Well done Alan, look forward to more videos on this very important topic. Islam ≠ Christianity, and Allah ≠ Yahweh. Wish more Christian leaders had the courage you do, keep it going brother
The Muslim God and Christian God are different. The Christian God had a son, Jesus. Meanwhile, the Moon God married Shams Al-Shumus, the Sun Goddess. Together they had they had 3 goddesses: Al-lat, Al-uzza (both named after their Father) and Manat, aka “The Daughters of Allah” (Allah itself came from the Canaanite God, Ba’al).
Aisha: "But, I'm _only_ nine." Allah's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him): "You're just _FINE!"_ Roses are red, violets are blue, Aisha was 9 and Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was 52. *Qur'an 65:1, 4* "When divorcing women, know their waiting period. For women past the age of menstruation, their waiting period is 3 months - and those who have _NOT_ menstruated yet as well." *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 5 bk 58:236* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married Aisha when she was 6 years old, and _consummated_ when she was 9” *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 7 book 62 number 64:* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married her when she was 6 years old and he _consummated_ his marriage when she was 9 years old” *Sahih Bukhari Vol 7, Book 62, Nr 16* "The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'Did you marry a virgin or a matron?' I replied, 'A matron.' He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?'"
The funny thing is that they attack the bible and yet point to it to try to prove that Muhammad was prophecies in the same bible and not actually read the passage.
Feeling ashamed and inferior by Jews and Christians (and wanting to impress all the girls), Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) copied, stole and perverted the Torah and Bible (monotheism, Abraham, Jesus) in a botched attempt to legitimize the Voodoo Meccan Moon God, one of the 360 idols in the Big, Black IDOL (Allah itself came from the Canaanite god, Ba'al).
*Matthew 24:11* And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people." *Matthew 7:15-16* “Beware of false prophets, who come in sheep's clothing but are ravenous wolves." *2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_ *1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the _Antichrist_ *Revelation: **20:11* And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Those who actually read the Qur’an would not dare attack the Bible because while there are differences, I read it myself with other evangelical friends and… there were shocking similarities to the injil or “gospel”. See to us Muslims, the gospel was once “ONE BOOK” and it got fractured. Hence so many christian denominations and interpretations of the scripture
I started learning about Islam about a year ago, and I knew something wasn’t right when it stated that Allah is “the greatest of deceivers” (Quran 3:54) and that Allah commands his followers to follow the gospels yet says the Gospels are corrupt (Quran 5:47). Not to mention how many of the Qurans books reference the early gnostic gospels which have very strange claims about Jesus. It didn’t add up.
I'm curious as to where you got "Allah is "the greatest of deceivers"" from because Quran 3:54 says "And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah." - Yusuf Ali Translation As for your other point, it's a debatable topic that I'd be happy to explain to you if you're keen.
@@madd2340 sure, the verse is reference to according to the Qurans claims, Allah deceived everyone into believing that Jesus was crucified but in reality he was replaced by another man an Jesus lived. The issue with this claim is that there is not much evidence to support this. Contemporary scholars agree that Jesus was indeed crucfifed and died. The question is why would Allah need to deceive people into believing he wasn’t crucified but in other parts of the Quran he states that Jesus was divine in Miraculous deeds in his childhood? Apostate prophet made a video covering this topic, I can send you the link to the video. I would also recommend downloading the Quran app. The gnostic gospels btw are not only inconsistent with the Bible’s main claims, but many of them were not even written by their supposed authors and lack evidence for many of their claims. There’s other claims in the Quran that states Jesus was a Muslim (Âl 'Imran 3:84) Question, how is that possible when Islam was founded 600 years after his death, Hebrews and Jews didn’t serve Allah, they served YHWH. Either the Quran has a different Jesus or the majority of biblical and extra biblical sources aren’t true? That’s why I stated it didn’t add up to me
@@ShalemAhava Yes, even if you argue that that verse is "planner", rather than "deceiver," it doesn't negate the fact that Allah is depicted as one who endorses deception in the Quran. It's not even up for debate, IMO. This is something that's explicitly affirmed throughout the Quran-which I've read and did a surah by surah exegesis of on my channel.
