse Mediterranean draw which actually comes with 2 benefits!
1) it's faster!
The downside of Mediterranean draw is that you nock the arrow on the left of the bow but then your fingers wrap around the string from the right. With a reverse grip, you could be more economical with the nocking of the arrow. You can also transition faster from a vertical to horizontal shot (supposing you are crouching with a longbow, trying to make a shot).
2) you can draw further! Biomechanically, rotating your wrist from the palm facing you to facing down/forwards allows you to engage your muscles further during a draw! See modern compound bow hunters who use thumb triggers and see how they draw! Usually their palms face outwards precisely because it engages the muscles in a more efficient way!
Personally, I would have liked to have seen him do a thumb draw since he was even wearing a damn thumb ring for that kind of draw! It's (probably) the fastest of all and allows for very heavy draw weights, but nope, they had to go for a rare draw x)
“Long may you defend the Dog and Duck should the battle go ill”
Goddammit this is the greatest thing ever! Thank you so much for making these.
Spend a while watching Nerd of the Rings lore videos as I usually do...only for the algorithm to recommend this video!!! Bravo.!
So she gets shot with 2 arrows and then they only pull out one arrow and they close the wound? Like they completely forgot she got shot with 2 arrows in the last scene.
The High King of the Elves has a freaking mullet! Lmao, what were they thinking?
Who bleeds like that from a shoulder anyway... was running like a tap.
Asked my brother about that shoulder wound. With that much blood there is massine internal damage and shoulders are where all the important bits go through.
Best case scenario, they die and we don't have to put up with the twerp. Worst case they lose the arm.
...should clarify. They're a doctor
@@FightCollective pretty much anyone would. Tons of blood flows through there.
Lmao, Elrond be like "Where's my wife??"
the show is a gift! a gift so Gandalf and the gang can roast it!
"I would have followed you my brother, my captain.. my... oh actually just give it a poke with a burning twig. Great, right as rain." HAHAHA!
i still haven't gotten over the fact Gandalf values tesco discounts above all else; i'm glad amazon paid a billion dollars so you could make that one joke.
Woot - so glad I found this. Thanks ever so much for the laughs.
3:25 “New life in defiance of death?”
“No. Sugar Puffs.”
This is better made than the series. Boromir we love you and miss you!!!!