I just built one and used a Tattu 3.7v 600 mAh battery from Amazon. They do not fit under the module so I mounted it on the bottom plate of the unit under the board. I would offer you one, but I am unsure of the process of mailing a battery, I am sure it is fine as long as I don't put it on a plane, but I am uncertain.
Hi Mike. What battery did you end up going with for your morserinos? I got mine about a week or two back and need to build it.
I just built one and used a Tattu 3.7v 600 mAh battery from Amazon. They do not fit under the module so I mounted it on the bottom plate of the unit under the board. I would offer you one, but I am unsure of the process of mailing a battery, I am sure it is fine as long as I don't put it on a plane, but I am uncertain.