@@ShalemAhava Answering your first point, to my understanding, God deceived only the nonbelievers who wanted to crucify Jesus to save Jesus from the crucifixion. Just like every prophet of God, they were persecuted and executed by their community because there will be nonbelievers who want to follow their desires and disobey God. Nothing new here. For example, John the Baptist was murdered. But, for Jesus, God saved him because he's the Messiah who is destined to return at the end of times. There were sects (which I can't recall the names) of Christianity that existed in the past that believe Jesus was not crucified. There's more to this, which I don't have the strong knowledge of to get into detail. A similar story to this is God saving Abraham when he was thrown into the fire. This is definitely a debatable topic and you can find those on RUclips. Here's one: ruclips.net/video/8G5wweWdi1c/видео.html&ab_channel=DawahDigital I've seen Apostate Prophet's videos I find them to be entertaining (I'm a subscriber myself). His videos have been refuted by a handful of RUclipsrs. Answering your second point about Jesus being a Muslim. The definition of a Muslim is someone who submits to the will of God. Jesus submitted himself to God. Therefore, he's a Muslim. I recommend that you watch One Message Foundation's videos on RUclips. Also, I'd like to recommend the book "The First and Final Commandment" by Dr. Laurence B. Brown. He's a Muslim convert. His book covers almost every question that you have and may have. The meaning of the world "Allah" means one and only God. The word God in Arabic is "Ilah". And the word Allah means one and only God. There can be many ilahs-Gods and Goddesses-but using the world "Allah" means one and only God that's neither male nor female since God has no gender. The reason God is referred to as "he" (male) stems from a grammatical reason. If you take a look at the Arabic Bible, they use the word Allah too. You mentioned, "Hebrews and Jews didn’t serve Allah, they served YHWH." Dr. Laurence B. Brown covers this in his book. I highly recommend that you read it. A thing I appreciate about Islam is that it doesn't expect you to just believe and have faith. Islam encourages you to question its religion and seek knowledge. There are many people I know online who once disliked/hated Islam but converted after months and years of researching it. To name a few, Blogging Theology ( he was an Islamophobe), Jordan M, and Joram van Klaveren (he was an Islamophobe). I don't blame you for having the opinions that you have now about Islam. We all start somewhere. I encourage you to learn more about Islam, especially from the right sources. You may have prejudiced views about Islam because of what the media is telling you, the videos that you watch online etc. But, if you are genuine in your search for knowledge and maybe truth, I hope that you'll find your answers. And if after learning more about Islam, you still feel that Islam doesn't make sense, seems silly or stupid to you, or feel that it isn't for you, that's okay. God guides whom He wills. I am an agnostic Muslim but I'm open to the possibility that Christianity may be God's true religion; thus, I'm learning about Christianity right now. I believe that there's a God, but I am not 100% certain which is God's true religion. As for now, Islam makes the most sense to me. I'm not a practising Muslim, but in my heart, I believe that there's only one God and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His final messenger. Like how in Christianity with faith in Jesus Christ's sacrifice come good works, I'll become a practising Muslim only after I truly believe in Islam with 100% certainty.
The denial of the cross is a major problem with Islam. Through the cross we have the assurance that we have received Gods pardon and we are now in a right relationship with him . Wheras Islam goes back to a very legalistic religion which relies on works and good deeds , without any certainty of having received God's pardon and being accepted by him ....
Very interesting Alan, I've been reading a book recently titled _Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus_ and this gave interesting insight that the book hasn't covered (at least yet, i'm still in the beginning chapters). This oughta be an interesting series!
That was a very great video, I am truly grateful that you made a brief video on Islam. You also did a great job on clearly explains the differences between Islam and Christianity. I am glad you took your time to explain a subject that is difficult and with a lot of information. Have you read or heard about the Christian Apologist, Dr. Jay Smith. He also has a great knowledge on and about Islam. Please continue your videos. Thank you. God bless.
Good basic introductory video. Thank you for taking the time to put it together. While debates are helpful to work thru some challenging texts, what I find most helpful when attempting to persuade someone of the Islamic faith (or any faith) is, "How is man made right with God/god/the gods?" The answer from every religion except for Christianity has something to do with what man does to earn, deserve, or ingratiate himself and thereby merit salvation/heaven/nirvana/paradise/ etc. . Christianity is the only religion where God does and Man receives, without any merit at all, but simply thru Grace. Martin Luther's reformation fought to re-establish this as the central tenant of Christian doctrine in the wake of Roman Catholic heresy--which included indulgences, touching relics, making pilgrimages, and praying to saints--in Medieval/Renaissance Europe, and we are blessed with that heritage today. Just so with the 5 Pillars of Islam. Allah demands obedience in exchange for salvation. To the faithful Muslim, getting right with Allah is earned by performing rites and rituals. . So my question to the person of another faith is, how good and impressive are you to make almighty God owe you the favor of salvation from your sins? Can you truly work hard enough, and are you supremely confident that your own efforts are sufficient? . The arrogant answer, "Yes, of course I can do enough to merit favor!" This is every other world religion and "people are basically good" thinking. . The humble answer, "No, I have no hope on my own. I need a Savior who is righteous, and his name is Jesus Christ." That's Christianity!
Also, re 6:27 - those claims in the Quran about the childhood of Jesus are plagiarisms of the Gnostic “Infancy Gospel of Thomas” which is a known late forgery. So there’s elements of Gnosticism mixed into Islam as well.
It's incredible that if you dig into all of these religions they are share similar foundations that all began back in Babylon... You see the same "deity" structure, temple styles and even the symbolism. They're all built upon the Babylon Mystery religion... The same religion mentioned in Revelation that will become the one world religion. The only "religion" (Bible Christianity isn't a religion but to make it easy here) that doesn't have these same foundations is true Bible Christianity... Very Interesting...
@@WretchedWatchmen that phrase is so overused now, at first I agreed with it but not anymore yeah it's always about relationship with the creator but it's also a religion too. we need rules as well on the journey, and religion introduces that, I'm not saying religion is the best thing ever because the people in it cause problems and everyone wants to be right but what I'm saying is that true bible christianity is true religion and true relation with creator and fellowship with others I'm 14 by the way, just wanted to get my input but not trying to be disrespectful just wanted to clear something up
Look forward to seeing the rest of this series. Always love the way you have respect for others but the boldness to tell them the truth. God bless you and may he guide you in sharing the gospel truth.
Revelation 3:16 So because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
A close study of both Muslim and Christian eschatology seem to reveal an interesting juxtaposition; where the coming appearance of the prophet “Jesus” as the Muslim teachings describe, would fit neatly into the Christian understanding of the coming biblical False prophet.
One could actually argue that Islam started not with Muhammad but with Arius. One of Muhammad’s companions, and the main influence on his unitarian position, was Bahira - an Arian - and in the pre-Islamic Arab world, Arianism was more dominant of a view among the so-called-Christian minority than most true denominations. This Arianistic unitarianism is by far the main reason why claims by Muslims to worship the “same God” are false, as John of Damascus explained correctly in the 8th century.
One thing to keep in mind about the "Gospel of Thomas": Every biblical scholar I've been able to find has rejected the idea that it was written by the "Doubting Thomas" of the Christian New Testament. They believe it was written by someone trying to use Thomas' name and reputation to give his ideas credibility.
There are so many problems with Islam, regarding it's morality, history, "biblical resembles", etc. One of these major problems is the origin of the Kaaba, claiming that it came from Abraham, though it came from pagan origins. This religion is a mess. I invite all to David Wood and Apostate Prophet
1.) Not to get too off-topic, but have you considered analyzing Michael Heiser? 2.) Back on topic: I like St. John of Damacus' analysis of Islam, which is that it is ultimately is a Christian heresy.
From what I understand, the koran is so bad, that it says the mother of jesus is Miriam (moses sister). Mary.... Miriam... yes both start with M, sound similar. But still. Different people. So, not a very accurate book. Muhammed or whoever wrote it should have known the bible a little better. Joseph smith as well.
Pray all channel like urs does this.. So sick of Christian vs Christian channel.. I understand some Christian need correction and redirection but it just gets old...
Keith Thompson had a very good video about this... but they took down his channel for some reason. thankfully someone else had it and i downloaded the video
Concerning the argument some attempt to make that Allah is the same God as the Christian God, here's what the Quran says about the issue: 22:17. (Let) those who believe and those who judaised and the Sabians and the Christians and the Magians and those who associate other gods with God know that Allâh will decide between them on the Day of Resurrection. Surely, Allâh is Witness over all things.
I would like to refute actually the Muslim religion is not progressing it's actually declining and they actually barely have over a billion If the only reason why their religion is going it's only because it is state run that's it or else it would be in the gutter
Islam's exaltation of the Quran, and belief in its aseity, is in direct contradiction of its espousal of Tawhid (unification). This isn't something you'll see Muslim apologists and Dawah groups bring up-in part because of their ignorance of the historiography of Islam itself-but there were Muslims put to death for this very principle in the past. Nabeel Qureshi brings this up in his apologetics text, No God But One.
Ask any Muslim or look in the Quran for a description of Allah,just as if you were looking for a certain individual.Now compare those descriptions to the Christian description of the God of the Bible.I will bet you $1,000,000 you don't get a "match" The God of the Bible is not the same as Allah, anyone who tells you otherwise either doesn't know or is lying to your face...Come Lord Jesus,come
Islam, in its extreme, can be quite inhumane. In fact, some might argue that Islam is an example religion and that the westernized version is just masking it's true nature.
As a Muslim, the problem I see with the Christians is how fractured or fragmented they are now… like the injil or “gospel”. To us, the Gospel was once a SINGLE book and it got “corrupted”. If you read the Qur’an and the bible… you WILL have FEAR in both. Nobody should even dare to cast mud against Christians because even the earliest followers of Islam sought help from a Christian king way back. The last prophet muhammad (saw) was ALSO an illiterate person who cannot read and write so that’s something to think about
Easy, the true Creator is the God of life, love and truth, the other "tree" in the garden was the opposite, death, hate lies and deception. You will know them by the fruit they bear.....
Hawayu & Praise The LORD Polite Leader *& Thanks 4 This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Video on "Islam- The Message of Muhammad" Where With Yur Analysis Polite Leader, Then It Shows That Koran Contradicts Our Great Almighty God's Word Which Is The Bible & That This Shows That Muhammad Who The Muslims Worship As Their god Is Not a Tru God & That This Shows That God's Word Which Is The Bible Is More Powerful Than Koran, That Islam Is a False Religion & Muhammad Is a False Prophet Where I Say That Please Polite Leader Look at Ishmael Who Was The Son of Haggar & His Closeness With Muslims & Even Why Muslims Call Christians "Kafiris" & Muslims Denying The Cross Shows They are Rejecting What Our Great LORD Jesus Christ Did When He Died 4 Our Past, Present & Future Sins & How Dr. James White Answered That Muslim Scholar Was Powerful 4 I Say That Islam Is Another Doctrine Which Apostle Paul Says In God's Word That We Must Not Follow 4 Muslims In Their Perception are Wrong Denying That Our Great LORD Jesus Christ Was Crucified & Saying Judas Iscariot Was Crucified Which Isn't Tru* & God Bless Yu Polite Leader So Very Much & May He Always Be With Yu.
I am not Muslim or Christian; however, I am a big believer in Jesus. I REJECT ALL major “Religions”; however, I consider myself to be very Religious. I have developed my own personal “Religious Beliefs”, based on decades of study. Jesus plays a big role in my personal “Religious Beliefs”. The literal English translation of “Verse 157”, is NOT the “Substitution Theory”, but instead, the literal translation of “Verse 157” describes the “Crucifixion of Jesus” as a “Mandela Effect”,… --- …an Event that “appeared to happen”, but “did not happen”, the TEXTBOOK DEFINITION of “Mandela Effect”. --- For reasons that have NOTHING TO DO with Islam, but were based on a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, I wrote on my Web site, no later than 8 Aug 2018, that the “Crucifixion of Jesus” WAS a “Mandela Effect”. --- I did not learn, until Oct 2022, that “Verse 157” ALSO described the “Crucifixion of Jesus” as a “Mandela Effect”. My Oct 2022 “Discovery”, was quite a surprise! --- It is my personal belief, that “Mandela Effect” is more believable than Jesus “rising from the dead”. There were a FEW witnesses that observed Jesus “Die on the Cross”, but CREATOR’s Universe ERASED that “Divergent Timeline”. Where on Earth, would Muhammad even have gotten the IDEA, to describe the “Crucifixion of Jesus”, as an Event that “appeared to happen” but “did not happen”? WHAT was Muhammad smoking? --- ANSWER: The Claim that “Crucifixion of Jesus” was a “Mandela Effect”, was imparted to Muhammad by Gabriel. There is other scripture, such as Genesis, Ch 1 (which I firmly believe, with some caveats), that could not have been witnessed by “man”, who wasn’t created until Day 6. --- One of the reasons, that I believe in Jesus, but STOPPED calling myself “Christian”, is, not only don’t I believe in the “Resurrection”, I don’t even believe in the “Crucifixion”. --- Just letting you know, that there is ONE DUDE on the Planet, who believes that “Crucifixion of Jesus” WAS a “Mandela Effect”. A majority of Scholars (probably 100%) disagree with me. I don’t worry about minor details like that. --- That’s just me. Rock Reynolds (AKA: Roger Reynard)
Islam is self perpetuating, they acknowledge many of the flaws in their theology by invoking the possibility that Allah would decieve them intentionally as a test of the their faith in Allah's power. The Hajj and the Kaaba seem to be idol worship to an extent that is hard to apologize for. Not too dissimiliar from Christianity, which also has its irreconcilable issues such as the 21st chapter of exodus, the problem of evil/syffering, and the problem of hard solipsism. Hopefully by learning about Islam's flaws, Christians will start to analyze their own belief systems. They aren't that different.
You can't compare Christianity and Islam, the one is about the true Creator and the other is the greatest deceiver pretending to be the Creator.... Exodus 21 a problem for Christianity? You do realize that those laws were applicable to the Israelites only, things changed a bit with the new covenant...
@@andrevisser7542 He allowed the israelites to own people as slaves and created loopholes for them to become inheritable. Why would you take god claims seriously when they contain this kind of cruel stupidity?
Muslim say Jesus allegedly had said that, "one will come after me and he's greater than me." of course, it was removed from bibles, but Christians can see that Muhammed was sent centuries after Jesus and logically he must have been greater messenger. If that's not enough, also remember that Muhammed was the last prophet. That means he finished the job and God's word to humanity was delivered in toto.
Matthew 24:9-14 NIV [9] “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. [10] At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, [11] and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. [12] Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, [13] but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. [14] And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. …
Matthew 11:2-6 NIV [2] When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the Messiah, he sent his disciples [3] to ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” [4] Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: [5] The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. [6] Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”
Hi Jorg l did not quite follow your comment, sorry, but to be clear the New Testament is very clear that Jesus is the messiah (more than just a prophet, but the redeemer (his name means Salvation), new law giver (spoken of by Moses), king of Israel (son of David), high priest (after the order of Melchizedek), son of man (Daniel 7:13), etc.
It was John the Baptist who said that. He said that 'one will come greater than me, whose shoes i'm not worthy to untie'. He signified of Jesus. He even said to Jesus, 'I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?' signifying that Jesus was greater. Muhammad was pedophilic when he married a child, killed and approved killing...things that disgust Jesus and are deserving of hell. He is certainly not even close to Jesus, let alone being greater than Him
I invite you to Hamza's den where you'll be properly educated about Christianity. Or contact brother Jake the Muslim metaphysician to get your doubts dispelled. A truth seeker should always continue his search for the truth and from the best would be the ones in the frontline of dawah. Jesus only came for the Israelites and not for you. Christianity was manufactured by Paul.
Not following a man who 'abused' and 'married' a 9 year old child, when he was an adult male of 56. Shame on him.
Acts 17 apologetics is a good source on dealing with Islam
Very true! I find his videos informative and amusing.
Well done Alan, look forward to more videos on this very important topic. Islam ≠ Christianity, and Allah ≠ Yahweh. Wish more Christian leaders had the courage you do, keep it going brother
Mohammad was not a prophet just like Joseph Smith was not a prophet. Allah is a pagan deity.
You mean Islam ≠ Christianity and Allah ≠ Yahweh
@@aaronpolinati correct. Sorry I didn't know how to pull that symbol up. Fixed now
The Muslim God and Christian God are different. The Christian God had a son, Jesus. Meanwhile, the Moon God married Shams Al-Shumus, the Sun Goddess. Together they had they had 3 goddesses: Al-lat, Al-uzza (both named after their Father) and Manat, aka “The Daughters of Allah” (Allah itself came from the Canaanite God, Ba’al).
Christ Is God
Allen is right. He hasn’t even scratched the surface of Islam. It gets MUCH WORSE!
Aisha: "But, I'm _only_ nine."
Allah's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him): "You're just _FINE!"_
Roses are red, violets are blue, Aisha was 9 and Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was 52.
*Qur'an 65:1, 4* "When divorcing women, know their waiting period. For women past the age of menstruation, their waiting period is 3 months - and those who have _NOT_ menstruated yet as well."
*Sahih al-Bukhari vol 5 bk 58:236* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married Aisha when she was 6 years old, and _consummated_ when she was 9”
*Sahih al-Bukhari vol 7 book 62 number 64:* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married her when she was 6 years old and he _consummated_ his marriage when she was 9 years old”
*Sahih Bukhari Vol 7, Book 62, Nr 16* "The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'Did you marry a virgin or a matron?' I replied, 'A matron.' He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?'"
The funny thing is that they attack the bible and yet point to it to try to prove that Muhammad was prophecies in the same bible and not actually read the passage.
Feeling ashamed and inferior by Jews and Christians (and wanting to impress all the girls), Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) copied, stole and perverted the Torah and Bible (monotheism, Abraham, Jesus) in a botched attempt to legitimize the Voodoo Meccan Moon God, one of the 360 idols in the Big, Black IDOL (Allah itself came from the Canaanite god, Ba'al).
*Matthew 24:11* And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."
*Matthew 7:15-16* “Beware of false prophets, who come in sheep's clothing but are ravenous wolves."
*2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_
*1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the _Antichrist_
*Revelation: **20:11* And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Those who actually read the Qur’an would not dare attack the Bible because while there are differences, I read it myself with other evangelical friends and… there were shocking similarities to the injil or “gospel”. See to us Muslims, the gospel was once “ONE BOOK” and it got fractured. Hence so many christian denominations and interpretations of the scripture
I started learning about Islam about a year ago, and I knew something wasn’t right when it stated that Allah is “the greatest of deceivers” (Quran 3:54) and that Allah commands his followers to follow the gospels yet says the Gospels are corrupt (Quran 5:47). Not to mention how many of the Qurans books reference the early gnostic gospels which have very strange claims about Jesus. It didn’t add up.
I'm curious as to where you got "Allah is "the greatest of deceivers"" from because Quran 3:54 says "And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah."
- Yusuf Ali Translation
As for your other point, it's a debatable topic that I'd be happy to explain to you if you're keen.
@@madd2340 sure, the verse is reference to according to the Qurans claims, Allah deceived everyone into believing that Jesus was crucified but in reality he was replaced by another man an Jesus lived. The issue with this claim is that there is not much evidence to support this. Contemporary scholars agree that Jesus was indeed crucfifed and died. The question is why would Allah need to deceive people into believing he wasn’t crucified but in other parts of the Quran he states that Jesus was divine in Miraculous deeds in his childhood? Apostate prophet made a video covering this topic, I can send you the link to the video. I would also recommend downloading the Quran app. The gnostic gospels btw are not only inconsistent with the Bible’s main claims, but many of them were not even written by their supposed authors and lack evidence for many of their claims. There’s other claims in the Quran that states Jesus was a Muslim (Âl 'Imran 3:84)
Question, how is that possible when Islam was founded 600 years after his death, Hebrews and Jews didn’t serve Allah, they served YHWH. Either the Quran has a different Jesus or the majority of biblical and extra biblical sources aren’t true? That’s why I stated it didn’t add up to me
@@ShalemAhava Yes, even if you argue that that verse is "planner", rather than "deceiver," it doesn't negate the fact that Allah is depicted as one who endorses deception in the Quran.
It's not even up for debate, IMO. This is something that's explicitly affirmed throughout the Quran-which I've read and did a surah by surah exegesis of on my channel.
@@ShalemAhava Mhmm I understand what you mean. Is there a way I can get in touch with you privately? I'll provide you my response through there.
@@ShalemAhava Answering your first point, to my understanding, God deceived only the nonbelievers who wanted to crucify Jesus to save Jesus from the crucifixion. Just like every prophet of God, they were persecuted and executed by their community because there will be nonbelievers who want to follow their desires and disobey God. Nothing new here. For example, John the Baptist was murdered. But, for Jesus, God saved him because he's the Messiah who is destined to return at the end of times. There were sects (which I can't recall the names) of Christianity that existed in the past that believe Jesus was not crucified. There's more to this, which I don't have the strong knowledge of to get into detail. A similar story to this is God saving Abraham when he was thrown into the fire. This is definitely a debatable topic and you can find those on RUclips. Here's one: ruclips.net/video/8G5wweWdi1c/видео.html&ab_channel=DawahDigital
I've seen Apostate Prophet's videos I find them to be entertaining (I'm a subscriber myself). His videos have been refuted by a handful of RUclipsrs.
Answering your second point about Jesus being a Muslim. The definition of a Muslim is someone who submits to the will of God. Jesus submitted himself to God. Therefore, he's a Muslim. I recommend that you watch One Message Foundation's videos on RUclips. Also, I'd like to recommend the book "The First and Final Commandment" by Dr. Laurence B. Brown. He's a Muslim convert. His book covers almost every question that you have and may have.
The meaning of the world "Allah" means one and only God. The word God in Arabic is "Ilah". And the word Allah means one and only God. There can be many ilahs-Gods and Goddesses-but using the world "Allah" means one and only God that's neither male nor female since God has no gender. The reason God is referred to as "he" (male) stems from a grammatical reason. If you take a look at the Arabic Bible, they use the word Allah too.
You mentioned, "Hebrews and Jews didn’t serve Allah, they served YHWH."
Dr. Laurence B. Brown covers this in his book. I highly recommend that you read it.
A thing I appreciate about Islam is that it doesn't expect you to just believe and have faith. Islam encourages you to question its religion and seek knowledge. There are many people I know online who once disliked/hated Islam but converted after months and years of researching it. To name a few, Blogging Theology ( he was an Islamophobe), Jordan M, and Joram van Klaveren (he was an Islamophobe).
I don't blame you for having the opinions that you have now about Islam. We all start somewhere. I encourage you to learn more about Islam, especially from the right sources. You may have prejudiced views about Islam because of what the media is telling you, the videos that you watch online etc. But, if you are genuine in your search for knowledge and maybe truth, I hope that you'll find your answers. And if after learning more about Islam, you still feel that Islam doesn't make sense, seems silly or stupid to you, or feel that it isn't for you, that's okay. God guides whom He wills.
I am an agnostic Muslim but I'm open to the possibility that Christianity may be God's true religion; thus, I'm learning about Christianity right now. I believe that there's a God, but I am not 100% certain which is God's true religion. As for now, Islam makes the most sense to me. I'm not a practising Muslim, but in my heart, I believe that there's only one God and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His final messenger. Like how in Christianity with faith in Jesus Christ's sacrifice come good works, I'll become a practising Muslim only after I truly believe in Islam with 100% certainty.
The denial of the cross is a major problem with Islam. Through the cross we have the assurance that we have received Gods pardon and we are now in a right relationship with him .
Wheras Islam goes back to a very legalistic religion which relies on works and good deeds , without any certainty of having received God's pardon and being accepted by him ....
David wood- the quranic dilemma...is a must watch video.
Cant wait to hear more from you.
First time being first! So glad for this subject. Thank you!
@@PoliteLeader my pleasure!
Really looking forward to this series.
Very interesting Alan, I've been reading a book recently titled _Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus_ and this gave interesting insight that the book hasn't covered (at least yet, i'm still in the beginning chapters). This oughta be an interesting series!
Hi. The Author is Nabeel Qureshi. I have watched him on RUclips. He has passed on, he was such an inspiration and a blessing to many.
Allah is a neo-Canaanite, neo-Baal Pagan Moon God, one of 360 IDOLS in the Big, black IDOL of Mecca.
very helpful.. looking forward to more
That was a very great video, I am truly grateful that you made a brief video on Islam. You also did a great job on clearly explains the differences between Islam and Christianity. I am glad you took your time to explain a subject that is difficult and with a lot of information. Have you read or heard about the Christian Apologist, Dr. Jay Smith. He also has a great knowledge on and about Islam. Please continue your videos. Thank you. God bless.
Good basic introductory video. Thank you for taking the time to put it together.
While debates are helpful to work thru some challenging texts, what I find most helpful when attempting to persuade someone of the Islamic faith (or any faith) is, "How is man made right with God/god/the gods?" The answer from every religion except for Christianity has something to do with what man does to earn, deserve, or ingratiate himself and thereby merit salvation/heaven/nirvana/paradise/ etc.
Christianity is the only religion where God does and Man receives, without any merit at all, but simply thru Grace. Martin Luther's reformation fought to re-establish this as the central tenant of Christian doctrine in the wake of Roman Catholic heresy--which included indulgences, touching relics, making pilgrimages, and praying to saints--in Medieval/Renaissance Europe, and we are blessed with that heritage today. Just so with the 5 Pillars of Islam. Allah demands obedience in exchange for salvation. To the faithful Muslim, getting right with Allah is earned by performing rites and rituals.
So my question to the person of another faith is, how good and impressive are you to make almighty God owe you the favor of salvation from your sins? Can you truly work hard enough, and are you supremely confident that your own efforts are sufficient?
The arrogant answer, "Yes, of course I can do enough to merit favor!" This is every other world religion and "people are basically good" thinking.
The humble answer, "No, I have no hope on my own. I need a Savior who is righteous, and his name is Jesus Christ." That's Christianity!
Also, re 6:27 - those claims in the Quran about the childhood of Jesus are plagiarisms of the Gnostic “Infancy Gospel of Thomas” which is a known late forgery. So there’s elements of Gnosticism mixed into Islam as well.
Haha I didn’t see this comment earlier yes that can be
It's incredible that if you dig into all of these religions they are share similar foundations that all began back in Babylon... You see the same "deity" structure, temple styles and even the symbolism. They're all built upon the Babylon Mystery religion... The same religion mentioned in Revelation that will become the one world religion. The only "religion" (Bible Christianity isn't a religion but to make it easy here) that doesn't have these same foundations is true Bible Christianity... Very Interesting...
bible christianity is a religion
@@ragerjnbthe8thsaiyan Bible Christianity is a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ, not a religion.
@@WretchedWatchmen that phrase is so overused now, at first I agreed with it but not anymore
yeah it's always about relationship with the creator but it's also a religion too. we need rules as well on the journey, and religion introduces that, I'm not saying religion is the best thing ever because the people in it cause problems and everyone wants to be right but what I'm saying is that true bible christianity is true religion and true relation with creator and fellowship with others
I'm 14 by the way, just wanted to get my input but not trying to be disrespectful just wanted to clear something up
@@ragerjnbthe8thsaiyan It's not a religion.
It's a religion
You Mr brother are awesome-smart, love you, may god give you the desires of your heart.
Thanks for this Allen! Outstanding work.
Look forward to seeing the rest of this series. Always love the way you have respect for others but the boldness to tell them the truth. God bless you and may he guide you in sharing the gospel truth.
Thank you. Your teaching style is easy to follow and learn from.
You are welcome! I'm glad my style helps you.
As always a very insightful video🙏
Insightful beginning Alan. Don’t understand why anyone would challenge Dr. White.
Thanks for this video Alan. If I may, could you please pray for me as I will be taking the Pearson Test of English tomorrow. God bless you.
Yes I will
As always, excellent research. Thank you! God Bless.
Thank you!
For a so-called basic overview of Islam, this video was very informative. Great job!
Keep up the good work brother!
Revelation 3:16 So because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Excellent. Good info for all.
You should do longer videos, I want them to keep going!
good video, I am glad you finally began this series
A close study of both Muslim and Christian eschatology seem to reveal an interesting juxtaposition; where the coming appearance of the prophet “Jesus” as the Muslim teachings describe, would fit neatly into the Christian understanding of the coming biblical False prophet.
Yep the anti Christ Jesus warns us
Thank you Alan, God bless. ✝️🕊🇿🇦
You are very welcome
One could actually argue that Islam started not with Muhammad but with Arius. One of Muhammad’s companions, and the main influence on his unitarian position, was Bahira - an Arian - and in the pre-Islamic Arab world, Arianism was more dominant of a view among the so-called-Christian minority than most true denominations. This Arianistic unitarianism is by far the main reason why claims by Muslims to worship the “same God” are false, as John of Damascus explained correctly in the 8th century.
Please, do a series on Topic
Excellent message
Really good. Thanks Alan.
And We'Re Pr0uD oF THat
Ali dawah? 😁
Who's here from David Wood's channel, Acts17apoligetics?
Great job. Good topic. If you are knowledgeable, Muslims definitely need a witness. Good luck and my prayers
For a side note this information that they have about Jesus making birds from clay is also mentioned in the extra-canonical gospel of Thomas. 🤷🏻
Infancy gospel of Thomas
One thing to keep in mind about the "Gospel of Thomas": Every biblical scholar I've been able to find has rejected the idea that it was written by the "Doubting Thomas" of the Christian New Testament. They believe it was written by someone trying to use Thomas' name and reputation to give his ideas credibility.
There are so many problems with Islam, regarding it's morality, history, "biblical resembles", etc. One of these major problems is the origin of the Kaaba, claiming that it came from Abraham, though it came from pagan origins. This religion is a mess. I invite all to David Wood and Apostate Prophet
#Excellent video
Thank you!
Thank you, dear brother, for another good video!
My pleasure!
1.) Not to get too off-topic, but have you considered analyzing Michael Heiser?
2.) Back on topic: I like St. John of Damacus' analysis of Islam, which is that it is ultimately is a Christian heresy.
Love David Wood on this topic
God bless...
Brother Allen, sorry off topic here but is there a reason you prefer to film with limited lighting?
Make it bright please? Would you consider it? 😇
There is only one way to the Father and that's through his Son Jesus Christ.
From what I understand, the koran is so bad, that it says the mother of jesus is Miriam (moses sister). Mary.... Miriam... yes both start with M, sound similar. But still. Different people. So, not a very accurate book. Muhammed or whoever wrote it should have known the bible a little better. Joseph smith as well.
Pray all channel like urs does this.. So sick of Christian vs Christian channel.. I understand some Christian need correction and redirection but it just gets old...
Tremendous, tremendous
Keith Thompson had a very good video about this... but they took down his channel for some reason. thankfully someone else had it and i downloaded the video
Concerning the argument some attempt to make that Allah is the same God as the Christian God, here's what the Quran says about the issue:
22:17. (Let) those who believe and those who judaised and the Sabians and the Christians and the Magians and those who associate other gods with God know that Allâh will decide between them on the Day of Resurrection. Surely, Allâh is Witness over all things.
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand
I would like to refute actually the Muslim religion is not progressing it's actually declining and they actually barely have over a billion If the only reason why their religion is going it's only because it is state run that's it or else it would be in the gutter
When will you make the Judaism video series?
Islam's exaltation of the Quran, and belief in its aseity, is in direct contradiction of its espousal of Tawhid (unification). This isn't something you'll see Muslim apologists and Dawah groups bring up-in part because of their ignorance of the historiography of Islam itself-but there were Muslims put to death for this very principle in the past. Nabeel Qureshi brings this up in his apologetics text, No God But One.
The message of the One true God; Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except through Him. John 14:6
i am eager to hear more! you did a good job! Jesus Christ is Lord!
Ask any Muslim or look in the Quran for a description of Allah,just as if you were looking for a certain individual.Now compare those descriptions to the Christian description of the God of the Bible.I will bet you $1,000,000 you don't get a "match"
The God of the Bible is not the same as Allah, anyone who tells you otherwise either doesn't know or is lying to your face...Come Lord Jesus,come
I got an ad to support Muslims convert a church complex into a "Jesus Son of Mary" center before romadon. 🤣
Islam, in its extreme, can be quite inhumane. In fact, some might argue that Islam is an example religion and that the westernized version is just masking it's true nature.
As a Muslim, the problem I see with the Christians is how fractured or fragmented they are now… like the injil or “gospel”. To us, the Gospel was once a SINGLE book and it got “corrupted”. If you read the Qur’an and the bible… you WILL have FEAR in both. Nobody should even dare to cast mud against Christians because even the earliest followers of Islam sought help from a Christian king way back. The last prophet muhammad (saw) was ALSO an illiterate person who cannot read and write so that’s something to think about
I heard the word Love isn’t even in the Koran.. work that out
Good video
Easy, the true Creator is the God of life, love and truth, the other "tree" in the garden was the opposite, death, hate lies and deception.
You will know them by the fruit they bear.....
Hawayu & Praise The LORD Polite Leader *& Thanks 4 This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Video on "Islam- The Message of Muhammad" Where With Yur Analysis Polite Leader, Then It Shows That Koran Contradicts Our Great Almighty God's Word Which Is The Bible & That This Shows That Muhammad Who The Muslims Worship As Their god Is Not a Tru God & That This Shows That God's Word Which Is The Bible Is More Powerful Than Koran, That Islam Is a False Religion & Muhammad Is a False Prophet Where I Say That Please Polite Leader Look at Ishmael Who Was The Son of Haggar & His Closeness With Muslims & Even Why Muslims Call Christians "Kafiris" & Muslims Denying The Cross Shows They are Rejecting What Our Great LORD Jesus Christ Did When He Died 4 Our Past, Present & Future Sins & How Dr. James White Answered That Muslim Scholar Was Powerful 4 I Say That Islam Is Another Doctrine Which Apostle Paul Says In God's Word That We Must Not Follow 4 Muslims In Their Perception are Wrong Denying That Our Great LORD Jesus Christ Was Crucified & Saying Judas Iscariot Was Crucified Which Isn't Tru* & God Bless Yu Polite Leader So Very Much & May He Always Be With Yu.
I am not Muslim or Christian; however, I am a big believer in Jesus. I REJECT ALL major “Religions”; however, I consider myself to be very Religious. I have developed my own personal “Religious Beliefs”, based on decades of study. Jesus plays a big role in my personal “Religious Beliefs”.
The literal English translation of “Verse 157”, is NOT the “Substitution Theory”, but instead, the literal translation of “Verse 157” describes the “Crucifixion of Jesus” as a “Mandela Effect”,…
--- …an Event that “appeared to happen”, but “did not happen”, the TEXTBOOK DEFINITION of “Mandela Effect”.
--- For reasons that have NOTHING TO DO with Islam, but were based on a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, I wrote on my Web site, no later than 8 Aug 2018, that the “Crucifixion of Jesus” WAS a “Mandela Effect”.
--- I did not learn, until Oct 2022, that “Verse 157” ALSO described the “Crucifixion of Jesus” as a “Mandela Effect”. My Oct 2022 “Discovery”, was quite a surprise!
--- It is my personal belief, that “Mandela Effect” is more believable than Jesus “rising from the dead”. There were a FEW witnesses that observed Jesus “Die on the Cross”, but CREATOR’s Universe ERASED that “Divergent Timeline”.
Where on Earth, would Muhammad even have gotten the IDEA, to describe the “Crucifixion of Jesus”, as an Event that “appeared to happen” but “did not happen”? WHAT was Muhammad smoking?
--- ANSWER: The Claim that “Crucifixion of Jesus” was a “Mandela Effect”, was imparted to Muhammad by Gabriel. There is other scripture, such as Genesis, Ch 1 (which I firmly believe, with some caveats), that could not have been witnessed by “man”, who wasn’t created until Day 6.
--- One of the reasons, that I believe in Jesus, but STOPPED calling myself “Christian”, is, not only don’t I believe in the “Resurrection”, I don’t even believe in the “Crucifixion”.
--- Just letting you know, that there is ONE DUDE on the Planet, who believes that “Crucifixion of Jesus” WAS a “Mandela Effect”. A majority of Scholars (probably 100%) disagree with me. I don’t worry about minor details like that.
--- That’s just me.
Rock Reynolds
(AKA: Roger Reynard)
Would that be a flat one dimensional god.
Maybe in the future, by the grace of God, you can tackle gnosticism and its details.
No other God except Jesus, HALLELUJAH
Islam is self perpetuating, they acknowledge many of the flaws in their theology by invoking the possibility that Allah would decieve them intentionally as a test of the their faith in Allah's power. The Hajj and the Kaaba seem to be idol worship to an extent that is hard to apologize for.
Not too dissimiliar from Christianity, which also has its irreconcilable issues such as the 21st chapter of exodus, the problem of evil/syffering, and the problem of hard solipsism.
Hopefully by learning about Islam's flaws, Christians will start to analyze their own belief systems. They aren't that different.
You can't compare Christianity and Islam, the one is about the true Creator and the other is the greatest deceiver pretending to be the Creator....
Exodus 21 a problem for Christianity? You do realize that those laws were applicable to the Israelites only, things changed a bit with the new covenant...
@@andrevisser7542 He allowed the israelites to own people as slaves and created loopholes for them to become inheritable. Why would you take god claims seriously when they contain this kind of cruel stupidity?
Pᵣₒmₒˢᵐ ?
tahweed doesn't mean onenesss ... it means unification
pure pagan cult from pagan arabia
The message of death and barbarity
Jesus is God? Yes according to the Holy, Bible
Everyone Knows where Jesus Christ is.....Muhammad?????
Muslim say Jesus allegedly had said that, "one will come after me and he's greater than me." of course, it was removed from bibles, but Christians can see that Muhammed was sent centuries after Jesus and logically he must have been greater messenger. If that's not enough, also remember that Muhammed was the last prophet. That means he finished the job and God's word to humanity was delivered in toto.
Matthew 24:9-14 NIV
[9] “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. [10] At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, [11] and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. [12] Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, [13] but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. [14] And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. …
Matthew 11:2-6 NIV
[2] When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the Messiah, he sent his disciples [3] to ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” [4] Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: [5] The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. [6] Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”
Hi Jorg l did not quite follow your comment, sorry, but to be clear the New Testament is very clear that Jesus is the messiah (more than just a prophet, but the redeemer (his name means Salvation), new law giver (spoken of by Moses), king of Israel (son of David), high priest (after the order of Melchizedek), son of man (Daniel 7:13), etc.
It was John the Baptist who said that. He said that 'one will come greater than me, whose shoes i'm not worthy to untie'. He signified of Jesus. He even said to Jesus, 'I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?' signifying that Jesus was greater.
Muhammad was pedophilic when he married a child, killed and approved killing...things that disgust Jesus and are deserving of hell. He is certainly not even close to Jesus, let alone being greater than Him
"message" ??? more like horse-sh*t
I invite you to Hamza's den where you'll be properly educated about Christianity. Or contact brother Jake the Muslim metaphysician to get your doubts dispelled. A truth seeker should always continue his search for the truth and from the best would be the ones in the frontline of dawah. Jesus only came for the Israelites and not for you. Christianity was manufactured by Paul.
I guess you got this Islamic deception also from Hamza and Jake?
Just like Muhammad and Allah, they don't have a clue what Christians believe. 😂
And Peter, and other apostles and polycarp
Acts17Apologetics is a good channel to watch about Islam
Islam pretty much gets ripped open and destroyed